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Which gas stations have the highest quality gasoline: ratings, reviews. Which gas stations have the highest quality and best gasoline? Where is Gazpromneft or Rosneft gasoline better?


Each car is individual and unique, as any driver will tell you. It would seem, how can iron units assembled at the same plant according to the same schemes differ? But the fact remains: each inanimate piece of hardware has, as they say, its own character; it reacts sensitively to a wide variety of external factors.

These factors include gasoline, which is poured into fuel tank and the car may or may not like it. We are not talking about subjective aspects of the perception of the car’s operation by those sitting behind the wheel, but about very specific facts that force drivers to conduct a whole series of experiments. They concern not only the brand of gasoline, but also its suppliers, because a car can react differently to fuel from two manufacturers with the same characteristics. What's the catch?

Why can fuel of the same brand be different?

The basis of gasoline is isooctane, the percentage of which in the fuel is included in the labeling. This is done in order to determine the quality of the fuel by the so-called octane number. It corresponds to the percentage of isooctane in the mixture and can tell any car enthusiast about the many qualities of the fuel.

Everyone knows that the higher the octane number, the better the gasoline. Grade 92 fuel contains 92% isooctane and 8% impurities, and in AI-95 this proportion is 5 to 95.

It would seem that everything is clear and logical, but why do car enthusiasts constantly argue about which gas station has the best gasoline?

Research shows that at all gas stations without exception, the fuel meets the declared standards, that is, the specified octane number is quite real. But usually no one checks the composition of impurities, and they can become the fly in the ointment that can turn a high-quality product into a low-grade substrate.

Each gasoline producer uses its own technologies not only for producing fuel, but also for delivering it to consumers. All these nuances can affect the quality of the fuel, not to mention the fact that initially the composition of impurities is influenced by the oil itself. Heavy paraffins, for example, cause a lot of problems for motorists due to the fact that during the combustion process they form a greasy film of combustion products on engine parts, and are the very fraction that partially remains in the fuel during oil distillation. The less paraffins in the raw material initially, the better the final quality of gasoline from a consumer point of view, even if its octane number is only 78%.

What impurities are contained in the fuel?

The 5-8% of fuel that is not isooctane can actually be anything. There are three main types of additives found in gasoline:

  • chemical;
  • mechanical;
  • additives.

Everything is clear about chemical impurities, since these are products remaining in the fuel after oil refining. This can be not only paraffins, but also, for example, sulfur, water and many other elements of the periodic table. As a rule, the content of such substances in fuel is insignificant, so they do not affect the quality of engine operation.

The situation is much more complicated with mechanical additives that fuel receives during storage and transportation.

This could be rust from the pipeline and fuel storage tank, sediment from tanks if they were poorly cleaned, dust, sand, or water as a result of mixing gasoline with sediment. These impurities are quite dangerous, as they can damage not only the fuel supply system in the car, but also the engine. But even if this does not happen, the driver, having refueled with such gasoline, will very soon feel all its shortcomings, listening to the car’s engine “snorting” and periodically stalling.

Additives have been used at gas stations for decades to artificially increase the octane number of fuel. This is a thankless task, since in order to increase the percentage of isooctane and at the same time maintain the quality of the fuel, it is necessary to use very expensive components. For example, pure alcohol at the rate of 100 ml per 1 liter of fuel to increase the octane number by 3 units. Pleasure does not come cheap, so in order to save money, fuel manufacturers use “dirtier” and cheaper additives. The quality of gasoline, or more precisely, that part of it that consists of impurities, suffers significantly.

How to identify a gas station with good fuel

Having understood how impurities can affect the quality of fuel, you can begin to choose a gas station whose services you will use constantly. You should immediately make a reservation that none of the gas station workers will come to your aid in this matter, because the composition of the impurities in gasoline is not disclosed. Therefore, the degree of “waxiness” of the fuel or the quality of the additives can be determined exclusively experimentally.

It should be noted that today additives are used by all gas stations without exception, and you should not blame them for this.

This significantly reduces the cost of gasoline, although at the expense of its quality. All that remains is to choose the option that suits your car.

