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How to deregister a car after sale. How to deregister a car - detailed instructions Is it possible to write off a car without a title?


The new registration rules are much more convenient and simpler than the previous scheme, which required prior deregistration during re-registration, as well as a change of license plates. Registration of the vehicle to the new owner is carried out through the efforts of the buyer himself, with automatic simultaneous deregistration from the previous car owner. In some cases, in the interests of the seller, it is necessary to deregister the car without a car.

You should know about the features of the procedure in order to undergo it with maximum efficiency and the least amount of effort.

When is deregistration required?

Many motorists know that deregistration is not a mandatory measure for the further disposal of movable property. However sometimes vehicle you need to deregister:

  1. Intention to recycle the vehicle. Produced as part of the implementation of the state program. Partial disposal of the car, including license plate units, is possible, leaving documents for some parts, or complete disposal. This action will save you from paying transport tax, which in some cases will be irrelevant due to the fact that the car has not been used for a long time.
  2. Theft and other illegal actions in relation to the vehicle. This option allows you to deregister without delivering the funds for inspection and verification of traffic police numbers. The basis is any type of fraud and actions of criminals, as a result of which the motorist loses access to control the car. Measures for deregistration are carried out as soon as it is determined that the car has been stolen. This will protect the owner from liability for everything further actions committed by criminals in a car, including road accidents and other violations.
  3. In the event that, after the sale, the new buyer does not register the car in the traffic police database within the time limits established by law. If within the next 10 days after signing the contract and handing over the keys to the car new owner did not register the car in his name, the previous owner has the right to independently deregister. It is strongly recommended that you notify the new owner of your intention so that, if necessary, you can coordinate your actions with him.
  4. When exporting a car outside the Russian Federation with further registration in a foreign country. This case applies only to long-term departures and only individuals. If the vehicle belongs to an organization, temporary license plates are assigned to the vehicle.

When deregistered without a car

As a rule, everything registration actions require the provision of a car to the traffic police department, but in some cases they do without a car:

  • when inheriting a car by a person who does not plan to further use the car for transportation;
  • it is physically impossible for the vehicle to be inspected by a state traffic inspector due to a breakdown that prevents the operation of the vehicle with further transfer of the vehicle for disposal;
  • the car was transferred to the new owner under the contract, but the car was never re-registered.

The lack of documents will not prevent deregistration if the car is then transferred under the recycling program, and the procedure itself can be carried out in any traffic police department throughout Russia.

The current procedure for deregistering a car without providing a vehicle

The procedure for deregistration must be completed at the traffic police department on the basis of an application containing a request from the owner of the vehicle and accurate description reasons that prompted this to be done.

An application to the traffic police is accompanied by the simultaneous submission of documents:

  • owner's civil passport;
  • registration certificate, PTS;
  • receipt confirming payment of the fee.
  • power of attorney if the citizen is not the owner;
  • application form, in accordance with the sample;
  • a bill of sale confirming the transfer of funds as a result of a car sale transaction.

Features of writing an application

Despite the availability of special forms, the issue of filling out the application must be approached especially carefully:

  • for recycling, it is necessary to make a note about the reason - recycling of the car, indicating that a certificate for the units is not required; in case of partial recycling, they indicate which specific units will require documents;
  • when selling (if the new owners are in no hurry to register the car), it is noted in the application that the license plates and documents are lost;
  • moving a car outside the Russian Federation requires making an appropriate export note.

Nuances of the disposal procedure

A standard package of documents is prepared to deregister for further scrapping. When contacting the traffic police, the car owner submits documents and an application to the state traffic inspector. For complete disposal, the car at the traffic police inspection platform will be redundant, and for partial disposal, only those components and assemblies that the driver intends to save are presented for inspection.

The state traffic inspector checks the license plates, and if delivery to the department is impossible (if the car breaks down), the owner can call an expert.

When considering the application, the traffic police officer will issue the necessary conclusion.

