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What nuances of the car Kia Rio 3. Weaknesses and disadvantages of Kia Rio JB Hatchback with Prbeg


Cars Kia Rio in their qualitative indicators are often approaching the models of famous Japanese marks. Their popularity in Russia has recently grown strongly, which is clearly visible by increasing sales. KIA manufacturers Rio continues to improve this car, correcting weak design places. However, in machines Kia. Rio exists certain nodes that often fail and require repair.

Nodes of the machine that are most often broken

Among these problem seatsFirst of all, it should be noted: -cad transmission; - cooling radiator; - fuel system; - electrical wiring and electrical equipment; - Separate parts of the body. Of course, if they say, for example, about the fuel system, it is not in mind that it is bad and is not good anywhere. We are talking about the fact that the fuel system is designed for a very defined gasoline brand and brings if the fuel is not very conditioned. The same goes for problems with electrical equipment, which sometimes does not withstand the harsh conditions of the Russian winter.

The most frequent problems and types of repair

The following is the characteristic of the damage characteristic of RIO and the basic methods of their repair.


The main signs of the wrong gearbox work are as follows:

  • slip when switching between transmissions;
  • incomprehensible vibration at speed;
  • jerk at a speed set;
  • You can not include the necessary transmission.

If listed symptoms are seen, then you need to repair the gearbox as soon as possible. It should be borne in mind that the repair of the gearbox is a very complex event that requires a lot of time. The gearbox repair specificity requires a brigade as part of at least two employees.

Cooling radiator

Common Kia Rio disease is the rapid pollution of the radiator. The main signs of the radiator exit from the normal state are: - leak antifreeze; - fast engine overheating; - Slow cooling of the engine. During the repair of the radiator after its dismantling, it is necessary to determine damaged places. For this, the radiator is placed in water and follow the bubbles of air raising from the occurrence of the flow. If the radiator has slots or holes, then it must be replaced with a new one. However, if certain skills exist, a damaged radiator can be tried to fix it with their own hands. To do this, you can try to secure weaknesses, apply a special paste (cold welding), or pour into the radiator of stop reagents. At best, on a fixed radiator, you can ride several years, but mostly it begins to leak again very quickly and in an inconvenient time. Therefore, most best way The repair of the radiator is its replacement new.

Fuel system

The main sign of the malfunction fuel system is the leakage of gasoline from the fuel tank. The main reasons for the appearance of the puddle of gasoline is damage to the gas tank or bulk pipe. You can not drive on a car with such faults. Damaged fuel tank Or the bulk tube is subject to immediately replacing.

Wiring and electrical equipment

As in most cars, the working voltage of the minus grounding of the electrical equipment of the car KIA Rio car is 12 volts. Such stress is not very dangerous for life, but with a short circuit, it can lead to failure, many electrical appliances and even to fire. Operation of electrical equipment B. russian conditions Can deliver quite a lot of unpleasant moments. In this regard, it is necessary to regularly check the stability of insulation and fastening of electrical wires. It is necessary to ensure that the wires do not disappear and do not touch each other.

The electrical system of the car Kia Rio is reliably protected from overloads with special fuses. They are placed in two panels, one of which is located near the driver's seat, and the other in the engine compartment. When dealing with lamps, light bulbs, sensors and any other equipment quite often enough to find the corresponding fuse And replace it with a new one. To carry out such a replacement in a hundred, you can not apply.

The main thing is not to confuse standard fuses, with the main fuses for high current.

Body problems

Corrosion of Kia Rio body, arises in the conditions of our climate quite often. Like any other cars on the body of Kia Rio, the appearance of various scratches, chips, dents, violation of the geometry of body parts, and the like. In fact, poor body repair is under the power of many motorists. But the quality repair in which the geometry is fully restored and the surface of the damaged parts of the body to the factory state can only be performed by experienced masters on modern high-tech equipment.

