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Documents for deregistration of a car. Is it possible to deregister a car so as not to pay transport tax?


Despite the simplification of the procedure for registering vehicles (vehicles), the procedure for deregistration or termination of registration of vehicles causes difficulties for many car owners.

In this article we will try to describe in detail the reasons for deregistration of vehicles and explain the entire mechanism of this procedure.

Innovations in the procedure for registering cars

Thanks to changes in the regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for vehicle registration, the registration and deregistration procedure has been significantly simplified:

  1. When selling vehicles are simply re-registered to a new owner without first de-registering and handing over license plates.
  2. When changing your place of residence There was also no need to deregister the car. A car owner who has moved to another region only needs to register the vehicle at the new place of registration. Removal of the car at the previous address occurs automatically without the participation of the owner.
  3. In case of expiration of the temporary registration of the vehicle, there is no need to deregister the car. Registration is terminated automatically, the information is entered into the traffic police database, and registration documents and license plates issued for the car are invalidated.

The presented video outlines the main changes in the vehicle accounting procedure that came into force on October 15, 2013:

When is it necessary to deregister a car?

Despite the simplification of the registration procedure vehicles, there are still cases in which it is necessary to deregister a car:

  1. Disposal. Having resorted to state program upon disposal, the car is deregistered in order to terminate taxation on this property.
  2. Export abroad. If the car leaves the country forever, it must be deregistered and subsequently registered in the country of arrival.
  3. Hijacking. If such illegal actions are committed in relation to your property, it is recommended to immediately contact the traffic police department with an application to terminate the registration of the vehicle.
  4. The end of the allotted period of 10 days for re-registration of a vehicle upon sale, serves as the basis for the seller to submit to the traffic police an application to terminate the registration of the sold car. Thus former owner will protect itself from liability if the sold car gets into an accident, and is also exempt from charging transport tax.

Withdrawal procedure

The right to apply to the traffic police to commit any registration actions with the car are the owners of the vehicle or persons acting in the interests of the owner by proxy.

The rules regulate the following procedure for deregistration of a vehicle:

Step 1. Preparation necessary documents. The list of documents varies depending on the reasons for deregistration.

Providing an incomplete set of documents, as well as documents containing false information or executed in non-compliance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts, is a reason for refusing to accept an application for the provision of registration services.

Step 2. Contact the traffic police department. You can submit an application for deregistration either in person or through the online service on the State Traffic Inspectorate website or directly through the State Services Internet portal.

Now car owners have the opportunity to deregister their car at any convenient traffic police department, regardless of the place of registration, residence address or registration of the owner.

Step 3. Receive an application form. The application is filled out according to the sample by hand directly at the traffic police department or prepared in advance in printed form and signed by the applicant.

(Word file in .doc format)

A traffic police officer checks the submitted documents using the federal information system for interdepartmental electronic interaction (SMEV).

Step 4. Inspection of a car by the State Traffic Inspectorate is carried out in case of export of a vehicle abroad.

Step 5. Payment of state duty. The cost and payment procedure for the services provided are also determined depending on the reasons for deregistration of the vehicle.

Step 6. The result of the actions taken will be the traffic police officer making a decision to deregister the vehicle or issuing a reasoned refusal.

The administrative regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs determine that the time spent in line when applying for a service, as well as when receiving results, should not exceed 15 minutes. The period for providing the service for carrying out registration actions should not be more than 60 minutes from the moment of receipt of the application and documents.

Let us consider in detail the procedure for providing services depending on the grounds for deregistration of a vehicle.


The following categories of vehicles are subject to the recycling procedure:

  • the further exploitation of which is impossible;
  • The transport is completely unusable; disassembly for spare parts is impossible.

To complete the procedure, the vehicle owner will need to submit to the traffic police department:

  • state signs on vehicles;
  • passport;
  • vehicle passport (PTS);
  • vehicle technical certificate;
  • application for deregistration.

Vehicle registration documents, PTS and license plates are handed over if available, and are subsequently subject to disposal.

State duty this type services are not taxed, deregistration is free.

There is no need to present the car to the traffic police for inspection.

The car recycling program allows you to go through the deregistration procedure without a car and without documents for it.

Removal of vehicles outside the country

To deregister a vehicle traveling for permanent stay in another state, the following documents are required:

  • state signs on vehicles;
  • certificate of registration (CTC);
  • passport;
  • power of attorney, in case of application by a representative of the owner of the vehicle;
  • vehicle passport (PTS);
  • vehicle technical certificate;
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

Vehicle inspection

The vehicle is checked at a designated area. The body color and license plates of the vehicle are checked and the authenticity of the vehicle is established. Design vehicle checked for compliance with accompanying documents and safety standards.

