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Lady di version. Diana, Princess of Wales


On the evening of August 31, 1997 at live The BBC was simultaneously broadcasting two broadcasts: from the Royal Air Force airfield in Norfolk, where a large white plane with the body of Princess Diana had just landed, and from London's St Paul's Cathedral, where a memorial service was being held. Many associate the death of Princess Diana with mystical moments, recalling that marriage vows Diana Spencer and Charles of Wales exchanged in the same cathedral, where the memorial service was held. The world press wrote a lot about the tragic accident in which Lady Di died, thinking with horror how the news of her mother's death was perceived by her children. When this happened, Diana's youngest son Prince Harry was only 12 years old, and the eldest William was 15. In the film dedicated to the anniversary of the tragedy, they told what happened to them at that moment and how their father supported them.

One of the hardest things for a parent is to tell the child that the other parent is no longer alive. I don't know how this can be done. Our dad was by our side at that moment and did his best to keep us protected. But it was not easy for him, because this news took him by surprise. He grieved.

Despite the fact that the heart of Prince Charles had long belonged, he was also terrified of what was happening. On Sunday evening, Prince Charles, along with Diana's sisters, accompanied Diana's body from Paris to the Northolt military airfield in west London. And by that time, crowds of mourning people were already carrying flowers and wreaths to the gates of Kensigton and Buckingham Palaces. In St. James's Palace, where Diana's body lay, five books of condolences were exhibited. Within a few days, the number of such books rose to forty-three. And this is not surprising, because Lady Dee has always been the "queen of hearts".

The death of Princess Diana at a crucial moment brought the royal family together very much, and all members of the family were in Balmoral until Thursday, supporting each other and, above all, the young princes. On the evening before the funeral, the three princes, Charles, William and Harry, finally appeared in front of Kensington Palace. At the same time, Queen Elizabeth II, who addressed the nation on live television. She spoke of the grief of the royal family and called the former daughter-in-law "an exceptional and gifted person."

She did not lose her optimism and her smile in good and difficult times and never tired of inspiring other people with her warmth and kindness.

It is difficult to disagree with these words, all the more knowing how hard it was for the ex-wife of Prince Charles (in an interview, Princess Diana admitted that she even spoke directly about). On Friday night, at sunset, Diana's coffin was transported from St. James's Palace to Kensington Palace, where the funeral procession was to begin the next day.

On the morning of September 6, more than a million people lined the route of the funeral procession: from Kensington Palace to Westminister Abbey, where every minute of the funeral was marked by the sad and solemn sound of the bell. At Buckingham Palace, the Queen and the other members of the royal family stood with their heads bowed in silence as Diana's coffin marched past them in a ceremonial cannon carriage. At St James's Palace, Prince William and Prince Harry stood behind a cannon carriage. Next to them were Prince Charles, Prince Philip and Earl Spencer. At the same time, 500 representatives of those organizations to which Diana provided charitable assistance joined the cortege.

There was one moment that horrified Diana's brother, Earl Spencer. He later revealed that the British royal court forced his nephews William and Harry to endure the horror of the funeral procession and lied to him that the princes themselves had expressed a desire to go after their mother's coffin. He was opposed to the boys experiencing these mournful moments of loss in front of the whole world.

It was the most gruesome part of the funeral, without a doubt, walking behind her sister's coffin side by side with grief-stricken boys. It is impossible to forget this feeling when the soul falls into the bottomless well of sadness, and a crushing wave of sorrow covers you. I still have nightmares.

Princess Diana was madly in love with ordinary people, those whom she inspired with her speeches and noble deeds. More than a million people came to see the princess off. People sobbed, threw flowers at the coffin, shouted declarations of love and words of support.

National mourning and lowering of state flags for a non-royal person

On the day of Princess Diana's funeral, national mourning was declared throughout the UK. At the same time, the state flags were lowered. This is an unprecedented symbolic gesture that had never happened before, because Lady Dee was not of royal blood. In Hyde Park, two giant screens were installed for those who could not attend the funeral ceremony. It is known that the British young couples, who were supposed to have a wedding that day, the insurance companies offered compensation for services to cancel the wedding ceremony. All this was done in the name of love and respect for Princess Diana.

Wanga's prophecy about Princess Diana

We have already said that many mystical moments were associated with Princess Diana. So, many talk about Vanga's prophecy, which came true exactly. On February 6, 1981, the engagement of Diana Spencer and the Prince of Wales was announced. And on July 29 of the same year, a wedding will take place in St. Paul's Cathedral. The ceremony was watched by over 750 million TV viewers. At the same time in Bulgaria, the famous soothsayer Vanga turns to face the window, whose light because of her blindness does not see, and says: "This wedding will kill the girl. We will die together ... she will hear about my death, but we will die together." ... And so it happened. Vanga's death will be reported 20 days before the accident in the Alma tunnel in Paris.

Diana was buried in a strict, long-sleeved black dress, which she bought by the princess a few weeks before the tragedy, but did not have time to put on, and with a rosary given to her in Calcutta by her mother Teresa. They buried Lady Dee on an island overgrown with trees on a decorative lake called the Oval. This place was preferred to the Spencer family chapel, since Diana loved it even when she was a girl. Together with her sisters and sons, she planted beautiful oaks there.

