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Order a taxi in Riga for 6 people. Taxi in Riga


AVOISS TAXI - inexpensive taxi in Riga; You can order a taxi via the Internet, online. AVOISS TAXI - cheap taxi, which can be ordered in Riga, Jurmala and throughout Jurmala. AVOISS TAXI - phone number, e-mail, order form, contacts. AVOISS TAXI - your convenient taxi!

Order a taxi

About taxi Avoiss

AVOISS TAXI is a company that operates in inexpensive segment the taxi knows that by calling, you will choose a cheap fare with good service. We are always open to you, so we are waiting for your letters in the customer service department. And if you are interested in working in our friendly team, write to us.

The taxi company AVOISS TAXI, having many years of experience in serving passengers (started in 2006), occupies a leading position in taxi transportation in Riga. Every year we make up to half a million flights, delivering customers to their desired destination, this is the same amount as Rīgas satiksme fined in 2010.

It is important for us which vehicles to serve our customers with, so we monitor them daily technical condition our vehicles. The basis of the taxi fleet is Ford Focus(the only car to receive the title "car of the year" both in Europe and in North America.) To transport groups of passengers we use VW Transporter buses with 8 seats.

You can use AVOISS TAXI services in Riga, Jurmala and surrounding areas. We are not an association of private cab drivers; all vehicles are managed centrally, through the company's dispatch center. Our priority is good quality service at a low price!

Our tariffs

Taxis must be available, so we offer a price per kilometer of €0.50.

AVOISS TAXI: comfortable special city trips in Riga and Jurmala; international travel; transfers to the airport, port at the railway station (the service extends throughout the Baltic region, for example, a transfer to Tallinn will cost 160 EUR, a transfer to Vilnius 190 EUR. For additional information contact our taxi dispatch service); meeting guests, relatives, business partners; group trips by bus for up to 100 people; servicing concerts and events. The individual cost of trips can be discussed by a separate call or preliminary letter to e-mail. Tariff for our regular customers by ordering a taxi by phone, or through the form:
  • Taxi order: boarding cost - € 0.99 .
  • Tariff: cost of one kilometer - € 0.50 .
  • Time tariff: cost per minute - € 0.18 .

Of course, AVOISS TAXI provides additional services to serve our clients: care for the youngest passengers - our taxi fleet includes cars equipped with child seats; for some reason you can’t drive your car, the “sober driver” service is for you, just one call to the dispatch service of our taxi, and two drivers will arrive, one will drive your car away - the second will accompany you (the tariff for this service is calculated according to the taxi meter, from the location of the car to the place specified by you, and the cost of the trip simply doubles); hungry client - yes, our taxi company can deliver food by picking it up from the place of order, and the driver can also wait until you satisfy your hunger before traveling with AVOISS TAXI.

Yesterday in the comments there was a comment about taxis, so I decided to write a little more about Riga taxis.
The post was not paid for by anyone, it’s just information that may be useful to both residents and guests of the city.

Taxi transportation services are very well developed in Riga. There are 6 working in the city large companies(with a fleet of more than 50 cars), as well as a bunch of smaller ones. Taxis may be different brands and colors - you can identify them by numbers yellow color, obligatory lampshades on roofs with checkered designs and emblems on doors.

There are cheap taxis (economy class), but there are also more expensive ones. Accordingly, taxis are more expensive and the service is corresponding: the availability of free Wi-Fi and portals for paying with a card; uniforms for drivers and their assistance when boarding and loading luggage; as well as free booklets, magazines and city maps.
Some companies provide additional services: cars equipped with child seats, for the disabled, for large companies, for drunk drivers (with the provision of a second driver to drive away vehicle"ripe" client), as well as for food delivery. You can take a fare receipt from each taxi.

The taxi fare is made up of the following values: cost of boarding (or calling) + fare for 1 km + time of stops, parking and waiting.
IT IS ALWAYS MORE PROFITABLE TO ORDER A TAXI BY PHONE, since when catching on the street the tariff is higher - about 1.5 times. Also, in most companies after 23:00 there is a night rate, also up to one and a half times increased. When calling a taxi by phone, nonresidents must remember to dial the Latvian code +371 (or 00371 ) before the taxi company's phone number. Also valid in Riga unified call service taxi - phone 8808 . The waiting time is usually 5-10 minutes and, as a rule, no more than 20 minutes. The average cost of a trip in Riga is 4-6 euros.

More expensive companies(with matching kit):

Baltic Taxi- tel. 855, 2 000 85 00 .
Tariff: landing 2 € + 0.64 €/km.

Red Cab- tel. 8383, 66 11 99 73 .
Tariff: landing 1.71 € + 0.64 €/km.

