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When was Yura Shatunov born? Yuri Shatunov - biography, information, personal life


Yuri Shatunov - Russian singer, former member popular group "Tender May". Shatunov’s creative biography includes a dozen solo albums and twice as many as part of a group. Listeners in Russia and the post-Soviet space still enjoy listening to many of the artist’s old hits (“White Roses”, “Pink Evening”, “Gray Night” and others) and are waiting for the release of Shatunov’s new songs.

Yuri Shatunov was born in the city of Kumertau, which in Soviet times belonged to the Bashkir Autonomous Republic. The parents of the future singer were Vasily Dmitrievich Klimenko and Vera Gavrilovna Shatunova, who got married when the girl was only eighteen years old. The father’s attitude towards the child was extremely dismissive, so even Yuri received his surname from his mother’s side. For the first four years, Yura lived with his grandparents on his mother’s side, then his parents divorced and he moved in with his mother.

The boy’s childhood can hardly be called happy and cloudless. After Vera Gavrilovna got married for the second time, Yura runs away from home for the first time, as his stepfather abused alcohol and caused loud scandals. Later, escapes will become regular for the boy and become a habit.

When Yura was eleven years old, his mother began to serious problems with health. She places her son in a boarding school and goes to the hospital, where she dies two months later. Yura moves in with his aunt, but the already ingrained habit of running away from home takes over, and the boy wanders throughout Bashkiria and the Orenburg region for a year.

At the end of 1985, Shatunov was placed in an orphanage in the village of Akbulak, and a year later he was transferred to boarding school No. 2 in the city of Orenburg. This translation will turn out to be key in the creative path of the future singer.

"Tender May"

The head of the music club at the boarding school was musician and composer Sergei Kuznetsov, who was looking for a talented teenager among the children of the orphanage to perform his songs. As a result, his choice fell on Yura Shatunov, although the boy himself did not want to study music at all, preferring noisy boyish games of hockey and football. However, by the end of 1986, the first songs “Cold Winter Evening” and “Blizzard in a Foreign City” were recorded, and the group “Tender May”, made up of orphans, began performing at discos and musical evenings in the local Palace of Culture .

Later, songs appeared that became the hallmark of the group: “White Roses”, “Summer”, “Let There Be Night”, “Gray Night”, “Well, What Are You”, “Melting Snow”. In 1988, Sergei Kuznetsov recorded the group's first magnetic album and began distributing the record through music kiosks at the railway station. Somehow the cassette gets to the manager, thundering throughout Soviet Union group "Mirage", who liked the songs and boyish voice so much that he decided to make a new star out of the vocalist. Razin goes to Orenburg, but Shatunov went on the run again, so winning fans was postponed for another six months.

Nevertheless, the first teenage group in Soviet times quickly burst into the musical environment. The guys performed music in the Euro-disco style and were guided by their peers: the listeners of “Tender May” were teenagers from twelve to eighteen years old.

The group gave a huge number of concerts, performances sometimes reaching an amazing figure - eight a day. Moreover, 40-60 thousand spectators gathered at the concerts. The group recorded more than twenty albums and remained at the top of the charts for three years. But the group was unable to repeat the success of the first and most famous songs, and in 1991 Yuri Shatunov left Tender May.

Solo career

Instead of increasing his popularity on the wave of success, Yuri Shatunov leaves for Germany, where he receives an education as a sound engineer. He continues to record songs and releases his first solo album, “You Know,” although it was originally planned to be called “So May is Over.” But Shatunov does not resume concert activities, preferring to work exclusively in the studio

Later, Yuri resumes collaboration with composer Sergei Kuznetsov and on the second album, “Do You Remember,” which was released in 1994, more than half of the songs were written by him. In 1999, the album “Diary” was released in Germany, which is associated with a strange story of the theft of demo recordings.

Then, with regularity of four or five years, several new albums followed, which consisted half of old time-tested hits and half of new songs. During this period, the songs “Don’t be afraid”, “If you want...”, “It’s hard for me to speak”, “Days are passing” and others appeared.

Yuri Shatunov’s last full-length studio album, “I Believe...”, was released in 2012.