Removal of a vehicle due to theft

In addition to the standard list of papers, the driver must have in hand a document from law enforcement agencies confirming the fact of theft.

Video about deregistering a car

Reading time: 5 minutes

A situation often arises when the owner of an old car can no longer drive it due to numerous breakdowns. But why pay tax just for being the owner of a vehicle? In this case, it is enough to deregister it at the traffic police department. Car owners who lost their car as a result of theft, and those who damaged their vehicle beyond repair in an accident, would also like to know how to deregister a car without a car, or if there is another procedure for this case.

Procedure for deregistering a vehicle from the traffic police

To deregister a car, you must go to the nearest traffic police department with a package of documents and license plates (if available). In most cases, you do not need to present the car itself.

In addition, this procedure can be carried out through the Internet portal “State Services” (just submit an application and make an appointment at the MREO). Register on the website, select your location. The volume of electronic services will depend on this.

In what cases is a vehicle deregistered and when is it terminated?

With the entry into force of 01/01/20, the new Law “On state registration vehicles..." No. 283-FZ dated 03.08.18 (as amended on 07.30.19) and the new Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1764 dated 12.21.19 now provide for two different procedures “termination of registration” and “deregistration”, which are carried out for different reasons and have different character.

  • Statement of the established form indicating the following information:
    • reasons for deregistration;
    • vehicle identification data;
    • information about the identity card and residential address of the car owner. If another person deregisters, you must provide a power of attorney and enter your personal data. This also applies to representatives of legal entities.
  • owner's passport. In the absence of a passport, a temporary identity card must be presented;
  • vehicle passport (if available and if it is not electronic);
  • vehicle registration certificate (if available);
  • certificate (act) of disposal (if removed for this reason);
  • a receipt confirming payment of the state duty for transit license plates (when exporting a vehicle outside the Russian Federation).

But if the car is deregistered due to export outside the Russian Federation, you will have to pay 1,600 rubles.


As you can see, it is possible to deregister a car, as well as deregister it without presenting it to the traffic police in most cases. Theft, alienation, loss, and disposal make it possible to do this without having a vehicle. Car junk does not need to be kept in the yard - recycling entitles you to benefits when purchasing a new one iron horse, and also eliminates transport tax.

How to deregister a car after sale: video

October 2013 brought news to car owners about changes in car registration and deregistration. Since then, when selling vehicles, it is not necessary to go through a preliminary withdrawal procedure: it is permissible to re-register the car directly to the purchaser. Despite this, many motorists may find this procedure necessary for other reasons, so information on how to deregister a car remains relevant to this day.

Why deregister a car?

An appointment with the traffic police to complete the state registration of a car is required if any of the following reasons occur:

  1. Scrapping broken vehicles. Disposal takes place according to the federal program and can be selective (to recycle some parts) or complete (if the car is handed over as a whole).
  2. Vehicle theft. If someone has committed illegal actions in relation to movable property, including theft, the owner must contact the traffic police with a report of the theft and deregister the stolen property. When the loss is found, the vehicle can be returned to State registration.
  3. Export of transport from the territory of the Russian Federation. A driver who intends to leave the state for a long time in his car must deregister it in advance. Upon arrival at the temporary place of residence, the owner goes through the vehicle registration procedure again.
  4. Unregistered car after purchase. After the owner has sold the vehicle, the buyer is obliged to re-register it in his name within 10 days. If this does not happen, the seller has the right to remove it from the register in order not to pay taxes and fines for someone else’s property.

It is possible to deregister a car at any traffic police department

What is needed to deregister a car?

Detailed information about what papers will be needed to terminate the registration of a vehicle can be seen on the portals of the territorial inspection and State Services.

Required documents

To carry out the procedure, you will need to collect the following package of documents:

  • Certificate confirming the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Proof of ownership of the car (purchase and sale agreement) - required only when selling;
  • A hand-filled application to deregister a vehicle;
  • If the applicant is not the owner of the car, then a power of attorney from the owner with consent to represent his interests in the traffic police will be required;
  • Vehicle registration document (STS) and its passport (PTS);
  • Receipt for payment of state duty;
  • Federal registration plates if available.

