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The machine with automatic transmission does not go: cause and elimination of the problem. Problems in the operation of automatic transmission: automatic box does not gain speed, the machine does not go back the car does not go back


Thanks to technical progress, replacing mechanical transmission Came automatic. She increasingly conquers fans even among former opponents. The smoothness of switching speed makes it possible to extend the service life of the car by removing the load from the engine and the chassis. Mechanical box Easier, it is less hassle with it when determining the faults than with a machine gun. If the car with automatic transmission does not go ahead, nor back, then this is a big problem. This article is devoted to malfunction diagnostics. automatic transmission and its repair.

All car systems are interconnected by each other, thanks to the automatic transmission, some engine malfunctions are invisible. Before starting repairing automatic transmission, you need to make sure that the engine is self-service and all its systems, including the wiring of the car.


Possible reasons

If any problems occur with automatic transmission or electronics on the board lights the light bulb signaling the malfunction of the automatic transmission. It should be immediately diagnosed to determine the cause of the fault and its elimination. If it does not respond to malfunctions on time, then, instead of a small repair, it may be necessary to overhaul or replacing the box of the machine.


Leaving the garage or parking, each time you follow the place where the car stood. Special attention must be paid to oil spots and their color: if they are red or orange, then these are colors transmission fluid. It should be found out the reason for their appearance.

It is necessary using the probe to constantly control the oil level, color and consistency. Lubrication must be translucent, red. If there is a darkening, there are foreign particles, oil requires replacement. Usually change the lubricant every 15 thousand mileage, but at least once a year. The sign of the malfunction of the automatic transmission is the presence of a dark color and smell of pillable.

In the presence of electronics by car followed by external inspection using on-board computer or a special scanner get fault codes. They are recorded in the memory of the control unit when the car rides. Then the operation of the switches, sensors, wiring, connectors is checked.

If it did not work out a malfunction in a fixed car, you can spend a test drive. This diagnoses the operation of the engine, boxes, control systems. Good job automatic gearbox It depends on the serviceability of the motor, so it should be given no less attention than the gearbox.

Typical malfunctions

During the passage of the driver, you should pay attention to the noise in the engine and automatic transmission, they may mean the following faults:

  • a whistling sound, resembling Siren, speaks of a malfunction of the hydrotransformer;
  • continuous conducting sound changing during engine speeds by car, which speaks insufficient level oil, air intake in the oil pump, damage to the gear of the oil pump, improper position of the gear;
  • the buzzing sound, amplifying with an increase in the rotor of the motor, appears when wearing the glands or vibration of the valve spool, which regulates the oil pressure;
  • continuous rattling when moving on small revolutions speaks of a fault of a turbine pump or a hydrotransformer spring;
  • in case of failures in the engine flywheel, a rattling sound appears, which disappears when switching the box to the "Neutral" position and with small revolutions;
  • appearance outsided sound When switching only one transmission means, it is defective to some kind of planetary series of this transmission;
  • noise when switching transmissions The noise and not disappearing when the other turns on other indicates the wear of the liners and support bearings.
Handle box automaton

The fault of the box can be divided into groups:

  • malfunction in the box control unit;
  • breakdown in the hydrotransformer;
  • problems in the mechanical part of the machine.

Below will look at the basic breakdowns that translated the transmission in emergency mode.

Often the machine with automatic transmission does not go to the cold, starts to slip. Most often it happens in winter, the oil is too thick, the oil pump does not provide the desired compression of the friction discs. The car does not go, it means that there is no clutch between the disks, they turn around and rub each other. At the same time, the abrasive material of the disc drives is erased. Therefore, the car with automatic transmission should always be warmed before starting movement.

If the machine is not going forward, it stands on the spot, and the first, the second and rear rate is in order, there is a third, then the reason can be the wear of the friction discs of the clutch of the direct or front turn, oil sealing rings, the piston cuffs. Replace worn items.

If the car does not go, and the transfers all work, a frictional layer on the brake ribbon can be worn out, a cuff on a coupling occurred, a brake ribbon piston rod.

The cause of the slip can be malfunction in the mechanical part of the box: gears, pump, friction, sleeve. If the slots are faulty in the torque converter, the machine may slip at the beginning of the move, and then rides as usual. In the absence of pressure in the hydraulic block, the transmission ACP is switched with delay or blows.

If the car goes only in the third speed, slowly accelerates - this is due to the decrease in the pressure of the oil in the highways automatic box: Not enough lubricant, the pressure regulator is defective, defectors of the PPC solenoids. It is possible that aluminum chips hit the solenoids, they should be removed and cleaned.

If on dashboard Letters that do not correspond to the transmission enabled are displayed, or in general, not displayed, possibly faulty sensor of the switch position or selector selection.

