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Presentation of shape-forming particles. Presentation on the topic: “Particle discharges


Let's read the rule. According to their meaning, particles are divided into two categories: formative and semantic. Formative particles include particles that serve to form the forms of a word; for example, conditional and imperative mood; degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs. The particle would (b) can appear before the verb it refers to, after it, and even be separated from it by other words.

Each of these sentences has particles. Your task is to determine with the help of which particles what is formed. Let's exclaim and admire each other! I would like to rise in a rocket above all the high clouds. Lake Baikal is the deepest in the world. This subject needs to be known in more depth. A) The imperative mood of the verb. B) Conditional mood of the verb. C) Degrees of comparison of adverbs and adjectives.

Examination. Particle – service part speech that introduces different shades of meaning into a sentence or serves to form word forms. Applying this rule, think like this: in a sentence How well our team played! the word how enhances the meaning of the phrase played well. This means that the word is a particle.

summary of other presentations

“Sentences with participles” - Participles with dependent words. Form phrases. Linguistic warm-up. Participle. Participial phrases. Kindness begins in childhood. Participial turnover. Originating in childhood. Kindness lives. Philosopher Seneca. Working with a proposal. Commas in adverbial phrases.

“Concise presentation” - Pushkin is the sea! Sea - Lermontov. Sample reasoning. Reasoning. Vocabulary work. Narration with descriptive elements. Text compression tools. Sample presentation. Tukai began to study Russian. Working on the text. The purpose of the lesson. Lesson stages. Conversation on the content of the text. Concise presentation. Presentation plan.

“Morphology and spelling” - In which row in both words is written b in the place of the gap. Unstressed checked vowel of the root. Chernets. Control sheet. Morphology and spelling. Speech error. Letter I. Kind person. Punctuation marks. Letter. Generalization of repetition. Hyphen. Write the offer number. The stupidity of one minute. Test tasks. Read the text.

“Preposition as a part of speech” - Instead of dots, put the missing preposition. Write down the phrases. Preposition as part of speech. Define preposition. Examination. Write it down, determine the part of speech. Name the parts of speech that you know. Letter from memory. Jump over the puddle. Write down the text, putting the words in brackets in the correct case. Finish the statement.

“Words-gerunds” - Dark blue light. October. The evening is burning down, mountains of gold. Proverbs. Winter. The forest is green. Arguments. The reeds whisper something. Lexical meaning. Participle. Quietly the evening is dying out. A little later. Autumn. Young birch trees. Artist. Forest. A huge cloud. Wind. Reed. Buttery strong ones. Memories of Volkov. Lexical work. Landscapes by E. Volkov. The rain rushed by.

Test dictation. Observation of language material. Algorithm for distinguishing unions. Spelling conjunctions. Language exercises. Consolidation educational material. Learning new material. Remember the combinations. Graphic dictation. Working with the textbook. Russian language lesson.

Lesson topic: Particle as a part of speech. Form-forming particles.

Lesson objectives:

I. Educational:

1. Formation of the idea of ​​a particle as a service part of speech. Form-forming particles.

2. Formation of the ability to distinguish particles from other parts of speech.


1. Cultivating a love for the Russian language.

2.Formation of control and self-control skills.

3. Formation of cognitive activity in a team and cooperation in solving search problems.


1.Development of the ability to logically express one’s thoughts using literary language.

2.Development of the ability to argue and prove.

3. Expanding horizons and cognitive interest.

4.Development of the ability to highlight the main thing, compare, generalize.

Lesson type: assimilation and consolidation of material.

Methodical techniques: teacher explanations, expressive reading, working on intonation, performing creative tasks.

Forms of student work: collective, individual.

Lesson equipment:

1. On the students’ desk: textbook, notebooks, pens and pencils.

2. Table “Service parts of speech. Particles."

3.Mini test. Cards.

4.Lesson presentation.

During the classes.

Leave a line for the date.

I. Linguistic warm-up.

Write down words on the topic “Family” for five minutes. Using these words, compose simple and complex sentences, highlight coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.

(Family is the most valuable thing a person has).

II. Let's write the first line in an unusual way:

todaynn April tenth.

(one in ten)

I suggest you transform the first line using one additional word at a time so that the line has various additional meanings, namely:

1. Surprise that today is the eleventh of April (already).

2. Clarification that today is the eleventh, and not some other day (exactly).

3. Question – surprise: April eleventh? (really).

4. Express denial, disagreement that today is the eleventh of April (not).

Tell me, are these words used in a sentence independently, without other words?

These words are service words and are called particles.

Today we begin the study of particles as a service part of speech. Let's write this statement as the topic of the lesson.

Topic: Particle is a functional part of speech. Form-forming particles.

Formulate questions that you would like answered in the first lesson.

Brief historical background.(Student message).

Let's get acquainted with the particle service (Page).

Highlight the key words in the definition.

A particle is an auxiliary part of speech that introduces various shades of meaning into a sentence or serves to form moods of a verb.

Particles do not change and are not members of a sentence.

Particle discharges:

1. Shape-forming.

2. Semantic (modal).


Let's talk about formative particles (Page 164).

Formative particles form the form of a word: conditional and imperative.

Shaping particles:

It would have happened, yes, come on, come on, let it, let it go.

More, less, the most.

Physical education for a minute.

(mobilization of attention).

"Blind and deaf."

1.Let's Let's explain to the deaf that you can't steal!

2. Let Each of you will explain to the deaf that you can’t hit him on the head!

3. Let Someone explain to a deaf person that he shouldn’t smoke!

4.Explain to the blind person that drinking alcohol is the most unhealthy habit.

III. Consolidation.

    Make up sentences on the topic “Peace and Friendship” using imperative verbs with particles let, yes, let's, - ka and using appeal where possible. For example:

May there never be war!

Long live the friendship of peoples!

Guys of all countries, let's be friends!

Let's sing, friends, a song about friendship and peace. And etc.

What kind of intonation sentences are these? What is the meaning of imperative verbs with particles? come on, shall we?

    Students write complete answers to questions using conditional verbs.

*What would you like to become and why?

* Who would you like to be friends with and why?

What does the conditional mood mean? How is it formed? How to spell a particle would? What conjunctions did you use to answer the question why?

    SMS is a message using particles. “Invitation to a date...” (E.Doga's waltz sounds).


(basic rules of conduct on the Internet)

    It is important not to forget that the interlocutor is not a high-speed computer, but a very real person.

    Before you write anything, decide whether it is realistic to say the same text to a person in person.

    Be brief and keep it to the point.

    Remember that illiterate letters with a lot of errors usually cause irritation.

Is the particle a member of a sentence?
- Is a particle an independent part of speech? Which one?
- What kind of particles are these: would, b, let, let?
- What form of the verb is formed by the particles would, b?
- What form of inclination does the particle let form?
- What is a particle?
- What is the particle used for?

IV. Reflection.

“Today in class I learned...”

“Today in class I learned...”

“Today in class it was difficult for me...”

“Today in class it was easy for me...”

“Today I liked the lesson...”


1. Russian language. 7th grade. Textbook for general education institutions.
Authors: M.T. Baranov, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya and others; M., Prosv., 2009
2. M.V. Fedorova. Russian language lessons in 7th grade; M., Prosv., 2002
3. Zvereva I.M. Practical didactics for teachers; M., 2001
4. A.V. Malyushkin “Tables on the Russian language. 5-11th grade"; M., "Sphere", 2006.