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Why gasoline stinks in the car. Why in the car smells like gasoline


Each driver protects its vehicle and relates to any malfunctions with special attention. Often, the cause of concern can be an unpleasant smell in the car. If it smells like a gasoline or accordion, then this is the first sign of a malfunction of some vehicle systems. So why does an unpleasant smell occur and how to eliminate it?

The smell of burning

When driving on a personal car, many drivers are celebrated in the salon of the causes of this phenomenon. Some of them can be eliminated independently, and some - only with specialists.

Features of the fuel system

Virtually any fuel cell may come into disrepair. As a result, an unpleasant smell will appear. Inspection of the car should start with weak points.

Over the entire length of the body, elements of the fuel system are located. This is done for greater safety. Thus, the fuel tank is at a safe distance from the engine, which when working can hardly heal. In addition, the vehicle motor is lowered by electrical wiring through which the current flows into different compartments. Of course, it is no secret that the fuel tank is precisely the part of the car, which is a potential danger.

In the engine compartment, as a rule, is a minimum of gasoline, which is necessary for the normal operation of the car. However, this layout of the system has some minuses:

  1. Too long fuel highway.
  2. The presence of compounds of various types.

In most cases, or rather 90 percent of all, fuel leakage occurs from the gas tank or from its elements that are fixed directly on it or are located nearby. But here is fuel most.

Problem Search: Fuel System

Smells in the car of the car with gasoline? Then to start looking for a problem worth it from the gas tank. Especially if fuel leakage became apparent. The fuel tank is known consists of several elements that are interconnected by various devices: flanges, composite structures, and so on.

Periodically it is worth checking the tension and the state of the tape. They perform fasteners. With the help of tapes, the benzobac is fixed to the body. Inspection should also be carried out in preventive purposes.

It is worth remembering that in the fuel tank can be up to one hundred liters of gasoline. As a rule, such a quantity has a lot of weight. Most often, the tank is suspended to the body, very rarely placed in the trunk. The mount is steel flexible stripes that pass under the bottom of the detail. To the body, such ribbons are attracted by quite powerful bolts. Such mount should ensure the fixedness of the fuel tank. However, with strong jolts, the item still turns about the body. Of course, many manufacturers provide it. Therefore, special gaskets are installed between the body wall and the tank. Over time, these products are abrained. As a result, the fuel tank acquires although minor, but still mobility that can lead to the formation of a small hole. As a result, the smell of gasoline appears in the cabin.

In addition, it is worth remembering such a phenomenon as corrosion. The fuel tank can be pronounced under its exposure. This is most often happening in old vehicles.

How to solve the problem?

If the fuel tank has been tamed or rubbed, then it must be replaced. You can also try to avoid similar troubles. As prevention, it should be viewed as often as possible by the fuel system, as well as check the tension and the state of the tapes, with the help of which the benzobac is attached to the body.

Bay neck in the tank

The most weak point of the fuel tank is a bay neck. Problems with this detail can lead to the fact that the smell of gasoline will appear in the cabin. The bay neck can be welded or fastened to the fuel tank using rubber gasket. The last option of fixation is considered more reliable. With violations, the welded connection can quickly collapse. But the gasket and the flange will hold on long enough.

If gasoline smells in the car's cabin, then first you need to inspect the welded connection. If there are defects, they should be eliminated.

Rubber hoses

An unpleasant smell in the car can be caused by a violation of the integrity of rubber gas station connect hoses. They serve as a transitional link between the fuel industry and the tank. When moving, the hubs can be broken from the base or reversed. If this problem is detected, damaged parts should be replaced.

Lyuka Luca Luca

Car salon should not only be clean, it should be pleasant to smell. However, this is not always obtained. There is another weak point of the fuel system - the lid that holds the fuel pump with in one module inside the tank. This item is usually fastened with screws that are trained into holes drilled by contour. Under this lid there is a rubber gasket, which is often a weak link. This item constantly affects the fuel pairs. After a certain time, it is simply destroyed. As a result, the tightness is broken, as a result of which smells in the cabin fuel.

