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Law on replacing summer tires with winter ones. Traffic regulations requirements for the installation and seasonal change of tires on a car


The issue of using the appropriate type of tires - winter or summer - especially begins to worry motorists during the calendar off-season: with the onset of cold weather in the fall and after warming in the spring. At this time, rumors traditionally spread online about possible administrative liability in case of violation of legal requirements regarding the operation of tires and wheels.

How true is this information, what do they say? regulations when to change tires to winter tires in 2018 according to the law, we will talk about all this later in the article.

When should you change your tires to winter ones?

According to the law in Russia in 2018, the winter period is considered to be three calendar winter months - December, January and February. This is enshrined in the technical regulations of the Customs Union “On the safety of wheeled vehicles” TR CU 018/2011. Clause 5.5 of Appendix No. 8 specifies the requirements for tires.

  • in summer (three months: June, July, August) the use of studded tires is prohibited;
  • in winter (December, January, February, respectively), only winter options should be used (both studded and non-studded Velcro are allowed). Acceptable markings winter tires: “M+S”, “M&S” or “M S” and the corresponding picture;
  • All-season tires can be used in winter only if they comply with the above markings.

Thus, the periods of rubber use correspond to the calendar seasons of the year, taking into account the off-season:

  • summer ones can be used from March 1, 2019 to November 31;
  • winter studded - from September to May;
  • studless winter tires - all year round.

Thus, we come to the conclusion when to change to summer tires: from March to May. Replacement must be done from September to November summer tires for winter, a specific date or period has not been established.

Fines in 2018

There are no rules in the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation establishing liability for the use of tires out of season. Only driving a vehicle with tread wear under Art. 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (if in the most worn place the tread depth is less than 4 millimeters). The punishment under this article is a fine of 500 rubles or a warning.

In question-answer format

When to change tires in Moscow and the Moscow region?

As already mentioned in the article, it is legally regulated that winter tires should be used in mandatory in the winter months, summer - in the summer months. Thus, you need to change tires between September and November. Reverse replacement is carried out in the spring: from March to May. When exactly to replace tires with winter tires is decided individually by each motorist. It is recommended to take into account temperature regime, the unofficial day to change summer tires is November 15th.

Are there any particularities regarding the use of winter and summer tires in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region?

According to the technical regulations, regional authorities can only increase the above ban periods. While such decisions have not been made at the local level in St. Petersburg, general rules apply. Experienced motorists believe that it is worth “changing your shoes” if the temperature drops below plus seven degrees for three days in a row. At this temperature, summer tires begin to lose the grip necessary for safe driving. Reverse replacement occurs when the temperature remains above this limit for three consecutive days.

Do you already need to change tires in the Saratov region? There are rumors that people will be fined for using summer tires.

As already mentioned in the article, when used legally winter tires. In 2018, fines for violating the requirements regarding tires and wheels are not applied, since there is no corpus delicti - there are no such articles in the Code of Administrative Offenses yet. The official website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate does not contain such information, but representatives of this department have repeatedly given explanations about the procedure for holding people liable for winter tires (liability is provided only for worn out treads).

Whether the law on winter tires was adopted in 2018 or not, how to find out?

If we are talking about bill No. 464241-6 on introducing liability for using the wrong type of rubber, then it is still under consideration in the State Duma. It was planned to introduce only a fine of two thousand rubles as punishment. His fate can be tracked on the official website of the legislative body.

I heard that in Finland the use of summer tires in winter is prohibited by law. Will they be allowed into Finland if the car has summer tires in winter?

No, they won't let me in. Finland has strict requirements for tire treads:

  • In winter you need to use winter tires, in summer - summer tires. This requirement is mandatory for everyone passenger cars and minibuses weighing up to 3.5 tons;
  • winter tires include products intended by the manufacturer for use in winter (both studded and non-studded);
  • It is prohibited to install studded and non-studded tires on the same vehicle at the same time (even on the front and rear axles);
  • The tread depth in winter must be at least 3 millimeters (a check at the border can be carried out).

