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Checking a car for an accident using the VIN code. How to check a car for an accident for free before buying


Before purchasing a car, the question often arises: how can you find out for free whether the car has been in an accident? state number. A similar need arises if a person purchases a used car. Not every owner honestly admits that vehicle was in an accident. After all, this is the reason for reducing the cost of selling the car. Therefore, the buyer should independently find out whether the car was involved in road accidents. This can be done online by number, as well as by VIN code.

Visual inspection

When talking about how to check a car for an accident, you need to start with an inspection. After all, as a rule, there are signs on the vehicle that make it possible to determine that there was an accident. Therefore, you first need to visually inspect the car, and then search for information about the accident using databases.

Many owners claim that their car has no defects. But you shouldn’t take my word for it; you should adhere to the principle: “until I check it myself, I won’t draw a conclusion about the condition of the vehicle.” If the car has already been used, then, as a rule, there are scratches and abrasions on it. There may even be dents that will make it possible to recognize an accident.

Important! The inspection should be carried out exclusively during the daytime in bright light. In the evening or in a dark room you won’t be able to see everything. If the seller does not want to conduct a verification inspection during daylight hours, then there is reason to suspect fraud on his part.

It is necessary that the car is clean. After all, if the surface is dirty, the stains can hide the defects. Therefore, you need to ask the vehicle owner to clean the surface of his car. Otherwise, you should not agree to the purchase.

Most of the people who checked recommend paying Special attention on the paintwork. Perhaps there are some irregularities on it or the colors on the parts do not match. All this suggests that the vehicle was repainted. And this may already be a signal that the car has been in an accident.

Of course, a visual inspection alone will not be enough. You should check your car for an accident on the traffic police website and other services. Now let's take a closer look at how this can be done.

Verification methods

In Russia there are different ways checking a car for involvement in an accident, and all of them are recommended to be used. To do this, you will need to know certain data about the vehicle. For example, VIN code and state number. Using trusted sites will allow you to find out for sure whether the car was in a road accident.

As you know, each car has a state number assigned to it, which you will need to use to obtain the information of interest. Also, a specific car has its own VIN code, and this will also be useful. It's best to check using both numbers to be on the safe side, so how fraudsters carry out fraud, wanting to hide information about the accident. They transfer the registration number to another car, and because of this, the person becomes a victim of deception. For your safety, you should additionally look for information by VIN code.

How to check a car for involvement in an accident

First of all, you should visit the official website of the State Traffic Inspectorate. This is the most reliable source that will allow you to get the necessary information.

You need to go to the website and select “Car Check” among the services. There you will need to enter the vehicle number and then request a check regarding participation in accidents. Within a few seconds the information of interest will be displayed. If the car was in an accident, then this will definitely be mentioned.

Another site where you can find information of interest is “Government Services”. There you can check for an accident using the VIN code, but first you will need to register on the resource. The information is constantly updated, so if there was an accident, you will be able to find out about it.

From some people you can hear the following: “I’m going through the insurance company because I don’t trust the Internet.” There really is such an option, although it is not the most convenient. After all, you will need to know which company insures a particular car. You will need to call a specific organization so that they can provide the information of interest.

If you know information about insurers, then you will need to call their manager. He will be able to answer whether the vehicle was in an accident. If they refuse to provide information, then this is a warning sign. In this case, it is better not to enter into a purchase and sale agreement for this vehicle.

It is wise to use other services, given that not all people visually distinguish between an ordinary car and one that has been in an accident. An additional check will definitely not be superfluous, especially since it is free. For example, you can visit the VINCAR or Autocode websites. They will allow you to find out the information you are interested in.

There are also paid services, among which:

  • VIN online.

Information is entered there not only by traffic police officers and insurance companies, but also by experts from customs and other services. Therefore, it will be possible to obtain detailed information. If it turns out that the vehicle was not in an accident, then you can purchase it if there are no other problems.

Sometimes when purchasing a car, it becomes necessary to check the car for any registered road accidents. This is done in order not to fall for the scam of scammers and to buy a good car instead of a beautifully restored, battered wreck.

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And then it becomes main question: how to do this, and which method will be more reliable? In this article you can find a detailed and detailed answer to this question.

Verification methods

There are actually not many ways to check, and they are not particularly difficult.

So, there are 2 methods of checking for an accident:

  1. Checking against the traffic police traffic police database.
  2. Checking against the insurance company database.

The only disadvantage of these checks is that only facts recorded by office employees are included in the database. That is, if the seller had situations where the issue was resolved without the “cops” or “insurers,” then this is more difficult to identify.

