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Rules for parking on a two-way road. Stopping at a bus stop - who is allowed? In places where stopping is prohibited

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On the one hand, it may seem that parking cannot be a problem. Knowing how to stop correctly is key. However, this opinion is erroneous and it is quite possible to run into trouble. For what? For parking in the wrong place, at a minimum. In order not to violate traffic rules, it is important to consider the issue of parking in more detail.

Parking rules: on the roadway, in courtyards and in the parking lot

Parking rules on the roadway are most often violated. So as not to become one of the violators, the following provisions should be adhered to:

  • stopping is allowed at a distance of 5 meters;
  • You can stop immediately after a pedestrian crossing;
  • at the edge of the roadway (only parallel to the edge);
  • no closer than 5 meters from the turn at the intersection;
  • near signs that regulate parking on even or odd dates;
  • anywhere on the roadway, if the driver’s vision covers at least 100 meters of the road ahead;
  • at a distance of 15 meters from stops;
  • on the right side of the road (if there is no road side, parking at the edge of the roadway is possible);
  • at the edge of the sidewalk, if there is a corresponding sign (applies only to passenger cars, mopeds, motorcycles and bicycles).

You can also leave your car for a long time in places outside the populated area, if they are equipped with the appropriate sign. It is prohibited to leave a car on the road for such a purpose, as well as on the side of the road. There are special parking areas, equipped separately.

Correct parking of a car in reverse

It is very important to know how to park correctly in reverse. To do this, first of all, you need to adjust the rear view mirrors. The main thing is to make sure that the sky is not visible, while the cars and the road are clearly visible.

If we are talking about perpendicular parking, then it is important to start here. First you need to drive up so that the right corner of your car is in the middle of the car you plan to park behind. In this case, the distance should remain about 50 centimeters. Now we can gradually level out, carefully turning. At the same time, stops are allowed to assess the real state of affairs in the form of the distance between your car and the one we are trying to go around.

Scheme of how to park in reverse between cars:

Parallel parking rules

How to park in reverse when parallel parking? Very simple if you follow the instructions. Correct maneuvering is especially important in the city, since parallel parking involves a careful drive between two cars:

  1. we drive between two cars so that right wheel It turned out to be as close as possible to the curb, but did not become close to it. In this case, the left corner of your car should approach the right corner of the car behind you.
  2. Turn the steering wheel to the right until it stops. Drive up to the car in front.
  3. Turn the steering wheel to the left and drive back a little.

If you do not need to park backwards, you should adhere to the following chronology of actions:

  • choose a place that will be one and a half meters larger than the width of your car;
  • We drive forward so that the car is on the same level as the car in front. It is important to take into account that the interval should not be more than 60 centimeters;
  • we move back until the back rear seat will not be level with the bumper of the car in front;
  • turn the steering wheel to the right until the car is at an angle of 45 degrees to the sidewalk;
  • we turn the ruble to the left, pass it forward and stop.

Parking rules for disabled people

Every disabled person or person who transports a disabled person of categories 1 and 2 may install a “Disabled Person” sign on the front or rear window car.

The main difference between traffic rules for disabled people regarding parking rules is that a disabled person can ignore the following signs:

  1. "Movement Prohibition";
  2. “The movement of motor vehicles is prohibited.”

Also, appropriate markings are made for disabled people and additional signs are installed in places where areas are provided exclusively for preferential parking.

Disabled people can use special parking spaces free of charge, and at least 10% of the total number of spaces in the parking area must be allocated for them.