Fuel tank ventilation valve

The case of this part is usually made of plastic. Hoses are attached to the pipes, and with their help there is a movement of fuel vapor into a special tank of the adsorber. In this case, plastic nozzles may break. How to get rid of an unpleasant smell? You need to replace the entire valve.

If the fuel system is in order

If after inspection of the parts of the vehicle and eliminate all problems, it still smells in a gasoline car salon, then it is worth inspecting all rugs, trunk and seats for fifth fifteen. It is possible to neutralize them yourself using a soap. If it did not help get rid of the unpleasant smell, you can resort to other methods.

Regular coffee

Elimination of the smell in the car is sometimes not an easy task. For these purposes, you can use conventional ground coffee. It is enough to fall asleep to them stains from gasoline. Why precisely ground coffee?

This product contains a large amount of oils that absorb other smells. Of course, you can use and the stroken spot must be left for seven days, and then climb again. At the same time, it is not necessary to use the expensive product. You can buy a cheap coffee bag.

Baking soda

This product is found in the kitchen at each mistress. Thanks to the food sod, the car salon can be brought in perfect order. After all, this powder allows not only to clean the labor-based spots, but also to eliminate the unpleasant smell. Unlike coffee soda, you can handle a spot no longer than a day. It is enough to sprinkle with this product a polluted place and 24 hours later simply speaking. The smell after that should disappear.

Means for dishes

Gasoline is a chemical oily product. To eliminate fuel stains, you can try to influence them with a dishwashing agent. After all, such fluids have a special chemical composition, which allows you to split fats sufficiently quickly. In addition, the dishwashing detergent necessarily contains flavors and fragrances that allow you to get rid of the unpleasant smell.

It is enough to pour a little liquid on a stain from fuel and wait until it is absorbed, and then rinse with water carefully. If the contamination of large sizes, then it is necessary to delete it in several approaches.


In that part of the fuel system, which is located under the hood of the vehicle, there are many elements that can be the main sources of unpleasant odor at any time. This should include places where the hose filter is attached. Of course, under the hood, find the cause is much easier. After all, all the details will be in sight. Knowing weak fuel system places will allow you to quickly correct the problem. Good luck to you!

The smell of gasoline appears in the car's cabin for various reasons, mainly associated with the fuel system malfunction. To eliminate a sharp smell, it is necessary to prevent fuel leakage. This is especially important to do because the malfunction can lead to ignition.

All elements of the fuel system of the machine are located along the length of the body - this was conceived specifically for safety. The benzobac is located away from the engine, in the back of the car to reduce the risk of an explosion.

A similar fuel system exists, of course, the cons: the gasoline is very long and there are many connections and wiring. Most often, the fuel leakage occurs exactly where it is stored - that is, from a gas tank or other element that is located on it or nearby. You need to know how to eliminate such dangerous leaks.

The main reasons of the smell in the cabin of the car:

Since the main part of the fuel is stirred in the tank, then the search must be started with it. Perhaps he just wielded or rusted.

The tank can hold up to 100 liters of fuel, so the mass when it is full can be very large, as a result, a large load is acting on the mounting. Most often, the tank is suspended to the body, and the suspension looks like a benznutka railway strip, which is evenly skipped under the bottom of the tank.

These bands attract to the body with high-strength bolts, and, ideally, the tank should not move, but in the process of driving because of the big vibration, it often turns about the car body. VAZ2110 designers thought about it, so installed special rubber gaskets between the tank and the car body, but with intense and extreme driving, these gaskets are slowly wear out, and therefore the tank begins to move a little, which leads to a tank.

Periodically, inspect all the elements of fuel equipment and a benz pipeline, as your safety depends on this.

Another tank can be rusted due to poor-quality metal or fuel. This mainly occurs in old cars, and the restoration is not subject to. If the tank is on your car or rusted, it is necessary to change it immediately, and for prevention - it is more likely to follow the stretch of tank fasteners.

This is the second vulnerable place. The neck is attached to Baku using a special laying and bolts, as well as with welding. The last way is less reliable, because the welds are often destroyed - the neck screwed by bolts will last longer, even when the tank is strongly swinging in different directions.

Therefore, welding seams on the tank when the smell of gasoline appears in the salon VAZ you need to check first.