Through the traffic police

Today, before purchasing a car, our government agencies provide such a service as checking the “cleanliness” of the car. That is, if you wish, you can find out all the official information and history of the item being purchased.

More specifically, using this method, you can find out:

  1. Debts and unpaid fines, which are superimposed on the car.
  2. Quantity previous owners and data about them.
  3. External and specifications cars
  4. Number of technical inspections, dates of inspections and final conclusions
  5. Participation in traffic accidents. Severity of damage.

Also, an online service has been developed for checking through the traffic police database. Here you can carry out exactly the same diagnostics, only without leaving your home and using your home computer. This great option for the buyer. Before a personal inspection, you can understand whether it is worth going to it at all.

Through an insurance company

Not long ago, insurers created a common database of RSA OSAGO. It lists cars that have ever used insurance services. Since, according to the law, these conditions are mandatory for the owner of the car, we can say that 85% of Russian cars are listed there.

But here everything is a little more complicated. Due to the fact that access to this register is open only to insurers, you can only find out the necessary information by contacting them. In principle, there is nothing unrealistic about this. Usually Insurance companies treat every request of their client with trepidation.

Other verification methods

There are many online services that can be used to determine whether a car was involved in an accident or not.

Among them are the following resources: Autocode, Vincar, Carfax and Vinonline.


A resource of Russian origin, with which you can check your car for damage. You can do this in two ways:

  1. By state number.
  2. By vin number.

As a result, complete information that is available on the Internet in general should be provided. This includes: credit information, data on accidents involving a car, repairs after accidents, customs information and other information about the car.

Vincar service

Data search through the service occurs only based on the vehicle’s VIN code. The main block of information for Vincara is the registers of the traffic police and insurance services.

Cars are included in this register within two weeks after the incident is recorded by specialists.

There have been cases when the site crashed and provided incorrect information.

The easiest, most convenient online Carfax service

All detailed instructions written on the website in an accessible form. Here, even the information found is generated into a separate report for printing. Just like on Autocode, the car is checked using state marks and the VIN number of the body.
But the app sometimes doesn't work properly.


As the name implies, the check on the site is performed using the vehicle’s VIN code. By the way, if this option does not work, you can check using the body number or the assigned chassis number of the vehicle. In addition to the fact of damage, the service shows the degree of its complexity.

The website has detailed guide for the user.

Testing a new car can take place not only in these ways. For example, every experienced or even novice driver should have his own mechanic or a person whom he trusts to repair his car. Also, it could just be a friend who is well versed in vehicle repair and will help with the inspection.

Many drivers take their potential purchase to a trusted service station, where specialists perform an independent inspection.

As a last resort, you can do the inspection yourself, having previously familiarized yourself with all the details on the Internet. For example, there is a rule that is worth remembering: it is very difficult to choose paint identical to the original one when repainting damaged elements of a car body.

It’s quite possible to determine this point by eye: you need to pay attention to body gaps, chips, cracks and other irregularities. First of all, they appear on painted parts.

For such cases, a device was invented - a thickness gauge. Thanks to it, you can accurately determine whether the car was involved in an accident and which element was painted. Also, with certain knowledge, one can conclude how badly it was broken, whether the geometry was damaged and how severely the body was deformed.


Among all the methods, the most optimal and most reliable is checking through the traffic police. They provide the most accurate and verified information from the depths of the state register.

We advise you to approach the issue of vehicle inspection with the utmost care and attention. It is better to fully study the car, carefully inspect every millimeter of the body, check for serviceability, and only then conclude a purchase and sale transaction, so as not to regret the choice you made.

Acquisition new car It’s a costly business, and many citizens prefer used transport. But buying a vehicle secondhand is a rather risky transaction. Knowing how to check a car for an accident can protect yourself from many problems. Consequences of a road accident owners broken cars are carefully hidden and upon visual inspection many of the damages will not be noticeable.

The check will allow you to find out: the actual mileage of the vehicle and the participation of the car in road accidents, whether the car is under arrest or wanted. To “punch” a vehicle into the database, a car enthusiast will need a VIN code - a unique number. If the story is clean, the owner will not hide it.

There are several ways to obtain information about a vehicle. How to find out if a car has been in an accident:

  • Inspect the car with an expert or on your own;
  • Check your vehicle for an accident via the Internet using specialized services.

It’s better to use network resources and check the car online, then you won’t need to inspect the car. You can find out whether your vehicle has been in an accident completely free of charge.

History search motor vehicle should not be limited to just checking for traffic accidents. Having reliable data will allow you to protect yourself from numerous risks in the future.