Automatic transmission speed indicator

Frequent cause Cutters of the automatic transmission is the wear of frictional, which is due to the poor-quality oil. Eliminate the fault is easier to replace friction. The cause of the vehicle breakdown can be antifreeze into the oil. This is possible on automatic transmission, in which the oil radiator is a component of the main radiator. With its malfunction, antifreeze falls into the main radiator. This can be determined by a fusion of oil - it will be very muddy. The fault is eliminated with the overhaul of the automatic box.

Correction Instructions

The automatic transmission is a complex device and on the principle of work, and according to the design. Therefore, its repair is time consuming and complicated. Repair work In the presence of special knowledge, tools, equipped with room and helpers.

What do you need?

When repairing the automatic transmission, only special tools must be used. If you use conventional tools, then there is a high probability of damage to parts. Application required tools Accelerates repair and improves the quality of work performed. The tools for repairing automatic transmission are applied depending on its design:

  • the oil pump puller for mounting / dismantling the pump in the 4-speed automatic transmission;
  • a special mandrel is used to install the depletion of the differential;
  • the flange head is used to unscrew the head of the shank flange;
  • tool for collecting and parsing boosters;
  • the toothed key is designed for mounting / disassembling the flange fastening nut;
  • set of mandrels - adaptation to remove bearings;
  • cork frame for installing drive shafts;
  • mounting tool for installing the planetary series;
  • oil pump mandrel;
  • set for installing pistons and others.

Above lists only a small part of the tools used in the repair of automatic transmission. Depending on the type of automatic box, it is necessary to purchase the appropriate toolkit.


It should be remembered that the automatic transmission is located at the bottom of the machine. Before you get to the box, you will have to disassemble a part of the car. At the same time, without special devices, it is difficult to do it. Reverse assembly will require care. A large number of electronics in modern machines requires their accurate adjustment. Therefore, the disassembly of the automatic gearbox is best done if there is a complete confidence in your own, otherwise it is better to contact the service center.

To dismantle the automatic transmission, the battery is required, looking Yama or hydraulic lifter. Before disassembling an automatic transmission, it should be washed from the outside, it will prevent dirt entering the inner parts. Workplace It should also be kept clean.

Dismantling automatic gearbox

The diversity of the ACP requires the study of their dismantling instructions, as each has its own features when disassembling. Start dismantling from disconnecting all pipes. Perform the procedure should be accurate enough to damage the fitting. Then disconnect electrical wiring, highways and cables. Then the engine flywheel membrane and a torque converter is dismantled. In some models of gearboxes before removing GDT, you need to dismantle the starter.

Repair GDT consists in its disassembly, malfunctions and replace worn items. For disassembly of the torque converter, a welded seam is cut. After repair, the housing is brewing again and check its tightness, the presence of a heat gap inside. Work should be carried out by a qualified specialist on the appropriate equipment.

The control must be checked, which can be broken due to overvoltage, overheating, mechanical damage. It is located on the hydraulic unit and is constantly in the oil - aggressive environment. The control unit consists of an integrated circuit with a plurality of connectors and the connected wires and is located in a plastic non-separable case.

Often the cause of the fault is to break the conductors on the control unit of the control unit. If you need to get to the integrated circuit, the housing is cut by a special cutter. Then damage is determined by external inspection and diagnostics. After restoring the connection of the wire is covered by means of corrosion and special gel. After repair, the housing is seal again.

If slipping occurs when switching speeds, shocks, in this case, the repair of the ACP hydroblock is required. This work requires special purity and care. Each item should be thoroughly rinsed and dried. With a strong pollution of the valve, it is better to replace, since the flushing will not give the necessary reliability. If they are not strongly contaminated, then you need to be carefully inspected and clean each piece of valves.

It is necessary to check the plunger, they should not be scratching and damage, as this can cause the valve jamming. The plunger must slide freely on the holes of the valves.

After all, they are installed in place. At the same time, follow these recommendations:

  1. Before installing the gearbox, it is necessary to check the membrane to check the membrane for the presence of an end beyon if it is present, the membrane should be replaced. Radiator, highway, all surfaces of the automatic transmission before installation must be carefully cleaned.
  2. The flushing of the radiator should be performed until it is pure gasoline. Then in GDT poured a liter of transmission fluid and reliably set it on primary Val.. A complete landing and a reliable connection must be achieved.
  3. The engine is docked with the ACP on the guide pins - the crankresses must be cavity.
  4. The box is screwed, the absence of gaps is checked. When joining the highways it is necessary to check the correctness of the pillars.
  5. At the last stage pour

Causes of sink box automatic:

  • Unreasonable replacement or use of poor-quality transmission fluid. The problem is eliminated by way and;
  • Failure. The problem is eliminated by replacing the disks to the new way by dismantling and repairing the box;
  • Close / Channel Damage, Failures in the hydraulic system. The problem is eliminated by washing the hydroblock with the help of an ultrasonic stand and cleansing chemistry, as well as replacing the transmission fluid and oil filter.
  • Failure or pump (use of poor-quality lubricating fluid). The fault is detected by measuring the pressure in the lubrication system, which will correspond to the lowest mark. The problem is eliminated by replacing the solenoid package and / or pump.