You must provide for inspection clean car, especially attention should be paid to plates with identification numbers against which all documentation will be verified.

The verification procedure takes 20 minutes. All detected inconsistencies and discrepancies are noted in the application and are the basis for an additional check of the vehicle at the police department.

After successful completion of the inspection, the expert affixes a stamp, date and signature to the application.

The inspection results are considered valid for 30 days.

Remember that the car body is dirty, the VIN number or state marks are not legible, as well as tinted windows and painted over headlights can be reasons for refusal to carry out an inspection.

Service cost

The state duty is paid for the issuance of transit registration plates:

  • motor transport – 1600 rubles;
  • motor vehicle or trailer – 800 rubles.

PTS and state signs on the car are handed over and disposed of at the traffic police department. And in return, the car owner receives “Transit” registration plates, while the corresponding mark is placed on the STS and a record is made about the vehicle’s departure outside the Russian Federation.

Termination of vehicle registration

When a car owner is faced with the question of the loss or theft of a car, as well as a violation of the rules of a purchase and sale transaction, it is necessary to submit an application to the traffic police department to terminate the registration of the vehicle that is registered with it.

To terminate the registration of a vehicle, the owner, if available, submits all registration documents, PTS and state signs on the vehicle to the traffic police for further disposal. If they are absent, they are put on the wanted list.

List of required documents:

  • state signs on vehicles;
  • certificate of registration (CTC);
  • passport;
  • power of attorney, in case of application by a representative of the owner of the vehicle;
  • vehicle passport (PTS);
  • vehicle technical certificate;
  • purchase and sale agreement, in the absence of action on the part of the buyer to re-register the car;
  • application for deregistration;

(Word file in .doc format)


The service is provided free of charge.


The deregistration procedure is clearly regulated; each stage is strictly limited in time and in total does not exceed 1 hour.

By taking advantage of the opportunity to complete and submit an electronic application through the State Services portal or on the official website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, you can significantly reduce the time it takes to receive services and avoid waiting in line. If during the verification of the submitted documents any discrepancies are found, you will be notified electronically and you will be able to re-submit your application after eliminating all the shortcomings. If the application and documents meet the requirements, you will be notified of the appointment of a date and time for reception at the department. All you have to do is come at a certain time to complete the registration procedure.

If you still have questions about deregistering your vehicle or do not need legal support to file a complaint against the decision made by the State Traffic Inspectorate, please contact our lawyers for help.

Since the beginning of 2014, the life of car owners has been significantly simplified - car license plates are assigned to the vehicle itself. In this regard, citizens have a lot of questions during the process. Changes were mainly reflected in withdrawals by the owner or other person.

Is it possible

In practice, we can analyze a huge number of cases that are suitable for discussing our topic, but each of them will differ from the other in small details. However, in most cases, it is possible without requiring a car. Moreover, it is the buyer who is in charge afterward, not the former owner.

This video will tell you exactly what documents you will need when deregistering a car with the traffic police:

Without numbers

In 2016, deregistering a vehicle became as easy as possible. In some cases, you can only present a passport so that the car is no longer listed as valid in the traffic police database. The absence of a state license on a car also does not become an obstacle to re-registration and deregistration of a car.

To carry out this procedure, you will need to attach an explanatory note describing the reasons for the lack of numbers to a regular application to the MREO department. Try to describe the circumstances of the loss of the license plates as plausibly as possible, otherwise, after finding out the real reasons, the traffic police may require you to provide them. Otherwise, there should be no obstacles.

This video will tell you whether it is possible to deregister a car without license plates:

Deregistration of a car is one of the procedures that interests many car owners. There is a standard procedure for solving a problem and individual situations with different conditions. Let us immediately note that, recently, license plates are assigned directly to the car, so after its sale, the buyer, not the seller, will handle the paperwork.

But, there are situations when the former owner of the vehicle is himself interested in resolving the issue, so as not to subsequently pay fees and taxes that are levied on the person who owns the car. At the same time, one has to think how to deregister a car without a car. Such cases include:

  • hijacking Here it is worth considering situations where measures aimed at searching for vehicles have not achieved any result, and there is no hope that the car will be returned in the near future. Even if the car is found after some period, it would be better to simply register it again;
  • a serious accident or major breakdown, excluding the possibility of further operation of the vehicle due to the pointlessness of its restoration;
  • the car was sold, but the buyer refused or was unable to re-register within 10 days from the date of execution of the contract;
  • the vehicle has crossed the border and will remain abroad for a long time.

