» »

Steering commands in Russian and English. Wheel Orders


2. At what heading angles are oncoming vessels the most dangerous?

When one vessel observes another at an acute heading angle to the right.

3. What is included in the mooring device? How is the mooring ropes fed to the berth?

The mooring device includes: windlass, spire, winches, reels, mooring cables, mooring haws, rollers, bale bars, bollards, fenders, throwing rings.

To supply mooring lines to the shore or other structure, a throwing end is usually used - a light hemp cable with sand in a cable sheath at the end. The end is attached to the mooring line and the latter is fed through the mooring or towing hawse. The release is placed in the hoses and, holding by the free end, is thrown onto the berth. With the help of this light rope, comparatively heavy mooring lines are pulled to the shore.

4. Where are the duties of alert for each crew member listed? What is the procedure for starting a lifeboat engine?

In the alarm schedule and cabin card

The boat engine should be started according to the instructions placed near the engine control panel.

5. Send us an ash-boat to take the rubbish away tomorrow.

1. What are the actions of the helmsman when receiving the command "Obtain"?

Command « Obsess »Is given when there are 3-5 ° left before the appointed new course. By this team the steering wheel is shifted a small number of degrees to the side opposite to the circulation.

Steering wheel commands and their execution, including commands given to English language.

The steering wheel commands are all duplicated: - Straight steering wheel. - Answer: - Straight steering wheel. -Put the steering wheel straight. Axiometer reading "0" and report: Steering wheel straight. ! Right! Starboard! Left! Port! Right steering wheel! Starboard the helm! Left hand drive! Port the helm! More right! More starboard! More left! More port! Right aboard! Hard - a - starboard! All starboard! Left aboard! Hard - a - port! All port! Easier, take it away! Ease the helm! Easier right! Ease to starboard! Lighter left! Ease to port! Steering wheel straight! Midships Obsess! Meet her Keep it up! Steady! (steady so!); Steady as she goes! The right not to walk! Nothing to starboard! Do not walk to the left! Nothing to port! Edit by course! Steer the course Steering wheel right ten (twenty)! Starboard ten (twenty)! Steering wheel left ten (twenty)! Port ten (twenty)! Take the steering wheel back to 5 degrees! Ease to five! Right wheel, keep 82 degrees! Starboard, steer zero eight two Left wheel, steer 182! Port, steer one eight two! Left hand drive, keep 305! Port, steer three zero five! Keep on the buoy, sign! Steer on buoy, on beacon! Follow the icebreaker Follow Icebreaker! Careful on the steering wheel! Watch you steering

2. What sector of heading angles is the most important for observation?

Shadow sectors formed by masts, cargo half-masts and pipes,

3. What is the purpose of stoppers, throwing ends, fenders?

Stoppers are used to secure and stop the movement of the cable / anchor chain. Stoppers are used, for example, to hold the mooring ropes when transferring them from the drum of the mooring mechanism to the bollards.

The throwing ends are used to feed the mooring cables from the ship to the berth or from the berth to the ship.

Fenders are used to protect the side of the vessel from impacts and friction against the berth or other vessel.

4. How to properly install a magnetic compass on a lifeboat? How to determine the direction at sea on life-saving appliances, in case of failure of the magnetic compass?

The compass heading of the vessel is counted on the card against the bow heading thread The heading threads of the magnetic compass are set strictly in the center plane of the vessel. The compass heading is the angle between the zero division of the card and the bow heading line.

Without a compass, direction can be determined from the North Star or the Sun. At noon, the sun reaches the highest point of its rise - ZENIT, the shadows become the shortest in the day. If you stand with your back to the sun, then north is in front, south is behind, east is on the right, and west is on the left, as on the map (and in the southern hemisphere the opposite is true). When there is no time to wait for half a day, a clock with hands is used. Place the watch horizontally with the hour hand facing the sun. Now divide the angle between the hand and the noon hour with a line running from the center of the path in half. This line will point south. When is the noon hour? At twelve. The final star of the Ursa Minor's tail is called the Pole Star. It can be found by mentally connecting the two extreme stars of the Big Dipper and continuing this line to the first bright star - this will be the North Star. If you stand to face her, then directly in front of you will be north.

5. You have to double up fore and aft, a gale is expected tomorrow

1. What are the actions of the helmsman when receiving the command "keep it up"?

The command "Keep it up" means that the helmsman must notice the direction on which the ship was lying at the moment of giving the command, or the direction along the coastal landmark, and keep the ship on this course, reporting: "Yes, keep it up, on the rumba so many degrees. "

Steering wheel commands and their execution, including commands given in English.

