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Letter l tasks for children. Summary of a lesson on teaching literacy in the senior group


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  • Introduce children to the consonant sound [l] and the letter L, continue to teach children to determine by ear the place of sounds [l] in three positions in words: lamp, boat, hammer, table, chair, etc., continue to teach children how to compose words from letters and syllables.
  • Teach children to analyze the simplest diagrams (figures of men in different poses).
  • Continue to teach children to help those in trouble.

Developmental environment: split alphabet, syllabic table, large format letters; a set of cards with schematic images of a person in different poses.

Progress of the lesson

Organizing time

Educator: Today, near the kindergarten, I met the sun (slide 3), who came to visit us. But the sun is not simple, but magical. Whoever takes it in his hands will become the most affectionate and kind child in the world. Let's check! (We pass the balloon - the sun, saying a kind word to each other). It's true, we have become the kindest and most affectionate. Guys, look, the sun brought us a gift - the letter L. (The letter L is written on the balloon).

Educator: What letter do you think we will learn about today?

Children: With the letter L.

Educator: Well done, that’s right, today we will get to know the letter L. (the teacher shows the letter on the screen - slide 4).

Guys, the letter L can be made from counting sticks (everyone has counting sticks on the table). Let's try to make the letter L from them (children make a letter from counting sticks).

This letter can also be depicted by separating the middle and index fingers of the hand (children show the letter L on their fingers, at this moment they knock on the door).

Educator: Guys, look: someone is knocking on the door.

(the group includes the Lusha doll - slide 5)

Lusha: Hello guys. My name is Lusha.

Children: Hello.

Lusha: I was walking on the street and accidentally came to visit you.

Educator: Why are you so sad?

Lusha: Today my mother taught me how to form my name out of a split alphabet, but here’s the problem: while I was walking, I lost the first letter of my name. (shows the split alphabet “...USHA” - slide 6).

Educator: Guys, can we help the doll?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Guys, let's show our cut alphabet to Lusha the doll. (show the split alphabet).

Lusha looks and cries

Educator: Lusha, why are you crying?

Lusha sobbing: I forgot what letter should be at the beginning of my name.

Educator: Guys, can we help Lusha?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Who remembers the name of the doll?

1 child: Lusha.

Educator: Well done, right. Let's hear the doll's name again: “Lusha.” (the teacher says the name Lusha). What sound do you hear at the beginning of her name?

Children: sound[l].

Educator: Then what letter did Lusha lose?

Children: letter L.

The teacher addresses the child: Please find the letter L on the carpet, and we will give it to the doll Lusha.

(The child finds the letter L and gives it to the doll - slide 7)

Lusha: Thank you. I remembered which letter I lost, it’s the letter L.

Oh, it seems my mother is calling me, it’s time for me to go home for dinner. Goodbye guys (the Lusha doll leaves).

Educator: Guys, let's remember what our girl's name was?

Children: Lusha.

Educator: What is the first sound in the word "Lusha"?

Children: This is the sound [l].

Educator: What helps us pronounce it?

Children: tongue

Educator: So what sound is this?

Children: This is a consonant sound.

Educator: It cannot be shouted or pronounced loudly.

What is the second sound in the word “Lusha”?

Children: This is the sound [u].

Educator: Is the sound [u] vowel or consonant?

Children: This is a vowel sound.

Educator: What is the third sound in the word “Lusha”? Vowel or consonant?

Children: This is the sound [sh], it is a consonant.

Educator: What is the fourth sound in the word “Lusha”? Vowel or consonant?

Children: This is the sound [a], it is a vowel.

Educator: By clapping we will show the number of syllables in the word “Lusha”.

(children clap their hands twice)

Educator: What is the first syllable in the name Lusha?

Children:"Lou" (Slide 8).

Educator: What is the second syllable?


Educator: Make a sentence with this name.

Children:“Lusha went for a walk. Lusha woke up and went to wash herself.”

