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Transport in English with transcription. Speech development


CHILDREN SHOULD KNOW OBJECTS: car, transport, bus, subway, tram, trolleybus, train, plane, ship, helicopter, boat, truck, driver, pilot, captain, rules traffic, garage, parking, stop, sidewalk, rails, road, rocket, controller, conductor, station, airport, port, pier, airfield, wheel, steering wheel, door, glass, headlights, hood, trunk, pump, driver, boat, ticket , rails, sleepers, rocket, train, dump truck, taxi, cart, bicycle, motorcycle, tractor, combine, subway, accident.

SIGNS: land, water, air, horse-drawn, fast, ambulance, jet, passenger, passenger, cargo, ambulance, fire, harvest, railway, urban, country roads, tram, trolleybus, bus stop, underground, river, sea, snow removal, police.

ACTIONS: drive, sail, fly, honk, stop, turn, transport, stand, repair, repair, break, cast off, take off, land, brake, start, skip, taxi, skid.

It carries milk - a milk tanker.
The concrete is being stirred by a concrete mixer.
Transports cement - a cement truck.
Carries water - a water carrier.

The bus drives, carries people, turns, brakes...
The ship is sailing, sailing, mooring...

Old - …
New - …
Freight -…
Fast - ...

What does it consist of (what is on top, below, side, front, back, inside)?
What is it intended for?
What actions does it perform?
Compare two types of transport.
What are the similarities and what are the differences (according to the description plan).

TRANSPORT - a set of means of transportation (trains, ships, cars, etc.), as well as a separate type of these means. Railway, passenger, water transport. Work of urban transport.

Types of transport: land (rail, city), underground, air, water.

Ground transportation:

A) railway: train (cars, steam locomotive, diesel locomotive), electric train.
b) urban: passenger car, trucks(truck, dump truck, van, tank), bus, trolleybus, tram, bicycle, motorcycle, scooter, special vehicles ( ambulance, fire, police, emergency, taxi).

Underground transport: metro. Metropolitan is a city electric road, usually underground.

Air transport: balloon, plane, helicopter, rocket, spaceship.

Water transport: boat (motor, rowing, with a sail, underwater), cutter, steamship, ship, barge, icebreaker, motor ship, raft.

TYPES OF TRANSPORT: freight and passenger. Cargo - goods, things that are transported somewhere. A passenger is someone who is traveling or intending to ride something.

PARTS OF TRANSPORT: headlight, body, cabin, engine, wheel, doors, tires, trunk, steering wheel, seat, pedals, brake, tail, propeller, gangway, salon, cabin, deck, mast, sides, stern, hold, lifebuoy, porthole.

TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT AND ITS MAINTENANCE: driver, carriage driver, driver, chauffeur, motorcyclist, cyclist, captain, pilot, pilot, helicopter pilot, flight attendant, navigator, controller, passenger, sailor, astronaut.

PLACES OF TRANSPORT AND PEOPLE USING IT: station, airport, airfield, helicopter station, marina, port, garage, trolleybus park, bus depot, space, depot.


1. What kind of transport is there?
a) What is the name of a vehicle that floats on water?
b) Moves along railway?
c) Moves on the ground?
d) Underground?
d) Does it fly through the air?
2. Name (list) ground (railway, city), underground, water, air Transport?
3. What types of cars do you know? (truck, passenger, special).
4. What types of trains do you know? (passenger, freight).
5. What types of aircraft do you know? (passenger, military).
6. What types of boats do you know? (motor, rowing, sailing, underwater).
7. Show and name the parts of machines? (wheels, cabin, body, headlights, steering wheel, doors).
8. Show and name the parts of the boat? (mast, sail, oars, etc.).
9. Show and name the parts of the ship? airplane?
10. Who controls a car, plane, ship, train, tram, motorcycle, etc.? (driver, pilot, pilot, captain, engineer, etc.).
11. What professions involve driving?
12. What should a driver, driver, engineer, captain, etc. be like? (attentive, polite, courteous, neat, strict, efficient, etc.).
13. Do you like to travel by transport?
14. What kind of transport do you have at home?
15. Would you like to become a driver of any transport?
16. Tell me what transport you use to get to kindergarten?
17. How far did you leave home and what did you use?


