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Do I need to warm the car engine. Warm or not heating the engine in winter before starting


The issue of warming the engine with the onset of cold weather is one of the most discussed topics. If with the old situation is understandable (you need to warm the unit before the trip, otherwise the engine to a certain warm-up will work unstable, failures occur, the motor stalls), then everything is not so simple. There is a large number of supporters and opponents of the warm-up of a modern injection engine before starting ride. The fact is that injection motors have become much more technological aggregates, equipped with complex, the materials of the manufacture of the parts of the power unit themselves have changed, and motor oils were improved, etc.

The engine with an injector after the cold start works quite normal, that is, in fact, you can immediately start moving. At the same time, many drivers still adhere to the opinion that such an engine must be prehered, especially in winter. Others, on the contrary, argue that modern motor Does not need warming. In this article we will talk about whether you need to warm injector EngineTo which temperature you need to warm the engine in the winter, as well as how to raise the temperature of the internal combustion engine before starting and how to facilitate the start of the engine in the winter.

Read in this article

Engine heating in winter on a modern car

Let's start with the fact that technical manual Operating for the overwhelming majority modern cars Separately, the engine does not need warming up before traveling. Manufacturers draw attention to the fact that motor oil And other techniques are evenly heated in motion on low revolutions. In other words, production technology and high-quality technical fluids allow you to start moving in gentle mode without damage to the engine motor.

Note that the main goal of such statements is the desire of manufacturers to convince the car owners in the fact that the engine is not necessary to warm. This is done, first of all, in the please of ecology, and not for the sake of increasing the service life of the power unit. Well known is the fact that any motor is rapidly warming up in motion, and a catalytic neutralizer starts working with increasing temperature. It is quite obvious that warming on idle takes longer, fuel consumption when warming the engine in winter is increased. For these reasons, it is proposed to warm the unit on the go to reduce the toxicity of the exhaust gases as soon as possible.

We add that in many European countries at the legislative levels are enshrined individual standards prohibiting warming or long-term operation of the engine at idle in the residential area, etc. In other words, it is impossible to warm the engine in winter or allow the motor in the summer in idling mode, otherwise the driver can finf. Taking into account the fact that in the CIS territory, the car for a large number of people continues to remain the subject of large material value and environmental standards are not so stringent, high attention is primarily paid to the health of the power unit. It should also be added that the mild climate of Europe with its moderate temperatures cannot be compared with the heavy conditions of operation of the inheritance of DVS into severe frosts, which are relevant for our winters.

Supporters of the harvesting claim that the manufacturer of the car would never point out in the manual that you can go immediately, warming up the motor on the go. The main argument-concern for brand reputation, as well as warranty obligations to the consumer. You can agree with this, but only partially. Generally accepted practice today is a guarantee on new carwhich is, on average, 100-150 thousand km. Run. It should be noted that this indicator is enjoying almost any modern engine without serious breakdowns. In other words, the margin of durability implies such operation without warming, taking into account the observance of a number of additional conditions. In this case, not every driver in the CIS changes its car to the new one after completion. warranty periodAnd not ready to do after 100-150 thousand kilometers. If we take into account all the above, it becomes clear that the laws of physics and the peculiarities of the engine work are not able to seriously affect neither technology nor the most modern oils. If you intend to extend the service life of the power unit, then the motor should be warmed.

How and how much do you need to warm the engine in winter

So, with the need for warming up. The fact is that many mistakenly take the total engine temperature for the temperature of the coolant (it is this indicator that displays the temperature pointer on the instrument panel of civil cars). At the same time, we should not forget that for the inhibition in winter, much more an important indicator Motor oil temperature. On the degree of heating of the oil depends on its fluidity, pumping of software and the effectiveness of the formation of a protective film on the details.

  • Since it is well known that in a cold engine, the gaps are increased (the parts during cooling are reduced, and when heated is expanding) and the oil is thick, then it becomes clear that even minimal loads on the engine can lead to the occurrence of defects. In other words, the pressure in the lubrication system may not be enough, the oil film breaks through, dry friction occurs, and other damage to the surfaces of loaded elements appear.

It is also important to know that the temperature of the coolant and the oil temperature in the engine is very different. Coolant heating up to 90 degrees Celsius is accompanied by the fact that the oil warmed up only 40-55 degrees. For this reason, the engine launch in winter in the frost means that the lubricant will warm up much longer compared to the coolant. You can also add that gasoline consumption when driving the engine in winter in motion will be increased at the initial stage compared to fuel consumption when warming at idle.