The steering wheel commands are all duplicated: - Straight steering wheel. - Answer: - Straight steering wheel. -Put the steering wheel straight. Axiometer reading "0" and report: Steering wheel straight. ! Right! Starboard! Left! Port! Right steering wheel! Starboard the helm! Left hand drive! Port the helm! More right! More starboard! More left! More port! Right aboard! Hard - a - starboard! All starboard! Left aboard! Hard - a - port! All port! Easier, take it away! Ease the helm! Easier right! Ease to starboard! Lighter left! Ease to port! Steering wheel straight! Midships Obsess! Meet her Keep it up! Steady! (steady so!); Steady as she goes! The right not to walk! Nothing to starboard! Do not walk to the left! Nothing to port! Edit by course! Steer the course Steering wheel right ten (twenty)! Starboard ten (twenty)! Steering wheel left ten (twenty)! Port ten (twenty)! Take the steering wheel back to 5 degrees! Ease to five! Right wheel, keep 82 degrees! Starboard, steer zero eight two Left wheel, steer 182! Port, steer one eight two! Left hand drive, keep 305! Port, steer three zero five! Keep on the buoy, sign! Steer on buoy, on beacon! Follow the icebreaker Follow Icebreaker! Careful on the steering wheel! Watch you steering

2. What is the audible signaling aids on board ships?

Sound means include : ship's whistle or typhon, bell, misty horn and gong.

3. Name the names of the mooring lines in Russian and English, depending on their direction relative to the vessel.

Depending on the directions in which they are fed, the mooring lines get their name. The lines fed from the bow and stern keep the vessel from moving along the berth and are called, respectively, the fore (headline) and stern (sternline) longitudinal. The cables are called springs (bow and stern spring, respectively). Which work in the direction opposite to their longitudinal end, and when paired with another spring, they perform the same work as the longitudinal ones. Finally, the cables fed in a direction perpendicular to the berth are called fore and aft hold-downs, respectively. They prevent the vessel from leaving the berth in a squeezing wind.

4. What types of alarms are installed on ships? What are the activities for launching a life raft?

Standard wheel orders.

All wheel orders given should be repeated by the helmsman and the officer of the watch should ensure that they are carried out correctly and immediately. All wheel orders should be held until countermanded. The helmsmen should report immediately if the vessel does not answer the wheel.

When there is concern that the helmsman is inattentive he should be questioned:

“What is your course?” And he should respond:


Standard steering wheel commands.

The helmsman must repeat the commands given to the rudder, and the officer of the watch must ensure that they are carried out immediately and accurately. The steering wheel command should be followed until canceled. The helmsman must report immediately if the ship does not obey the helm.

When there is a suspicion that the helmsman is not attentive, he can be asked a question:

“What course are you holding?” And he must answer:

"I am heading ... degrees."




Steering wheel straight


Rudder to be held in the fore and aft position


Left five

Port five

5 0 of port rudder to be held


Left ten

Port ten

10 0 of port rudder to be held


Left fifteen

Port fifteen

15 0 of port rudder to be held


Left twenty

Port twenty

20 0 of port rudder to be held


Left twenty five

Port twenty-five

25 0 of port rudder to be held


Left aboard


Rudder to be held fully over to the port


Right five

Starboard five

5 0 of starboard rudder to be held


Right ten

Starboard ten

10 0 of starboard rudder to be held


Right fifteen

Starboard fifteen

15 0 of starboard rudder to be held


Right twenty

Starboard twenty

20 0 of starboard rudder to be held


Right twenty five

Starboard twenty-five

25 0 of starboard rudder to be held


Right on board


Rudder to be held fully over to starboard


Reduce rudder angle to 5

Ease to five

Reduce amount of rudder to 5 0 and hold


to 10

Ease to ten

Reduce amount of rudder to 10 0 and hold


up to 15

Ease to fifteen

Reduce amount of rudder to 15 0 and hold


up to 20

Ease to twenty

Reduce amount of rudder to 20 0 and hold




Reduce swing as rapidly as possible


Keep it up (keep the steady compass heading that the ship had at the time the command was given. The helmsman should repeat the command and report the compass heading the ship was following when the command was given. When the ship has laid down on this course, the helmsman is obliged to give a message about this:

"On the rumba ..."

Steady as she goes

Steer a steady course on the compass heading indicated at the time of the order. The helmsman is to repeat the order and call out the compass heading on receiving the order. When the ship is steady on that heading, the helmsman is to call out:

"Steady on ..."


Leave the buoy / sign on the port side

Keep buoy / marc / beacon on port side


Leave the buoy / sign on the starboard side

Keep buoy / marc / beacon on starboard side


Report if the ship does not obey the helm

Report if she does not answer wheel


Step away from the steering wheel

Finished with wheel

. When the officer of the watch requires a course to be steered by compass, the direction in which he wants the wheel turned should be stated followed by each numeral being said separately, including zero, for example:

. When the officer in charge of the watch needs to maintain a compass heading, he is obliged to report the desired rudder angle and accompany this command with a command about the desired vessel heading, naming each heading digit separately, including zero.