Game exercise “Determine the place of sound in a word”

Educator: Determine by ear the places of the sounds [l] and [l"] in three positions:

  • At the beginning of the word: LAMP, BOAT, BOW, FOX, MOON, SHOVEL.
  • In the middle of the word: HAMMER, SQUIRREL, PEACOCK, ORANGE, LIGHTNING, COAT.
  • At the end of the word: TABLE, CHAIR, FLOOR, PENALTY CASE, WOODPECKER, FOOTBALL, DUMP TRUCK, BINOCULS. (slide 9, 10, 11)

(children pronounce what is shown on the screen together with the teacher and determine which sounds in this word [l] or [l "], where it is at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the words)

Speaking tongue twisters

Educator: Guys, let’s say the tongue twister together expressively and clearly:

Ignat went
Buy shovels.
Bought by Ignat
Heel Shovels (slide 12)

Educator: Look what items have arrived to us.

Children: Airplanes (slide 13)

Physical education minute

The planes hummed, (Rotation in front of the chest with arms bent at the elbows)
The planes flew, (Arms to the sides, alternately tilting to the sides)
They sat quietly in the clearing, (Hands to knees)
And they flew again. (Arms to the sides, bends to the side)
La-la-la, (3 claps)
Mila was floating in a boat. (Lean forward, swing your arms to the sides)
Lu-lu-lu (3 claps)
Slava took the saw. (Movement as when sawing wood)
Ul-ul-ul (3 claps)
Mikhail fell asleep. (Sit down, hands under cheeks)

Game exercise “Make a word”

Educator: Well done guys, you played so well. Look what's on the screen? (the teacher points to the screen - slide 14).

Children: Letters, syllables.

Educator: Let's try to read what is written here. (children read syllables)

Children: MA, USH, LU, SHA, SHU, LA.

Educator: Now let's try to make words from syllables.


Educator: What good words you made up. Now try to make simple sentences with these words.

Children: Masha went to kindergarten. Lusha drinks tea. Mom left for work. Dad loves Masha.

Educator: How good are you at making sentences?

(Individual work is carried out with small-format cut alphabets.)

Educator: Make up the word “mother” from letters, and make up the words “Lusha”, “Masha”, “Sama” from syllables. (Children make up words)

Educator: Listen to the riddle - (children use the letters to make up the answer to the riddle)

He lives in the very pool,
Master of the depths.
He has a huge mouth
And the eyes are barely visible. (slide 15)

Children: Som.

Educator: Well done. What do you know about catfish?

Children: This is a fish, it lives in the river.

Educator:(hands out cards) You must repeat the movement or take the same pose as the person depicted on the card.

(Children perform the exercise and then exchange cards several times. Thus, each child repeats 3-5 different poses. During the game, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the position of the arms and legs of the little men, asks them to describe the pose in words in order to clarify observations and direct attention to most important).

Educator: Guys like you did a good job. Look, our sun is asking to go outside. Just before we let the sun out into the street, let’s share what we learned about his letter L. Guys, is the letter L a vowel or a consonant?

Children: Consonant letter.

Educator: How many sticks can we use to form the letter L?

Children: Of the two.

Educator: How can you show the letter L?

Children: The middle and index fingers of the hand. Learned how to form words starting with the letter L.

Educator: We also helped the doll Lusha, who was in trouble.

Children: We helped her find her letter L.

Educator: Now guys, let's go outside and let the sun go for a walk.

Sounds L, L" . Letter L.

Goal: - development of general speech skills

Formation of human ecological culture


Foster love and respect for flowers and nature.

Cultivate interest in classes.

Foster a culture of behavior in the classroom.


Develop visual perception, phonemic hearing, logical thinking.

Develop attention and the ability to answer questions clearly and competently.

Develop fine motor skills of the hands.


Expand children's understanding of flowers (their appearance, where they grow), and endangered species.

Enrich your vocabulary with new nouns and adjectives.

Clarify the phonemic concept of a new sound.

Learn to characterize sounds (consonant, hard, soft, sonorous).

Introduce the image of printed and lowercase letters, etc.

Improve the skill of sound-syllable analysis of words.

Formation of UUD:

Regulatory: teach to accept and maintain learning activities.

Cognitive: develop the ability to find and present information.

Communication: develop the ability to listen and understand each other, be able to express your thoughts in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication.

Personal: develop the ability for self-esteem based on the criterion of successful performance.

Equipment: mirrors, pens, pencils, sets of blue-green-red chips, colored magnets, images of flowers (violet, bell, lotus, tulip), cut-out picture of flowers in a meadow, cards with overlaid images of flowers (violet, tulip) by number children, an image of the printed letter L, an image of a capital L, the syllables LO TOS (according to the number of children), cards “Find the letter L” according to the number of children, pictures - a girl, a watering can, a flower, a meadow, a man runs, a boy and a girl (for working on proposal), envelopes with parts of a flower - root, stem, leaves, petals, bud, outlines of flowers (3 per student) for reflection.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

Everyone, good afternoon everyone!
Get our laziness out of the way!
Don't bother me working
Don't interfere with your studies!