  • Considering the above features, it becomes clear that it is optimal to warm up the car from 5 to 15 minutes at idle (depending on outdoor temperature and certain conditions). For example, on many cars to remove the alpine ice and snow from the windshield will not work until warm air goes from the deflectors, and immediately ride with the early windshield simply unsafe. Of course, some drivers remove the ice using special arrangers or use the scraper, but in this case additional financial costs will be required for auto chemicals, and there is a risk of scratching windshield. Another weighty argument in favor of warm-up can be considered comfort, so immediately get into the simply interior and start moving is not particularly nice.
  • After the air ducts began to blow warm air and the temperature arrow began to rise a little with a minimum mark, you can start moving. The engine at idle is inexpedient further, since the motor will warm very slowly. When driving, it is necessary to move smoothly on low transmissions, while not spinning 2-2.5 thousand r / m above the mark. Slow accelerations, as well as unacceptable. It should also not be forgotten that not only the motor, but also the transmission, as well as in warming chassis. According to many specialists, oil in the box is almost not heated at idle and warms up to operating temperatures only after 20-30 kilometers of run.

If you carry out a sharp change of load modes when driving, then accelerated wear The large number of conjugate parts is exposed. In other words, so far thermal gaps come back to normal, and there will also be a complete disclosure of working fluids, even the average loads should be avoided force aggregate and other TC nodes. Ignoring these rules leads to increased consumption of engine oil, location, appearance of scaling, etc.

Add that besides the engine suffer hydraulic nodes (steering Reika from gur), shock absorbers, etc. In the process of heating, such parts and aggregates followed a couple of kilometers to avoid motion on the wells and sharp drives of wheels to a large angle. This statement is valid for rear-wheel drive / all-wheel drive cars, which are equipped with oil gearboxes. Without preheating lubricant, these elements may also quickly fail under load. Finally, add that you need to warm both and the motors with. The fact is that the turbine is a fairly sensitive element to the quality of lubrication. Minimal warming on idle turns for the initial ignition of oil and other technicians also require, after which such aggregates are further warmed on the go.

How to start the engine in winter and relieve cold start

If the car is operated in the climatic zone, where there is a significant seasonal decrease in the temperature or the frost stand almost constantly, then it is worth thinking than to warm the engine in the winter before launching. Use of such decisions as installation preheater The engine, the engine electric heating in winter and other developments in this area make it possible to provide simplicity of launch, increase the efficiency and comfort of operation of gasoline and diesel vehicles under conditions of low temperatures.

We add that if the car is located in the region where the climate is moderate, then it will be enough to know how to keep the heat of the engine in winter without serious improvements. We are talking about . In some cases, there is enough auto tube, the heat insulation of the hood or even the installation of a simple cardboard flap in front of the radiator. Such an approach allows you to accelerate the warm-up after starting and increasing the engine cooling time in winter during the parking lot.

It should be noted that most of the modern auto alarms are equipped with a useful function, which allows you to realize the engine autotypewide in winter. At the same time, even if this option is originally not, you can install. This solution Allows you to start the motor remotely, that is, the car will already be heated at idle by the time the driver intends to travel. Autorun can be configured so that the machine will start, for example, every two hours. This will allow you to prevent strong cooling of the motor during the parking lot that minimizes possible problems Cold start in severe frosts immediately before the trip itself.

Read also

How to warm the car engine. Features of the warm-up of motors with a carburetor, injector and the installed HBO, as well as diesel engines.

  • Features of operation and engine maintenance internal combustion. What you need to do so that the engine worked as long as possible without the belt.

  • The operation of the car in Russian realities implies that he has to work for several months at a minus temperature. Almost every driver knows the rule that in the winter before the trip the car needs to warm up for a few minutes. Many drivers and in the summer give a motor for some time to work before going to the trip. But is modern engines really bend before the trip?

    Car manufacturers in the book technical exploitation It is often indicated that the motor installed in the car is not necessary to warm up. According to them, this procedure is a meaningless spending of fuel, and in many countries the long-term operation of the engine at idle, especially in residential neighborhoods, is not prohibited. It turns out that the engine warming does not need a car? No, everything is not so simple, and as part of this article we suggest to consider, why warm the engine, and what will happen if this is not done before the trip.

