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Check the date of the car. Year of auto release by VIN code (body number)


Buying a used car in use, it is very important to accurately find out the year of its production. There are several ways for which you can find out in which year a car was released.

The easiest way is to look at technical certificate car. If the owner has always enjoyed its vehicle, in time passed technical inspections, then you can completely trust the passport. The year of production is also indicated in the Polisters "Osago" and "Casco".

However, there are often situations when there are simplicable documents for a car, for example, if the car stood for a long time in the garage or it is driven out of abroad. In this case, it should be resorted to other ways to determine the year of production.


VIN-code is a 17 symbolic plate, which is usually under the hood or on the crossbar under the front bumper. In any case, the seller must show you a VIN code, you can get a lot useful information About the car, production date is a tenth symbol.

Focus this way:

  • Years from 1971 to 1979 and from 2001 to 2009 are indicated by figures 1-9;
  • The year from 1980 to 2000 is indicated by letters a, b, c and up to y (letters I, O, Q, U, Z for marking are not used).

It is worth noting that in this way indicate the model year of release. Many manufacturers use their designation system, for example, the American division of Ford in the 11th and 12th positions of the VIN-code are encrypted the exact year and the month of production of the car, and Renault, Mercedes, Toyota does not indicate the year of manufacture and determine it only with Tablets on the body.

On the Internet there are many resources that can help you decrypt the VIN code, with their help you will learn not only the date of production, but also the country, engine type, complete set, and so on.

If the car was registered and operated in Russia, then the VIN code must be in the traffic police bases. If the code is interrupted, it means that this machine is not all smooth.

Other ways to determine the date of production of cars

  • On safety belts at the very bottom there is a label with the year of production, it is clear that such a way is just for new cars and those in which belts did not change;
  • On the bottom of the front passenger Seating There must be a plate indicating the date of release if the owner will allow you to remove the seat, you can check;
  • On the lobby glass There is a date of its production, if it has not changed, then the dates will coincide.

Typically, sellers have no need to hide the present date of the car, but if you refuse to provide necessary information, There is a reason to think about - and whether you do not buy a cat in the bag.

Question - " how to find out the exact release date of the car"It arises not only in ordinary buyers choosing a vehicle for themselves. This question is quite common, and worries in greater extent.

The fact is that the manufacturer does not always indicate the exact date in the accompanying documents. There are cases that the manufacturer has noted in the accompanying documents, the month of release vehicle. And about the year silent.

Solving this problem

The first step, to clarify the date of the car's release, is to search for a car in the database on its identification number. But do not forget that even this kind of procedure may not give the desired information. The fact is that often through this method, a person will rather find out the date of release of a certain model of the car, but not the date of release of a certain vehicle.

Date of release of cars released abroad

As for cars issued abroad, things are much better. To find out the year of production of foreign cars, its owner or buyer, enough will contact customs. After all, in the customs, for many years this information is maintained.

But if the above methods still did not help you, another way out remains.

Spend technical expertise for the car

But do not forget that this procedure is recommended to conduct in institutions that have all the necessary licenses.

According to statistics, more than 48% of Russians selling their cars on secondary market, hide the real year of production of the car. Buyers, not suspecting the trick, grab the head after the purchase - the car turns out to be faulty. How not to please the fishing fraudsters? Today this problem is easy to solve using the Avtokod service.

Why do you need to know the date of the car

Sellers used machines overestim the year of release in order to more profitably sell a used car that will bring a lot of trouble due to the large "age." To avoid trouble, the service of the Avtokod offers to find out the date of release of the car by VIN or state. number. A free brief report will help check the volume and power of the TC engine, category and the location of the steering wheel.

A full report along with the ability to check the year of outlet of the car over the wines or state. The number will help to know the following data:

  • participation in the traffic accidents;
  • the presence of encumbrances;
  • real mileage of vehicles;
  • work in the country's taxis;
  • put down;
  • presence of fines;
  • hijacking, etc.

Full information collected from official sources (traffic police, registry pledges, etc.) will also tell about legal purity car.

How to find out the year of the car by VIN or state. number

To check the year of release of the car, you will need to go to the Avtocode site. You can punch data both vin and state. number. The check itself takes 5 minutes:

  • enter the state license plate or wine code in the search bar;
  • get a brief report;
  • to get a full report, pay the amount in the amount of 349 rubles.