How to “punch” a car using a unique code

The easiest and most accessible way to check a car for road accidents is online resources that contain all the data on vehicles. You can find out the information a car owner needs by looking at the VIN code:

The data is quickly processed due to an automated system for sorting the specified materials, as a result the client receives a competent and complete report on his request. The car enthusiast can create an electronic copy.

  • Autocode – https://avtokod.mos.ru/. A commercial portal created on the basis of the state program for checking vehicles by state number and unique code. During the existence of the database, more than 35 million reports on cars were generated; in addition to the data, photo of the accident. The driver spends very little time checking the car.

To do this, you need to enter the available information and “punch” the vehicle. If data about the car is present in the database, then the buyer will be able to receive it for an acceptable financial reward. Each report contains information from a huge number of resources, so you can find out:

  • Characteristics of the vehicle: engine size, its power, year of registration and manufacture, body color;
  • Mileage data;
  • Incidents in which the vehicle has been, photos of resulting defects;
  • Was the car wanted?
  • Was the vehicle purchased using borrowed funds from a financial institution;
  • Customs data;
  • Information about the repairs performed (through insurance companies);
  • Other transport information.

Autocode is a unique service that provides reliable data on road accidents, as well as full story cars. The website contains information available to insurance organizations and the State Traffic Inspectorate.

  • VIN – online. When registering a car after purchasing it, it is assigned a special number. If such information is available, it can be argued that the owner of the vehicle is a responsible citizen and the car was not involved in an accident.

If the buyer wants to “check” the car by license plate online, but cannot find the data, you can indicate the chassis code and body registration information. If there are violations, data about them will appear on the screen. Similarly, you can check

fines, license number and series previous owner, this information will be required to ensure that the transport is not

is wanted.

Checking your car's history will help you avoid numerous

problems associated with the further operation of the vehicle. The car may not only be involved in an accident, but also be stolen or be pawned. In this situation, the buyer may lose not only the purchased vehicle, but also money.

How to “punch” a car through the State Traffic Inspectorate portal

If the buyer has the VIN code of the vehicle, he can check it on the traffic police website. Using the official portal you can find out:

  • Whether the vehicle was stolen or not;
  • There are restrictions on carrying out registration actions;
  • Has the vehicle been seized by the fiscal authorities?
  • Vehicle registration data;
  • Number of accidents.

To “check” a car for an emergency through the State Traffic Inspectorate portal, you must follow the established algorithm. The verification is carried out in stages:

  • Go to the address – www.traffic police.rf;
  • In the window that opens, select the item “Checking a car for an accident”;
  • In the “Chassis/body/VIN code” section, indicate 17 characters of the unique vehicle code that is subject to analysis;
  • Click “Run scan”;
  • If the vehicle was involved in an accident, data about this will be displayed on the screen.

Accident test results prior to 2015 will not be displayed. The official database was created only in 2015. You can “check” a car for emergency situations through the State Traffic Inspectorate department at your place of registration, but there will be no difference in the information received.

How to check a vehicle for an accident through an insurance company

The IC has a common database that contains all the information regarding emergency situations. Having the MTPL data, the car owner can check the car's insurance. A photocopy of the policy should be taken from the owner of the vehicle or you can find out information about it using the services of the RSA website. To do this, the buyer will need the car's VIN code, state sign, chassis and body numbers.

How to “break” a vehicle into an accident using a state sign

It is possible to obtain data about a traffic accident for free by using the services of a specialized service - Autocode. In addition to state signs, the car owner will need data from a certificate of registration of the car.

Autocode has a larger database than the official traffic police portal, but the number of vehicles that can be “broken through” is limited. On the site, it is possible to obtain data only about cars registered in Moscow and the region.

How to “punch” a vehicle by license plate through the official portal of the Capital Government:

  • Follow the link – https://avtokod.mos.ru/;
  • Log in or register - otherwise the vehicle data will be incomplete;
  • Find the “Car Check” subsection in the portal line and go to “Car History” or use the window on the main page of the specialized service;
  • Enter the state sign along with the car’s license number, click “Check” and wait for the result.

Autocode is the only site that provides information about vehicles by license plate number and registration certificate. The only disadvantage of the portal is the ability to obtain data regarding a car registered only in the capital and region.

How to “punch” a car through the Public Services portal

Thanks to this unique service, the user will be able to find out about the presence of existing restrictions that were applied to a specific vehicle due to a traffic accident or search. In order to find out the data of interest to the motorist through State Services, you must enter the vehicle verification section and indicate the VIN code indicated in the documents.

The advantages of the state portal are simplicity and speed of data processing, verification time does not exceed several minutes. Through a specialized website you can find out:

  • About the presence of fines on the vehicle;
  • Information about the previous owner;
  • Information about the accident and damage received.

