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Modern methods of customer-oriented passenger service. Forms of increasing an organization's customer focus



Rice. 4. Graphs of theoretical and experimental values ​​of C2: - theoretical values ​​of C2; - experimental values ​​of C 2 for the rail model; - experimental values ​​of C2 for the cylinder model


The discrepancy between the experimental and theoretical results was less than 5%, which indicates the high accuracy of the proposed method of stress separation when solving spatial problems using the three-exposure method of holographic photoelasticity.


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UDC 338.47: 656.2 Surkov Leonid Petrovich,

k.e. Sc., Professor of the Department of Economics and Management in Railway Transport,

Irkutsk State University communications, tel. 638-336, e-mail: [email protected]



Annotation. The article discusses the problems of developing the concept of comprehensive customer service. It is shown that the vagueness of today's concept of integrated service is reflected in the variety of ways in which different companies describe their tasks in this field of activity. It is noted that comprehensive customer service is the basis of the new management concept of JSC Russian Railways - a customer-centric management system, which is becoming a trend and priority for the company’s development in the coming years. Problematic tasks, a number of fundamental approaches and principles with the help of which it is possible to resolve these problems and form a corporate system for managing the customer focus of the Russian Railways holding company have been identified.

Key words: comprehensive service system, quality of service, client and customer focus of the Russian Railways holding, transport market and shipper, business structure.

Abstract. The article discusses problems of the full customer service concept formation. It is shown that the vagueness of the concept of today's complex service is reflected in the variety of ways in which different companies describe their problems in this field. It is noted that a comprehensive customer service is the foundation of the new JSC "Russian Railways" management concept - "customer-oriented" management system, which is becoming a trend and the company's development priorities for the coming years. The article defines problems, a number offundamental approaches and principles by which the possible solution of these problems and formation of the “Russian Railways” clientfocus govemance system.

Keywords: full-service system, quality of service, Russian Railways holding client and client focus, transport market and shipper, business structure.

Currently, railway transport is increasingly adopting the concept of integrated customer service. transport services.

If in the 70s of the last century the main issues among business structures were production issues, and in the 80s quality issues became the main ones, then in the 90s comprehensive customer service came first.

However, the very concept of “comprehensive service” is very vague. This is a multifaceted idea that means much more than simply organizing the efficient operation of the system that used to be the hallmark of “customer service.”

The vagueness of today's concept of integrated service is reflected in the variety of ways in which different companies describe their mission in this area of ​​activity. Some define this concept as “full satisfaction of customer requirements” and “comprehensive control” or “partnership with the customer”, others - as “technological service” or “full customer support”.

Just as often, this concept implies a more responsible and thoughtful approach to organizing specific types of activities. Thus, often “comprehensive services” means the involvement of the customer in the process of development by the supplier of new types of products or services.

In all cases considered, the concept of “comprehensive service” includes the establishment of closer relationships with customers of products and services.

Ensuring high quality is the first step towards providing comprehensive customer service. But, on the one hand, the concept of quality includes clear standards and absolute measurable indicators. On the other hand, measuring or assessing the level of service is only possible using concepts in which the specific requirements of customers are expressed.

Thus, the activities of a business structure are fundamentally different from those that are necessary to ensure measurable indicators of the quality standard.

The manufacturer is obliged to evaluate its activities with the expectations and wishes of the customer, and this, not to mention their complete satisfaction, is an extremely difficult matter. Moreover, these expectations and claims increase with every new

significant improvement in service levels. The ideal approach is to view the customer as a partner. However, the problem in such partnerships is usually the difficulty of establishing rapport. In these relationships, partners must fully understand the capabilities of each party.

In some companies, the ideology of comprehensive service has existed for many years. For others, this is a completely new idea that they are just beginning to put into practice. The development of an effective comprehensive service program and its successful implementation is a strategically important activity.

Since the beginning of the economic recession in the 90s, the market has finally turned into a “buyer's market” (with a predominance of demand over supply), and since that time the attitude of all manufacturers towards service issues has changed radically. In the new conditions, the usual tools stopped working. The laws of the market, oversaturated with goods and services, have led to the fact that the quality and even the price of the product fade into the background, giving way to service. Those who do not ensure the implementation of values ​​that are attractive to consumers recede into the background.

