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How cars are valued under the trade-in program. Trade-in - a system for buying a car, when the old one is accepted as a new one. Better trade in


What dealers don’t offer these days is that they will register the car themselves, issue comprehensive insurance, and sell your old car themselves. It’s about the latter that a lot of doubts arise among clients. On the one hand, it’s convenient: you give the “old lady” to the dealer, get the money - and drive a new car. But an inner voice whispers: “I shouldn’t sell myself too cheap!” I decided to rehearse the purchase and went to the dealership in my Mazda 3, which, according to legend, I was going to trade in with the intention of purchasing new car.

So, the desired car has been chosen, now you need to get rid of the old one as quickly and profitably as possible. And to find out its price, you need to conduct an assessment in the salon. As a rule, this service is free. It takes about two hours.

The commission sales manager will first find out the entire biography of the car. Typical questions: mileage, number of owners, is it under warranty, where was it serviced, is it available service book, how many keys and so on. Already at this stage you can lose the much-needed “points”. For example, a car whose spare key is lost will immediately arouse suspicion and lose value. The lack of service history will not increase liquidity either. It is best to submit to a trade-in fully armed - with all the documents, keys and receipts from the service. The more information the owner provides about the car, the better.

In fact, the lack of a service book is a drop in the ocean compared to any scratches and dents. Even minor damage to the body, according to the dealer, requires painting the entire part. And this is minus 8,000–10,000 rubles from the cost of the car. Strange logic: when selling a used car second-hand, buyers are usually not so picky about minor appearance flaws. But before handing over your car for trade-in, you shouldn’t rush headlong to the nearest service center, hoping to fool the appraiser. Dealers have a device in their arsenal that will show whether a particular part of the car has been repainted. It will be almost impossible to prove later that there was no major accident - and, as a result, your car will lose even more value! So it’s better to play openly here too.

In their advertising, dealers usually entice with the promise that they will accept any car. They're lying! No one wants to get involved with an illiquid property and then sell it for an eternity. Preference is given to cars purchased from official dealer, preferably no older than ten years and no more than one and a half million rubles. Five-year-old middle-class foreign cars are a tasty morsel for every seller. The dealer will take this with pleasure.

After compiling a complete dossier, the car is sent for washing and service. Here it will be examined from all sides almost under a microscope - not a single scratch will go unnoticed. But the owner most likely will not be allowed into the technical center: the secret of the investigation. Or rather, examinations. Don’t be surprised, but information about what exactly in the car requires repair will not be disclosed to you. In this way, the dealer is insured against freeloaders who are not going to trade-in the car, but just came for free diagnostics. If you need a reliable picture, please pay.

Crossing my fingers for luck, I sit in front of the manager and wait for the verdict - how much they will offer me for my Mazda. Before going to the dealer, I, of course, studied the advertisements for the sale of the same “three rubles” up and down. It turned out that on average in the hospital they are valued at 400,000 rubles. But the manager writes: 355 907. Not enough.

Or maybe a bird in the hand is better than an extra 10–15% of the price in the sky? Judge for yourself. You don’t have to rush through the traffic police and deregister the car yourself - the dealer takes these worries upon himself. Painting over scratches and communicating with customers is not for me either. It will take more than one week to sell according to the ad, but the dealer has 40 minutes - and the money is in the account.

Employees of the consignment car department say that the salon's profit does not exceed 7% of the cost of the car. It's more important for them to sell new car, and at the same time additional accessories, and also get a client in service center good too. In fact, this is not entirely true: the dealer tries to buy unpopular cars that will be difficult to sell at a reduced price. And only running ones - at a cost close to the market price.

Do you think the price is too low? There is no reason to rashly slam the door and run with an advertisement for sale in the first newspaper you come across. You can leave the car on consignment: the dealer takes the product, the price of which you set yourself, and sells it. But after the car finds a new owner, you will have to thank the salon for guarded parking, advertising and pre-sale preparation. The amount of the reward is agreed upon in advance and, as a rule, does not exceed 10% of the cost of the car. This option is more profitable, but be prepared to wait.

As a rule, money is transferred towards the purchase of a new car within an hour and you can safely drive home in your newly purchased car. But it is better to discuss this in advance - there have been cases when the client was asked to wait a few days and only then receive rubles. In this case, the benefits of a trade-in are negated. After all, its whole charm is that it came to old car, but left with a new one.

Time is money! After thinking, I agree with the price set by the manager. The missing amount can be borrowed from a bank friendly to the dealer or deposited in cash at the cash desk. In general, if I were a real client, I would leave the dealer with a new car. Perhaps, when the time comes to change mine for real, I will do so.