It is important! If you plan to leave the territory of the Russian Federation, the applicant will have to pay a fee for the production of transit numbers.

As a rule, when filling out an application, car owners are faced with a lot of questions, so let’s take a closer look at them.

How to submit an application

A blank application form for deregistration of a vehicle can be downloaded on the State Services website, taken on paper from the local MREO, or read it below. For all options, an identical form is used - filling out will differ only in a few points.

Sample application for registration/deregistration of a vehicle

Before filling out the form, you must prepare documents. So, the statement must indicate:

  1. Full name, information from the passport for individuals or full company details for entrepreneurs.
  2. Required action: deregistration or registration. Identified by underlining.
  3. Details of the official representative, if the package is not submitted personally by the owner. A power of attorney must be attached.
  4. Information about movable property: make, model, number.

The application can be filled out electronically by downloading it in Word format and presenting a printed version to the traffic police. However, the signature at the end of the application must be put manually.

Completed form for registration/deregistration of a vehicle

Is it possible to deregister a car without documents?

Situations for car owners may be completely different, and in some cases some of the papers recommended for providing the service may be missing. So, some people inherit a vehicle, the papers for which have long been lost, or they scrap a car without a title.

In this case, the following documents are required for each situation:

  • To submit a vehicle for recycling, you are only allowed to submit an application;
  • If documents are transferred during the sale, then it is enough to present only the purchase and sale agreement;
  • Theft and transportation abroad require mandatory restoration of documents.

If lost state numbers, but the documents are in place, then it is necessary to issue an explanatory note. This paper is additionally attached to the application.

How to carry out the procedure without a purchase and sale agreement

Usually, a purchase and sale agreement does not need to be presented when deregistering a vehicle. It is only required when selling.

If you were unable to save the agreement, you should talk to the current owner of your car and formalize new agreement, certified by signatures and the number that appeared in the previous document. You need to go to the traffic police with a new copy.

What is the price

The cost of the service may vary depending on the reason for deregistration.

The previous owner can deregister the vehicle if the new owner has not registered the vehicle within 10 days from the date of signing the contract

When deregistering, you must pay a state fee for the procedure or for issuing transit stickers. Depending on the purpose, the price may be as follows:

  • Free: when stolen, sold or sent to scrap car;
  • RUB 350: for partial recycling (fee for issuing a certificate for remaining spare parts);
  • 800 rubles: when exporting a motorcycle, trailer or tractor from Russia (a fee is paid for printing the transit number for the listed types of transport);
  • RUB 1,600: when transporting from the Russian Federation passenger car(for issuing a “transit” number for transported vehicles).

When a car is exported from the territory of the Russian Federation, a note is placed on the vehicle registration certificate. If there is no STS, then it is necessary to issue it. The traffic police will charge a state duty of 500 rubles.

It is important! According to the Tax Code, the amount of federal duties is the same throughout the territory Russian Federation. However, those who are going to pay the State Duty through the State Services portal will be given a 30% discount.

How to deregister a car without a car

The law strictly sets out a list of situations in which this is permissible without providing a vehicle:

  1. Hijacking. Situations where the search for vehicles did not bring results are taken into account. In this case, it is necessary to remove the vehicle from the registered database and return it to the owner after returning it.
  2. A sale after which the new owner does not register the vehicle. The former owner is interested in re-registration, since taxes and fines will come to his name.
  3. A major accident or breakdown resulting in the vehicle being unable to be used.


The legislation establishes the following procedure:

  1. Submitting documentation to the city branch of the State Traffic Inspectorate, where the vehicle was registered in the past.
  2. Inspection of the car by an expert and its analysis in accordance with the database, during which the presence of arrests and liens is clarified. If a loan was issued for the purchase of transport, receipts will be requested to prove that the amount was paid.
  3. License plates are checked by traffic police inspectors for compliance with the documents, after which the current owner is given a registration card and PTS.