Course to be steered

Left rudder, keep heading 182 0

Port, steer one eight two

182 0

Right rudder, keep heading 082 0

Starboard, steer zero eight two

082 0

Left rudder, keep heading 305 0

Port, steer three zero five

305 0

. On receipt of an order to steer, for example, 182 0, the helmsman should repeat it and bring the vessel round steadily to the course ordered. When the vessel is steady on the course ordered, the helmsman is to call out:

"Steady on one eight two"

. Upon receiving the command to hold, for example, 182 0, the helmsman must repeat it and bring the ship evenly on the course about which the order was received. The helmsman is obliged to give a message:

« Oncourse182 ".

. The person giving the order should acknowledge the helmsman's reply.

. The person who gave the command is obliged to confirm the answer of the helmsman.

. If it is desired to steer on a selected marc the helmsman should be ordered to:

“Steer on… buoy /… mark /… beacon”.

. If there is a need to keep a course for a certain mark, the command should be given to the helmsman:

"Keep on the buoy ... sign."

. Thepersongivingtheordershouldacknowledgethehelmsmansreply.

. The person who gave the command is obliged to confirm the answer of the helmsman.

Still from the movie "Major Payne"

In American films about the army, there are scenes where a sergeant gives orders to a line of soldiers. How many times such scenes came across - I could never make out what he was shouting there. I decided to finally clarify the issue for myself and did a little research looking at the main military commands used in English-speaking countries.

What are battle commands and why do they sound unintelligible?

Foot drill implies that soldiers must be able to perform various drill techniques: line up, turn, deploy, rebuild, "print step", etc. The commander directs the formation using commands (drill commands). For example, in Russian, these are commands such as "at attention", "at ease". The commands have two features - it is noteworthy that they are in Russian, English and many other languages:

2. Most of the teams are divided into two parts: preparatory command and command of execution. Having heard the preparatory one, the soldier already understands what he needs to do, on the executive command he performs this action.

For example: having heard "nale ...", the soldier prepares to turn left, hearing "... IN!" - makes a turn, hearing "about ...", the soldier prepares to turn 180 degrees, hearing "FACE!" - makes a turn in a circle (the command sounds like "about FACE!") This approach helps to achieve perfect synchronization of actions. Both in Russian and in English, the preparatory part sounds quieter and somewhat stretched, and the executive part is loud and harsh.

Because of these two reasons, commands in English (and in Russian too) are pronounced with a strong distortion: vowels can be swallowed or stretched. For example, the command "attention" is pronounced "ten-SHUN!" or "ten-HUT!" Even a native speaker who is not familiar with the commands will not be able to understand by ear exactly what words the commander is shouting out in front of the formation.

Basic combat commands in English

Combat teams differ somewhat in the armed forces of English-speaking countries. Moreover, they may differ within different branches of the military of the same country. For example, I will take the commands adopted in the United States.

It is curious that in the armies different countries the movements themselves, the techniques differ. For example, in the American army, the turn around is done differently than in the Russian, there are three options "at ease". On the other hand, there is no “refuel” command in the US Army. For this reason, not all commands can be translated by choosing a direct analogue, as in the case of "attention" and "attention".

Here is a list of the main commands. It is curious that three of them are three varieties of "free".

  • Attention(atten-TION) - SMALL. Note: in the British navy use the command: (Stand) HO!
  • Parade REST- in Russia there is no such command and position, it is no longer "at ease", but also not "at ease" in our understanding, something in between: legs are apart, hands are folded behind the back.
  • Stand at EASE \ At EASE- FREELY, almost like "freely" in our understanding, the position of the legs is slightly different.
  • REST- FREELY, but even more freely than in our understanding: the posture is relaxed, it is allowed to turn and even speak in formation, it is impossible only to remove the right leg from its place.
  • As you were- RESOLVE.
  • Right TURN- to the right.
  • Left TURN- on the left.
  • About FACE- kru-gom.
  • Forward, MARCH- step MARSH.
  • Double time, MARCH- running MARCH. Literally: "double step march", means jogging at a pace of approx. 180 steps per minute.
  • Route step, MARCH- transition from a combat step to a normal one (out of step). In Russian, there is a similar command "out of step MARSH".
  • Column Right, MARCH- left shoulder forward MARSH (the column goes, turning to the right).
  • Column Left, MARCH- right shoulder forward MARSH (the column goes, turning to the left).
  • Right (left) flank, MARCH- on this command, everyone in the formation turns 90 degrees to the right or left, that is, the formation does not turn smoothly, but sharply changes the direction of movement. In Russian, there is no separate command for this, it is used "direction-VO", "left-VO" while driving.
  • To the rear, MARCH- round the MARCH (turn around on the go).
  • Fall out- DISSOLVE. At this command, the servicemen violate the formation, move around, do not leave, are in close proximity.
  • DISMISS- DISSOLVE. On this command, the servicemen disperse completely, that is, they leave the place of training.