Saules taxi- tel. 675 000 05 .
Executive class car. But there are also regular ones with a regular tariff.

LADY TAXI- tel. 8855
(Drivers are women. This is for those who are afraid of men or want to brighten up their company.)

Cheap (economy) taxis:

Panda Taxi- tel. 67 000 000 .
Tariff: landing 0.71 € + 0.36 €/km.

Alviksa - 8535 .
Tariff: landing 0.70 € + 0.32 €/km.

Avois Taxi- tel. 8877

(Many additional services)

Riga Taxi- tel. 8 000 10 10
Tariff: landing 0.85 € + 0.57 €/km.
(Mercedes cars)

Allo Taxi- tel. 22 311 311
Tariff: landing 0.90 € + 0.35 €/km.
(Car rental with driver)

Free Taxi - 8880, 8000 8877
(For the timid, you can negotiate a specific price for the route with the dispatcher before the trip)
Landing rates and per km of travel are indicated when calling by phone.
The tariff for waiting time for everyone is in the range of 0.12-0.14 euros per minute.
The most popular and largest companies are listed, but not all.

Šodien, 8 Oktobri, 2019 gada pulksten 9.15 pārvietojos pa viršu iela. Atrados pie pieturas “viršu iela” un vēlējos šķērsot ielu pie luksafora ar ZAĻO GAISMU, kad pēkšņi, liela ātruma, man gandrīz virsu uzbrauca jūsu taksists ar Nr TQ-3337. Uz ceļa vispār neskatījās, rokas bija telefons. Lūgums saviem darbiniekiem iemācīt vismaz kaut kādus pamatus ceļu satiksmes noteikumos, jo šī nav pirmā reize. Nav brīnums, ka jūsu kompānija iet uz beigām!

Panda Taxi

Dear drunk panda taxi passengers, be careful... There is a thief among their employees... Yesterday, a tipsy man was driving a car with number tq 3329 late at night... He got into the taxi with a wallet... A kind driver even took me to a convenience store.. After which the man passed out... And as a result, the man was at home without a wallet.

Panda Taxi

Situācija. Pirmdienas pēcpusdienā. Bija jāaizved vecmāmiņa (82g. V) . Uz drauga jubileju, lielu apaļu - 90g. ! Svētki. Pusotru stundu iepriekš pasūtu taxi (kas pēdējā laikā jau 2x bija dīvaini izturējies, neatbraukuši laikā, mānījušies) , ļoti savlaicīgi, ap pl 15: 30 paūtu uz pl. 17:30, no miera - ēveles ielas stūra bija jānokļūst Valdemāra, bruņinieku ielas stūrī. Cilvēks vecs, sapucējies, paiet grūti, saprotams, ka parasti atsūta sms, te nekā. Meitene saka, maksāšot 3.60 eur, drīz būšot...

Panda Taxi

27. O7.2019 ap plkst.15: 30 operatore uz zvanu atteicās atbildēt valsts valodā, arī paziņojumi tika svešvalodā atskaņoti, izsauktais taksometrs neatbrauca. Pazemojums ārzemju viesu acīs, kam bija ar šo taksometru jābrauc! Bet operatorēm lūdzu komunicēt valsts valodā!

Panda Taxi

I caught a taxi at 2 a.m. and asked how much it would cost to get to the desired area. The taxi driver said 5 euros. He turned on the meter. I drove and complained all the way that there was no left turn from Brivibas. I explained to him how to get there, to which he continued to complain. I asked to be dropped off earlier. According to the meter it was 3.18 euros. The driver decided to charge me 5 euros. When I explained to him that I would pay according to the meter, since he did not take me to the place, he began to insult me. Only after threatening to call the police did he return the change.

Panda Taxi

Šorīt vīrs (ārzemnieks) brauca ar panda taxi no viesnīcas jūrmalā uz lidostu. Pirmstam operātors teica, ka būs jāmaksā 10.50 eiro. Pat atsūtīja sms ar summu, bet pēctam taxi paprasīja 14.20 eiro. Aizrakstīju panda taxi par šo. Atbildēja ne labdien, ne piedodiet - > jūtam līdzi... Labi, tā summa nav liela, bet man vienkārši riebjas, ka čakarē cilvēkus šitā un tad vēl atbild šādi uz e-pastu... Tāds klientu serviss! Esmu šokā!

Panda Taxi

Šodien pie manis darbā pienāca divas ārzemnieces un lūdza palīdzību izsaukt taksi. Šādas situācijas ir diezgan bieži un man nekad nav grūti piezvanīt un palīdzēt cilvēkiem. Sievietes teica, ka zvanītu pašas, bet viņām ir pieredze, ka latviešu taksisti īsti labi nerunā angliski. Zvanu panda taxi, jo ir parādījis sevi kā uzticams. Sieviete pa telefonu teica, ka nāksies uzgaidīt, jo ir sastrēgumi un ceļu remonts utt, to pateicu ārzemniecēm, viņas bija ar mieru pagaidīt. Neprasīja personas vārdu...