If the vehicle is not available due to the fact that the real owner could not be identified, then deregistration is carried out without inspection.


Deregistration due to disposal can be carried out using only one document - a certificate of disposal

The process of sending a car for recycling is provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and has strict regulations. First you need to collect a complete package of papers, after which the order will be as follows:

  1. The applicant makes an appointment with the traffic police and comes with documents at strictly designated hours.
  2. An application is drawn up, during the consideration of which the inspector must check the state numbers, as well as all numbers of spare parts and body components, with the database. If the vehicle cannot be operated, then a specialist will visit the site and, after inspection, issue a documentary conclusion.
  3. If the faulty vehicle is only partially recycled, the inspector issues a certificate for the spare parts remaining from the seller.


The situation must be resolved immediately after the car is stolen. The owner files a statement of theft, after which a criminal case is initiated. Then the search begins for the vehicle and the person responsible for the theft. You can begin the process of deregistering a vehicle only after the theft case is closed.

When the applicant receives notification of the closure or suspension of a criminal case, he has the right to appear at the traffic police with documentation.

In case of theft, you must contact the police to initiate a criminal case under Art. 166 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Video: how to complete car registration when selling

How to deregister a car through State Services

Thanks to modern technologies You can apply for suspension of registration if you have access to the Internet. The procedure is carried out through the portal https://www.gosuslugi.ru/. If the applicant does not have personal account, then you need to register on the site. The account is then confirmed through a government office or through a letter with a code that will be sent in an envelope to the post office.

On the State Services website it is also possible to pay traffic fines and apply for vehicle registration

To undergo the procedure, you need:

  1. Go to the State Services website and in the “Transport and Driving” category click the “Vehicle Registration” button.
  2. Select the “Deregistration” service and note the reason for completing State Registration among the proposed options.
  3. Fill out the electronic application form, where you will need to provide information about the car and personal data of its owner.
  4. At the last stage, you will have to choose a convenient branch of the traffic police and the date and time when it will be convenient for you to show up with documents.

The system will accept and forward the application to authorized bodies. If all fields of the application are filled out correctly, the State Agency will send a positive response approving the time of the visit. You no longer need to fill out an application at the office. In case of a negative decision on email a rationale and an algorithm with further actions will come.

How to find out if a car is deregistered

You can check your car registration using several methods. The longest one is through the traffic police department, and the fastest one is through the Internet.

Check through the traffic police

The algorithm is as follows:

  1. 10 days after the sale of the vehicle, you must go to the city branch of the State Traffic Inspectorate and submit an application, which is issued in the name of the head of the traffic police department.
  2. The application must be accompanied by documents for the vehicle.
  3. Within a month, the applicant will receive a response from the traffic police, which will indicate whether the car is registered or not.

Checking via the Internet

You can remotely check whether a car is registered using several services:

  1. State Services Portal. Convenient for those who travel by car by proxy. To check the status of the vehicle, you need to log in, then find the “Registration of Vehicles and Trailers” section, fill out an application and wait for a response from the system.
  2. Service Autocode (https://avtokod.mos.ru). To check the status of the vehicle, you will need a VIN number and a certificate of state registration. At the moment, only cars of residents of Moscow and the Moscow region are registered in the directory, but soon the site will be used throughout the Russian Federation.
  3. Official resource of the State Traffic Inspectorate (http://tt.gibdd.ru). To use the system, you need to go to the resource and find the “Services” section. Next, select the “Vehicle check” item, where you need to enter the VIN number of the car, as well as the body or chassis number. You should confirm your intention by entering a verification number. Feedback will come in about a minute. On the website you can see when the re-registration took place and whether the vehicle is registered.

Deregistration of a car is a fairly simple procedure, which in a number of situations can be carried out without most of the documentation and without an “iron horse”. Technical inspection is necessary only in a situation where it is planned to transport the car abroad, or if the owner intends to partially recycle his iron vehicle. In other cases, it is enough to fill out an application at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate or on the State Services portal.