The funeral liturgy, led by Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey, was extremely touching. Diana's sisters and brother and Prime Minister Tony Blair delivered eulogies. performed his famous song "A Candle in the Wind", evoking the most touching memories of this amazing personality who has gone down in the history of the world forever.

  • This extremely sweet, sincere and kind woman will forever remain in the memory of the world. She did not become Queen of Great Britain, but she definitely bears the dignified title of "Queen of Hearts" ...

    Lady Diana - the first wife of Prince Charles, Princess of Wales, played a huge role in the life of Great Britain at the end of the 20th century, and her mysterious death in a car accident laid a shameful stain on the representatives of the world's oldest monarchy. The investigation into the circumstances of her tragic death has not been terminated so far ...

    The childhood of the future princess Diana

    Diana Francis Spencer was born at Sandrigham Castle, one of the royal residences with a magnificent garden, where the royal family usually spend Christmas. The father of the future princess - John Spencer, Viscount Elthorp, was a representative of the old aristocratic family of Spencer-Churchill. Spencer's ancestors received the earl title back in the 17th century, during the reign of Charles I. Frances Ruth, the mother of Diana, was distinguished by an ancient and noble origin. Lady Fermoy, Diana's grandmother, was the maid of honor of the Queen Mother.

    The four children of Viscount Spencer were brought up, as befits the offspring of aristocratic families, surrounded by numerous servants, governesses and bonnets. When the girl was six years old, the family broke up. After a difficult divorce process, the children remained with their father, the mother left for London, where she soon got married.

    Having received the knowledge necessary for entering the school under the wise guidance of Gertrude Allen, who once was involved in the education of Frances Ruth, Diana continued her studies at the Sealfield private school, then at Riddlesworth Hall. The next step was an elite girls' school in West Hill, Kent. Diana did not differ in particular zeal for science, but she was popular with her friends due to her cheerful, complacent character.

    It should be noted that future English ladies receive a solid knowledge base not only in generally accepted disciplines, but in the field of household: They are on the shoulder and cook jam, and professionally wash the floor, and console a screaming baby.

    In 1975, after the death of his father, John Spencer inherited the earldom and moved the family to Elthorp House Castle, a family estate in a London suburb. It was here that in 1977 Diana first met Prince Charles, who had come to the Spencer's estate to hunt. Of course, then there could be no question of any romance, the shy 16-year-old girl did not interest Charles. And Diana was not occupied with matrimonial concerns: she needed to continue her studies, now in a privileged boarding house in Switzerland.

    Moments of the XX century 1997 - Death of Princess Diana

    The sad fate of Princess Diana, the personal life of the "Queen of Hearts"

    Two years later, after returning from Switzerland, Diana became the owner of her own apartment in London, which her father gave her when she came of age, and got a job in a kindergarten: the English "golden youth" does not consider it shameful to earn money on their own. Then the skills learned in elite schools came in handy.

    In 1980, Diana met with Prince Charles again. The heir to the crown then turned 32, and his stormy bachelor life has long worried the crowned parents - Elizabeth II and Prince Philip. Of particular concern was Charles' longstanding relationship with Camilla Parker-Bowles, a married woman whose marriage was then considered impossible. Diana Spencer's candidacy as the future wife of the prince was approved instantly, not only by the groom's parents, but also by Camilla herself, with whom Charles was not going to part. Diana was aware of the prince's scandalous romance from the very beginning, but the girl in love agreed.

    On July 29, 1981, the wedding of Prince Charles and Diana Frances Spencer took place in St. Paul's Cathedral. Happiness was short-lived, sincerely loving her husband Diana was waiting for years of disappointment, jealousy, tears, fruitless attempts to save the family. The only joy of the Princess of Wales was her sons - William, who appeared in 1982, Henry (Harry), born two years later.

    By the late 1980s, Lady Diana's life had become a nightmare. Charles, despite the protests of his wife, continued his relationship with Camilla and did not even try to hide it. Every year it became more difficult for the princess to remain calm at public ceremonies, her confrontation with the queen, who was always on the side of her son, as befits a classic mother-in-law, increased. Elizabeth's discontent was fueled by a rather weighty circumstance - the incredible popularity of Diana. Immediately after a fairytale-like wedding, the Princess of Wales, despite her aristocratic origins, was considered a "princess of the people". She was sincerely loved by both the subjects of the British crown and the inhabitants of other countries, and Lady Dee, as she was affectionately called, never disappointed her admirers. The princess was actively involved in charity work, and provided those in need not only material, but also moral support.

    In 1990, Diana stopped hiding the situation from the public. The conflict left the powerful walls of Windsor Palace and scattered all over the world, and the princess found a powerful and implacable enemy in the person of the queen. The divorce of the representatives of the royal family of Great Britain was fraught not only with a grandiose scandal, but also with certain dynastic complications. But Diana did not consider it necessary to "humble pride." Wishing to take revenge on her husband, the princess dared to "tarnish" her once impeccable reputation with a connection with a horse riding instructor. In 1992, the couple separated, and only four years later, in 1996, the divorce proceedings took place. The Queen finally accepted the fait accompli.

