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2 ml gr drawing truck. Summary of a lesson on cognitive development in the junior group “Colorful wheels”


Summary of the integrated lesson
"Car wheels"
(on speech development and non-traditional drawing techniques “Print with potato stamps”) Types of children's activities: play, communication, cognitive-research, productive, perception of fiction.
Objectives: to introduce the content of A. Barto’s poem; while looking at the toy, activate speech; learn to distinguish between actions that are opposite in meaning (stand - ride), listen to a song, begin and end movements in accordance with the music; learn to draw with stamps round wheels, in the right place on the sheet.
Planned results: knows how to play next to peers, without disturbing them, in the game “Riding in a Car,” when guessing an object in a bag; looks with interest at the illustrations for the work based on A. Barto’s poem “Truck”, answers simple questions; masters the basic movements in the game “Riding in a Car”; takes an active part in productive activities (drawing wheels for cars). Materials and equipment: illustrations to the poem by A. Barto “Truck”; toys - trucks, a bag, sheets of paper with cars depicted on them, potato seals according to the number of children. Contents of organized activities for children
1. Organizational moment.
Emotional mood.
All the guys stood up together and straightened up.
And they walked on the spot. Walking in place.
Stretch on your toes, raise your arms up.
And now they’ve bent over backwards. Bend back, put your hands behind your head.
Like springs we squatted down.
And they sat down quietly at once. Straighten up and sit down.
V.: I have a wonderful bag in my hands. There was a toy hidden in it that boys really love to play with. Who will try to recognize the toy without opening the bag? (Children feel the bag, the teacher helps them, highlighting the wheels and the cabin of the car.)
V.: Guys, this vehicle transports cargo and is called a cargo vehicle. What does the car have?
D.: Wheels, steering wheel, body, cabin.
Q: Where is the load loaded onto the car?
D.: In the back.
Q: Who is sitting in the cockpit?
D.: Driver.
Q: What does the driver do?
D: He is driving the car.
Q: What helps a driver drive a car?
D.: Steering wheel.
Q: Where is the car going?
D: On the way.
V.: Well done! A truck transports goods. She drives on the road and is driven by a driver.
But in the poem “Truck” the children decided to carry an unusual load. Listen.
2. Reading a poem.
The teacher reads A. Barto’s poem “Truck”, then invites the children to look at the illustrations to the poem and answer the questions:
- What kind of car did the children have? (Truck.) Who did the children decide to take for a ride? (Cat.) Where did they put him? (Into the back.) What did the cat do? (He overturned the truck.)
Physical education minute
Game "Riding in cars"
The teacher invites the children to become drivers, distributes toy steering wheels to each child and explains the rules: “When the music plays, you drive, as soon as the music ends, you stop.”
3. Drawing wheels for cars.
V.: Oh, how far we have traveled! My wheel even broke. It would be necessary to replace it. Where can I get a wheel? Maybe draw him? How to do this? Let's get a look. (Shows the children cars drawn on a piece of paper, but without wheels.)
Drawing wheels using an unconventional drawing technique “Printing with potato signets” - signets are prepared in advance from potatoes.
V.: We will draw with paints using round seals. Where should you draw the wheels? (At the bottom.)
We take the stamps in our hands and dip them in black paint.
The child presses the signet onto a bowl of thick paint and makes an imprint on the paper.
During the drawing process, the teacher helps the children and controls the correctness of the work techniques.
5. Reflection.
V.: Look, guys, what kind of wheels we got! Do you think we can go for a ride in the car now? Children's answers. Then let's go! Children take toy steering wheels and leave the group to the music.

Prepared and carried out
O. A. Timofeeva

Program content:

clarify children’s knowledge about cars and their purposes (trucks, cars);

— consolidate children’s understanding of the parts of a car, continue to teach children to name and show the main parts of a car.

Learn to draw round objects with a continuous continuous movement of the brush. Strengthen the ability to wash a brush, blot the bristles of the washed brush on a cloth (napkin). Develop color perception. Strengthen knowledge of colors.

Preliminary work:

Monitoring transport while walking;

Examination of narrative paintings on the theme “Transport”, “Our Street”; Outdoor game “Sparrows and a car”, “Colorful cars”;

Didactic game— “Assemble a car”, “Multi-colored wheels”, “Pick up wheels”;

Reading works of fiction: “Truck” by A. Barto, “By Car” by N. Pavlova, riddles about transport.


Gouache paints, brushes, rags, water in jars, sheets of paper with images of various cars (to choose from) without wheels, cardboard circles in primary colors different sizes for application to the machines in the picture;

toy truck.

Progress of the lesson:

Drinks gasoline like milk

Can run far.

There are h four wheels,
Rubber tires,
Engine and brakes...
What is this?

- Guys, what is this riddle about?

- Of course it's a car!

