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Inner beauty of a person. Why inner beauty is more important than outer beauty

  • The true beauty of a person does not depend on his appearance
  • Beautiful is the one who does moral deeds
  • The most important thing in a person is sometimes impossible to see with the eyes
  • External beauty is not always a reflection of the rich spiritual world of a person
  • It happens that people who seem attractive outwardly commit absolutely immoral acts
  • A person with a truly beautiful soul creates a special, incomparable atmosphere with his presence


L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”. As a child, Natasha Rostova, one of the heroines of the great epic novel, was not beautiful. The attention paid to her is impossible without inner beauty: both in childhood and in adulthood, she was distinguished by her love of life, spontaneity, and pure soul. Another heroine you should pay attention to is Princess Marya Bolkonskaya. In appearance, she was clearly inferior to beauties; only her eyes were beautiful. But people who are capable of feeling real beauty appreciated her inner qualities. Marya Bolkonskaya and Natasha Rostova can be contrasted with Helen Kuragin: society admired her beauty. But this beauty is only external. In fact, Helen Kuragina is a stupid, callous, selfish, calculating, selfish person. The heroine's external charm does not compensate for her immoral behavior.

A.I. Solzhenitsyn “Matrenin’s Dvor”. Matryona has a completely ordinary appearance. The only part of her appearance that attracts attention is her beautiful smile. But what is important to us is not external beauty, but internal beauty. It is not for nothing that the author writes that only those who are at peace with their own conscience have a good face. Matryona is a person from whom comes inner light, spiritual warmth. This is much more important than external attractiveness.

F.M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”. Svidrigailov, a rather rich and well-groomed man, is in fact not distinguished by good spiritual qualities: he is ready to do any meanness for the sake of his own whim. Physical beauty and a nasty inner world do not go together in any way: at first, in this tyrant and rapist you can see a beautiful person. The image of Sonya Marmeladova is the opposite. Due to malnutrition and poverty, the girl’s appearance suffers greatly: she is pale, thin, intimidated, and wears terrible clothes. But the inner world of Sonya Marmeladova is beautiful, despite her lifestyle and appearance.

O. Wilde “The Picture of Dorian Gray.” In this work, the problem of internal and external beauty is the main one. At the beginning of the work, we see in Dorian Gray a timid, bashful and incredibly handsome young man. Beauty is his source of power: no matter what the hero does, his appearance does not change. All changes affect only the portrait of the young man, painted by Basil Hallward. Gradually, Dorian Gray turns into an inhuman, immoral monster who has committed many nasty things, including even the murder of an artist. He is still as handsome as he was many years ago, only the portrait depicts the state of his soul. Dorian Gray wants to put an end to the terrible image of himself and dies by stabbing a dagger into the portrait. External beauty turned out to be destructive for him.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry “The Little Prince”. The wise thoughts of the Little Prince can teach even an adult a lot. Our hero said: “Only the heart is vigilant. You can’t see the most important things with your eyes.” And we can say without a doubt that he is right. True beauty is inside a person, in his soul, in his right actions.

A.S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter”. In the work we do not see a description of Pyotr Grinev. It doesn't matter at all whether he is beautiful in appearance. All the beauty of this person is expressed in his moral qualities and noble deeds. Pyotr Grinev is a man of honor who did not allow himself to betray his homeland or leave his beloved girl in danger. His actions are beautiful, which means he himself is beautiful.

M. Sholokhov “The Fate of Man.” The fact that it is impossible to judge a person by appearance is proven by the image of Andrei Sokolov, the main character of the work. He was summoned to the German Muller when he was in captivity. Exhausted from work, hungry, Andrei Sokolov could not be beautiful in appearance at that moment. All his beauty was manifested in his moral actions: Sokolov refused to drink German weapons for the victory, and to spite the enemy he did not take a bite, despite hunger and lack of strength. By these actions one can judge that a person has a beautiful soul.

let's talk O external and internal beauty of a person. Why is a person valued or loved? For his external beauty or internal? A popular proverb says: “You are greeted by your clothes, but you are seen off by your mind.” “The hut is not red in its corners, but red in its pies.”

