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Note drawing machine 2 junior. Summary of a drawing lesson in the first junior group “Wheels for a car”


Goal: Creating conditions for the formation of initial ideas about types of transport and rules traffic.
develop the ability to distinguish between appearance cargo and passenger cars, bus;
activate children’s vocabulary on the topic “transport”, improve onomatopoeia skills;
promote the development of speech, attention, memory, thinking, sensory standards (color, size);
improve children’s motor skills through game exercises “cars are driving along the road”, “tighten the nut”, “pump up the wheels”, etc.;
develop the ability to follow verbal instructions;
introduce basic traffic rules (driving on a red light is prohibited, driving on a green light is allowed).
Materials and equipment: small toy cars of different colors ( Cars, bus, truck, fire engine), steering wheels, a large truck, a bright box for toy cars, a “road”, a red and green circle, audio recordings: the sounds of moving cars, chairs according to the number of children.
Contents of children's organized activities.
Children come and sit on the mat.
1. Didactic game“Whose sound?”
Educator: Children, listen carefully, and guess whose sound it is? (the teacher alternately turns on the recording of the noise of moving vehicles: truck, car, tractor, tram, etc.).
Whose voice is this? What kind of car is this? (children name types of transport, teacher shows pictures of cars). Do you want to play cars?
2. Game exercise “Cars are driving along the road”
Educator: Today you and I will be cars, and the chairs will be our garages. (children pass and sit on chairs)
Tell me, where do the cars go? (on the way to). Today our road will go around this clearing (the teacher walks along the “road” showing the route) do not enter the clearing, we drive strictly along the road.
I will be a traffic controller, if I raise the red circle, all cars stop, if I raise the green circle, all cars can move on. (offers to take the steering wheels in your hands)
Educator: Is everyone ready? We start the engine. Go! (“cars” give a “Beep-Bee” signal and drive imitating the noise of the car: “Zh-zh-zh-zh”).
Teacher: (raises the red circle and says loudly: “The passage is closed.” The children are waiting for the signal. The teacher raises the green circle and says: “You can go,” the children move on).
3. Game exercise “Repairing a car”
Educator: (raises a red circle) “The passage is closed, all cars must undergo technical inspection. All cars pull to the side of the road. (Children go to the “clearing” - the edge of the mat and do exercises)
1. “Tighten the nut with a screwdriver”
I.P. Legs slightly apart, hands below. Raise your right hand up and perform circular movements, say “Whack, whack, whack”, lower your hand down. The same with the left hand. 2 times
2. “Knock on the wheels with hammers”
I.P. Sitting. He will lean forward, tap his fists on his knees, and say, “Knock, knock, knock.” 4 times
3. “Pump up the tires”
I.P. standing, legs wide apart, hands on his belt. Lean forward 4 times, say “Sh-Sh-Sh” 4 times
Educator: All the cars are in good condition, let's move on. (children drive in a circle one after another) Cars in the garage. (children sit down on chairs and put the steering wheels under the chair).
4. Dramatization of the poem. Kazyrina T. “I’m driving my car”
Educator: (The teacher takes out a large truck with a box in the back, reading a poem).
I'm driving my car
On a very long rope.
I'm standing at a red light
I'm going to green.
And I decided that very soon
I'll become an uncle's driver,
I'll learn to drive a car
Without a very long rope.
5. Examination of the car
Educator: Guys, look how big my car is. What kind of car is this? (cargo). The teacher draws the children's attention to the box in the back).
Look at the beautiful box the truck brought, there’s probably something in there. (the teacher tries to open it, but nothing works)
The box is magical, it will open only when you tell poems about the car. Do you know poems about cars? (children recite 2-3 familiar poems, the teacher opens the box, and there are different cars there)
6. Didactic game “Which car is gone?”
Educator: Look, what is this? (Cars.) We will now find out what they are called. (the teacher takes out 1 car each and the children name it).
Now we'll play hide and seek with the cars. The teacher plays the game “What’s missing?” He asks the children to close their eyes, removes 1 car, then asks the children: “What’s missing?” “What color is the car hidden?”, “Which car is hidden - small or large.” Children name the car, its color or size.
Educator: Did you guys like playing with cars today? What did you like most? (listens to several children's answers) Now take the cars and play with them. (hands out toy cars and children play independently).

  • Abstract directly - educational activities"Funny Cars"

    I offer you a summary directly - educational activities on the topic "Funny Cars" for children second junior group. This summary is aimed at cultivating children’s interest in transport, including special ones.