2. Updating knowledge. Creating a learning-problem situation.

The guys are given parts of the picture (or are already lying on the tables) - everyone needs to put the picture together. The picture shows flowers.

The speech therapist reads a poem:

On meadow, there are countless flowers!
There are cornflowers, daisies,
The colors of the dawn are scarlet,
There is a blanket in the poppies.
blue bell,
Everyone shakes their head,
Dear little bug,
Sat on a chamomile.
Butterflies and bumblebees are happy,
That the flowers have bloomed!

(L. Aleynikova)

If I pick a flower,
If you pick a flower.
If everything: both I and YOU -
If WE pick flowers,
They will be empty
And trees and bushes...
And there will be no beauty.

Guys, who guessed what our topic is today? (Flowers). We will talk about flowers, but not about all of them, but only about those that have become very scarce and are listed in the Red Book.

Listen carefully, what sound can be heard in each name of the flower - lotus, lily of the valley, violet, bell, lily, lotus? In the words “lotus”, “lily of the valley” is it at the beginning, in the word “violet” in the middle, in the word “lily” at the beginning, in the middle, is the sound soft?

3. Discovery of new knowledge

Guys, let's take mirrors and pronounce the sounds L, L to understand how they are similar and how they are different:

Say the first sound in the word “lily of the valley.” What did you notice?

There is a barrier to air in the mouth, which means the sound [l] is a consonant

Covered your ears. What do you hear: more noise or voices?

What else can you say?

The sound [l] in the word “lily of the valley” is hard

showing by hand - the middle part of the back of the tongue is lowered. And now

pronounce the first sound in the words “lily”. What changed?

The sound [l,] in the word “lily” is soft. (showing with hand - the middle part of the back of the tongue is raised)

Describe the sounds [l], [l,]

The sound [l] is a consonant, voiced, hard, the sound [l,] is a consonant, voiced, soft.

What is the difference when pronouncing sounds? - When we make a sound LH, the tongue is pressed more against the tubercles.

To speak clearly and understandably, let's do exercises for the tongue.


Smile, exposing your upper and lower teeth, which stand on top of each other like a fence. Say “I” to yourself. Keep counting from 1 to 10.

“Let’s punish the naughty tongue”

Open your mouth a little, calmly put your tongue on your lower lip and, smacking it with your lips, pronounce the sounds: “five-five-five,” and then bite with your teeth: “cha-ta-cha.”


The wide tongue lies motionless, does not tremble on the lower lip, touching the corners of the mouth, the upper teeth are visible. Keep counting from 1 to 10.


Open your mouth, stick your tongue far forward, tense and make it narrow. Hold in this position for 15 seconds, then remove it by the lower teeth, do not close your mouth, repeat 5 - 10 times.

Alternate “Pancake - Needle”

"Delicious jam"

Place your wide tongue on your lower lip, and then lick your upper lip from top to bottom, moving your tongue behind your upper teeth. Don't move your jaw.


The tip of the tongue rests alternately on the upper and lower teeth. Don't move your jaw.

"The steamer is humming"

Smile, bite the tip of your tongue and pronounce the sound “Y” for a long time. At the same time, a hard “L” sound is heard.

4. Application of new knowledge

Guys, look at this


Height 30-110 cm. Species declining in numbers. Listed in the Red Book of Smolensk. The number is decreasing due to the mass collection of flowering plants by the population . Bluebells are one of the most beloved plants among people. This can be seen at least by the affectionate local names: zvontsy, zvonochki.

When the red strawberries ripen, the true beauty of our forests, the peach-leaved bellflower, blooms in the light forests and clearings. Its pale blue, large, classically shaped flower seems to be cast from ringing metal. Of all the types of bells, it is one of the largest. Blue or lilac-blue (rarely white) corollas dissected into 5 lobes with short teeth hang on stalks from the tops of a slender tall stem, attracting bees. The bells are closed at night and in the rain. There are fewer and fewer of these bells left in our forests - they suffer because of their attractiveness and insecurity.