A house is driving along the asphalt, there are a lot of children in it.
And there are reins above the roof; he cannot walk without them. (trolleybus)

Very early there was knocking and ringing and chaos outside the window.
Red houses run along straight steel paths. (tram)

A steam locomotive without wheels, that's a miracle - a steam locomotive.
Has he gone crazy - walked straight across the sea? (steamboat)

It doesn't flap its wings, but flies,
Not a bird, but overtaking everyone (an airplane)

Rushes and shoots, grumbles patter
The tram can't keep up with this chatter (motorcycle)

I don’t need oats to take you,
Feed me gasoline, give me rubber for my hooves,
And then, kicking up dust, ... (car) will run

What a miracle - a white house, there are a lot of children in it.
Wears rubber shoes and eats gasoline (bus)


The word was hidden somewhere.
The word is hidden and waiting.
“Let the guys find me
Well, who will find me?
House on rails is right here
He will kill everyone in five minutes.
You sit down and don’t yawn -
Departs... (tram)

Won't go without gas
Neither a bus nor... (car)

He rides on two wheels
Doesn't skid on slopes
And there is no gasoline in the tank -
This is my... (bike)

Early morning along the road
Dew glistens on the grass.
Feet are moving along the road
And two wheels run.
The riddle has an answer.
This is my... (bike)

I don't look like a piano
But I also have a pedal.
Who is not a coward or a coward,
I'll give him a good ride.
I don't have a motor.
What's my name? ... (bike)

Runs quickly in the wind
Without oars and motor... (sailboat)

I'm called a dump truck,
I'm dumping myself... (load)

Feed me gasoline
Give me some rubber for my hooves,
And then, raising dust,
Runs.... (car)

Clinging to the rear tire
The bear rides... (car)

The whole world has read
Message in newspapers
What Belka and Strelka
We flew in... (missiles)

Soars up without acceleration,
Reminds me of a dragonfly.
Takes flight
Rotary wing... (helicopter)

There is silence in this house,
Many windows, one door.
The house flies into the sky.
The whole country is outside the window.
The house took flight.
So this is... (airplane)

Past the grove, past the ravine,
It rushes without smoke, it rushes without steam
Locomotive sister...
Who is she? ... (train)

The driver drove to the store
Lots of brooms and baskets.
How nice it was for Zina
Sit with him in... (cabin)

I started creating a fleet.
The sponge turned into... (raft)

There are no clouds on the horizon,
But an umbrella opened in the sky.
In a few minutes,
Dropped... (parachute)

As the great American writer and essayist William Burroughs said: “Living is not necessary, but traveling is necessary.” And in order for the trip to be comfortable, you need to have a minimum vocabulary for traveling, integral part which are types of transport. Today we will discuss not only “bus” in English, but we will also look at the necessary verbs of movement. By remembering this little “traveler’s dictionary”, you can easily get from point “A” to point “B”, wherever you are. Check it out

Main types of transport

IN general types transport in English sound like “means of transport”. And now in more detail about how to say “train” in English or what you can use to move around the world:

Let's remember the difference between American English (AmE) and British English (BrE). Try to focus on the option that is closer to your interlocutor.

Verbs of movement

It is certainly necessary to know the name of a particular vehicle, but you should also skillfully operate with the verbs that are combined with them. Everyone knows that " go" - in English this is to go, go, fly, and in general - the main verb of movement. When indicating the type of transport, you should use the preposition “by” after the verb: “go by ship”, “go by plane”, “go by car”, etc. The exceptions are the expressions “riding a horse” and “walking” (on your feet). The preposition “on” should be used here: “go on foot”, “go on horse”. A synonymous verb for "go" is "travel". It can also be used in these prepositional phrases.