In the United States and Europe, accepting an old car as a new one has been working for several decades. In Russia, this procedure, called trade-in, is only gaining momentum. And he does it quickly. Of course, trade-in is beneficial and convenient for everyone.

What is a trade-in?

The meaning of the service is simple. When buying a new car, the client can give his old one towards the purchase. Usually the client gets the opportunity to arrive at the salon in an old car and leave in a new one. During your stay in the salon, all issues are resolved and legal formalities are carried out.

Of course, this is very convenient. The owner changes the car without many additional actions. The car dealership makes a sale and gets a new (and satisfied) customer.

Trade-in is developing because it is perfect for many categories of clients. Who are they?

    beginners who are not very well versed in the intricacies of selling cars,

    those who like to change cars every couple of years,

    those who do not want to waste time organizing sales and communicating with strangers,

    owners expensive cars,

    car owners loyal to one brand.

Don’t assume that a trade-in is a favor to the car dealership. Having accepted your car, the car dealership will then put it up for sale. It must be a liquid and serviceable car. So you should be understanding of the requirements specified by car dealerships.

Here are a few typical restrictions on cars accepted for trade-in:

    a car no older than 5-7 years,

    intended for Russian market or sold new in Russia,

    famous story services,

    legal purity,

    no serious accidents.

If your car is accepted for credit, the remaining amount can be paid in cash or taken out on credit. That is, you can arrive at the dealership in an old car and leave in a new one, without spending your money at all. This suits everyone. The client immediately receives a new car, the car dealership makes the sale, and the bank sells the loan secured by the new car.

How does a trade-in happen?

The transaction scheme may vary slightly from salon to salon. In any case, you cannot do without standard procedures. The car acceptance process usually goes like this:

Since there is currently no procedure for deregistering a car, most likely you will draw up a commission agreement and hand over the keys. In addition, you will definitely be required to:

    vehicle passport, car title,

    registration certificate.

Service book with marks Maintenance, not required. But it’s better to find it, especially if the car was serviced only by an official dealer or is generally under warranty (including extended). A purchase and sale agreement or other title document is also not required.

The most emotional thing is the car's assessment. Of course, it is more profitable for the dealer to accept your car cheaper. Therefore, doubts are usually interpreted in favor of reducing the cost: even small chips on the body or malfunctions are taken into account. But try to put yourself in the shoes of the buyer of your car. You will also demand a discount for non-ideal appearance. And you are unlikely to put up with minor malfunctions.

It's the same story with tuning. Beautiful wheel disks or the fancy music system you spent money on is unlikely to be appreciated.

How to speed up the deal?

Match multiple simple rules will simplify and speed up the transfer of an old car to a new one.

  1. Offer the car to the same dealership where it was purchased. Or another dealer of the same brand. This makes it easier for the car dealership to analyze the condition of the car and track the service history. They will probably be able to offer you best price.
  2. Find out the market price for your car in advance. You can view sales advertisements on the Internet and estimate the loss of value using the table:

Loss in the price of the car (under normal operating conditions, service at a dealer and mileage of no more than 20-30 thousand per year):

    Don't do it minor repairs before sale. You will save time during negotiations and avoid unnecessary questions. Even if the bumper was repainted due to chips, the buyer will look for signs of more serious damage.

    Operate the vehicle so that it meets the requirements of the factory's Certified Pre-Owned Vehicle Program. Usually we are talking about timely service only from an official dealer, perfect condition and the age of the car not exceeding five years. If the dealer can list your car as certified and at a higher price, he will offer you a higher price.

Here are some examples of manufacturer programs:

    BMW Premium Selection

    Land Rover Selected

    Mercedes-Benz StarClass

    Porsche approved

What are the advantages of the Trade-In service?

    Saving time on searching for buyers and showing the car.

    There are no risks when completing a transaction with a legal entity of an official dealer.

    You are never left “rudderless” for a day.

    The car can be replaced not only with a new one, but also with another used car.

    Once you transfer the car, you will not have anything to do with the subsequent transaction.

    Sometimes it’s easier to get a loan for a new car with a trade-in.

    Even a used car may have a warranty.

    A detailed check and pre-sale preparation of the car will save you from unpleasant surprises.

    Physical security of the transaction.

    Clear and simple execution of the transaction; you don’t have to “get into the situation” of the buyer and change the terms.

    Legal purity of the transaction if the commission agent is a legal entity.