Fines for illegal parking

  • For parking on site for disabled people relies fine of 5,000 rubles.
  • For officials Others are provided - 3000 - 5000 rubles.
  • Legal entities in case of violation of parking rules you will have to pay 10 times more - 30,000 - 50,000 rubles.
  • If a motorist parks on tram tracks, the fine will be 1500 rubles.
  • 1000 rubles parking will cost closer than 15 meters to a public transport stop. In addition, the car will be towed. For Moscow and St. Petersburg, the fine increases to 3,000 rubles.
  • If the driver stop on the roadway that interfered with the passage of other vehicles, a fine of 2000 rubles.
  • Parking fine in an inappropriate (prohibited) place will be 1500 rubles. For St. Petersburg and Moscow the rules are different - the fine will double.
  • Fine for parking or stopping on the lawn will be from 1000 to 5000 rubles.
  • Fine for stopping and parking on the sidewalk or closer than 5 meters to the pedestrian crossing is 1000 rubles(3000 for St. Petersburg and Moscow).

However, knowledge of parking rules does not always protect motorists who want to park where it is convenient for them. Convenience often ends with paying fines and evacuation.

It is important to remember the rules of parallel and perpendicular parking. The success of the race between other cars depends on how correctly the motorist starts.

We also must not forget about the ban on stopping on sidewalks, lawns, and places for the disabled. In addition, additional restrictions apply outside the city - it is prohibited to drive close to bodies of water and stop your car on the side of the road for a long time.

We also invite you to watch a video on how to park correctly:

For regulation traffic and ensuring the maximum level of safety for all road users, both drivers and pedestrians, a system of road signs has been developed."No stopping" signwhich will be discussed in more detail in the current material.

What will become clear after reading: what the sign looks like, the area where the restriction applies, as well as the fines that apply based on it.

What does it look like "No stopping" sign

In order to comply with traffic rules and not create emergency situations, you should follow the regulatory signs. Every driver must understand that all restrictions on the road are set in this place for a reason and are designed to ensure safety. The same applies to a stop prohibition sign; if the action is prohibited, it means that a car that violates the prohibition can become an obstacle to movement or maneuver, and therefore hypothetically creates an emergency situation.

What does the regulator look like?Description of the “No Stopping” signlooks something like this: the sign is a circle with a blue background, the edges of which have a red frame, and it itself is crossed out by crisscrossing red lines. It is worth noting that the parking prohibition sign has a similar appearance. Except that there is only one diagonal line that crosses, and not two intersecting ones, as in the first case.

What is the difference between parking and stopping. Parking means stopping a car for a period of more than 5 minutes, but according to the rules, a stop lasts less than 5 minutes. Thus, in a place where parking is prohibited, the driver can slow down for 5 minutes; usually this time is enough to, for example, drop off a passenger. In a no-stop zone, even such an action would be a violation.

No Stopping sign. Coverage area

The restricted zone has its own boundaries. The driver must understand where exactly he cannot stop, and where he can already stop.Area of ​​operation of stop and parking signs is prohibiteddepends on accompanying signs that complement the main limiter.

The first thing the driver must remember is that the stopping restriction applies only to the side of the roadway on which the sign is located. This means that on the other side of the road the driver may well make a stop if there are no restrictions there.

How long does the coverage area of ​​a prohibitory sign that you encounter along the way and has no additions extend to? There are several options.

  • To the nearest intersection or traffic light. At the same time, the rupture of the dividing part of the road is not an indicator of the completion of the restrictive zone, since it is not an intersection.
  • Before the sign lifting all previously existing restrictions.
  • Until the end of the settlement, if along the route there are no intersections or other signs lifting restrictions.
  • If after "No stopping" signIf there is a yellow marking along the edge of the road, it indicates the restricted area and you cannot stop until it ends.

Besides, coverage area of ​​the “No Stopping” signdetermine the signs accompanying it. There may be several such signs.

  • If the sign is accompanied by a sign with a forward (up) arrow, this means the start of the restriction and the driver can stop before the sign, but will no longer be able to stop after it.
  • If the forward (up) arrow sign is supplemented by a distance, for example, 100 m, this means that stopping within the next 100 meters is impossible. But for example, after 150 meters it is already quite acceptable.
  • If a prohibition sign is accompanied by an arrow in both directions, it means that the driver is within its coverage area. That is, stopping is prohibited both before and after the sign, and somewhere earlier there was a corresponding limiter, notifying about the beginning of the prohibition zone.
  • If the sign is supplemented with a back (down) arrow, this means the end of the ban. The driver can stop after the sign, but does not have the right to stop in front of it.