The indicators are subjective, based on the personal feelings of each car enthusiast while driving a car, but they can be used to test fuel at various gas stations. But before answering the question, which gas stations have the most high quality gasoline, it’s still worth doing a little experiment. It consists of refueling at various gas stations and observing how the car behaves. For the purity of the experiment, the same amount of fuel from one manufacturer or another with the same octane number should be poured into the tank. Plus, it’s worth operating the machine in the same mode during the experiment. For example, use it only in the urban cycle. Before each fuel change, you need to stop by a service station and inspect the car, paying attention first of all to the condition of the engine.

Of course, the entire procedure for testing fuel in this way will take quite a lot of time, but in the end you will find exactly the gasoline supplier who will completely satisfy you with the quality of the product. Yes, and you shouldn’t discount subjective sensations either, because if during the trip you feel comfortable, you are not distracted by the noise in the engine, which works like a clock, then most likely everything is in order with the quality of the fuel.

So where is the best place to refuel your car?

At one time, one well-known automobile publication set out to find out at which gas station best gasoline. The experts involved in the experiment not only relied on their personal feelings, but also conducted a chemical analysis of fuel samples taken from gas stations of four leading operators. The test results turned out to be quite peculiar and allowed us to draw a number of conclusions.

Laboratory research revealed that the composition of impurities differs significantly among different operators.

This allows us to assert that gasoline is poured from more than one pipeline under various brands, but is produced individually by each supplier. That is, the conditions of competition are met when operators have the opportunity to win the market by improving product quality, and this is not a myth.

The second conclusion turned out to be less pleasant, as it revealed another nuance related to building relationships between suppliers and consumers. It turned out that fuel in Moscow is of higher quality than in the periphery. An explanation for this fact has not yet been found, but one thing is certain - for the same Lukoil, in the gasoline that is supplied to gas stations in the Russian capital, the amount of impurities hazardous to the engine is somewhat lower than in the fuel regularly supplied to St. Petersburg. This difference is small and cannot fundamentally affect the overall condition of the car. Nevertheless, the trend is obvious - the further from Moscow, the lower the quality of fuel at gas stations, regardless of which operator they belong to. Why this happens, experts have yet to find out.

There is one more nuance that motorists can take note of. It turns out that the same type of fuel from the same operator costs differently in different regions of Russia. The highest prices are, of course, in Moscow. Moreover, the difference in price for 1 liter can reach 1–1.5 rubles.

What laboratory fuel studies have shown

So which gas stations have the highest quality gasoline? The undisputed leader, according to the results of chemical analysis, is the fuel from the Rosneft gas station network. Second place of honor goes to Lukoil. Studies have shown that gasoline from these manufacturers has the least amount of impurities in the form of paraffins and is sufficiently low level sulfur content. This means that soot will clog engine parts when burning fuel less intensely.

Third place goes to BP fuel, which has an excellent quality-to-cost ratio. It is noteworthy that, due to good additives, the octane number of gasoline from that manufacturer is slightly higher than stated, which is what the gas stations of this operator in St. Petersburg “sin”, and up to the extreme permissible level There is still a long way to go for the manufacturer to find undesirable substances in impurities.

Experts awarded an honorable fourth place to fuel from the gas station network of Shell Oil LLC, which is slightly worse in quality, but still allows motorists to feel as comfortable as possible behind the wheel.

The laboratory studies involved fuel samples of only four brands, which experts initially considered the most worthy.

The opinion, although it was expressed by experts, is still subjective. And it would be incomplete in the absence of data on what fuel the motorists themselves prefer.

On numerous specialized forums you can easily find statements from drivers about the fuel of a particular production. If we summarize this information, it turns out that the quality of fuel in Moscow and St. Petersburg for the same brand may differ. As does the cost per 1 liter, which varies between 40-90 kopecks. Nevertheless, drivers in these cities have long had their own “favorites”, who are given the palm in any situation.

Most Muscovites, as it turns out, are very respectful of the fuel supplied by the St. Petersburg network gas stations"Kirishi." In terms of popularity in Moscow today, it leaves even Rosneft far behind. Residents of the Russian capital give second place to BP fuel, believing that it meets all the necessary quality requirements, but at the same time costs slightly less than other operators. The top three includes gasoline from Lukoil. If there are no gas stations of these three operators along the route, then drivers in Moscow are ready to refuel with fuel from Gazpromneft and Neste. The TOP-7 Moscow operators are completed by Shell gas stations.