    Possible problems during the operation of a non-heated engine

    Manual for the technical operation of the car released by the manufacturer does not always contain topical information for the region where the machine is operated. A lot of foreign cars are sold in Russia, but technical literature on them does not always adapt to the realities of our country. Not warming the engine before traveling, the driver risks closer the need overhaul Motor maximum. Consider in detail why it is necessary to warm the engine before traveling.

    Motor oil temperature

    The fact that the oil must be changed in a timely manner, knows every driver, but not everyone understands how the lubricating element acts in the engine. During the operation of the motor, the oil "runs" on it, like blood according to the human body. When the engine stops, oil flows into the pallet, and only a small oil film remains on the elements of the motor. The longer the engine does not start, the less this film, and the more dangerous to go on a trip without warming up the engine.

    In the warm season, the engine oil after starting the engine diverged through the channels and began to perform their work, it takes about 30 seconds. Therefore, in the first 30 seconds after starting the motor, it is impossible to go on the trip even in the summer. In winter, the situation is aggravated, because during idle the oil becomes thick due to low temperature, and it takes extra time to go through the full lubricating circle and enter operating temperature.

    If you do not warm the engine oil, not only wear increases, but the risk of a critical breakdown of the engine assembly, due to which immediate repairs will be required.


    To retain nagar micro-mask, chips, as well as another trash that has accumulated in engine oil, a filter is installed in the car. The main working area of \u200b\u200bthe filter is paper with micropores through which oil passes. The paper is delayed in garbage, and the less viscous oil, the easier it is to pass through the filter.

    When the engine oil cannot pass through the filter element, the bypass valve opens, and oil without filtering is sent to the engine. Thus, dirt enters the engine, and if at this moment start moving by car, the wear of the engine units will be maximal.

    Engine warming for good passage Oils are needed both in warm and in the cold season. At temperatures below minus 10 degrees Celsius, it is recommended to warm up the car at least 10 minutes so that the oil becomes less viscous and well filtered.

    Masonry and compression rings

    If you start moving the car on impact engine, There is a high risk of damage to the oilmaging and compression rings located on the piston ducts. As you know, the rings are installed in the engine for removing excess oil and compression creation. When working on them, there are serious loads, because they rub the walls of the cylinders.

    Many drivers noticed that within a few seconds after the start of the motor, he works on increased turnswhich after a while omit. This is due to the engine cylinders. When warming up the cylinders, like any metal, expand into several microns, due to which they are released from the compression of the ring. At the same time, the engine elements begin to be more effectively lubricated.

    Not heating the engine cylinders before the start of the movement, the driver risks damage not only rings, but also cylinders.

    Hydrocomatteensors and hydrontulators

    Adjust the operation of the engine valves of modern cars, hydraulic components and hydrothels required for tensioning the chain. To work into elements, oil should be drilled, which happens after it is warm up to the operating temperature. If you start the movement of the car, not warming up the lubricant, the gaps will be adjusted with low efficiency.

    Oil sensor failure

    The problem is relevant for modern cars is the failure of oil sensors when operating a non-heated engine. Plastic pressure sensors dense oil They are damaged if you start moving, and the car begins to signal the lack of lubricating fluid in the pallet.

    This problem is relevant for machines in which oil sensors are installed in the plastic case. If the element is made for the most part of the metal, the malfunction may not be observed.

    As you can see, at once several elements of the motor risk damaged or fail if you start moving on an immentable engine. But the higher the ambient temperature, the less you need to warm the motor. Car manufacturers, without recommending engine heating, they say it is about a long parking lot with a working engine, because of which the fuel consumption increases and pollutes environment. Only for the purpose of protecting the ecology, drivers are not recommended to play the engine warming before the trip, the engine itself is negatively not affected if it works correctly.

    How much to warm the car in winter and summer

    Warming up the engine is needed for competent work, and it is difficult to argue with it. Depending on the ambient temperature of the motor heating, different times can be leaving:

    • Below -30 ° C. Warming the engine is necessary from 10 to 15 minutes so that the engine oil "warms up" to the operating temperature;
    • From -10 ° C to -30 ° C. It is possible to limit the heating of the motor in 7-10 minutes;
    • From + 10 ° C to -10 ° C. Enough car warning in 4-7 minutes;
    • Above + 10 ° C. It is required to warm up not more than 1-3 minutes so that the engine oil is separated by the engine and reached the operating temperature.