Regarding the period of application:

  • winter tires must be used from December 1, 2018 to February 28, 2019. The same rule will most likely apply in subsequent years;
  • The use of winter tires is allowed from November 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019. That is, it is no longer possible to use winter tires in April and October.

It is important to note that border guards may ask questions about the purpose of travel. If cold weather has already set in at your destination, you will not be allowed to cross the border with summer tires.

Car wheels are the main component of a vehicle that is most subject to wear and tear. The reason for this is the constant contact of rubber with the track and road reagents. To extend service life wheel tires, to protect yourself and other road users, you should adhere to technical recommendations on the use of tires. Take into account the end of winter and the onset of warm weather and do not wait for a warning from the traffic police about when to change your tires to summer ones.

Timely replacement of wheels will help avoid the following causes of tire wear:

  • seasonal deterioration in road quality (ice, potholes after winter, hot asphalt);
  • driving out of snowdrifts and off-road conditions;
  • the tread is maintained during sharp braking;
  • imbalance of air pressure in tires depending on the season;
  • violation of vehicle operation standards.

Some thrifty car owners change tires on only one pair of wheels - front or rear. Such savings are fraught not only with vehicle breakdown, but also with road accidents.

2 Changing winter tires to summer tires

Every car enthusiast has his own beliefs about seasonal tire replacement:

  • Proponents of early replacement of the winter period motivate their position by the need to prepare early for the coming cold and to protect their traffic on the road in the event of sudden frosts or ice.
  • supporters of the late summer change change tires when it is already warm enough, not taking into account that this increases wear and significantly reduces their service life.

The practice of using winter tires confirms that using the treads in hot summer weather significantly increases their wear. Therefore, if you replace it in time, the life of the rubber can be extended.

When changing your car, you should arm yourself with the recommendations of manufacturers, who advise installing winter protectors if the average daily temperature drops to +7C. At low temperatures, summer protectors harden and their properties deteriorate.

According to the law of the Russian Federation, winter tires should be changed from March 1 to March 15, depending on severe weather conditions and territorial location. In Russia by mid-March temperature indicators become more stable, snow covers disappear and the asphalt becomes dry, as a result of which the technical characteristics winter tires not of current interest.

Of course, it’s good to change the car’s shoes according to the rules, but the owner must take into account the quality of the road surface (after winter) of the area in which he drives: city roads are more well-groomed and clean than rural or provincial roads, which sometimes remain snow-covered until mid-April.

Russia is a vast country, and residents of the southern regions have some peculiarities regarding the seasonal replacement of wheels, since in winter there is no snow at all, the asphalt is dry and the temperatures are quite high. In this regard, the use of studded tires in such areas is not common; all-season tires are more in fashion there. Change date winter protectors there it fluctuates depending on weather conditions, drivers need to monitor from what date the temperature has leveled off and remains at +5, +7C and above, then they can safely change the car’s shoes.

Car owners in the North, on the contrary, use studded tires more, since driving in snowfalls and severe frosts requires special technical characteristics- protectors with metal spikes. And the time frames requiring replacement of studded tires are somewhat different there than in the central and southern regions; they are determined by territorial temperature parameters.

3 Changing summer tires

According to Appendix No. 8 of the technical regulations dated January 1, 2015, the operation of vehicles with studded tires in the summer from June to August is prohibited. Therefore, the law of the Russian Federation to travel to summer time it is not prohibited at all to use winter tires without studs, but you can ride on studded tires until June 1st.

Replacement conditions summer tires car depend on the average daily temperature not lower than +5.+7C. If even during the daytime the air warms up to +10, +11C, then in the morning frosts may appear in places and driving a car on summer tires can cause an accident. Moreover, summer tires used in winter lose their elasticity, and vehicle braking doubles.

If the summer has dragged on and the winter season is just beginning to remind itself, it is useful for car enthusiasts to familiarize themselves with the following parameters of the relationship between seasonal temperature and replacing summer tires:

  • the lower the thermometer readings, the harder the summer tread;
  • the harder the rubber, the lower its grip properties;
  • The worse the grip properties, the greater the fuel consumption and the greater the tread wear.