    "Candle in the Wind" - Death of Princess Diana

    Having received the long-awaited freedom, Lady Diana managed to retain the title of Princess of Wales and the right to raise children. She was still involved in active peacekeeping and charitable activities, remained a colonel of two military units: the Light Dragoons cavalry regiment and the Royal Regiment of the Princess of Wales. However, the prospect of becoming a queen was lost forever.

    It seemed that Diana had the opportunity to improve her personal life. After several short romances, in June 1997, the princess met Dodi al-Fayed, the son of an Egyptian billionaire. Just two months later, the ubiquitous paparazzi managed to take some very eloquent pictures of Diana and Dodi. Soon, rumors arose about the engagement of the princess to a representative of a powerful family in the Muslim world.

    On August 31, 1997, in Paris, the car in which Lady Diana and Dodi al-Fayed tried to escape from the pursuit of the paparazzi drove at high speed into the tunnel in front of the Alma Bridge on the Seine embankment and crashed into a pillar. Dodi died instantly, and Diana died for about an hour in the wreckage of twisted metal under the flashes of cameras of journalists who arrived in time to the scene of the tragedy. The bastards hungry for sensations did not even try to help ...

    Dedicated to Princess Diana of Wales ...

    Whether the death of the obstinate princess was an accident or an action by the British secret services will most likely remain a mystery forever. "A candle in the wind", as Elton John called Diana in his song, is a woman with a twisted fate and a tireless warrior with troubles ordinary people: with anti-personnel mines and deadly ailments, rests in the Spencer family estate - in the family crypt on a picturesque island in the center of the lake.

    Nearly twenty years have passed since the death of Diana, Princess of Wales. But conspiracy theorists and devoted fans of the princess still can't calm down. They put forward many versions of Diana's death, which are radically different from the official one. Many of them do seem to be more logical than the conclusions of the official police investigation. What do you think?

    According to the supporters of this theory, Diana of Wales and her beloved Dodi Al-Ayed staged their death. They understood that while they were alive in the eyes of people, they would not be allowed to be together, and decided to disappear in order to start a new happy life somewhere on the distant sunny islands. Well, at least it's romantic.

    This version was defended by Mohammed Al-Fayed, Dodi's father and owner of the famous London department store Harrod’s from the very beginning. In his opinion, the royal family is to blame for the deaths of Diana and Dodi. According to Mohammed, the queen was so shocked by the affair of the ex-wife of the heir to the throne with a Muslim that she ordered British intelligence agents to destroy the scandalous couple. And, I must say, Mohammed Al-Fayed is far from the only supporter of this theory.

    For those who do not believe that the old lady-queen is capable of cruelty towards the ex-wife of her son solely for the sake of ancestral prejudices, a harsher version of the previous theory was put forward. According to her, Diana was pregnant with Dodi. And the British royal family certainly could not allow the stepbrothers and sisters of the heirs to the throne to be Muslims! So the British intelligence agents MI6 had to intervene in the romance of the former princess.

    Supporters of this theory believe that the queen has nothing to do with it, and that the British intelligence officers themselves decided to eliminate the "people's princess". This was stated by the former agent of the M-16 service Richard Tomlinson, who stated that, firstly, he personally monitored Diana at the direction of the leadership, and secondly, that the scenario of the death of Diana and Dodi Al-Fayed exactly coincided with the scenario. which was invented in the bowels of the special services for the assassination of the President of Serbia in 1992. True, Tomlinson never provided proof of his words, and most importantly, he did not explain why the knights of the cloak and dagger needed to eliminate Diana. But many believe him.

    Indeed, Prince Charles had reasons to wish the ex-wife's death. After the divorce of Charles and Diana, the prince turned out to be in the eyes of the public a traitor and a villain who destroyed the marriage with his romance with Camilla Parker-Bowles, and Diana was an innocent sheep who suffered from a dissolute husband. At the same time, de facto, after parting, everything was strictly the opposite: Diana enjoyed an affair with an eccentric Egyptian who loves her, and Charles himself could not even hope to marry his youthful love - at least while his ex-wife and the mother of his children were in sight ... It is not surprising that conspiracy theorists blame her ex-husband for Diana's death - the prince clearly had reasons to remove her from the stage!

    Diana's car was knocked off course by a white Fiat

    According to the official version, the culprit of the accident in the Paris tunnel was a paparazzi car, which allowed a dangerous rapprochement with Diana and Dodi's Mercedes. However, many witnesses say that the fault lies with the other car. It was a modest little white Fiat Uno. According to eyewitnesses, he chased the princess's Mercedes for a long time and drove into the tunnel with it. However, for some reason they did not investigate the guilt of the Fiat driver. Strange, isn't it?

    According to Paul Burrell, Diana's former butler, the princess, while still married, sent him a letter that read: “My husband plans to organize an 'accident' by breaking the brakes in my car, so that later, after explaining that I received a serious head injury, to marry on Tiggy. Camilla is just a decoy duck, he uses us in the worst possible way. " The butler claimed that they had a sincere friendship with the princess, and even published a memoir about her, including a photograph of the letter. However, most agree that Burrell just forged Diana's handwriting to make the book scandalous. Well, what if it's true? ..