In addition, the sign can be supplemented with signs with different types transport (plates 8.4.1-8.4.8) this means that the prohibition of stopping applies specifically to this type of transport. If the sign is accompanied by plate 8.18 (crossed out wheelchair), then the ban does not apply to this category of drivers.

Exceptions to the rules

Who and under what circumstances can stop in the coverage area"No stopping" sign. As you know, there are exceptions to every rule, this case only confirms this. There are a number of situations in which stopping within the sign's coverage area will not be counted as traffic violation.

  1. Emergency stop due to deteriorating health of drivers or breakdowns vehicle. In this case, it is necessary to turn on the emergency signal and install a sign on the roadway.
  2. Route transport has the right to stop at the place provided for this purpose, despite the fact that there is a restriction on this interval.
  3. No Stopping Signdoes not apply if the vehicle is stopped by a traffic police officer. In this case, the driver is obliged to stop at any place, regardless of traffic restrictions.

These are all situations that are not covered by the regulatory sign. In other cases, the driver is obliged to follow the rules and stop only in a permitted place.

Both stopping and parking are a deliberate cessation of movement, that is, they are made at the moment and in the place chosen by the driver himself.

They must be carried out in such a way as not to interfere with other road users if possible.

Stop- deliberately stopping the movement of a vehicle for up to 5 minutes, as well as for longer if this is necessary for boarding or disembarking passengers or loading or unloading a vehicle.

Parking- intentional stopping of the movement of a vehicle for a period of more than 5 minutes for reasons not related to the embarkation or disembarkation of passengers or the loading or unloading of the vehicle.

It is important to know!
Any embarkation or disembarkation of passengers or unloading and loading of a vehicle, which is carried out without interruption, regardless of its duration, is considered a stop. If boarding, disembarking, loading or unloading is not carried out, then a stop longer than five minutes is considered parking.

Unintentional stopping of movement

Forced stop- stopping the movement of a vehicle due to its technical malfunction or danger created by the cargo being transported, the condition of the driver (passenger) or the appearance of an obstacle on the road.

A forced stop is always unintentional - it is caused by a specific reason that does not allow you to continue moving. The driver cannot choose the appropriate time and place for a forced stop - it occurs regardless of his desire.

Therefore, the main responsibility of the driver during a forced stop is to immediately mark his vehicle so that other drivers can notice it from afar, and then, if possible, roll it away or tow it to a more distant place. safe place.

In addition to a forced stop, which usually involves a prolonged cessation of movement, there are several situations that do not fall under any of the three definitions given above.

They do not refer to stopping, parking, or forced stopping, and do not require any additional actions from the driver.

We are talking about a short-term cessation of traffic in the following cases:

  • when a traffic light turns on a prohibitory signal (or when a traffic controller gives a prohibitory signal);
  • in front of a pedestrian crossing, intersection, tram stop, railway crossing, etc. - to allow passage of people walking across the road or a vehicle that has priority in traffic;
  • when driving in a traffic jam with stops and resumption of traffic.

Parking methods

Stopping and parking of vehicles should be carried out on the right side of the road on the side of the road, and if there is no shoulder, on the roadway at its edge. Vehicles are allowed to be parked in one row, parallel to the edge of the roadway.

Two-wheeled motorcycles, mopeds and bicycles are allowed to be parked in two rows.

We have considered the usual method of parking, which is allowed for stopping and parking of any vehicles in any places, except where parking is prohibited or must be done in another way.

By other parking methods we mean:

  • parking across the road or at an angle;
  • sidewalk parking;
  • parking on the left side of the roadway.