What are the disadvantages of the Trade-In service?

If you are renting out your car:

    A commitment to buy a car from a specific dealer. You will be limited in your choice.

    The ransom amount may differ from what you expected to be smaller. For illiquid cars, the actual transaction price may be a third lower than what you saw in the advertisements.

    Restrictions on accepted vehicles. It is difficult to trade-in a car:

  • over 7−10 years old,
  • having stickers in the PTS, passed as stolen, etc.,
  • had severe body damage or signs of poor quality repairs,
  • imported through unofficial channels,
  • with irremovable traces of careless and harsh use

If you are buying a used car:

    Purchasing from a dealer does not in itself guarantee that the vehicle is in perfect condition.

    You will not be able to set a “convenient” price for you in the purchase agreement.

    Not all cars on display in the showroom actually went through the trade-in program and the full range of checks. These can be ordinary used cars put up for consignment. Be sure to check this along with the history of the specific instance.

What are some trade-in tricks?

In the trade-in, your partner is professionals in the used car market. This does not mean that you should completely rely on their will. You can strengthen your negotiating position without any problems by following our advice.

If you are renting out your car:

If you are buying a used car:

    Take a look at the car's title. Check the compliance of the data in the title with the stated history of the car.

    The condition of the interior is determined by several parts that wear out the most: the steering wheel rim, the sides of the driver's seat and the pedal pads. Keep an eye on them.

Should you agree to a trade-in?

In most cases, yes. You save your time and nerves while receiving good service. For convenience and speed, you will pay 10-15% of the cost of the car - and this is in the worst case. There are plenty of scenarios in which a trade-in deal turns out to be more profitable than selling the car yourself.

If you prefer one brand and always want to drive new cars, then there is simply no more profitable option for you. For regular customers Dealers are willing to provide discounts, and are sometimes willing to make a single transaction at a loss in order to maintain long-term relationships.

How often does advertising become so attractive and tempting! Drivers are asked to change old car to a new one without much hassle. The showrooms promise to accept a used car in any condition as a new one. This is trade-in technology. The popularity of this method of buying and selling is gaining momentum. What is it? What are the benefits and disadvantages?

Concept by definition

The essence of this trade-in service is that the client brings to the salon old thing. There it is assessed, and the established value goes towards payment for the purchased item. So in many countries they sell anything, including cars.

In Russia, this method of selling is just gaining popularity: a car enthusiast comes to the dealership in his old car and leaves it a few hours later with a new one.

So is “trade-in” profitable? Is the advertisement fair?

What is hidden behind the promises of car dealerships?

Salons promise to accept old cars in any condition. This, to put it mildly, is not entirely true. Firstly, not any car, and secondly, not in any condition. A person comes to the salon with a desire to use the “trade-in” service. They will accept a car that is no older than 7-10 years if you have all the documents and sets of keys. Specialists will check not only the condition of the car, but also legal purity

. A car older than 10 years will most likely not be needed. Next, the car undergoes diagnostics in the cabin. If it is clearly “killed” or needs a lot of repairs, then it will not be accepted. The same problem can arise if “ iron Horse

"costs more than 1.5 million rubles or has an individual assembly. Such copies are difficult to sell. And the salon accepts used cars for the purpose of their subsequent resale.

What happens to the cost

So, a car enthusiast comes to the dealership with the desire to use the “trade-in” service. His car fits the described conditions. How is the price calculated? In the first year, a car loses up to 20% of its value (sometimes up to 30), each subsequent year - up to 10%. If the car's mileage is more than 35 thousand km, then the losses will be even higher.

The car is sent for diagnostics, where customers are not allowed. The appraisers examine it very meticulously. Now every little thing plays its role. There is no second set of keys - minus several thousand, every small scratch or dent - another minus 5-10 thousand.
This is how the price that the salon will offer will be determined. At the same time, making cosmetic repairs (painting, for example, a wing) is not recommended. Experts will suspect that the car has been in a serious accident and will reduce the price even more. It will take a long time to prove that there was no such thing, and it is not certain that it will be effective.

As a result, the price of the car will be approximately 10% lower than the market value. Having found out how much a car dealership gives for a car, the client needs to decide what is more profitable for him: to sell the car himself or through a trade-in. Of course, you can be indignant and refuse such a service. In this case, you will have to sell the car yourself. However, “trade-in” saves the client’s time and nerves. All the hassle of finding a buyer, pre-sale preparation

You can register your chosen car immediately, pay the rest of its cost in cash or on credit, and receive it within a few hours. In any case, you need to think carefully before making a decision.

