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Creation of the night wolves club. “Night Wolves” – Putin’s tame bikers


On May 31, the Night Wolves motorcycle club turned 22 years old. “Night Wolves” is the first biker club in the USSR and Russia. Founded on May 31, 1989 with the type “MC” - “Moto Club” in Moscow. Since 1992 - member of the international bike movement. The motorcycle club has 55 regional branches not only in the Russian Federation, but also in European countries. The motorcycle club has a strict vertical of power, enshrined in the Charter, and has about 5 thousand members. The Night Wolves motorcycle club is headed by the Union of Friendly Motorcycle Clubs, designed to support the policies of the Night Wolves and develop the interests of the Union. The Night Wolves Motorcycle Club has a sister team, the Russian Knights Aerobatic Fighter Group.

The motorcycle is a Symbol of our Freedom, our Emblem is a Symbol of Memory, Loyalty and Honor - this is what the MC Night Wolves bikers say.

MC Night Wolves is the Motorcycle Club of the Russian Spirit, a motorcycle club of patriots! A motorcycle club capable of uniting Russian and Slavic society through selfless motorcycle brotherhood. We never traded our principles, never abandoned our friends, never exchanged our banners for foreign ones.

For a birthday, they cooked a lamb on a spit.

Bikers from the CIS countries and Europe came to congratulate the Wolves. The Night Wolves wished to preserve their face and their independence, despite the wide open doors to the West.

The Night Wolves built the first in Russia, unlike anything else, Bike Center, which in a short time became known to the entire motorcycle, and not only, world as - “an amazing place which I have never seen before” - that’s what foreigners write about it, at least have visited it once.

Since 1995, the club has had a “Wolf Engineering” division, consisting of amateur mechanics and engaged in the assembly and repair of motorcycles. This division developed and produced the Ural-Wolf motorcycle, as well as custom motorcycles exhibited at thematic exhibitions.

The image of a rebel on a motorcycle and the spirit of selfless brotherhood are at the core of the club’s ideology.

The Night Wolves motorcycle club is multinational; club members belong to more than three religions, but the majority are Orthodox.

The festive event began with a column of Night Wolves and guests running to the Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology.

The leader of the club is Alexander “Surgeon” Zaldostanov. (on right)

Throughout his life, the surgeon bears the status of their ideological leader and president of the club.

The Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology is a private museum of automobile, motorcycle and military equipment, located near the Arkhangelskoye estate in the Krasnogorsk district of the Moscow region.

Tour of the museum.

The museum has a large collection of motorcycles.

After viewing the main exhibits in the museum building, a tank battle was supposed to unfold on the site. A T-34-85 tank appeared on the horizon.

The tank stopped abruptly and the Surgeon appeared from the commander's hatch. He congratulated the bikers on the club’s birthday.

After the congratulations, the action began. Motorcycles with machine gunners from the Second World War rode out onto the site.

The machine gunners repelled the attack of an American Sherman tank with German emblems.

Then they knocked out an armored personnel carrier, accurately throwing a grenade into the back, from which a burning “German” ran out.

A self-propelled gun crushed a “German” motorcycle.

This is the kind man with whom we rode from the bike center to the museum and back. Thanks a lot! It was cool!

After the museum, the bikers returned to their “base”.

The musical program began on the stage.

What does the business empire of patriotic bikers “Night Wolves” consist of?. The well-known, even scandalous, bike club "" is not just one of the oldest motorcycle clubs in the country, founded back in May 1989 as the first official community of bikers in the USSR, but also a quite powerful business structure widely represented in the regions, if talk about the totality of owned business assets. However, this area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity of the Night Wolves remains in the shadow of the resonant public actions that are organized Alexander Surgeon Zaldostanov and his comrades. Looking for an answer to the question, What do motorcycle patriots live on and how do they pay for their hyperactivity?, we studied the commercial specialization of the co-owners of regional Night Wolves clubs across the country and the business interests of the most prominent figures at the head of the organization.

Bikers Photo: Nightwolves.Ru

"Biker Leaders"

There is no noticeable “big business”, but a lot of “wolf” auto repair shops, motorcycle dealerships, as well as trade, intermediary, security and even detective services - and so on throughout the country. “I don’t know how it is for owners of medium-sized businesses in the regions, but the Surgeon and his entourage fly business class, I saw it myself,” political scientist Abbas Gallyamov sarcastically notes. However, in other respects, the “leaders” set an example, if not of pure disinterestedness, then at least of some detachment from commerce. True, not all.