  • Cover neck

It should fit tightly to the neck, gasoline should not flow from under it, so follow the condition of the gasket.

The lid also has a special valve through which steam is reset s Gasoline when improving pressure in the tank (in summer). But due to wear of the gasket, the couple will become free to enter the atmosphere. Basically, in modern cars, the neck of the tank is drowning in the car body and closes with its lid and on top - the hatch cover, as a result, when wearing the laying, the pair enter the salon, and not to the street.

If the gasket under the lid of the tank is in normal condition, then you need to continue searching for leakage on. If the gasket fumbled or crackled, then it is necessary to change the lid.

There is in the tank and another pretty vulnerable place is the cover to which the gas station located in the tank is attached, this refers to modern cars, such as VAZ2114.

The fuel pump cover is attached to Baku with bolts. Under the lid there is also a gasket from rubber, it is it that is a vulnerable place of construction. This gasket is affected by gasoline, which quickly destroys rubber.

Experienced car owners of VAZ 2109 are recommended if the smell of gasoline appeared in the cabin, first of all, check the entire gasoline on the leak, starting from the site under the rear seats and reaching the carburetor. However, if the car smells not by gasoline himself, but by exhaust gas, then special attention should be paid to the seals of lanterns and rear doors.

If the fuel pump broke and the cover was removed and put it unevenly, then the gasket can break through or not stop laying tightly. In this case, it does not create the necessary tightness of the compound, which is why the fuel leak occurs. Torn or worn gasket must be replaced. You need to make sure that the lid is exactly smooth.

Valve of the release system of gasoline vapor from a gas tank. Most often, on the lid of the fuel pump placed a special valve for resetting gasoline vapor from the gas tank. The valve provides a nozzle on which the hose is worn - it is according to him a pair of gasoline enter the tank of the adsorber. During the operation of the car, this rather fragile nozzle may break, as a result, a leak may appear, and in the end there will be an unpleasant smell of fuel in the cabin. To get rid of this will have to change the valve. Such a breakdown is particularly characteristic of injection machines, including VAZ2107 models.

  • Fuel line (clamps, nozzles)

Elastic hoses are used in the fuel line in moving places, which in the ride on the uneven road can be pulled out, as well as the clamps in places of compounds can weaken. Because of this, gasoline will go through them, which will lead to the penetration of fuel vapor into the salon. And this is the most common cause of smell of fuel in the car.

As a result of improper adjustment of the carburetor, the fuel will become blurred, and the gasoline pairs from under the hood will penetrate into the interior of the car. This does not apply to injection machines.

  • Fuel filter

In the process of long-term operation, the filter may clog mud, as a result of which the pressure in the petrol line will increase and cause leakage, for example, clamps. To this not happen, you need to change the fuel filter on time.

Knowing all vulnerable fuel system locations, you can quickly eliminate the causes of the smell of fuel in the cabin, having completed a simple inspection of the car.

If the smell of gasoline appears after turning on the stove (winter), then the leakage occurs somewhere under the hood.

How to eliminate the smell of gasoline in the car's cabin?

Pair of gasoline may appear in the cabin as a result of many reasons, but there are few effective ways to solve this problem. Below are the most common ways to get rid of this difficult problem.

  1. Weathering. This method of elimination is the most efficient, it allows you to quickly dispel gasoline pairs. If the smell in the cabin appeared in the summer, then you need to open all the doors, as well as the trunk to form a draft. To speed up this process, you can use the fan. If the smell of gasoline appeared in winter, then turn on the entire power of the stove and open the rear and front doors alternately in order to ventilate the salon. Weathered will be useless if problems with the tank appeared, as it must be changed.
  2. Adsorption of gasoline vapor. To eliminate the smell, you can use the caustic soda, activated carbon, silica gel and natural coffee. One of these funds scatter on the spot of gasoline. Three days, the tool can be deleted, but before removing the absorbent, you need to prepare a rag and detergent to wash the remains of gasoline. The seats and the instrument panel must be wiped with a moistened rag. If the first time does not get rid of the smell of fuel, then you need to repeat the procedure.
  3. Washing upholstery car. If you want to independently eliminate the smell of fuel in the cabin, then you need to add lemon juice into the water for washing, as well as a spoonful of ordinary food soda. However, this method is rather time consuming and does not guarantee that the smell will eliminate.
  4. Car wash. Many car owners do not always have free time, so they solve the problem with a car wash and dry cleaning. Experts select special means to complete the smell of gasoline in the cabin, as well as to wash the spots of gasoline. In addition, they can perform the ozonation of the cabin. It will take 20-30 minutes, if the smell does not disappear, ozonation can be reused.