As in Russian, any team can start with a call to a unit: Squad (squad or platoon), Platoon (platoon), Company (company). For example: Platoon, HALT! - platoon, STAY!

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Ensuring the turnability of the ship is achieved by using the controls and movement of the ship. depending on the design and the nature of their use, the controls are subdivided into main (GSU) and auxiliary (APU). The action of the GSU depends on the speed of the ship or on the nature of the propulsion system. The main controls include various types of rudders and rotary nozzles.

Auxiliary controls are propulsion and steering systems, the action of which is not associated with the operation of the ship's main engines. Auxiliary controls include thrusters (PU), active rudders (AR), retractable propelling and steering columns (VDRK) and rotary columns (PC). Under certain conditions, on some projects of ships and submarines, auxiliary controls can also be used as the main means of propulsion.

Main controls. Rudders and their geometric characteristics

The ship's rudder is a wing with a symmetrical profile. According to the method of connecting the rudder blade with the ship's hull, rudders are simple, semi-suspended and suspended, according to the position of the stock axis relative to the rudder blade - unbalanced and balanced (Fig.1.1). Only balanced or semi-balanced rudders are installed on ships. The ratio of the area of ​​the balancer part of the rudder to the rest is called the rudder compensation coefficient. It usually ranges from 0.2 to 0.3. The most important geometric characteristics of the rudder: its area Sp, relative elongation λр, shape and relative thickness of the cross-sectional profile Δр.

The rudder area Sp is on average about 2% of the immersed area of ​​the center plane (LxT).

The relative elongation λр = h²p / Sp, where hp is the height of the rudder blade, usually ranges from 0.4 to 2.5.

Rice. 1.1. Rudder classification

The relative thickness of the profile of the cross-section of the rudder Δр = lp / bр, where lр is the greatest thickness of the profile, and bp is the average width of the rudder, usually equal to 0.15-0.18.

The height (span) of the rudder, hp, is usually determined by the conditions for its placement in the aft clearance.

On single-rotor ships, one rudder is installed, which is located behind the propeller.

Twin-screw and three-screw ships can have one or two rudders. In the first case, the steering wheel is located in the center plane (DP), and in the second - symmetrically behind the side screws.

The position of the rudder relative to the incoming flow is characterized by the rudder shift angle ap and the angle of attack a.

The rudder shift angle ap is the rudder rotation angle measured in a plane perpendicular to the stock axis. ar of sea vessels is usually limited to 35 °. The angle of attack of the rudder is called the angle formed by the plane of symmetry of the rudder and the plane passing through the axis of the stock and coinciding with the direction of the incident flow.

Rice. 1.2. Propulsive handlebar trim

To increase the propulsive efficiency of the propeller, propulsive (pear-shaped) attachments are sometimes installed on the rudders (Fig. 1.2). The positive effect of propulsion pads is reduced to equalizing the associated flow and reducing turbulence during the operation of the propeller.

Swivel nozzles are a propeller guide nozzle mounted on a vertical stock, the axis of which intersects with the propeller axis in the plane of the propeller disk (Fig. 1.3). The rotary guide nozzle is part of the propulsion system and at the same time serves as a control element, replacing the steering wheel.

The nozzle removed from the DP works like an annular wing, on which a lateral lifting force arises, causing the ship to turn. The hydrodynamic moment arising on the nozzle stock (both forward and reverse) tends to increase the angle of its shifting. To reduce the influence of this negative moment, a stabilizer with a symmetrical profile is installed in the tail of the nozzle.

Rice. 1.3. Swivel nozzle

Auxiliary controls

The active rudder (Fig. 1.4) is a conventional rudder with an auxiliary propeller installed on it in a short nozzle. The screw is driven by an electric motor housed in a sealed housing.

The power of the electric motor is about 8-10% of the power of the main power plant, and the diameter of the auxiliary screw is taken equal to 20-25% of the main one. The active rudder ensures the movement of the ship at a speed of 3-4 knots. Its use is most effective in a mode close to mooring. Such a rudder provides a turn of the ship without a move, practically in place. The drive of the active rudder allows it to turn relative to the ship's DP up to 70-90 °. When the electric motor is off, the active steering wheel acts as a normal one.

Rice. 1.4. Active steering

The thruster (Fig. 1.5) is structurally a cylindrical pipe 3 in the ship's hull with a propulsion unit 1 placed in it, capable of creating thrust in two opposite directions perpendicular to the DP.