    In foreign countries where most foreign cars are produced and for which instructions are made, the temperature is rarely lowered below -10 ° C. That is why manufacturers do not recommend warming up the engine before the trip, thereby noting that there is enough a couple of minutes of operation of the engine so that oil is separated, and it was possible to start moving. In Russia, where the temperature is often descended significantly below -10 ° C, the operation of the engine without prior warming will lead to its failure.

    Hello, dear friends! Today, on the street in the morning, it turned out to be cold enough, in connection with which I am in a habit of habit, as my grandfather taught me, began to warm the motor at idle. And then there was a thought to consider the question of whether it is necessary to warm the engine in the winter in frost and in the summer before the trip.

    Agree, the question is relevant and causes a lot of disputes. Some argue that on modern cars is absolutely no need to warm the power units. Others are confident that regardless of the machine, the engine must be warm up before the trip. And it does not matter, injector it, with a turbine, diesel engine or gasoline. Also does not play the role of the presence of automatic transmission or manual transmission, that is, the machines on the machine and mechanics are in the same conditions.

    What do opponents say warming up

    There is an opinion of experts and ordinary motorists opposing the need to warm out motors before traveling in winter and summer.

    As arguments, they lead the following facts:

    • warming the car at idle, you lose ecology, since the mixture becomes too enriched and does not completely burn;
    • from the first point it follows another argument - the fuel consumption is growing;
    • with the help of modern technologies and materials, including motor and transmission oils, current cars can be operated with the go without warming up;
    • the exhaust release system is wearing, the level of pollution of the spark plug and oil is badly heated.

    Everything is clear with that. Arguments look quite convincing. But you need to consider the issue fully.

    Putting in winter on the wheels, you won't do well our roads. But the priority is the question of your safety.

    I will not go into the details of the physicochemical processes that occur in the engine. But you yourself know that at low temperatures, the metal is compressed. Also oils have a certain viscosity. The lower the temperature, the more thick they become. Since the engine and the box are not fraud, the viscous liquid does not fully envelop rubbing parts, unevenly distributed through nodes, which leads to rapid wear and possible breakdowns. Raising turns even higher when you start tall, wear is increased repeatedly.

    Even the automakers themselves limit the motor turnover in warm-up mode, which already implies the need for this process before traveling.

    What to do in the summer

    That is, you already understand that it is possible to warm up the car in the winter and even need. And what to do with the plus temperature? Under such conditions, the oil remains current, it looks like a surface and does not thicken.

    We conclude that in the summer I do not need to warm the car? Not. Warming is needed in the summer season. This is necessary for distribution over systems of all working fluids. You do not have to stand and twist the motor at idle 5-15 minutes as in winter. But literally 1-3 minutes to heat the engine up to 40-50 degrees worth it. This is especially true for cars on a machine, that is, with automatic transmission.

    Possible problems

    The fact that the engine is heated to the operating temperature before replacing the oil, almost everyone who has ever been engaged in a similar question. This allows it to give it fluidity, assemble the sediment from the crankcase and to fully merge.

    If the car does not go for some time, or even just stood at night in the garage or in the parking lot, you should warm it before traveling. When you ignore this recommendation, serious problems are possible. And it does not matter, Kia Rio you, BMW or VAZ 2110.

    I agree with those who indicate the lack of information on the warming of the motor in the official operating manuals for modern cars. This is relevant for foreign cars. This situation is explained simply. Most imported auto adapted under a relatively temperate temperature, which is rarely lowered in winter below -10 degrees. In Russia, in the winter, a stable the thermometer is overcome -10 and rapidly creeps down. Alas, the corresponding edits in the operating manuals automakers do not.

    In fact, if the car does not swing, it leads to certain problems and further breakdowns.

    Motor oil

    Engine oil and gearbox resembles blood circulating in the human body. Only when the motor turns off, all the lubricant begins to drain into the pallet. The longer the car stands, the less oil remains on the items.

    In the spring, summer and autumn, when the air temperature is high enough, to start the motor and distribution of oil through the system, it is enough to 1-2 minutes of warm-up. Try not to trim from the place earlier than 30 seconds after the dvs start.

    In winter, the situation is more difficult, because due to downtime, the oil acquires a more dense consistency. Running engine, you must give it time to heat the oil, make it liquid and allow you to spread through the system. It takes more time.