Working at the syllable level

And now we will play game "Guess which bell is ringing?"

The big bell rings like this: “la-la-la,” and the small one rings “la-la-la.” Guess which bell rings (big or small) when you hear: lu-lu-lu?
Also play with other pairs of onomatopoeia: lo-lo-lo and le-le-le; lu-lu-lu and lu-lu-lu; ly-ly-ly and li-li-li; le-le-le and le-le-le.

Guys, does the word bell contain the sounds “L”, “L”?

Let's now draw with our fingers the bells that close at night and in the rain, and then open.

“Delicate flowers” ​​(finger gymnastics)

Our blue flowers (Palms are joined in the shape of a tulip.)

The petals are blooming. (Fingers slowly open.)

The breeze breathes slightly, the petals sway. (They sway smoothly.)

Our delicate flowers cover their petals. (Close slowly.)

They quietly fall asleep, shaking their heads. (The hands sway.)

Working at the word level

Very cute flowers - bluish-purple petals!

They grow in meadows and bloom beautifully there.
Be a little smart, those flowers call...

(Answer: violets)

VIOLET is one of the most delicate and beautiful flowers. Belonging to the violet family, it prefers to grow on river banks, the edges of coniferous forests, rocky slopes, and meadows. Violet reproduces by cutting seeds, which are not produced every year. Therefore, it is not surprising that this delicate plant is listed in the Red Book. Grows in the Irkutsk region, Krasnoyarsk region.

Let's use chips to lay out the sound scheme of the word

- Next riddle

Plant height 15-40cm. Blooms in May. It grows in the steppe, in Crimea. A wonderful steppe beauty. Listed in the Red Book. Coloration ranges from pure white, yellow to reddish-burgundy, lilac and almost purple, with or without a yellow or black spot in the center. The ancestor of cultivated varieties.

Let’s put the word “tulip” with chips (Where is the sound L? - in the middle of the word)

Circle and sketch, shade, the flower whose name contains soft, which we are getting acquainted with today. (tulip)

Fizminutka (Development of general motor skills.)

A) - And now I suggest you rest a little. Repeat after me.

Once, twice, three times the flowers grew

They reached high towards the sun:

They felt nice and warm!

The breeze flew by, the stems shook

They swung to the left and bent low.

They swung to the right - they bent low.

Wind run away! Don't break the flowers!

Let them grow, grow, bring joy to the children!

(Movements - squatting, standing up, stretching on tiptoes, looking up, swinging arms left - right, above head, leaning left, leaning right, shaking a finger, squatting, slowly raising hands up, opening fingers)

B) Ball game

If flowers grow in the forest, what are they? (Forest)

If flowers grow in a meadow, what are they? (Meadow)

If flowers grow in a field, what are they? (Field)

If flowers grow in the garden, what are they? (Garden)

If flowers grow in a room, what are they? (Room)

Differentiation l, l in words:

And now I will name other plants that we may encounter in the forest, and with the help of a green and blue circle you will determine what sound they have - soft or hard. We will lay out a long train on the desk

Words: lotus, violet, lily, lily of the valley, linden, cornflower, tulip, spruce, fir tree

Game “Collect parts of a flower” On the children’s table there are envelopes containing parts of a flower (root, stem, leaves, petals, bud)

What is the most important part of the flower? (Root). - What comes after the root? (Stem) - Does the flower have?... (Leaves.) - Next after the leaves? (Bud) - What is a bud? (Unopened flower) - And they remained?... (Petals)

It is also necessary to say whether the word contains the sounds L, L.

Introducing the letter

Well done. Guys, you know how to distinguish the sounds L and L well. Now let's get acquainted with the letter L. The letter L is a house for the sounds L and L

What does the letter L look like?

Draw the letter L using your fingers.

Stand up and form the letter L in pairs.

Find the letter L

Game "Collect the word"

Each child has the syllables LO TOS on the table, they need to collect the word

Nut LOTUS is a perennial aquatic plant. The leaves of the lotus are floating, on long spiky stalks, and have the shape of a shield. The flowers change color from bright pink at the beginning of flowering to almost white before the petals fall. Fruit-box. The seeds are hard and large, the size of a hazelnut. Lotus flowers are large, 25-30 cm and rise high above the water on a straight peduncle. They have a weak but very pleasant aroma. The lotus is widespread on the coasts of the Azov and Caspian seas, and in Asia. The lotus is disappearing because water bodies are polluted and dried up, and the rhizomes are caught from the bottom for decorative and food purposes. Along the banks of the lotus, wild boars and livestock readily eat it.