Alexander Zaldostanov himself formally withdrew from the founders of all business structures, except for one: along with a certain Anton Karandeev, he is listed as a co-owner in Bike.V.Center LLC (wholesale trade). His participation in the founding of numerous public organizations is also mentioned (more on this later). But his deputy at the club, Umar Kremlev, according to the SPARK-Interfax database, is the owner of the private security company SB Volk Private Security Company (initially, when registered in 2014, it was called Private Security Company Night Wolves). In 2016, the company entered into a government contract for the provision of security services for 16 million rubles with the State Unitary Enterprise “Moscow Property”. In 2015, the “wolves” received 8 million rubles for protecting the Arkhangelskoye museum-estate and 3 million rubles for protecting the facilities of the State Unitary Enterprise Mosgortransniproekt.

In general, Umar Kremlev owns a number of commercial structures: TD Kholod LLC (wholesale trade in products), Kremlin Gold LLC (jewelry production), Stalingrad LLC (intermediary services), Patriot LLC (activities in the field of sports ) and TSK LLC (services truck transport). Another enterprise associated with club members, Iron Wolf LLC, was engaged in the sale of motorcycles, but has now closed, according to SPARK. Previously, the TATU Center, which belonged to the bikers, also ceased to operate.


In the regions, “Night Wolves” really took off, including in the field of commerce. The Volk-50 private security company, owned by Gennady Nikulov, one of the leaders of the Night Wolves in the city of Kalyazin, Tver Region, recently opened in Sevastopol. Two more security agencies owned by Nikulov also started operating there. He also owns the Volk private security company in Krasnodar, the Volk 1423 private security company in Voronezh, as well as a whole pool of security companies in Moscow, in the names of which you will find the invariable “Wolf”. In addition, Nikulov is one of the co-owners of the Night Wolves bike clubs in the cities of Kashin and Dolgorudny (Moscow region) and one of the leaders of the Bike Center of the Tver Region.

The private security company of the Deputy Surgeon received a contract for the protection of the Arkhangelskoye estate

Gennady Nikulov’s companion in the Night Wolves branch in Dolgoprudny, Vyacheslav Stegalov, heads the Volk 77 private security company there. By the way, the Surgeon was once listed among its co-owners. Stegalov also owns Water Battle LLC, which is engaged in “activities in the field of sports,” and is also mentioned as a former co-owner of Iron Wolf LLC, a motorcycle sales company.

In the Istra district of the Moscow region, one of the co-founders of the local branch of the club is Alexey Kaplin, who, according to SPARK-Interfax, owns the Bars Group Security LLC and the Katerok LLC enterprise, which is engaged in retail trade. The co-founder of the club’s branch in the Tambov region, Evgeny Lapin, also owns a business providing security services. The Tambov “Wolf” also owns Antares LLC, which is engaged in security and private investigations. His security business (Luger LLC) is managed by the co-founder of the Wolves branch in Bashkortostan, Igor Cherkezia.

Car sales and repairs

A business selling cars and servicing them is another suitable occupation for men in leather who also have a passion for driving fast. Many who are the founders and leaders of branches of the Night Wolves bike club in the regions actually make money by working in car dealerships and auto repair shops. Among them is the co-founder of the Wolves branch in the city of Torzhok, Tver Region, Sergei Zakharov: he owns Plastdetal LLC and GTS LLC, companies that provide vehicle repair services.

One of the founders of the Tyumen club “Night Wolves of Western Siberia,” Anatoly Anisimov, who owns ABV Service LLC, also repairs cars. IN Nizhny Novgorod Andrey Slobozhanin, one of the leaders of the regional branch of the club, owns Sochi on Yuzhny LLC, which repairs and maintains cars, as well as a number of other companies: Favorit LLC ( retail), LLC "Mettorgsnab" (wholesale trade of metal), LLC "Anna" (telecommunications) and LLC "Golden Sticks" (restaurant activities).

In Khimki near Moscow, Andrey Mishchenko, owner of Formula NV LLC, teaches driving. In Tatarstan, a regional club was established with the participation of Viktor Mochalov, who has the most “core” business - his Motor LLC sells motorcycles. Another Tambov “wolf” Andrey Mitin makes money from cargo transportation through his LLC “Golden Aries”.

The co-founders of regional Night Wolves clubs often head regional motorcyclist associations. Gennady Nikulov runs the official bike center of the Tver region, the Rostov “wolf” Sergei Borisov runs the local motorcycle club “Russian Choppers”, Alexander Leontyev from Tatarstan runs the powerlifting federation, and Alexander Lunkin from the Istra branch runs the capital federation for the development of motorcycle sports.

Regional leaders of the Night Wolves make money from everything from medicine to beer trading Photo: slon.ru

Alcohol and food

Many “wolves” in the regions make their living by trading food and drinks, as well as the restaurant business, which has already been partially discussed. Alcohol is sold, for example, by Wolf's Lair LLC, whose owner is Yuri Kozlov, co-founder of the Night Wolves club in Kashin. His colleague from Khimki, Ilya Golovachev, is a co-owner of Ivna LLC (also sells alcohol), as well as Park LLC and Brigantina LLC (retail and wholesale trade in food products, respectively). In Pskov " night Wolf» Alexander Korushkin owns PPK LLC, which is engaged in the wholesale trade of beer.