Despite the popularity of government and commercial portals, they contain only the data recorded by State Traffic Inspectorate employees. If the accident did not require the involvement of the traffic police or an insurance company, no information about the emergency situation will be contained in the database.

How to “break” a car at a service station

When purchasing a vehicle, a service card is provided for it, which indicates all the data on the repair and technical inspection of the vehicle. The form can be taken from the owner of the car to study technical history maintenance of movable property.

But checking a car through a dealership also has some disadvantages:

  • There is a high risk of friendly relations between the owner of the vehicle and the official service employees, who, at his request, may not point out existing defects.
  • The computer diagnostics used by dealerships may not be sufficient to make a correct assessment.
  • The buyer will not be able to obtain reliable information regarding the costs of vehicle repairs; prices in official services are an order of magnitude higher than at simple technical stations.

If the buyer does not trust the information contained in the traffic police database and other resources, he can conduct an independent examination of the vehicle through any center at his discretion. Based on the results of the inspection, specialists will provide a full report, indicating data regarding breakdowns and the presence of defects resulting from the road accident.

Purchasing a used car is a certain risk associated with the purchase of a vehicle that was damaged in an accident or that is pledged to a financial institution or under arrest. As a result new owner may lose not only his property, but also his money.

Checking your car online will help you avoid various problems in the future. To “check” a vehicle for an accident or arrest, you will need a VIN code, state signs and the number of the registration certificate with the State Traffic Inspectorate. Specialized services contain only data recorded by the traffic police and insurance companies.

Autocode allows you to find out the history of a car before purchasing quickly and easily. You don't need to look up the VIN - just enter the vehicle's license plate number. You will receive a vehicle report based on information from the traffic police database and other official sources. The information obtained will help you avoid legal problems after purchasing a vehicle.

What does checking by car number reveal?

A full report is generated within 5 minutes. From it you will learn:

  • PTS data;
  • history of registration actions;
  • mileage history;
  • data on participation in an accident;
  • repair insurance calculations;
  • presence of traffic police restrictions;
  • information about the theft;
  • information about collateral;
  • information about working in a taxi;
  • recycling data;
  • information about technical inspections, compulsory motor liability insurance and fines;
  • sales ad history and much more.

You can check your car by license plate without leaving your home. The report will be generated online, and a link to the report will be sent by email.

Why is it important to check a car by license plate number?

— Victim, did you recognize the person who stole your car?

- Your Honor, after his lawyer’s speech, I doubt that I even had a car.

Evgeny Loginov, auto expert, head of the “My Expert - Yekaterinburg” project:

“A car is a technically complex product. As I like to tell my clients: “It’s not like going to the store to buy bread.” That's why even new car with a mileage of 10 thousand km and only one owner, it needs to be checked carefully.

In our work, we often come across the fact that sellers do not finish the negotiations and sell cars after an accident, with adjusted mileage, problem engines and gearboxes. It could be worse. You can run into intermediaries in the sale or, more simply put, outbids. These comrades alter steering wheels, reupholster the interior, restore vehicles after serious accidents, when the cars have broken geometry or airbags deployed.

When buying a car with an “unclean” history, you not only risk expensive repairs to the engine, gearbox and other elements, but you also simply risk your life! In the event of a repeat accident on such a car, the airbags are unlikely to deploy.

Another important aspect of buying a used car is the legal component. Whatever nice car, if it has problems with documents, there are restrictions in registration, or it is stolen, then you will not register such a car. The most harmless thing is a restriction in registration due to a fine that was not paid former owner. It’s much more serious if the car’s VIN number is broken, the frame number is unreadable or erased, or the engine number is missing.”

What happens if you don’t get your car checked before purchasing?

- Honey, my car broke down.

- Strongly?

- In half.

Real stories of victims:


“A year ago, my wife and I bought a used car. No errors were found upon purchase. In addition, on the recommendation of the seller, we went to the nearest service center, where we were assured that the car was in complete order. We haven’t thought about how to check the car in other ways. In general, they took our word for it and made a serious mistake, because upon registration with the traffic police it turned out that the car had been restored after a major accident. For proper operation, the car lacked many expensive parts. What can I say? I could only sell it for spare parts.”


“Several years ago I bought a car from a private person. Together we took it off the register and registered it in my name. A few months later, the police came to me and took away the title to examine the signatures, and then the car itself. It turned out that the first owner turned to scammers to sell the car, after which he never saw them again. All this time the car was wanted, and I didn’t even know about it. The seller was never found. I had neither a receipt for the transfer of money nor real data from the seller. In short, I was left without everything. Now I’m three times more attentive.”