Write down the resulting word

Working at the proposal level

A) Game “Say the Word” - say the action in reverse

In the spring the flower bloomed, and in the fall...

The lotus has large petals, and the violet has...

There is a violet - an indoor flower, and there is...

The girl planted a flower, and the boy planted it...

B) Make sentences based on the pictures. What words have the sounds L, L?

Pictures: - girl, watering can, flower (Katya waters the bell)

Meadow, a man runs, a boy and a girl (Children are running (playing) in the meadow (in the flower meadow))

5. Summary of the lesson. Reflection

What sounds did we get acquainted with in the lesson?

Guys, do you think a plucked flower is good or bad? (Both good and bad)

What do you see as good? (Decorates the house. Creates joy) - What is the bad thing? (Plucked flowers quickly die. If everyone starts picking flowers, there will be no beautiful nature around us.)

If I pick a flower,

If you pick a flower,

If everything: both me and you,

If we pick flowers,

They will be empty

And trees and bushes.

And there will be no beauty

And there will be no kindness

If it's just me and you

If we pick flowers.

(T. Sobakin)

What do you think are the best flowers to admire? Those that grow live in a meadow, in a forest, in a city flowerbed, or standing in a vase at home?


There are flowers on your tables.

Color the flower red if you remember everything in the lesson and can tell others. Color the flower yellow if everything was clear to you.

Color the flower blue if the lesson seemed difficult to you and you didn’t understand a lot

In conclusion I would like to say:

Don't pick flowers, don't pick them,

Let the Earth be more elegant,

Instead of bouquets, give



And chamomile fields! (Yu. Antonov)

Competent, clear, clean and rhythmic speech of a child is not a gift; it is acquired through the joint efforts of parents, teachers and many other people around whom the child grows and develops.First of all, such speech is characterized by the correct pronunciation of sounds, which, in turn, is ensured by good mobility and differentiated functioning of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. Articulatory gymnastics helps to develop clear and coordinated movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. Parents are offered a set of exercises that can help their child pronounce the sound [l] correctly.

k[L]assnaya con[L]asnaya

At an early age, a child’s imitative abilities are extremely great; he easily and naturally learns a huge number of new words, enjoys learning to pronounce the words he likes, and strives to use them more often in speech. However, his articulatory capabilities are not yet perfect; phonemic hearing develops gradually, so the correct pronunciation of complex sounds will remain inaccessible to the child for a long time.

A child can master some exercises in one or two lessons, while others are not given to him right away. Perhaps developing a certain articulation pattern will require many repetitions. Sometimes failure causes a child to refuse further work. In this case, do not fix your attention on what is not working. Encourage him, return to simpler, already worked out material, reminding him that once this exercise also did not work out.

Rules and nuances

To make it more interesting for the child, invite him to become a teacher, educator: take the child’s favorite toy (doll, teddy bear) and let them do articulation exercises, pronounce sounds and syllables, repeat words and phrases.

Articulation gymnastics must be carried out daily so that the motor skills developed in children are consolidated and become stronger.

Direct work on the development of articulatory motor skills should take at least 5 minutes, and the entire lesson should take 10-12 minutes. Perform the gymnastics itself in front of a mirror.

Performing articulation exercises is difficult work for a child. Praise and encouragement will give the child confidence in his abilities and will help him quickly master this or that movement, and therefore quickly master the correct pronunciation of speech sounds.

Sound [l]

To correctly pronounce a sound, you need to develop: lifting the tip of the tongue up, lifting the back of the back of the tongue up.

We call the sound. Bare your teeth in a “smile” and bite your tongue wide, without sticking it out too much or straining. Do not make your tongue narrow, otherwise the sound will soften. While biting the tongue, we simultaneously pronounce the sound [a], getting - la-la-la, then we slow it down and just start humming: “l-l-l” (without the vowel “a”). Make sure that the corners of your mouth are stretched in a “smile”: warm air comes out through them.