St. Petersburg is more conservative in this regard, so residents of the city on the Neva give first place to fuel from Rosneft. Second place goes to Gazpromneft, and third place to Lukoil. St. Petersburg residents have a lenient attitude towards gasoline from the local operator Kirishi, but they are not averse to putting it in the tank if there is no opportunity to refuel at the three obvious favorites of the fuel market. Asking which gas stations have the highest quality gasoline, residents of St. Petersburg note that they are quite pleased to use fuel from Shell, and if necessary, they are not averse to filling the tank with fuel from BP, which is slightly inferior in quality to the favorites, but is different at a more affordable price.

TOP leaders Russian market Based on an analysis of consumer preferences in the two largest Russian cities, operators such as Lukoil, Rosneft, Gazpromneft, BP, Shell, Kirishi, and Neste are included. Drivers consider the fuel they supply to be worthy of using to refuel their cars.

But the consequences of poor fuel quality can be very different:

In addition, other problems may occur. Which gas stations have the best quality gasoline? rating of gas stations Attention, Phaeton gas stations are additionally equipped with a 24-hour supermarket, a cafe and even a pharmacy, as well as a car wash, tire inflation and tire fitting service. Representatives of Phaeton purchase petroleum products from the Kirishi and Yaroslavl refineries and claim that they constantly monitor the quality of the fuel. Rating of gas stations with the best fuel quality It all depends on how long the car was refueled with low-quality fuel and what its composition was.

Phaeton gas stations are additionally equipped with a 24-hour supermarket, a cafe and even a pharmacy, as well as a car wash, tire inflation and tire fitting service. Representatives of Phaeton purchase petroleum products from the Kirishi and Yaroslavl refineries and claim that they constantly monitor the quality of the fuel.


Some car enthusiasts are dissatisfied with the fact that after refueling AI95, the car drives worse, or even stalls. 9Bashneft Users generally note the acceptable quality of gasoline (with the exception of certain gas stations in the Ulyanovsk region), but speak negatively about the quality of service. 8Tatneft The opinion of car enthusiasts about Tatneft gas stations is either very good or very bad - there are practically no average ratings. Some note the cleanliness, convenience, delicious menu, clean toilets and excellent quality of gasoline, on which the iron friend runs like he has never run before.

The best gas stations in Moscow

But if you need to separate the “wheat from the chaff” and determine gasoline and diesel fuel, then an ariometer is what you need. Having identified fuel problems, select a time to carry out professional diagnostics car.
In the event of a breakdown and repair of a vehicle due to poor-quality injections, having laboratory findings on low-quality fuel in hand, you can contact Rospotrebnadzor (engaged in the protection of consumer rights) with an application for reimbursement of the costs of bringing the car into working condition. TOP 10 Looking for where the highest quality 95 gasoline is available, at which gas stations, some motorists made reviews while driving through the expanses of Russia.
The experiment showed that eight samples for sulfur content met the requirements of class 4 (a couple of which were close to class five), two showed class three (we are talking about sulfur content). So it's not all that sad.

Gas station rating: which gas station has the highest quality gasoline?

Which gas stations have the highest quality gasoline: ratings, reviews Although there is an opinion that fuel is not always branded Gas station is better than that sold by little-known outlets, many drivers, when asked about the “best gasoline” and which gas stations sell it, answer that they like Shell, “Rosneft”,=”” some=”” others=”” promoted=” " station.="" when="" not="" need="" lemonade="" before="" before="" talk="" about="" that="" on="" which=" » gas stations=»» sell=»» best=»» quality=»» gasoline,=»» rating=”” rate=”” other,=”” consumer.=”” alt=”Rating of diesel fuel at gas stations in Moscow” Rating Gas station with the best quality fuel

  1. there are problems starting the engine;
  2. spark plugs fail;
  3. fuel system units are damaged.

In addition, other problems may occur.


Don't be cheap, driver! Almost every second driver has at least once thought about where to buy not too expensive gasoline. A completely understandable desire. But standing at a gas station with a product “at a reasonable price,” think about it: the GOST one is unlikely to be so cheap, and the one manufactured according to the specifications will probably not be very useful for your car.

The quality of conditions is initially less stringent. There is, of course, power in knowing which gas stations have the highest quality gasoline. But always remember that in large cities there is less counterfeit and low-quality fuel; it is better to keep your ears to the ground away from them.


In addition, gasoline is better on weekdays than on weekends and holidays. Check the quality. Look at appearance flammable liquid, evaluate the color scheme.