When assessing the relationship between railroad workers and shippers, a new criterion for relationships has emerged. The railway company began to pay Special attention studying and using new approaches that lie beyond traditional approaches in the provision of transport services to maintain their competitive positions. If necessary, they began to use a number of ways to satisfy the needs of shippers that are not related to the price of the service. For example, one of them is fast and timely delivery of products.

Only by meeting the wishes of the client, railway workers are able to bind them to themselves. But let the customer down by depriving him of the opportunity to get into a free “niche” in the market, and the customer will no longer turn to this service provider.

IN modern conditions Establishing close cooperation with shippers forms the basis of the concept of comprehensive customer service. But whatever name is used, we are talking about a new management concept that will save railway workers from many problems.


In the current crisis conditions, JSC Russian Railways has prepared an action plan to increase income, increase the efficiency of production and technological processes based on a customer-centric strategy. Customer focus, in fact, is one of the elements of the concept of comprehensive customer service. It gives the holding additional opportunities, especially in conditions of a decline in transportation volumes, when it is necessary to fight for the client in the transport market.

Issues of developing customer focus have been studied at JSC Russian Railways for several years. In 2010, the concept of “customer focus” was enshrined in the Corporate Competence Model of JSC Russian Railways “5K+L” as one of the main values ​​of the company’s brand.

The holding's development strategy until 2030 also determines that one of the company's key values ​​is customer focus, mutually beneficial long-term partnerships with clients, and the constant development of a portfolio of products and services in the interests of consumers.

Customer focus in the broadest sense means the ability to be ahead of others in achieving set goals in the struggle to strengthen positions in domestic and foreign markets.

Having analyzed in detail various approaches to customer focus, the industry determined the interpretation of this concept that is closest to the operating conditions of the Russian Railways holding company as “the company’s ability to create an additional flow of customers and additional profit through a deep understanding and satisfaction of their needs.”

For a holding company with more than 30 types of business in its portfolio - from freight and passenger transportation to logistics, construction services, design, IT and even healthcare, a radical turn of all resources and processes towards the client is a unique task, covering all processes from planning to the direct implementation of transportation and its resource support.

In the course of developing the practice of customer focus in the railway industry, it is necessary to identify problematic problems, formulate a number of approaches and principles with the help of which it is possible to resolve these problems. Among the priority areas of this work are a number of serious and complex tasks:

1. In modern conditions, the possibility of tariff growth is limited, since tariffs for

The vast majority of services of JSC Russian Railways are regulated by the state, with the imposition of obligations to carry out not always commercially effective, but socially significant transportation. It is difficult for a carrier to form an investment program at the expense of a client.

At the same time, to form non-price competitive advantages of the company, develop and implement a strategy in the field of improving the quality of services provided and the level of customer service, one tool remains - working with the client.

The results of the Russian Railways holding directly depend on the willingness of clients to use its services in the future. Today, many clients are willing to pay for high quality transportation and additional services. At the same time, another part of clients is ready to use railway transport only on the basis of low basic tariffs with a standard set of services.

Therefore, it is in the interests of both JSC Russian Railways and clients to diversify the portfolio of services provided so that it best meets the needs of the market and is closer to the individual needs of the client.

Thus, meeting customer needs in terms of quality and availability of services is a trend and priority for the company’s development in the coming years.

2. The concept of “client” is not limited to the end consumers of a product or service. If a company's client is placed at the forefront of its life, then its entire coordinate system changes. And for the system to work, the adopted standard must apply to all employees without exception.

Customer focus includes not only this component, but also the equally important interests of internal clients - effective interaction between business blocks and divisions of the company. It is achieved through the internal circulation of services, the organization of end-to-end processes from the moment planning begins to the end of service provision.

To implement the principles of customer focus, it is necessary to present a united front, and not only protect your own interests. Connections between departments at the horizontal level should be closer. When a client arrives, he needs to be helped, if necessary directed to the next door, and not told that he has come to the wrong address.

In practice, in such situations, the cargo owner, without receiving practical advice, goes to motor transport. Often it is a gap in internal communications that provokes a potential client to leave for competitors.