Since 2012, Yuri Shatunov has maintained a personal website where you can find news, performance schedules, videos from concerts, song recordings, a gallery of portraits of the musician drawn by fans, and even uniforms feedback for potential songwriters. The website contains the official biography of Shatunov until 2013. In addition, the musician maintains accounts on social networks “ In contact with », « Classmates" And " Facebook", in the microblogging service " Twitter» and has official channels on YouTube and iTunes.

In 2013, the musician released two new videos for the songs “Tete-a-tete” and “A Summer of Colors” in support of the album. In the same year, Yuri Shatunov received the “Song of the Year” award for the composition “A Summer of Colors”.

In December 2014, the singer became a guest of the “First Shift” program on Retro FM radio and visited the “Evening Urgant” television program on Channel One.

Since 2014, the singer began working on a new album. Shatunov recorded and posted on the Internet the tracks “Trains”, “Dreams”, “Next to Her” and “Hair”. In May 2015, the singer presented the song “Odnoklassniki”, dedicated to the website of the same name. In August of the same year, the song “Star”, the lyrics of which were written by Sergei Kuznetsov, joined the already released singles.

On February 23, 2015, the musician received an award for his contribution to the development of Russian show business at the anniversary “Sound Track” awards ceremony.

Personal life

Yuri Shatunov met his only wife, Svetlana, in Germany in December 2000. The girl had nothing to do with the musical environment and show business. Svetlana is a lawyer by profession. Moreover, he is an extremely non-public person. In September 2006, the couple had a son, Dennis, and in January 2007, the couple officially sealed their relationship with legal marriage.

In March 2013, they became parents for the second time when they had a daughter, Estella. It’s interesting that the children’s godfather was the former head of Tender May, Andrei Razin.

Together with his family, Yuri Shatunov periodically lives in Moscow, then in Germany, in the city of Munich.

In addition to playing music and raising children, the singer is seriously interested in computer games and even became the champion of Russia in racing computer cars. Yuri Shatunov returned to his childhood passion for sports, loves hockey and diving. He also provides financial assistance to orphanages and often participates in charity concerts.

Yuri Shatunov now

In January 2016, Yuri Shatunov recorded a video message to fans. The singer spoke about his creative plans and explained how to find him on social networks and official resources.

In November 2016, Yuri Shatunov performed in Moscow and Krasnodar at the “Discotheques of the 80s”, organized by Avtoradio.

On April 22, 2017, the musician participated in the “Legends of Retro FM” group concert in Novosibirsk.

Shatunov’s foreign tour is planned for May 27, 2017: the musician will give a concert in Ireland, in Dublin.


  • 1992 - You Know
  • 1994 - Do you remember...
  • 1995 - White Roses
  • 1995 - Pink evening
  • 1999 - Diary
  • 2001 - Remember May
  • 2002 - Gray Night
  • 2002 - Leaves are falling
  • 2004 - If you want... Don't be afraid
  • 2006 - Record my voice
  • 2012 - I believe...

A legend of the nineties, whose name everyone knows. The man who created a revolution in music at the beginning of perestroika. Yuri Shatunov, lead singer of the group “Tender May”.

There is probably not a single person born in the 80s who does not know this wonderful group. Their hits, such as “White Roses”, “Gray Night” or “Pink Evening” were hits of that time. They packed stadiums, and fans were ready to follow them to the ends of the earth.

Let's find out more about this man, whose name evokes pleasant memories of those times.

Height, weight, age. How old is Yuri Shatunov

There is not a single fan who could not answer the questions: height, weight, age, how old is Yuri Shatunov? How tall is the singer? In fact, this is a very controversial issue, since in different sources it is spelled out differently. Some say that Yuri is 169-170 centimeters tall, while others claim that he is taller than 175. Shatunov himself once stated that he is only 173 centimeters tall and weighs 73 kilograms.

Only his age remains certain. Today, Yuri Shatunov is 44 years old, at which time the star feels excellent.

Yuri Shatunov's photos in his youth and now differ only in the appearance of gray hair and a network of wrinkles around the eyes. From this we can conclude that the singer is still a cheerful person who has learned to overcome all difficulties with a smile on his face.