There are poisonous undertones - don't take risks, don't fill the gas tank, even if the price is tempting. About color.

Which gas stations have the highest quality gasoline: ratings, reviews

What to do in this case? Ask local motorists where they prefer to get service. Or watch the “behavior” of cars with local license plates.

Whichever station has the most of them is the truth. Another subtlety: be wary of the excessive use of bright words “lux”, “premium” in the fuel price list at the station. Remember that in our advertising times everyone knows how to show off.
Look for a little modesty: a brand name without any “luxury”. This is how the product is presented where there is no need to prove that it is of high quality and proven.
Gasoline passport Which gas stations have the best quality gasoline? Feedback from the people sometimes slightly (and sometimes radically) changes the emphasis. For example, Shell is in the top three. It is believed that the product is environmentally friendly (meets the Euro-4 standard), and GOST standards are met during production.

Gas station rating 2018

  • Rating of the best gas stations by fuel quality
  • Which gas stations have the best quality gasoline? gas station rating
  • Rating of gas stations with the best fuel quality
  • Gas station rating 2018
  • 403 - access denied
  • Best diesel fuel in Moscow 2018 rating

Rating of the best gas stations by fuel quality Therefore, let’s first look at what nuances there are in the properties of gasoline, how to distinguish good from bad, and then look at gas station rating on gasoline quality in 2018. Best diesel fuel in Moscow 2018 rating But even they are often helped by the rating of gas stations in Moscow and other Russian cities. Important Why it is worth filling your car with high-quality gasoline Many drivers do not attach much importance to such a factor as the quality of gasoline with which they fill their cars.

The company began its activities in the Tomsk region, but in a short period of time quickly expanded its sales area. It all depends on how long the car was refueled with low-quality fuel and what its composition was. Unfortunately, in Moscow and other cities of the country the situation with the quality of gasoline remains deplorable for many years.

Blood-Raven › Blog › The whole truth about gas stations Prices at all gas stations turned out to be close - the difference did not exceed 30 kopecks per liter. The most affordable gasoline was at the IP gas station and the Ecotek gas station, which is located next to the Honda dealership.

True, on them, as well as on Corus, we did not find the AIT Quality Mark. Well, okay - let's check the quality ourselves. After a circle along the Moscow Ring Road, we drove along eight main highways into the region, trying to choose those “brands” of gas stations where we had not refueled in Moscow.

But just knowing the ratings of gas stations or trusting someone else is not enough; it is better to learn to understand the characteristics and properties of gasoline on your own. In the production of fuel, only those additives are used that really improve the quality of the mixture and ensure good engine performance for as long as possible. As practice shows, there are practically no cases of underfilling and replacement of gasoline brands at Tatneft gas stations. 8th place - Phaeton Aero Unlike the two previous brands of gasoline, Phaeton Aero is a product supplied to gas stations of the same name by three manufacturers at once.

  • CJSC "Rutek"
  • LLC "PO Kirishinefteorgsintez"
  • Tekhnokhim LLC.

7th place - Sibneft The oil company Sibneft has a powerful technical base, allowing the extraction of raw materials at greater depths compared to its main competitors.
Perhaps the shelf life affects it or the fact that the network has several suppliers becomes relevant. Experts did not identify such inconsistencies at Shell, but they did find another one - inconsistency with the unified fifth class of environmental friendliness. One of the gas stations saved the day. For your information. Fractional composition is the main indicator of gasoline volatility. After all, the latter consists of a mixture of hydrocarbons that have different evaporation temperatures. Qualities diesel fuel and gasoline from the Lukoil and Rosneft networks are stable, regardless of where the fuel is filled. It is also noteworthy that an extremely small amount of olefinic hydrocarbons and sulfur was found in the high-octane mixture. The situation is similar at Gazpromneft gas stations. The octane number at these gas stations is as advertised.
Too low reduces viscosity and has a detrimental effect on car system. Where does low-quality gasoline come from? Problems with the quality of gasoline and diesel fuel can occur anywhere along the fuel route from its extraction to the gas station:

  • Use of incorrect technologies in oil refineries;
  • The appearance of dirt and impurities during storage at an oil depot;
  • Mixing with other gasoline at the oil depot;
  • Pollution in a fuel truck on the way to a gas station;
  • Inconsistency in technology when draining fuel from a fuel tanker into tanks at a gas station.