    Synopsis of the educational activity "Funny Cars"
    Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, cognitive-research, motor.
    Integration of educational areas: cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development, physical development.
    Target: to form children’s ideas about transport, to reveal the concept of special transport.
    Continue to teach children to understand the importance of types of transport;
    Continue to name the main colors of the traffic light signal and their meaning;
    Introduce children to special transport;
    Continue to teach children to conduct a dialogue with the teacher: listen and understand asked question and answer it clearly;
    Strengthen the ability to distinguish and name primary colors and geometric shapes.
    Introduce basic generally accepted norms and rules
    relationships with peers and adults.
    Develop logical thinking and attention in children.
    Materials and equipment: TV, cars (fire, police, truck, bus, ambulance), pictures depicting situations (fire, house construction, a child is sick, children at a bus stop, a child is acting up), a traffic light model, geometric shapes for constructing a special vehicle - police. 1. Introduction to the game situation
    Educator: Hello guys! Today we have guests. Let's welcome them. Look, we've received a letter, let's look at it.

    Video - Makvin asks for help
    Educator: Children, who is asking us for help? Yes, that's Lightning McQueen. Let's help him find out more about cars? Well done.
    Educator: Lightning McQueen loves to solve riddles, but he cannot solve these riddles. Shall we help him?
    What kind of hero is this?
    Did it raise dust along the road?
    Straight along the asphalt

    Rides with a load (truck).

    A steadfast guy made of iron
    He works honestly at a construction site.
    One-armed giant
    With the name - lifting (crane).

    In front of the house on the road
    She has been waiting for help for a long time.
    Gasoline was not filled into the tank -
    Didn't go...(car).

    2. Updating knowledge. Exercise on sound pronunciation “machine”. Game "Suitable Car"

    Educator: You guessed the riddles correctly. Do you know what types of cars there are? (large and small, cars, trucks). Right! How do cars honk? (Beep!) That's how loud the car horns are! Guys, please pay attention to the pictures that are on the table. They depict different situations. And there are different types of transport: truck, ambulance, fire, police, etc. Let's try to send the cars to the pictures they match.
    Educator: Name what kind of car should come to the aid of the people in this picture? (ambulance)

    What kind of car will put out the fire shown in this picture (fire truck), etc. Well done!

    3. Discovery of new knowledge. Introduction to special transport. Game “Let's assemble the police from figures”

    Guys, those cars that have flashing lights and sound signal, are called special. What are the names of cars that have flashing lights and a horn? (special) Special vehicles are fire truck, ambulance and police. Why, kids, are they called special? (Because they have flashing lights and a beep). On the table we have a picture with a special vehicle. Look. What do you think it's called? (police) Correct. Next to each shape there are geometric shapes, let's try to assemble a police car from these shapes.
    Educator: Well done boys! What figures did we use to assemble the police car? What color are they? Amazing. Cars eat along the road quickly, but carefully. Do you know who helps cars move properly? (traffic light). Look - this is a traffic light, it has three eyes. What color are they? (red, yellow, green).

    Educator: Which traffic light signal should you not follow? (red) Don't go to the red light, Red light is dangerous! A bicycle will hit you, you will become terrible!

    Educator: What do we do when the traffic light is yellow? And when it’s yellow - no passage, Yellow light - attention, Get ready to cross, You, my friend, in advance.

    Educator: At what traffic light do we cross the road? The green light is transitional, You are, of course, waiting for it, The green light is pedestrian. If you're walking!

    4. Physical exercise “Traffic light”

    Educator: Guys, it's time for us to relax.
    One two three four five!
    Oh, we're tired of playing. (Stretching)
    We'll play traffic light (walking in place)
    We stretch our arms and legs. (shake hands)
    The red light says “Stop” to us,
    He says to wait for green.
    So that we don't get bored,
    We lean together. (tilts)
    So the yellow light came on,
    It's time to get ready.
    Let's warm up our arms and legs (jerks with arms in front of the chest)
    Let's start kids.
    Here the green light comes on,
    Can we go ahead? (walking in place)
    The traffic light is a glorious assistant,
    Doesn't let us get tired.

    5. The result of direct educational activities
    Educator: Guys, let's repeat: What types of cars are there? Which ones do you know special vehicles? Why are they called that? So our lesson has come to an end. Oh, kids, look, we got a message again.