Biography of Yuri Shatunov

The biography of Yuri Shatunov is the most important thing that fans want to know about him. Yura was born in the Orenburg region, in the city of Akbulak, on September 6, 1973. The boy’s childhood cannot be called happy; his father abandoned them almost immediately after the boy’s birth. Mom tried to find a worthy replacement for her husband, but the second husband turned out to be a drinker.

Basically, Yuri Shatunov spent his childhood with his grandmother, but she died. When the singer was 11 years old, his mother fell ill and he had to be transferred to a boarding school.

After some time, the mother dies, and Yura’s aunt takes custody of her nephew. But, not getting along with his relatives, the boy repeatedly ran away from home. His aunt had to give him to an orphanage. This is where his creative career begins. Sergey Serkov, Vyacheslav Ponomarev and Sergey Kuznetsov - these guys, together with Yura, were brought up within the walls of the Akbulak orphanage. Here they organized their group.

They performed their songs in front of the young children of Orenburg. One day, hearing Yuri’s clear voice, he was invited to join Andrei Razin’s new, newly formed group, “Tender May.” The song “White Roses” heard by the producer soon became a hit.

In the period from 1987 to 1991, their team gained tremendous momentum. They have more than 6-7 concerts per day, their songs are heard on every corner, and fans do not give way. But, by the end of 1991, the group fell apart due to internal disagreements.

At the moment, Shatunov lives in Germany. He comes to Russia mainly for concerts. The singer continues to create, but the past does not leave him. As in my youth, not a single performance is complete without everyone’s favorite hits.

Personal life of Yuri Shatunov

The personal life of Yuri Shatunov is a mystery shrouded in darkness. The fact is that the singer really does not like to advertise his family relationships. In this regard, Yuri was credited with a number of affairs with famous girls. For example, articles appeared in the press about his relationship with Tatyana Bulanova. Alsou and Lada Dens also fell under a hail of guesses. But Shatunov refutes all these rumors. He doesn't deny that he's friends with many of them, but that's about it. He never had any relationships with his stage colleagues.

It is known that today the singer is married. He also has two children: a son and a younger daughter. Yuri tries to give his children everything that he himself was deprived of as a child.

Family of Yuri Shatunov

Our hero has cherished the dream of a strong and friendly family since childhood. His first real home was the “Tender May” group, in which Yura felt somehow at home. After the breakup, Shatunov did not despair and continued to believe that one day he would have his own strong and loving family.

Today, Yuri Shatunov’s family consists of four people, including the singer himself. He has a wonderful wife and two small children. Shatunov lives abroad with his family and comes home extremely rarely.

Children of Yuri Shatunov

Perhaps someday, the children of Yuri Shatunov will repeat the stunning story of the birth of their dad’s star. In the meantime, his two kids are growing and delighting their parents.

Yuri also does not forget about the children who, like himself, grow up in orphanages and boarding schools. He regularly maintains contact with the boarding school where he spent his childhood. Congratulates students on holidays and sends gifts for each new year.

When he comes to his hometown, he always visits these establishments. He visits his teachers, to whom Yuri is grateful for helping him find his path in life.

Son of Yuri Shatunov - Dennis

In 2006, the son of Yuri Shatunov, Dennis, was born. By coincidence, the boy was born just before his father's birthday.

Later, the boy was baptized in Sochi. Shatunov’s wife’s sister, Irina and old friend the singer himself - Andrei Razin.

Currently, the boy is successfully studying at a German school, takes vocal classes and loves cycling.

Dennis is in no hurry to get to his father's homeland. Yuri does not want his family to be bothered by fans and journalists. Therefore, for now the Shatunov family does not leave Germany for Russia.

Daughter of Yuri Shatunov - Estella

Yuri Shatunov’s daughter, Estella, was born much later - in 2013. The girl received a rare and very beautiful name, which is literally translated from Latin as starry.

The child spends a lot of time with the singer’s mother-in-law and wife. He loves to play and walk with them. Shatunov loves his daughter madly and was looking forward to her birth. During childbirth, he did not leave his wife a single step.

Although the girl is mostly in the company of women, her character is truly masculine. Despite her early age, she is already very demanding and persistently achieves her goals.