    Reduced oil pressure in automatic transmission highways (insufficiently lubricating fluid or defective pressure regulator). The problem is solved by replacing the pressure regulator and partial or complete replacement of the working transmission fluid.

  • Failure in electronic components of automatic transmission. Using high-quality and accurate diagnostics, the detected defect is eliminated (replacement of sensors, reprogramming or full replacement etc.).

Car with a box machine does not go back or forward: Causes and repair

If the machine is not going forward or if the machine with automatic transmission does not ride back (the automatic box does not go back), this suggests that the unit works incorrectly.

In this case, failures may occur both in terms of electronics and part of mechanics or hydraulics.

The problem will often be additionally signaling the light bulb (Hold, A / T) on the instrument panel, the automatic box can. To identify malfunctions and eliminate them, complete diagnostics of automatic transmission is needed.

As a rule, in the list of main signs of malfunctions, the automatic transmission is distinguished:

All these signs of faults have their reasons that need to be eliminated in a timely manner, since the faulty vehicle transmission can completely fail or costly repairs. If the automatic box does not go back or not go ahead, the main reasons:

  • wear or breakage of friction discs of a straight or front running, wear oil sealing rings, piston cuff wear (car rides back, but does not go ahead and dropped - jammed a switching valve from the 1st to the 2nd speed, if the car does not go and back - cut off the slotted connection in the housing of the drum of the solar gear);
  • damage to the friction layer on, as a result, the gap of the cuff on the coupling and the damage to the piston rod brake tape (there is no movement back, forward there are all switching);
  • malfunction in the mechanical part of the box, leading to the slip of the automatic transmission (pump, gears, sleeves, etc.);
  • slot wear in the hydrotransformer (when switching the gearbox selector from the position of Parking P "P" or from the position of the neutral "n" on any speed, the car strokes and does not move;
  • hit into the oil radiator (concerns vehicles with automatic transmission, in which the oil radiator is the component of the main radiator). With its malfunction, antifreeze falls into the main radiator. This can be determined by the oil into the oil - it will have an emulsion. In this case, it is necessary to make a defect and overhaul Machine.

Compliance with the main recommendations for the operation of the automatic transmission allow to increase the life of the transmission this type And improve the quality of the box work - automatic. First of all, the most important recommendation is, as well as the use of original liquids or high-quality analogues when replacing.

If metal particles are present in oil, the oil darkened and became opaque, the smell of Gary appeared, then the ATF fluid must be replaced (change the lubricant every 40-60 thousand km. Run or at least once every 3-4 years (depending on whether what will come before);

It is also necessary to warm the car's engine, but also (especially this is important in the winter season, when the lubricating fluid becomes too thick, the oil pump cannot provide the necessary compression of the friction discs, which will lead to abrasion of the abrasive material of the discs that provide adhesion);

Read also

What is ACAP alarm mode. Why the box automatically enters the emergency mode: the reasons for which the machine "gets up" into the accident mode, diagnostics.

  • Push in automatic transmission, appearance of jerks when switching transmissions automatic transmission, shocks automatic boxes in place: the main causes of such malfunctions of the automatic gearbox.

  • Back. If more precisely, when you turn on the rear speed, if the gas pedal is pressing until it stops, it is hardly starting to go. Rides forward without problems. What can it be and what to do? (Marina)

    Hello, Marina. We analyzed your breakdown and are ready to help you with several advice.


    Why does the car rides back?

    There may be several reasons for it. All of them are shown below:

    • the gear shift device itself is defective;
    • there was a breakdown or defect valve in the hydroplate;
    • friction faces;
    • incorrect pressure of the transmission fluid;
    • the oil ended in the box.

    As you understand, it is necessary to repel from this. The inclusion of a reversing stroke does not depend on the electrician, therefore, most likely, you are fine with the wiring. But we can not guarantee this to you, as you have not seen your car and have not diagnosed it.

    In any case, you need to contact the service for service, because you can not solve the problem without the necessary equipment. First of all gearbox vehicle It is necessary to check for errors. When diagnosing you will receive fault codes that you have to decipher to understand what is the problem. After all, it is possible, cases lies in breakage of one of the devices responsible for turning on the rear speed.

    It will also not be superfluous to check the level. transmission Oil in automatic transmission. Sometimes such a problem is in the lack of fluid. It is possible to replace it or add to required level will be able to solve the problem. But it should be remembered what to do as you do - in no case cannot. Meaning to press the gas pedal when not working rear transmission. If the problem is in any device, then such actions you can simply finish the box and it will fail at all. In any case, the first thing you need to do is implement computer diagnostic car.

    Video "How to determine the status of automatic transmission"

    On how to determine the status of an automatic transmission, you will learn from the video.