In general, Kia Rio has an excellent paintwork, as well as perfectly performed anti-corrosion processing. A relatively weak point here is observed sometimes accumulating moisture in the trunk and in connection with this development of local corrosion. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to carefully follow these weak nodes and on time. But still the main problem Kia Rio, like any other car, is the emergence of mechanical damage associated with accidents or bad roads. Local or integrated repair is used to eliminate body damage. With local repairs, the initial body shape is restored without replacing on new detail. In comprehensive repair, a part or parts of the body and the replacement of them are new. Also, the repair of the body almost always includes paintwork, which are performed using special paint sprayers of drying chambers.

All types of repair of cars Kia Rio is best carried out in specialized technical centers KIA dealers.

Children's sores Kia Rio (2011 - 2015, Restyling 2015 - 2017) Sedan.

A year after a loud debut, no less successful Kia Rio is released into the light, structurally very similar to the elder brother. He is going on the same factory in St. Petersburg, where and "Hyundai Solaris".

Choose from two power plants (They are collected in China, but no complaints of assembly and reliability are not called, unfortunately they will not "capital", resource on official data is 180000 km, but the engine easily runs 300,000 km): 1.4 (107 hp) and 1.6 (123 l .) and 4 options for gearboxes (2-automatic, 2-mechanical).

In truth, these two vehicles are distinguished by body performance, grades and their prices. Distinctive features These relatives-competitors are vividly noticeable in equipment. If the Solaris can be collected as a constructor, then with Rio (the packages of options are dominated) such a "trick" will not pass. At the exit of the Solaris, you will be released a little cheaper with equal options, although at the start of the sales there was a reverse effect, Rio cost more, but it was better equipped (air conditioning, mirror bumper in color - basic equipment).

Time goes and marketers constantly have to change something. But the interior of Rio looks more stringent, expensive (in top equipment Torpeda is covered with ecocuses), above tactile sensations (ergonomics), and the body has a more solid design.

Children's disease Kia Rio 3 or what to pay attention to when buying.

Rio and Solaris share not only the platform, but also the engine with transmissions, I wrote about the "sores" of these aggregates in the past review. In the same article, I tried to find "Diseases" by Kiya Rio.

Boycles Solutions


the automatic transmission selector can arbitrarily proceed with D to mode to 3rd transmission the dealer eliminated this disease for free, you need to clean the hole under the stem - selector
the skin is erased on the steering wheel and the pen with 20,000 thousand km according to - eliminated without limitation
skyrp Pedal Gaza removal of the plastic limiter and abundant lubricant of the pedal mechanism
moisture (ice) in luggage compartment and spare wheel niche eliminated under warranty, or cutting holes in the side trimming of the trunk for ventilation
round the rear shelf noise insulation shelves
weak plastic mudguards install non-original rubber, such as Nordplast
melting license plate plaffers put diodes with a base T10

As you might notice the differences mostly body, see the way it is. Each for itself will choose the exterior that he is more sympathetic. It seems to me that it is necessary to choose here, ride in one, then in another car, where there will be "like at home" - that and choose. If we talk about the first Rio issues, it has already been made with the initial refinements of the suspension (this is the most serious "sore" Solaris 2010). About the automatic transmission wrote for a diversity of recall, the same problem with "stock" is found on solaris.

I will be glad your additions and comments. The main thing is not to forget, all "childhood diseases" can not meet on one car. But before buying it is better to make the diagnosis of all "sores", it will help save your money.

Since we need a third-generation machine, the year of production of the car will be no later than 2015. And due to the fact that we will attach very rich people, we will not watch the cars of the first years of release (2011 and 2012). I note that we do this consciously: the earliest cars had some drawbacks, which later tried to get rid of. For example, remember one typical problem First cars: creaking steering shaft with a fixed-type cardan hinge. At first it was changed under warranty, then the hinge was completely replaced with sliding. Yes, and some elements of the interior decoration of the early Rio delight do not cause, why now many of their salons resemble a taxi salon.

We will not pick up motor. There are only two of them, and both are more reminded by plans for the evening Friday, than something serious from the world internal combustion. We are satisfied with 1,4-liter G4FA, and it seems like a "big" 1.6-liter G4FD. Both are not bad, and what will have to look at them - see below.