Stopping or parking at an angle to the edge of the roadway or across the road is allowed where there is a local widening (“pocket”). At the same time, you should park in such a way that the number of traffic lanes and their width are not reduced.

If in such places there is a sign 6.4 with one of the plates 8.6: 8.6.1, 8.6.4, 8.6.5, the vehicle should be parked exactly as indicated on the sign, and only cars and motorcycles can be parked across the road.

If there are marking lines showing the boundaries of parking spaces, the requirements of these lines must be followed.

In the absence of signs and markings, the driver independently chooses the position of his vehicle in the parking lot so that it does not interfere with parking, entry and exit of other vehicles.

Parking on the sidewalk is only permitted passenger cars, motorcycles, mopeds and bicycles and only in places marked on the sidewalk with parking space markings or sign 6.4 with one of the plates 8.6: 8.6.2, 8.6.3, 8.6.7, 8.6.8, 8.6.9.

In the absence of such signs or markings, parking on the sidewalk, regardless of its width, is prohibited.

It is important to know!
Parking with full or partial (two wheels) on the sidewalk is always prohibited for any buses, tractors and trucks, including those trucks that have a permissible maximum weight of less than 3.5 tons and belong to vehicles of category B.

Stopping and parking on the left side of the road is permitted only in populated areas and only if any of two conditions are met:

  • the road has one-way traffic (in this case, trucks with a permissible maximum weight of more than 3.5 tons are only allowed to load and unload);
  • A two-way road with no tram tracks in the middle has one lane for traffic in each direction. In this case, to approach and leave the left edge of the roadway, the driver will have to cross only one oncoming lane.

Parking for an overnight stay or a long rest outside settlements permitted only off the road or in specially equipped parking areas marked with “Parking” or “Rest Place” signs.

Places where stopping is prohibited

It is important to know!
If stopping is prohibited, then parking of vehicles is also prohibited. In places where only parking is prohibited, you can stop.

Stopping is prohibited in the following places:

  • in the coverage area of ​​sign 3.27 and where yellow markings 1.4 are applied along the edge of the roadway;
  • along the entire length of the 5.1 motorway and the “road for cars” 5.3. The shoulder on such roads is intended only for a forced stop, and parking is allowed in special areas equipped outside the road and marked with signs 6.4 or 7.11;
  • on tram tracks, as well as in the immediate vicinity of them, if this creates interference with the movement of trams;
  • on railway crossings 1.1 The crossing area is considered to be the distance between barriers or signs 1.3.1 (1.3.2);
  • in tunnels 1.31 and under any bridges, overpasses, overpasses;
  • on overpasses, bridges, overpasses, if there are one or two lanes for traffic in a given direction. If there are three or more passing lanes, both stopping and parking are permitted;
  • in places where a parked vehicle will force other road users to detour across a continuous marking line or along a dividing strip. The width of the free section of the roadway must be at least 3 m;
  • at pedestrian crossings and closer than 5 m in front of them (from the side of approaching vehicles);
  • in places with limited visibility (less than 100m in at least one direction) on the roadway. At the same time, stopping and parking on the side of the road is not prohibited;
  • at intersections of roadways and closer than 5 meters in any direction from them. The exception is parking at a T-junction with a continuous marking line at a distance of at least 3 m from it, or with a continuous median strip. With this configuration of the intersection, only straight movement is possible at it, so driving around a parked vehicle is carried out in the same way as on any other section of the road outside the intersection;
  • closer than 15 meters in both directions from the stop of route vehicles or parking passenger taxis. There is also an exception here - a short stop is allowed only for boarding and disembarking passengers, if this does not create interference with route vehicles and taxis;
  • in places where a stopped vehicle will block traffic lights for other drivers or road signs;
  • in places where a stopped vehicle will make it impossible to enter and exit or interfere with the movement of pedestrians.

