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Train, bus or plane: which is better to travel by? Train or bus? Faster train or bus.


If you have a choice - train or bus, then you should prefer the first. The train is a more comfortable and safe means of transport than a bus or car. The difference is especially noticeable in Asia and Africa. Even in cases where the inside of a bus resembles the cabin of an airplane, and the inside of a carriage resembles a dirty barracks, on the way it turns out that potholes, traffic jams, accidents and periodic stops for repairs on broken-down highways clogged with a variety of vehicles are more common than on the railway.
When traveling on local buses in Asia or Africa, you find yourself in the thick of the locals. The buses are filled with bags, trunks, knapsacks, live chickens, sheep and pigs - there will be enough impressions for a long time.
Local buses, like trains, can be dirty, overcrowded and smoky. But at least they didn’t think of installing televisions on the train, on which bad copies of cheap American action films and local soap operas are shown non-stop around the clock in an incomprehensible language. In such cases you remember the usual car noise and the sound of wheels as music.
The differences are even more noticeable. Car accidents happen every day and no longer surprise anyone, and train derailments are front-page news even in India, not to mention Japan. When you travel around Peru by train, the views will take your breath away. And the Peruvian car roads They quickly become depressed. A narrow strip of bad asphalt winds like a serpentine along the steep desert slopes. But the surprisingly regular occurrence of crosses on the roadsides does not allow one to get into a romantic mood. And at sharp turns there are so many crosses that the metal used for them could be used to build a fairly strong fence - if, of course, it occurred to someone to address the problem road safety. In the meantime, on the roads of poor and developing countries, as in the jungle, bad drivers are eliminated by natural selection.
If a train driver falls asleep or gets distracted, then in most cases nothing terrible will happen until he wakes up and returns to his direct duties. For the driver of a bus or car, it only takes a few seconds to lose control and the consequences can be catastrophic. It is not surprising that, according to statistics, traveling by train is 100 times safer than traveling by bus.
Railways are laid wisely - along the shortest distance between points and are designed specifically for long trips. And highways - before the advent of motorways - were built from one settlement to another, with stops along the way to the third and fourth. And even now, when the roads are gradually straightened, buses make a detour and enter many places along the way. settlements to pick up or drop off passengers.
Bus schedules are in most cases quite approximate. Often the bus departs only after it has a sufficient number of passengers. Sometimes even after departure the bus circles around the city for a long time, collecting everyone.

The main criterion by which a travel method is chosen was and remains its cost. At the same time, there is a traditionally established opinion that the cheapest is the train, the second is the bus, and the most expensive is the plane. This is partly true, but price does not always decide everything. There are a number of other criteria that can be taken into account when choosing a method of transportation. Sometimes it is very convenient to order a minibus, in other cases you can choose between plane, train and bus.


Pros of traveling by plane:

  • The ability to get to any point on the planet where there is an airport in a matter of hours. Typically the flight takes from 2 to 12 hours. This is the fastest way to travel
  • Opportunity to buy a cheap ticket. Many major airlines often hold promotions and sales of tickets at reduced prices.

Disadvantages of traveling by plane:

  • Long waiting times at airports during security checks and controls, which are sometimes longer than the flight itself
  • Inability to enjoy the scenery and attractions during the flight
  • The entire flight takes place in a sitting position.
  • Subjective - fear of flying


Modern trains long distance equipped with showers, air conditioning, and other amenities. Of course, this increases the cost of the ticket, but it allows you to travel in comfort.

Pros of traveling by train:

  • Opportunity to enjoy the scenery
  • High comfort. Food, sleep without leaving the train. You can lie down at any time. In this, the train wins over the plane and bus
  • Communication with fellow travelers
  • Possibility of choosing tickets of different prices in reserved seats, compartments, etc.


  • It is impossible to see cities and attractions except train stations


Modern buses can be equipped with coffee makers, toilets, and air conditioning. These are not the same buses that many remember from Soviet times.

Pros of traveling by bus:

  • Affordable price
  • The opportunity to see the cities you pass through, beautiful landscapes, receiving comments from a guide (on tourist trips)


  • Sitting for a long time
  • Having to stay in a new hotel every day, which is very tiring


For long journeys, and also when you need to quickly get to the right place, choose an airplane. If the journey is long, but time is not critical for you, and you want to spend it in comfort, the train is suitable for you. For short and medium distance travel, you can choose a bus.

Ask people on the street whether they prefer to travel by bus or train, and you'll be surprised at how different opinions vary. And not only because people are different and each has their own priorities. The preference for one or another method of transportation depends not only on the pros (or cons) vehicle, but also on a specific life situation.

When is the best time to travel by train?

When it comes to long distances, more than 60% prefer to travel by train. potential passengers. What is the reason for the choice?