We can completely afford the car with automatic transmission, especially since neither old four-step A4AF3, nor newest "six-speed" A6GF1 questions in the first one and a half hundred thousand kilometers of mileage do not cause. Although, of course, it is important here how they were exploited and maintained, especially the second box, more demanding on the purity of the oil.

We are looking for cars as usual - on ad sites. There are many such cars, so there will be no problems here.

Problems will begin later when you need to make a compromise: ideal machines Anyway, there is no, so with something you have to accept. For example, here is the first car. First because of the atypical big run (yes, thanks to the junction in the people of the Russian smelling, we were all accustomed to the fact that from 5 years and up to 20 mileage in the ads around and about 100 thousand kilometers) I did not want to watch, but then everything -Taki looked. Oddly enough, it turned out to be a very good option that once again confirms the thesis that against the background of optimized runs and grandmother's fairy tales from Outbid can sometimes find an honest car for "small" money.

But cheap!

The most attractive thing in this car is its price. It costs only 405 thousand, so almost a hundred thousand can be put on bringing it into a sense after purchase (if there is such a desire). True, he has the simplest equipment, mechanical box Transmissions and Motor volume 1.4 liters. Yes, and the big mileage - 186 thousand kilometers. Let's see if there is a sense in such a purchase.

Unfortunately, LKP Kia is far from the most strong side manufacturer. But in our particular case, at least I am pleased with the factory painting. In general, the layer thickness should not exceed 130 μm, although sometimes there are cars with a double factory color (in this case, almost a double LCP layer will be on all body parts and door openings) or with repainted from the dealer with separate parts. The latter is the reason to check the car for participation in the accident. Stories from repainting details due to damage during transportation, though there are, but it is rather an accident than everyday practice. We have a thickness everywhere approximately the same, from 115 to 130 microns, so there are no reasons for the soldier. True, there is a small chip on the front wing. It will need to be removed immediately: rust chips on "Koreans" quickly. But in general, all LCP defects are minor and obtained exclusively during operation.

But let's open the doors and see the interior.

Here the mileage is visible in all its glory. Not too high quality plastic (if more precisely - just bad plastic) scratched very easily, and in our car it looks already very much terrible. Door knobs and plastic front panel near glove box looks creepy. But what to demand from budget car With mileage under 200 thousand? On a general background there is a steering wheel. Perhaps he was transferred under warranty - it was delivered quickly, and the warranty engineers of KIA did not refuse to eliminate the defect.

Seats also look not very fresh. They do not only have a fever, but also noticeable deformation. Generally, salon Kia. Rio will not hide the real mileage. I do not know, however, it is good or still bad.

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Now open the hood. There are no complaints. The motor compartment is clean and creates the impression that they cared for the car better than the girlfriend in the candidate-bought relationship. Well, or washed to our arrival.

Yes, and the motor sounds good, no criminal sounds have succeeded. But this is what is seen by the unarmed look. If we really wanted to buy this car, we would arma your eyes with an endoscope. The fact is that Koreans love to make weak catalysts that are already starting to crumble well. Ceramic crumb enters the inlet and quickly eats a piston group. So to examine the walls of cylinders at Kia with mileage would not be completely superfluous. However, on this mileage you can already be afraid of both the rings, although compared with the repair of the cylinder block, this is not such a global problem.

Well, do not forget that on a lot of run (it is impossible to say, on what exactly, but approximately, say, from 300 thousand) it will be possible to expect a real "capitals", especially if the catalyst did not change on time or did not notice the tension of the chain. BUT overhaul Motor with an aluminum block - the procedure is quite expensive, especially by the standards of budget vehicles. And sorry: the rest of the car was very good and quite adequate in value. Well, let's try to look for something today: the money is not a problem, 500 thousand is.

Minotaurus Labyrinth

Fucks typically Russian craving for sedans and look at the car in the body of the hatchback. Yes, it is not as prestigious as a sedan (no one may doubt that Rio Sedan is prestigious), but practical. In addition, they were not seen in a taxi. True, there are sometimes in Crachhering ... But the car suits us: 2014, it costs only 470 thousand. Mileage, however, is also rather big - 90 thousand, but still it is two times less than that of the previous version.