If we are talking about “riding” - on a bicycle, horse or motorcycle, then you should use the verb “ ride": "ride a horse", "ride a bike", "ride a bicycle."

When you are driving a car, use the verb " drive": "to drive a car."

Are you planning to fly on an airplane? In English " take off"(take off) and " land"(land).

When talking about moving on water, you should use the verbs “ sail"(sail, sail) and " dock"(moor, moor).

With all types of transport you can use verbs: “ arrive"(arrive), " depart"(set off, depart), " leave"(to leave, to leave), " take"(use some type of transport, ride something). For example:

  • The train arrives at 7 p.m.- The train arrives at 7 pm.
  • The plane departed on time.- The plane took off on time.
  • We want to leave ASAP.- We want to leave as soon as possible.
  • I don’t want to go on foot, let’s take a bus instead.- I don't want to walk, let's take the bus instead.

To be more specific, use the verbs “ get on"(sit down) and " get off"(get out of): "get on the plane", "get off the bus". But in the case of a car or taxi, use the prepositions “in” and “out of” instead of “on” “off”:

  • Hurry up! Get in the car!- Quicker! Get in the car!
  • No, I don’t want to get out of the taxi.- No, I don’t want to get out of the taxi.

And finally, we would like to introduce you to the very popular expression “ take a ride”, which translates as “to go for a ride”:

  • Mr. Anderson, let's take a ride.- Mr. Anderson, let's go for a ride.

Once you've familiarized yourself with the basic vocabulary, look for other words that may be useful.

In an Aeroport

departure- departure
exit- exit
check-in desk- registration desk
arrival- arrival
nursery- mother and child room
baggage carousel- baggage claim track
boarding- landing
boarding pass- boarding pass
carry-on bag / hand luggage- hand luggage
ticket- ticket
passport- passport
reservation- reservation
flight- flight
overweight- advantage
waiting room- passenger hall, waiting room
gate- exit
customs supervision- customs control
destination- destination

At the station

booking/ticket office- ticket sales and booking office
trolley- luggage trolley
porter- porter
compartment- coupe
restaurant / buffet / dining car- dining car, restaurant car
timetable / indicator board- train schedule
seat- place
penalty fare- penalty for unpaid travel
carriage- railway carriage
railway line- rails
railway station- passenger station
express train- express train
ticket barrier- turnstile

On the ship

life belt /boat / jacket- lifebuoy/boat/vest
harbor- harbor
deck- deck
cruise- cruise
car deck- car compartment
crossing- sea voyage, crossing
crew- ship crew
rough/calm sea- storm/calm
cabin / cuddy- cabin/cabin on a small ship
seasick- nausea associated with seasickness
to embark / disembark- board/disembark the ship

After studying this article, you can not only say “airplane” in English, but you can also easily ask about the departure/arrival time, flight number, and so on. Feel free to travel and expand your boundaries with EnglishDom. Still have questions? Then urgently write to our online tutors! They will not only help you find a way out of the situation, but will also be happy to share their travel experience.

See you soon and have a nice trip! But don't trip ;)

Big and friendly EnglishDom family

TRANSPORT, noun. Unaccountable same as transportation; transportation, delivery from one place to another of goods or passengers

TRANSPORT, noun. Unaccountable one type or another, a set of means of transportation; branch of the national economy associated with the transportation of people and goods

TRANSPORT, noun. A consignment of goods sent, transported or received, delivered simultaneously

TRANSPORT, noun. Military convoy or set of conveyances special purpose

TRANSPORT, noun. Military, naval maritime cargo or passenger ship

TRANSPORT, noun. Special, computer instant messaging service that allows messages to flow between different networks