Rice. 1.5. Schematic diagram bow thruster with main counter-rotating propellers

The leading edges of the channel are rounded to increase the effectiveness of the PU. Protective grilles are installed at the entrance of the PU 2. Power from the engine 4 is transmitted through the vertical shaft 5, the bevel gear 6 and the horizontal shafts 7. By the type of propellers, thrusters are distinguished with propellers (fixed pitch propeller - fixed pitch propeller and variable pitch propeller - CPP), vane propeller or reversible pumps. Usually the bow thruster is located in the bow or stern.

Rice. 1.6. Schematic diagram of a retractable steering column

Sometimes two devices are used - a bow and a stern. As operating experience shows, the effectiveness of the thrusters decreases sharply with an increase in travel speed.

Retractable propulsion and steering column (Fig. 1.6). The propeller in the VDRK is the screw 1, located in the guide nozzle 2. Power to the screw is transmitted from the electric motor 3 through the vertical shaft 4, the upper cylindrical gearbox 5, the vertical splined shaft 6 located inside the column stock 7, and the lower angular gearbox 8. Turning mechanism 9 provides a turn of the screw-nozzle complex at any angle. The complex is raised and lowered using a lifting mechanism 10 in the form of a telescopic hydraulic cylinder.

The rotary columns are similar in principle to the VDRK, but they do not have a lifting mechanism. In some cases, folding pivots are used.

Of the SPGs listed above, VDRKs are the most effective: They can be removed while the ship is moving and do not create additional resistance.

The efficiency of any ACS is characterized by specific thrust, i.e. thrust per unit of consumed power. Usually it is at least 10 kgf / l. with. ACS can be used both in conjunction with the main propulsion and steering complex, and independently. They are widely used for mooring, turning in tightness with no progress and low moves.

The action of the rudder and the hydrodynamic forces arising on it

When the rudder is shifted to an angle αp, an area of ​​increased pressure appears on its front plane due to a decrease in the flow velocity. On the back plane, where the flow rate increases, the pressure decreases. The pressure difference leads to the emergence of the resulting hydrodynamic force Rp, directed almost perpendicular to the plane of the rudder blade and applied in the center of its pressure.

The value of Rp depends on the area of ​​the rudder blade, the angle of attack, and is approximately proportional to the square of the speed of the water flow running onto the rudder.

To consider the rudder action, the resultant Rp is decomposed into components in the coordinate axes invariably associated with the ship: Rpy (lift), Rpx (drag) and the components Rpn and Rpt (normal and tangential, respectively) relative to the stock axis (Fig. 1.7).

Rice. 1.7. Hydrodynamic forces acting on the steering wheel

Hydrodynamic forces are related to the resultant and to each other by the following relationships:

The action of the steering wheel in the forward course (Fig. 1.8, a). Shifting the steering wheel in the forward direction is accompanied by the appearance of the lateral hydrodynamic force Rpy. Applying two equal and opposite forces Rpy at the center of gravity of the ship G, the moment Rpyl is obtained. The action of the moment RPyl is accompanied by a reverse displacement of the ship and the appearance of a drift angle α. The presence of the drift angle leads to the formation of a lateral force Fy, applied at the center of the ship's drag and reversed in the direction of Rpy. Thus, the turning moment during the forward movement of the ship is determined as the sum of the moments from the forces RPy and Fy:

Rice. 1.8. Forces acting on the ship when the rudder is shifted

The action of the steering wheel in reverse (Fig. 1.8.6). When reversing, the rudder shift also causes the RPy to appear, the RPyl moment and the ship to drift. The appearance of the drift is also accompanied by the appearance of the force Fy and the action of the moment Fyx. However, the action of Fyx is opposite in the direction of action of Rpyl.

Thus, the turn of the ship in reverse will occur under the influence of the moment difference;

Therefore, the controllability of the ship under the action of the rudder in reverse is much worse than in the forward direction. Coming out of steady circulation reverse using a single rudder is almost impossible.

The moment of the resultant relative to the stock axis is called the hydrodynamic moment on the stock. Its value is determined by the dependence

where a is the distance of the stock axis from the leading edge of the rudder;

Xp is the distance of the center of pressure from the leading edge of the rudder.

Rice. 1.9. Hydrodynamic moments on the stock of a simple and balanced rudder

In a balance rudder (Fig. 1.9), at small angles of shifting, the center of pressure is located in front, and at large angles, it is behind the axis of the stock. With a simple rudder, as the shift angle increases, the center of pressure moves away from the axis of rotation all the time. This leads to a constant increase in the hydrodynamic moment on the stock. At the same time, a high-power steering gear is needed to shift the steering wheel.

Ship circulation

When the rudder is removed from the DP at a certain angle, the ship will begin to make a curvilinear motion along an open spiral-type curve. The trajectory described by the ship's center of gravity (CG) in this case is called circulation (Fig. 1.10).