Sometimes, experiencing tension, a child cannot engage the vocal folds when pronouncing the open syllable “la-la-la.” In this case, you can start with the vowel “A” - “a-la-la”, “a-la-la”. The wide tongue rests constantly on the lower teeth without tension. If a child can hold out the sound [l] for a long time, then it means he has mastered it and can reinforce it.

We fix the sound. To reinforce the sound [l], [l "] in speech, you can use the game “Wonderful Bag” or a version of the game “What is hiding under the tablecloth?”. The child must determine by touch what object is in the bag or under the tablecloth. Objects to feel are selected such that the desired sound in the name words is in different positions: at the beginning of the word, in the middle, at the end.

To reinforce sounds, use the ability of four-year-old children to easily memorize poetry. Read poems by Marshak, Barto, Zakhoder and other children's authors to children, ask the child to complete the last word in a line, the last line in a poem, then a quatrain, then the entire poem.


Find pictures in the names of which the sound [l] is at the beginning of the word: paw, lamp, shovel, lotto, bow, moon; in the middle: saw, blanket, doll, clown; and at the end: table, floor, woodpecker. Then come up with sentences with these words, for example: Mila put the lamp on the table.

Sound [l"]

After automating the [l] hard sound, the soft sound is easy to imitate. In front of the mirror, pronounce the syllables: “li-li-li”, while your lips are in a smile, the upper and lower teeth are visible, and the tip of the tongue knocks on the tubercles behind the upper teeth.

Disadvantages in the pronunciation of the sounds [l], [l "] are called lambdacisms. Lambdacisms include the absence of the sound [l] and its distortion (interdental, nasal or bilabial sound, etc.).

Since the articulation of the hard sound [l] is more difficult than the articulation of the soft sound, it is most often violated.

Replacing the sounds [l], [l"] with other sounds is called paralambdacism.

Reasons leading to incorrect pronunciation of the sound [l]: shortened hyoid ligament, limiting upward movements of the tip of the tongue; weakness of the tongue muscles; phonemic hearing disorders.

Distortion of sounds [l], [l"]

The sound is pronounced interdentally. The tip of the tongue, instead of rising behind the upper incisors, extends out between the teeth.

Nasal pronunciation of sound. The tongue touches the back of the tongue to the soft palate, and not the tip to the upper incisors, as happens with the correct pronunciation of the sound [l]. In this case, the air stream partially or completely passes through the nose. The child’s speech will sound like this: “Mouse vesengo zhinga, on the fluff in unggu spanga.”

Replacement with sound [th]. In this disorder, the tip of the tongue remains down instead of rising behind the upper incisors, and the middle part of the back arches upward instead of down. The child says this: “The mouse is more cheerful than alive, sleeping on the fluff.”

Replacement with sound [y]. With this disorder, the lips, rather than the tongue, take an active part in the formation of sound. With this replacement, the child’s speech sounds like this: “Mouse veseuo jiua, on the fluff in uguu spaua.”

Replacement with sound [s]. With this disorder, the back of the back of the tongue is raised and the tip is lowered. Children do not notice that they are replacing the sound, and adults often believe that the sound [l] is skipped. The child says: “The mouse is happy and alive, on the fluff of the bed.”

Replacement with sound [e]. With such a replacement, the tongue does not take part; the lower lip moves towards the upper incisors. Children and adults often believe that this is not a speech impediment, but only a lack of clarity in pronunciation. With this replacement we hear: “The mouse is cheerfully alive, in peace in ugvu spava.”

Replacement with sound [g]. In this case, the tip of the tongue does not rise to the upper incisors, but falls and is pulled away from the lower incisors, the back of the back of the tongue rises and rests against the soft palate, instead of just rising. The child’s speech sounds like this: “The mouse has a lot of fun, the fluff in the ugg is spaga.”

Games to prepare for the pronunciation of the sound [l]


Goal: to develop the ability to hold the tongue in a calm, relaxed position.

Smile, open your mouth slightly and place your wide tongue on your lower lip (do not pull your lip over your lower teeth). Hold in this position for a count from 1 to 5-10.

Delicious jam

Goal: to develop an upward movement of the wide front part of the tongue.

Using the wide tip of the tongue, lick the upper lip, moving the tongue from top to bottom, but not from side to side. Don't help with your lower lip.

The steamboat is humming

Goal: to develop lifting of the back and root of the tongue, to strengthen the muscles of the tongue.

With your mouth open, pronounce the sound [s] for a long time. Make sure that the tip of your tongue is at the bottom, in the back of your mouth.