The Japanese car industry does not have wines, and the autocode proposes to find out the year of the car by body number. If it is not, then for checking the Japanese car is enough one state. Rooms!

Why it is necessary to break through the history of the car through the autocode

All information presented in the reports is collected only from official sources - traffic police, EAOSTO, RSA, FTS, FCS, FDP and others.

What other advice advantages through an autocode:

  • If you do not have the opportunity to break through the history of the car in advance, with mobile application You can do it on the deal.
  • If you have any questions, you can contact the support service. Service staff will help to solve the current problem and will explain how to find out the year of release by car number.

In order not to become a "happy" owner of an old car for the price of the new, you need to check the car before buying. Ordering a report on the autocode, you will secure yourself from possible trouble and save your own funds.

(Car history: registration, photographs, accidents, repairs, hijacking, pledge and so on).

Additional reports: Complete set, review by the manufacturer, Carfax and Autochek (for cars from the USA) are available from our partners - Vinformer.su.

The location of the identification number

The VIN code, or as it is also called the body number, must be registered in the serviceport, and to be an identical number that is on the body. Typically, the number is located on non-removable parts of the body (front rack) and those places where the chance of damage to the car at an accident is minimal.

What information is allowed to decrypt wine car code

  • Country of manufacturer.
  • Year of issue.
  • Engine and body type.
  • What kind of equipment should be present when buying a car.
  • General characteristics car.
  • Information about the vehicle, its mileage, about its early sales and other similar data.

Stages of decryption

As a rule, the identification number has 17 characters, and its composition includes 3 required parts:

  • WMI - contains 3 characters.
  • VDS - contains 6 characters.
  • VIS - contains 8 characters.

From the first part of WMIjust starts checking the car by VIN. These symbols identify the manufacturer of the car that are fixed behind a specific country. The first character means its geographic area, and can be both a digit and letter, depending on the country of the manufacturer. For example, figures from 1 to 5 will mean the manufacturer in North America; from 6 to 7 - countries of oceania; From 8 to 9, as well as the 0 manufacturer is South America. The letters from S to Z are cars of European origin, from J to R - the origin from Asia, from A to H - brought from Africa.

The first part of VIN check allows you to find out where the car was brought from.

The second part of It is called as a descriptive and, as a rule, should consist of 6 characters. It often happens that the car manufacturer fills not all 6 characters, but according to the rules in the car all 6 must be present. Therefore, if there are only 4 or 5 characters in this part of the code, the remaining, simply fill with zeros and necessarily on the right side. The descriptive part of the channel decryption allows you to determine the car model and its main characteristics. Figures from 4 and ending 8, must tell about the type car Engine, His series and models, as well as to have data on body type.

AND thirdThe final part of the wines decryption is VIS, which consists of 8 characters. It is worth knowing that the last 4 signs must be present in obligatory. This is the part of the decryption, in which you can find out the year of vehicle output, data on the assembly plant, model year.

All three parts are needed when deciphering the identification number of the body, and make it possible to understand the future owner of the origin and further history of the car.

Self check of wine codes

To check the wine code it is not necessary to access the appropriate instances and send a request to them.

Knowing the body identification number, enter it into the scan form on our website, and get complete information about a particular car. This is the necessary procedure, which is recommended before buying a car. It will take a little time, but it will save from further trouble.

Attention! Testing exhibited
Assistant Translated Auction Leaf Version 1.0!

Instructions for using the search for the release date, catalog data and the calculation of the duty of Japanese cars.

Everything is very simple:

1. Select the brand of the machine.
2. Will the body brand.
3. For the body number.
Then press the "Search" button.: Find data on the EPC electronic catalog.
4. According to found data, you can find the modification of this car in our catalog of Japanese cars.

If you do not know how to enter your data correctly, explain:

Car body number japanese assembly (Frame No., Chassis No.) consists of two fields:
1. Model or body brand;
2. Directly the number itself.
You can find the body number on the carboard plate of the car, as well as in the car documents (vehicle passport, registration certificate, billion)
Example of a boiled table
In the string entitled Frame No, we see the body number.