At the next stage, the state inspector inspects the car and writes a notification at the place of previous state registration. 3. Having received a written decision to deregister a car from the previous place of residence, it must be presented to the registration authorities at the new place of residence, which will finally register the car before its next deregistration. If the car is transported abroad together with the main documents, it will be necessary to add a receipt for payment of the state fee for transit license plates; the cost of this payment for deregistration of the car is 1000 rubles. Deregistration online through the website gosuslugi.ru It has long been no secret that with the help of government services provided via the Internet and thereby saving citizens time, you can find out whether a vehicle is registered and what fines its owner has.

In what situations is it possible to deregister a car without having the car itself?


It is worth knowing that in accordance with the updated rules, you can deregister a vehicle at any convenient traffic police department, and not just at the one where it was registered, as before. When is it necessary to deregister a vehicle? Despite the fact that, in fact, at present there is no need to deregister a car even when selling it, there are still a number of situations when this will still need to be done:

  1. Disposal of vehicles according to the relevant state regulations. program. This procedure can be complete, when the car is scrapped completely with all license plates, or partially.

For example, a car owner can keep an engine that is in good condition for subsequent sale. technical condition. In this case, deregistration of the car is permissible without the car, after which the former owner will be exempt from paying all types of taxes.
  • Vehicle theft.
  • How to deregister a car in 2018? different algorithms for different purposes


    The success of this work depends on how well the documents are prepared. You should first prepare the following documents:

    1. Application written according to the approved template.
    2. Vehicle passport and registration certificate.
    3. Passport of the owner of the car, in whose name it is registered with the traffic police.
    4. Contract of sale.
    5. Receipt for payment of state duty.
    6. Power of attorney, if this work is carried out not by the owner of the vehicle, but by his authorized representative.

    You can check the general package of documents via the Internet on the corresponding traffic police website. How to correctly write an application for deregistration In each specific case, depending on the reason for deregistration of the vehicle, an application is written that has its own characteristic features.

    How to deregister a car without a car

    Before submitting documents for deregistration, you need to know all the specifics of writing such an application. If you are selling a car under a sales contract according to the new rules of 2017, you need to write a corresponding statement with a note preserving the documents and license plates of the specific car. Based on the documents provided, the traffic police inspector deregisters the vehicle, which will subsequently be registered with the new owner.

    The new owner of the vehicle only needs to correctly register his new car. If the sale was carried out without deregistration on the basis of a purchase and sale agreement, then subsequently the new owner of the vehicle no longer needs to register the car. Such deregistration according to the new rules of 2017 when selling a car under a sales contract does not take much time.

    Is it possible to deregister a car without a car, license plates, or owner?

    Contents [hide] The new rules for vehicle registration, despite the great explanatory work of traffic police officers, left drivers with a lot of questions, the answers to which are not so easy to obtain on their own. In particular, one of the most frequently asked questions is “is it possible to deregister a car without a car” - despite the somewhat strange sound of the question itself, it is very relevant for a huge number of motorists. Important! How to find out the owner of a car by state number? The process of deregistering a vehicle, traditionally, was associated with quite a significant amount of time spent on registration necessary documents, as well as waiting for the inspector to be able to inspect the provided car.
    The introduction of new rules has significantly simplified the life of car owners, especially those who are planning to sell their vehicles, and since the end of 2013, deregistration of the car is no longer required.

    How to deregister a car sold under a sales contract


    Well, in order for everything to go as quickly as possible, before collecting documents, you should contact directly the body for registration and deregistration of vehicles. Re-registration when changing place of residence If the owner of a vehicle decides to change his place of residence, then by law he must register the car at a new address. When removing a car from state registration due to a change in permanent registration, you must do the following: 1.

    Submit all documents at the place of actual registration to the traffic police authorities
    • Passport of an individual.
    • Certificate confirming the registration of the car.
    • Statement of desire to make changes regarding the registration of the car.
    • Certificate of insurance.
    • Documents confirming payment of state duties.

