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Do-it-yourself rear window tinting. How to tint car windows yourself


It makes no sense to talk for a long time about the merits of car glass tinting. Most owners are well aware of the benefits that it gives, so most often the question arises about whether to make it yourself or contact a car service. Most often, a special film is used to protect the car interior from excessive sun and prying eyes. It is made self-adhesive, therefore, in addition to a certain share of perseverance and painstaking work, no special skills are required from the performer.

Choosing a film for tinting

Almost everyone is able to tint their car independently, having the minimum necessary set of tools for this, so the main problem will not be in the technology of work itself, but in the right choice material. There are a lot of films on sale, but not all of them are suitable for windshields and side windows of a car, due to the prohibition of excessive dimming, established by the corresponding GOST.

To tint a car yourself, you will need to purchase a special film. You should focus on the following basic qualities:

  • light transmission capacity;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • color spectrum;
  • cost indicators.

From the point of view of traffic rules, the key is the first criterion. In 2014, there was a rule that the total throughput of the film and windshield should not be lower than 75%.

For the side ones, there was a relaxation of up to 70%. On January 1, 2015, a new GOST 32565-2013 was released, according to which the windshield must transmit at least 70% of the light. If there is the slightest doubt that the film is less transparent than required by GOST, then in order not to engage in plywood later, you need to take a sample from the seller, attach it to the glass and carry out the necessary measurements.

The color scheme is a matter of taste and depends on which car is tinted, and therefore general recommendations it can not be. With strength characteristics and cost indicators, the situation is more complicated. It is far from a fact that the more expensive the better, but it is unlikely that you will be able to buy something of high quality for a penny. It is very difficult to choose a suitable and inexpensive material yourself, so you cannot do without advice from experienced friends and sellers. It is preferable to focus on well-known brands that have been tested by many, and therefore reviews on them can be found quite easily.

A lot is determined by the tasks that the car enthusiast wants to solve. So, for example, there are special anti-vandal films that are glued to the outside of the car. They can be used for long journeys on rough terrain, for example, participating in a rally. For trips around the city, they are no worse, but is it worth spending a lot of money on their purchase if you can get by with less expensive materials?

Required tool

In order to do the tinting yourself, you will need the following tool:

  • rubber spatula;
  • stationery knife
  • glass detergent;
  • dry, soft, lint-free cloth.

The film usually comes with a small plastic scraper and a special knife, but they are not very convenient to work with, so it is better to get normal tools.

A plastic spatula is bad in that it can damage the glass surface when pressed, and the cutter included in the kit is made of a material that quickly becomes dull and therefore begins to tear the film. In addition, it is convenient to have a spray bottle in stock that allows you to spray water evenly on the windows of your car.

Stages of work

Car glass tinting is done from inside the passenger compartment. The reason for this is primitively simple - the outside of the film will last much less time and will have to be changed. The material does not possess super-strong characteristics even under the influence environment will quickly lose its presentation. It is more convenient to carry out work together. The film has a protective layer and when it is removed it is easier when one person slowly removes it, and the second sprinkles a soapy solution into the formed gap. Before starting work, it is better to dismantle the glass from the car, especially if you do not have a lot of experience in gluing the film. This will make it much easier to ensure high-quality tinting. Special requirements are imposed on the cleanliness of the workplace. Any grain of sand caught between the film and the glass, after gluing, will become a clearly visible bulge, distorting the view and spoiling appearance auto glasses.

After the film is purchased and the tools are prepared, you can start working. Self-tinting consists of several main stages:

  • dismantling glasses and cleaning them from dirt and grease;
  • cutting blanks from the film;
  • separation of the protective layer;
  • fitting, gluing and trimming.

The first three stages of work should not cause any particular difficulties: everyone is able to wash the glass of a car with high quality and make blanks out of the film. The patterns are usually cut with an allowance of a few millimeters and, after gluing, are adjusted exactly in place using a sharpened knife. The main thing is not to confuse the sides of the film when trying it on. It must be well remembered that it is glued with the inner side after the protective layer has been removed from it.

The film is glued as follows:

  • the inner surface of the glass is abundantly sprayed from a spray bottle with a prepared soap solution;
  • the protective layer is removed from the pre-cut workpiece, the film is sprayed with a solution, the right side is applied to the glass and leveled;
  • using a spatula, air and water bubbles are driven out from under the film;
  • the allowance is cut off (excess film at the edges);
  • the glass is dried with a hairdryer.

Particular attention should be paid to the second point, which is more convenient to carry out together - one person carefully begins to remove the protective layer, and the second sprays the points of separation. The purpose of this action is to prevent the tint film from accidentally folding and sticking to itself. It is not worth throwing away the removed protective layer, it can be placed under the spatula when removing bubbles, so as not to accidentally damage the tint.