Panda Taxi

Šodien izsaucu taxi zvanot uz 67600006 meitene pieņēma pasūtījumu un fiksēja cenu. Pēc brīža pl 08.57 saņēmu arī apstiprinājuma īsziņu ar mašīnas numuru. Pēc 20 min zvanīju atkal, lai noskaidrotu, kad mašīna beidzot būs. Jau cita meitene soļīja noskaidrot, bet tā arī neatzvanīja. Kad pl 09.28 īsziņā minētā mašīna piebrauca izrādījās, ka tai jābrauc ar citiem pasažieriem un uz citu vietu. Zvanīju atkal operatoriem, bet uz maniem zvaniem nu jau neviens neatbildēja. Pats vadītājs laipni...

Panda Taxi

Izsaucu "Panda taxi". Piebrauca brūna automašīna Renault scenic(mb - 1531) šoferis man zvanīja no telefona numura 20011763. Braucot šoferis neizmantoja Gps navigāciju, un teica, lai es viņam rādu ceļu. Braucām uz Bukultiem, atpūtas ielu. Es rādīju ceļu šoferim un nonākot galapunktā šoferis sāka uz mani bļaut, ka es esmu negodīga, ka esmu rādījusi viņam garāko ceļu. Kaut gan, rādīju šoferim īsāko ceļu, kas ir loģiski. Šoferis turpināja uz mani bļaut un pieprasīja papildu naudu par krāpšanu...

Panda Taxi

Disgusting service! An elderly woman called a taxi to the airport to take him to Imanta. She had to call the dispatcher 3 times within 20 minutes. Late time. The dispatcher promised the driver would call back within 2-3 minutes - wait outside. Nobody calls back. Finally, after long negotiations, where she stood, she managed to find the correct car number. I repeat, a woman of advanced age. The driver didn’t turn on the lights, much less come out to help put the bags down. When approaching the house, in the dark I had to look for money to pay. Pull out your suitcase yourself with the lights off!

Panda Taxi

Pasūtīju taksi ar fiksēto maksājumu 4.50, esot galamērķi šoferis pateica, ka jāmaksā pēc skaitītāja 5.40, lai gan skaitītājā norādītā summa bija 5.37. Kad zvanīju dispičerei un izteicu sūdzību, viņa teica, ka piezvanīs šoferim, cerēju, ka naudu atgriezīs, bet tā vietā šoferis neko nepasakot aizbrauca. Automašīna ar valsts numura zīme - TQ4651.

Panda Taxi

3.11.18. Izsaucām taksi Ķekava-Rīga aizbraucam līdz galamērķim, dodam karti, lai norēķinātos uz ko taksists atbild: ”ar karti nevar, aparāts nestrādā, jo ir jauns likums pieņemts, sistēmu maina. ” okey, kā es to varu zināt, kur jaunos takšu likumus redzēt? ! Beigās jau salasījām 15 eur pa visam kabatam, samaksājam. Izkāpjam, zvanu uz centrāles nr, uz ko man atbild: neko nezinam par jauniem likumiem.. Pasauca vadītāju pie klausules, ari viņa neko par to nezin un atbild man: jums vajadzēja...

Panda Taxi

Ordered a taxi to the airport. Firstly, the operator did not send an SMS with the car number. The driver called neither hello nor annoyance, but immediately, where are you? After getting into the car, he says that the terminal is disabled, payment only in cash. I called the operator, the operator is not aware. As a result, I ended up back at the airport. Goodbye, I don't need such a taxi.

Panda Taxi

Pasūtīju taksometru 05.10.2018 no rīta laicīgi, jo bija jābūt lidostā. Par cik bijām 5 cilvēki, tad pasūtīju auto ar 6 sēdvietām, kuru mums beigās pat nepiedāvāja, bērnu turēju klēpī. Šoferis brauca drausmīgi, nepalaida gājējus, uz tilta uztaisīja vēlvienu joslu, knapi ko neieskrēja Audi sānos. Un galā no Mežciema līdz lidostai noplēsa 17.00€ un čeku neiedeva! Kad neapmierināta prasīju, kas tā par cenu, viņš pat neatbildeja! Jo visu laiku braucu par 11.00€ uz lidostu. Šādam šoferim nav ko darīt...

Panda Taxi

They called a car, promised in 15 minutes, and so on 3 times. After 45 minutes the driver called to say he was on his way and had been sent away. car number and 10 minutes later the dispatcher called and said that the car would not be there. And again an answering machine in 15 minutes. As a result, they called another taxi. We wasted a lot of time.