Even dismissed that something was wrong with the car. I would generally advise not to be afraid of my feelings: if it seems that the car is a curve, it is probably such. We cannot assess the correctness of the geometry of the body, but some differences in the gaps, painting and some other details can notice on the subconscious level. I do not insist on the truth of these words, but I advise you to listen to them.

So, before us is a black handsome man. True, some kind of uneven. Side lighting allows you to carefully look at shagreen. On the front left wing, it differs from shagged on the driver's door. Just in case we check the thickness gauge. There is already more than 400 microns, and on the right front wing, the LCP thickness reaches 544 microns. Here is clearly there is a twin. Taking into account the fact that the front bumper stands unevenly, and all the gaps between it and wings are curves, it can be assumed that the youth of this car was hard. But it is unlikely that it is worth talking about a strong frontal strike: the headlights are relatives, no one has changed radiators. Although the troubles do not end.

We notice that expansion tank empty. This is definitely bad: maybe the motor managed to overheat, and maybe the antifreeze is somewhere. Well, if it flows to the ground, and not into the oil. However, if he went to the oil, we would notice this on the lid of the oil-tapping neck.

The oil level in the gur tank is also at a minimum. And this is also not entirely correct.

And another small surprise is completely suddenly found in ... wiring. From terminal rechargeable battery In an unknown direction, one more (abnormal) power cable is moving.

Where would he go? I think the answer is obvious: there must be a subwoofer. Therefore, we open the trunk, we raise the flooring of the floor and we see another bunch of removed wires ("Sab" from here the owner, apparently dragged).

What's bad about it? Honestly, truly responsible owners among those who put such music in the car (even a qualitative), a little. Yes, and the level of liquids is simply shouting about it. "Tytz-Tynz" in the trunk is, of course, cool, but the normal level of antifreeze is much more important (although the minimum standing at the mark is also far from the sentence). Another significant minus is an increased load on the generator. And finally, not all the installers of music (as well as alarms) can do it well. Often after their intervention electrical circuit The car turns into a minotaur maze, according to which in the event of a breakdown will wander the sad and evil electrician.

And then there is also a rubber wiring seal from motor compartment They did not even bother to put in place.

In addition, there are "non-cured" chips on the body, which are about to be rust, backseat Located a cigarette, and everything that can be melded, faded. Completing the picture bunting windshield.

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In short, this is definitely not our option.

Parking "For rumor"

The most interesting car is just our maximum amount - 500 thousand. What do we offer?

First, this car has 1.6 liter engine. Secondly, automatic transmission (even if four-step, but quite reliable - the Heritage of Mitsubishi). Well, thirdly - mileage a little more than 30 thousand kilometers. Yes, yes, the car of 2013. Maybe mileage twisted? First, let's see the documents. The owner of the car was one, and the service book is filled with exemplary. Accurate every year she was chased to the dealer to the dealer, but more leads to the delight of the interval between that in kilometers: in the first year there were only five thousand kilometers on the car, and some subsequent could not drive these five. Running forward, I will note that this mileage can only confirm this mileage: even the fabric of the seats and the feet of the steering wheel look new. Luck? Nearly.

The whole picture spoils poor quality LCP, multiplied by the features of driving the owner of the car. He obviously parked on a rumor: all body elements with traces of pulp. Here and the doors opened cars in the parking lot on the parking lot, and they were driving on the borders, and flew into the drifts to the crunch of bumpers.

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Maybe even the roof of the whole? But no ... Hello handle the Koreans: Rust spoke on the roof on the top edge windshield.

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Unfortunately, this is a weak point of Rio, and even if you do not ride on the highway and not "catch" chips from pebbles, the glass edge rust quickly. There are not always looking, and in vain. Two small spots may only be the beginning of great corrosion. But here, at least there are no repainted elements, which could be delighted if there were no number of traces of contacts on them. Maybe something already better to paint.