  • More comfortable conditions– you can lie down fully, stretch your legs, walk around, you don’t have to wait for a stop to go to the toilet, etc.
  • Precise arrival on schedule - a bus can get stuck in a traffic jam in summer, and in drifts in winter.
  • Convenient scheduling. There are many night flights, which allow you not to waste valuable daytime time on the road, and you can also get a great night's sleep.
  • They consider this type of transport safer.

But there are situations when not only distance determines the choice of transport. Traveling by rail is preferable in the following cases.

  1. If you have too much luggage, according to the rules, you cannot take more than 2 pieces of luggage per person on the bus.
  2. The highways in the desired direction are too congested and there is a high probability of traffic jams. And it’s not safe to drive along a congested highway.
  3. The time factor is important. Usually, railway transport faster, especially when it comes to fast, branded or modern electric trains like Sapsan.
  4. If you are traveling with a child. Children often get seasick on the bus; they do not like to sit still for a long time.
  5. If you are traveling with a group, a compartment is more suitable for communication than the bus interior, where there is no place to be alone.
  6. You have problems with the spine, joints - no matter how comfortable the chair is, your back gets tired in it, and your legs become numb.

Even such a harmless reason as being tall is a serious reason to choose the train. Distance between front and rear seats on a bus, as a rule, it is small, and a tall person really has nowhere to put his feet.

Advantages of traveling by bus

Distances up to 200 km are optimal for traveling by bus. Let's explain why.

If your destination is 150–200 km from you, then this is - intercity route and soft, comfortable cars are “put” on it. On the railway such distances are served commuter trains and trains. Consequently, the comfort level on the bus is likely to be higher.

They choose this type of transport for other reasons.

  1. Easier because they run more often than trains.
  2. If the route is served modern cars with all the amenities (soft spacious chairs, climate control, dry closet and other amenities of civilization), the distance does not matter.
  3. Some people choose this type of transport because there are fewer people, there is no need to communicate with neighbors in the compartment, and no one encroaches on personal space.
  4. The cost of the ticket plays an important role. In some cases it is cheaper to travel by bus, but the opposite can also happen.

I want to eat halva, I want gingerbread...

In what cases is there no fundamental difference in how you get to your destination? When the distance is not scary, the class of service is comparable, and age and health do not interfere with travel.

In such situations, we choose a vehicle:

  • where there are free places;
  • which departs (arrives) at a convenient time;
  • less time on the way;
  • the ticket is cheaper.

The subjective factor is also present. Thus, some citizens choose the train to feel the romance of traveling under the soothing sound of wheels and to make new acquaintances. The bus is preferred by those who like silence and are not in the mood to communicate with neighbors.

Vote with rubles: comparison of fares

It is incorrect to say unequivocally which type of transport is cheaper. The cost of a ticket can vary significantly - it depends on the destination, carrier company, type of vehicle, class of service, and other factors.

You can also get there relatively inexpensively by bus - 1,100 rubles - 11.5 hours on the road; by train - 919 rubles for a seated ticket - 9.5 hours travel.

More comfortable buses will cost 1,500–1,600 rubles, the fastest of them takes 10 hours. For approximately the same amount, you can get a ticket for a reserved seat carriage of the Moscow-St. Petersburg fast train (1,559 rubles) and a compartment of the Yunost trains (1,094 rubles), Smena A. Betancourt (1,367 rubles). You will get there faster - in about 8 hours. The rest of the trains are more expensive, approximately from 2,300 rubles per compartment ticket.

From Moscow you can go to any large (and not so large) European city: by plane, train or bus. What transport is the cheapest to travel to the countries of the Old World? AiF.ru compared the cost of tickets to different types passenger transportation (with departure dates in October) and found out what is more profitable to travel to Europe.


The capital of Latvia is one of the closest European cities to Moscow. By bus you can get to Riga in 13.5 hours (for some carriers it takes 18-20.5 hours, since there is a transfer in St. Petersburg, Pskov or Minsk). A bus ticket will cost at least 3,300 rubles (the price includes three pieces of luggage, access to Wi-Fi, and an outlet for charging gadgets).

The train to Riga takes a little over 16 hours, but a ticket in a seated carriage costs 750 rubles cheaper: 2550 rubles (provided you buy a ticket 60 days before departure). A reserved seat will cost 4,143 rubles.

The cheapest air ticket from Moscow to Riga costs 5,748 rubles, this price includes only hand luggage. A ticket with baggage and meals on board can be purchased for 6,315 rubles. Flight time is 1 hour 40 minutes.


Another European city close to the Russian capital is the capital of Lithuania. You can get here by train in 14 hours and for 3,997 rubles (reserved seat car). But, unlike Riga, it is cheaper to get to Vilnius by bus, the ticket for which costs 3,520 rubles (the same services are included as on the Riga route). Travel time varies from 16 to 25 hours.