Places where parking is prohibited

Parking is prohibited (but stopping is permitted) in the following places:

  • in the area covered by the signs “Parking prohibited” 3.28, “Parking prohibited on odd 3.29 or even 3.30 days of the month”, “Zone with parking restrictions” 3.27, as well as in the presence of a yellow marking line 1.10 marked along the edge of the roadway;
  • outside populated areas on the roadway marked with sign 2.1 Parking is not prohibited if the entire vehicle is located on the side of such a road and other drivers do not need to go around it;
  • closer than 50 meters in both directions from railway crossings. A vehicle parked on either side of the road will block the view of the train for drivers approaching the crossing. Thus, stopping is prohibited only at the crossing itself, and parking is prohibited at the crossing and at a distance of 50 meters from it.

It is important to know!
The driver may leave his seat or leave the vehicle if he has taken the necessary measures to prevent spontaneous movement of the vehicle or its use in the absence of the driver.

When leaving his vehicle after stopping, the driver must apply the parking brake securely.

When parking on a road that has a slope, you need to turn the front wheels so that when the car tries to roll down, one of the wheels hits the curb.

If there is no curb, the steering wheel is turned towards the curb. Be sure to remove the key from the ignition, lock the doors, and set the car's alarm system.

Every year, traffic in megacities has become more intense, as the number of cars is steadily growing. By purchasing new car, many do not even think about where they will park it, being sure that it is enough to leave it in the yard.

But this is an extremely important issue not only from the point of view of disgruntled neighbors, but also from the point of view of the law. We often answer questions from motorists about how to legally park in the yard, and what should be avoided so as not to receive a fair punishment.

○ Rules for parking in courtyards.

We should start by defining what this “yard territory” is. Let us immediately note that the Traffic Rules do not provide the desired clear concept. At the same time, section 17, dedicated to traffic in residential areas, applies to courtyard areas, as expressly stated in clause 17.4:

  • “The requirements of this section also apply to courtyard areas.”

Therefore, we can only be content with the general legal definition of a courtyard territory as a space limited by buildings along the perimeter, inside of which, as a rule, there are children's playgrounds, places for recreation, green spaces, local passages to houses, schools, kindergartens, etc. But there is one thing a significant difference is that it is not indicated by signs 5.21 (residential zone) and 5.22 (end of residential zone), and therefore the driver needs to be careful and understand that otherwise all the rules for driving and parking vehicles in a residential zone apply here.

So clause 17.2 of the traffic rules clearly says:

  • “In a residential area, through traffic, practice driving, parking with the engine running, as well as parking of trucks with a permissible maximum weight of more than 3.5 tons outside specially designated areas and marked with signs and (or) markings are prohibited.”

That is, the main and most common violation under this paragraph is parking trucks and parking with the engine running. The latter is especially important in the cold season for those who like to “warm up the engine”, polluting environment and disturbing the sleep of residents of adjacent houses.

It is worth paying attention to several more important points regarding parking, which are relevant in courtyards. Clause 1.2 of the Traffic Regulations gives the definition of stopping and parking, which is very important because clause 17.2 speaks specifically about parking of vehicles:

  • “Stop” is a deliberate cessation of the movement of a vehicle for up to 5 minutes, as well as for longer if this is necessary for boarding or disembarking passengers or loading or unloading a vehicle.
    “Parking” is the intentional cessation of movement of a vehicle for a period of more than 5 minutes for reasons not related to the embarkation or disembarkation of passengers or the loading or unloading of the vehicle.”

The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation has established additional parking prohibitions that also apply to courtyard areas. Usually the passages here are narrow, and therefore those who park manage to interfere not only with the passage of other cars, but also with ordinary pedestrians and mothers with strollers, to say nothing of technical services. However, part 8 of Art. 20.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses establishes penalties for violating fire safety rules. That is, if an abandoned car interferes with the passage of firefighters, you can prepare to pay a fine.

○ Fines for illegal parking in the yard.