Cars are different. What cars do you know?

— Why do people need cars?

— What is the name of the car that carries cargo?

— What does the truck have?

- Why do people need Cars?

Look what kind of car arrived today!

Let's look at it.

— What parts does the machine consist of?

- What does she have?

That's right, the car has a cabin, a body and wheels.

— Without what can the car not drive? (without wheels).

Wheels are a very important part of a car.

-What shape are they? (round).

Let's show with our fingers what round wheels the car has (children draw a circle in the air with their fingers).

Children, our truck is a truck, it didn’t come to us empty. I brought a load - drawings of different cars! Would you like to see? The cars are all different - trucks, cars, large and small (the teacher lays out pieces of paper on the table with pictures of cars without wheels).

These are the cars! Guys, what's wrong with our cars? What are they missing? (wheels).

- Will they be able to go? (No).

- What to do?

Look, we have many colorful cardboard circles - large and small. Let's make wheels out of them! (pick up wheels for cars, put them on pictures of cars).

It’s so good, now our cars are so smart and can drive!

Let me put the cars on the easel and we can admire how well we did! (the teacher puts the picture on the easel, the wheels fall off).

Children, what happened? (the wheels fell off).

How can we fix our cars? Where can I get wheels? (children offer their options).

- Let's draw wheels?

But first, let's play how we drive our cars.

— I’ll start my car (depict the engine)

- I’ll pour gasoline into it (they knock with their fists)

Bi, bi, bi! (thumbs press on fist)

— Wheels spin quickly (rotation with palms)

Shu, shoo, shoo! (rubbing palms together)

- I’m driving, I’m driving a car (they depict a steering wheel),

- I'm in a hurry! (clap hands).

Sit down at the tables, choose the cars you like, and we’ll paint wheels for our cars with paints of any color! (invites children to take brushes in their hands and show them in the air how they will paint the wheels, reminds them how to hold a brush correctly and use paints). Children draw wheels and paint them over without going beyond the contours of the circle.

After finishing drawing, put the works on the board and examine them.

Title: Lesson notes on cognitive development in the junior group “Colorful Wheels”

Position: teacher of the first qualification category
Place of work: MDOU "Kindergarten No. 11 Kolokolchik" Tutaevsky municipal district
Location: Tutaev city, Yaroslavl region

Municipal state preschool educational institution

"Little Crane"

city ​​of Nadym, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Summary of the integrated lesson

for children of the 2nd junior group

"Journey into the world of transport" Direction: “Artistic and aesthetic development” Educational area: “ Artistic creativity" and "Music"


music director


Nadym city

year 2012

Tasks: Educational: 1. Learn to draw round objects with a continuous and continuous movement of the brush.

2. Strengthen the ability to wash a brush, instill the skill of careful work.

3. Learn to perform movements to music clearly and rhythmically; respond to the beginning and ending of musical phrases; navigate in space. Sing harmoniously.


Develop hand motor skills, attention, orientation on a sheet, and consolidate knowledge of colors.

Educational:Cultivate interest in visual and musical activities.

Equipment and materials: Demonstration: Easel, pictures of transport. Handout: landscape paper, brushes, diluted black paint, wet wipes, steering wheels, colored handkerchiefs.

Preliminary work: - conversation: “What types of transport are there?”

Didactic games: “Add the parts”, “Compare by color”, “Show and name”.

Examination of illustrations on the topic “Transport”.

Drawing: themes “Trace and Color”, “Coloring of Transport”.

Learning musical and motor exercises “Bus”, “Train”, “Airplane”, songs “Airplane”. Games: “Bus”, “Take a Seat”.

1. Organizing time.

Educator. Guys, today we will go on an interesting journey - into the wonderful world of transport. What is transport? (Conversation with children on the topic of transport.) (Children's answer: ambulances, firefighters, police officers). I’ll tell you a riddle now, and you will find the correct answer among these pictures... (On the easel there are several illustrations with different types transport).

2. Guessing the riddle.

What a miracle - the blue house.

There are a lot of kids in it.

Wears rubber shoes

And it runs on gasoline. (Bus)

(The answer to the riddle is accompanied by illustrations).

Well done! The riddle was guessed correctly, and I suggest you take a ride on the bus.

Take your seats.

The children stand next to each other.

The exercise “Car” is performed, music by M. Rauchwerg

Children move rhythmically with a stomping step to the music in the group,

drive through the gates and take seats at the tables.

3. Talking with children about transport.

Educator. Guys, transport can be cargo (carries cargo) and passenger (carries passengers). Select pictures depicting freight transport (various trucks, a freight train, a cargo barge), passenger transport (passenger car, bus, trolleybus, tram, train, plane). The plane is large, with wings, windows, landing gear, etc. The pilot controls the plane. Now tell me what you know about transport. (Children's stories). Well done boys.