To balance these processes, car wheel manufacturers have developed tires that differ in chemical structure and tread pattern.

Car tires used in summer are stiffer and better withstand contact with hot asphalt. On low temperatures the tires become hard and grip decreases. The process of movement turns into the process of sliding.

The minimum average daily temperature, after which we understand that it’s time to “change our shoes” - +7 degrees Celsius

In addition to winter and summer tires, there is another, third option for tires - all-season tires. “All-season tires” are characterized by more disadvantages than advantages, because in the summer they wear out more and are less elastic in the winter. All-season tires They behave most practically at 0 degrees.

There are 4 main reasons why experts advise changing summer tires in advance:

  1. Excitement at the service station.
  2. Running in studded treads: avoid slipping and sudden braking for the first 100 - 200 km. Recommended driving speed is 70 km/h.
  3. It is more comfortable to carry out installation in warm weather than in cold weather.
  4. The car is ready for the sudden vagaries of nature.

A few lost studs are not as dangerous as the possibility of ending up with summer tires in a snowdrift or ice.

4 Additional reasons for timely tire changes

Car tires need to be changed, primarily for reasons of your own safety. Economic reasons for this are also not unimportant: winter tires wear out quickly in the summer, and driving in winter on summer treads leads to accidents and unexpected expenses.

Insurance companies usually refuse insurance if vehicle In case of an accident, tires that were not appropriate for the season were installed.

The timing of tire replacement depends on the conditions of use of the car: if in spring the car is used mostly in the mornings and evenings, and at this time there may be frosts, then you don’t have to rush to change tires, if in autumn the car is used in the morning and evening, then you should hurry up to change the shoes of the car.

The geography of operation is also very important, because on suburban and urban routes the temperature indicators of night and day are usually different. Consequently, the likelihood of ice appearing is greater, and snow on country roads takes longer to melt than on city roads.

5 Fine for seasonal non-conformity of tires

Financial penalty for summer tires in winter from January 1, 2015. is 500 rubles, thanks to the technical document of the Customs Union that has entered into force. The decree prohibits the operation of cars without winter tires from December to February. Regional structures are given the right to regulate the timing of the ban depending on weather conditions in various regions of Russia.

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide for a fine for using studless winter tires in the summer.

Also, the legislation does not provide for a fine for the absence of the “Ш” sign on a car with studded tires.

Replacement car tires, like everything in our lives, must be done on time, especially if your own safety depends on it.

Seasonal tire replacement for summer tires experienced drivers usually does not cause problems. To do this, it is enough to have a spare set of wheels in the garage. If the storage conditions are unsuitable, you can contact specialized organizations offering services for the responsible storage of tires.

If the car owner has not stocked up on a replacement seasonal set in advance, he will have to contact a tire repair shop, where at this time queues usually appear and service rates rise.

To change wheels on your car yourself, you will need a minimum set of tools:

  1. Jack.
  2. Balloon wrench.
  3. Wheel chocks (instead, you can use improvised means - bricks, stones, wooden blocks, etc.).

The sequence of actions is simple:

  • the machine is installed on a suitable level and solid surface;
  • the tightening of the wheel bolts (nuts) is loosened;
  • using a jack, the wheels are lifted and replaced one by one;
  • after lowering the wheel, the fasteners on it are finally tightened;
  • removed summer wheels put away for storage until spring in a suitable place.

Important! Changing wheels yourself is not difficult; there is no need to spend extra time and money on it.

In conclusion, we note that the rules for replacing tires established by Technical Regulations No. 018/2011 provide only minimum terms for using certain types of tires in winter and summer. In practice, the period for replacing wheels should be determined depending on the specific climatic conditions of the region and local legislation.

One of the most pressing topics of concern to motorists with the arrival of autumn is preparing the vehicle for winter operation. If drivers can omit some types of work, then every car owner is required to change tires to winter ones. The issue of the timing of this mandatory procedure is decided taking into account the provisions of regional and federal legislation. The requirement to switch to operation in winter mode is also contained in the provisions of the CASCO agreement.

