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How to make a car in minecraft - step-by-step instruction. How to make a car in minecraft - step-by-step instructions how to build a machine from blocks in minecraft


Fast movement to minecraft can be attributed only to animals (horse, pig) and trolley. Unfortunately, animals do not have the desired speed and endurance, and trolleys can move exclusively by rails and then many players are wondering how to make a car in minecraft. For comfortable movement on the game world, it is not without a car - some modifications will enable it to collect it.

Mod on machines in minecraft

The most popular mod is The Car Mod.. After its installation, it will be necessary to manually assemble the machine in minecraft, creating parts with simple materials - such as leather, iron, red dust and others. After the crafting, it will be possible to immediately begin driving, using the same keys with the help of which the main character moves.
The main disadvantage of this fashion is that it is a server, that is, it's simply not to install on the usual single game. For such a game, you should use the modification Aircraft.With which even lethal devices can be screaming.
In older versions of the game there is an opportunity make a car in minecraft With the help of various bugs (there are many videos on the Internet about this), however, the use of these methods is eliminated with each installed updating of errors becomes impossible. We hope we were able to answer your question how to build a car in minecraft.

Technically, the creators did not provide in the game. However, there are many bugs and glitches, thanks to which the creation of a car is possible. You can also move around the game on pigs using the saddle. In the latest updates of the game even appeared horses.

However, to make a beautiful and functional machine, you still need to install additions to the game.

How in minecraft make a car without mods

To make the car without installing mods, you need to put two rows of three blocks of any material on each other. Before the block of blocks, it is necessary to place the rails, and put the trolley on them. The blocks should be hung up torches, imitating headlights. In the trolley you need to plant saddled. Before starting the movement, the rails need to be broken. The trolley will be driven by a pig. You can control such a machine by pressing the right mouse button.

Machine with fashion

For Kraft good car You need to install The Car MOD.

To build a car, you need to stockday two, red dust, two torches, a stove, four pieces of iron, a chest and sixteen slices of the skin.

For the manufacture of the engine, the car must be put into the crafting window on the piston in the edges of the middle row, in the center of placing red dust, in bottom corners Put torches, in the central cell of the last row - the oven.

For the crafting of the wheels you need to put a piece of iron in the center of the crafting window, and around eight pieces of skin. For two actions, you can get four wheels of the machine.

To make a car in minecraft (not without using mods), you need to put the engine, two pieces of iron on the wheels.

Would you like to ride the car in Minecraft? I am sure that many wish it. But unfortunately, without mods you will not be able to do this, at least, the majority of Minecraft players think so. In this article, I will show you how without any mods in the usual Minecraft make the car, and most importantly, ride it.

In order to make the car, we will need a command unit and a special team.

1) Go to the game, create a new world.

2) We register in the game chat command: / Give @p Command_Block This team will give us a command block.

3) We put the command block to any place.

4) pull out from the downloaded archive, on the desktop tXT.file. Open it, copy everything it is written.

5) Open the command unit, insert a copied text to the top string (Ctrl + V)

6) Activate the command block Redstone signal.

After the operations proceeded, a huge mechanism will be built on which 3 signs will hang. You will need to click on the plate where it is written in green After which you will appear in inventory: red clay, obsidian, armor rack.

We put a block of red clay in any place, we put obsidian on it, we will put a rack for armor, after which an egg will appear, which will spawn the car.

I smell the egg with a car, and sit down in it (poke on the trolley). So that the car go, you need to click on the chat . You do not need to press the W buttons W, A, S, D, to control the machine. She herself will go, and for turns it is enough to turn the mouse.

Line Responsible for the speed of movement of the machine (0.01 - very slowly, 0.1 - average speed, 0.5 - high speed).

Line Responsible for the flight of the car (flies at the height of one block from the Earth).

Line responsible for stopping the machine.


It is not a secret for anyone that most of the pleasure of playing "Minecraft" comes from research - the world of the game is wide, diverse, and most importantly - chance. Every time you start a new game, it is generated by a random manner, so you will constantly explore new extraordinary areas that are stored many secrets. However, it is worth understanding that walking on foot here is not very suitable. On your own legs, you can explore nearby territories, but no more. False lands will be subject to you only if you will have our own transport. You can tame a pet, such as a horse or donkey, and go on a journey to them, you can become an alchemist and invent speed potion, but best way At the moment is movement by car. But how to make a car in "minecraft" without mods? To do this, you will need to do some not the simplest steps, however, remember that the result is really worth it.