The hardest part is fitting. If it is easy enough to work with the side windows of a car, then not everyone can tint the rear one on their own. The problem lies in its curvature. Soap solution comes to the rescue, which is poured into a spray bottle and a hair dryer. After spraying the adhesive film, it is applied to the glass and begins to be adjusted in place.

Where the tinting does not want to fit, it is heated and stretched with a rubber spatula, achieving a perfect fit. To make the material fit smoother, it can be additionally moistened with water.

You need to work very carefully, since the deformed film will not return its shape back. After all air bubbles have been removed from under the coating, it should dry well. You can use a hairdryer to speed up the process. After the auto glass tinting is completed, they are installed in place and ready for use.

Do not forget that even such work as tinting a car on your own should be carried out with the utmost diligence so as not to miss any trifles.

If car glass is damaged, it cannot be tinted. Minor scratches are an exception. If we are talking about significant damage (cobwebs, round holes, etc.), then first you need to repair or full replacement glass. It should also be noted that it is better to carry out work on car tinting with an assistant. This will save you a lot of time and effort.

Any window tinting always starts with side windows, because they are the easiest to dismantle.

Materials and tools for car tinting:

  • Detergent.
  • Sharp blade or utility knife.
  • Rubber spatula.
  • Tinting film for glass.
  • Spray bottle.
  • Warm water.
  • Lint-free napkin.

All of the above materials with tools must be prepared before starting the tinting work on your car.

Phased work:

Stage 1

Glass tinting must be started after washing. Thoroughly rinse the glass from dust and dirt, and on both sides. Make a soapy solution, apply it to the glass surface, and then wipe dry with a lint-free cloth. Use a utility knife or a sharp blade to check if there is any lint left on the glass.

Washing glasses with soapy water

Stage 2

We are preparing a special solution, necessary for applying and further fixing the tint film on the glass. Dilute shampoo or some kind of detergent in warm water. Beat until foam appears. The foam will allow the film to slide over the glass, which will make it possible to make the final fit. For convenience, the prepared solution can be poured into a spray bottle. That's all the preparation for glass tinting. Next, you will need to work closely with the tint film.

Preparing a soapy solution

Stage 3

Car glass measurement

Exactly measure the length and width of the windows that are going to be tinted, and only after that, strictly according to the obtained parameters, cut out the tint film.

The pattern can also be obtained in another way without measuring the parameters of the glass. A film is applied to the glass from the outside of the door and smoothed well, and then simply cut along the contour.

Film pattern on car glass

An important point! The sides and bottoms should be cut first. There is no need to rush in this work. Tinting should be done without any tiny gaps. The top side of the film should be cut after it has been moved down by 5-7 cm. The main thing here is high precision and accuracy.

Stage 4

When the film is completely cut to size, the glass is only half tinted. Now is the time to apply it to the glass. By the way, you can use scotch tape to effectively separate the film into two parts. This is done very simply: on both sides of the film is glued on different levels tape, and then you need to pull in different directions. Next, we put a film on the soapy glass and move it as necessary so that it ultimately fits perfectly.

The process of separating the film from the substrate

Stage 5

Now it is very important to gently smooth out the film with a rubber spatula and expel air bubbles and soapy water from under it. Further, in parts, the protective layer of the film should be removed. It is necessary so that you can stick well and smooth the film.

Smoothing the film with a squeegee

Stage 6

After tinting the side windows, proceed to tinting rear window... That is why they first undergo training on the side windows. The fact is that all rear windows have a curved shape, and this significantly complicates the whole process of work. Nevertheless, in general, the entire rear window tinting will not differ much from the side window tinting.

Car Rear Window Film Application Process

Important! The film must be glued strictly from top to bottom.

Carefully separate from the glass, at first only the third part. Then this surface must be well lubricated with soapy water. Then fix the film on the glass and you will need to separate another third of the tinting from the protective layer.

Smoothing the rear window should be done with extreme care so that no air or soap solution is left anywhere. The glass will dry for 3 days (during this period it is not recommended to touch it with your hands).

Tinting with an industrial hair dryer:

It is worth noting that tinting glass on your own, even with a partner, can cause some difficulties on the windshield and rear window, since they have a blown shape. An industrial hair dryer will help you out here.

It is necessary to carefully stretch the film over the entire area on the moistened concave glass without removing the protective layer of the tint film. When gluing the film, use an industrial hairdryer to remove any excess soap solution and air bubbles. This happens due to the heating of problem areas of the film.