As for plane tickets, a direct flight lasting an hour and a half will cost 5,951 rubles (meals, baggage and hand luggage included), a flight with a transfer in Riga (3 hours 19 minutes) will cost 5,223 rubles (only hand luggage is included).


The cheapest way to get from Moscow to Warsaw is by bus: a ticket costs 3,800 rubles. But this option is the longest: travel time is 23 hours.

By train you can get to the capital of Poland several hours faster: in 19 hours. The minimum cost of a train ticket is 7225 rubles (compartment). For this amount, passengers are promised a carriage with air conditioning.

And the cheapest plane ticket on the Moscow-Poland route costs 5,659 rubles. This is a flight with a short transfer in Minsk (only 4 hours 55 minutes), the price includes transportation of one piece of luggage. The cost of a direct flight is 12,771 rubles (2 hours 15 minutes), only hand luggage is allowed.


The most profitable way to travel to Prague is by plane: a ticket with a transfer in Brussels will cost 4,319 rubles (the price includes hand luggage, travel time is 8.5 hours), a direct flight costs 5,912 rubles (also includes hand luggage, time in journey - 2 hours 45 minutes).

In second place in terms of cheapness is the bus, a ticket for which costs 5,570 rubles (including luggage). The travel time, however, is many times longer than even by plane with a transfer: 38 hours.

The most expensive option is a train; a compartment ticket can be bought for 12 thousand rubles (travel time is 29 hours).


It is also more profitable to travel to Berlin by plane, especially if you are traveling lightly. So, a flight with a transfer in Riga (4.5 hours in total) will cost 5,632 rubles (carry-on luggage is allowed for this amount). A direct ticket costs 6,093 rubles, travel time is 2 hours 50 minutes.

The cost of a bus trip to the German capital is slightly cheaper than a direct air ticket: 5,950 rubles. But the bus ride to the destination is at least 35 hours.

The train from Moscow to Berlin takes 22 hours, and costs at least 9,730 rubles for a seat and 10,555 rubles for a compartment.


A bus from Moscow to Vienna takes 48.5 hours and costs at least 5,950 rubles. A plane on this route is both cheaper and faster: 4.5 hours (flight with a transfer in Riga) for 5,409 rubles and 3 hours for 6,928 rubles (direct flight). In both cases, baggage transportation is paid separately.

The minimum cost of a train ticket is 13,169 rubles, and the travel time is 1 day and 3 hours.


It’s hard to imagine, but you can take a bus from Moscow to Paris (the distance between the cities is 3 thousand kilometers). This trip will last 47.5 hours and cost 7,800 rubles.

The train trip will take 38 hours and will cost at least 21,700 rubles per ticket (compartment).

The cheapest plane ticket from Moscow to Paris costs 6,055 rubles. This is a flight with a transfer in Chisinau (a total of almost 15 hours), only hand luggage is allowed. A direct ticket with one piece of luggage will cost 23,234 rubles (travel time - 4 hours).

For those who use commuter transport, the question arises whether to choose a bus or train, if such an alternative exists. Each of these modes of transport has its own advantages. Considering that the cost automobile fuel is constantly growing, the train remains accessible and in a fast way get to your destination. Passengers who regularly use the train can purchase discount passes, which significantly reduces the cost of travel. This is not the only advantage of the train. Let's compare the pros and cons of traveling by train and regular bus.

Comparison of train and bus

The bus and train have the same purpose - transporting passengers. Features of traveling on a bus include:

  • The ability of the bus, if necessary, to maneuver. The direction of its movement is not limited by the rails.
  • You can ask the bus to stop at a convenient location.
  • A bus can be ordered to transport a group of people in the desired direction, for example, for a country holiday.

Features of traveling by train:

  • The route of the train is limited by the presence of a rail track.
  • Stops are provided only at stations or specially equipped platforms.
  • The movement is carried out according to the schedule.

The comfort of traveling on a bus or train depends on the type of bus and the degree of modernity of the carriage’s equipment. Don't forget about the phenomenon of traffic jams during rush hours or in bad weather conditions. This is not a threat to electric trains. They travel according to schedule every day. Therefore, you can plan your time more accurately without leaving a reserve for unforeseen cases.

The load on vehicles is increasing every year. This is especially true for working transportation time. Therefore, city administrations, together with management railway are paying more and more attention commuter trains. They can significantly reduce the volume of passenger traffic in vehicles. For this purpose, convenient schedules are being developed, measures are being taken to improve passenger service, and comfortable carriages are purchased.

The choice is always up to the passengers. But many suburban residents have already appreciated the benefits of using the train.