    The princess's Mercedes was damaged

    It is known that before the last trip in her life, the princess had to replace the car - the Mercedes, on which she had been driving all day, by the evening it suddenly turned out to be out of order. Was this breakdown accidental? And was the replacement car really working, or did the agents of the special services have time to conjure over it? Supporters of this theory believe that the seat belts in the car in which Diana was traveling were faulty. It was because of this that Diana, who always disciplined herself in the car, this time was not fastened. The only passenger in the Mercedes, wearing a seat belt, turned out to be the princess's security guard. And this leads to strange thoughts.

    Another witness, Lord Michonne, Diana's lawyer, stated in October 1995 that the princess feared for her life. According to Lord Michonne, the princess feared the same thing as testified by her butler: that at the direction of the Queen and Prince Charles, her car would be rendered unusable, and, most likely, the brakes would be broken. If she does not die in the accident, she will still suffer injuries that will render her incapacitated. However, for some reason this evidence was not taken into account by the investigators.

    Supporters of this theory argue that Diana suffered from the fact that she decided to publicize some facts about the royal family. It is said that she made a number of audio recordings in which she told literally all the dark secrets of Buckingham Palace - from Charles's romance with a young servant to the details of his relationship with Camilla Parker-Bowles. According to rumors, the murder of Diana was organized by the special services so that the recordings were not made public. But Diana still managed to pass them on to her friends - so in the very near future we can learn a lot about the British royal family! If, of course, the records exist.

    This theory does not have many supporters - the alleged conspiracy turned out too badly. According to her supporters, the culprit of the accident was Diana's driver, Henri Paul, who was bribed by the British special services to end the princess. Here is just one discrepancy - Henri Paul died with the princess. It is unlikely that a reasonable person would agree to such a risk for any money!

    The culprit is a mysterious stranger

    Many witnesses fatal accident confirmed that a crowd of people with cameras immediately ran to the wrecked car. And only one witness, Sarah Culpepper, said that she saw how immediately after the accident a man of about forty in a dark suit was slowly leaving the scene of the tragedy. He spoke calmly on the phone and, it seems, was not at all shocked by the incident. Now conspiracy theorists believe that the man was the mastermind behind the murder. Was he associated with the special services? Or with Prince Charles? This is unknown, since they could not find it.

    Several witnesses reported that seconds before the accident, a flash of light illuminated the tunnel through which Diana's Mercedes was passing. According to Richard Tomlinson, this is a traditional secret service trick to blind the driver. But, surprisingly, it is not possible to confirm this fact: out of 17 cameras located along the route of the Mercedes, including in the tunnel, not one was working on the day of the tragedy! Suspicious, isn't it?

    The driver of the Mercedes was poisoned by the special services

    According to the medical examination, the level of alcohol in the blood of the deceased driver, Henri Paul, was three times higher than the permitted standards. This is very strange, considering that Paul was a disciplined driver, and Diana and Dodi would hardly have got into a car with a drunk driving. These facts led the conspiracy theorists to assert that Henri Paul was poisoned by the special services, pouring something into his food or drink, in the hope that the drunk driver would definitely not be able to cope with the control.

    James Andanson was one of the paparazzi who stalked Princess Diana on the day she died. It is believed that it was Andanson who was the driver of the very white "Fiat" that collided with the "Mercedes" of the princess. True, he himself denied it with all his might. However, neither he nor his family were able to provide at least some reliable information about where he was on the evening of the tragedy. But it is known for sure that six hours after the disaster, he was already sitting on a plane flying to Corsica. After a while, Andanson returned to France ... and soon his burnt body was found in a car in the French hinterland. The most striking thing is that the police officers who found the charred corpse very quickly passed the verdict “suicide”. So was Andanson pursuing Princess Diana? And did he work for the special services, as the conspiracy theorists claim? Now the answers to these questions are no longer available.


    Unexpectedly in Great Britain, and once again they decided to reopen the investigation into the death of Princess Diana. However, this time the reason is very serious - new data that have been received from former employees of the British special services. One of the special forces of the British army is under suspicion, whose employees could have been involved in the death of Princess Diana. The details of this sensational version were presented to the Russian viewer by the journalists of the popular program "Military Secret with Igor Prokopenko", and some of the exclusive reports were recorded right in London. Meanwhile, the involvement of the British military in the murder of the "Princess of the People" is now being actively tested by Scotland Yard. And only the royal house pretends that nothing is happening.

    Denny Nightingale, a retired sergeant in the British Army, most recently served in the Special Airborne Service (SAS; SAS), one of the most elite British special forces units. During his five years of service, Nightingale managed to visit both Iraq and Afghanistan. But then he retired and found himself on trial for illegal possession of weapons. During the hearing, a letter from Nightingale's friend, also a SAS special forces officer, surfaced at the trial. In the letter, the fighter admits that he participated in the murder of Princess Diana. Moreover, in this letter he even says what weapon he used - an ultra-modern laser rifle. And such weapons are often used by the military to blind helicopter pilots; after being blinded, they completely lose control and do not see what they are doing. However, this weapon is used in other situations as well.