Panda Taxi

26.09. Vakarā izsaucām taksi uz 27.09. 7:30 lai paspētu uz darbu. Divas reizes nāca izziņa no pandas ka pēc 3 minūtēm taksi būs, bet mašīna neatbrauca. Stāvējām ārā un gaidījām mums izsaukto no vakara mašīnu. Operatore saka ka mēs nedodam 100% garantiju. Rezultāta, nokavēju darbu. Neviens neatvainojas, vairāk šo servisu neizmantosim! Nevienam neiesaku izmantot Panda taxi servisu!

Panda Taxi

21.septembri piezvaniju un pasutiju taxi uz 22.septembra vakaru lidosta. 21.septembra vakara pienak sms, ka auto bus pec 3 min, zvana ari soferis. Saku, ka dispechere bus kludijusies, ma taxi vajadzigs ritvakar. Zvanu uz panda taxi, izskaidrot situaciju un pasutit nepiecieshamo taxi, telefons blokets spele muzika...

Panda Taxi

On 09.09.18 I called a taxi from the Panda company at the address Rīga, Barona centrs. The taxi arrived about 10 minutes later, car number tq 2746. I got into the taxi and gave the address - zvaigžņu 21. I regularly use taxis on this route, so I know how much the trip costs. But this time, upon arrival at the place and my question about the cost of travel, the driver quoted the amount as 4.80 euros. When I asked where this amount came from, he indignantly replied that the tariffs had changed and it was not he who should inform passengers. I asked for a receipt for the trip...

In the age of gadgets and the Internet, calling taxi operators is a thing of the past. A telephone and access to the World Wide Web is all you need to order a car! Anyone can download the application - just go to the AppStore or Play Store and install the taxi calling program on your phone.

The FREETAXI taxi search application works successfully on all devices. At any time of the day, while in Latvia, you can call a car required level comfort and track its movement. Finding a taxi is not a problem! The application brings together leading taxi companies in Riga and other cities. Transport of the required capacity will arrive at your address at a clearly stated time.

Download the phone app on the App Store or Google Play:

*** Features of the new Apple and Android taxi application.
Ordering a taxi online is a chance to express all your wishes without a tedious conversation with the dispatcher. With help navigation map You will always be up to date. Monitor the location of the car, find out the waiting time and choose transport based on your preferences - these are the capabilities of the new taxi application for Apple, Android and Windows.

How to order a taxi online? Just fill out the form indicating the car pick-up address and the final destination of the trip. The system itself will complete the assignment and send the car. Finding out the price through a taxi call app is another advantage of the service. No surprises at the end of the route.

Our new application - cheap taxis and luxury cars are always at hand!

Join us. We are happy to greet you!

How to call a taxi in Riga? It is not by chance that you ended up here, it was in this very place among the sea of ​​the Internet that the waves brought you to us, so click on the link and call yourself a taxi! Using our calculator you can quickly calculate the price for the trip and take a taxi towards your destiny... :)

If you need to conclude a contract for taxi transportation, please contact ! We are professional representatives of taxi services in Riga.

Our ancient city is famous for the narrow streets of old Riga, unique architecture of different eras and trends, cozy restaurants and modern nightclubs. How can you have time to see and visit everything, as well as get to a business meeting, airport or hotel on time and comfortably? If you want to make your stay in Riga unforgettable and enjoyable, then we are on the same path. To enjoy this atmosphere to the fullest, just fill out the form and let's go .

It is important for us that our client feels comfortable and confident, whether ordering a taxi, boarding, or the trip itself. The positive attitude of our dispatchers and drivers: they will create all the conditions for you to fall in love with our city, to know the hospitality of the people of Riga; gain respect for the history of the capital of Latvia; will allow you to get to your destination most comfortably and quickly. All cars are equipped with air conditioning and security systems.

We are glad to welcome you!

At the same time, we offer three additional reasons...

Which once again confirm that you are on the same path with us:
  • Taxi alarm clock

    You can order a taxi for a certain time and ask the dispatcher to wake you up an hour, half an hour, etc. before the car arrives. With us you will never oversleep or be late!
  • Hospitable taxi

    You can order through the dispatcher for a car to meet your guest. To do this, you must inform the guest’s arrival time in Riga, what transport he is arriving on (plane, bus, train), as well as his name. Leave the rest to us! Your guest will be greeted by a driver holding a sign with his name written on it.
  • Caring taxi

    Riga is a hospitable city, and Riga residents are hospitable guests, and therefore it may happen that after a fun feast you will have to get home; our taxi will take care of you and your car.