How to quickly check the quality of gasoline and diesel fuel:

  • Drain a small part onto the asphalt or into an empty container to check the color - transparent whitish, without a yellowish or bluish tint;
  • Add a couple of drops of potassium permanganate to a glass of fuel.

It is impossible to demand the same utility from gasoline 80 and 95 - the fractional indicators are different. Before we talk about which gas stations sell the highest quality gasoline, let’s evaluate a different, consumer rating.

The most popular is the 95th, the least popular is the 76th. And what? It seems that some gas station workers have adopted Dale Carnegie’s advice “if fate gives you a lemon, make lemonade out of it” in their own selfish way.

Using so-called diesel fuel additives (improvers), they make anything from 76th “lemon”, up to 95th “brandy”. A huge number of cars across the country run on this dubious mixture. Improvers that were originally added to the raw materials from which gasoline is produced are especially harmful to the car. However, not all “shoals” are stacked on the conscience of fuel traders.

How is fuel quality determined?

Quality and brand of fuel – different concepts, which are often confused even in 2018. The brand depends on the octane number of the fuel and indicates the possible conditions of use. Moreover, sometimes the best gasoline is 76. Gasoline grades 98 and 95 may contain more toxic and flammable additives.

What affects quality:

  • Refusal of lead in the composition;
  • Reducing the percentage of sulfur in the composition (up to 0.003-0.05%);
  • Demotion percentage aromatic hydrocarbons (up to 35-45%);
  • Control of the percentage of actual resins (no more than 5 milligrams per 100 cubic centimeters);
  • Clear division into classes (up to 8 classes);
  • Adding detergent additives for the prevention of fuel mechanism parts.

The highest quality gasoline contains practically no impurities or additives and has a transparent whitish color.

Diesel fuel at gas stations today also does not always meet the quality standards.

What it should be like:

  • Cetane number – from 40 to 55;
  • Viscosity compliance with established standards;
  • Sulfur content up to 1.5%.

The DT fraction should also be within normal limits. Too high an indicator negatively affects the condition of the oil and leads to the appearance of carbon deposits. Too low will reduce viscosity and have a detrimental effect on the automotive system.

Where does low-quality gasoline come from?

Problems with the quality of gasoline and diesel fuel can occur anywhere along the fuel route from its extraction to the gas station:

  • Use of incorrect technologies in oil refineries;
  • The appearance of dirt and impurities during storage at an oil depot;
  • Mixing with other gasoline at the oil depot;
  • Pollution in a fuel truck on the way to a gas station;
  • Inconsistency in technology when draining fuel from a fuel tanker into tanks at a gas station.

How to quickly check the quality of gasoline and diesel fuel:

  • Drain a small part onto the asphalt or into an empty container to check the color - transparent whitish, without a yellowish or bluish tint;
  • Add a couple of drops of potassium permanganate to a glass of fuel. If, when stirring, potassium permanganate dissolves and the liquid turns pinkish, it means there is water in the glass;
  • Drop the liquid onto a white piece of paper and dry it. If there are no marks left on the paper, there is no doubt about the quality of the fuel.

All experiments can be carried out even at a gas station - they will not take much time.

Rating of gas stations in Russia

What is the best gas station to buy fuel at? Below is a rating of the 10 most representative fuel networks in Russia.

Place in the ranking Company name Description
10 MTK The network of gas stations and the quality of fuel at them is controlled by the government, so here you can safely fill your car with gasoline.
9 Tatneft Widespread network of retail outlets in Russian Federation. The quality of gasoline is improved by additives. Unfortunately, they are known rare cases underfilling.
8 SibNeft The company has the latest equipment for extraction of raw materials, processing and bottling at stations.
7 International network of gas stations with retail outlets not in one country. Fuel in this company is not sold very cheaply. But it meets all European standards.
6 Recently it has been included in the assets of Rosneft.
5 Another widespread network, gas stations of which can be found in almost any city. The quality of the fuel is guaranteed by our own production.
4 TNK Compliance with Euro-5, one of the most widespread networks in Russia and the CIS countries, affordable prices - aren’t these indicators of quality?
3 Shell In addition to compliance with GOST and Euro-5 standard, fuel of this brand is noted as environmentally friendly.
2 Gazpromneft Gas stations sell fuel from several domestic and foreign manufacturers that meet the Euro-4 standard.
1 Lukoil The chain's products have been repeatedly awarded with famous awards, such as the Ecological Label. The fuel meets Euro-5 standards.