Under the hood here did not look long. There are no complaints about the operation of the motor, all fluids are positioned in the level, the traces of the accident found also failed. But a lot of dirt.

I do not even know if it is possible to buy this car. Technically, it is most likely good (just can only be said after even the computer diagnosis and inspection on the lift), but numerous injuries obtained due to wine apparently not very experienced driver, somehow it is necessary to treat. And urgently. But there are so many of them that everything will have to paint - well, or at least all four doors and front wings (let's say scratches on plastic body kit - these are small). It will be necessary to clean the rust on the edge of the windshield (which, by the way, will also have to be replaced due to cracks). The amount of investments will be significant that it will not be happy even taking into account the small mileage.

Of course, it is possible to bargain, but Rio is on sale a lot, so if the seller's greed is a stronger LCP, it is better to look for another car.

Combo from dealer

Another option we decided to look at official dealerwhich sells "BESheek". It cost 516 thousand rubles, but it was very curious that the official would be offered. Moreover, we were already ready to go out a bit for the price framework, but find an uncompromising option.

According to the photo, a good option, mileage - 86 thousand kilometers, almost maximum equipment. We are going.

So, what does the dealer offer for us? And the dealer invites us to play the game "Guess what happened to the car." And we decide to take the rules of the game. Especially here everything is so obvious that even the "kettle" can understand.

If you briefly, then this car will not buy even self-respecting dull. This is the case when the car does not seem to be curves, but actually a curve. What is just not closing the driver's door. Against this background, a large number of scratches, chips and multicolored elements simply fade.

Open the hood and do not even be surprised ... here is a complete set, which just shouts about front collision: The mint cup of shock absorber, the interrupted terminals of the battery, the sliced \u200b\u200btip of the spar, causing a sealant into some seams. In theory, it should have been cut and replaced. But, apparently, they decided not to bother and just blind from what was.

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It seems that the blow was such a force that the engine shifted to the engine shield on which traces remained.

Well, of course, looking into the salon, they saw a "shooting" airbag. Thank you, we do not need such "good".

For the sake of interest, they decided to still check the car in the bases, as the condition of the cabin (in particular, heated to almost an arm of the steering wheel) and the body was transparently hinted on a strongly twisted mileage and generally use the car as a taxi. And here we were not mistaken. The car was really listed in the company that provided services for passenger transportation. This is not surprising - these models are also in white, often found in a taxi. Only prices for such cars are in a normal state by an average of 100 thousand cheaper.

Kia Rio. The third generation - the car is not capricious. But this does not mean that she has no weak points. First of all, probably, you need to look at the body (I think it's all already understood). But this is not all.

You can't forget about the motor too. Choosing Kia (and Hyundai) with mileage, you need at least to get to the service and check the compression and drive timing. After 100,000 mileage kilometers, you can find machines with stretched chains, so checking the phases is superfluous. Especially if when you start a motor, there are some little fastening sounds.

If the mileage has passed the hundredsmaking mark, then you need to check the condition of the catalyst, and at the same time - lambda sensors and the entire release. True, it may not be done independently. And here Automama. Maybe, for this, we use the most modern tools that our partners have specialized hundred. After our diagnosis, buyers may not be afraid of a Minotaur labyrinth nor parking to an inexperienced owner, nor a combo from the dealer.

What problems do this car have? Very often I ask this question clients who have just bought any car or only choose which model to purchase. I thought it would be nice to write a cycle of articles on the theme of the diseases of certain cars to help the buyer in his choice. Since I have worked for a long time by car diagnosticKia I.Hyundai I will write mainly about the car of these two brands.

In this article, we consider with which the owners of such a popular car may face, as Kia Rio RB is a third-generation model, 2011. Some information about the model:

  • Start of production: 2011.
  • Place of production: plant Hyundai. in St. Petersburg.
  • Types of body: 4-dar. Sedan, 5-dar. Hatchback and 3-dar. Hatchback.
  • Engines: Gamma 1.4 (107 hp) and 1.6 (123 hp).
  • Transmission: 5-speed. MCPP, 6-speed. MCPP, 4-speed. Automatic transmission, 6-speed. Automatic transmission
  • Length: Sedan - 4366 mm, hatch. - 4046 mm.
  • Width: 1720 mm.
  • Clearance: 160 mm.
  • Safety: total Rating Euro NCAP. 5 stars.