Of course, our first impression of a person is formed by his appearance, what he is wearing, what his figure is, his hairstyle, the way he walks, speaks, etc. And only then... It’s not for nothing that popular wisdom says that in order to get to know a person, you need to eat a pound of salt with him. Sometimes appearances are deceiving.

A man is as beautiful as God, but inside there is nothing but rottenness. Sometimes it happens the other way around: a nondescript person, gray in appearance, but inside he is a lump! External and internal beauty- these are two halves of a single whole that makes up a person. We are all looking for our soulmate to start a family and live in harmony for the rest of our lives. And if we don’t find it, then there is no harmony, and that means there is no family.

In the same way, external beauty or internal beauty are two halves, two components of a person. For a person to be complete, he must have two halves in harmony. Not rare. a person cares only about external beauty, forgetting about internal beauty. And sometimes, due to plain or ugly external beauty, it is difficult to see the inner beauty of a person. Let's strive for harmony! Let's develop in ourselves how external and internal beauty! Let's love a person, both for his outer and inner beauty! Love and goodness to you!

Parable “External and internal beauty”

One day a student asked the Teacher what is more important in a person: external or internal beauty. In response to this, the Teacher asked the student:

Tell me, if you needed to buy a house, and you had enough money either for a beautiful-looking, but uncomfortable house, or for a nondescript, but warm and reliable one. What would you choose?

I would prefer a house that is simple on the outside but comfortable on the inside.

What if the house was bought by a vain person, proud of his position, but not having enough money to buy a beautiful and cozy home? – the Teacher asked the question again.

“He would probably prefer external beauty and brilliance to convenience,” answered the Student.

So, it means that external and internal beauty are essentially equivalent and are valuable only in harmony? - asked the student.

“You can say so,” the Teacher answered smiling, “but I thought first of all that, having half, you should always strive for the whole, without losing what you already have.” After all, half, whatever it is, will always be only half.

No outer beauty can be complete unless it is enlivened by inner beauty. The beauty of the soul spreads like a mysterious light over bodily beauty. (Victor Marie Hugo)

What is the inner beauty of a person?

We always admire natural beauty and in communication we are drawn to beautiful and charming people. However, the concept of beauty is multifaceted, and often it includes not only the external attractiveness of a person, but also internal beauty. There are many ways to maintain and improve your external qualities, but in order to achieve harmony with yourself and the outside world, you need to work a lot on your inner content.

However, in everyday life, every person also has the opportunity to show inner beauty. The one who succeeds leaves a mark on the soul and consciousness of those around him. Years later, we remember people with whom we worked, studied or met for a short time, and such meetings stimulate us to develop through setting the right guidelines and priorities.

However, often a person's inner beauty does not find a response among others and is either taken for granted or causes ridicule. This behavior of the environment leads to the fact that the desire to perform worthy deeds and demonstrate inner beauty disappears. That's why it's so important not to be afraid to say kind words to people if they deserve it.

What does the concept of inner beauty include?!

There is external and internal beauty, and these concepts are subjective to one degree or another. The factors that determine how attractive a person is are different for everyone. However, if the criteria of external beauty are fleeting, then spiritual qualities worthy of admiration and respect do not change for centuries. They are the ones who are able to change opinions about outwardly unattractive people.

Qualities from which inner beauty is formed:

Kindness is a familiar characteristic that many admire in childhood, but which inexorably falls out of favor with age. Compassion is one of the main components of the inner beauty of people. This is the ability to experience the emotions of surrounding emotions and sincerely sympathize, trying to support and alleviate the condition of people.