Each driver independently decides at which station it is better for him to refuel. But it is impossible to make this choice without knowledge of the parameters that determine fuel quality and oil companies showing good result in the market of fuel suppliers.

Residents of the capital are interested in which gas stations are best to refuel in Moscow. The presented rating of gas stations is focused on quality, as well as additional benefits that the stations offer.

Now to the question of which gas station is still the best in the capital. As you can see, the fact where you refuel and what quality of diesel fuel or gasoline plays a big role. Therefore, we have collected for you the best gas stations that operate on. The quality of the proposed fuel, the level of trust and the reputation of the company are taken into account. Yes, there may be exceptions due to unscrupulous direct management of individual stations. But for the most part, these gas stations offer the most optimal fuel.

Among the negative reviews, the most popular are complaints about underfilling of fuel. The organization does not respond to such complaints, the call center practically does not work. As for the positive impact on the car’s engine and transmission, it is actually quite difficult to assess it - this requires long-term use. Although after refueling the engine is practically inaudible, it operates smoothly and without failures. Users also confirm lower fuel consumption and cost savings. The company's most significant drawback is the lack of service and qualifications of personnel at some gas stations in Moscow, as well as the uneven quality of the fuel itself.

The ESA company is not involved in the development or production of oil, but only buys fuel from large importers and sells it in retail chains. He is a representative of the Moscow Fuel Association and has positive results from all inspections. Among the company's advantages, it is worth highlighting seasonality, quality and environmental friendliness of products. The organization is also famous for its more than 1,000 partner companies and the trust of Russia’s largest suppliers, including Rosneft, Lukoil and Sibneft.

Positive reviews indicate high-quality service and fuel, which has not yet failed. Compliance with GOSTs and technical regulations There is no confirmation on the website. Discount cards and the opportunity to pay for fuel with special “Thank you” bonuses are also available. On the other side, negative reviews indicate underfilling of fuel at various gas stations, lack of feedback and a working hotline. The company's management states that it is not always possible to control the operation of gas stations in distant locations.

Tatneft is one of the fuel distributors budget segment, which is how they gained trust and popularity among metropolitan motorists. The organization does not produce fuel, but simply sells products from the country's largest oil refineries, carefully monitoring the quality of each delivery in specialized laboratories. The organization claims that only the best additives are used for fuel, which do not have a negative effect on the vehicle's running system and protect engines from rapid wear.

Reviews indicate that the octane number of fuel at Tatneft gas stations corresponds to the declared one. At the same time, the company is constantly modernizing gas stations in order to compete with market leaders. To achieve this, new cafes are regularly opened and the range of services and goods in minimarkets is expanded. Also a plus is that Tatneft openly talks about adding additives to the fuel.

Most motorists use Tatneft services solely thanks to low cost fuel. At the same time, almost half of the reviews are negative – the quality of services varies at different points.

This is a relatively new network of gas stations in Moscow, which quickly gained popularity among motorists in the capital. Customer audits show that the company provides environmentally friendly and affordable mid-range fuel. Management claims that to improve the quality of service, gas stations are regularly inspected and upgraded. And this is noticeable in the service in cafes and recreation areas. The track is a supplier of a new type of fuel - Premium Sport, which increases acceleration and dynamics. Gasoline is recommended for powerful cars with a lot of horsepower.

Customer reviews are generally positive. Most of the Highway gas stations are equipped with cafes and minimarkets. The company cooperates with other fuel suppliers and provides fuel cards, operating with partners. Many drivers write that the car actually travels further with diesel fuel from Trassa. On the other hand, some of the organization's innovations caused a negative reaction. For example, recently it is no longer possible to pay for gasoline directly after refueling. Drivers also complain about the quality of fuel in distant areas of the capital. In the central part, the service and quality of gasoline are excellent.

British Petroleum is one of the largest networks not only in Moscow and Russia, but throughout the world. The company produces and sells fuel through its own network of gas stations. The main partner in Russia is Rosneft, which promotes the development of new sources and technologies for oil production. The company has recommendations from such global car brands, like Jaguar, Volvo, Skoda, etc.