Goal: to develop the elevation of the tongue, to develop flexibility and mobility of its front part.

With your mouth open, move the wide tip of your tongue back and forth across your upper lip, try not to lift your tongue from your lip, as if stroking it, gradually speed up your movements until you get the sound [blbl] (like a turkey babbling).


Goal: to develop the ability to quickly change the position of the tongue, develop flexibility and accuracy of movements of the tip of the tongue.

With your mouth open (lips in a smile), place the tip of your tongue behind your lower teeth and hold in this position for a count of 1 to 5, then lift the wide tip of your tongue behind your upper teeth and hold in this position for a count of 1 to 5. So change the position one by one tongue 6 times. Make sure your mouth remains open.

Let's click!

Goal: strengthen the tip of the tongue, develop tongue elevation.

With your mouth open, click the tip of your tongue, first slowly, then faster. Make sure that the lower jaw does not move, only the tongue works. Click the tip of your tongue silently. Make sure that the tip of your tongue rests against the roof of your mouth, behind your upper teeth, and does not stick out of your mouth.

Pronouncing syllables with movements

Words in motion


Lam - Rotational movement of the hands (“flashlight”).

pa - Press your fists to your chest.


The light bulb has burned out. - We make “flashlights”.

She probably got sick. - We tilt our head to the shoulder and bring our folded palms to our cheeks.

Pure speech

La-la-la, la-la-la!

The swallow made a nest.

Lo-lo-lo, lo-lo-lo!

The swallow is warm in the nest.


The husky and lapdog barked loudly.

The Oriole sang for a long time over the Volga.

Silly baby

Silly baby

I sucked on an ice cube

I didn't want to listen to my mother

That's why I got sick.

Svetlana Ulyanovich-Volkova, Svetlana Murdza, speech therapists.

Summary of direct educational activities for teaching literacy in a preparatory school group on the topic: Sounds [L], [L"]. The letter “L” “Our guest Luntik”


Correctional and educational:

  1. Introduce consonant sounds [L], [L"].
  2. Strengthen the ability to give articulatory and acoustic characteristics of sound.
  3. Continue learning to determine the position of sounds in words.
  4. Introduce the letter "L" .

Correctional and developmental:

  1. Development of phonemic hearing, attention, memory;
  2. Development of general motor skills and fine differentiated movements of the fingers.
  3. Improving the grammatical structure of speech;
  4. Reinforce the concept "sound" , "letter" , "vowel, consonant" , "soft - hard" .
  5. Developing self-control skills for correct sound pronunciation in independent speech.
  6. Continue learning to form sentences with the given word.

Educational: fostering goodwill, responsiveness, cooperation skills, independence, activity and initiative.

Equipment: Laptop, TV, slide presentation, diagrams for making sentences, subject pictures, cards for sound analysis of words "MOON" , a game "Whose? Whose?"

I. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist: Guys, today an unusual guest came to our lesson. And who will we find out if we solve the riddle?

I was born on the moon
Ended up on Earth
Made a lot of friends here
So that my life is more fun.

There is a cartoon about me
And my name is...

You all know the story about Luntik. Luntik fell to the ground, and on earth he made many friends. All of Luntik's friends go to the forest kindergarten, where they learn a lot of new and interesting things.

Luntik also wants to learn a lot, so he came to us.

II. Main part.

1. Report the topic of the lesson.

Guys, tell me what is the first sound in the word "Luntik" ? (Sound [L])

When pronouncing a sound [L]- lips in a smile; the teeth are close together; the tip of the tongue is raised behind the upper teeth; the air stream encounters an obstacle.


2. Sound characteristic: sound [L] consonant (the tongue creates a barrier to the air), hard, sonorous, indicated by a blue chip.

Sound [L] has a little brother sound [L"].

What can we say about sound [L"]?

Sound [L"] consonant, soft, voiced - denoted by a green chip.

4. Fixing sounds in isolated form.

A large plane flies and hums: [lllllll: ] (Children make a sound [l] loud).

A small plane flies and buzzes: [llllllll: ] (Children make a sound [l"] quiet.)

5. Game: "Traffic light"

I will pronounce words, and when you hear the word with sound [L], raise the blue traffic light, and if you hear a sound [L"], raise the green traffic light.