    403 - access denied

    In case of refusal, government officials will also notify the reasons for such a decision. The main differences between deregistering a car through government services and the usual way by applying through government services:

    • The applicant goes through all stages of deregistration of a car not on a first-come, first-served basis, but in accordance with the time specified during registration on the website gosuslugi.ru.
    • Saves time and nerves.
    • The customer consultation line works well; here you can find out all the information you need: 8-800-100-70-10.

    When receiving services to deregister a car in the usual way, applicants are faced with:

    • With endless streams of queues.
    • The inability to complete the procedure in one day.

    The owner of the car or his legal representative can submit an application and receive the results of the work. The representative must have a power of attorney certified by a notary.

    How to deregister a car if it is not drivable

    Accordingly, fines for traffic violations, recorded by automatic road recorders, come in the name of the previous car owner. Transport tax, by the way, is also credited to the previous owner. When it is not possible to reach an agreement with the new owner, there is only one way out - deregistration of the vehicle. NOTE: If you plan to leave the state with your car for for a long time, then in this case the registration of the car on the territory of the Russian Federation must be stopped. But, unlike the theft and sale of a car, deregistration for export of a car to another country is carried out with a mandatory inspection of the vehicle. Required package documents For each specific occasion, a different set of documents is required.

    How to deregister a car without a car

    This procedure will be in the interests of the previous owner to be sure of the legality of the future life of the car.

    • When leaving the country for a long period of time, the car owner must deregister the car in order to register it in the country of residence.
    • Deregistration for recycling To send a car for scrap, you need to revoke its registration, this involves collecting the following documents:
    • Passport.
    • Technical certificate.
    • Certificate confirming the registration of the car.
    • Car license plates.
    • Statement of desire to dispose of the vehicle.
    • Payment of the state fee for the license plate.

    Procedure for deregistering a vehicle for recycling:

    1. In order to dispose of the vehicle completely (including its components), you need to collect all the above documents.

    Is it possible to deregister a car without selling it?

    In case of theft or other illegal actions of attackers, as a result of which the legal owner is deprived of the opportunity to independently dispose of the property, he has the right to deregister the car without a car. This will exempt him from taxation during the investigation, and will prevent investigative actions against him if an accident occurs in a stolen car.

    • Transporting a vehicle outside the country. If the owner of a car leaves the country for a long time and plans to travel by car, the law requires the vehicle to be deregistered in order to register it at the place of new stay.

      Transit numbers, however, are issued only legal entities or IP.

    • A person who sold a car can also free himself from property that does not belong to himself, but the buyer is in no hurry to register the vehicle in his name.

    Is it possible to deregister a car without selling it?

    Now it is possible to both sell a car with deregistration, and with the preservation of registration plates by drawing up a purchase and sale agreement. However, regardless of how you sell your car, it still needs to be deregistered with the traffic police, which will save you from having to pay fines for the car you sold. Deregistration is possible in the following situations:

    1. Selling a car without re-registration to a new owner.
    2. When the vehicle leaves the country.
    3. When a car is stolen.
    4. When disposing of a vehicle.

    A package of documents for deregistering a car. This work can be done at the territorial traffic police department where this car was previously registered. We recommend that you prepare your documents first.

    Is it possible to deregister a car without a sales contract?

    The withdrawal will take place quickly, after which the former owner will no longer be required to pay transport tax. If a vehicle deregistered due to theft is returned to its rightful owner, it will need to be registered again. Without numbers and documents, a car can also be deregistered by its former owner, if the current owner is in no hurry to re-register.

    Attention! When submitting an application to the traffic police department about the need to deregister a vehicle due to theft, you should stock up in advance with a certificate from the investigative authorities confirming this fact. In all other cases, deregister the car without having the entire set of documents and state registration documents in hand. Rooms are not possible. Any actions related to changing the registration data of a car will require preliminary measures aimed at restoring documents and obtaining duplicates of state registration documents. numbers.