Car glass tinting allows car owners not only to feel more comfortable when moving on the road, but also performs other useful functions. First of all, it is protection from direct sunlight, which interfere with driving, heat up the interior of the car very much and provoke a quick burnout of the upholstery.

Due to their advantages, film filters are almost irreplaceable if you often use vehicles, but not all car manufacturers tint car windows, which is why car owners have to make such updates on their own. Such a service in the salon will be very expensive, so do-it-yourself car window tinting, the video of which you will find at the end of the article, is the most relevant and budgetary solution. You don't have to buy specialized tools or have special skills to do this. You just need to follow the recommendations and do everything very carefully.

Preparing everything you need

Before applying the tinting, you need to prepare a clean and dry place for work, as well as a standard set of tools:

  • Tinting film that meets the requirements of GOST 5727-88. The light transmittance for the windshield must be at least 75%, for the side front - 70%, for the side rear and rear - any. Usually, 1 roll of film filter is used for 4 side windows.
  • Liquid soap (no dyes) for fixing the film. It is better to use special setting compounds that do not leave streaks, or a 10-20 percent solution of any transparent shampoo.
  • Plastic sticker for smoothing the toning. It usually comes with a film filter, but if you don't have one, you can use any resilient plastic, rubber spatula or construction rubber eraser. Also in the store you can find special distillations to eliminate bubbles (chiseller - for hard-to-reach places, slummer - for tightening the edges, bloomax - for driving out liquid).
  • Scrapers for cleaning glass surfaces. Products of 12 cm in different shapes are best suited.
  • Spray gun (manual) for applying soap solution.
  • Blade or utility knife. The latter is made of mild steel, so it is convenient for them to cut the film without fear of scratching the glass.
  • A soft cloth, clean rags or lint-free cloths.
  • Industrial dryer.

If toning the car with your own hands is done for the first time, it will not be superfluous to purchase special camouflage markers and tapes. With their help, you can correct minor errors.

You also need to make sure you have easy access to clean, cold tap water. The room should be free of insects and dust.

If everything is ready, you can start cutting the film filter.

We cut out the shading

Before gluing the tinting on the car, it is better to study the video instructions for cutting the tinting material (at the end of the article), since all further work depends on this stage.

Cutting can be done directly on the glass of the machine, but for beginners it is better to prepare a special glass stand... Next, we cut and apply the film in one of two ways.

1 way

  • Cut out a rectangle.
  • Moisten the glass. This is necessary so that the toning material does not "travel".
  • Apply a film filter to the glass outside of the sewing machine. In the future, the film will be glued from the inside, but for cutting it is more convenient to work from the outside.
  • Cut the workpiece along the bends of the glass with an allowance of 5-10 mm; for convenience, lower the window by at least 5 cm.
  • Perform molding.
  • Transfer the pattern to a stand and cut off the sharp corners a little.
  • Prepare strips of film (10 cm each) and stick them on the front side to make "ponytails" for which you will remove the protective layer.

2 way

  • Use ready-made patterns that can be selected for specific model cars in any store.
  • Cut out the workpiece, leaving a small allowance of 5-10 mm.
  • Apply the installation compound to the inside of the glass and attach a pattern.
  • Fit and shape.
  • Glue the ponytails.

We should also say a few words about film forming. It is not worth doing this during pasting, as in this case you will get “arrows” and irregularities. Therefore, it is better to make molding in advance. To do this, at the cutting stage, when you have attached the workpiece to the glass, hot air must be supplied to it. After that, you need to walk on the film by distillation, so that the material fits snugly on the glass, taking its shape. This will make it easier for you to remove the protective layer.

After that, the most important job of applying the film begins.

We glue the film on the side windows

It is best to start the process with the side windows, as their area is smaller and you can “fill your hand”.

Take the blade and lightly scrubbing from top to bottom to clean the inside of the glass. Try to get rid of all inclusions, dust particles, glue residues and other particles. After that, you can treat the glass with clean water from a spray bottle.

If the glass is perfectly clean, in your opinion, then it is time to apply the installation solution to it. Spray it all over the surface.

Important! It is impossible to use ordinary water at this stage, otherwise the film will immediately stick tightly and you will not have the opportunity for "bends".

Now it's time to take off protective cover Apply soapy water from the film and onto its sticky side. After that, it is very important to ensure that no dust gets on the adhesive surface.

  • Gently take the film by the tails and place it on the glass.
  • Using gentle strokes, smooth it out gently to remove any bubbles.
  • Warm up the glass with a hair dryer (you must start from the upper edge). This will keep the film firmly in place and will not peel off when you lift the glass to process the bottom.
  • Straighten the edge again and disperse any bubbles.