In any of these situations, the vehicle will have to be deregistered without submitting it to the MREO.

Let us immediately note that in order to deregister a car you will need to collect a certain package of documents. In different situations, their list will differ slightly. Let's look at the main documents you need to have with you if you have them:

  • identification. Usually this is a passport. If it is lost, you must provide the appropriate certificate. Also, instead of a passport, a military personnel identification document is accepted;
  • vehicle sales agreement, subject to availability;
  • registration certificate for the car. Its provision is required when it was not sold, but, for example, is listed as stolen;
  • statement. It can be written directly to the traffic police department. A drafting sample is provided; .
  • a receipt confirming payment of the state duty. The amount of the amount depends on the case for which the owner applies;
  • power of attorney. It is issued when the owner of the vehicle is unable to do this personally for any reason.

All documents from the list that are available must be taken with you and in originals. You should also bring copies in case the traffic police ask for them.

How to deregister a car if it is stolen

First of all, when a car has been stolen, its owner must contact law enforcement agencies with a corresponding statement. After this, their representatives will take the necessary measures to search for the vehicle. If the search is unsuccessful over a certain period of time, the car owner can go to the traffic police department at the place where the car is registered and submit the following documents:

  • passport;
  • vehicle registration document;
  • paper on the opening of a private trust. It is issued by law enforcement agencies;
  • application for deregistration of a vehicle. .

The applicant will be informed about further actions and deadlines for resolving the issue by the traffic police officers who accept the documents.

If the vehicle is to be scrapped

Important! Recycling can be complete or partial. In the latter case, the car owner keeps certain parts for himself if they have survived and will be useful in the future..

In addition to the personal and technical passport for the car, the corresponding application, the owner must additionally provide:

  • number plates;
  • a receipt for payment of the state duty for partial disposal.

If documents are drawn up by a trusted person, you must take the power of attorney with you. The paper must be notarized.

Important! Complete disposal is carried out free of charge. If it is partially carried out, the removed units are provided for serial number matching.

Deregistration of a car after its sale

The need to solve such a problem was mentioned above. It is necessary to deregister vehicles so that you do not later have to pay various taxes, fines and other sums of money that may be required from the official owner of the vehicle indicated in the registration documents.

To deregister a vehicle, in addition to personal documents and an application completed in the prescribed manner, you must provide a vehicle sales agreement. You will also need to pay the state fee and attach a receipt to the application.

How to make an application

There are usually no difficulties with completing the application. In any traffic police department there are special stands where examples of filling out are posted. The applicant will be given a form in the prescribed form and will simply need to enter the following information:

  • vehicle identification data;
  • personal data of the owner: full name, registration address, contacts. If a person is involved in registration by power of attorney, this fact should be noted by indicating the details of the document;
  • the reason why the car needs to be deregistered.

When recycling is the reason, the following points should be noted:

  • if complete, write that a certificate for the released nodes is not needed;
  • if partial - indicate which spare parts require supporting documents, for example, for the chassis, body.

Important! If you do not want or do not have the opportunity to visit the traffic police department, you can resolve the issue by using special options on the State Services website.

How to deregister a car on the State Services website

If you decide to deregister a car through the State Services website, first of all you need to register here and go through authorization to open a personal account. Next you will need to do the following:

  1. Open the website gosuslugi.ru.
  2. In the service category, in the “Transport and Driving” section, select “Vehicle Registration”.
  3. Follow the active link “Deregistration”.
  4. Select the reason for deregistration from the options provided.
  5. Follow step by step instructions presented on a new page.

There are no particular difficulties here. You just need to fill out the electronic application form, specifying the requested information, and familiarize yourself with the procedure for paying for services and their cost. Next, you should select a traffic police department from the options offered and make an appointment for a suitable date and time. Then an electronic application must be sent. Within the specified period, along with a printed application, you will need to visit the traffic police department.

Important! Don't join the general queue. You need to find a queue for those who filled out an application through the State Services portal. Here each user has his own serial number.

During personal communication, the inspector will check the original documents and confirm the deregistration of the car.

Everything is described in great detail on the State Services portal, so no difficulties will arise. Just follow the instructions and follow the recommendations provided.

Video - How to remove a car after sale

I know very little about cars and know practically nothing about registering a car with the traffic police. When I registered the purchased car in my name, my husband prepared and submitted all the documents.

He also drove the car for inspection, and as a result, I did not take any part in registering the vehicle. I don’t know anything about deregistering a car.

A few months ago I needed to go through this procedure, but I had no idea how to deregister the car. Unfortunately, my husband was on a business trip, and therefore had to get acquainted with the algorithm of actions on his own.