In what case does the car dealership pay extra?

The trade-in price of a car is not always lower than that of a new one. This situation occurs when replacing an expensive used car with a new one with a lower price.

For example, if a client decides to change the popular BMW X5 or “ Volkswagen Touareg» for a brand new one » Volkswagen Polo", then the difference in price will be in his favor.
At the same time, the car dealership is guided not by altruistic considerations, but by its own benefit. He will put up accepted cars for sale at prices above the market average.

Pros and cons of the buyback system

Like any service, this one has its positive and negative sides.

Clear advantages:

  • Saving time and effort.
  • You don't have to look for a buyer yourself.
  • Less legal complications.
  • You can get a new car on the same day.
  • Car diagnostics and assessment of its value (even if the client refused to sell his car, but he will pay for the diagnostics).
  • The price may be less than we would like.
  • Not every car is suitable for such a sale.
  • Each dealership has its own procedure for selling a car against an old one (in some places they may require an additional payment in cash, in others they will accept the cost of the old car as a down payment for a new one).
  • When registering a car, taxes and fees will have to be paid in accordance with the actual price of the car.

Actions when selling a car

Procedure for selling a car via trade-in:

  1. Choosing a new car.
  2. Receive an assessment of your car (previously by calling the dealership).
  3. Technical and legal examination of the car. Then you can find out the final cost.
  4. Concluding an agreement with a car dealership for the sale of an old car and the purchase of a new one. All documents must first be carefully studied.
  5. Deregistration of a car (either independently or through the dealership). Providing help.
  6. Additional payment for the purchased car.
  7. Getting a new car.

So, “trade-in” has its advantages and disadvantages. Clear and unconditional advantages include significant savings in time and effort for the car owner. But no one has canceled the saying “time is money,” so the client pays for such convenience with his own money.

Of course, you can refuse the service; it is voluntary. Its only mandatory component is diagnostics. Therefore, if you are not sure of your choice, then you need to find out the cost of diagnostics in advance and have the required amount with you.

Is it profitable to sell a car via trade-in? Every car enthusiast will answer this question himself in a specific situation. Opinions on this matter can be completely different. One thing should always be common: the decision must suit us completely. Independent and profitable decisions when changing a car!

Reading time: 4 minutes

Trade-in is an agreement on mutual repayment of obligations to pay for goods. In this case, the car serves as a partial payment for a new or used car. It is not difficult to become the owner of another car using this system; you just need to deliver the old car to the dealership. A salon employee will determine its cost and calculate the amount the owner will have to pay for a new car. To decide whether such a deal is profitable, you need to understand how a car is valued and which cars are not accepted for trade-in.

How the system works

According to experts, up to 80% of cars are sold all over the world using the system we are discussing, which has been operating for several decades. Although this scheme is far from being so popular in Russia, exchanging a car using the trade-in system also arouses the interest of domestic motorists.

Here are some pros of the deal:

Many car owners complain that their car sometimes goes unsold for months. Moreover, all this time you need to meet with potential buyers, update advertisements in newspapers, or take the car to the market. To ensure its presentation, you have to regularly go to the car wash.

Trade-in allows you to shift the worries of finding buyers to the car dealership. Employees also complete all necessary paperwork and...

The listed benefits will be appreciated mainly by busy people.

Along with this, it should be borne in mind that car dealerships do not work for free. This means that you will have to pay something for the provision of the service. As a rule, this results in some loss of funds due to the valuation of the item for sale below its real value market value.

Take a sociological survey!

What is the assessment procedure?

How much a car is valued at trade-in by car dealerships depends on the age of the car. It is generally accepted that in the first year of operation vehicle loses approximately 20% of the original value. The price then decreases by 10% with each subsequent year.

To get a client, car dealership employees claim that they will take any car for credit. However, it is not. Business rules require that the item for sale be liquid, that is, that the salon does not have problems with subsequent sale. The main requirement for a car: age up to 10 years and cost up to 1.5 million rubles. Five-year-old foreign cars are of greatest interest to dealers.

Even if the salon agrees to take an old car, you need to be prepared for the fact that they will offer a meager amount for it.

Experienced drivers believe that the deal will be more profitable if they bring with them a spare key, a service book and receipts confirming the work. Based on the documents provided and based on the results of the conversation with the owner, the manager will try to recreate the history of the car: the number of owners, the presence of a warranty, who was entrusted with the maintenance and other significant circumstances.