Rice. 1.10. Ship circulation

When the movement of the ship is established, the circulation becomes a circle. The diameter of this circle is called the circulation diameter Dc.

Circulation curve characteristics:

Extend l1; - the distance traversed by the ship's center of gravity in the direction of the straight course from the moment the rudder was shifted to a 90 ° turn; the value of the extension varies within 0.6-1.2 Dc;

Forward displacement l2 is the perpendicular distance to the initial course, by which the ship's center of gravity shifts towards the circulation at the moment of its rotation by 90 °; the value of the forward bias varies within 0.25-0.50 Dts;

Reverse displacement l3 is the greatest distance by which the ship's center of gravity is displaced from the direction of the initial course in the direction opposite to the circulation; the amount of reverse displacement usually does not exceed the half-width of the ship;

Tactical diameter DT - the shortest distance between the position of the center plane of the ship on the initial and return courses; the size of the tactical diameter usually ranges from 0.9-1.2 Dc;

The circulation period T is the time it takes for the ship to complete a full 360 ° turn. The circulation period depends on the speed of the ship and is approximately 3-5 minutes.

To assess the ship's turnability, the relative circulation diameter is used, which is determined from the ratio Dc / L. Its value for high-speed ships usually ranges from 4-7.

When studying circulation, it is conventionally divided into three periods.

The maneuvering period lasts from the beginning to the end of the rudder shift (10-15s).

The evolutionary period begins from the moment of the end of the rudder shift until the ship turns 90-180 °, when the forces acting on the ship come to equilibrium. After this, a period of steady circulation begins, which continues until the position of the rudder is changed.

Roll of the ship on the circulation

Shifting the rudder on a ship following a straight course leads to a curvature of the trajectory in the direction opposite to the rudder shift. The result is centrifugal force, the moment of which causes a slight roll to the side where the rudder was shifted.

This roll is also due to the moment of lateral force acting on the steering wheel. As the curvature of the trajectory changes, the centrifugal force first decreases and then increases. Under the action of the moment of this force applied to the ship's CG, the ship begins to roll in the direction opposite to the direction of the rudder shift, and the first inclination of the ship is the greater, the greater the roll angle it had towards the rudder shift (Fig. L.ll).

Rice. 1.11. Forces heeling the ship on steady circulation

The maximum inclination of the ship in the direction opposite to the direction of the rudder shift is called the dynamic bank angle. Typically, the dynamic roll angle exceeds the roll at steady-state circulation by 1.3 to 2 times. The maximum value of the roll angle at steady circulation is determined by the formula of G.A. Firsov:
Where V0 is the speed of the ship on a straight course before the start of circulation, m / s;

T is the average draft of the ship, m;

H - initial transverse metacentric height, m;

L is the length of the ship, m; Zg is the ordinate of the ship's center of gravity, m. It follows from the formula that under certain conditions it is dangerous to circulate at high speed. It is especially important to take this into account when sailing on favorable waves and when making a turn to the wind.

Center of rotation of the ship

The character of the ship's movement on the circulation is determined by the position of a point on its diametrical plane, the drift angle of which is β = 0.

Rice. 1.12. Center of rotation of the ship

Geometrically, the position of this point is determined by the intersection of the ship's DP with the perpendicular lowered to it from the center of circulation (Fig. 1.12). This point is called the ship's center of rotation. Its position along the length of the ship is characterized by the Lcvv-Rβo value. Distance lcv, expressed in fractions of the ship's length L along the waterline:
The absolute value of this value at rudder shift angles exceeding 20 ° lies within the limits
The center of rotation always lies at the nasal tip. Hence follows an important practical conclusion that control of the ship in turns is carried out by moving its stern. This must be constantly taken into account when mooring a ship, passing narrows and navigational hazards.

Steering wheel commands. Turning order

"The ship commander assigns the ship's course and speed through the officer in charge." In some cases (when determining the maneuverable elements, instrument corrections and narrow navigation), by the decision of the ship commander, the right to directly command the rudder may be given to the navigator.

To successfully complete turns using the rudder, the ship commander, navigator and officer of the watch must know the following information:

The diameter of the circulation when the rudder is shifted to different angles to the right and to the left under different operating modes of the main machines;

The time to describe the complete circulation and its part at various speeds and combinations of operating machines;

Loss of speed on circulation when the rudder is shifted by a set number of degrees for different travel speeds;

- "dead interval" of time from the moment the command is given to the helmsman until the start of the actual turn;

Possible value of the roll angle of the ship on the circulation, depending on the speed.