4. Drawing.

Teacher (puts the plane on the table, shows the landing gear and windows). What does the plane have? (Wheels). What are they? (Round).

Children draw wheels with paints on pre-prepared templates (airplanes without landing gear and windows), the teacher provides assistance as necessary. Then the teacher suggests making an exhibition of these works, everyone looks at them. The teacher praises the children and invites them to play the game “Airplane”.

The game “Airplane” is being played, music by N. Metlov

5. Surprise moment.

The teacher gives each child a toy airplane.

6. Summary of the lesson.

What types of transport did you get acquainted with today?

Which passenger transport do you see on the streets?

Used Books:

1. “Fine arts classes in the second junior group kindergarten» Publishing house "Mosaic-Sintez" 2007

2. , “Acquaintance with the outside world of children 3-5 years old” Creative center “Sfera” Moscow 2011

3. Program edited by “Knowledge of the objective world” Second junior group. Publishing house "Teacher" Volgograd 2011

4. , “Music and Movement” Moscow “Enlightenment” 1981


Continue to introduce children to the concepts of “circle”, “big-small”, “little-many”.
Introduce children to A. Barto’s poem “Truck”.
Improve the ability to navigate in space: top, bottom.
Develop the ability to follow verbal instructions accompanied by a model.
Develop memory, auditory perception, sense of rhythm, balance, general and fine motor skills.
Cultivate a friendly attitude towards other children.


Toys: cars of different sizes, “Cat”, nesting dolls, soft toys.
Curved strips cut out of paper (thick wallpaper) are “roads”.
Benches, two long cords, shallow construction material, nuts.
Pictures depicting cars, hare, cubes.
Audio recordings: sounds of a moving car, the song “Merry Travelers” to the words of S. Mikhalkov.

Progress of the lesson:

Greeting "Hello"

Hello palms - clap, clap, clap
Hello legs - top, top, top.
Hello cheeks - splash, splash, splash
Hello sponges - smack, smack, smack
Hello teeth - am, am, am.
Hello spout - beep, beep, beep.
Hello guys - hello!

Didactic exercise “Whose sound?”

Listen carefully, whose sound is this? (A recording of the noise of moving vehicles is played.) Whose voice is this? This is a car!

Staging of a poem by A. Barto

Listen to a poem about how a cat decided to go for a ride in a car.

No, we shouldn't have decided
Ride a cat in a car:
The cat is not used to riding -
The truck overturned.
Didactic game “Matryoshka dolls are riding in a car”
Look, these are nesting dolls. Matryoshka traveler dolls. They want to take a ride in the car. Here we have two cars. Big car and small car. How many nesting dolls can fit in a small car? Few. But how many nesting dolls can fit in a large car? Lots of nesting dolls.

Exercise for the development of the vestibular apparatus “We went for nuts”

We were driving into the forest to pick nuts.
(The child sits on his mother’s lap)

On a flat path.
Over the bumps, over the bumps,
(Mom’s knees rise rhythmically at an increasing pace)

Step by step.
The pace slows down.
In the hole - bang. Ten flies were crushed.
(Knees spread to the sides, hands hold the child)

Game "Collect nuts"

Look, look how many nuts fell from the tree onto the road. Let's collect them and put them in a hollow, let the squirrel rejoice. (Children collect nuts and put them in a plastic bottle with a side hole simulating a hollow).

Didactic game “Where is the car hidden?”

A matryoshka doll, a cube and a car are placed in front of the child, which are then covered with handkerchiefs.

Find where the car is hidden? Pick up your handkerchief and find the typewriter.

Didactic exercise “Find the car in the picture”

That's how many different pictures there are. Take and show a picture of a car. Where is the machine?

Drawing “Roads for cars”

Take a pencil in your hand and draw a path for your car.

Musical and rhythmic exercise “We are going, going, going”

Children listen to music and beat out the rhythm with rattles.
- Make some noise at the top. Tap the rattles on the floor. Tap the rattles on your knees. Hands with rattles to the sides. Hide the rattles behind the back.

Construction game “Car Garage”

When night comes, you and I go to bed in our beds at home. And real cars go to sleep in a special house for cars, which is called a “garage”. Now you and I will build a garage for our car. Take the cubes. Place them like this. And be sure to cover the top with a roof. Now our cars have their own garages.

Massage “These are the wheels”

For a car to move, it needs wheels. Look where the wheels are on your car? Spin the wheels by hand. Now let the car ride on your palm. Like this. I went along the handle, I went along the leg.

The wheels of the car are spinning and spinning,
They spin and spin, they drove through the whole city.

Application "Wheels"

Look at the picture. Our truck is completely broken down, it can’t even move. What doesn't the truck have? Wheels!