Yevgeny Lapin, who has already been mentioned in connection with the security business in his homeland, sells alcohol and food wholesale in Tambov. He owns several enterprises in this area (Proviant LLC, DDT LLC, Proviant Kholod LLC, Proviant RC LLC). In Rostov-on-Don, Sergei Bobrisov sells products through Respect LLC.

In the Istra district of the Moscow region, two co-founders of the local branch of the club are connected with the restaurant business. Alexander Rabinov owns Yubileinoye LLC (retail trade), Istra MGIK LLC (restaurant activities) and Public Food Unity LLC, and his partner Vladislav Demkin owns Vek LLC (restaurant activities).


Oddly enough, a number of regional “night wolves” are associated with business in the medical field. “Probably because the leader is a Surgeon,” one of them joked in a conversation with Znak.com prominent representatives head club Felix Chernyakhovsky.

In Novosibirsk, the “wolf” Sergei Menshikov is a co-owner of Sibmedtekh LLC (trade of medical equipment) and Mediapharm LLC (trade of medicines). In Tatarstan, Alexander Leontyev owns the medical institution Eagle Clinic LLC. In Pskov, Yuri Burlin is engaged, among other things, in the wholesale trade of medical equipment through SK Service LLC.

Finally, the already mentioned Istra “wolf” Alexander Rabinov is the owner of a number of institutions providing dental services: Dentaliya LLC, Megamed LLC, Dental Clinic No. 1 LLC.


Another brutal area of ​​business interests is the construction and development business. Vitaly Padalkin from Krasnogorsk owns Forward LLC, which is engaged in construction work. The company of Yuri Makarenko, co-founder of a club in the same city, is engaged in property management. In the city of Kashin, Vasily Zhuravlev's Istok Development OJSC rents out its own real estate. In Kaliningrad, Sergei Tolochko owns the construction companies LLC Bars 39 and LLC Baltregionstroy, and his partner in founding the local branch of the Night Wolves, Alexey Kachurin, owns the installation company LLC Divino.

There are representatives of the construction business among the “wolves” in Tyumen. One of the leaders of the club, Nazariy Dobrovolsky, owns the companies DMS LLC and Spetsstroyavto LLC in this area. His northern neighbor, the “night wolf” from the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Dmitry Burlev, is also connected with the construction business through Rostransstroy LLC, which he owns.

In the Pskov region, the already mentioned Yuri Burlin, in addition to a medical equipment trading company, owns Montazh SK LLC and Scorpion Monitoring LLC, which are engaged in construction and installation work.

Mount Athos and Sexton Club

However, it is hardly an exaggeration to say that the main business of the “wolves” - at least at the federal level - is their social activities. Alexander Zaldostanov’s acquaintance and even quite friendly relations with Vladimir Putin is a good resource that shows its capitalization. It is no coincidence that the most rapid growth of regional branches was noted precisely in last years– especially in the summer-autumn of 2015. In total, more than 30 regional and local clubs have been created across Russia to date. Several projects are affiliated with the parent organization and regularly receive large budget grants.

For example, in December 2015, it became known that the youth autonomous non-profit organization (a rather rare form of foundation!) “Night Wolves” won a presidential grant from the operator “Women’s Union of Russia”. Grant funds in the amount of 9 million rubles were received by the “wolves” for the organization Christmas trees for children at the bike center. By the way, the status of a grant recipient did not prevent the Christmas tree organizers from organizing the sale of tickets - 2,000 rubles each.

“The historical and spiritual heritage of the Russian people and today’s problems of Russia are taught in a fairy-tale manner, and therefore understandable to children,” is a quote from the grant application. The parents of the children who came to the Night Wolves Christmas tree were quite confused, to put it mildly, by the politicization of the performance: it is not difficult to guess that the main bullies, without which, according to the law of the genre, more than one children's fairy tale with a happy ending cannot do without, turned out to be Americans. An additional spice to the bikers’ experience of holding New Year’s parties was added by the fact that the same “Union of Women of Russia” refused to receive grants to socially oriented NGOs: for example, the Vera Foundation, which helps hospices, or the Volunteers to Help Children Foundation. orphans."

There are also a number of public organizations through which the “wolves” collected presidential grants in 2015. The interregional public organization “Russian Motorcyclists” received 3.5 million rubles from the grant operator “National Charitable Foundation” in December 2015 to organize a motorcycle rally on Mount Athos - “in order to develop the institutions of Russian public diplomacy, popularize the cultural and historical values ​​of Russia and Russian Orthodoxy” . In September 2015, another grant operator, the Union of Pensioners of Russia, gave 7 million rubles to the Federation of Motorcycle Tourism International Public Organization for a series of automobile and motorcycle pilgrimages “Russian Road”.