The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation also does not define courtyard territory, but establishes liability for violation of traffic rules in a residential area in Art. 12.28 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

  • "1. Violation of the rules established for the movement of vehicles in residential areas, with the exception of the case provided for in part 2 of this article, shall entail the imposition of administrative fine at the rate of one thousand five hundred rubles. 2. The violation provided for in part 1 of this article, committed in the federal city of Moscow or St. Petersburg, entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount three thousand rubles

That is, if your car is found by a traffic police inspector parked in violation of the rules described above, you can prepare to pay a fine of 1000 rubles, and in capital cities even 3000. They will punish you in exactly the same way for parking on the sidewalk in the yard, because often because of parked cars it is simply impossible to bring a baby stroller.

But this may not be the end of the matter. It must be admitted that the traffic police do not patrol yards very often, especially in small towns, but if something happens, the dangerous situation will be more serious. For example, in the event of a fire and it is impossible for a service vehicle to reach the fire, part 8 of Art. 20.4 Code of Administrative Offenses:

  • “Violation of fire safety requirements for the provision of passages, passages and entrances to buildings, structures and structures - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount from one thousand five hundred to two thousand rubles; for officials - from seven thousand to ten thousand rubles; on legal entities- from one hundred twenty thousand to one hundred fifty thousand rubles.”

But this is only possible if the violation is recorded by the fire inspectorate; it can easily impose a fine of up to 2,000 rubles.

Yards are often equipped with green spaces, including lawns. The Traffic Regulations or Code of Administrative Offenses do not contain a definition of a lawn or a fine for parking on it. These issues are decided by local authorities, determining the amount of fines for such violations. In most cities this amount is fixed, so in St. Petersburg the average car owner will pay from 3000 to 5000 fine In other regions, such as Samara, they will be forced to pay for damage to plantings. In any case, you shouldn't do this.

Another aspect of the problem is through traffic through a residential area. Officially, it is prohibited by clause 17.2 of the traffic rules. But few drivers have not at least once tried to get around the traffic jam through the nearest yard. The rules prohibit only through passage, and movement itself at a speed of 20 km per hour is permitted by Clause 10.2 of the Traffic Rules:

  • “In populated areas, vehicles are allowed to move at a speed of no more than 60 km/h, and in residential areas and courtyard areas no more than 20 km/h.”

This means we just need to get rid of the concept of “end-to-end”. It is enough to stop for a few seconds and now, you are already a respectable driver who has not violated anything. But the stop, of course, must be done taking into account the described rules.

In the absence of the car owner in any of the above cases, the car can be towed, especially if it interferes with travel or the work of cleaning or fire trucks, which means you will have to pay for a stay at the impound stand.

In addition, violators are often confident that if they are not caught by a traffic police officer, they will definitely go unpunished, but Part 4 of Art. 28.1 Code of Administrative Offences:

  • “The reasons for initiating a case of an administrative offense are:
    4. Fixation administrative offense in the field of traffic or administrative offense in the field of landscaping, provided for by the law of the subject Russian Federation committed using a vehicle either by the owner or another owner land plot or other property, operating automatically using special technical means, having the functions of photography, filming, video recording, or means of photography, filming, video recording.”

Now there are even sites where you can upload photos and videos of evidence of violations.

Therefore, neighbors’ threats to complain about a car owner who warms up the car for half an hour in the morning are quite real.


12.1. Stopping and parking vehicles are allowedon the right side roadson the side of the road , and in its absence -on the roadway at its edge (Fig. 120) and in the cases established by clause 12.2 of the Rules - on the sidewalk.

On the left side roads stopping and parking are permitted in populated areas on the roads with one stripe movements for each direction no tram tracks in the middle and on the roads With one way traffic (trucks with a permissible maximum weight of more than 3.5 tons are only allowed to stop on the left side of a one-way road for loading or unloading).