In this regard, the introduction of a customer-oriented approach is a comprehensive and large-scale task for all “internal” divisions of the company, covering all processes: from planning to the direct implementation of transportation and its resource support.

3. The development strategy of the Russian Railways holding until 2030 defines a new business model, which provides for the transformation of the company from a transportation company to a transport and logistics company, providing a full range of services, expanding their range and forming end-to-end delivery goals.

Today, as is known, Russian railway workers have rather modest indicators for the provision of services with high added value. In the coming years, the segment of such services will increase, which will lead to more complex logistics chains and an increase in the share of logistics services. It is integrated products that allow you to effectively manage supplies and orders, determine optimal route and warehousing conditions, organize forwarding and a range of related services. The need to develop new transport and logistics solutions, including those based on individual customer requests, is coming to the fore.

Similar work is being carried out experimentally at the regional level. Thus, the first Unified Client Center on the Russian railway network was opened on the East Siberian Railway.

The center will concentrate technologies and services provided not only by the East Siberian Center for Corporate Transport Services, but also by TransContainer, RZD-Logistics, and the Directorate for Terminal and Warehouse Complex Management.

In modern conditions, service is perceived by the client as an integral property of the service. The client evaluates not a separate service, but a single “service - service” complex. It is clear that there is a close relationship between the level of service a company provides and the demand for its services in the future. Because of this, the implementation of measures to improve service has become a necessary part of the strategy to increase the company's competitiveness.

4. Creation of an effective corporate system of internal and external customer focus, formation of a comprehensive service based on an integrated approach with both sales and operations, possible with the widespread application of the principle of “one window at the industry level” with the participation of all levels of management and divisions of the company. The position of workers who still perform only their highly specialized tasks in isolation from other areas of functioning is not effective.

To do this, the principles of the production system must be built into the corporate competency model, where each employee of the company finds a place for their participation in improving the company's activities.

Customer focus serves as a guideline for the selection and implementation of modern methods of organizing production processes, especially when it is necessary to reorient in a short time in accordance with the target business objectives. Modern system management, aimed at satisfying customer preferences, quality of services and services, ended new model business organization - process approach. A “process” is defined as any activity that uses enterprise resources to create a service of value to the consumer or that adds customer value to the final service. At the same time, when building a production system, emphasis will have to be placed on organizational mechanisms of transformation and improvement of the production system.

5. According to the leaders of Russian Railways, the main principle of customer focus is that only the client himself, but not the owner of the service, can assess its level.

Currently, the mechanism of customer loyalty and their willingness to use the recommended services of JSC Russian Railways is being developed. Based on world practice, a number of railways are already working to adapt generally accepted methods to the characteristics of the holding company in terms of key loyalty factors (quality of wagons supplied for loading, ensuring cargo removal, quality of customer service, complexity of transport services and safety of transported cargo).

The collection of respondents' opinions is carried out by surveying about 100 client companies. The newspaper "Gudok" and the magazine "RZD-Partner" conduct monthly research to assess


consumers of the quality of products and services, pricing policy, additional services and special offers in the rail freight market using our own methodology.

At the same time, the company is at the very beginning of its journey, and a lot of work remains to be done to develop and implement tools for assessing the quality of services provided by the holding and the level of customer satisfaction and loyalty in both freight and passenger transportation.

6. The experience of many foreign companies shows that successful activity in the conditions of openness of the world economy and tougher competition is sometimes impossible while maintaining the stereotypes of corporate strategy and tactics. Sometimes the key to success is breaking traditions.

When creating a competitive service system, developing an idea for a new service is the starting point of the work and largely determines the future fate of the service at all subsequent stages of the transport process.

A transport service must find a client who can organize its effective use. This will require the manufacturer to radically revise the catalog of services, a new approach to choosing partners, and fundamentally change the organizational structures for managing this process.

The company is working to create a catalog of services; there are also a number of regulatory documents and quality standards. At the same time, today there is a need to create a Unified catalog of services of the Russian Railways holding, which forms and systematizes all types of services of the holding and determines the criteria for their quality.