“Federation of Motorcycle Tourism” and “Russian Motorcyclists” are public organizations founded by Evgeniy Strogov, with whom Zaldostanov-Surgeon also founded the MANO “Night Wolves”. The third co-founder is Vyacheslav Skoda, who also partially owns the founders of Russian Motorcyclists. Together with Strogov, Skoda became the founder of a certain NGO “Night Wolves”. In other words, having created public organizations, the guys prepared a good infrastructure for receiving money through potential grant recipients.

Zaldostanov himself is listed as a co-founder of the MANO and the NGO “Night Wolves”, a fund for supporting patriotic projects with exactly the same name, as well as the MOO “Russian Motorcyclists”. In addition, with his participation, the public organization “Stalingrad Call” was registered in Volgograd. An interesting detail: in the SPARK database, Alexander Zaldostanov appears as Zaldastanov. But whether this is a banal mistake in spelling the name of the main “night wolf” when compiling the database or whether there is something more hidden behind this, history is still silent.

The general director of the fund for supporting patriotic projects “Night Wolves” is Valery Korneev, co-owner of Tsantrselkhozkompaniya LLC in the Tambov region. At MANO “Night Wolves”, Anatoly Moskalev is the director, and the company itself is the founder of the famous bike club “Sexton”.

Failed “chief bikers”

“Night Wolves” can be proud of a number of noisy events, the most famous of which are their cross-border motorcycle rallies on May 9th. For the position of the “wolves” on the issue of belonging to the Crimea (where, however, as is known, things have not yet worked out for the Surgeon and his comrades - at the instigation of local deputies, there is a ban on the use of the plot of land allocated to the “wolves” near Sevastopol), penalties were introduced against club members sanctions from the US and Canada. In the public space, “wolves” acquire everything that nowadays befits someone whose patriotic position cannot be doubted for a second, experts say.

The Russian government is based on the idea that our country is on the side of good, and good must be fought with fists. Sooner or later this should give rise to such a phenomenon as “paramilitarism.” These are formal and not very formal associations of citizens who, on the one hand, are not included in the repressive apparatus of the state, but on the other, are de facto part of it. Either way, it's effective. power resource, which can be “turned on” in the fight against opponents of the state, but at the same time remain “nothing to do with it,” political scientist Abbas Gallyamov argues about the role of the “Night Wolves” on the socio-political scene of Russia.

“Along with the Cossacks, the Night Wolves are the most clear visualization of the idea of ​​paramilitarism.” They have two functions: to serve as a scarecrow for the opposition and to be evidence that power rests not only on the bureaucracy, but also on other, “popular” social groups. Sometimes it seems to me that the Surgeon has one more task: in addition to this, he needs someone else who will visibly embody the idea of ​​brutal force guarding the regime. And this signal already suggests that none of those on whom power rests should feel like a monopolist,” adds Gallyamov.

Vice President of the Center for Political Technologies Alexey Makarkin, returning to the business basis of the Night Wolves, notes that bikers are initially associated with medium-sized businesses. After all, to buy a cool motorcycle, regularly travel to Europe and ride around the country to biker events, you need money, and considerable money by regional standards. “Plus self-affirmation, prestige, of course. If a biker is another face of a businessman, then the businessman gets rid of the reputation of a “huckster,” which is still a bad attitude in Russia, left over from Soviet times,” says the political scientist.

At the same time, he is convinced that the role of the “wolves” is now exaggerated - the authorities paid attention to them when it was necessary to resist the “white-ribbon” opposition, but now this threat is irrelevant, and therefore the need for “wolves” has decreased. In addition, during their time in the spotlight of public attention, “Night Wolves” were unable to act as a consolidating force even in their community. “Wolves” have difficult relations with other biker clubs and the role of “chief bikers” has not yet been successful for them,” sums up Makarkin.

Ekaterina Vinokurova

The Night Wolves bike club recently turned a quarter century old. The day before, several “wolves” without unnecessary publicity received awards from Putin “for Crimea.” Last week it became known that a large presidential grant had been allocated to bikers. From ordinary motorcyclists, the Night Wolves quietly turned into an extensive paramilitary organization.


Youth Autonomous Non-Profit Organization (MANO) “Night Wolves” - that’s what they call themselves. “Youth”, although the backbone of the “wolves” is not teenagers, but men well over forty (their leader Alexander Zaldastanov, nicknamed the Surgeon, is already 51). Their headquarters has been located for 15 years on a vacant lot on the island of Mnevnikovskaya floodplain, at the address: Nizhnie Mnevniki, building 110.