Rice. 120. Stopping on the side of the road
or at the edge of the roadway

Before starting to consider this topic, it doesn’t hurt to return to Section 1 of the Traffic Regulations and read again about the terms “stop” and “parking”.

Stop at modern conditions heavy traffic and increased speeds is a very responsible matter. It is necessary to stop not anyhow, but carefully choosing a safe place, otherwise the consequences of even a seemingly harmless short stop for boarding and disembarking passengers can become tragic.

To avoid trouble, you should think not only about the cars passing by, but also about those that will try to go around your car, leaving, for example, from a parking lot.

There is a separate discussion about stopping and parking on the left side of the road (Fig. 121).

Rice. 121. Stop on the left side of the road

To get to the left side on a two-way road (Fig. 121 A), first you need to let all oncoming cars pass. At the end of the parking (stop) you must return back to your right side. At the same time, before starting to move, you must make sure that you will not interfere with oncoming or passing traffic.

The meaning of allowing stopping and parking on the left side of a dual carriageway is very simple. What difference does it make whether you stop on a road with two lanes on the right or on the left? There will still be some interference with traffic.

As for the “left” stop on a one-way road, it is logical and should not cause confusion (Fig. 121 b).

And in Fig. 121 V shows situations when stopping and parking on the left side of the road is prohibited.

12.2. It is allowed to park the vehicle in one row parallel to the edge roadway, with the exception of those places, configuration ( local broadening roadways) which allow for a different arrangement of vehicles. Two-wheeled vehicles without a side trailer may be parked in two rows.

Parking on the edge of the sidewalk, bordering With roadway, allowed only for passenger cars cars, motorcycles, mopeds And bicycles in places marked with sign 6.4 with one of the plates 8.6.2, 8.6.3, 8.6.6-8.6.9.

Three important points need to be highlighted.

1. The vehicle may be parked at an angle to the roadway only in those places where this is determined by signs, markings or road configuration (in so-called pockets).

2. People can use the sidewalk for stopping and parking passenger cars only (as well as motorcycles, mopeds and bicycles), and only if the parking place is indicated by the signs specified in clause 12.2, which determine the specific method of location on the sidewalk. In other places, driving onto the sidewalk to stop and park is completely or partially prohibited!

3. Trucks, buses and the like, regardless of the permitted maximum weight, passenger capacity and dimensions, cannot be placed either partially or completely on the sidewalk!

12.3. Parking for the purpose of long rest, overnight stay, etc. outside the populated area permitted only on designated areas or off the road.

12.4. Stopping is prohibited:

- on tram tracks, as well as in the immediate proximity from them, if it causes interference tram traffic;

- at railway crossings, in tunnels, as well as on overpasses, bridges, overpasses (if there are less than three lanes for traffic in a given direction) and under them;

- in places where the distance between a solid line markings (except for those marking the edge of the roadway), dividing strip or opposite edge roadway and stopped vehicle less than 3 m;

- at pedestrian crossings and closer 5 m in front them;

Clause 12.4 is very long, so we will break it into separate paragraphs. Now we will talk only about the two previous paragraphs (3 m to solid line and 5 m in front of the pedestrian crossing).

Let's look at the traffic violators shown in Fig. 122.

Rice. 122. Stop near the pedestrian

The driver of car "1" stopped in front of a pedestrian crossing at a distance of more than 5 m. This is good. But the distance from the solid marking line to the side of his car was less than 3 m.

Such a stop will force the other driver to break the rules - to cross the solid marking line. When staying in similar conditions, you should ask yourself the question: “Will it fit? big truck between my car and the solid line?

The driver of car "2" is wrong twice. First, he violated the requirement of the rule just discussed. And secondly, his car is closer than 5 m in front of the pedestrian crossing. Thus, it prevents pedestrians and drivers of cars approaching from behind from seeing each other.

I don’t even want to talk about the driver of car “3”.