Compliance with the laws of morality and ethics. For some, the rules of law prescribed in laws come first; for others, the commandments. However, long before the appearance of the holy books of various faiths and criminal laws, there were rules of behavior dictated by the inner morality of a person. And it is precisely this internal limiter that regulates behavior that must be present in a person who strives for inner beauty.

Honesty is a very ambiguous quality. On the one hand, it is certainly an important characteristic of a highly moral person. On the other hand, a “white lie” is sometimes a more humane measure that can preserve not only good relationships and peace of mind of people around, but also life. Everyone must answer the question whether someone who is internally beautiful should not be crystal honest.

Respectful behavior towards people. Naturally, we cannot respect everyone around us. But behaving with dignity and not stooping to the level of poorly educated or immoral individuals is an important quality for a mentally attractive person.

Respect for nature is a quality that is poorly developed in many modern people, but without which we cannot talk about inner beauty.
Intellectual development is not the main, but still important quality for an internally beautiful person. Often, intellectual growth provokes people to develop other qualities in themselves that are responsible for spiritual attractiveness.

The combination of such qualities in different proportions leads to the fact that a person seems charming and attractive to us due to his inner beauty. In this case, an important condition is that the owner of such qualities is in inner harmony with himself and the world around him. Unlike external beauty, internal beauty requires absolute naturalness - good deeds done out of good will, and not to please the rules of morality or out of a sense of duty, evoke true respect and response in the hearts of others. People who feel the world more subtly can say that harmony and beauty are closely related, and one does not exist without the other.

Is it important to be mentally beautiful?

The need for beauty is an innate quality that appeared in ancient times. People were engaged in various types of art and the development of physical abilities. They understood that aesthetic development is a component that means a lot for a high quality of life.

An important role for humanity has always been played not only by the external manifestation of beauty, but also by internal beauty, which goes hand in hand with the harmonious development of personality. It often happens that when we meet people who are unattractive in appearance, after a while we notice that they evoke sympathy due to their spiritual qualities and degree of internal development.

The opposite situations also happen, when people who have created a bright image for themselves, take care of themselves and pay great attention to external aesthetics, turn out to be uninteresting and empty inside. Sometimes their actions speak of their poor inner world or their ugly – in moral terms – content. You should not blame such people; they are often victims of improper upbringing or have mental traumas that do not allow them to develop inner beauty. However, such individuals make a repulsive impression on others.

Thus, inner beauty takes up a lot of space in people's lives. It is more significant than external data, since it is spiritual fulfillment that stimulates the performance of worthy actions and is etched in the memory of people around. Inner beauty determines the attitude towards a person, especially when it comes to long-term communication.

Is it possible to develop inner beauty?

Of course, inner beauty is not a muscle that can be pumped up in the gym, but everyone needs to develop positive mental qualities. You can and should engage in self-improvement and development of spiritual beauty at any age. It is difficult for adults to start working on their inner world and spiritual beauty, and it is especially difficult for those who have negative life experiences - it is more difficult for them to realize the very need to work on themselves in this direction. However, everyone has the power to change their inner world and become a more attractive person from a moral point of view.

However, it is advisable to start developing positive qualities from the very birth of a person. The child’s psyche absorbs everything like a sponge, and if a child grows up in a healthy atmosphere, surrounded by the right books and toys useful for development, it is not difficult to develop inner beauty. At the same time, the main factor influencing such development is one’s own example. If people are wondering what inner beauty is and how to develop it, this is the beginning of the path to changing themselves and the world around them.

Ways to develop inner beauty!

Improving your spiritual qualities and developing inner beauty is a long, painstaking work that involves a set of measures of a different nature. Adults need to spend a lot of time to travel this path, because the goal of such a path is to change their worldview, their lives and the fate of loved ones. This is a worthy choice that every person should make one day.

The most important and difficult step is to reconsider your attitude towards others. It is important to understand that the people with whom fate has brought you together should not be taught life or re-educated. They must either be accepted as they are, or, if possible, abstracted from them. If a person interferes with the development of positive mental qualities, causes irritation or anger, try to minimize his presence in your life, unless we are talking about close family members.