There are some subtleties for individual brands ():

Toyota. .(Toiota, Toyota, Tyota)
The body model is a combination of letters and numbers (4 - 6 characters).
The number is 7 digits or letter and 6 digits.
Body Exz10 - 0020027, can also be recorded as: exz100020027
Model or Body Brand - Exz10, must be administered in the "Body Mark" field
Number - 0020027, you must enter in the "Body" field

Draw your attention to! Unlike other definition programs for the date of the TOYOTA, which are exhibited on a multitude of Web sites, our base takes data directly from the Japanese EPC base. The system for determining the release date in these programs is based only on the numbering plan for Toyota. In order not to merge with the total mass, we decided to use a more complex method that in our opinion it is better to meet the interests of visitors. For those who want to determine the date of the release of European or Arab versions of cars, we are planning to connect the corresponding EPC base modules in the future.
The Toyota base works for Japanese assembly cars, released until 2005.

Nissan. (Nisan, Nissan, Nisan)
Body model - a combination of letters and numbers (3 - 8 characters).
Number - 6 digits.
SS28MN Body - 304093, can also be recorded as: SS28MN304093
Model or Body Brand - SS28MN, you must enter in the "Body" field
Number - 304093, you must enter in the "Body" field.
The Nissan base works for Japanese assembly cars, released until 2005.

Determination of the date of the issue for MMC. .Mitsubishi (Mitsubisi, Mitsubishi,
Mitsubishi, Mitsubishi)

Body model is a combination of letters and numbers (3 - 5 characters).
Number - 7 digits.
Body V43 - 4010807, can also be recorded as: v434010807.
Model or brand body - V43, you must enter in the "Body Mark" field.
Number - 4010807, you must enter in the "Body Number" field.
The MMC base is operating for Japanese assembly cars, released until 2005.

Determination of the date of the issue for Isuzu. .(Iudza, ISUZU)
The body model is a combination of letters and numbers (0 - 7 characters).
Number - 7 digits.
Body UBS69GW - 7289223, can also be recorded as: UBS69GW7289223.
The model or brand of the body is UBS69GW, you must enter in the "Body Mark" field.
Number - 7289223, you must enter in the "Body Number" field.
For ISUZU cars, an option is possible when only the body number is present 7 digits, for example, 0466891. It must be entered in the "Body Number" field
The iSuzu base works for Japanese assembly cars, released until 2005.

Determination of the date of the issue for Suzuki. .(Suzuki)
Body model is a combination of letters and numbers (3 - 5 characters).
Number - 6 digits.
Body JB23W - 312775, can also be recorded as: JB23W312775.
The model or brand of the body is JB23W, you must enter in the "Body Mark" field.
Number - 312775, you must enter the "Body" field.
The base on Suzuki works for Japanese assembly cars, released until 2005.

Determination of the date of the issue for Subaru. .(Subaru)
Body model is a combination of letters and numbers (3 characters).
Number - 6 digits.
CXW - 007221 body, can also be recorded as: CXW007221.
The model or brand of the body is CXW, you must enter in the "Body Mark" field.
Number - 007221, you must enter the "Body Number" field.
The base on Subaru works for Japanese assembly cars, released until 2005.

Determination of the date of the issue for Daihatsu. .(Daihatsu, Datsu, Daihatsu) .
The body model is a combination of letters and numbers (3-5 characters).
Number - 6 or 7 digits.
Body L710S - 0044788, it can also be recorded as: L710S0044788.
The model or brand of the body is L710S, you must enter in the "Body Mark" field.
Number - 0044788, you must enter the "Body" field.
The database on Daihatsu works for Japanese assembly cars, released until 2005.

Determination of the date (year) of the release for cars Mazda. .(Mazda)
The body model is a combination of letters and numbers (3-8 characters).
Number - 6 digits.
Body SG5W - 400065, can also be recorded as: SG5W400065.
The body model or brand is SG5W, you must enter the "Body Mark" field.
Number - 400065, you must enter in the "Body" field.
The Mazda base works for Japanese assembly cars, released until 2005.

Determination of the date (year) of the release for cars Honda. . (Honda).
The body model is a combination of letters and numbers (3-4 characters).
Number - 7 digits.
Body CL9-1002882, can also be recorded as: CL91002882.
The body model or brand is MF08, it is necessary to enter in the "Body Mark" field.
Number - 1000001, you must enter in the "Body" field.
The Base on Honda works for Japanese build cars released with 1999 years of 2003 year.