Let's fix our car - give it real wheels. The wheels of the car are round. Look, children, this is a circle. (Show). Place these circles at the very bottom of the car. These are the wheels the car has! Now our truck will be able to drive and transport different loads.

Balance exercise “Cars driving on a bridge”

And now we ourselves will drive like cars. Get up, we're heading out. First you need to drive along the road (between two cords), and then along the bridge (along the bench).

Modeling “Truck carrying apples”

Take a plasticine ball and attach it to the body of the car. Press down the plasticine on top with your palm. Load more apples into the machine. What color apples is the car carrying? Red and yellow.

Game “Ride a toy in the car”

You can choose any soft toy and ride it in the truck.
Children roll cars by string while listening to music.

Goal: Creating conditions for the formation of initial ideas about types of transport and rules traffic.
develop the ability to distinguish between appearance cargo and passenger cars, bus;
activate children’s vocabulary on the topic “transport”, improve onomatopoeia skills;
promote the development of speech, attention, memory, thinking, sensory standards (color, size);
improve children’s motor skills through game exercises “cars are driving along the road”, “tighten the nut”, “pump up the wheels”, etc.;
develop the ability to follow verbal instructions;
introduce basic traffic rules (driving on a red light is prohibited, driving on a green light is allowed).
Materials and equipment: small toy cars of different colors (cars, bus, truck, fire engine), steering wheels, a large truck, a bright box for toy cars, a “road”, a red and green circle, audio recordings: the sounds of moving cars, chairs according to the number of children.
Contents of children's organized activities.
Children come and sit on the mat.
1. Didactic game “Whose sound?”
Educator: Children, listen carefully, and guess whose sound it is? (the teacher alternately turns on the recording of the noise of moving vehicles: truck, car, tractor, tram, etc.).
Whose voice is this? What kind of car is this? (children name types of transport, teacher shows pictures of cars). Do you want to play cars?
2. Game exercise “Cars are driving along the road”
Educator: Today you and I will be cars, and the chairs will be our garages. (children pass and sit on chairs)
Tell me, where do the cars go? (on the way to). Today our road will go around this clearing (the teacher walks along the “road” showing the route) do not enter the clearing, we drive strictly along the road.
I will be a traffic controller, if I raise the red circle, all cars stop, if I raise the green circle, all cars can move on. (offers to take the steering wheels in your hands)
Educator: Is everyone ready? We start the engine. Go! (“cars” give a “Beep-Bee” signal and drive imitating the noise of the car: “Zh-zh-zh-zh”).
Teacher: (raises the red circle and says loudly: “The passage is closed.” The children are waiting for the signal. The teacher raises the green circle and says: “You can go,” the children move on).
3. Game exercise “Repairing a car”
Educator: (raises a red circle) “The passage is closed, all cars must undergo technical inspection. All cars pull to the side of the road. (Children go to the “clearing” - the edge of the mat and do exercises)
1. “Tighten the nut with a screwdriver”
I.P. Legs slightly apart, hands below. Raise your right hand up, perform circular movements, say “Whack, whack, whack,” lower your hand down. The same with the left hand. 2 times
2. “Knock on the wheels with hammers”
I.P. Sitting. He will lean forward, tap his fists on his knees, and say, “Knock, knock, knock.” 4 times
3. “Pump up the tires”
I.P. standing, legs wide apart, hands on his belt. Lean forward 4 times, say “Sh-Sh-Sh” 4 times
Educator: All the cars are in good condition, let's move on. (children drive in a circle one after another) Cars in the garage. (children sit down on chairs and put the steering wheels under the chair).
4. Dramatization of the poem. Kazyrina T. “I’m driving my car”
Educator: (The teacher takes out a large truck with a box in the back on a rope, reads a poem).
I'm driving my car
On a very long rope.
I'm standing at a red light
I'm going to green.
And I decided that very soon
I'll become an uncle's driver,
I'll learn to drive a car
Without a very long rope.
5. Examination of the car
Educator: Guys, look how big my car is. What kind of car is this? (cargo). The teacher draws the children's attention to the box in the back).
Look at the beautiful box the truck brought, there’s probably something in there. (the teacher tries to open it, but nothing works)
The box is magical, it will open only when you tell poems about the car. Do you know poems about cars? (children recite 2-3 familiar poems, the teacher opens the box, and there are different cars)
6. Didactic game “Which car is gone?”
Educator: Look, what is this? (Cars.) We will now find out what they are called. (the teacher takes out 1 car each and the children name it).
Now we'll play hide and seek with the cars. The teacher plays the game “What’s missing?” He asks the children to close their eyes, removes 1 car, then asks the children: “What’s missing?” “What color is the car hidden?”, “Which car is hidden - small or large.” Children name the car, its color or size.
Educator: Did you guys like playing with cars today? What did you like most? (listens to several children's answers) Now take the cars and play with them. (hands out toy cars and children play independently).