    After Denny Nightingale was arrested for illegal possession of weapons, new facts surfaced about the death of Princess Diana

    There are also reports that the ex-wife of a certain soldier (name not mentioned) testified against ex-husband... Investigators found out that a couple of years ago, the girl's parents sent a letter to the leadership of the British Air Service, which said that a former military man told their daughter that it was the SAS unit that was supposedly behind the organization of Diana's assassination.

    We will reconstruct the events. The princess, her fiancé al-Fayed and driver Henri Paul were killed on August 31, 1997. Their car crashed at full speed into a tunnel pillar near the Alma Bridge in Paris. Ambulance rushed in a matter of minutes. Doctors ascertained the death of Dodi al-Fayed and the driver Paul Henri at the scene. The bodyguard and Princess Diana were still showing signs of life. According to doctors, Diana had a chance to survive if she was immediately taken to the nearest hospital. After all, even her guard, the only one who survived, suffered much more seriously than Diana. However, something completely incomprehensible happened: Princess Diana was not taken to the military hospital in Val-de-Gras, where VIPs are usually treated and which is literally a stone's throw from the accident site. And they were taken to the Pite-Salpetriere hospital, located six kilometers from the site of the tragedy. But at the same time, the ambulance with the dying Diana drove these six kilometers ... one hour forty three minutes (!?).

    According to the initial version, expressed by the investigation, several reporters who traveled on scooters were to blame for the accident. They chased a black Mercedes in which Diana and her companion were, and one of the persistent paparazzi interfered with the princess's car. The driver of the Mercedes, trying to avoid the collision, crashed into the concrete support of the bridge. But almost immediately, too many doubted that the perpetrators of the tragedy were the paparazzi. According to eyewitnesses, they entered the tunnel a few seconds after Diana's Mercedes, and, therefore, could not cause a disaster. Soon, at the trial, the phrase was heard: "There are no signs of unintentional crime in the actions of the photographers, which led to the death of Diana."

    The last moments of Diana's life. Princess and Dodi are seen on back seat car. The driver, Henri Paul, looks into the camera lens, and Trevor Reese, the bodyguard, who survived the disaster, peeps out from behind the sun visor. Photos from the accident site were published only a few years after the tragedy.

    Another strange nuance. Only a few years ago, the details became known, which for some reason were hidden. It turned out that as soon as a black Mercedes entered the tunnel, a bright flash of light suddenly cut through the darkness. She was so strong that everyone who watched her was blinded for several seconds. And a moment later the silence of the night was blown up by the screeching of brakes and the terrible sound of a blow. It turned out that the police did not want to record the mention of the flash of light in the protocols, and if they did it under pressure from a few witnesses, then they were clearly reluctant. The only witness who left the tunnel during the accident was found ... unreliable, although he was only a few meters from the scene of the tragedy.

    After the testimony was voiced, a former MI-6 employee, Richard Thomplisen, spoke with a strange flash of light. Who said that the circumstances of the death of Princess Diana remind him of the plan to assassinate Slobodan Milosevic, developed in the bowels of the British special services. The Yugoslav President was about to be blinded in the tunnel with a powerful flash. The scenario, as we can see, can be identical. But how can one prove the practically obvious?

    The film crew of REN-TV met in London with Alan Power, a man who recent years conducts an independent investigation. He confirmed the version that Diana was killed during the operation of the special services:

    From witness number one, I learned about what was happening in the intelligence of the Mi-6. He was one of those who developed the plan to assassinate Slobodan Milosevic, President of Serbia, using laser weapons in the Geneva tunnel and special forces. They had to crash into the car, blind the driver and thereby provoke an accident. They needed supports in the tunnel to increase the chances of death. This scenario repeated itself five years later when Diana was killed. Detachment C AC on motorcycles drove into the tunnel a minute earlier. Witnesses say that they rushed past the scene, looked into the car to see if the work was done, and drove away. One witness said that the motorcyclist made such a gesture as if he had cut his own throat and dashed off in an unknown direction.

    Photo taken immediately after the accident

    It can be added that Alan Power's informants are members of the British intelligence services MI5 and MI6, and they, no doubt, should be trusted. The initiator of the scandalous investigation also claims that Princess Diana paid the price for knowing too much and that she had collected impressive dirt on the royal family. Here's another weighty excuse to remove the unwanted one.

    For persuasiveness, you can still talk a little about the elite British unit C AC. Soldiers and officers from twenty-five to thirty-two years old who have served in the army for at least two years can get into it. The selection for the CAC is one of the toughest: the unit is one of the first in the world in terms of the number of deaths during training (!). Initially, applicants have to endure five weeks of physical education hell, then they are required to run a cross-country of five kilometers in half an hour and swim three kilometers in an hour and a half in full uniform. Only those who have passed these tests are admitted to the exams for the title of CAC fighter. One of the study exams is called "Long Walk" or "Happy Dance". In 20 hours, candidates must cover a 60-kilometer route through the mountains of South Wales with equipment of 25 kilograms. You need to walk from memory, it is forbidden to write anything or mark on the card. But that's not all. Those selected for British special forces are required to take Royal Air Force parachute training courses, as well as training at the MI6 British Intelligence School. As you can see, very serious guys who will not joke or talk in vain. It can be added that this unit participated in military special operations in Yugoslavia, Bosnia, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.