    Video - Makvin says thank you
    Who is this? Lightning McQueen says thank you. Well done! Now let's say goodbye!

    Summary of a drawing lesson in the first junior group

    on the topic “Wheels for a car.”

    Educational area: Artistic and aesthetic development.

    Subject: “Car wheels.”

    Program content (goals and objectives): learn to hold a pencil in your right hand; learn to draw and paint circles; develop interest in visual arts.

    Preliminary work: 1. Didactic game “Transport”;

    2. Looking at cars while walking;

    3. Memorizing the poem by A. Barto “Truck”.

    Guys, look who came to us. This is a cat, his name is Murlyka.

    Children get to know the cat, stroke it, examine its fur and tail. The teacher offers to take the cat for a ride in a truck. He takes a truck, a cat and reads A. Barto’s poem “Truck”. The teacher dramatizes the poem together with the children. The cat overturned the truck and its wheel fell off. The cat is sad, the children calm the cat down.

    Guys, look what Murlyka brought us. Shows album sheets where a truck is drawn. What does the truck have? (body). What colour? (green). What color is the cabin? (red). What's missing? (wheels).

    Let's sit down at the table, guys. The children sit down at the table. The teacher draws wheels on an easel, the teacher explains and shows working techniques.

    But the pencil itself will not draw anything. He needs our help too. Take a pencil in your right hand, squeeze it with three fingers and draw

    First we draw a circle, then we paint it. You need to draw carefully, without pressing hard on the pencil. Otherwise, his nose will break and the pencil will not be able to draw. Children draw wheels. During the drawing process, the teacher helps the children and controls the correct techniques for working with a pencil.

    They look at their work, and the cat Purr thanks the children.

    At the end, the teacher offers the children:

    Let's all play the outdoor game "Sparrows and the Car" now.


    Continue to introduce children to the concepts of “circle”, “big-small”, “little-many”.
    Introduce children to A. Barto’s poem “Truck”.
    Improve the ability to navigate in space: top, bottom.
    Develop the ability to follow verbal instructions accompanied by a model.
    Develop memory, auditory perception, sense of rhythm, balance, general and fine motor skills.
    Cultivate a friendly attitude towards other children.


    Toys: cars different sizes, “Cat”, nesting dolls, soft toys.
    Curved strips cut out of paper (thick wallpaper) are “roads”.
    Benches, two long cords, shallow construction material, nuts.
    Pictures depicting cars, hare, cubes.
    Audio recordings: sounds of a moving car, the song “Merry Travelers” to the words of S. Mikhalkov.

    Progress of the lesson:

    Greeting "Hello"

    Hello palms - clap, clap, clap
    Hello legs - top, top, top.
    Hello cheeks - splash, splash, splash
    Hello sponges - smack, smack, smack
    Hello teeth - am, am, am.
    Hello spout - beep, beep, beep.
    Hello guys - hello!

    Didactic exercise “Whose sound?”

    Listen carefully, whose sound is this? (A recording of the noise of moving vehicles is played.) Whose voice is this? This is a car!

    Staging of a poem by A. Barto

    Listen to a poem about how a cat decided to go for a ride in a car.

    No, we shouldn't have decided
    Ride a cat in a car:
    The cat is not used to riding -
    The truck overturned.
    Didactic game “Matryoshka dolls are riding in a car”
    Look, these are nesting dolls. Matryoshka traveler dolls. They want to take a ride in the car. Here we have two cars. Big car and small car. How many nesting dolls can fit in a small car? Few. But in big car How many nesting dolls will fit? Lots of nesting dolls.

    Exercise for the development of the vestibular apparatus “We went for nuts”

    We were driving into the forest to pick nuts.
    (The child sits on his mother’s lap)

    On a flat path.
    Over the bumps, over the bumps,
    (Mom’s knees rise rhythmically at an increasing pace)

    Step by step.
    The pace slows down.
    In the hole - boom. Ten flies were crushed.
    (Knees spread to the sides, hands hold the child)

    Game "Collect nuts"

    Look, look how many nuts fell from the tree onto the road. Let's collect them and put them in a hollow, let the squirrel rejoice. (Children collect nuts and put them in a plastic bottle with a side hole simulating a hollow).

    Didactic game “Where is the car hidden?”

    A matryoshka doll, a cube and a car are placed in front of the child, which are then covered with handkerchiefs.

    Find where the car is hidden? Pick up your handkerchief and find the typewriter.