TRANSPORT, noun. Accounting same as report; transfer the amount to another page

TRANSPORT, noun. (transport) slang, card argot transferring a bet to another card in gambling

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

TRANSPORT, transport, m. (from Latin transporto - I carry). 1. (transport) only units. Action according to verb. to transport; transportation, delivery (of cargo, passengers, etc.) from one place to another. Transport of grain by rail. Continuous transport of goods. 2. (transport) only units. One or another type of transportation means. City transport (cars, trams). Underground transport (eg in mines). Railway transport. Water transport. Horse-drawn transport. Air Transport. Automobile transport. Transport driver. || A branch of the national economy serving various types of transportation. Transport work. The growth of Soviet transport. 3. (transport). A batch of goods delivered at the same time. Large transports of bread. 4. (transport). A convoy or a set of special purpose vehicles (military). Sanitary transport. Artillery transport. Divisional transport. 5. (transport). A vessel (navy) for transporting goods or people (naval). Mine transport. 6. (transport). transferring the amount to another page, the same as a 2-digit report. (accounting). 7. (transport). In gambling, transferring a bet to another card (card argot). He recognized some banknotes that had changed hands several times through corners and transports. L. Tolstoy.

Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

TRANSPORT, French transportation of goods, delivery. | Convoy, goods or supplies in a convoy. | Transport, cargo government ship. | Transferring the total in account books from page to page. | Gambling games: transferring the bet to another card. Transport, to transport in various ways. meaning relating. Translortir, protractor, projectile for drawing angles, in degrees, on paper. - dash application of corners.

Modern explanatory dictionary

"TRANSPORT", publishing house, Moscow. Created in 1964 on the basis of the publishing houses Transzheldorizdat (founded in 1923), Avtotransizdat (1953), "Maritime Transport", "River Transport" (both in 1954). Literature on all types of transport, educational literature, information and reference publications for passengers, magazines, posters, etc.

TRANSPORT (from Latin transporto - I move), a branch of material production that transports people and goods. There are land, water and air transport. Land types: rail, road and pipeline; water - sea and river; air - aviation. Transport is divided into public transport, serving the sphere of circulation and the population, non-public transport (intra-production movement of raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products, etc.), as well as personal transport. It is also divided into passenger and cargo.

Wise words

The incorrect use of words leads to errors in the field of thought and then in practical life.

Dmitry Ivanovich Pisarev

Hello, dear readers! The modern world is unthinkable without Vehicle. Since ancient times, people have been looking for ways to make their movement faster and easier. The vehicle has gradually evolved - from horses, deer and dogs to airplanes and helicopters. Every day we come across at least one type of transportation device - bicycles, trains, buses, cars. Therefore, the topic of transport in English is very important.

Vehicle names in English

The vehicle connects peoples, countries and continents. In the USA and Great Britain, such types of transport as underground and overground trains, taxis, buses, airplanes and, of course, a personal car are very popular. They offer residents of large cities efficient, convenient and quick way movement. But vehicles such as trolleybuses and trams are rare in Western cities, mainly in museums.

In addition, unlike Russian fares, in America and Britain fares are charged by distance. Going into public transport, the passenger tells the driver the destination, and he, in turn, punches him with a ticket with the required amount. As for sea and air transport, here everything is the same as with us, you have to pay for a ticket. Only the amounts are different.

I have prepared a convenient table for you in which you will find the English translation and pronunciation of this or that word:







transport ["træns‚pɔ:rt]transportbreakdown ["breɪk‚daʋn]accident
parking ["pɑ:rkɪŋ]parkingcrossroad ["krɔ:s‚rəʋd]crossroads
highway ["haɪ‚weɪ]highwaycabstand [ˈkæbræŋk]parking
main highwayhelmet ["helmɪt]hard hat, helmet
sidewallk ["saɪd‚wɔ:k]sidewalkMetro ["metrəʋ]metro
traffic lights ["træfɪk laɪt]traffic lightstation ["steɪʃən]station
transit ["trænsɪt]transitcomponent detail
boot trunkchassis [ˈʃæsɪ]chassis
parking place ["pɑ:rkɪŋ pleɪs]parkingcowl hood
pedestrian a pedestrianignition [ıg"nıʃən]ignition
refuelling gas stationcarburettor carburetor
brake brakemotor ["məʋtər]motor
bumper [ˈbʌmpə]bumperpedal ["pedəl]pedal
cab cabinpiston piston
speedometer speedometersemaphore semaphore
trunk trunkswitch arrow
tire ["taɪər]tiremarine fleet
jeep jeepwheel wheel, steering wheel
limousine ["lɪmə‚zi:n]limousinebody ["bɒdɪ]body
sedan sedancabriolet [ˌkæbrɪəuˈleɪ]cabriolet
berth reserved seathatch-back [ˈhætʃbæk]hatchback
car railway carriagevan van
compartment coupeuniversal [‚ju:nə"vɜ:rsəl]station wagon
anchor ["æŋkər]anchorbarrier [bæriə®]barrier
aqualung [ˈækwəlʌŋ]scubataxi ["tæksɪ]Taxi
bay bayplatform ["plætfɔ:rm]platform
harbor ["hɑ:bə]harborcable ["keɪbəl]chain
hold holdcanvas ["kænvəs]sail
jetty [ˈɪˈdʒetɪ]piercompartment compartment
moorage berthdeck deck
overboat [ˈəuvəbɔd]overboardbuoy buoy
mast maststern stern
master ["mæstər]captainwatercraft [ˈwɔ:təkrɑ:ft ]ships, boats
scull paddleboat boat
sluice Gatewayferry ["ferɪ]ferry

Download table

By the way, despite the fact that the phrase book contains a phrase with which one asks whether a passenger gets off at the next stop, in Western countries in public transport it is not customary to ask “Are you getting off at the next one?” This question will only make you look like a foreigner from Russia or the CIS countries. English speakers themselves explain it this way: “we just shove”, that is, “we push the crowd away” and maybe we say “excuse me”.

Types of vehicles in English

As you know, transport is divided into several types and subtypes:

  • Ground-underground (railway, special, personal, etc.)
  • Air (military, passenger, cargo)
  • Marine (military, passenger, cargo)

Now we can specifically study the types of vehicles themselves using a table with transcription. The translation is presented in both Russian and English language:








automobile [‚ɔ:təmə"bi:l]automobiletrain train
bulldozer ["bulˌdəuzə]bulldozercar car
bus buslandrover all-terrain vehicle
catafalque [ˈkætəfælk]hearsepetrol tanker ["petrəl tæŋk]Gasoline tanker
combine harvesterpush-cycle [ʹpʋʃ͵saık (ə)l]scooter
dust-cart garbage trucktram tram
excavator ["ekskəveɪtə]excavatortrolley bus ["trɒlɪ‚bʌs]trolleybus
loader [ˈləudə]loadertruck truck
lorry ["lɔ:rɪ]truckdiesel locomotive [ˈdiːzl ‚ləʋkə"məʋtɪv]locomotive
motor bike ["məʋtər‚baɪk]mopedelectric locomotive [ɪ"lektrɪk ‚ləʋkə"məʋtɪv]electric locomotive
motorcycle ["məʋtər‚saɪkəl]motorbikelocomotive [‚ləʋkə"məʋtɪv]locomotive
electrotrain [ɪ"lektrəʋ treɪn]electric trainsteam locomotive locomotive
hand car trolleysuburban train train
local train ["ləʋkəl treɪn]suburban traintram tram
bicycle ["baɪsɪkəl]bikeskateboard ["skeɪt‚bɔ:rd]skateboard


The list of English words on the topic “Transport” Suitable for those continuing to learn English (either independently or with a teacher). The list is quite complete: you can independently choose words to study, which are divided into categories: means of transport, verbs, stable combinations and phrasal verbs, people, transport problems. Transcriptions are given for the most difficult words. The list of English words can also be copied from the website and printed. Additionally included exercises to consolidate vocabulary.