Yuri Shatunov's wife - Svetlana

Already living in Germany, the singer met his future wife. In one of the local restaurants, he approached and invited a girl to his concert. Imagine his surprise when Shatunov learned that Svetlana had never heard of him before.

They dated for about 6 years before Yuri proposed to her. At that time, the musician’s future wife was pregnant with her first child.

Yuri Shatunov’s wife, Svetlana, is a highly qualified lawyer. And also combines this strict profession with raising two beautiful children.

Instagram and Wikipedia Yuri Shatunov

Instagram and Wikipedia of Yuri Shatunov are resources that should be teeming with information about this person. But oddly enough, Wikipedia contains only basic information, supported by the artist’s hits. Here you will not find any sharp sensational statements or scandalous facts from Yuri’s life. Only brief information about the singer’s family and information about career successes.

Shatunov’s Instagram was created more for fans, where they write comments for Yuri and wishes for the future. The singer himself visits his page extremely rarely. Due to his busy tour schedule, he is increasingly trying to devote time to his family, and there is no time for social networks.

I would like to wish the singer creative success and family happiness. Yuri deserved this piece of joy, having traveled such a bright path without knowing the warmth of family in childhood.

Yuri was born on September 6, 1973 in the city of Kumertau in the Republic of Bashkortostan. After a tragic event in Shatunov’s biography - the death of his mother, he first began to be raised by his aunt, but then ended up in an orphanage. In 1986, he found himself in an Orenburg boarding school.

It was there that his first songs were recorded in the biography of Yuri Shatunov. Having met Sergei Kuznetsov, Vyacheslav Ponomarev, Sergei Serkov, Shatunov and the group “Tender May” recorded songs on a tape recorder. Then, in the biography of singer Yuri Shatunov, by a happy coincidence, the songs were heard by Andrei Razin. He took over the leadership of the group.

The official year of creation of “Tender May” is considered to be 1988. Since then, the group’s songs have conquered the entire Soviet Union, and Yura Shatunov’s biography has gained great popularity. Some of the most famous songs of the group were: “White Roses”, “Grey Night”, “Childhood” and many others.

After the group broke up in 1992, Shatunov began performing independently. In 1995 he released his first solo album, “Do you remember...”. Since then, several more albums have been released in the biography of Yu. Shatunov: in 1996 “Artificial respiration”, in 2001 “Remember May”, in 2002 “Gray Night”, in 2002 “Leaves are Falling”, in 2003 “Diary (unreleased)”, in 2004 “If you want... Don’t be afraid”, in 2007 “Record my voice”. Married, has a son.

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Biography of Jurassic connecting rods

On September 6, 1973, Yuri Vasilievich Shatunov was born in the village of PyatkI in an ambulance on the way to the maternity hospital in the city of Kumertau (Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic). Parents: mother - Shatunova Vera Gavrilovna (date of birth 01/28/1955 - date of death 07/11/1984), father - (according to the mother) Shatunov Vasily Vladimirovich.


Yura spent the first years of his life, up to 4 years old, and was raised by his grandmother Ekaterina Ivanovna Shatunova (date of birth 12/05/1924 - date of death 11/26/2002) and grandfather Gavril Egorovich Shatunov (date of birth 06/04/1923 - date of death 01/20/1976) in the village of PyatkI (suburb of Kumertau).


In 1977- Yuri and his mother move to the village of Savelyevka.


At the age of 7, Yura, like all children, went to school. And four years later, tragedy struck - his mother died of heart failure. Two months earlier, she transferred Yura to a boarding school, as she learned about the exacerbation of the disease. Since his own father did not need his son, his mother’s sister took custody of him. But Yura, who had a wayward character, decided to run away and wandered until the fall of next year in the Orenburg region and Bashkiria. In November, a commission met in Orenburg that decided the boy’s fate. The director of an orphanage in the suburbs of Orenburg felt compassion for the boy and took him into her orphanage. There he became seriously interested in hockey and was a left winger.