Upon completion of the process of deregistering the car, I was able to say that there was nothing complicated about it. My article will help people who do not understand this issue at all, and will tell you what is needed to deregister a car.

Just a few years ago it was necessary to deregister a car mandatory. The owner was obliged, together with the buyer of the vehicle, to go to the traffic police and submit an application to deregister the car. Despite the fact that all the actions are simple and understandable, it required a lot of time and effort.

After some time, amendments were made to the current legislation, which also affected the described procedure. Now, when concluding a purchase and sale transaction, there is no need to deregister the car at all, but it is enough that new owner will re-register the vehicle with the traffic police.

An important requirement was compliance with all conditions and the general procedure for performing the necessary actions. It is noteworthy that after signing the deed of sale, the seller transfers the documents for the car to the new owner, and he carries out all the necessary steps for re-registration on his own.

Under what circumstances is it necessary to remove the car?

Despite providing citizens with the opportunity to refuse to take actions to remove a car from state registration, there are some situations that require these actions to be performed without fail. We are talking about the following points:

  1. The buyer prefers that the car be deregistered, and the seller performs this action by agreement of the parties to the transaction.
  2. The new owner has only ten days to register the car. If at the end of this period the vehicle is not re-registered, then the previous owner will have to deregister the car, otherwise all fines will be received in his name.
  3. In case of vehicle theft, it may be necessary to temporarily remove the car from state registration. After finding the car, it is put back on the register.
  4. If the car gets into an accident, when the vehicle can no longer be restored and further used.
  5. The procedure is mandatory if the owner plans to leave the Russian Federation and register the car in another country.

Each situation is individual and can be assessed differently, so if the car owner has questions regarding the upcoming event, then it is worth contacting the traffic police inspector in advance and finding out everything necessary.

What documents are required

Taking into account the specific circumstances of deregistration of a car, a special set of documentation will be required. There are two packages: general and additional. The main list includes:

  • passport or other document confirming the identity of the car owner;
  • transport bill of sale;
  • documents for the car (title, vehicle registration certificate, insurance);
  • application in the prescribed form;
  • document confirming the transfer of fees;
  • power of attorney for the right to perform necessary actions, if required by law.

All documents are prepared by the owner of the vehicle and can be submitted to any inspection department.

The list of additional documentation is determined taking into account special circumstances, namely:

  • if a car is stolen, you need to submit an application to the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • recycling can be complete or partial. The state duty is paid for specific units, each of which is first submitted for inspection to the traffic police.

In general, the listed documents are enough to deregister a car. If the inspector requests additional papers, the car owner will have to prepare and provide them.

The process of deregistering a car

This procedure has no special features, and even moreover, it is carried out according to the standard procedure. The first thing a citizen needs to do is prepare the entire list of required documents and fill out a standard application to remove the car from state registration.

The application form and sample can be found on the traffic police website and at the information stand in any inspection department. It should be noted that the presence of the car is not necessary during this procedure, and it is enough to present a technical inspection coupon (valid for 20 days).

An important point is to indicate in the application the real reason for deregistration of the vehicle. The basis provided must be legal and supported by additional documents. After submitting the documents, all that remains is to wait for the final decision and receive the papers with the amendments made.


As a conclusion, it can be noted that every car enthusiast can perform the steps to remove a car from state registration. This is not at all difficult and does not require additional training from the citizen. The only thing that will need to be done is to collect a complete package of documentation and pay the established state duty.

The process of deregistering a car was simplified back in 2013. The main innovation was the optional deregistration of a vehicle upon sale and the possibility of direct re-registration to the new owner of the car.

Today, in order to deregister a vehicle, you need to contact any branch of the MREO, private or state. At the same time, no attention is paid to the place of delivery of the car for registration and registration of the owner.

When is it necessary to deregister a car?

The procedure may be required in following cases:

The amount of state duty, including registration, paperwork and issuance of license plates, is up to 2,500 rubles. For motorcycles and trailers, the amount will be reduced to 1,500 rubles. The minimum amount is 200 rubles when it is necessary to change the data in the technical passport of the vehicle.

The payment form can be found and printed from the official website of the traffic police or ordered to be filled out from the operator of the nearest bank branch.

List of documents and application for deregistration of a vehicle

To terminate registration actions, the owner must submit to the traffic police the prescribed list of required documents. After this, the car is inspected by a competent expert. The resulting inspection report, if necessary, is provided by the owner of the car to obtain new state signs.