After compiling the history of the car, it is alternately driven to a car wash, to a site for visual inspection and to service. Specialists will record all identified mechanical faults, problems with electronics, varnish defects, etc.

Criteria for evaluation

Understanding how a car is valued at a trade-in will help you make an informed decision. As a rule, passing is carried out according to a number of criteria:

  1. Car make.
  2. Year of manufacture.
  3. Optional equipment.
  4. Engine power.
  5. Availability of a set of documents.
  6. Number of kilometers traveled.
  7. Set of options.
  8. Technical correctness.
  9. There is damage to the body and paintwork.
  10. The specified points are assigned a certain number of points, which are subsequently summed up to determine the cost of the car.

    Drivers who have already experienced how a car is valued at a trade-in note that the loss of a key and the lack of a reliable service history are an alarming signal for experts.

    If the driver himself knows well weak spots of his car, an online assessment will allow him to save time and nerves. By calculating the preliminary cost of the car in advance, he can avoid disappointment.

    In addition, having received a general idea of ​​the price that will be charged for the car, he will be more realistic in choosing a new model or will begin to select a feasible one.

    How to calculate the cost of a car by trade in

    The easiest way to find out the cost of a car is to use an online calculator to evaluate a car by trade-in. You can make preliminary calculations at any time of the day, and you don’t even have to leave your home or office to do this. All you need to do is enter the vehicle characteristics and your contact information. A similar service is provided on the websites of many car dealers. Please note: the more detailed the questionnaire, the more reliable the answer will be.

    Of course, an online valuation of a car for trade-in will only give a potential client an approximate figure. As mentioned above, the final price depends on many factors, including those that the car owner may not be aware of. However, if he tries to give the most objective answers and, if possible, uploads high-quality photographs of defects, the result will be more realistic.

    The most accurate answer can be obtained if you calculate the trade-in cost of a car using a calculator posted on the website of the company whose services the owner is going to use.

    Evaluation nuances

    It has been noticed that damage to the body - scratches or dents - cause the greatest dissatisfaction among dealers. Many of them assume that if there is even a small defect, the interior will have to invest in painting the entire element. This will reduce the cost of the car by several thousand.

    Trying to hide the damage by turning to the services of a car painter will not increase your chances of selling your car at a higher price. Car dealership employees always use a thickness gauge - a device that evaluates the thickness of the paintwork. They will immediately determine whether any element has been repainted and will suspect an accident. Proving that the damage was caused by a minor incident near a supermarket will be very difficult.

    It is also impossible to exclude pitfalls when drawing up an agreement with unscrupulous car dealerships. Some of them draft the contract in such a way that its provisions can be interpreted in two ways. In this case, even an experienced lawyer will not be able to help pick up the car without paying for a number of services and collecting interest if the agreement is terminated.

    Many dealerships do not charge money for assessing the value of a car. Some are even ready to negotiate reasonably with the client. To compare conditions, you can visit another car dealership or evaluate a car at a trade-in online to make sure that the intermediary is not lying.

    Trade-in. Advantages and disadvantages. How not to be deceived: Video

Every car enthusiast begins his journey by buying a car. After a certain period of time, a used car is sold and a car is bought again. When changing a car, the trade-in system will help - a very useful service of car dealers when selling and buying a car, both new and used.

Trade-in for a car owner

The trade-in system, as a marketing ploy, is offered by professional car sellers in order to tie up the sale and purchase of a car in one place, that is, a car dealership. Naturally, for those interested, the question arises of selling a used car at their disposal.

The sale of such a car can take a long time, but you want a new car today. To save the car owner from worry and hassle in the process of selling a used car, a trade-in system was introduced - a used car is counted as a new one.

By “new” we mean another car from those offered by the car dealership:

  • or new, from the car factory,
  • or used, on commission from a car dealership.

Of course, the car dealership strives not only to sell a new car profitably, but also to profitably offset the used car it sells.

How does the auto trade in procedure work?

The procedure for exchanging a used car at a car dealership for another (new or used) begins with a legal assessment of the vehicle being traded in:

  • the car is under arrest,
  • finding the car in the traffic police database of stolen cars,
  • being pledged to a bank or car pawnshop.

The point that the car should not be in disrepair and be technically sound is the norm for the trade-in procedure.