According to Rosstat documents, in 2004, MANO leased these premises from Bike.V. Center. The sole founder of this LLC, which is engaged in wholesale trade, is Alexander Zaldastanov. I remember when in the early 2000s it turned out that the club premises, which the “wolves” were building as a whole “pack,” had been taken over personally by the Surgeon, many bikers were offended and declared that they would no longer set foot here. More precisely, wheels. But some later changed their minds, because the Sexton bike center with the nightclub of the same name is considered the main gathering point for all Moscow bikers. All roads lead to Catholics to Rome, bikers to Sexton. There is a restaurant, a club, and a shop.

Here, according to open information, until 2009, the Wolf Wear company, created and headed by the same Zaldastanov, also flourished. It specialized in the wholesale trade of non-food products (clothing under this brand is still produced). True, the name of the company evokes a parallel with Nazism, which is probably why Zaldastanov closed the company. Personally, he now only has his “Tattoo Center” in Lyubertsy, where the “wolves” get tattoos. Or, as their opponents from rival clubs say, “they are branded.”


Having taken over the premises of the Sexton club, the Surgeon also rewrote the organization’s charter. Now the Night Wolves have a centralized structure with a rigid vertical of power headed by a permanent leader - the Surgeon himself. At the same time, according to documents, in the MANO “Night Wolves” Zaldastanov has two co-founders - Vyacheslav Skoda, a participant in the expedition around Australia on the boat “Rusich”, and Evgeny Strogov, the head of the Federation of Motorcycle Tourism. It is their organization that owns 99% of Sexton today.

In addition to MANO, there is also the NGO “Night Wolves”, an interregional public organization. In addition to the Surgeon, Strogov and Skoda, she has two more owners: Anton Karandeev and Pavel Frolov, performer of the unofficial biker anthem “Wolf”. Between the five of them they also own the Bikers Association registered in Lyubertsy.

But most importantly, the Night Wolves have regional divisions in almost all major cities of the country. In some of them (Krasnogorsk, Solnechnogorsk district of the Moscow region), the co-founder is the same Surgeon, in the rest - his proxies.

Alexander “Surgeon” Zaldastanov / Russian Look

Business interests were connected with the bikers of Krasnogorsk and Dolgoprudny Orthodox political strategist Alexei Vaits. The Night Wolves' turn towards religion began in 2008, after Weitz joined the club, and many attribute this churching to his influence. If the Surgeon is the president of the Wolves, then Weitz is their gray patriarch.

Since that time, the rapprochement between motorcyclists and the authorities began (last year, Putin even awarded the Surgeon the Order of Honor). Now, previously wild “wolves” eat out of hand: they receive not only government grants for non-profit organizations (although they have a thriving business), but also government orders.

Holding several holidays in Moscow? The only service provider is Night Wolves. Organizing performances of the Padonki Band and similar musical groups in Krasnogorsk? They are. Supply of fuel for Spetsstroy? The company “Scanoil” associated with the “wolves”. Even the Ministry of Defense hires the same “wolves” for security (at least two contracts were signed last year). It was not the nightclub that became the main business for the Night Wolves, but security.


In 2011, Alexander Zaldastanov, Weitz’s friend and leader of the Dolgoprudny “Night Wolves” Vyacheslav Stegalov and deputy ataman of the Central Cossack Army, vice-president of the Fund for Assistance to the Legal Protection of Employees law enforcement and special services and board member of the International Union of Paratroopers Gennady Nikulov established the private security company “Wolf 77”, which soon grew into an entire holding of security structures “Wolf”. No business - only Orthodoxy and patriotism.

– A small group of people began to proclaim the good news of Christ and the power of the Spirit. Their simple message swept away all obstacles, because they all felt that God was with them. And we follow their example, exerting the same influence on our generation as they do on theirs,” the holding’s president, Nikulov, does not hide. – This is how I immediately answer hundreds of questions that arise related to our organization: what kind of ideas we have and who is behind us. A license for security activities is only a permission to use a tool to make money. To God - what is God's, and to Caesar - what is Caesar's... God is with us!

Caesar, however, is also with them. On occasion, Nikulov does not forget to add that he is “introduced to the President of Russia.” After the annexation of Crimea, Nikulov received a certificate of honor from Putin. After all, it was the “wolves” who helped suppress unrest on the peninsula and built the first barricade in Lugansk.

Today, according to documents, the holding has several legal entities, and its branches operate in more than a hundred cities of the country (Nikulov recently announced the number 108) - thousands of armed people licensed to carry weapons. And this is only in Russia, but there are foreign representative offices (in Italy under the leadership of Giovanni De Vechis, in Hungary and Switzerland, even in Taiwan). Considering that Nikulov is a co-founder of another security holding company, Vlata, one of the oldest in the country, the fighting force turns out to be very powerful. So “Night Wolves” is not just about racing along the roads with Putin.

It is not without reason that Kiev suspects that the “wolves”, closely associated with the Russian special services, are behind the recruitment of militias in Donetsk and Lugansk. Kyiv biker Alexey Vereshchagin is still being held under arrest by the Security Service of Ukraine, although he only supplied humanitarian aid to Slavyansk.