When performing a turn, they are guided by the following rules:

Before giving a command to the steering wheel, it is necessary to assess the situation and take all measures to safely perform the maneuver;

You should resort to shifting the rudder "on board" only if absolutely necessary (when the ship turns in a narrow space, to avoid a collision with another ship, to avoid the detected navigational danger and enemy attacks);

It is necessary to ensure the possibility of a quick transition to spare steering positions;

When sailing together, the turn of the ship must be indicated by an installed flag or light signal from the moment the command is given to the rudder until the end of the turn;

When changing the course in the formation of the wake, the turn should be carried out so that the stem goes along the inner edge of the wake of the ahead matelot.

Steering wheel commands must be given in strict accordance with the "Command Words" (annex to the Naval Regulations of the Navy). The helmsman must rehearse the given commands in a loud voice, preceding them with the word "Yes".

The following basic steering wheel commands are accepted:

Command "Right (left) aboard" means that the steering wheel should be put to the set limit in the indicated direction. The command is given taking into account the rapid shift of the rudder.

By command "Right (left) rudder" the helmsman is obliged to shift the rudder to the specified number of degrees (for a given ship) in the indicated direction and report: "Rudder to the right (left) so much". During the turn, the helmsman reports new heading values ​​every 10 °. This command is issued when performing normal turns to a new course and joint maneuvering with ships of the same type.

When turning with a larger or smaller than usual diameter of the circulation, the command “So many degrees of right (left) rudder” is issued.

Command "Take away" served when the ship approaches the designated course (usually by 10-15 °). At this command, the rudder is retracted to the ship's DP, after which the helmsman reports: "The rudder is straight." Similar actions are performed on the command "Straight rudder". The command is given when it is necessary to interrupt the execution of the turn. After the commands "Retract" and "Straight rudder" the helmsman reports the course every 3 °.

Command "Obsess" served when 3-5 ° is left before the appointed new course. At this command, the steering wheel is shifted a small number of degrees to the side opposite to the circulation. The helmsman reports the compass heading every degree.

Command "Keep it up" means that the helmsman should notice from the compass with an accuracy of a degree the course on which the ship was lying at the time of command, or the direction along the coastal landmark and keep the ship on this course, reporting: "Yes, keep it up, there are so many degrees on the rumba." ...

Request command "On the rumba" means that the helmsman should notice the compass heading and report: "There are so many degrees on the rumba."

Command "So many degrees to the right (left) according to the compass" means that the helmsman must change the course by the indicated number of degrees, and then report: "There are so many degrees on the bearing." The command is given in cases when it is necessary to change the course of the ship by no more than 15-25 °.

An experienced helmsman can be given the following commands: “Right (left) rudder. The course is so many degrees "; "Keep in the wake of such and such a ship"; "Lie on target"; "Leave such and such an object to the right (left)", etc.

In this case, the helmsman independently performs the indicated actions and reports: “On the alignment. There are so many degrees on the rumba ”or“ There are so many degrees on the rumba ”, etc.

Using autopilot

V last years to automate control of the ship on a given course, the main means of steering are automatic course stabilizers (autopilots). Compared to manual heading, automatic heading control facilitates the work of the helmsman and provides more accurate heading, reduces yaw and ensures that the desired turns are performed. The use of an autopilot allows for the use of a software device or a remote control system. Two modes of operation are possible depending on the tasks performed by the autopilot.

2. Control mode. In this mode, the autopilot must ensure a change in the direction of movement of the ship in accordance with the requirements of the operation. In this case, the change in the heading angle can be performed using software control (according to a predetermined law) or using a remote control system. System automatic control heading usually consists of an object of regulation and an autopilot (regulator). The object of regulation is a ship, the heading angle of which is a controlled value, and the rudder deflection angle ap is a control action. The autopilot functions are performed by a special tracking system that provides steering deflection.

1. The sensor of the actual course Кгк ​​provides measurement of the sign and magnitude of the misalignment (deviation of the ship's course from the set value), as well as the issuance of a control signal. The functions of the sensing element are usually performed by a gyrocompass.

2. The software device - the preset heading sensor - provides programmed heading control, which can be set manually, by a rigid program (zigzag), or by a ship's computer.

3. The misalignment sensor is used to generate control signals when the ship deviates from a given course.

4. The amplifier-converting device provides amplification of the control signal and the generation of corrective signals that take into account the speed of the ship's departure from the given course and the systematic one-sided deviation of the ship from the given course under the influence of various factors (wind, waves, partial operation of machines, etc.).

Rice. 1.13. Schematic diagram of the autopilot

Usually, the amplifier-converting device provides for the adjustment of the autopilot parameters (sensitivity, feedback coefficient, etc.) according to the maneuvering elements of the ship and the actual sailing conditions.

5. The actuating device (steering gear) has a main negative feedback sensor designed to improve the quality of automatic steering control (provides damping of the ship's oscillations about a given course - Kzad).

(2) Semi-suspended balanced rudders are called semi-balanced rudders.

(3) According to the principle of operation and the nature of their use, auxiliary controls are classified as active controls (ACS).