    If the fighters of the elite British division were really involved in the death of the princess, then who and why needed to order Princess Diana? Experts are sure that the royal family itself could act as customers. But hardly anyone will ever get written evidence. the highest crime.

    In the course of the investigation, it turned out that the princess was closely followed, the telephone was constantly tapped. Some experts believe that the crowned relatives wanted to remove Princess Diana for her affair with the son of the Egyptian billionaire, the Muslim Dodi al-Fayed. The writer Olga Greig believes that this could hardly be the reason, although representatives of the Windsor family could express their dissatisfaction with such a rash from the point of view of the Crown connection.

    If we assume that Lady Di was indeed pregnant with Dodi al-Fayed, then, of course, she would have married this man who bought wedding rings on the last day. But the British royal family was hardly ready to intermarry with Muslim billionaires, even with the family that pays millions in taxes to the treasury. The main complaint is Dodi's maternal uncle, Saudi billionaire Adnan Kashoggi, who is considered one of the largest arms dealers in the world with ties to international crime clans. But some experts are sure that most of all in Buckingham Palace they feared the family compromising evidence that Diana had. But what unpleasant secrets of the royal court could know lost princess? This is the great mystery ...

    Adnan Kashoggi is Dodi al-Fayed's uncle, an arms dealer. Perhaps because of him, the British royal family was not ready to intermarry with Muslim billionaires?

    In the light of what has been said, it can also be added that in the nineties - during the years of the destruction of the marriage of Diana and Charles - the Windsors approached the fatal line: there was talk about the decline of the royal house and the impending collapse of the monarchy in Great Britain. It was clear that the death of the monarchy is a blow to the country's security and its unity. If we recall, it was during these years that Scotland and Wales strove for independence, so that the United Kingdom was bursting at the seams. But Diana was far from politics, and it is unlikely that she had political dirt. If we are still talking about incriminating evidence (a topic that arose just as suddenly as the confessions of some or a certain SAS officer), then it should be assumed that it is of a personal nature and may relate either to the Queen, or to Prince Charles, or to touch all the Windsors little by little ... It is clear that the queen is a symbol and must be impeccable. But the whole British royal house is so far from perfect! The family closet of this crowned family contains a mass of ancient rotten skeletons, each of which, if pulled out into the light in time, could knock down the institution of the British monarchy.

    Photos of the young Prince Philip, the future husband of Queen Elizabeth II, are already in the public domain. They depict the Duke of Edinburgh in a real underground brothel. Before his marriage to Elizabeth, Prince Philip often threw sex parties, and the royal photographer Baron filmed everything. Judging by the dates of the pictures, the entertainment of friends in the company of naked girls continued even years after the marriage of Philip and Elizabeth and the birth of their first child, Prince Charles, future husband of Lady Diana. Who will behave almost the same as his daddy, and will not be able to make the young, in love with him wife, Princess Diana, happy. And how could, and most importantly - did Elizabeth, once humiliated by her riotous husband, want to help Dee when she came to her for advice?

    Rumors of her husband's adventures reached Elizabeth, and a scandal broke out so great that even the British Parliament held three secret meetings on this ridiculously vile matter. The secret services intervened, and the secret brothel "Thursday Club" was destroyed, the prodigal Philip was isolated from the friends of his youth, and the photographer Baron, who did not complain about his health, suddenly died of a heart attack.

    Coat of arms of the Windsor dynasty

    This is the law of those in power: everyone who knows a lot sooner or later suddenly leaves for another world ... Isn't this fate the unfortunate Diana, who could not protect herself competently?

    After a high-profile scandal with compromising photos, Prince Harry was sent to Afghanistan in order to improve the image of the royal family