And if something happens, the “wolves” can just as decisively stand up for Putin. They already have weapons and skills for this.

/from the dossier

"Night Wolves", the first official Soviet biker club, was founded on May 31, 1989 in Moscow. The president of the club is Alexander “Surgeon” Zaldastanov. There are many regional branches in Russia and abroad (in Ukraine, Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania). The number is about 5 thousand people. The club is friends with the Russian Orthodox Church and enjoys special sympathy from Vladimir Putin.

There is no need to list the historical cataclysms that have occurred in our country for 70 years, since they are well known. It was they who made it impossible for Motorcyclism to exist until the time indicated above.

We consider it necessary to refresh our memory of some facts of history, which is inextricable from the name “Night Wolves”

  • …since 1983

    The first illegal concerts of rock bands banned by the state authorities took place, almost every one of which was accompanied by mass fights. Moscow was visited by citizens from all over the country, called “Lubers”. It was then that the prototype of the NIGHT WOLVES, people on motorcycles, was created as a force protecting musicians and the so-called “informals”. A lot of interesting things can be told about those times, but this page will be too voluminous.

  • 1988

    A group of people, having undergone cruel natural selection, is finally formed, cultivating the philosophy of human freedom, the symbol of which is the motorcycle.

  • 1989

    On May 31, the official name was established and the first in Russia Motorcycle Club NIGHT WOLVES - NIGHT WOLVES MC RUSSIA was created, with its own coat of arms and flag. The formation does not undergo state registration. For those times this was impossible.

  • 1992–1994

    With the participation of the NIGHT WOLVES Motor Club, the first rock club in Russia called “Sexton”, translated as “Grave Digger”, was created, where live concerts of domestic rock bands begin to take place. The club becomes a cult. Clubs created later throughout the country, with a similar concept, are in one way or another very similar to the Moscow “Sexton”.

  • 1994

    The NIGHT WOLVES motorcycle club is holding the first event in the history of the Russian Motorcycle Movement - BIKE PARTY. The venue is an abandoned industrial hangar near the city of Dolgoprudny. The first mass organized motorcycle column consisted of 140 motorcyclists. The event was attended by 200 people.

  • 1994–2006

    Carrying out annual motorcycle rallies along various routes and at different distances, which over the years acquire organized forms. “HOT RUN”, “WOLF RUN”, “BIKE-SHOW RUN” and others...

  • 1995

    The NIGHT WOLVES motorcycle club is creating a motorcycle workshop “Wolf Engineering”. Works by the masters "W.E." well known in Russia, former USSR, abroad.

    The NIGHT WOLVES motorcycle club is creating its own “Tattoo Center” and holding the First International Tattoo Convention in Russia with the participation of the best domestic and foreign tattoo artists.

    The NIGHT WOLVES motorcycle club creates a line of motorcycle and sportswear “WOLF WEAR”, the models of which are becoming popular all over the world.

    The NIGHT WOLVES motorcycle club is holding its own state registration. In the same year, the Russian Bikers Association was created and registered, which was subsequently abandoned and soon closed.

    The NIGHT WOLVES motorcycle club presents the First International Bike Show. Three days without a break, around the main symbol of the holiday - a motorcycle. Bikers from many countries around the world attended the festival, which was attended by more than 5,000 people.

  • 1996–1999

    The II, III, IV, V, Bike Shows, which have become an annual grand event, are held, over the years turning into an event that brings together thousands of people from all over the world.

  • 1997

    Creation of your own theater of mass entertainment, including a musical, pyrotechnic, stunt and laser program. The presentation of the first performance “Night of Living Legends” took place at the 1997 Bike Show, and was also presented at the celebration of the 850th anniversary of Moscow on the site near the Sparrow Hills.

  • 1997–1999

    Creation of videos dedicated to the Bike Show and the motorcycle movement in Russia in general.

  • 1998–2004

    The creation of branches of the organization in 32 regions of Russia, as well as Belarus, Ukraine, Latvia and Germany, the backbone of which was made up of people who accept the Russian path of development of motorcycle culture and want to become part of the history of the Club.

  • 1998–2009

    Creation of Motor Club branches in 33 cities of Russia, as well as in Belarus, Ukraine, Latvia, Macedonia, Serbia, Bulgaria and Germany, the backbone of which was made up of people who accept the Russian path of development of motorcycle culture and want to become part of the history of the Club.

  • 1999

    Presented at the 3rd International Exhibition “Motorcycles and Scooters’ 99” new model modern motorcycle - "WOLF", the design solution and design of which were developed by the Night Wolves Motor Club, and put into industrial and mass production by the Irbit Motor Plant (trademark "URAL").