    The introduction of new rules for registering a car during the transfer of ownership has made the life of motorists significantly easier: state license plates are assigned to the car and the presence of the seller in the MREO after the purchase and sale transaction is not required. Registering a vehicle with simultaneous deregistration registered in the name of the previous owner is the buyer’s task, and the algorithm for this task is also simplified.

    However, there are some moments when it is impossible to do without deregistering the car.

    In what cases is it necessary to deregister a car?

    The main reason why people voluntarily give up their status as a car owner is the reluctance to pay the costs imposed by the state on the owner of the vehicle (tax) in cases where it is not possible to use the car for its intended purpose:

    In addition to the transport tax, problems are also caused by the new owner of the car, who received ownership of the car on the basis of title documents, but did not fulfill the obligation to re-register the vehicle within the time period established by law - 10 days. With this development of events, the previous owner is not actually the owner, but legally the car is registered with him. Accordingly, fines for traffic violations recorded by automatic traffic recorders are sent to the name of the previous car owner. Transport tax, by the way, is also charged to the previous owner.

    When it is not possible to reach an agreement with the new owner, there is only one way out - deregistration of the vehicle.

    NOTE: If you plan to leave the state with the car for a long time, then in this case, registration of the car on the territory of the Russian Federation must be stopped. But, unlike the theft and sale of a car, deregistration for export of a car to another country is carried out with a mandatory inspection of the vehicle.

    Required package of documents

    Each specific occasion requires a different set of documents. The main package consists of the following items:

    1. Identity card (passport, military ID, certificate of the appropriate form if the passport is lost).
    2. Car purchase and sale agreement.
    3. Documents for the car, if the car is not sold (PTS, registration certificate).
    4. Statement of the established form.
    5. Receipt of payment of the fee (the amount depends on the type of procedure).
    6. Power of attorney for the right to deregister a car if the owner is unable to draw up the documents himself.

    You can deregister a vehicle at any traffic police department.

    How to deregister a car without a car in various cases


    If a car is stolen, the owner must contact law enforcement agencies with a statement about the crime committed. The car is searched for a certain period of time and if the vehicle is not found, the owner can deregister the car.

    Documents that must be provided to the traffic police:

    • civil passport or military personnel identification card,
    • a certificate from the police about the initiation of a criminal case regarding the theft of a vehicle,
    • PTS and car registration certificate,
    • application for deregistration of a vehicle.


    Disposal can be complete or partial, when the owner, deregistering the car, leaves the released units.


    • statement,
    • personal passport,
    • documents for the car (PTS, SOP),
    • state registration plates,
    • a notarized power of attorney, if the registration is carried out by the owner’s representative.
    • receipt of payment of the state duty for the released units.

    NOTE: For complete disposal, the service is provided free of charge! In case of partial disposal, the units must be provided for inspection and verification of the serial number.


    A car that has been sold but not re-registered to a new owner is deregistered at the request of the seller, with the provision of the necessary set of documents:

    • car purchase and sale agreement,
    • general passport,
    • duty payment receipt,
    • application for deregistration of a vehicle.

    How to write an application

    An application for deregistration of a car is written on a standard form. The traffic police have information stands where you can familiarize yourself with the rules for filling out applications. Standard scheme:

    1. Vehicle identification data.
    2. Details of the owner or representative by proxy.
    3. Reason for deregistration.

    The last paragraph states the grounds for deregistration of the car:

    • if the car leaves the state, then indicate: “in connection with the export of the car from the Russian Federation”;
    • if the vehicle is sold, then we write: “due to the disposal of the vehicle.” In the form we make a note about the loss of state registration plates and documents for the car;
    • if we dispose of it, we also indicate: “in connection with the disposal of the vehicle.” In case of complete disposal, we note that a certificate for the released units is not required. If it is partial, we write down which part requires documents (engine, chassis, body).

    In addition to directly visiting the traffic police and receiving the service on a first-come, first-served basis, you can deregister your car through