Creating wheel

Without mods, if you do not have wheels? The car without the wheels will not go, so it's time to be taken for the craft of these parts. You will need two types of resources - zerlin skin and iron ingot, the first resource you need a lot, as well as eight skins to create one wheel, while the second resource is required in a single instance. Skins you can get, killing animals, such as horses, cows, donkeys and so on. As for the iron ingot, it can be seen in two ways - to find in the chests, which are scattered around the world, or to pay independently in the furnace, pre-making stocks of iron ore. Place the ingot into the central cell of the workbench, and then surround it with eight skins, then start the kraft - the first wheel is ready! Repeat the procedure four times, and you have a set of wheels for your car. You have become one step closer to resolving the question of how to make a car in the "minecraft" without mods. Now it's time to do the engine.

Heart of car

To understand, in the "minecraft" without mods, you need to imagine how the ordinary machine is functioning in real life. Naturally, its work requires the engine that you have to be screaming. The recipe here is no longer so simple, as in the case of wheels, so get ready to stock up with a variety of resources that you will need in the process. First of all, get a stove, although you already have it, since you needed iron bars to create wheels. This time they will also need them, as you will create pistons from them. Piston recipe in this matter is the most difficult - except the ingot you will need boards, cobblestones and red dust. Two finished pistons place in the extreme lower cells, and the furnace is in the central bottom cell. Over the pistons it is necessary to arrange two torches that it is extremely simple - you only need to scream with a stick and coal. Well, for the completeness of the picture in the central cell, put red dust, then you can crafting. You will have a finished engine. The next step is the machine itself. In the "minecraft" without mods it is not very simple, but you already have all the components.

Last step in creating a car

So, you have both the engine, and two pairs of wheels - now you need to collect all the missing items and prepare for the final crafth. You will learn how to scream the car without mods, when you get another two ingots of iron and one on the workbench in the lower extreme corners, place the wheels, and between them - one of the ingots. Put the motor over this fiat, sprout the chest, and the left is the second ingot. Now it remains only to click on the craft button, and you become the happy owner of a new car. And at the same time you now have the secret of how to build a car without mods, so you should not have problems with moving on distant distances.

Refilling the car

Naturally, you should not hope that your car will ride infinitely for a long time, without requiring reconciliation. In the "minecraft" everything happens in the same way as in real life, so you will still have to "feed" your four-legged friend. This is done with coal, which you can put in fuel tank Car using the inventory menu.

Features of movement

You have a car, it is filled and ready for movement, so now you can go on a trip. You do not have to learn and donate on the right, as the management of the machine in the "minecraft" is quite simple, you will need only a little practice. The movement is carried out with the same keys as in the case of your character, but the "Back" key is not activated, since in this direction the machine does not go to the game. However, you can brake using the "Shift" key. That's the whole simple driving science in this game.

In simple minecraft, make yourself a car without mods impossible. But there is one bug, thanks to which such an experiment can be made. True, such a car will be from the trolleys and is more like a polygonal trough, will not be controlled, but on it you can quickly ride with the breeze to the first obstacle, after which it, unfortunately, falls apart. That is, it is rather a trolley that the rails are not needed.

The bug is that when the trolleys are close to each other, they repel one other. If you position the trolleys as close as possible to each other, even in each other, the repulsion process will not stop. And the single design will move perfectly. The main thing is to run directly such transport.

How to make a car in minecraft without mods

So, how to make a car in Minecraft without mods. First you need to take any hard blocks, let it be stones and of them need to be built a small slide with a stepped slope, the MAX high enough will be three blocks. On the slope you need to put the rails so that you can move from them. On the bottom under the slope, it is necessary to put rails in the form of a ring with min diameter for 4 blocks. You can make a circle more, for example, in 8 blocks. The task of the circle, as quickly as possible to disperse the trolleys.

Then, from the top of the mountain, we launch 5-6 trolleys in this circle, where they begin to spin very quickly, almost one in another. When the sound begins to remind the roar of the aircraft, then they have already accelerated enough. Now from the circle you can make a straight road on a 4-5 rail and install the lever on the junction with the circle. When you click on the trolley lever, one to the other will go straight and when traveling to the surface it turns out the type of machine into which you can sit down. She will go all the time until it stumble upon some item. Nobody checked how endlessly the car will drive, but it passes 3,000 blocks.

Such a car can ride almost infinitely. This method of creating a machine without mods is built on the bug of the game itself. With the help of a variety of modes, you can create quite a variety of car models, and tanks, and other techniques.