    Opening of the Bike Center in Moscow, created on our own Motorcycle Club, for the possibility of holding their own events and promotions of the NIGHT WOLVES Motorcycle Club and the BIKER ASSOCIATION.

  • 2000

    Participation in the development of a motorcycle special purpose for the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation. The prototype model of the motorcycle was personally presented to Minister of Emergency Situations Shoigu and was highly appreciated.

  • 2001

    Opening of a new club “Sexton” on the territory of the Bike Center, named after the legendary Moscow “Sexton”.

    Creation of the WOLF RACING Team within the structure of the Motorcycle Club. The Team's specialization is off-road auto-moto rallies and raids, expeditions and enduro. The team took, and still takes, participation in holding and organizing competitions at the level of Russian Championships and Cups, and international competitions. It also holds its own sporting events at various levels.

  • 2002

    Carrying out the VI International Bike Show, the program of which, in addition to the traditional script, includes the “Mad Max Show”, prepared by the NIGHT WOLVES Motor Club over two years. The VI Bike Show was visited by more than 50,000 people.

  • 2003

    As part of the official celebration of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg. The NIGHT WOLVES motorcycle club is holding the traditional Moscow BIKE SHOW for the first time outside the Moscow region. VII Bike Show was visited by 30,000 people.

    Establishment of the International Nomination “Russian Miles”, with the rules “1000 Russian Miles in 14 hours 23 minutes”. The goal is to celebrate long-distance motorcyclists, to unite Russian and World motorcycling.

  • 2004

    Conducting the VIII International BIKE-WEEK-2004. The first traditional BIKE-SHOW, held by the NIGHT WOLVES Motorcycle Club on the territory of Moscow, simultaneously in two places - the village of Terehovo (Nizhnie Mnevniki St.) and the BIKE CENTER.

    VI ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL TATTOO-CONVENTION. VI International Annual Tattoo - Convention held by the NIGHT WOLVES Motor Club and TATTOO-CENTER.RUSSIA. For the first time it was held outside of Russia - in Latvia, Riga.

  • 2005

    The IX International BIKE SHOW took place in Kaliningrad, from July 1 to July 3, 2005 and was dedicated to the 750th anniversary of the founding of the city. The IX BIKE SHOW caused a great resonance among participants and guests, gathering at least 200 thousand people. The event was widely covered in the Russian and foreign press: on television and radio, and on the Internet. Directly on the day of the MAD MAX SHOW, about 100 thousand spectators gathered on the territory.

  • 2006

    The X Anniversary International BIKE SHOW took place in Kaliningrad, from August 4 to 6, 2006. The culmination of the X BIKE SHOW was the now traditional “MAD MAX SHOW”, which has become more spectacular over the years. 30 thousand spectators were registered. The BIKE SHOW continued... On August 6, a column of participating motorcyclists, a fuel tanker "Mad Max" - a transforming stage, went to the resort area of ​​the Baltic coast - the city of Svetlogorsk, where another 2 days passed...

  • 2007

    Organization of a system of support points for motorcycle tourism “Bike Post” on the basis of branches of the Motor Club.

  • 2007–2008

    XI and XII International Bike Show, which has become one of the main motorcycle events not only in Russia, but also in Europe. The culmination of the latest BIKE SHOW, along with the traditional program - concerts and competitions, is a special program of the Surgeon and the Night Wolves Motor Club. A bright and spectacular performance, including a set of stunt, technical, musical, video and laser effects, with the work of live actors, stuntmen, specially staged film effects and scenery.

  • 2009

    The XIII International Bike Show took place in the city of Russian glory - Sevastopol. 5,000 motorcyclists came to the International Bike Show, and 50,000 people became guests of the Bike Show. An unforgettable sight for everyone who visited the Bike Show was the program in which Russian rock stars took part, a performance with unique scenery and special effects. The XIII Bike Show became a grandiose event not only for the motorcycle movement in the CIS countries, but also an event throughout the motorcycle world! The Bike Show was held with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', with the support of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Navy and the Administration of the hero city of Sevastopol.”

Bikers have been holding a January show for children since 2004. Fireworks, stuntmen and a field kitchen - all in the spirit of Orthodoxy and patriotism. Last year, not only Koschey, the Snow Maiden with Father Frost and the three heroes took part in the performance, but also NATO, Business and the Foreign Star (a girl resembling the American Statue of Liberty). The villains stole the key of time to rewrite history, and the good heroes, to whom Koschey also ended up, did not allow them to interfere with the reunification of Crimea and Russia. Who the fairy-tale characters will fight this time is still a secret. 21 performances are planned (about 4,000 tickets for 2,000 rubles have already been sold). Thus, the “wolves” will earn about 8 million. Guests of the show are often disabled children and children from orphanages. Apparently, they gave 9 million for their entertainment.