Various works of literature and art have a lot of useful information for forming correct guidelines. In order to develop positive mental qualities, it is useful to remember Russian writers belonging to the classics of the 19th and 20th centuries. In the novels of Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Turgenev and other literary figures there are many researches and correct conclusions on the topic of what the concept of “inner beauty” includes and how to achieve this quality.

Foreign writers also left a great legacy, which is used by people around the world not only to while away a day or evening unsuitable for a walk, but also to cultivate spirituality. The stories of Hemingway, Vonnegut and Bradberry are in a different manner, but also lead to correct conclusions regarding the inner beauty of people. This way of developing positive qualities not only improves one's performance, but also improves literacy and fills gaps left during school years.

While engaged in mental development, eliminate from your life television programs and press publications that clog your mind and set the wrong guidelines. You won’t be able to do without TV and newspapers, but be careful and meticulous about the content. “Chewing gum for the brain” does not contribute to the emergence of any positive mental qualities.

Remember that by developing internal positive qualities and their external manifestation, you become an example for those around you who are looking for answers to the same questions that you asked.

Often a person who is not naturally endowed with a pleasant appearance attracts people to himself and is the life of the party. A woman who loses outwardly to her friends literally becomes an object of worship. What's the matter? Most likely, this person is endowed with that quality called inner beauty.

What qualities fall under the designation “inner beauty of a person”

Most often, this definition includes character, the presence of special charm, upbringing, and habits. Inner beauty, special harmony, which becomes a factor that significantly influences the people around you.

It is known that it is appearance that determines the first impression of a person. A careless appearance and dirty clothes provoke disgust and reproach, but a person dressed to the nines and carefully taking care of his appearance can become a close friend in a short time.

However, as you get to know each other, flaws often begin to appear in a well-groomed man or woman, which force you to take a fresh look at your yesterday’s friend. It is impossible to completely compensate for the lack of kindness, poverty of mind, and reluctance to develop only with external virtues.

A gray, unprepossessing mouse, capable of showing such qualities as mercy and tolerance, denying arrogance and envy, evokes much more respect than an aristocratic-looking lady, deprived of tact and emphasizing her impeccable superiority.

Is it possible to combine such concepts as external and internal beauty? Psychologists assure that you can achieve harmony if you put significant effort into it.

How to get rid of the problem of inner beauty

A person with a beautiful appearance, endowed with inner beauty and a rich spiritual world, is probably an ideal state, which is almost impossible for a mere mortal to achieve.

However, there are ways to get closer to the ideal:

While developing your inner world, you should not forget about your appearance. As A. Chekhov once said, everything should be beautiful in a person. You should not create a deceptive impression of yourself as an ordinary and somewhat sloppy person, and then overcome this opinion with actions. It is much easier to maintain harmony in everything.

In fact, achieving inner beauty is quite difficult. You can adjust your manners, achieve a pleasant sounding voice and expressiveness of gestures. You can easily carry on a conversation on secular and scientific topics.

However, while remaining cold and overly reasonable, a person will not experience happiness.

Inner beauty is largely a gift, a talent that, alas, is not given to many.

We hear very often about human beauty. Some people believe that it is only external, but many know that it can also be expressed in the inner world of a person. What is “beauty” really? Is it possible to give it any definition? Not everyone can answer what true beauty is. Many schoolchildren write essays on this topic, the adult generation talks about it, poets write poems about it, and artists convey it in their paintings. Therefore, it is worth finding out what beauty is.

What is beauty

We all see how beautiful nature is. The fiery sunset, which gives way to a gloomy sky, makes everyone who looks at the phenomenon admire it. The sun that knocks on the window in the morning will not leave any connoisseur of true beauty indifferent. But can we say that it can be seen not only in nature, but also in man? Many will answer that it is possible, and this answer will be correct.