For 10-15 minutes, the film will still move easily, so you can correct it. After this time, it will take its place and you will need to expel the soap solution. For this, it is most convenient to use a rubber spatula, moving from the center to the edge of the glass.

When the blanks were made, we left small allowances, which now need to get rid of. To do this, take a clerical knife and make cuts at an angle of 30 degrees in relation to the glass, so that the light filter does not reach the edge by 1-2 mm.

After that, you can dry the film again with a hairdryer. You can start operating the car after the light filter has completely dried - after about 2 days.

For the windshield, tinting is done in the same way, but with the rear window, things are a little more complicated.

Tinting the rear window

If you have already processed the frontal and side elements of the car, then you have already approximately mastered such a concept as do-it-yourself tinting. The rear window is more difficult, so be sure to practice.

The main difficulty is that this window is very curved, which is why it is rarely possible to tint this area with one piece of film. In order not to suffer with the inserts, after applying the tinting (with a protective layer) to the soap solution, it is necessary to pull it very tightly on the glass. Do not be afraid to tear the tint, it has good ductility and strength.

Also, before sticking the tint on the rear window, it is recommended to call an assistant. He should warm up the film with a hairdryer while you stretch it. Do not be afraid to put in a lot of effort when “dropping” bubbles from the rear window. This will also contribute to a better fit of the material. In all other respects, the same operations are performed as described above.

If you cannot tint the rear window in one piece, use several sections of light filters. It is better to cut them horizontally, not vertically, so you can hide the traces of the resulting "constructor". If you can make a cut along the line of the heating element, this will be the best option.

In custody

It will not be difficult to apply a film filter on your car glass yourself. In the process, you will have enough time to move the shading material and correct its position. And if you are still not sure that you know how to stick the tinting yourself, the video will help you understand this process in more detail.

For those who want to do the tinting of car windows with their own hands, without resorting to the services of car services, we offer you to get acquainted with the most affordable tinting technology. The process is quite simple and takes little time, but it requires attention, accuracy and patience.

For successful car tinting with your own hands, you will need:

  • - a roll of tint film (one is usually enough for 4 side windows);
  • - rubber spatula or plastic scraper (the latter is less desirable, as it leaves micro-scratches);
  • - a sharp stationery knife;
  • - detergent or shampoo;
  • - clean warm water;
  • - dry, lint-free cloth;
  • - spray gun.

In addition, if you decide to do glass tint with your own hands, then it will not be superfluous to also invite an assistant to your pair, who will insure you if any difficulties arise. It is better to tint glass in a dust-free room or outdoors in good calm weather. The use of a construction, installation or at least a household hair dryer for quick drying of tinted windows is also encouraged.

Since the side windows are easier to remove than the front and rear windows, it is better to start tinting with your own hands from the side windows. First, we remove the seals and carefully, using detergent, we wash all glass intended for tinting. Particular attention should be paid to the corners. Next, add shampoo or detergent to the prepared water and pour the resulting soap solution into a spray bottle.

We spray the washed glass from the outside and apply a tint film to it with a dark layer inside. It is important not to confuse the sides! To make it easier to determine where which layer is, you can separate the film a little from one corner. We align and cut the film attached to the glass, leaving a reserve of approximately 1 cm from all edges.

When a piece of film of the desired shape is ready, abundantly sprinkle the glass with soapy water from the inside. Then, promptly, so that the glass does not have time to dry, we separate the dark layer of the film, simultaneously wetting it with a solution from a spray bottle. Here, a person inexperienced in tinting glasses with their own hands will need an assistant: one of you will hold the transparent layer tightly, and the second will gently tighten and spray the dark one.

Next, apply a dark layer to the wet inside of the glass. We process it on top with a spray bottle. Then we put a transparent layer on it, which will protect the film from mechanical damage, and begin to smooth it with a rubber spatula in the direction from the center to the edges. It is necessary to get rid of all air bubbles and smooth until the dried transparent film begins to fall off. Having removed it, carefully cut off the protruding edges of the tint film, leading with a sharp knife along the edge of the glass.

In conclusion, if you have a hair dryer, then dry the glass around the perimeter. If not, proceed to the next window. After the work done for two days, it is not recommended to insert seals in the doors and open tinted windows.

Finally, it is worth noting that do-it-yourself car tinting allows you to significantly save money, but it does not give the guarantees that you get when you do tinting from professionals. Each toner has certain skills that can only be acquired with experience. When doing tinting with your own hands, you will most likely have to repeat the procedure much more often than if you go to the salon.