Before trying to remove the smell of gasoline from the salon, it is necessary to eliminate its cause, and for this - to eliminate the fuel system breakdowns or the factor of seals on the doors, headlights, etc. parts of the car.

To clean the salon from the spots of gasoline, the website "Miss Cleanliness" advises to use high-quality detergents, and in difficult cases contact specialists in car wash.

Try to determine how gasoline leakage can occur. To begin with, open the gas tank hatch, there should be dry and clean. If you find a drop of fuel oil, take the rag and remove visible contaminants. The gas tank cover has an expansion valve and rubber gasket, inspect them for damage. If nothing suspicious was found, open the hood.

Carefully inspect the workpiece of your car. It is important that it contains clean and the procedure, then the problems of leakage either will not arise, or will be noticeable with a naked eye. Check the integrity and performance - the appearance of the smell of gasoline is possible if the filter is damaged or developed its resource. If necessary, replace the fuel filter. If he is in order and traces of leakage failed, inspect.

Possible leaks: fuel pump, fuel line, spark plug

The fuel pump can be the cause of the strong smell of gasoline in the car. In particular, it can begin to leak in case of damage to its membrane.

If there is an opportunity, use the observation pit for inspecting the bottom of the car - maybe in your tank or fuel line. Pay attention to the state of the feeding tubes of fuel and gaskets between the tank and the fuel pump.

Another reason for the appearance of the smell of gasoline in the car can be loosely twisted spark plugs. Check if they are securely tightened.

The most difficult thing to find the source of the smell of gasoline in the case when there is no obvious traces of fuel leakage. Run the engine and enable blowing the cabin. If the smell increases, there is a reason to study the engine compartment more closely. Take back or forward on the car body and carefully inspect the asphalt, there is no fresh spots there.

Remember that with obvious leakage tracks and a strong smell of gasoline, it is impossible to start a car, it can lead to fire! The leak must be eliminated on the spot, if necessary, invites the wizard.

If you cannot find the reason for the appearance of the smell of gasoline in, go to the nearest maintenance station. Specialists tested your car on special equipment and will definitely find and eliminate a malfunction.

Let's start with the fact that in the process of operation of the vehicle drivers in some cases notice the appearance of a distinct smell of gasoline in the cabin or during the car near the vehicle.

It is important to understand that this sign indicates the need to carry out immediate diagnosis, since the smell of fuel often indicates the depressurization and fuel leaks.

In this article we will talk about why the smell of gasoline appears in the cabin when starting the engine or flammable, when it is located near the car with a working or muted, and what to do the driver in case of detection of such a malfunction.

Read in this article

There appeared smell of gasoline in the car: reasons

So, we immediately note that the smell of gasoline in the car can appear not constantly, but only under certain conditions. For example, in severe frosts or in the heat, when the cold engine is only started or after heating up the power unit, when a full refueling is fixed, etc.

In any case, it is necessary to establish the reason for the appearance of the smell. Note that in some cases it is quite difficult to solve the task quickly. It is necessary to gradually check the elements of the fuel system.

  • First of all, you need to start diagnostics from the gas tank and its covers. Tank, especially on cars, can suffer. The tank fastenings still suffer, as a result of which he begins to shift. Also over time they come into disrete of the place of welded seams, etc.

Also should not be excluded and the likelihood of mechanical damage. One way or another, but even a minor leakage will mean that fuel flows, filling with evaporation of the car, etc.

Special attention also deserves the lid, which is screwed into the filling neck. In many cases, this place is the source of smell of gasoline. The fact is that the lid not only closes the tank tightly, but also has an additional valve.

The specified valve is needed in order to avoid increased pressure in the tank at temperature fluctuations and expansion of gasoline with heating. If the valve is scored or twisted, and there are problems with a sealing cover of the cover, then a distinct smell of gasoline will appear.