Essay on the topic “Human Beauty.” What is it?

You can often hear: “How beautiful she is!” When a person says this phrase, first of all, he thinks about external beauty. It can be expressed as correct and beautiful in beautiful clothes, etc. In this case, we mean the outer shell of a person. But what is the true beauty of a person? First of all, it is peace and appearance. If a person is beautiful and well-groomed, but poorly educated and tactless, he can hardly be called beautiful. Appearance is just a shell under which a person with an “ugly soul” can hide.

Inner beauty of a person

What is inner beauty? Any person who knows that it lies not only in appearance can write an essay on this topic. Inner beauty lies in the comprehensive development of a person, in his sincerity, sensitivity and kindness. If he worries when he sees homeless animals, children who grew up without parents, sympathizes with people with disabilities, can sincerely be happy for someone, make friends and love, we can safely say that this person has inner beauty.

It’s nice to communicate with a person who is well-mannered, knows how to respect other people, knows how to behave, and knows how to support any conversation. This is inner beauty. This concept includes spiritual content, harmony with the outside world, as well as with oneself.

A person who is angry with everyone around him, cruel, greedy and hypocritical cannot be called beautiful. Even if he is very beautiful on the outside, he is not so on the inside. You should never judge a person by his outer shell, which is very often deceptive, since even an ugly person can have a rich inner world, a sensitive soul and a kind heart.

What is beauty? An essay on this topic can help many people realize a truth that is closed and unknown to many. Beauty is something that implies harmony between the external and internal worlds.

What is the beauty of people?

What is the beauty of a person? Anyone can write an essay on this topic, but everyone puts their own meaning into this concept. Some people believe that beauty is expressed only in appearance, others suggest that the ability to think and speak correctly is the most beautiful thing in a person. Not a single concept can be called wrong. Beauty can be different for each person. However, the truth lies in harmony with yourself.

Essay-reasoning “What is beauty?” Harmony of external and internal beauty

Everyone will answer the question of what beauty is in their own way. An essay on this topic can begin with the author’s words that this concept is individual. The main thing is that beauty is admired. It attracts to itself, carries energy within itself, beckons like a magnet. It can be external and internal, but the true beauty of a person lies in the harmony of these two components.

A handsome man is neatly dressed and has a clear mind. He has self-confidence and dignity. A handsome person smiles sincerely and never acts a hypocrite. He is in harmony with his inner world and external beauty.

Essay-argument “What is beauty?” can help a person understand how a beautiful person should look and think. We should not forget that he must be smart. If a person is smart, then he can be beautiful both inside and outside.

A person's culture also expresses his beauty. It can be expressed in the manner of conversation, in behavior, etc. If a person is unkemptly dressed, behaves incorrectly and expresses himself obscenely, this indicates that he is not in harmony with himself and the world around him, which does not make him beautiful.

Undoubtedly, a person becomes beautiful throughout his life. He learns something new, learns to control his emotions, behave in society, speak, think and simply live. If a person has a desire to learn something new and positive, he will definitely become better both outside and inside.

Essay-argument “What is beauty?” can serve as a start for a person for a new life in which he can achieve harmony with himself.

Oddly enough, beauty in yourself needs to be developed and nurtured. A person must understand himself and the world around him in order to make himself and others better. If he is spiritually beautiful, he will definitely be able to bring beauty into his home and society.

Beauty will save the world

Beauty can be different, everyone sees it differently. Someone can see it even in the starry sky, while other people do not pay attention to it, because they see it every day and do not find beauty in it. An argumentative essay “What is beauty?” written by different people will contain different points. But this concept itself remains unchanged. Beauty is something beautiful that carries a range of emotions and positive energy. She makes people admire and strive for her.

And this, Harmony with the inner and surrounding world is beautiful! Therefore, every person should strive to be beautiful both externally and internally.