    The royal family has always had something to hide: both in past years and now. Even the younger generation of Windsor does not have an impeccable reputation. Again, in the open media there are photos of Prince Harry, in which the youngest son of Diana and Charles in a nude style comes off at a party in Las Vegas. They say that he was always distinguished by his love for a riotous lifestyle and did not hesitate to upload candid pictures from private parties (well, how not to say: all in a grandfather). But Harry got away with his naked royal bottom and the appearance in a public place in Nazi uniform. “Queen Elizabeth’s granddaughter is a mischief,” shrugs the shoulders of the servants of royal palaces and estates, accustomed to the selfish and unhealthy antics of the whole family. They joke, but they know: time will pass, and the "lovely igrins" will be put in their place by their highest royal relatives. Despite his riotous behavior, Prince Harry served in the Royal Armed Forces in Afghanistan's Helmen province. Naturally, the decision on the service of the younger prince, a graduate of the Royal Military Academy, was made by the family. With the blessing of his grandmother, the "gallant prince" went to conquer this time not just another evil institution in London, but the remote steppes of Afghanistan. This was also captured by photographic and film films. On footage a couple of hundred meters from the front line, one of the eight thousand British soldiers in Afghanistan, Lieutenant Wells, is firing at the Taliban - under this fictitious name and in such a modest rank, the third contender for the British crown served - twenty-four-year-old Prince Harry of Wales, son Lady Diana and Prince Charles. But all the experts unanimously say: it was a PR campaign aimed at improving the image of a member of the royal family. And we see that the military career of the red-haired offspring of the Windsor-Spencer was not prevented by public banter, disregard for public opinion, or even ... experiments with marijuana. But because of his addiction to drugs, Harry had to undergo treatment in a drug treatment clinic. And, oddly enough, it is he, a frequenter of nightclubs, who will have to increase the prestige of the British monarchy, which has been greatly shaken after the death of Lady Diana. Him and his brother. And sweet Kate - the daughter-in-law of the royal couple, who recently presented a new heir to the British Crown. They - because Prince Charles and his wife, Duchess of Cornwall Camilla, have no chances to raise the prestige of the country, and never will. The author cannot avoid the temptation to give the opinion of the people here, citing excerpts from the dialogue of members of the forum about this whole story with Lady Diana and Camilla's role in the fate of Britain. But first, the news of 2011, which plunged the British into some shock, and gave rise to mock over the main characters of this information: “One of the most controversial persons of the English court, Camilla Parker-Bowles, again appears in the eyes of the public in a not very positive form. According to the American tabloid The Globe, Camilla is threatening to file for divorce from Prince Charles. And all because the duchess was desperate to become the owner of the English crown. According to the last will of Queen Elizabeth II, after her death, the throne will not be taken by her son Charles, as previously assumed, but by her grandson, 31-year-old Prince William. The British love the young and educated son of Princess Diana, and William is already preparing to become the future monarch of Britain. However, according to the publication, this state of affairs plunges Charles's wife into a rage (is it because Camilla expressed her "suspicions" out loud that the wife of Prince William Kate Middleton is cheating on her husband and even gave birth to a "bastard"? Auth.). Camilla, who recently periodically begged Charles not to be a "weakling" and to fight for his legal right to the throne, despaired and decided to file for divorce. But due to the fact that over the many years of her life in Kensington Palace, she learned many court secrets and intrigues, Camilla is not averse to receiving from her husband a solid compensation "for silence." At stake is 350 million dollars! .. As one of the close associates of the English court said in an interview with The Globe, on the basis of her nerves, Camilla makes scandals for Charles and abuses alcohol almost every day. "

    According to the will of Queen Elizabeth II, after her death, the throne will not be taken by her son Charles, as previously assumed, but by her grandson, Prince William

    Numerous users reacted to the news on the web.

    Nonsense. Taking into account the fact that Camilla has been turning this chick all her life as she wants, it is not known who will rule there. Serves him right, old goat.

    And Diana, at the age of 19, was already married and was the wonderful wife of the king, as she was also a cool princess. But Charles chose a different path, betrayed his wife and children. Paid with the love of the people and the crown. Who wants to see this dumb couple on the throne? And everything in him is endless complexes and rotten nature. It is so profitable to be born and so disgusting to live.

    It was clear from the very beginning that Diana's death was not just a fatal coincidence, but a deliberate murder. Charles and Camilla's marriage is on blood!

    They have nothing to do on the throne. And they are not respected in their own country.

    Camilla's face shows: the woman is very cunning and intelligent. She needed this shabby Charles, she needed power!

    The wife of a king who dreams of being her tampon can do whatever she wants with him and the kingdom to boot. It is absolutely unimportant how her status will be called.

    Yes, here in general, the throne does not shine for anyone, except for the son of Kate. These queens are so long-lived; Charles was still waiting for the throne, the sand is pouring from the very beginning, and his mother will survive everyone else. After Louis XIV, his great-grandson ascended the throne, in the case of the present-day Englishmen, exactly the newborn son of William and Keith - George.

    It would be better if the British grandmother Liza assigned the throne to the youngest, Garrick. This king would at least hum like a king, on a grand scale. There is something in it, medieval. And Willie is boring, boring, and his wife is some kind of dried up mummy.

    Camilla wants to divorce, because she realized that her husband-king does not shine for her, and she does not need an eternal old prince.

    The British want to see William on the throne after Lisa's grandmother. They can be understood: the young, handsome, educated son of Diana, whom they adore to this day ...

    Princess Diana of the People

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    Today marks 15 years since the death of the princess Welsh Diana... Born Diana Francis Spencer died at the age of 36, a year after her divorce from her first and only legal husband, Prince Charles. Princess Diana was one of the most popular women in the world. She was called "Lady Di", "People's Princess", "Queen of Hearts". On the night of August 31, 1997, the "People's Princess" was killed in a car accident in an underground tunnel under Place Alma in Paris. Was it a murder or an accident? Until now, the answer to this question excites the hearts and minds of many people.


    The first version of the death of Princess Diana, which was expressed by the investigation: several reporters who moved on scooters were to blame for the accident. They were chasing Diana's black Mercedes, and one of them may have interfered with the princess's car. The driver of the Mercedes, trying to avoid the collision, crashed into the concrete support of the bridge.