Yuri Shatunov’s father’s name is Vasily Klimenko, he did not take any part in the fate and upbringing of his son. When Yura was only eleven years old, his mother, Vera Shatunova, died. First, Yuri ended up in an orphanage, and a year later - in a second Orenburg boarding school. There he met Sergei Kuznetsov, with whom they recorded their first songs together in a local cultural center on an ordinary cassette recorder.

It was at that time that the first composition of the later famous group “Tender May” appeared. It included: Yuri Shatunov, Sergei Serkov and Vyacheslav Ponomarev.

So, on September 5, Yuri finds himself in Moscow. There, at the Kazan station, he met Andrei Razin, who met him. They go straight to the Ministry of Education to the reception area of ​​the Deputy Minister. The Deputy Minister very quickly decides on the issue of placing Yuri in Moscow boarding school No. 24. Then Yuri Shatunov met Arkady Vladimirovich Kudryashov and began re-recording his album “White Roses” at the Moscow Records studio.

On September 20, 1988, the group “Tender May” begins its first tour of the cities of the Soviet Union. And on November 18, an article about the group was published in Komsomolskaya Pravda under the title “Yurka’s tour.”

At the beginning of 1989, the first screening of the video for the song “White Roses” took place. The clip was shown on television in a program called “Morning Mail.”

- Fans went crazy for you back then, but now they’ve grown up...

Of course, older ladies come to my concerts, but new fans also appear. The age of my female audience is from five years to infinity. Longtime loyal fans still write me letters. Moreover, as they say, both young and old write. Of course, now less people dare to do all sorts of crazy things, as happened before. How can you calm them down? How do I know?! Only the clinic will help.

- You generally keep your distance from your fans, you don’t even allow them to kiss you.

The one who came “from culture” was Andrei Razin, the future producer of the “Tender May” group. And, of course, he had nothing to do with the ministry. But what he had was the brilliant talent of a businessman, with the help of which he soon really created the “Tender May” group. And not even one.

Personal life

Yuri Shatunov met his only wife, Svetlana, in Germany in December 2000. The girl had nothing to do with the musical environment and show business. Svetlana is a lawyer by profession. Moreover, he is an extremely non-public person. In September 2006, the couple had a son, Dennis, and in January 2007, the couple officially sealed their relationship with legal marriage.

In 1992, the group ceased to exist with the departure of Shatunov. Yuri decided to pursue a solo career and recorded his first album called “So May is Over,” but it appeared among the masses only in 1993 and was called “You Know.” At the end of December 1992, at the invitation of Alla Pugacheva, Shatunov performed at the “Christmas Meetings” as a solo performer. In 1993, his best friend Mikhail Sukhomlinov died tragically, which Shatunov suffered greatly painful. Still, in 1994, he finds strength and begins working with producer Boris Zosimov. During the period of cooperation, Yuri recorded several albums, filmed the film “Tender May,” and toured. Now the artist is recording new songs, participating in various shows, acting in films, and helping orphanages in Russia.

A video was shot for this song with the participation of the ‘Red-Stars’ model Polina Tasheva, the second video was shot for the song ‘And falling to my knees’, the premiere of the video took place in late summer - early autumn 1994. There was also a third clip, “Alien Pain,” also with the participation of P. Tasheva, but due to accidental damage to the film, it was never aired.

In September 1994, the presentation of Shatunov’s new album ‘Do you remember:’ took place. The celebration took place at the entrance to the Melodiya store on Arbat. Unfortunately, Yu. Shatunov was ill at that time and was undergoing sanatorium-resort treatment in Sochi. However, although not 100%, everyone was satisfied. Fans received a bunch of posters of their idol. The company 'Polygram' announced the competition 'One day with Yuri Shatunov'. The drawing took place in the television program ‘At Ksyusha’s’, where Yuri Vasilyevich was invited three times.

On March 4, 1995, at the Palace Hotel there was a meeting between the winning fans and their idol. Girls and boys received stereos, posters, the White Roses newspaper, autographs as souvenirs, took pictures with the artist and took part in his press conference, after which a festive buffet began.

On June 24, 1995, he played football in a team of pop stars in Perm, was in Riga, Sochi, Orel, Stavropol, Orenburg: In September 1995, he went on tour to Germany, where he gave 20 concerts.

In 1996, Shatunov unexpectedly made peace with Razin. Until this moment, Yura had not communicated with anyone from ‘LM’, with the exception of rare phone calls. However, time heals, and former colleagues united to support the leader of the Communist Party of Russia Gennady Andreevich Zyuganov at presidential elections. All together they performed in front of a large number of young people on April 2, 1996 at the Taganka Theater.

In 2001, Yuri Shatunov’s album with the symbolic title “Remember May” was released. All songs on the album are completely new, with the exception of the May hit “Summer”, designed to hint to the ignorant listener about the artist’s involvement in the legendary group “Tender May”. The lyrics of most of the compositions were again written by Sergei Borisovich Kuznetsov, but the music was written by Yuri himself. Andrey Zhigadlo and Roman Rodionov helped Shatunov make the arrangements. It should be noted that almost all of the album's compositions are performed in a slow rhythm and are melancholic in nature. A video is being shot for the song “Forget”, and it receives wide rotation on the radio. Articles about Yuri Shatunov again appear in the press, but Yuri never manages to achieve real success with this work.

But everything is changing... Changing with the advent of the new millennium. In the wake of the rise of disco music, Shatunov makes remakes of old compositions and returns to the Russian big stage with this material in 2002. This time the album is called “Gray Night” and includes only three new songs “Fenechka” (music and lyrics by K. Gubin), “Cloud Night” (music by Yu. Shatunov, lyrics by S. Kuznetsov) and “Insolent Moon "(music by Y. Shatunov, lyrics by S. Kuznetsov). The album is mainly dance in nature. And although the songs have not been changed much, almost 15 years later they sound somewhat different. A dynamic video clip is shot for the title song of the album, then another for the song “Leaves are Falling,” and also from concert videos and fragments of video clips shot earlier, two more videos are created for the songs “Childhood” and “Forget”, the 2002 version. The album is a resounding success and becomes a sales leader. Yuri is participating in a large tour of cities in Russia and neighboring countries, he again gathers halls, his videos are shown on TV, and his songs are played on radio stations every now and then. Among the singer's fans are both experienced fans and completely new listeners. And although this may be strange for some, in the third millennium of Shatunov it is becoming fashionable again!

Yuri Shatunov was born in the city of Kumertau, which in Soviet times belonged to the Bashkir Autonomous Republic. The parents of the future singer were Vasily Dmitrievich Klimenko and Vera Gavrilovna Shatunova, who got married when the girl was only eighteen years old. The father’s attitude towards the child was extremely dismissive, so even Yuri received his surname from his mother’s side. For the first four years, Yura lived with his grandparents on his mother’s side, then his parents divorced and he moved in with his mother.

The boy’s childhood can hardly be called happy and cloudless. After Vera Gavrilovna got married for the second time, Yura runs away from home for the first time, as his stepfather abused alcohol and caused loud scandals. Later, escapes will become regular for the boy and become a habit.

When Yura was eleven years old, his mother began to have serious health problems. She places her son in a boarding school and goes to the hospital, where she dies two months later. Yura moves in with his aunt, but the already ingrained habit of running away from home takes over, and the boy wanders throughout Bashkiria and the Orenburg region for a year.

At the end of 1985, Shatunov was placed in an orphanage in the village of Akbulak, and a year later he was transferred to boarding school No. 2 in the city of Orenburg. This translation will turn out to be key in the creative path of the future singer.

"Tender May"

The head of the music club at the boarding school was musician and composer Sergei Kuznetsov, who was looking for a talented teenager among the children of the orphanage to perform his songs. As a result, his choice fell on Yura Shatunov, although the boy himself did not want to study music at all, preferring noisy boyish games of hockey and football. However, by the end of 1986, the first songs “Cold Winter Evening” and “Blizzard in a Foreign City” were recorded, and the group “Tender May”, made up of orphans, began performing at discos and musical evenings in the local Palace of Culture .

Later, songs appeared that became the hallmark of the group: “White Roses”, “Summer”, “Let There Be Night”, “Gray Night”, “Well, What Are You”, “Melting Snow”. In 1988, Sergei Kuznetsov recorded the group's first magnetic album and began distributing the record through music kiosks at the railway station. Somehow the tape gets to the manager of the Mirage group, which was thundering throughout the Soviet Union, Andrei Razin, who liked the songs and the boyish voice so much that he decided to make the vocalist a new star. Razin goes to Orenburg, but Shatunov went on the run again, so winning fans was postponed for another six months.

Nevertheless, the first teenage group in Soviet times quickly burst into the musical environment. The guys performed music in the Euro-disco style and were guided by their peers: the listeners of “Tender May” were teenagers from twelve to eighteen years old.

Best of the day

The group gave a huge number of concerts, performances sometimes reaching an amazing figure - eight a day. Moreover, 40-60 thousand spectators gathered at the concerts. The group recorded more than twenty albums and remained at the top of the charts for three years. But the group was unable to repeat the success of the first and most famous songs, and in 1991 Yuri Shatunov left Tender May.

Solo career

Instead of increasing his popularity on the wave of success, Yuri Shatunov leaves for Germany, where he receives an education as a sound engineer. He continues to record songs and releases his first solo album, “You Know,” although it was originally planned to be called “So May is Over.” But Shatunov does not resume concert activities, preferring to work exclusively in the studio

Later, Yuri resumes collaboration with composer Sergei Kuznetsov and on the second album, “Do You Remember,” which was released in 1994, more than half of the songs were written by him. In 1999, the album “Diary” was released in Germany, which is associated with a strange story of the theft of demo recordings.

Then, with regularity of four or five years, several new albums followed, which consisted half of old time-tested hits and half of new songs. During this period, the songs “Don’t be afraid”, “If you want...”, “It’s hard for me to speak”, “Days are passing” and others appeared.

Yuri Shatunov’s last full-length studio album, “I Believe...”, was released in 2012.

Since 2012, Yuri Shatunov has maintained a personal website where you can find news, performance schedules, videos from concerts, song recordings, a gallery of portraits of the musician drawn by fans, and even a feedback form for potential songwriters. The website contains the official biography of Shatunov until 2013. In addition, the musician maintains accounts on the social networks Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki and Facebook, on the microblogging service Twitter and has official channels on YouTube and iTunes.

In 2013, the musician released two new videos for the songs “Tete-a-tete” and “A Summer of Colors” in support of the album. In the same year, Yuri Shatunov received the “Song of the Year” award for the composition “A Summer of Colors”.

In December 2014, the singer became a guest of the “First Shift” program on Retro FM radio and visited Ivan Urgant on the “Evening Urgant” television program on Channel One.

Since 2014, the singer began working on a new album. Shatunov recorded and posted on the Internet the tracks “Trains”, “Dreams”, “Next to Her” and “Hair”. In May 2015, the singer presented the song “Odnoklassniki”, dedicated to the website of the same name. In August of the same year, the song “Star”, the lyrics of which were written by Sergei Kuznetsov, joined the already released singles.

On February 23, 2015, the musician received an award for his contribution to the development of Russian show business at the anniversary “Sound Track” awards ceremony.

Personal life

Yuri Shatunov met his only wife, Svetlana, in Germany in December 2000. The girl had nothing to do with the musical environment and show business. Svetlana is a lawyer by profession. Moreover, he is an extremely non-public person. In September 2006, the couple had a son, Dennis, and in January 2007, the couple officially sealed their relationship with legal marriage.

In March 2013, they became parents for the second time when they had a daughter, Estella. It’s interesting that the children’s godfather was the former head of Tender May, Andrei Razin.

Together with his family, Yuri Shatunov periodically lives in Moscow, then in Germany, in the city of Munich.

In addition to playing music and raising children, the singer is seriously interested in computer games and even became the champion of Russia in racing computer cars. Yuri Shatunov returned to his childhood passion for sports, loves hockey and diving. He also provides financial assistance to orphanages and often participates in charity concerts.

Yuri Shatunov now

In January 2016, Yuri Shatunov recorded a video message to fans. The singer spoke about his creative plans and explained how to find him on social networks and official resources.

In November 2016, Yuri Shatunov performed in Moscow and Krasnodar at the “Discotheques of the 80s”, organized by Avtoradio.