How to punch a car by license plate in 5 minutes

The algorithm for checking through the service website is as simple as possible. Follow the steps:

Through "Autocode" you can check any car using its license plate number. To get a full report, you need to pay 349 rubles. Our database contains information about all cars registered in the Russian Federation. It is available to you 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. To get a car by license plate, you don’t need to go anywhere, look for VIN and other data. The verification is carried out in 3 steps!

How the service generates reports

Especially for you, we collect information from all sources available to us. They include both government (traffic police database, pledge of registers) and commercial structures, including insurance companies, banks, leasing companies. From a huge amount of data, we create a single, most informative report for each car. The report is generated online and is relevant at the time of its order.

Why is it better to check your car through Autocode?

With Autocode, you can check your car online using its license plate number quickly and efficiently. The check allows you to track the car through the database literally from the assembly line to the point of sale. Required information Not only private individuals, but also specialized showrooms ask Autocode for cars.

Why choose the Autocode website:

  • reliability and quality of reports verified using the traffic police database (we guarantee compensation for damage if the report turns out to be unreliable);
  • the ability to check a car by registration number;
  • test result after 5 minutes;
  • applications for Iphone and Android for online checking;
  • examination Japanese cars without a VIN code - a unique service opportunity;
  • favorable price for professional car sellers - .

After checking the car by license plate, you will know exactly what the car is. Using these facts, you can fairly reduce the purchase price.

Autocode is a website for checking a car by license plate number, which allows you to find out real data about the car right at the time of purchase and protect yourself from an unwanted transaction.

Checking a car for accidents is something that should not be neglected when purchasing a used vehicle. Thanks to the online service "AutoHistory" you can find out whether the car was involved in traffic accidents, what damage it received, and also see photos from the scene of the accident (not always available). Thanks to photographs, information such as the degree of damage received, damage to the engine, chassis or body becomes available.

Why is this information needed?

If the car was involved in traffic accidents, then this is a direct indicator of a decrease in selling value. Moreover, despite the restoration work carried out, the seller must indicate that the car was damaged. This information will certainly put off many buyers, but will attract resellers demanding lower prices.

You need to check the car for accidents before buying, so as not to discover an unpleasant surprise under the hood later. If a road accident was insignificant, then there is no need to worry, especially if carried out in a timely manner repair work on restoration.

How to find out if a car has been in an accident?

You can check a vehicle for an accident using the VIN code through the State Traffic Inspectorate. And here there are two options:

  • Contact the department directly and request information about whether or not the vehicle has been involved in accidents. Information is provided free of charge, but for quite a long time due to waiting in queues and wasting time on requests.
  • In an accident according to the state. number, VIN number or chassis, you can check any car on the State Traffic Inspectorate website. But this method also has its drawbacks. First of all, the imperfection of the system, which often experiences failures. Plus, the information is provided for a relatively short period of time – since 2015.

How to check?

Checking your car for an accident through AutoHistory is quick and easy. All that is needed for this is the state. number or Vehicle VIN which needs to be broken through.

How to check a car: you need to insert the number into the form, and then click “Check”. A few minutes after payment, you will receive a full report on the desired car by email.

From the report you can find out the date and exact time when the accident with the vehicle being checked was recorded, its type and the region in which the incident occurred.

It also happens when the traffic police database does not contain information about whether any of the vehicles under investigation took part in an accident. However, this does not mean that the car is not damaged. Don't let your guard down - before purchasing, you should spend a little time thoroughly checking the car for damage.

How it works?

Checking a car for an accident by VIN and license plate number is possible thanks to the interaction of the Autocode online service with databases from the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, ROSSTAT, VAS RF, FSSP, RASA and NBKI, which allow you to find out all the information about the car of interest:

  • car history;
  • legal purity;
  • general information and detailed configuration of the model;
  • technical inspection information;
  • exact mileage;
  • average market price and other information.

The information that can be obtained through the service is more than enough to make the final decision - buy a new one or look for another car.

Why is this beneficial?

Checking a car for an accident through our service is quite simple. You get rid of the need to personally contact government agencies. It is beneficial to have your car checked for accidents for several reasons:

  • a few minutes to enter data;
  • 1-15 minutes – waiting for verification;
  • a few minutes to study the report.

The time spent at this stage will save a lot of effort and nerves in the future. If an inattentive buyer purchased a damaged car without knowing it, the blame lies not only with the seller, but also with the new owner, who did not bother to check the history of the car. Be more careful and know how to check a car before purchasing through the AutoHistory online service!