Santa Claus and the Surgeon greet 2015 at the “Wolves” Christmas tree. Photo: Frame youtube.com

This is not the only grant that the bikers received: in October they received 12 million to create the Patriot center on Mount Gasforta in Sevastopol. By the way, passions are still running high over this 267-hectare site. Last week, the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation found out that the site was leased “without encumbrances or imposition of security obligations,” and the rent was set with violations.


In addition to the Youth Autonomous Non-Profit Organization (MANO) "Night Wolves" biker leader Alexander Zaldostanov by nickname Surgeon and his associates, according to the register of legal entities, there are several other organizations, including “Russian Motorcyclists” and the Federation of Motorcycle Tourism. All of them regularly win grants. For the same Christmas trees, the “wolves” have already received 4 times: 3.7 million, then 3.5 and twice 9 million rubles. In addition, in 2014 they were given 9 million for the Prometheus International Stunt Festival. At the same time, the Ministry of Culture allocated 15 million for a bike show in Sevastopol. In 2013, they gave 3.5 million for the “Win!” project. And in 2014 - 9 million for the “Road of Friendship” motorcycle rally. There were also 7 million for the “Russian Way” project (including a social study of “modern motorcycle culture in Russia”). “Little things” also go to the regions - for example, half a million from the budget of the Novosibirsk region. for the spiritual and patriotic education of youth. In total, since 2012, according to experts, the “wolves” have received from 50 to 80 million rubles. “They don’t allocate enough, we need more,” says Alexander Zaldostanov, emphasizing that he does not steal money, but receives it openly.

Business in a leather jacket

“Night Wolves” is the first official Soviet biker club, founded in 1989. Now they have many regional branches in the Russian Federation and abroad (in Ukraine, Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania). Today they say about the “wolves” that they are Orthodox patriots who enjoy the sympathy of the president. By and large, the organization really manages to regularly hold spectacular patriotic events.

And once upon a time, Surgeon and Co. provided a “cover” for a barely nascent business. “We were Robin Hoods,” Zaldostanov admitted in an interview with foreign journalists. “Entrepreneurial activity began - numerous tiny shops, shops, and we protected them as our friends.” There is a version that in 1991, bikers “entered” politics for the first time - they stood on the barricades against the State Emergency Committee. They say, Yeltsin even awarded the Surgeon, but today Zaldostanov does not mention this in his biography.

"Night Wolves" are called youth organization. True, the core of the club is people over 40; Zaldostanov himself is already 52. ​​Their Moscow headquarters has been located on Nizhnie Mnevniki Street in the Sexton bike center for more than 15 years. There is a restaurant, a club, and a shop. It is known that in 2007 the “wolves” managed to earn 140 million rubles, mainly from this club. Until 2009, the company Wolf Wear, created by the Surgeon, flourished. It specialized in the wholesale trade of non-food products, and clothing under this brand is still produced. Of all the businesses that the “wolves” were involved in in the 90s and 2000s, Zaldostanov personally only had the “Tattoo Center” left, where his colleagues get tattoos. But others continue not only to ride bikes “for fun”, but also to earn money in real business. For example, a company associated with the “wolves” was engaged in supplying fuel to one of the government agencies. Bikers also provide security services - this is the business that has become their main business today. In 2011, the Volk 77 private security company was established, which soon grew into an entire holding of Volk security structures. Today the holding has several legal entities, and its branches operate in more than a hundred cities across the country.

Alexander Zaldostanov (Surgeon). Photo: RIA Novosti / Ilya Pitalev

"For Crimea"

IN New Year“wolves” will race across Yalta on motorcycles dressed as Santa Clauses. They are always welcome guests on the peninsula - it’s not for nothing that in 2014 several “wolves” received awards from the president “for Crimea.” According to one version, bikers patrolled the roads together with “polite people” and helped their comrades secretly move to Russia Yanukovych. Why the United States was included in the sanctions list. They were not allowed into the EU for a motorcycle rally in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Victory. Here they were also reminded of their exploits in the Donbass. A. Zaldostanov claims that it was the Ukrainian “wolves” who built the first barricade and checkpoint in Lugansk. The SBU continues to claim that the “wolves” fought, recruited, and financed. Kyiv biker A. Vereshchagin ended up in the dungeons of the SBU only for bringing humanitarian aid to a warring region. The LPR battalions actually included the “Night Wolves” battalion. Now, during the truce, they partially perform the functions of the police to maintain order.

In January, the Surgeon became one of the founders of the Anti-Maidan movement and said that he was ready to resort to violence to stop anti-government protests. They say that the leader of the “wolves”, Surgeon, has every chance of becoming, for example, a State Duma deputy. His recent appearance at the presidential address - wearing a leather jacket and a traditional hat - attracted everyone's attention. He himself talks about his mission like this: “Our goal is the reunification of my country within the borders of the USSR.” Such a voracious appetite...