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What to do if the car was towed. What to do if the car was evacuated Further actions of the driver


Many car enthusiasts have probably already met (faced) such a situation more than once when, after leaving the car in the car park near some large shopping center, upon returning back from the shopping center to the parking lot, you could not immediately find or find your car in the parking lot. Most car parks, and especially in Russia, are poorly equipped with signs and various information messages that would help the owner of the car easily remember the parking (parking) place of the car and then easily find his parked car. To help in such cases, SurfStudio has developed a special Park Me Right application for smartphones running Android, which has recently appeared for free download on Google Play.

It will seem strange to many that you can forget the place where the car is parked. But unfortunately there are many such cases. Not everyone has a good memory. Yes, and some parking spaces near shopping centers are designed and mounted in such a way that if you do not know how to navigate well in space or on the ground, then indeed, then you can remember for a long time where the car was left. In our country, there have been cases when car owners were looking for their car for almost a whole day. Imagine what the owners of such cars experienced, who could not find their car for so long.

In order for you (car owners) not to worry, not to strain your mind and not to remember where you left your car, the Park Me Right application installed on your smartphone (phone) will easily help each of the owners to quickly find their car. A very useful device (application) will also help any car owner if he leaves his car for a long time at the airport or at the railway station in a large parking lot (due to his long absence), even when the car owner has a good memory, he can simply forget the exact location of your car in the car park.

This Park Me Right app is very easy to use. After you have parked in the parking lot, you need to run the installed program on your phone (cardphone) and fix the exact location of the car on the ground by pressing the corresponding button in the program. The application itself will bind to the GPS signal from the satellite and determine the exact coordinates of the location of your "iron horse".

Upon returning from the shopping center to the car park or from any other trip, etc. etc., you just need to run the application Park Me Right and press the corresponding button so that the program shows on the map the exact location in the parking lot of your car, paving for you also the shortest path to it, thus indicating it on the screen of your phone (cardphone). The program also has a built-in compass, it is needed so that you can get to your car faster and in the shortest way.

Including this application also has an augmented reality function, when the phone’s camera is used and a live image is displayed directly on the smartphone screen, you can see those pointers that the program overlaysPark Me Right to a live video image, which helps you to approach (get) your car in a huge parking lot in the shortest way and in a short time.

With this application, you will never lose your car in the parking lot and never forget where you left it.

This application is free and available to everyone for free download on Google Play.

At the beginning of the new year 2017, the developers of the Moscow Parking application pleased with an update - now you can use it to find your car in the parking lot.

One button - and the car is found

Muscovites have long appreciated the convenience of the Parking of Moscow smartphone app. With it, it is easy to pay for any parking, even if there is no special terminal nearby.

Now, users of this application have the opportunity to automatically route to their car. To do this, you just need to press the "Geolocation" button, and the application will pave the most convenient walking path to the car and show how much time you need to get there.

Another innovation is real-time detection of paid parking lots closest to you, as well as information about parking rates. Very convenient, especially when you are in a hurry or in an unfamiliar area.

Let's list all the new features of the Moscow Parking app:

  • button "Geolocation";
  • search for the nearest paid parking lots;
  • appearance detailed instructions for working with the application.

Who forgets cars in parking lots?

Losing a car in a parking lot seems like a funny absurdity to many, but such cases really do happen. Moreover, some motorists manage to look for their cars for years.

One Englishman could not find his car on paid parking whole 6 months. When the police found the car, he was fabulously happy. But the joy immediately gave way to frustration when the owner found out that he owed the parking lot a huge amount of 5 thousand pounds - that's almost 366 thousand rubles.

In Germany, a man was looking for his vehicle even longer - for 2 years. It turned out that the car was parked almost next to his house. The most interesting thing is that the car was found safe and sound, nothing was even missing from it.

Russia is no exception, we also forget cars in parking lots. So recently, a Petersburger forgot where he left his car. However, he could not even remember the name of the city! The car has not yet been found, but the police have already begun work.

As you can see, forgetful citizens are quite common, so the new features of the app will come in handy!

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Any driver who violates the rules of parking runs the risk of not finding his car on the spot every day. If you have time to arrive at the scene of the accident, when the tow truck is just loading the car, then we can assume that the driver is very lucky. Most often, you have to spend time looking for a car, turning to various authorities.

In a small regional or district center, there is usually only one parking lot. In this case, the driver should not have any doubts about where to turn. In larger cities, such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar, there may be several sites. In particular, there are 30 of them in Moscow, and 12 in St. Petersburg.

How can I find out whether the car was towed or not? Where are cars taken after evacuation? How can I find out which impound lot a car is in? We will answer these and other questions in this article.

Grounds for the evacuation of the car

The first thought that may occur to a person who has not found his car in a parking lot is that his car was stolen. In such a situation, you need to stop panicking and look around. The car was guaranteed to be taken to the impound if the driver put it under the signs 3.28, 3.29, 3.30, which indicate a complete ban on parking, or restrictions on certain days. A similar situation will occur if you leave the car on the pedestrian zone or in the wrong place on the carriageway, on the tram tracks.