But the fourth driver does not violate anything. All you have to do is move crosswalk, and there you will no longer interfere with pedestrians, and the marking line again becomes intermittent.

- on the roadway near dangerous turns and convex fractures longitudinal road profile in visibility roads less than 100 m at least in one direction;

If from the place where you decide to stop, the road is visible for less than 100 m at least in one direction, then stop on the roadway you are prohibited.

It turns out that on a sharp bend in the road You can stop on the side of the road! This phrase will help you pass the traffic police exams, but after the exam it’s better to forget it! The likelihood of an accident is too great when standing car suddenly opens up to view, even if she is on the side of the road.

- at the intersection of roadways and closer 5 m from the edge of the crossed roadway, with the exception of the side opposite the side passage of three-way intersections (intersections) having a continuous marking line or dividing strip;

The intersections need to be dealt with in detail.

In Fig. 123 shows areas where stopping is prohibited. If you stop at any of the places marked in red, then movement through the intersection will either be paralyzed or greatly hampered.

Rice. 123. Stop near the intersection

If there is a broken line (or its complete absence) at a T-shaped intersection (Fig. 124), the driver of car “3” has the opportunity to turn right and left, and the driver of car “4” can make a U-turn. Such an intersection is treated as a normal intersection with numerous maneuvers allowed. The driver of car "1" is of course prohibited from stopping in this place.

Rice. 124. Stop at the T-shaped
intersection prohibited

In Fig. 125, a solid line prohibits the driver of car “3” from turning left, and the driver of car “4” from making a U-turn. Therefore, the side of the intersection opposite the side passage can be mistaken for a section of a regular road. All that remains is to take into account the other stopping rules. This includes the distance to the solid marking line, the proximity of the road turn, etc.

Rice. 125. Stop at the T-shaped
intersection allowed

Is it possible to stop at an intersection, for example to disembark a passenger, in the situation shown in Fig. 126?

"Of course not!" - you say.

You guessed wrong. Can!

Rice. 126. Stop at an intersection

When studying traffic rules, you should delve into the meaning of the words and expressions of each paragraph. Stopping is prohibited crossing roadways , not on crossroads Of course, such a stop requires the driver to have a sober assessment of the situation and knowledge of more than just one point of the traffic rules, but sometimes this is the only thing possible variant stopping for the next hundreds of meters without violating the rules.

Closer than 15 meters from the stopping places of route vehicles, indicated by marking 1.17, and in its absence - from the sign of the stopping place of route vehicles (except for stopping for boarding or disembarking passengers, if this does not interfere with the movement of route vehicles);

Regular cars are allowed to stop at designated stops for route vehicles only to pick up and unload passengers. Moreover, this is permissible only in the absence of an approaching bus or trolleybus (Fig. 127). Otherwise, to pick up and drop off your passenger, you must drive at least 15 m away from the stop.

Rice. 127. Route stops

- in places where the vehicle will close from other drivers traffic lights, road signs, or will make movement impossible ( entry or exit) other vehicles, or will create interference for movement pedestrians;

At this point, you are once again called upon to behave rationally on the road. When you stop your car in one place or another, you should think about other road users: “Will I disturb anyone by stopping?” This good question. If every driver asks himself this question more often, life on the road will become much calmer.

12.5. Parking is prohibited:

- in places where stopping is prohibited;

- outside populated areas on the carriageway of roads marked with sign 2.1;

- closer than 50 m from railway crossings.

A railway crossing is a very dangerous place (see Fig. 26). Therefore, you should not complicate the access to it with parking. In the same time stay before and after the move possible (but preferably not for the entire 5 minutes) .

12.6. When forced to stop in places where stopping is prohibited, the driver must take all possible measures to remove the vehicle from these places.

12.7. Do not open doors vehicle, if it causes interference other road users.

12.8. The driver can leave your place or leave a vehicle if it has taken the necessary measures to prevent spontaneous movement of the vehicle or its use in the absence of the driver.