Threshold overlays for Kia Rio 3, 4 and X-Line

Body Kia Rio, inside and outside

Body car Kia Rio galvanized. There is some anti-corrosion coating. In general, it can be said that Rio is protected reliable from corrosion. Working with these machines daily, I almost never saw Rusty Rio. Often in the network you can find the opinion that the paintwork of the Koreans is very subtle and unreliable that chips and cracks often happen from entering small stones. I can not agree with this, especially calculate it to the essential shortcomings of this car. Skoles occur on absolutely all machines of any brands.

As for the interior decoration, it is necessary to recognize, the quality of plastic is not the highest. Elements of the instrument panels and the central console are made of hard materials. Screensions and "crickets" Conventional phenomenon in Rio, as in many machines from this price range. In general, the sound isolation at Rio is quite mediocre. The cabin is well heard noise from the contact of the wheels with the road surface, the operation of the engine and the suspension. It is possible to eliminate this by making an additional car noise insulation.

What often breaks:

  • Heated seats, burn heating elements.
  • Blocks of windows buttons. Amenable to simple repairs.
  • Magnetic control buttons blocks on the steering wheel. They have to simply change.

All these breakdowns are eliminated and can hardly be considered determining when choosing a car, but some amount, if available, "throw off" from the sale price is still needed.

Repair of heating seats, with a replacement to a universal, will cost up to $ 50. Repair of the windows buttons - up to 1 thousand r., Magnetic buttons with a replacement to $ 70. Attention prices, if you do on a service station.

Cap from Logo Kia! Price 338 rubles.

Engine problems

On the kia Rio The third generation is installed only two motors: 1.4 and 1.6 liters. Both - chain engines, that is, the timing belt every 60 thousand changes do not have to be considered a plus. The chain goes for quite a long time, replacing the regulations for 120 thousand mileage only In case of extraneous noise from the chain caused by its stretching. It happens extremely rare.

Engine Gamma, Kia Rio 3

Motors Kia Rio have a resource of 250 thousand km. This means that such a run in most engines can manifest a substantial wear of the cylinder-piston group, which implies the replacement of the cylinder block (Short Block) assessing the new one. Aluminum motors and do not have repair sizes under the protocate. That is, it is impossible to order the pistons of the repair size, they are simply not produced. Of course, changing the cylinder block is very expensive, so the service of the block of block appeared in our market. Thus, it is possible to save significantly, but the cost of repair will still be at least $ 1500.

Twitters (high-purity dynamics in the door) for Kia Rio.

To run in 60 - 90 thousand in Rio, the catalytic converter often fails exhaust gases (catalyst). By itself, he is dear, so unfortunately, in our country it is often not changed, but just knock out. This leads to a more toxic exhaust and loud sleeve sound.

But the catalyst breakdown itself is not so significant as possible consequences. Structurally, the catalyst on Rio engines is located very close to the head of the cylinder block. Because of this, when the catalyst is destroyed, ceramic dust sucks in cylinders. It acts as a sandpaper on the surface of the cylinder leads to fast wear And Zadiram. The engine loses compression, consumes oil. It is necessary to make repairs (sleeve) or replacement of the cylinder block. Therefore, "Topping" the destruction of the catalyst will have to lay out a large amount for the repair of the motor.

If Rio is equipped with gas-filled equipment, you have to keep in mind that in the design of the engines there are no hydraulic components. This means that valve gaps are adjusted manually. On the car with HBO will have to do this time in 40 - 90 thousand km mileage, depending on the style of driving and the quality of the HBO setup. The adjustment procedure is complex and costs about $ 150 on official services.

Often, ignition coils break on Rio. They are here 4, one on the cylinder. The cost is one original about $ 50. Usually occurs on runs more than 50,000 km. The cause of the breakdown can be on time not replaced candles.