Link to legislation

When determining the need to replace tires with winter sets, the motorist is, first of all, guided by the provisions of the Technical Regulations CU 018/211, which specifies the standards for the use of tires depending on their type. The choice of tires for winter operation depends on the climate in the region, as well as the characteristics of the tires. Traffic police officers, determining the implementation of vehicle operating rules, monitor compliance of this document.

The choice of tires for a particular period of use will depend on several parameters:

  1. There is a ban on studded tires during the calendar summer period.
  2. The period for using summer tires cannot begin earlier than March and end later than October.
  3. The entire spring period is allotted for the transition to summer tires, during which state traffic inspectors have no reason to draw up a protocol on the violation and impose any punishment.

The Technical Regulations determine not only the period of use of tires depending on the season. There are some restrictions regarding the condition of the rubber used:

  1. The tread depth of a summer tire in the absence of a wear indicator should exceed 1.6 mm.
  2. The same figure for the winter set is from 44.

Any deviation from acceptable standards leads to a complete ban on operating the vehicle.

Replacement periods by law

The need to take into account the different conditions of roads in different climatic zones at the same time requires taking into account regional standards approved on the basis of information about the characteristics of weather conditions in different seasons of the year.

Federal standards are much broader, as they cannot take into account the special conditions of the location where the machine is used. Appendix No. 8 contains the main restriction for changing tires - before December 1, i.e. before the onset of calendar winter.

Despite the fact that failure to comply with deadlines does not yet entail serious consequences for motorists in terms of administrative liability, it is strongly recommended to adhere to the deadlines established in the region in order to ensure the safest possible driving conditions for yourself and surrounding participants traffic.

Due to the fact that on December 1 in most regions of the Russian Federation it is already winter and there is snow cover or ice, the relevance of meeting the deadline is lost.

It’s another matter if the motorist decides not to change tires at all, remaining in summer operating mode. These actions are unacceptable, first of all, due to the creation of a high-risk situation on the road, with a danger to the life and health of others, passengers and the driver himself.

Using common sense, the motorist is obliged to independently determine the date of tire change, taking into account the following indicators:

  • snow cover on the roads;
  • presence of ice on the road surface;
  • air temperature during the day;
  • duration and activity of operation.

The last factor is taken into account if the car has a pronounced seasonal use. If the car is used only in summer, there is no need to change tires to winter ones, or the driver does this before starting winter operation after a long break from driving. The main thing is that the car, when driving on the road, meets the requirements of legal regulations regarding the safe use of the vehicle.

Amounts of fines, possible changes

An equally exciting issue concerns the penalties for failure to comply with technical requirements.

Currently in effect administrative punishment and a fine of 500 rubles if the car is used with worn tires, the tread depth of which does not reach the required level (see Article 12.5 of the Administrative Code).

The same article plans to introduce new provisions providing for more severe penalties for non-compliance with the seasonal use of tires. In the new version of the law, the fine can be from 2 thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive.

Currently, the law is less strict, allowing a fine to be issued only if the tread height is not observed.

The point of view of traffic police officers

Ignoring the opinion of weather forecasters, due to the impossibility of accurately determining long-term weather in a particular region, it is recommended to listen to the opinion of the State Traffic Inspectorate, which advises replacing car tires when the air does not warm up above +7°C for a 7-day period.

In order to reduce the risk of accidents and violations of other safety rules, it is recommended:

  1. Change tires in a timely manner according to the season.
  2. Adjust your driving style, switching to smoother, more careful driving, without using sudden unexpected maneuvers, and also taking into account the required distance between vehicles in the same row.
  3. While driving, the driver must turn on the headlights, regardless of the time of day, and use fog lights in bad weather conditions.
  1. Studded tires are not used during the calendar summer.
  2. The mandatory months to use winter tires are from December to February. During this period, it is allowed to install tires with or without studs, with the obligatory marking M+S/M&S/M S and a special graphic mark indicating the winter version of the tire.
  3. At the regional level, the timing of the transition to winter equipment can only be shifted to an earlier period if climatic conditions require this to be done.