    If this is not done, the wear of the gearbox and motor parts will increase, dangerous breakdowns will occur until the need for overhaul.

    Oil filter

    The filter serves to delay different garbage from motor and transmission oil. When the liquid is viscous, it is difficult for it to pass through the filter elements.

    If the oil does not pass through the filter, the bypass valve begins to open. In this case, the oil penetrates into the motor without filtering. Accordingly, the metal chips, nagar particles and other garbage finds the engine. It is rapidly contaminated, it begins to work badly, spend a lot of oil and fuel. Nothing good as you understand.

    Compression and oiling rings

    When the engine does not warm, the likelihood of damage to these rings is increasing, which are located on the ducts of the pistons of the power unit. These rings are needed to remove the surplus oil and create compression. Consequently, they are assigned a serious function.

    From the moment of start, a few seconds the motor works at elevated circulation, which then fall. This is due to the progress of cylinders. Warming up the installation, the metal of cylinders will expand, which will free up the rings from compression. Parallel elements of the power unit are better lubricated with oil.

    Not warming up the motor and going on the road, you risk sharing rings and damage to cylinders. Repair them is difficult and expensive.

    Oil sensor

    Many owners of modern cars came across the situation when the oil sensor broke. I will say right away, which basically this is due to the movement on the immentable motor.

    Due to the effects of very thick oil, the plastic sensors are simply damaged. And then the onboard computer begins to signal you that there is little oil in the crankcase, although on the fact you just broke the sensor.

    I myself relatively recently changed the impact of the car, because I often ignored the recommendations and tried literally immediately after starting.

    How much to fight

    No one will argue with the fact that warming is simply necessary for efficient, trouble-free and competent work. power plant And the whole car.

    If the car does not go for a while, even if there are modern 1.8 TSI under the hood, it is not worth the warming up. But the duration depends directly on which temperature overboard.

    When the car was plugged a few minutes ago, and you again sit down to the wheel to go somewhere, it is not necessary to warm up it. Motor and so is within operating temperatures.

    In the case of long idleness, as shown on the set of rollers in Yutub, warming the engine must be based on the temperature:

    With severe frosts, it makes sense to purchase and deliver. But relevant only for regions with the most severe winters.

    So why automakers often do not recommend warming the engines on their machines? This is explained extremely simple. The temperature in countries where the majority of foreign cars imported to Russia are rarely falling below 10 degrees of the motor. This is exactly what such nuances are due to manuals. Although they note that the car is enough for 1-2 minutes to distribute oil through the system necessary for the safe start of the engine.

    Literally shouting that people stop to warm their frozen engines each time after the car downtime. It seems to us that information is worth attention as the topic for reasoning. Therefore, we give it for your readers.

    Sigor Winter conditions are a complex test for your car, but you can make them even more difficult, if every morning, your car is spent some time on the heating of the engine before starting the movement. If so, then you, one of the many drivers who thinks it is important to warm up the engine of the car at idle, and it is important in order to protect the motor in the jetty. which will make more harm than good!

    That's the way this article begins. Go ahead. Approx. author.

    We talked with a mechanical engineer and a former racer of Draginsing, Stephen Chiat, about this all-permissive myth, stacking that you need to warm up the car in the winter.

    The last 26 years, Chiata worked - mainly gasoline - and currently hesitate all the work carried out over internal combustion engines in the Argon National Laboratory in Illinois.

    Crossing immediately to the case, Chiat explained that at idle in the cold car not only consumes fuel, but during this, it takes place, cleaning from oil, critical components, with which the engine itself actually works, namely from cylinders and Pistons.

    At this point, reading it became clear that this theory is something new, and it is worth listening to it. Therefore, I continued reading and found out interesting moments.

    Theory. Why it is not desirable to warm the engine in winter

    Under normal conditions, it works on a mixture of air and vapor of fuel, gasoline in our case. When the mixture enters the cylinder, the piston compresses it at a certain point, the spark is scattered, which ultimately leads to the combustion of the fuel, leading the engine in motion.

    But when it's cold outside, it will evaporate worse. The car itself initially compensates for it, adding more gasoline to the air mixture - what is known to any experienced motorist, called "rich fuel mixture"And here you just begin the problems.

