Let's chat about Gru's popogreyki here?)
Let me start with the fact that, in my opinion, all more or less “smart” popogreikas have been approved by the State Duma and have some kind of freaking logic of operation that gives the car owner more trouble than convenience.
I’ll start with the last one I purchased (I haven’t had time to return it yet - immediately after purchase it says “broken back chain”). This is AUTOPROFI HEAT HOT-700. There are a lot of descriptions on the Internet, all space technologies, blatant benefits, etc. Now about management. Remote control with LCD. I remember I was going to put everything together for my to her simple Emelya some kind of brain, so that it switches itself off based on temperature, has a protective timer, etc. They didn’t like Emeli with a brain like UK-2 because in order for him A began A(pop warmer) to warm up - you need to turn the regulator - unnecessary efforts. Although, of course, protection from fire... In Kaldinovetka (it seems) they tried to deceive this matter - in principle, it is not difficult. But adjusting the heating power until the desired temperature is achieved is a rush - it will take longer to heat - what the hell is that Mosk. So. He took the heat, and there was a remote control with an LCD. And on it: the temperature of the back and seat is set separately! + protective timer for half an hour. There is an inscription on the box - memory of the last settings. Dream! Happiness knew no bounds until I started testing...
So. Memory - this is if you turn it off with a button and then turn it on again. If you pull it out of the cigarette lighter (turn off the car), there is no memory. Fucking memory!
To start heating, press and hold the button for 2 seconds. You walk up to a car with automatic start, plop down into the icy seat and press the button. Lovely! But that’s not all (c). With the button we only turn on the remote control. To start heating, you need to press the appropriate button: the back and/or the butt. If this is not enough for you, you can set the desired temperature again with a few more clicks.
The next feature that I learned from the manual (well, yes, I read them sometimes) is a remote control with a freezing LCD, which you need to unfasten and take with you with a piece of hard cord (and this is even with room temperature), if the temperature is less than -20°. A phone, a player, a recorder, etc. are devices without tails - and few people want to take them off and carry them around, but here is a decent-sized remote control, and even with a thick cord. And this is a device for the cold. I don’t know... maybe they developed it in the summer and thought only about the hot beach..
In general, today this is the most sophisticated device for me.
Come on, I wish I had taken it for myself this time... and the cape would not have been defective... I would have come up with brains that would automatically turn on (although they would have been more complicated than for Emelya), I would have built a remote control near the handbrake... for both myself and to the passenger. Fuck the screen, all sorts of radio tape recorders live and nothing is done with them. But for a person who is not devoted to so many worries - well, what the hell.
Does anyone have any other options in mind?