  • We go further. If the tank is fine, then you need to inspect the fuel line, the locations of the connections and clamps, as well as check the integrity of the nozzles. According to the indicated highway, gasoline is supplied to the engine (feed) and its surplus are returned back to the tank (reverse).

Hoses can start leaking, the reliability of their fasteners deteriorates. It is quite obvious that in this case the leakage also occurs, and the evaporation of gasoline will be annoyed by the driver by the smell of fuel in the cabin.

The next element when checking is the fuel pump. On machines with fuel pump often under the hood or outside the tank. At the same time on the submersible gas station (located in gasoline for the fence of fuel and cooling), that is, actually "screwed" into the benzobac. As a rule, on many cars with an injector, the pump is located under the rear seat right in the TC cabin.

If problems with the gasket appear in the installation site of the electric pump, cracks or damage the lid carving, etc., then a steady smell of evaporating gasoline appears in the cabin.

Fuel filters, especially if they are contaminated and reduced bandwidth, can also cause gasoline smell in the machine. The reason is the growth of pressure in the fuel line, after which the locations of the connections of the nozzles begin to flow, gasoline can flow at the "input" before or on the "output" after the filter itself.

To eliminate this reason, the fuel filter needs to be changed, and within the framework of further operation it is properly picking an element for a specific car and replacing the filter by the regulations, not allowing strong pollution of the filter element.

  • The power supply system with the carburetor requires a separate check of this fuel-feed system into the engine. Often, while its improper adjustment or malfunction of the device leads to the fact that gasoline is overflowing.

Naturally, the active evaporation of fuel in the subcontrol space will be the cause of gasoline vapor to the salon. To this not happened, it is necessary to properly adjust the fuel level in the float chamber, check the state of the jaws, regularly, etc.

Why smell like gasoline when starting the engine "on the cold" or "on the hot"

Note that if the smell of gasoline is heard only some time after launching the injection motor, then not in all cases it is a malfunction. Often the smell of fuel appears after a cold start in winter, then completely disappears as the power unit warms up. If so, then you need to understand the following:

  • Gets information from which "reports" that the unit is cold.
  • Based on this information, the control unit enriches the mixture, and significantly, and also increases the turnover to the so-called "warm-up".
  • In working on a re-engaged mixture in a cold motor cylinders, the fuel is not completely combined, its part falls into the exhaust system.

It turns out that the smell of unburned gasoline, which feels the driver, comes from the exhaust pipe. After a slight warm-up of the engine, the fuel will start burning more fully and the smell will disappear. Such a situation for many cars can be considered the norm.

However, in some cases it is also appropriate to talk about faults, especially on modern cars that comply with the Euro-4 standard. The fact is that the incomplete combustion of fuel can occur not only as a result of re-enrolling the mixture itself to maintain the stable operation of the DVS after a cold start, but also for other reasons.

Causes of whistle and increased noise during the operation of the fuel pump, overheating the pump. How to diagnose yourself and eliminate breakdown. Tips and recommendations.

  • What is needed cleaning the grid of the fuel pump. When it is better to change and what to clean the mesh of the fuel pump. How to remove gas station, subtlety and nuances.

  • Such a chemical like gasoline is applied not only in the form of automotive fuel. With the help of 1-2 drops of gasoline, you can eliminate the tracks from the footwear from the car mats, clean the chairs in the cabin of the car.Among the disadvantages of this substance, we allocate an unpleasant fragrance, as well as high toxicity of vapors.

    Causes of gasoline aroma inside the car

    Attention! The gasoline pairs are toxic, so it is important how quickly possible, eliminate the unpleasant gasoline smell from the cabin of its vehicle.