    "This is a problem, because you actually top up the extra fuel into the combustion chamber to burn it, and some of its quantities hits the walls of cylinders, more than necessary," explained the mechanic engineer Stephen Chiat. "Gasoline is an excellent solvent and it easily wipes a thin film of oil from the cylinder walls if you leave it to work in cold conditions at idle, for a long period of time."

    Over time, the cleansing properties of fuel can "have a destructive effect on lubrication and life cycle of things like piston rings and cylinder sleeves ", which are crucial for the operation of the cylindrophone group, for normal operation of the engine.

    Outcome: Contrary to popular belief, when heating the engine and its work at idle in cold weather, the life of your engine is not extended, but is reduced.

    As can be seen from the short theoretical excursion of gasoline when creating certain conditions, it is a serious enemy of some engine elements. In fact, there is a rational grain. In the theory, everything is true. But what practical advice Did the American mechanical engineer?

    Simple engine protection solution

    Fortunately, your car does not work on rich mixes All winter. This happens only when the engine is cold. As soon as your engine warms up to +4 degrees Celsius, the car goes to a normal fuel consumption rate.

    Are you sure you are productive and safe to warm the engine at idle? , the engine is still cold.

    "The idle move will warm the engine to the operating temperature too long and until it happens, the brains of the motor will continue to send a enriched mixture of fuel to the cylinders so that it can be guaranteed that in the cylinders enough fuel for normal evaporation and working combustion of fuel."

    Most fast way To warm up the engine, is to use it for direct purpose, in other words, go!

    Many will nourish, but how can you immediately go to an immentable car?! In minus temperatures all lubricants, oils and technical fluids ( transmission oil or liquid in the hydraulicel, for example), are very cooled, so they cannot perform their operating functions or protection functions by 100%.

    In an example, the article provides the operation of the hydraulic cylinder on an immentable car. Mall, the liquid in it is cold, which means that thick, it means that the hydraulicel will work incorrectly and may even fail. Is not it? What Stephen answers, everything will be fine and that's why ...

    You will quickly warm up the oil when it starts to "work" and flop in the system if the car slowly goes through a small interband after the engine is started. Stephen replied that it was enough to warm up for 30 seconds or 1 minute, and you can go on the road.

    Unfortunately, no temperature framework was shown. After all, go to -25, this is not the same thing to touch in -5. But probably mainly temperatures are not reduced below -10, -15 degrees, so that questions about this is the authors of the article did not arise.

    Yes, you will feel that the car will behave somewhat differently, it will be all too smooth in his work, "Rubber". But the same feeling arises and with the usual debt warming the car in the cold.

    Again, it is logical that the car consists not only from the engine, there is still a lot of useful and important details in it. All rubber or spinning surfaces have lubricant, which is also like butter in the engine thick and in the cold state loses some of its protective abilities. These parts should also perform work to disperse lubricant. It is possible only in motion.

    Thus, the start of the movement in advance (the main thing is slow and neat movement), the engine will be able to warm up and turn out the oil in the checkpoint, lubrication in the shurts, hubs and other parts of the car.

    Conclusion Stephen Chiata: The time to warm the engine is worth it to take exactly as much as you need to clean the windows of your car from snow and ice.

    Do not drive horses!

    This item of the American article has been highlighted. As we said, slightly higher, the load can not be given on an immentable car.

    Be careful with the work of the gas pedal immediately after leaving. Your engine will need a certain time to warm up to the operating temperature. Usually in the movement of the car is required from 5 to 15 minutes to leaving the operating range. If you immediately press the gas pedal to the floor, nothing good will happen with the motor, it will experience serious loads that, with systematic appearances, can lead to premature breakdowns.

    Plus, the fuel consumption will be increased on the warming engine and, in general, your car will work at least 12% less efficient.

    Therefore, do not try to customize the cold car. Nothing except increased flow You do not get fuel and wear.

    I recall once again in warming up All elements of autmobil need, therefore, even if you, as usually dried the engine at idle, almost to the perfect working temperature, the speed of your movement is the first few kilometers on the road ideally should not exceed 40 km / h - 50 km / h. It is especially important to monitor the gearbox switching to avoid its breakdown.

    Roots myth about "Mandatory Warming Motor in Cold Time"

    Some people's myths are obliged that the car needs to be worked out in cold weather, no exception. The myth in those times was born when car engines Food carburetor systems.