BP’s main trump card is its special Activ gasoline with unique properties, the sale of which in Russia began in the early 2000s. The manual claims that the special fuel cleans the injectors diesel engine, combustion chambers and valves. Thanks to this, after 30 hours of operation, the engine almost completely restores power. It is also worth highlighting the list of constant reorganizations of the service and the gas stations themselves, which are then adopted by the largest representatives of the segment. Today there are 5 oil refineries operating in Russia, from where fuel is supplied.

On the other hand, the company has repeatedly been involved in major scandals. For example, in 2012, management received accusations of market discrimination and artificially inflating fuel prices, after which they remain one of the highest in our rating of gas stations. The biggest scandal occurred in 2010, when the Deepwater Horizon oil production platform exploded in the Gulf of Mexico. As a result of the incident, the fuel rating was lowered by one point, and the company is still suffering losses and eliminating the consequences of the accident. Despite this, the quality of the fuel remains the best among others.

International experts rate the quality of Rosneft fuel and service at gas stations as one of the best in the region. The organization has implemented its own standards for service, quality testing and fuel characteristics. Rosneft has refused the services of third parties and has its own mobile laboratories that control the quality of products at all stages of delivery - from production to direct transportation to gas stations. Such laboratories also carry out regular random checks of service and quality at all gas stations in Moscow. The company is an official partner of the Russian Ministry of Defense and other largest representatives of the segment.

Rosneft has a license from British Petroleum, which indicates high quality fuel, compliance with European standards and constantly updated technologies. In addition to gasoline, Rosneft gas stations offer all types of fuel, including diesel, gas and motor oils. There are more than 1,000 gas stations in Russia, the lion's share of which are located in Moscow.

The main advantage of the company over other participants in the rating is that it works Feedback. Hotline actually processes customer complaints and provides inspection results. On the other hand, many drivers leave negative reviews indicating poor service.

In 2014, every fourth driver named Gazprom Neft their preferred gas station in terms of gasoline quality. To thank customers for their loyalty, the company is improving its Going the Same Way loyalty program, which has more than 11.4 million members in 29 regions of Russia, most of them in Moscow. Members can collect points for fuel, products and services at gas stations.

One of the key tasks that the company’s management sets for itself is to maintain high quality fuel, motor oil and other products available at their gas stations. Most of the fuel comes from the Moscow, Yaroslavl and Omsk refineries, which are among the most advanced in Russia. In 2013, the company's oil refineries switched to the production of motor fuel meeting the Euro-5 environmental standard.

In 2014, after completing its quality assurance program and switching to the production of Euro-5 fuel, Gazprom moved to the second stage of the plant modernization program - increasing the depth of refining and production of light petroleum products. The company's largest oil refining asset is the Omsk Refinery, which was the industry leader in 2014, processing a record 21.3 million tons of crude oil during the year.

Gazprom gas stations in Moscow offer a wide range of cheap services: free Wi-Fi, car wash, air pumps, water refills, quick payment terminals, ATMs and a wide range of travel products, including its own brand. Comfortable Drive Cafes provide customers with fresh pastries, delicious coffee or tea and everything they need for the road.

The organization keeps pace with best service practices and regularly increases the number of gas stations. Information about the gas station network is available at interactive map or through the mobile application.

An honorable first place in the top is taken by one of the best gas station networks in Moscow, Lukoil. The organization boasts a large number of awards and certificates and offers all types of gasoline, including environmentally friendly and Euro-5. High price The use of fuel is justified by its truly high quality - most reviews indicate that Lukoil gasoline does not harm the engine or chassis system of the car. That is why the majority of Moscow motorists choose Lukoil as a permanent fuel supplier and refuel only here.

The company has been successfully implementing an affiliate program and since 2010 has been providing services to dealers and private sellers on a franchise basis. Each new gas station must meet the developed high standards and undergo strict selection. Lukoil has its own oil refineries and laboratories.

It's up to you to decide where you'll run the show. own car. But save money by trying to fill the most cheap gasoline, definitely not worth it. This entails many problems. Which gas stations in Moscow do you consider the best and why? Be sure to write your opinion in the comments and give reasons.