    Flavoring, washing, rinse will not help completely remove the smell of gasoline from the machine salon:

    Versions of elimination odor

    It is very difficult to completely eliminate the smell of gasoline in the cabin. We offer ways to solve this problem. The combustible mixture may be inside the cabin for various reasons, but the ways to eliminate the smell of gasoline in the car is not so much:

    1. Weathering. Such elimination is considered effective, based on the rapid evaporation of gasoline vapor. When the smell appears in the Salon in the summer, you can open the trunk, doors, arrange a full draft. To accelerate weathelation, you can additionally use the fan. If you have felt an unpleasant fragrance in winter or autumn time, turn on the heated stove, open the rear and front doors alternately, creating air circulation in the cabin. The word will not be an effective elimination of smell in the following situations:

      In case of serious problems with the gas tank, components of its details (will have to change it to eliminate the smell);

      If there is a car of domestic producers (the ventilation system is ineffective).

    2. Adsorption of gasoline vapors. You can use caustic soda (sodium hydroxide), activated carbon, silica gel, ground natural coffee. Any of these funds in large quantities is placed on the upholstery of the automotive salon, or directly to the gasoline spot. After 3-4 days, the adsorbent can be removed, taking advantage of a car vacuum cleaner, an unpleasant gasoline smell will disappear. The surface of the chairs and dashboard should be wiped with a damp cloth. If it will not be able to eliminate the smell of gasoline in the car's cabin, repeat the procedure again.

      Tip! Caustic soda is a caustic chemical. When working with it, follow safety techniques, use rubber protective gloves.

      After you find the true cause of the smell, you can try to eliminate its car shampoo applied to a wet napkin. Unfortunately, the effectiveness of such cleaning is minimal, only 5% of the shampoo helps to eliminate the unpleasant odor.

      Coffee began to use the truckers as an adsorbent, because they often face like a similar closer. Ground coffee is an excellent adsorbent when applied to a stain, you can eliminate the cause of the smell. There are essential oils that have the ability to absorb gasoline smells.

      Tip! It is suitable inexpensive sublimated either ground coffee, leave it preferably on a stain for 6-8 days.

      Food Soda is a budget version of the fight against the smell of fuel. Soda on the spot overlap for 24 hours, then it is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.

      Among the "original" options for combating gasoline "aromas", we note the use of a conventional dishwashing fluid. Any domestic vehicle should be applied to the spot, wait until the liquid is fully absorbed into the stain, then rinse with warm water, dry.

      Vinegar is also suitable for eliminating the unpleasant car odor. The table vinegar is poured into a bottle with a pulverizer. When the source of smell inside the cabin is, the entire surface is treated with a solution, then the interior is carried out at least a day.

    3. The use of liquid tools to get rid of the gasoline spilled in the cabin. Experienced drivers enjoy "folk" methods to eliminate gasoline:

      Wipe away the place where gasoline fell;

      Wipe it with a cotton swab, pre-dipped in hydrogen peroxide solution;

      Enjoy special cleaning means implemented in automotive stores.

    4. Washing automotive upholstery. If you decide to eliminate the instructed smell on your own, lemon juice can be added to the washing water (ratio of 1 to 3), a tablespoon of drinking soda. This method is time consuming, does not guarantee the complete elimination of an unpleasant fuel smell.
    5. Using a car wash. Not all owners of passenger transport have enough free time to spend it on cleaning the cabin. Many car owners prefer to handle such problems with a clearing company specialists, or ride a car wash.

    6. Cinnamon with apple vinegar, mixed to the state of pasta, can also be used to combat gasoline couples.

    Professionals carry out chemical complex cleaning of upholstery, rugs, select funds for the full elimination of gasoline odor. As an additional measure of the disinfection of car dealerships, the interior is omitation. First, from the surface you need to eliminate the cause of pollution. This will require a wet rag, as well as a dry napkin. Conducting a wet cleaning of a car salon, it is important to take into account the peculiarity of the material, since expensive can be simply spoiled.

    Once all sources of maximum pollution are eliminated, you can move to direct ozonization of the cabin. Industrial ozonisors are placed in the center of the cabin, so that the electric cord can be covered through the opening glass. When processing the machine with ozone, all doors must be tightly closed. The duration of processing on average is 20-30 minutes. After the end of the ozonator's work, wait 10-20 minutes so that Ozone is fully "absorbed" to the upholstery, the smells as much as possible. If, during primary processing, the smell does not disappear, repeat the ozonation. The intervals between processings must be at least 20-30 minutes. Do not tighten with the fight against gasoline so as not to damage your health.