Video about changing tires

Knowledge of the rules safe operation A car, taking into account the characteristics of the operating season, as well as changing tires, will allow you to avoid many dangers on the roads. A driver who switches to studded tires in a timely manner will feel more confident and safe on the road.

By the end of the week, weather forecasters predicted the first frosts. Many drivers think about replacing summer tires at the last minute, and then the rush begins. The main question is when to go to the tire shop: now or wait for real frosts?

When is it legally necessary to change tires to winter ones?

There is no clear decree in the country on the mandatory change of a set of tires that is suitable for the summer period to a winter one. Drivers are mainly guided by technical regulations Customs Union, which indicates the expected date of installation of tires intended for driving in winter. Drivers who are concerned about their own lives and the health of their passengers, as well as the safety of other road users, must change the kit no later than December 1 of the current year.

When stopping a vehicle, traffic police officers do not have the right to issue a fine if the driver is driving in a vehicle that has not changed shoes, for example, on December 2, since regulations have not yet been developed in the country to financially punish violators.

First of all, you need to use common sense. In many regions of the country, winter is already raging on December 1, so it is necessary to change a set of summer tires to winter ones before this period begins. You also need to pay attention to weather forecasters. When an ice crust appears on the roads, it is not recommended to use summer tires, as the grip on the road surface is reduced, which may result in an accident.

In turn, tire manufacturers say that after the air temperature drops to plus 7, you can safely replace summer tires with winter tires, since their properties begin to change at this temperature. The rubber becomes harder and prevents full grip. Regional authorities are developing recommendations that are related to the expected tire replacement period in order to reduce road accidents.

As for fines, only now the government is considering a bill that could financially oblige drivers to change tires in a timely manner after its adoption. Citizens who install worn-out winter tires on their car with a tread depth of less than 4 millimeters pay a fine of 500 rubles to the state treasury, while traffic police officers pay attention to the condition of the road. If it is snowy or icy, then the process of imposing a financial penalty may occur.

Most motorists, especially experienced ones, have their own ideas about this. Many, for example, believe that there is no need to rush to change tires in the fall. The first snow falls and melts, and the first frost is always followed by a period of warmth. Winter tires do not feel very good on warm asphalt and wear out quickly.

But even a minor accident with minor damage will cost more than a couple of tenths of a millimeter of tire wear on warm asphalt. Moreover, for safety reasons, tires are generally not recommended to be used longer than three years from the date of their production. Even if the tread depth is still large enough, after three years the rubber becomes old and holds the asphalt worse.

In the off-season, neither summer tires nor winter tires can be a universal solution. The winter one really worsens the car’s performance on warm asphalt, while the summer one makes it uncontrollable on slippery roads.

Therefore, a compromise is important and an assessment of what is more dangerous is important. It is definitely more dangerous to find yourself on a slippery road summer tires. Therefore, it is better to sacrifice dynamics on a warm road and a little wear on winter tires and install them early.

When talking about choosing the moment to install winter tires, many experts advise focusing on the average daily temperature. If it drops to a stable 7-8 degrees Celsius, it is considered that this is the right time to install tires for the winter season.

It is clear that it will be a rare driver to calculate the average daily temperature on his own or look for such data on the Internet. Therefore, our advice is simple - focus on the timing of turning on the heating in your city. Heating begins to be supplied to houses exactly when the average daily temperature reaches 8 degrees Celsius.

If you put on winter tires earlier, it's no big deal. In any case, since neither summer nor winter tires are ideal solution, you will need to change your driving style. In the off-season, you should not make sudden maneuvers, accelerate or brake sharply. You need to maintain a higher distance than usual and carefully monitor the road condition.

Particular attention should be paid to bridges and overpasses. Roadways in other places may remain safe during frosts, but “black ice” appears on bridges. This is due to the fact that the road here cools down faster; it is not warmed by the earth, which is still warm after summer. It is in such places that accidents very often occur in the fall, especially if the driver continues to use summer tires.