The car is subject to forced evacuation in case of being in it in a state of intoxication, in the absence of driving license or documents proving the right of ownership, the vehicle is out of order or an accident has occurred and makes it difficult for other vehicles to move. The seizure of the car threatens if the driver, at the request of the traffic police officer, refuses to undergo a medical examination.

Important! If the driver is present at the scene, the tow truck may not pick up the vehicle, the issue is resolved on the spot. As a result, a decision is issued on the fact of the offense, and the established fine is paid.

How can I find out where the towed car is located?

If a motorist encounters a problem for the first time, and you don’t have contact details for various penalty stations, you can contact the police. Information in state bodies will appear within two hours.

Efficiency in resolving the issue will help to avoid large fines, since the owner of the car will have to pay not only for the departure of the tow truck and violation traffic rules, but also for each hour of downtime at the site.

From a landline phone, dial 02, from a mobile phone 002 or 020, depending on the operator, or call a single free number rescue services - 112. The employee will request the state registration number of the car and provide information about its location.

Where to go in Moscow and St. Petersburg?

In large cities, the system is more established and there are several options for obtaining information:

  • unified information service in Moscow: 495 539-22-99, 539-54-54;
  • unified information service in St. Petersburg: 004 (+7 812 004 - from a mobile phone) or 812 680-33-33;
  • traffic police department in Yekaterinburg: 8(343)263–19–89, 8(343)263–18–35;
  • displaced public service Vehicle, which works in all major cities: 495-504-17-24.
  • Internet site for residents of Moscow: http://parking.mos.ru/.

Information about the evacuated car is sent to dispatchers immediately. From them you can get information where the car is located and how to issue a permit for the issuance of a vehicle.

Information on your own can be found online at http://parking.mos.ru/. Here is the following information:

  • all contact details of penalty areas;
  • a map of the city with marked addresses;
  • service for online tracking of a towed car with a field for entering a license plate;
  • articles of informational content, sizes of penalties.

There are private companies that assist in the return of the car from impounds. The cost of obtaining information for the car owner will be 300 rubles, completely resolving the issue with documents and delivering the car - more than 5 thousand rubles.

Further actions of the driver

By calling the dispatch service, you can get information about the traffic police brigade, which seized the car from the parking lot. You will also need information about the name of the penalty area, contact details of its duty unit. By contacting the officer on duty, you can clarify the details and the list of documents required for issuing a car.

In Moscow, the following organizations are engaged in the evacuation of cars:

  • traffic police;
  • Mosparking;
  • MADI.

The car owner must apply to the traffic police for a permit to issue a car. A protocol of detention is drawn up, an act on the placement of a detained vehicle, payment of a fine, transportation and storage is made. At the site, you must present the above documents, driving license and passport, OSAGO policy.

If the car was evacuated along with the documents, then the driver must come to the impound lot, where the car is opened together with the employee and the documents are confiscated. Upon opening the car, an act is drawn up, after which the car is sealed again.

Lawyers recommend that drivers whose vehicles were sent to impounds either film the process on their own, or demand filming from the traffic police. In case of disputes, the case is referred to the commission. If the seizure of the car is recognized as illegal, the driver has the right not to pay for the services of a tow truck and downtime at the impound lot.

Since 2014, Moscow residents have been able to receive SMS in the event of a car evacuation. The text message indicates the department and telephone number of the traffic police, the address of the penalty area. There are several ways to subscribe to SMS:

  • send an SMS to number 7377 with the text "EV, space, P, space, car number";
  • install the "Moscow Parking" application on a cell phone and make settings in the "Transport" section;
  • register on the website pgu.mos.ru or parking.mos.ru and subscribe.

It is recommended to enter the contact number of dispatch services in the telephone directory. Any delay is fraught with an increase in the penalty for storing the car, because it is not known how long the full trial will last. If the car was seized in another small town, the address and number of the evacuation organization can be obtained from the city telephone information service.


The car owner can find out where the car was evacuated by calling the district traffic police or police department. For cities of federal significance, there are more opportunities to receive such information - hotlines are working, mobile applications, Internet portals, in addition, you can set up an SMS alert.

Arriving in a new shopping center or to a conference in another city, you are faced with 2 tasks: first, find a parking spot near your final destination, and then find your car in an unfamiliar area. But car owners can always solve this problem with their own smartphone. Here 5 applications that will help you find your car even in the busiest multi-level parking.


3. Find My Car Smarter

If you have Find My Car Smarter, you don't need to remember or search for anything at all: this application automatically saves the location of a parked car, and then syncs it via Bluetooth with your iPhone 5 or 4S.

The iOS version is free, and for third-party Bluetooth Smart devices, download the Pro version of the same app for $1.99.

4.Car Locator

The interface of this application will help you find the direction and place to park your car. You can also sync your location with notes in Evernote.

The application is available to owners of Android smartphones for $3.99. There is also a free trial that limits you to 10 attempts to use it.

5. Where Did I Park

And this is perhaps the only application for Windows Phone that solves the problem of finding a parked car. You can not only save the marked place, but even take a picture of it.

The free version is available to all smartphone owners. There is also a version of the application for Windows Phone, it is also free.