(4) The position of the center of pressure is determined by the intersection of the resultant with the plane of symmetry of the rudder.

(5) KU-59 (Military Publishing, 1967), Art. 830.2-17

Table of contents

Commands Commands The helmsman's answer Steering action Helmsman's report
Steering wheel! A hand to the helm! There is on the steering wheel! The helmsman takes a seat at the helm.
Move the steering wheel! Shift the helm! Got to shift the steering wheel! The helmsman shifts the rudder from side to side, checking the operation of the steering gear. The steering wheel is shifted - it works properly! The steering wheel is not shifted!
Right (left) rudder! Starboard (port) the helm! There is a right (left) rudder! The steering wheel is put 15 about in the indicated direction. Steering wheel right (left) ... degrees! Steering wheel right (left) on board! The ship is not listening to the helm! The steering wheel is not shifted! The ship has gone to the right (left)! On the rumba ... degrees!
Right (left) ... degrees! Starboard (port)…! There is a right (left) ... degrees! The steering wheel is put on the specified number of degrees to the right (left).
More left (right)! More port (starboard)! There is more left (right)! The helmsman shifts the steering wheel 10 degrees more.
Right (left) little by little! Starboard (port) easy! There is a right (left) little by little! The steering wheel is placed 5 o in the indicated direction.
Right (left) aboard! Hard a starboard (port)! There is a right (left) on board! The steering wheel is put on 30 about in the indicated direction.
Easier! Easy! It's easier to eat! The steering wheel is put on 5 about less.
Obsess! Meet the helm! There is an obsession! The rudder is put 10 ° to the side opposite to the vessel's circulation.
Take it away! Easy the helm! There is a diversion! The rudder is gradually retracted to the center plane of the vessel. Steering wheel straight!
Steering wheel straight! Midships! There is a steering wheel! The rudder is brought to the center line of the vessel.
How is the steering wheel? The helmsman notices the position of the rudder and reports. Steering wheel right (left) ... degrees!
On the rumba? What is the course? The helmsman notices the compass heading and reports. On the rumba ... degrees!
Course ... degrees! Steer the course ...! There is a course of degrees! The helmsman leads the ship to a given course, reports every 10 o, and the last 10 o - every 1 o.
Keep it up! Steady (so)! Keep it up! The helmsman notices the course at the moment of giving the command or the direction to the coastal object and holds it.
Don't yawn on the steering wheel! Mind the helm! There is no yawn on the steering wheel! The helmsman closely follows the course.
Left (right) do not walk! Nothing to port (starboard)! There is a right (left) not to walk! The helmsman closely follows the course, avoiding deviations in the indicated direction.
The steering wheel is no longer ... oh, do not shift! There is more steering wheel ... oh, do not shift! The helmsman closely monitors the position of the rudder, without shifting the rudder more than indicated.
Right (left) ... on the compass! There is a right (left) ... about the compass! The helmsman deviates the vessel from the course by the indicated number of degrees, in the indicated direction. On the rumba ... oh degrees!
Follow the tug into the wake! Follow the tug! There is a follow in the wake of the tug! The helmsman closely monitors the movement of the tug and follows him into the wake.

22. Breakdown of the lot.

Manual lot - serves to determine the depth under the keel of the vessel up to 50 m. Measurements are made only when the vessel is completely stopped. Tench is made from vegetable or synthetic materials. One end of the line is attached to the turntable on which it is wound, and the other to the recess. The deepener is made of lead. Weight 5 kg, a recess is made at the base of the deepener, melted lard or fat is tamped there before measurement, after measurement, soil sticks to the bottom, by which it is determined which soil is under the vessel. Every tens of meters are broken by rag inserts in the line: red - 10 m, blue - 20 m, white - 30 m, yellow - 40 m, white-red - 50 m.

Time service.

The third mate organizes and supervises the time service on board and is directly responsible for the safety and proper operation of chronometers, deck clocks, marine clocks and stopwatches.

The third mate is responsible for overseeing the work electronic system accurate time, as well as supervising the verification of marine clocks in the ship's premises. The nautical clock in the living quarters of the vessel is in charge of the crew members.

The ship time service provides:

Watch and crew at the same exact time;

Regular reception of radio signals of the exact time to determine the corrections and daily variation of chronometers and deck clocks, to check the clock and the electronic system of the exact time;

Keeping a log of chronometer corrections;

Checking all marine watches;

Timely delivery of chronometers, deck and marine clocks to ERNK for cleaning, repair and inspection.

When a ship moves from one time zone to another, at the direction of the captain, his third mate must set the clock forward when the ship moves eastward or backward when the ship moves westward.

When crossing the date line at the nearest midnight, the date changes: if the vessel is heading eastward, the previous date is repeated; if the ship is heading westward, one day is skipped.