    Until 1980, the carburetors were the main power supply system with fuel. A little later began to develop more complex electronic systems fuel injection.

    The key difference in the power supply systems is that the electronic fuel injection has a sensor that constantly supplies the correct air-fuel mixture into the cylinders. W. carburetor machines There was no important sensor.

    At the end of this and the beginning of the next week, weather forecasters promise the first night frosts, and daily temperatures approach zero. So, it will be cool not only to us, but also the engine. Most of the centuries of the XXI century may be surprised by the very question. Why warm? Sat down, started and drove. After all, so directly said in the instructions of all modern machines. Who to trust, if not the manufacturer?

    We think: what is the car manufacturer interested in? Times when the answer to this question was "reliability and long exploitation" have long gone. Now, in the age of disposable things and era of consumption, the concerns stimulate you as quickly as possible to change your car and come to the salon for a new one. And what could be the best incentive than the feeling that your current transport is about to fall apart or put you on expensive repair? It would be a losing strategy if not one nuance: it is already 15 years old, all the giants of the industry are held.

    T Ak what to believe in the care of the manufacturer is not worth it. In addition to economic benefits, he follows the pressure of ecologists. In the first minutes after the cold launch, when the catalytic neutralizer has not yet warmed, the exhaust even modern engine Extremely "dirty". On the move the motor and the cleaning system of the exhaust gases overlook the operating temperature faster than standing in place. Hence the recommendation to get rid of the place right away. Also stand and give your exhaust the whole yard apartment house (And many of us keep the car in the yard), to put it mildly, impolite. But here you can advise Slowly perforid by idle on the street and "getting up" there.

    In many fresh models, there is no running sensor for the engine warming level, only the test lamps are "cold" and "hot." But the dial itself does not give a complete picture. It reflects the temperature of the coolant, which is gaining degrees fast enough. Iron - head block, cylinders and pistons - do it a little slower.

    But the oil in the crankcase lags behind. But it directly depends on the lubricant of rubber parts directly and, therefore, the degree of wear of the motor! Oil temperature pointer can be found on the PSA PSA Alliance models, it is accessible to the owners of abnormal on-board computers and sew in the menu of complex multimedia systems expensive cars. But still he is far from all. To understand, in what condition the lubricant is started, do not suck on the liter of the grade that floods into your engine, and leave it on the winter night in the trunk. In the morning oil fluidity will be very different from the one you used to see. So catch, whether such a consistency can provide a full-fledged lubricant of parts immediately after launch.

    In a manner, even the antifreeze niforosis arrow shifted from the bottom point does not guarantee that the power unit is fully ready for work on any revolutions. On the other hand, heating, standing in one place is now ineffective. Previous carburetor engines Not only can be brought in the parking lot to the desired 90 degrees, but even need. "Zhiguli", "Muscovites" and "Volga" to ride without complete warm uphever stubbornly did not want. Injector Motor. Not so picky and ready to take the car entrusted to him immediately. And on the spot it can be "boiled" for a very long time. Diesel does not warm up at all, and petrol aggregate reluctantly gaining degrees even in a sluggish plug. So you still have to go, even if you wish to act in the old manner: standing still will not give you anything, in motion the engine will go to the operating temperature faster. But it is necessary to har down on gas, without excessive enthusiasm. Sharp starts - This is already fastened violence over a cold engine.

    In the general case, the recipe for the engine warming is as follows. After starting a cold motor, you need to stand a little on the spot. How much is "a little"? Depends on the air temperature outside. Now it's enough to wait a minute until the oil breaks through the entire aggregate. With an average of "minus" it is worth standing at a place of minutes 3-4, and in strong frost - once a half or two longer. Do not think that it is too long. Firstly, by this you will extend the life to the engine (since it cannot be completely shielded from cold starts). Secondly, the driver will have business for this period. The same minute will leave the belt snapping and view the traffic jams on the smartphone. In winter, it will have to clean the car from snow, check if the wiper brushes did not face the non-freeze. In the end, the fight against smoking is far from its completion. So at the time of your favorite process, standing still, and not distracted by driving.

    And further. Materials of engines and oils stepped over more than a century of car history far ahead. But the laws of physicists remained the same. Drinking by a friend of each other, the details are wearing with a colossal pace. Add here a conscious course of automakers to reduce the resource of your products. We think the answer to the question about the need to warm up after that will become obvious.