To deregister a car, the following list of documents is required:

  • passport of the owner of the vehicle;
  • application of the established form;
  • car registration certificate and technical certificate;
  • a copy of the purchase and sale document when selling a vehicle - original or copy;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;

When contacting the traffic police to deregister a car from a person who is not the owner of the vehicle, it is necessary to provide a power of attorney from the owner, previously certified by a notary.

When writing an application to deregister a car, the following basic rules should be observed:

  1. In case of complete disposal, it is noted that certificates for the released units are not needed; numbers and documents are attached.
  2. When making a trip outside the country, make a note “in connection with the export of the vehicle outside the country” Russian Federation».
  3. If the car is not re-registered within 10 days from the date of sale by the new owner, the seller submits an application for disposal of the vehicle with the note “due to loss of documents and license plates.”
  4. In case of partial recycling, a statement is written about the need to obtain a certificate for necessary element(body, engine, etc.) when disposing of the car itself.

Deregistration when a car is stolen

Before filing an application to deregister a car, you must report the theft to the police, where a criminal case will be initiated.

The traffic police will require the following documents:

  • car owner's passport;
  • statement from the transport owner;
  • letter from investigative authorities;
  • technical passport of the vehicle.

Deregistration for disposal of a vehicle

To carry out the procedure you will need a list of documents:

  • statement from the owner of the car;
  • car owner's passport;
  • technical passport of the car;
  • a receipt confirming payment of the state duty on license plates, which is charged for obtaining a certificate for released license plates;
  • number plates.

After submitting the above list of documents to the traffic police, a special certificate will be issued.

In case of partial recycling, inspection and verification of numbers of units that are not scrapped is required. If it is not possible to move the car independently, there is the option of calling an expert to the location of the vehicle to carry out an inspection and draw up a conclusion.

The state duty for deregistration of vehicles during disposal will be only 200 rubles.

When completing a complete disposal, it is possible to deregister without the presence of the vehicle.

Deregistration upon sale

The legislation contains data on the need to deregister and re-register a car when sold by a new owner. If the new owner fails to comply with this rule, responsibility falls on the seller of the vehicle.

You will need to submit a list of the following documents to the initial vehicle registration department:

  • owner's passport;
  • application for deregistration;
  • a receipt indicating payment of the state duty;
  • car purchase and sale agreement or a copy thereof.

After this, the traffic police will issue a list of necessary fees and taxes, which will amount to the total cost of the deregistration procedure - car tax, transport fee, payment for the services of a transport appraiser.

As a result, the car is inspected by employees of the state traffic inspectorate, the transit numbers are checked, the car is checked by an appraiser and the owner is given an inspection certificate.

As a result of passing full procedure The car owner will receive the following documents:

  • registration card;
  • registration certificate for the car;
  • state-issued transit numbers;
  • a receipt confirming payment of all necessary taxes.

Important! Government number belongs to the vehicle itself and can be assigned to the vehicle when the owner changes.

Deregistration when changing place of residence

When the owner of a car changes his place of permanent residence, it is necessary to deregister the car in order to register the vehicle at the new address of residence.

The following documents should be provided to the initial car registration authorities:

  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • vehicle owner's passport;
  • certificate of insurance for the vehicle;
  • application from the owner of the car for deregistration;
  • receipt for payment of state duties.

Next, the inspector inspects the car and carries out a notification at the place of previous registration. After receiving written confirmation of the deregistration of the vehicle, it is necessary to provide a document at the place of the new place of residence for the final registration of the vehicle at the new address of residence.

Deregistration via the website gosuslugi.ru

Today, most government services can be provided via the Internet. Taking a vehicle into account is no exception. The procedure can be completed by filling out a simple application on the website gosuslugi.ru.

To terminate registration activities, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Indicate the purpose of filing an application to deregister the vehicle.
  2. Select the most convenient address, time and date in accordance with the operating hours of the nearest branch for the provision of deregistration services.
  3. Next, the processed information is transferred to government agencies.
  4. If the data is correct, the car owner will receive a positive system response. In the near future, a civil servant will contact the car owner and advise on the need to commit further actions.
  5. If the answer is negative, government officials will announce the reason for the decision.

The differences between applying to government services and the usual option of deregistering a car include:

  • significant savings in nerves and time;
  • all stages of the procedures are completed at a pre-agreed time, determined when filling out an application on the website;
  • There is a convenient opportunity to consult with a specialist by phone hotline 8-800-100-70-10.

When going through the procedure of deregistering a car in the usual way, car owners may encounter impressive queues, which will significantly increase the time it takes to complete all stages of the process.

The procedure for deregistering a car usually does not cause any special problems in registration and takes no more than 1 day if you have all the documents necessary to complete the procedure.