We recommend refueling exclusively at well-known chain gas stations located near large settlements or along busy highways. There are many options: BP, Shell, LUKOIL, Gazpromneft, Rosneft, Neste, Tatneft. The results of our examinations of gasoline of these brands usually looked decent. And the likelihood of running into bad fuel at such gas stations is significantly lower than that of fly-by-night companies. External signs of trustworthy gas stations are clean territory, modern fuel dispensers, bright signs, a shop with a toilet and other attributes of civilization.

Try to avoid duplicate gas stations, painted “to match the brand” and called almost the same - for example, RV instead of BP or LIKOIL instead of LUKOIL. Not all yellow-green gas stations belong to BP, and yellow-red ones belong to Shell. And never fill up with fuel, which is significantly (several rubles) cheaper than at a nearby branded gas station: there is a high risk of purchasing disgusting gasoline.

Octane number

Gasoline octane requirements can vary from model to model, even among cars of the same brand. The manufacturer must indicate this parameter in the instruction manual and often duplicates the data on the inside of the gas tank flap.


Gasoline is a liquid obtained from the distillation of coal, dissolving fatty and tarry substances.

IN AND. Dahl. Dictionary living Great Russian language

If the manual recommends a specific octane rating, follow those directions. But more often the manufacturer gives a range: for example, 92–95. In this case, you can use both gasoline, but 95 is still preferable, because 92 often turns out to be 89. And the car will drive a little more fun on the 95, and the engine’s appetite will probably be more modest. True, it is unlikely that it will be possible to compensate for the difference in prices between these types of fuel - refueling with 92nd is cheaper.

As for gasoline with an octane rating of 98, its area of ​​application is highly accelerated, supercharged engines that require fuel with high detonation resistance. Pour 98 into the regular one, naturally aspirated engine there's just no need. First of all, it’s expensive. Secondly, you won’t feel any benefits. But disadvantages are quite possible - for example, fuel consumption may increase. Calls to thoughtlessly fill all cars with 98, “because it’s better,” will be left to the conscience of marketers. For those who are interested in the nuances, we advise you to re-read our material “A Delicacy for the Motor” (ZR, 2015, No. 6).

What if the instructions for a car with a turbo engine indicate an interval of 95–98? In this case, you can constantly drive 95, and use 98 only in extreme heat. The fact is that as the temperature rises environment the likelihood of detonation increases, so high-octane gasoline will come in handy.

Environmental class

This is another one important parameter, which must be taken into account when choosing gasoline. The rule is simple: the higher the environmental class, the better the gasoline. That is, if the third eco-class is indicated in the PTS, then filling up with fourth-class gasoline is absolutely safe. But reverse replacement is permissible only as a necessary measure. True, fuel of a class lower than the third should not be sold today, and gasoline of the fourth and fifth classes differ from each other mainly in the amount of sulfur - 50 ppm versus 10 ppm (ppm is a propromille, or one millionth). Its content is limited in order to extend the life of the neutralizer, and the engine will practically not feel the difference between these gasolines.

If the class is not indicated at all at the gas station fuel dispenser, it’s not worth the risk. As a last resort, if the tank is empty and refueling cannot be avoided, do not be lazy to ask the operator for a fuel quality certificate - there you will definitely find information about the environmental class of gasoline. And it must be indicated on the check (for example, class 4). If instead environmental class there is an inscription Euro or something like that on the speakers, you should know that this is an advertising ploy that has nothing to do with the real environmental properties of the fuel being sold.

If the car is designed for 76 or 80 gasoline, then feel free to fill it with 92 of any environmental class. In this case, it is desirable to increase the ignition timing: owners of ancient cars know how to do this.

Ultimate? Ecto? V‑Power? G‑Drive?

Which gasoline do you prefer - regular or “improved”? The advantage of branded gasolines is their increased cleaning ability, which helps remove dirt from the elements of the power system (however, detergent additives must be present in any gasoline high class, but you can’t spoil the porridge with oil). The disadvantage is the higher price.

As for the promises of increased power, this is unfounded, unsubstantiated advertising. A positive effect is possible, but we are not talking about increasing power, but about restoring it to rated values ​​after cleaning a dirty engine.

For those who have been driving on regular gasoline for a long time and have decided to switch to “washing” fuel, I recommend doing this gradually. First, add gasoline with a detergent additive to a tank half filled with regular fuel. Then, when the tank is already three-quarters empty, add improved gasoline again. And then refuel only with it. It is possible that if the contamination is severe, you will have to change the fuel filter.

And lastly

If in a desperate situation you have to refuel at