To solve the problem of developing the customer focus of the Russian Railways holding, of course, it is necessary to

Measures of a strategic nature are needed, and today they are seen in the formation of a corporate system of internal and external customer focus for Russian Railways, which is proposed to be carried out in several stages.

Along with this, given the decisive role of the Russian Railways holding company in the country's economy, the public status of the company, the instruments of government regulation applied to it and the enormous social responsibility, in order to apply these principles formulated for classical business systems, they require serious adaptation to the operating conditions railway transport.

Improving customer service in the Southeast railway traditionally given a lot of attention. At the present time, in conditions of an unstable economic situation and fierce competition in the field of transportation, the issue of improving the quality of services provided in railway transport is most pressing. Today it is important for us not only to maintain, but also to strengthen our position in all segments of transport services. Success in this matter is possible solely through the implementation of a customer-oriented system in work, from planning to the actual implementation of transportation.

Anatoly Ivanovich Volodko,head of the South Eastern Railway

As you know, the implementation of a customer-centric strategy in our company is based on the main principle - an individual approach to each client, the ability to assess the degree of loyalty and satisfaction of service consumers. What tools do we use to make this principle work at the road level? First of all, these are regional coordination councils held on an ongoing basis on the development of joint programs of constructive cooperation. Their role is difficult to overestimate.
In 2016, two meetings of the regional coordination council were held on the road - one, with the participation of key shippers, in February in Stary Oskol, the other was held in June via video conference between the Moscow and South-Eastern Railways. Clients also took part in it.
Such events allow shippers to become more familiar with the activities and services provided by the railway and directly express their wishes. For us, this is an opportunity to correctly assess how satisfied clients are with our joint work, quickly identify and eliminate the problem, and outline further ways of mutually beneficial cooperation. Taking into account the positive experience of this kind of interaction with consumers of railway services, we plan to continue holding working meetings at the sites of the coordination councils.
In a market economy, a very important criterion for choosing a carrier company for a shipper is the current tariff system, on which transportation costs depend. Currently, shippers often prefer transportation by road due to its mobility, accessibility to some remote regions, and ease of processing transportation documents.
At the South-East Main Line service area, rail transport accounts for 75% of total traffic, while vehicles transport 25% of freight. In order to ensure the competitiveness of rail transportation, as well as attract additional volumes of cargo on the road, the management of JSC Russian Railways decided to provide reducing factors within the tariff corridors for large partners that provide loading at or above last year’s level.

At the moment, a reduction factor of 0.882 is in effect for the transportation of ferrous metals for export. It was adopted for the 1st quarter of 2016 and extended until the end of the year. As a result, over 5 months there was an increase in loading of ferrous metals by 161 thousand tons or 2.4% compared to the same period last year.
The implementation of the customer-oriented policy within JSC Russian Railways also implies continuous interaction between business blocks and divisions within the railway. This is achieved by organizing the end-to-end provision of services from the start of planning to their completion. The business model defined by the Development Strategy of the Russian Railways holding until 2030 provides for the transformation of the company from a transportation company to a transport and logistics company.
In this regard, the railway provides customers with a new transport product - organizing the movement of freight trains on a schedule with fixed departure and arrival times, which increases the reliability and cost-effectiveness of transportation and meets the operating conditions of railway transport in a market environment. Departure of trains on schedule guarantees the client delivery of goods on time and significantly improves the reliability of cargo delivery.
In order to develop customer focus, reduce administrative barriers and improve the provision of services in the field of freight rail transportation, the Conditions of Transport Services of JSC Russian Railways were approved and put into effect. Today, the client only needs to sign and submit to any TCFTO (Territorial Center for Corporate Transport Services) the original statement of familiarization and full agreement with the terms and costs of services posted on the website of Russian Railways JSC in order to receive the necessary service.
On March 1, 2016, the South-Eastern Directorate for the Management of the Terminal and Warehouse Complex introduced a price list for work and services, in which contractual tariffs are determined in accordance with the flexible pricing methodology for this type services. This makes it possible to make the directorate’s tariffs more competitive and attractive, allows you to maintain customer loyalty, respond to the actions of competitors, while ensuring economic efficiency activities.
On the railway, close attention is paid to improving the quality of passenger service and introducing new types of services into practice. At stations and stopping points, “Passenger Day” campaigns are systematically held, ensuring “ feedback» with the passenger and allowing prompt measures to be taken to eliminate operational deficiencies.
In order to maintain volumes commuter traffic, improving transport services for the population, in cooperation with automobile enterprises and regional administrations, work is being carried out to develop multimodal communications (“train + bus”) in passenger and suburban transportation.