I. Means of Transport:

1. means of transport - means of transport (units, plural)
2. vehicle[‘viːɪkl] - means of transportation
3. balloon - balloon
4. helicopter - helicopter
5. plane/ airplane - airplane
6. car/ taxi - car/ taxi
7. bus/ coach - regular/excursion bus
8. double-decker bus - double-decker bus
9. van / lorry - van / truck
10. train - train
11. underground - metro
12. ship - ship
13. ferry - ferry
14. yacht - yacht
15. bike/ motorbike - bicycle/ motorcycle

II. Transport Verbs:

16. reach / get to - get to
7. arrive in/at - arrive at (big city / place)
18. go on foot / walk - to walk
19. go by car/ bus/ etc. - go by car
20. cycle [‘saɪkl] - ride a bicycle
21. drive a car - drive a car
22. ride a bike/ a horse - ride a bike/ horse
23. sail - to sail
24. fly - to fly
25. hitchhike - hitchhike

III. Collocations (stable combinations):

26. go by car (taxi, etc.) - go by car (taxi, etc.)
27. go on foot - walk
28. go on a trip - go on a trip
29. take a taxi - take a taxi
30. catch a bus/ a train - catch a bus/ train
31. miss a bus/ a train - be late for the bus/ train
32. get on a bus/ a train - get on a bus/ train
33. get off a bus/ a train - get off the bus/ train
34. get into a car / a taxi - get into a car / taxi
35. get off a car/ a taxi - get out of the car/ taxi
36. go hitchhiking [‘hɪʧhaɪkɪŋ] - hitchhiking
37. it takes me (...) to get to - It takes me (time) to get to...

IV. People:

38. сyclist/motorcyclist - cyclist/motorcyclist
39. driver / lorry driver - driver / truck driver
40. passenger - passenger
41. pedestrian - pedestrian

V. Transport Problems:

42. accident - accident, accident
43. have an accident - get into an accident
44. air pollution - air pollution
45. car fumes - exhaust gases
46. ​​dangerous driving - dangerous driving style
47. a lot of traffic - difficult movement
48. few pedestrian (zebra) crossings - few pedestrian crossings
49. narrow roads - narrow roads
50. overcrowding - overcrowding
51. queues at the bus stops - queues at bus stops
52. roadworks - road work
53. ticket prices - ticket prices
54. traffic lights - traffic lights
55. traffic jams - traffic jams
56. get stuck in a jam - get stuck in a traffic jam
57. delays - delays on the route

DOWNLOAD TABLE OF WORDS - Words on the topic “Transport” (1-57)

Transport. Vocabulary strengthening exercises

Exercise 1. Choose definitions for verbs of motion: travel, cycle, walk, sail (2), fly (2)

  1. travel by bike
  2. go by boat
  3. go by plane
  4. go by air
  5. go on foot
  6. go by sea

Exercise 2.Match the words from 2 lines and write them down.

(1) ticket, double-decker, traffic (2), means of, car, lorry, pedestrian, go on, go

(2) fumes, jams, driver, transport, foot, bus, price, crossing, lights, by air

Exercise 3. Insert the words into the sentences: roadworks, off , underground, pedestrian, helicopter

  1. A ________ is an aircraft that uses rotating wings called blades to fly.
  2. The ___________ is a railway system in which electric trains travel mainly below the ground.
  3. There are delays on our main motorway because of ______________.
  4. A _______________ is a person who is walking in a street.
  5. Is this Mayakovskaya Street or should I get _______________ at the next stop?

Exercise 4.Insert the words: take off, a motorbike, trips, an accident, carriages, flight, traffic jams, check, passenger, get to