If a check of documents and databases shows that the car is “clean” before the law, then technical inspection and determining the market value of the car:

  • inspection is usually carried out in a car service center at a car dealership,
  • The market valuation of a car consists of:
    • Year of manufacture of the car,
    • Car mileage,
    • Replacement of any parts or assemblies, if necessary,
    • Cost of cosmetic repairs
  • Assessing the demand and liquidity of the machine:
    • Domestic model
    • Foreign model

Based on the results of the check, inspection and evaluation, the value is displayed at which the car dealership is ready to make a credit in favor of a new car purchased at the car dealership. It should be noted here that the offset value is determined as a result of a joint agreement between the buyer and the car dealership.

Naturally, after the trade-in transaction is completed, the used car will be put up for sale. Therefore, for a car dealership, the magnitude of the difference in value between the estimated and sales value will play an important role. The greater this difference, the more interesting the trade-in deal will seem for a car dealership.

The buyer, according to this scheme, will benefit from the fact that there will be no problems with selling a used car.

Trade in - criteria for evaluating a used car

One of the main criteria for evaluating a used car that is handed over to a car dealership using the trade-in system will be its presentation and the absence of technical problems.

For example, you shouldn’t delude yourself and think that a car dealership will accept a completely “ancient” car as a new one, or a VAZ “Six” from twenty years ago as a new one.

The age of a car for acceptance through the trade-in system into a car dealership should not be more than 6-10 years. The car manufacturer will also play a role:

  1. domestic
  2. foreign.

Of interest to the car dealership are running models, having a service life of 2-3 years, and purchased from an official dealer. The more liquid the model is, by market standards, the greater the car dealership’s interest in accepting a used car for credit.

This will be followed by checking the documents for the car. If any discrepancy is discovered with the numbers in the PTS and on the body or engine of the car, the car dealership will refuse to further consider the car proposed for registration.

To ensure that a vehicle is not accepted as a participant in a legal dispute, car dealers prefer to accept for evaluation vehicles that have been deregistered by the traffic police. The most liquid car models may be those that were purchased at this particular car dealership, where they applied under the trade-in program. This moment allows you to more accurately find out the car’s service history, since the service book was filled out in the car dealership’s own service department.

Trade-in vehicle assessment

It’s worth noting right away that there are no universal formulas for evaluating a used car handed over at trade-in program does not exist! Everything will depend on the individual examination and the subjectivity of the appraiser.

Among car enthusiasts, it is generally accepted that:

  • a new car becomes cheaper in the first year by 20 percent of the factory price,
  • further 10 percent for each year of the car’s age,
  • Car brands that are not popular are losing up to 20 percent per year,
  • Very popular and liquid models - 5-7 percent per year.

The most significant markdown affects prestigious cars at the top of the price bracket. Calculation of the cost of such cars, using the trade-in system, is approximately determined by:

  • minus 30 percent for 1 year of operation and
  • minus 15-20 percent for each subsequent year of mileage.

These are approximate percentages if the car mileage is no more than 35,000 km per year. At higher mileage car, the proportion of the assessment will be calculated downward.

The owner of a used car sold under the trade-in program to a car dealership can independently ask the price and find out the cost similar car on auto forums, message boards, and on the Internet.

The procedure for purchasing a new car, taking into account the assessment of a used car being traded in, is determined individually by each car dealership:

  1. the difference in cost will be charged in cash without installments,
  2. used credit value the car is coming like a down payment on a car loan.
  3. in some cases, the difference in price may be in favor of the buyer if the appraisal amount is higher than the sale price of the purchased car.

Cars accepted by the dealership for trade-in credit will be put up for sale. As a rule, their selling price is higher than the market average. But for the next owner there will be advantages from the purchase:

  • cars of low age and mileage,
  • legally clean,
  • having good technical condition,
  • have undergone full pre-sale training,
  • A warranty is possible for the main units.

The listed advantages of buying a used car at a car dealership cannot be found if you choose a car at the car market, or from a private seller.

Nuances of credit assessment using the trade in system

It should be noted that a trade-in is, first of all, a financial transaction. And as in any operation related to valuation and financial gain, the auto trade-in program has its own nuances that can affect the credit value of the car:

  • it is more profitable to hand over the car to a dealership showroom of the manufacturer of this car brand,
  • the score will increase if the car is simply washed and cleaned,
  • Before making an assessment, decide on your own lower price threshold. If the first estimate turns out to be $2000 less, then it is better to look for another salon,
  • Don't be fooled by the price quoted over the phone. This is a reason to attract a client. During an in-person inspection, as a rule, various excuses are found, and the price drops significantly.
  • if they promise to arrange a trade in in a few hours, then this is not a serious company, without accurate diagnostics and assessment. The actual period is 2-3 working days, and only if the car is deregistered with the traffic police.