    Didactic exercise “Find the car in the picture”

    That's how many different pictures there are. Take and show a picture of a car. Where is the machine?

    Drawing “Roads for cars”

    Take a pencil in your hand and draw a path for your car.

    Musical and rhythmic exercise “We are going, going, going”

    Children listen to music and beat out the rhythm with rattles.
    - Make some noise at the top. Tap the rattles on the floor. Tap the rattles on your knees. Hands with rattles to the sides. Hide the rattles behind the back.

    Construction game “Car Garage”

    When night comes, you and I go to bed in our beds at home. And real cars go to sleep in a special house for cars, which is called a “garage”. Now you and I will build a garage for our car. Take the cubes. Place them like this. And be sure to cover the top with a roof. Now our cars have their own garages.

    Massage “These are the wheels”

    For a car to move, it needs wheels. Look where the wheels are on your car? Spin the wheels by hand. Now let the car ride on your palm. Like this. I went along the handle, I went along the leg.

    The wheels of the car are spinning and spinning,
    They spin and spin, they drove through the whole city.

    Application "Wheels"

    Look at the picture. Our truck is completely broken down, it can’t even move. What doesn't the truck have? Wheels!

    Let's fix our car - give it real wheels. The wheels of the car are round. Look, children, this is a circle. (Show). Place these circles at the very bottom of the car. These are the wheels the car has! Now our truck will be able to drive and transport different loads.

    Balance exercise “Cars driving on a bridge”

    And now we ourselves will drive like cars. Get up, we're heading out. First you need to drive along the road (between two cords), and then along the bridge (along the bench).

    Modeling “Truck carrying apples”

    Take a plasticine ball and attach it to the body of the car. Press down the plasticine on top with your palm. Load more apples into the machine. What color apples is the car carrying? Red and yellow.

    Game “Ride a toy in the car”

    You can choose any soft toy and ride it in the truck.
    Children roll cars by string while listening to music.

    Summary of a drawing lesson in the first junior group

    "Car wheels"

    Goal: to strengthen the ability to hold a brush correctly; continue to teach how to draw a circle with paints, develop the ability to close a line into a ring, develop a sense of form, and cultivate a culture of communication.

    Materials: album sheets (according to the number of children), black gouache, toy cars, steering wheel, road layout, tickets.

    Children sit on chairs.

    Guys, let's say hello to you now:

    Hello little eyes - hello, hello.

    Hello ears - hello, hello.

    Hello legs - hello, hello.

    Hello pens - big hello.

    (Car horn sounds)

    Children, have you heard? What do you think this is?

    I’ll go and have a look (I roll up the truck by the rope).

    The teacher shows the children a toy car: “Guys, look, a car has arrived in our group!

    My car is good
    Can drive without gasoline.
    As soon as the key turns -
    And the car will start.

    B: Oh! Look, she didn’t come alone, her friends cars are with her, but how different they all are. Here is a KAMAZ, he brought a load in the back, here is a motorcycle, it has two wheels, only two people can ride on it, they can’t do it anymore. And this is a van, it carries animals to the farm in a covered body. Special assistant vehicles are a truck crane and an aerial platform.

    Guys, which of these cars can we all ride in together?

    Children answer incorrectly, then the teacher shows a picture of a bus.

    Q: Who drives the bus? What does he need for this?

    D: Driver, driver. Steering wheel.

    Q: Let's be passengers and play?

    Children sit on chairs like on a bus. You are allowed to take a purse or a doll with you; the teacher-conductor hands out tickets. As soon as the teacher turns on music that imitates the noise of cars, the child driver turns the steering wheel and when turning, everyone leans to the side and jumps on bumps.

    The teacher turns off the music and exclaims:

    Forced stop, accident on the road.

    On the road model the car is lying on its side. A toy bear driver stands next to her.

    Q: Bear, what happened?

    M: I was driving, and suddenly the wheels of my car began to slip, I couldn’t stop it.

    Q: Guys, Mishka is in trouble. He needs new tires for his car. Shall we help him?

    Q: Come on, guys, to the tables. (sheets, paints, brushes, jars of water are ready on the tables).

    Q: See what the new tires look like, what color they are (a sample is on display). Please take your hands in your hands and lift them up. Draw a circle in the air. These are the movements we will now draw with.

    The teacher helps, praises the children and says that now Misha’s car has a lot of spare tires for its wheels, and he can now drive on.