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Travel on the yellow traffic signal


The rules operating on the territory of the country are invented not in order to punish the negligent car owners who violate them, but for the safety of both the drivers themselves and pedestrians. One of the most complex and dangerous areas of roads, no doubt, is the intersection. Despite the fact that their main part has long been equipped with modern traffic lights, signs and appropriate marking of the roadway, road traffic accidents on them happen to frightening regularity.

One of the most common and controversial violations of the rules of crossroads is the passage of a yellow traffic light signal. It is the yellow signal that is rightfully considered the most dangerous and drivers who ignore it, continuing movement, often fall into very unpleasant accidents, often with catastrophic consequences. It is worth understanding that according to the PDD, the yellow traffic light is treated as prohibiting. It is impossible to continue the movement, especially when the signal is already flashing, talking about that in a few seconds, red will light up.

Due to the fact that the rules "allow" the movement on the yellow signal in the event that to stop the vehicle, the driver will have to be resorted to emergency braking, otherwise ambiguous situations arise. For example, when the driver is stopped, violated, according to the traffic inspector, the driver may argue that drove to flashing yellow precisely to prevent emergency braking, which is prohibited by the same traffic rules. The inspector will "beat" that, when complying with high-speed regime, this braking would not have needed.

What actually means flashing a yellow traffic signal

Many car owners are even with great driver's experience, often unable to respond to a banal question that allows or prohibiting the movement of a yellow traffic light signal. The lit yellow signal prohibits the movement of any vehicle and warns about the ambulance signal of the traffic light. If it lights up immediately after the red - the movement is always prohibited, if after the green, the driver has no right to continue moving if you do not have to slow down.

The yellow flashing traffic signal does not prevent the passage and is warning, "alert" road participants about the unregulated intersection, the presence of a pedestrian crossing or danger. Approaching the intersection, where "flashes yellow" must in any case are accompanied by a decrease in speed and increase the driver's attention. If the traffic light has a shooting pointers, their colors have a similar value, but only in the direction where they indicate.

Summarizing, it can be concluded that the yellow flashing traffic light indicates at least the need to reduce the speed and be ready to stop moving. In practice, experienced drivers try not to enter the intersection already on the flashing green. It is worth understanding that at a speed of 70 km / h, for each second, the car is passing about 20 meters, and in order for the crossroads from the beginning of the crossroads of the crossroads, before their collision, it takes less than a second.

Attentiveness and mutual politeness

It often happens that, drivening to the intersection, drivers are not as attentive as they require circumstances, it is not necessary to slow down in normal mode and exit to the intersection on the yellow light signal. In most cases, such a maneuver really begins on yellow, but at the crossroad the car is already at the moment when the signal has changed to red.

Much in such a situation depends on other motorists, which, despite the burning green for them, should miss the car that did not have time to finish the maneuver. Similar "politeness" will help to avoid serious consequences related to car damage and health risk. Be sure to take into account the road markings. In cases where it was departed to a crossroads, having a markup in the form of a stop line, and at this point the signal changes to the prohibiting, the rules clearly talk about the need to stop in front of the line. With its absence, movement can be continued despite the color of the signal.

Driving intersection should always be extremely assembled, it knows every car enthusiast. Nevertheless, travel to yellow was and remains quite frequent violation of traffic rules. Many risks slip into yellow in the calculation that you can always refer to the impossibility of stopping without emergency braking. It is worth understanding that such "impossibility" will have to justify the inspector, since the permitted speed of movement in the urban feature quite allows the driver to stop in front of the traffic light as usual. Restore in memory Rules related to a yellow signal can be visited by video:

Penalty for travel on the yellow light signal - is it always inevitable

It so happened that for most drivers, the answer to the question can be riding a yellow traffic signal becomes unambiguous "yes." The sad statistics of road accidents that occurred at the intersections would seem to be in the root to change the attitude of drivers to the yellow color of the working traffic light, but this does not happen. Hoping for good luck, justifying their own actions by excessive hurry or other circumstances, departs to the crossroads "under yellow" continue.

Since the question is whether it is possible to pass on the yellow traffic light signal is rather controversial, not in each case, the protocol compiled by the traffic police officer. It must be remembered that the first violation of this kind entails not the most pleasant consequences. So, in 2016, a fine for travel to the yellow light will be 1000 rubles - a considerable amount, especially if you consider a huge number of intersections that you have to pass daily.

Tip! If the inspector puts forward a charge before proceeding to drawing up the protocol, it is obliged to provide the driver of evidence - for example, video or testimony of disinterested witnesses.

But more serious consequences are afraid of repeated violations of the intersection of the intersection - in this case the law is more severe, and by decision of the court such a violator can be deprived of rights to six months. Therefore, before making a protocol, the inspector must show the driver to the evidence of his guilt, as of what, for example, can perform a video of adequate quality. At the same time, many motorists do not know that the beginning of the rounding of road borders available at the intersections is not yet a crossroads, and in the absence of a stop line, there is no violation in this "zone".

When the driver drove into a yellow traffic light and was stopped by an inspector, which is going to make a protocol, should not be silent. It is necessary to insist that the departure to the intersection was carried out on a flashing yellow, and the emergency braking would be inevitably applied to stop, which is not simply prohibited by traffic rules, but also could lead to the creation of an emergency. It is necessary to attract witnesses to which you need to enter a protocol, and in the future it makes sense to appeal a penalty written out.

Travel on the yellow light signal - is it justified by the risk

Despite the fact that it is possible to answer the question of a yellow traffic light, it is possible in accurately according to the letter of the law, many drivers still do not perceive the yellow traffic light signal as prohibiting. Such a free interpretation, often leads to sufficiently sad consequences. At the same time, most drivers clearly underestimate the degree of danger, which threatens with non-compliance with the PDD.

Despite the relatively short speed, with which the car drives the intersection, it is necessary to understand that when a collision of two vehicles, their speed is summed up. So, if for each machine - the collision participants, the speed will be 60 km / h, for each driver it will be equivalent to a collision with a wall at a speed of 120 km / h. The consequences of such an accident may well have disastrous consequences.

Even more serious consequences can turn out an attempt to slip into a yellow traffic light signal on the railway crossing. In addition to the possible fine or deprivation of rights to six months, such a risk, as a rule, inevitably leads very deplorable consequences. You should not count on the fact that it will always be possible to refer to the impossibility of timely stop, remembering that the yellow traffic light signal means a prohibition of movement, and it is better to regard it along with red. What can ignore the rules, can be given on this video:

DVR, as a means to prove its own right

Naturally, in order to avoid a fine, the rules of the road should not violate. But despite the exact interpretation of what the yellow flashing traffic light signal means, drivers disputes with traffic police officers do not stop on this topic. Frequently, the protocols are drawn up when the inspector does not have a documentary confirmation of the offense, and drivers, seeking to do with "low blood" prefer to simply sign the protocol.

In this regard, the owners of cars equipped with not just a DVR, but also a side computer or even a tachometer, turn out to be in a more advantageous position. This is due to the fact that these devices allow you to keep not only video confixation of good quality, which can be used as legitimate proof in court. In addition, data about the current velocity of the car, which was recorded at the time of the beginning of the maneuver, will help prove the legality of one's own actions. Knowledge of the law and the availability of evidence of their own innocence can help not only win the court, but also to simply prevent the protocol.