Since February 2016, it has been possible to pay for cellular communication services through ticket printing machines at 24 points of sale. In September 2016, payment for Internet service providers will be introduced at the stations Voronezh-1, Belgorod, Michurinsk Uralsky, Liski, op. Mashmet.
At the stations Voronezh-1, Liski, Michurinsk-Uralsky, Belgorod, the possibility of non-cash payment for travel on a commuter train with a bank card has been opened.
In the Voronezh station complex there is a POSTAMAT InPost, the installation of which has become a convenient element of the station infrastructure and has increased the attractiveness of the station complex as a whole.
Interactive kiosks have been installed at the Voronezh and Liski stations, making it possible to provide consumers with information about services (of the station complex and other city organizations), attractions and routes of the city in a convenient and accessible form.
In order to support the national program to promote reading among citizens, the “Bookcrossing for Passengers” project has been implemented at a number of stations, which in turn is an additional free service.
In April 2016, the “Library on Wheels” project was launched for commuter train passengers of PPK Chernozemye JSC.
For the convenience of cyclists, bicycle parking has appeared at the Voronezh, Liski, Povorino, and Uglyanets stations.
The suburban passenger company, together with the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, is working to designate new commuter train routes on the road site and develop intra-city transportation. Currently, the issue of returning the train, which ran in April-May of this year on the direct route Pridacha-Rossosh, is being discussed with the administration of the Voronezh region.
In the fall of 2015, the City Train project was launched in the city of Tambov, designed to increase the capacity of the main streets of the regional center, freeing them from traffic jams during peak hours, reducing the burden on the environment, improving investment attractiveness and the social situation in the region. The implementation of a similar project is planned in the Voronezh region.
Until the end of 2016, much remains to be done to improve the quality of service for commuter passengers. This is a transfer of season tickets to plastic media; development of online sales of travel documents, development interactive map on the website of the Chernozemye company with detailed information about train stations, stopping points, stations, socially significant objects and much more.
In order to increase the attractiveness of long-distance railway passenger transportation, from July 31, 2015, train No. 45/46 Moscow-Voronezh was replaced with a two-story one with seating, which is in great demand among passengers. During periods of increased demand (from May to mid-September), the double-decker train runs with an increased number of up to 15 cars, and during periods of reduced passenger traffic - 7 cars daily.
In July 2016, the replacement of cars on train No. 69/70 Voronezh-Moscow with trains of double-decker cars was organized.

To meet the demand for passenger transportation to the resorts of the Black Sea coast, the South-Eastern branch of JSC FPC assigned an additional train No. 403/404 Moscow-Adler.
Since January 14, 2016, the testing ground for the implementation of “Dynamic Pricing”, which, along with others, includes the Southern Eastern Railway routes - Voronezh-Moscow, Voronezh-St. Petersburg, Belgorod-Moscow, Tambov-Moscow and Lipetsk-Moscow - has been replenished with Stary Oskol directions -Moscow and Belgorod-Novosibirsk.
“Dynamic pricing” of trains traveling on the above routes is used in “Lux”, SV and compartment class cars.
The program allows the passenger to plan his trip in advance and purchase a ticket at the lowest price. The earlier the ticket is purchased, the cheaper it is.
From July 1, 2016, passengers traveling in compartment cars of branded trains of the South-Eastern Branch have the opportunity to choose a diet from the proposed menu when purchasing a travel document.
The implementation of all these measures will improve passenger service, increase the level of customer focus, and will help strengthen the image of Russian Railways.
In a competitive environment, in order to stay afloat and continue to occupy a leading position in your industry, you need to be sensitive to changing market conditions. Therefore, we intend to continue working on creating effective system sales of services, providing users with new transport and logistics products.

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