And thanks to toning, stay inside vehicle manages to make it more comfortable. Tinted glass not only protects against sunlight entering the passenger compartment, but also hides what is happening inside the car from prying eyes.

The tinting process is a procedure for darkening car windows using a special film with different throughput. Films of dark shades are the most common for tinting, but sometimes you can find cars, toning on which is made with colored films.

Often, car owners produce car glass tinting on their own, which is much cheaper than if they turned to specialized service... In fact, the whole process is not so complicated, but all the tools and Consumables can be bought easily.

Preparatory stage

Before you start directly tinting the glass, you will need to choose a suitable film. It should be noted right away that it is highly undesirable to use the cheapest Chinese film, since its service life will not be too long. Over time, such material fade in the sun, and the adhesive layer leaves much to be desired. It is either too weak, or, on the contrary, too sticky and its remnants will be very difficult to remove if the tint is removed.

The more expensive film from renowned manufacturers has an optimal thickness, does not lose color in the sun and can last for many years.

Also, do not forget about the light transmission capacity of the film, because if you do not take this point into account, you can get serious problems when passing technical inspection or checking the traffic police. For example, rear windows can be tinted using any films, except for those that have a mirror effect. If we talk about the front side windows, then they should be able to let in at least 70 percent of the light, as for the windshield, then the indicator should be at least 75 percent.

Car tinting should be done in a clean room with a good light source and normal humidity. It will also be useful to find an assistant in order to minimize all risks. Before starting the process, you should thoroughly wash the car, paying Special attention glasses. The surface must be flat, free of dust, chips and deep scratches. In the event that the door glass is planned to be tinted without removing it from the car, then you will need to remove all the seals.

Required tools

In order to independently protect the car from the sun's rays, you will need the following tools and consumables:

  1. Tinting film. Naturally, without it, it will be simply impossible to carry out this process. When purchasing, in addition to quality properties, you should pay attention to the width of the roll. It is advisable to take the material with a margin, in order to avoid various awkward situations when the width of the film after gluing does not correspond to the glass by a few millimeters.
  2. Putty knife. The object that is used to directly smooth the film. Plastic spatulas are usually supplied with the kit, but rubber ones will be more acceptable. Often, in addition to a spatula, toners use ordinary wiper blades, but this approach is more relevant for large and non-bent glass.
  3. Stationery knife. It must be very sharp in order to avoid jams and material tearing. A blade can also be an excellent replacement, but it is not so convenient to handle it.
  4. Building hair dryer. If the car windows have a bend in two planes, or, more simply, they are convex, then to smooth out the folds and bubbles, heating of the tint material will be required. This is where a temperature-controlled industrial hair dryer comes in handy.
  5. A number of consumables will be needed. Dry cotton rags, liquid soap or shampoo, water spray. It is worth noting that it is highly not recommended to use liquid for washing glass as a detergent. For convenience, you can use graph paper, from which you can make preliminary templates for cutting the film.

Side window tinting

Initially, the seals and door trim should be dismantled in order to gain full access to the glass. Next, a pattern is performed. There are two options, use a thin graph paper template or cut off a piece with a margin of a few centimeters.

In the second case, you should apply the tinting material outside on the wet glass and cut off all excess. Next, you need to remove the transparent protective layer from the tinting, while simultaneously treating the surface from a spray bottle with soapy water.

The final step is gluing the film to the glass; for smoothing, use a spatula, expelling air bubbles from the middle to the edges. After the material has been thoroughly smoothed out and takes its place, for several days until the adhesive layer has completely dried, do not use window lifters, since the edges of the material may come off.

Rear window tinting

With the rear window of a car, the situation is somewhat more complicated. For the manufacture of patterns, both glass and tinting material must be absolutely dry. Using a damp sponge, a pattern in the shape of the letter "H" is applied to the glass surface.

After that, a roll of tint film is rolled out over the surface. Using a blade, a template is carefully cut with an allowance of a few millimeters. It is more reasonable to carry out the final installation of the tinting on the rear window with an assistant. In general, the essence will be the same, the gradual smoothing of the material from the center to the edges with the gradual removal of moisture and bubbles.

However, due to the convex shape of the glass, this is not so easy to do and heating of the surface is required. Many specialists begin to adjust the material to the shape of the glass even at the stage of cutting the template. By gradually heating the material with a hair dryer.

At the same time, quite often in the process of final gluing, it is nevertheless necessary to form the material already in place. In order to give the film the desired shape, it is required to slowly heat the glass, while smoothing the material with a spatula. When carrying out this process, you need to be extremely careful not to overheat the glass, material or damage the seal and paintwork.