On the mileage of about 50,000 from under the hood of Rio, a strong whistle may appear, especially on a cold engine. The cause of the whistle, as a rule, the mechanism of the belt tensioner is add. Equipment or belt itself. Question price - belt 900 rubles, tensioner - 5000 r.

Motors, perhaps, that's all.


Mechanical PPC reliable and does not have any frequent diseases.

The machine is also quite simple and unpretentious, but still has some problems. On runs about 100,000, and sometimes before, jerking and blows can be shown when switching. Another frequent symptom - the inclusion delay rear transmission: turn on reverse, let go of the brake pedal, and the car does not go, after a second, two transmission turns on and moves. All these problems of the machine are treated with the replacement of the ACP valve block. The price of this item is high, so before buying, be sure to check the machine for these problems. But it is impossible to say that this is a very frequent malfunction.


The suspension design is simple: Front McPherson, rear - a semi-dependent split beam.

On runs 15 - 30 thousand can sound stabilizer racks. Less often, the wear of the stabilizer bushings is manifested. Replacing these parts will not hit the pocket, so it is difficult to call it a significant disadvantage.

From behind, everything is simple and there is almost nothing to break.

Pendant Kia Rio is rather rigid, as in many other cars of this class. Due to this rigidity and bad roads on runs 50 - 60 thousand sometimes fail hub bearings. Shock absorbers and springs go long, again, if you try, you can kill them for 50 thousand, but these are special cases.

In the first Rio, the owners complained about the knock on the steering mechanism. The reason was the rail sleeve. On machines from 2012 release, this factory defect was eliminated.

At all Rio sometimes meets such a symptom: the steering wheel rotates with uneven effort, then tight, then more easily, depending on the position of the steering wheel. The cause is in the steering rake, or rather, in the spool valve, which is constrained by the fluid flow. It can be replaced separately.


So, when buying Rio with mileage I advise be sure to check the following:

  • Engine: Make computer diagnostic and measure compression (nominal value of 12.5 kg / cm2, the difference between cylinders is not greater than 1 kg / cm2).
  • Automatic transmission: also comp. Diagnostics and trial, make sure that the gear shift is smooth. Try on the spot, on idling Switch transmissions from D to R and make sure that the car rows from the place on a flat surface without pressing the gas pedal, without delay, and when switching there is no tangible impact.
  • Suspension: Make a general diagnosis of chassis with a mandatory check of all hub bearings and with a steering rack check. At idle, in place, turn the wheel from the stop until it stops, the rotation must be uniform, the force applied to the steering wheel should not change.
  • Body: Check the LCP using paint thickness gauge, so you will learn whether the car participated in an accident. The factory LCP on Kia Rio has a thickness of 120-140 microns.
Alexander Sokolov

All those who waited for Kia Rio in the third generation do not want and hear about the possible shortcomings of the car, but for what criteria still choose vehicle?

It is important to take into account not only the advantages, which is quite a few, but also the disadvantages of Kia Rio that came out in 2016 to be prepared for unexpected situations on the road.

What advantages has Kia Rio

One of the main advantages to which the car has large dimensions, which speaks about good capacity. Such a vehicle is ideal for traveling with the family, in a large company, when you can put everything you need to the trunk for 500 liters.

This is a very economical car not only on fuel consumption, but also maintenanceWhat is perfectly combined with the budget value of the basic configuration. The car is highly equipped, so the buyer receives much more than the buyer than counting.

What would you like to note among the shortcomings

There are, of course, flaws in Kia Rio, but they are not significant, so do not be afraid that the car breaks your dreams. The disadvantages of Kia Rio 2016 begin with noise insulation. Today she became an integral part of a comfortable ride, especially when it comes to megalopolis. In Kia Rio, this parameter is not ideal, but it is easy to fix if you make additional isolation.

The second drawback is plastic crankcase protection. If you constantly move on roads with an uneven relief, you can damage this defense and then do not avoid problems. The problem is also easily eliminated, as with noise insulation, just put metal lining. In any service will work in a couple of hours.