Weasel, spoon, saw, lion, house, cat, table, tower, shelf, forest, window, Lisa...

6. Game: "Say a word"

sound [L]: hundred..., stu..., osyo..., dyate..., uko...,
syllable LA: floor...; ig...; kuk...; Yu…; pi..., ska..., ma...;
syllable LY: hundred..., dyat...; ska..., pi..., school..., spa...
7. Game "Make a Word"

Guys, I will throw sounds at you, and you must make a word out of them and return it to me:


8. Determining the position of a sound in a word:

Guys, you have pictures on the tables, you must determine the location of the sounds [L] - [L"], in words (beginning, middle or end of a word).

If your word has a sound [L], chip, what color will you take?

And if the sound [L"]?

Subject pictures: alarm clock, wolf, fox, elk, deer, TV, raspberry, elephant, woodpecker.

9. Game "One - two - five" (With a ball)

Guys, name wild animals whose names contain sounds [L] - [L"]. (Fox, wolf, squirrel, elephant, lion, deer, elk, etc.).

One fox - two foxes - five foxes;

Wolf, squirrel, elephant, lion, deer, elk.

10. Physical education minute "On the Path"

They walked and walked along the path
We found a lot of stones
They came and collected
And then we went further

(Children perform movements with words)

11. Game “Whose face? Whose tail?

The speech therapist shows the children a picture of a tail or muzzle and asks them to name: “Whose face? Whose tail?

Fox - fox tail - fox face;

Wolf, deer, squirrel.

12. Game "Encrypted Word"

Guys, guess what word "encrypted" it is necessary to connect the first sounds of the names of the objects that are shown on the slide.

Swallow, snail, scissors, aquarium. MOON

13. Sound analysis of the word MOON

Say the word MOON so that you hear the first sound, name it.

What is the second sound in the word MOON?

What can you say about this sound?

Why is it a vowel?

What is the third sound in the word MOON?

What can you say about this sound?

What is the last sound in the word MOON?

How many sounds are in the word MOON?

How many syllables are in the word MOON?

Why? (children's answers)

And we know how many vowel sounds there are as many syllables in a word.

What is the first syllable? Second?

How many sounds are in the first syllable? In the second?

14. Compose sentences with the word MOON.

Come up with a sentence with the word LUNTIK or MOON.

What does the proposal consist of? (From words).

How do you spell the first word in a sentence? (Capitalized).

What comes at the end of a sentence? (Dot)

Making proposals for children.

Children choose the sentence they like and make a sentence diagram.

15. Introducing the letter "L" .
The alphabet will continue our
Letter L – forest hut
V. Stepanov

16. Build from the poem.

Let's point our palms up,

Let's connect at an angle.

This is a formation

Let's turn it into a letter.

17. What does a letter look like? "L" ?

18. Reading syllables and words.

19. Find words with sound in the story picture [L], [L"].

III. Result:

Well done! Luntik learned a lot from you, you became his friends, but it’s time for him to return home. What sounds did you become familiar with? What can you say about these sounds? Guys, if everything was clear and interesting to you during the lesson, show the green smalik, if you didn’t understand something and it was boring, then show the yellow smalik.


  1. Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V., Frontal speech therapy classes in the preparatory group for children with FFDD, Moscow 1998.
  2. Pozhilenko E.A. The magical world of sounds and words. M., Vlados, 1999
  3. Smirnova L.N., "Speech therapy" (playing with sounds), Moscow, 2006.
  4. Tkachenko T., Development of phonemic perception and sound analysis skills. S.-P., Childhood-Press, 1998.

The next part of our reading simulator. Today it is the letter L. First, as usual, we read the merging syllables. La-la, lo-lyo, lu-lyu, le-le, ly-ly. Then three letter words. Then two-syllable words. And at the end of the sentence. Don't forget to show your child the marks under the words. a fusion syllable is indicated by an arc. And letters that are read separately are marked with a dot.

Li-li-pu-tik, li-li-gnome le-de-nets li-hall li-lo-vy.

The next part of our reading simulator. Today it is the letter L. First, as usual, we read the merging syllables. La-la, lo-lyo, lu-lyu, le-le, ly-ly. Then three letter words. Then two-syllable and polysyllabic words. And at the end of the sentence.

Don't forget to show your child the marks under the words. A merging syllable is indicated by an arc.

And letters that are read separately are marked with a dot.

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