    But, according to the testimony of eyewitnesses, they entered the tunnel a few seconds after Diana's Mercedes, which means they could not provoke an accident.

    According to lawyer Virginie Bardet, there is actually no evidence of the photographers' guilt.

    Mysterious car

    The investigation put forward another version: the cause of the accident was the car, which by that time was already in the tunnel. In the immediate vicinity of the crashed Mercedes, the detective police found fragments of a Fiat Uno.

    When interviewing eyewitnesses, the police allegedly found out that a white Fiat Uno a few seconds after the accident had zigzagged out of the tunnel. Moreover, the driver was looking not at the road, but in the rear-view mirror, as if he saw something, for example, a crashed car.

    The search police also determined the exact characteristics of the car, its color and year of manufacture. But, even having information about the car and a description of the driver's appearance, the investigation was unable to find either the car or the driver.

    Francis Gillery, the author of her own independent investigation into the death of Lady Dee, once wrote: “All cars of this brand in the country were checked, but none of them had traces of a similar collision. those who saw him, began to get confused in the testimony, from which it did not become clear whether the white Fiat was at the unfortunate moment at the scene of the tragedy. "

    It is also interesting that the version of the white Fiat, which allegedly became the cause of the accident, was not made public immediately, but only two weeks after the incident.

    British intelligence services

    Later, other details of the accident became known and more and more new versions of the death of Princess Diana were put forward.

    For example, as many media outlets wrote, when a black Mercedes drove into the tunnel, a bright flash of light suddenly cut through the darkness, so strong that everyone who watched it was blinded for several seconds. And a moment later the silence of the night is exploded by the screeching of brakes and the sound of a terrible blow.

    According to media reports, the version was disseminated by a former British intelligence agent, who said that the circumstances of Princess Diana's death remind him of the plan to assassinate Slobodan Milosevic, developed by the British special services. The Yugoslav President was about to be blinded in the tunnel with a powerful flash.

    A few months later, British and French newspapers published a sensational statement by former British intelligence agent Richard Thomplison that the Alma tunnel may have been used with the latest laser weapons, which are in service with the special services.

    After this statement, the media suggested that the fragments of Fiat were planted by those who had prepared this accident in advance and wanted to disguise it as an ordinary road accident. The press insisted long time on the fact that these are British special services.

    "Lucky" photographer

    There is another version associated with the mysterious Fiat. The media version - the fragments of Fiat were planted by those who prepared this accident in advance and wanted to disguise it as an ordinary accident.

    There were rumors in the press that the secret services knew that a white Fiat would definitely be next to Princess Diana's car that night. It was on the white "Fiat" that one of the most famous and successful paparazzi in Paris, James Andanson, moved.

    The media suggested that the services simply could not prove the involvement of the photographer and his car in the accident, although they very much hoped. Andanson was indeed in the tunnel that night. True, according to some of his colleagues, who were at the Ritz Hotel on the evening of August 30, 1997, it was rare case when the photographer arrived at work without a car. Andanson repeatedly came to the attention of the security services of the al-Fayed family, and for them, of course, it was no secret that Andanson was not only a successful photographer. Proof that the photographer is a British intelligence agent was allegedly obtained by al-Fayed's security service. But Dodi's father, for some reason, now does not consider it necessary to present them to the investigation. James Andanson was not an accidental figure in this tragedy.

    Princess Diana and Dodi Al Fayed

    Andanson was seen in the tunnel, and there he really was one of the first. We saw at the scene of the tragedy a car very similar to his car, albeit with different numbers, possibly fake.

    After the accident, Andanson, without even waiting for the denouement, when the crowd just began to gather in the tunnel, suddenly disappears. Literally in the middle of the night - at 4 o'clock in the morning - flies from Paris on the next flight to Corsica.

    Some time later, in the French Pyrenees, his corpse will be found in a burnt-out car. While the police are establishing the identity of the deceased, in the office of his Parisian photo agency, unknown persons steal all the papers, photographs and computer disks associated with the death of Princess Diana.

    The media speculated that if this was not a fatal coincidence, then Andanson was eliminated either as an unwanted witness or as the perpetrator of the murder.

    Drunk Driver

    On July 5, 1999, almost two years later, newspapers around the world publish a sensational statement by the investigation: the main blame for what happened in the Alma tunnel lies with the driver of the Mercedes, Henri Paul. He was the security chief of the Ritz Hotel and was also killed in the crash. Investigators accused him of driving drunk.

    The announcement that the driver was drunk sounded like a bolt from the blue. The examination data, indicating a state of severe intoxication, were ready within 24 hours after the autopsy. But this was officially announced only two years later. For 24 months, the investigation worked out an obviously weaker version of the guilt of the paparazzi or the presence of Fiat Uno.

    Jacques Mulles, who was the first of the representatives of the investigating authorities to arrive at the scene of the tragedy, said that the blood test showed the true state of affairs, which means that Henri Paul was really very drunk. According to him, before leaving the Ritz, Princess Diana and Dodi al-Fayed were nervous. But the main thing that indicated the accident was the presence of alcohol - 1.78 ppm in the blood of Mr. Henri Paul's chauffeur and, in addition, the fact that he was taking antidepressants.

    The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources