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Which star can be parodied? Kim Kardashian and Elizabeth Taylor: my idol


She posted a photo on her Instagram in which she breastfeeds her baby while stylists do her makeup and hairstyle. “What would I do without this team after a 15-hour flight and only three hours of sleep?” - the girl wrote under the photo. Nevertheless, she looks beautiful on camera as always: one stylist curls her long hair with a curling iron, another does the girl’s makeup, and a third does a manicure. Giselle herself is holding her one-year-old daughter Vivian in her arms and breastfeeding her. This photo did not leave Shameless star Emmy Rossum indifferent. The actress was quick to post a very similar photo on her Instagram. In it, Emmy sits in a chair in a white robe, holding a dark-skinned child in her arms. Stylists give the girl a manicure, make-up and hairstyle. The Shameless star captioned the shot: “Hi Gisele! I understand you very well!” So that the Brazilian model would not be offended by taking everything personally, Emmy put humorous tags under the photo: “fake child”, “soy milk”, “just kidding”, “shameless”.

Gisele Bündchen Photo: Instagram

Emmy Rossum Photo: Instagram

Kim Kardashian and Elizabeth Taylor: my idol

Recently, the TV presenter admitted to readers of her microblog that she has an idol - Elizabeth Taylor. Kim posted a photo on Instagram in which she completely repeated the image of the actress: she put a white towel, similar to a turban, on her head, and a huge diamond ring on her finger. “My idol,” Kardashian captioned the photo. It would be better if she didn't do this! Outraged readers immediately rushed to shout that Kim has no right to compare herself with the great actress. There were, however, those who tried to stand up for the girl, saying that she was not comparing, but was simply expressing her love in this way, but their arguments were drowned in a heap of extremely negative comments.

Photo: Instagram

Jean-Claude Van Damme and Channing Tatum: whose splits are cooler?

Lady Gaga and Madonna: two queens

The outrageous singer has been compared more than once to the Queen of Pop. And the girl herself, without any hesitation, copies the style of the superstar. Gaga's stage costumes often look like they were taken from Madge's dressing room, and last year Gaga showed fans her buttocks at her next concert as part of the Born this way European tour. During the performance, the girl unexpectedly turned her back, bent over and lifted her short leather skirt up, showing everyone her butt in a tight thong. Thus, the singer, who at that time also traveled to cities and countries with concerts as part of the MDNA tour and, despite her age, constantly undressed on stage, showing the audience her breasts, buttocks, and other parts of her body. This year in November, Gaga became a guest on the popular American TV show Saturday Night Live. During her time on the show, the singer sang a gypsy ballad, impersonated Marisa Tomei from the film My Cousin Vinny, showed fans what she would look like in old age, and did not miss the opportunity to once again parody Madonna, wearing a suit from Jean-Paul Gotye and performing the hit Born This Way. “It's so great to be on SNL! “Today is a special evening for me, not only because I dreamed of performing here, but also because I grew up in New York,” Lady Gaga wrote on her microblog.

Lady Gaga as Madonna on Saturday Night Live Photo: East News

Bus Willis: new “Armageddon”

In 1998, Michael Bay’s cult film “Armageddon” was released, in which the “savior of all mankind” played the main role. 15 years later, the film was parodied and aired on an October episode of Saturday Night Live. The main role was again given to Bruce Willis. The video is only four minutes long. We are shown astronauts sitting in a spaceship and waiting for an asteroid, which they need to deal with as quickly as possible, because then they can return home. The team shares with each other their plans for the upcoming return. Bruce Willis's character, in particular, plans to tell his little daughter how much he loves her upon his return. Having spoken, the guys give the floor to Bobby Moynahan, who is sitting near the porthole. Or rather, its hilarious hero, who is much more eager to return to Earth and see his cat than to save the planet. The cat, as the hero of the lion's share of such videos, also appears in this video. We recommend watching to the end.

Philip Kirkorov: the king of self-parodies

He starred in a comic video as part of the Comedy Week project, which took place in October on YouTube. In his blog, the singer wrote: “Friends! I radically reconsidered my views on my work. And I dedicated the video to this.” The video is a parody of Philip Kirkorov’s “Let’s Fly” video. The Russian pop star in a gold leather jacket is sitting at the piano, the fireplace is lit in the room, and Internet users have gathered on the other side of the screen, to whom Philip addresses his speech. The clip is full of self-irony, and at the end of the video, Philip even sticks out his tongue to the viewer.

Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Aniston: one person

In anticipation of the release of the third installment of the popular The Hangover franchise, Zach Galifianakis and Ed Helms took part in the Saturday Night Live show, where they presented a parody of. The video begins with an actress look-alike competition, in which Zach Galifianakis' character took last place. This shameful loss drives the hero into a frenzy - he is indignant and, in the image of Jennifer Aniston, runs onto the stage with the exclamation “I am perfect!” and proposes to punish the winners. First and second place went to the characters of Bradley Cooper and Ed Helms. They - also in the image of Jennifer Aniston - go up on stage and console their careless colleague. At the end of the video, all participants in the look-alike competition sing a song about friendship - each impersonating Jennifer Aniston. By the way, last year Jennifer Aniston herself: the actress decided to ridicule all the most ridiculous rumors about her person.

Seth Rogen and Kim Kardashian: straight to the point!

In November, the American rapper decided to please fans with a new video, Bound 2, starring his fiancee Kim Kardashian. In the video, Kanye rides around on a motorcycle, on which, in turn, a naked Kim flaunts, very quickly. The video became so popular that comedians Seth Rogen and James Franco decided to make a parody of it. The role of Kim went to Superbad star Seth Rogen. Contrary to expectations, Kardashian was not furious when she saw the video. On the contrary, the socialite was completely delighted and wrote the following on her microblog: “Right to the point. That's funny. Watch this clip. Enjoy."

Ksenia Sobchak: the worst from the best

In September, she decided to try herself as a singer and released a video for “Native”, in which she appeared in the image of the fatal glamorous blonde Oksana Sever. To prevent fans from suffering a nervous breakdown, the TV presenter immediately warned that the clip was a parody of the entire domestic chanson at once. “So, meet Oksana Sever to “Native”. I took the worst from the best! " - Sobchak presented her creation. Having bleached her hair, applied tacky makeup and put on patterned tights, the TV presenter transformed into all the singers performing chanson at the same time. Sobchak sang to match her appearance. “Only true creativity can make a person’s life better. And I dedicate my debut to the main man in my life - Ksenia explained. “I’m sorry, but I married you only because of my external resemblance to Him.” Having entered the character, the singer addressed her readers: “My dear ones! My divorced girls! God bless you! Thanks for the kind words! Take care of yourself! Love! Yours, Oksana Sever."

Gosha Kutsenko: Gosha, I am your father

September this year was richer than ever in parodies. , for example, decided to parody some famous films and TV series. On his Instagram, the actor posted three photos that delighted his fans. On the first, Gosha was depicted as the intellectual maniac Dexter from the series of the same name. Kutsenko, with a new one in his hand, stands next to his victim and smiles ominously into the camera. The victim, however, smiles from ear to ear. In another photo, Gosha transformed into a brave Spartan with painted muscles. For the third photo, Gosha put on a black wig, a white shirt and picked up a Jedi sword. “Pshh... Gosh, I’m your father,” said a delighted fan, commenting on a photo in which the artist portrayed the character of the cult Star Wars saga, Luke Skywalker.

Photo: Instagram

Gerard Butler in the film “300 Spartans” and Gosha Kutsenko Photo: Instagram

Are you going to a party? There's nothing better than making your unsuspecting friends laugh with an amazing celebrity parody! If you learn to find suitable objects for parodies and follow simple exercises, then it will not be difficult for you to make anyone laugh.


select the object of parody

    Choose a celebrity with a memorable voice or accent. It's much easier to parody someone who is famous for their way of speaking. Although facial expressions are important, the deciding factor will still be how well you imitate the voice. Popular targets for parody are:

    • Jack Nicholson
    • John Wayne
    • Julia Child
    • Al Pacino
    • Christopher Walken
    • Sarah Palin
    • Morgan Freeman
    • George Bush
    • Fran Drescher
    • Judy Garland
    • Bill Cosby
  1. Choosing someone you resemble in appearance will go a long way in creating a convincing parody. Frank Calendo does a great John Maddon impersonation because they have the same chubby, cheerful faces.

    • Alternatively, it might be fun to parody someone who is completely different from you. A fragile girl parodying Chris Farley - there will definitely be something to laugh at.
  2. Think about what makes a celebrity so recognizable. The famous parodist Jim Meskimen advises: “Be an artist, your goal is not just to make a soulless copy, but also to find something that breathes life into it.” Find what makes the celebrity special and bring it out in your skit. It is much easier to parody someone who has such striking features.

    • Al Pacino, for example, in his films always looks as if he is incredibly angry and is about to scream. Portraying him as someone who is losing his temper will help you.
    • Sarah Palin is known for her simple demeanor. Add that casualness to your performances.
  3. Practice your accents. Want to make a good Christopher Walken parody? Try to achieve a natural New York accent first, it will make the task much easier. Want to impersonate Julia Child? Pay attention to her English intonation.

    • If you have already figured out the main accents, then move on. Among the Anglo-British accents, the accents of South Africa, Australia, Wales and Scotland are very distinctive and unique. A good voice actor can tell the difference between Manchester and Liverpudlian accents by ear. Learning accents will help you more clearly understand the speech pattern of the celebrity you are about to imitate.

    Study of behavior and speech

    1. Make a list with everyone characteristic features the one you chose. While observing and listening to your chosen one, carefully write down all his quotes, characteristic gestures and facial expressions. Don't skimp on adjectives. Already now, by describing and voicing them in your own voice, you are creating a parody. Use the list you created and start working through each aspect step by step.

      Find something to grab onto. His squinting and mispronunciation are an integral part of the George Bush parodies, as are the odd pauses in the William Shatner parodies. A good celebrity parody has two main components: voice and facial expressions. Pick a feature to start with, perfect it, and only then move on.

      • Often celebrities have a recognizable line from a movie they starred in. A good image of Al Pacino cannot be imagined without the phrase “Say hello to my little friend” from the film “Scarface”. Even if you can’t copy facial expressions, a well-known phrase will be a good start.
    2. Watch how they speak. Voices can be high, almost shouting, or they can come from the depths and be rich and velvety. Christopher Walken's voice is guttural, with a hoarseness, but Hulk Hogan's voice is also guttural, but it sounds more like an animal roar. Watch celebrities and you will learn how and in what way they speak.

      • Get a feel for your own voice and know its amplitude before worrying about pronunciation in your skit.
    3. Practice only one vocal and behavioral aspect of your skit at a time. Working on all aspects at once can be overwhelming. But since all these unique features and make up a person, you will probably want to try to connect them. Start, for example, with Al Pacino's scream and famous furious gaze. Once you have managed to combine them harmoniously, continue working on the items on your list.


      Try recording yourself. The people around you perceive your voice completely differently than you do. From time to time, record yourself, for example, on your phone and listen to these recordings to understand how far you have come.

      Practice in front of a mirror. Everyone knows that Jim Carrey trained in this way for several hours a day. How do you know what to work on if you can't even see yourself?

      Read magazines and books aloud. Conversing in a celebrity's voice can be challenging. You will always have something to say to your audience if you practice reading in the voice you want to parody. While you read, try changing the pitch and tempo of your speech - this will help work on the amplitude.

      • This point will also help you understand which words and phrases are most suitable for the voice you are going to use, which will undoubtedly increase the quality of the parody.
    1. Repeat after the radio. If you're driving, just turn on the radio and repeat everything that was said or sung. This is especially useful if you want to imitate singers. In addition, the Britney Spears song performed by Jim Morrison will definitely amuse your friends.

    2. If the voice you choose is too low or high for you, don't worry and choose someone else. You can permanently damage your voice by overexerting it.
    3. Try to imagine yourself in the place of the person you are parodying. This will allow you to get into the role and portray him more authentically.
    4. If you really, really want to expand the range of your voice, then approach this with great care. Do the vocal exercises carefully, step by step. The main thing is not to rush. Again, too much tension can harm your voice.

When we see a person who masters something and does it with apparent ease, it seems to us that we can do it too. For example, everyone tries to imitate celebrities. Sometimes we manage to show one person 1:1, but with other artists it’s more difficult. Why? And what does it take to become a master of parody? Singer, announcer and vocal teacher Yulia Artemova will tell us about this today.

It takes a lot of practice to imitate different voices. Without talent, it will be difficult to cope with such a task, but long training will bring you closer to understanding how it works. People with a talent for parody have a special structure of the larynx and ligaments. Also, such a person must be artistic, relaxed, able to play to an audience and attract attention. By copying someone's voice, you become that person. You need to accurately match the timbre of the voice, the manner of speech, and the presentation of the hero chosen to emulate.


Do articulation exercises regularly: an exercise with a champagne cork helps a lot. You need to take it in your mouth and pronounce the text or sing through resistance. When you remove the plug from your mouth, it will be much easier for you to talk. Learn tongue twisters, and start every morning not only with exercises for the body and a healthy breakfast, but also with exercises for the tongue: the ships tacked, tacked, but did not tack. Life hack: it’s easier to pronounce a tongue twister when you understand what you’re talking about and know its text by heart.


It is important to train your breathing, learn to feel yourself. Take the example of yogis and vocalists, they practice diaphragmatic-dorsal, waist breathing. This is otherwise called deep breathing, breathing from the lower chakra. Correct breathing is called phonation. This is breathing while speaking. The process of inhalation involves the diaphragm, the muscle that separates the chest cavity from the peritoneum, as well as a group of muscles that control the ribs of the chest. To feel the diaphragm, take a simple balloon and inflate it. Breathing while lying on your back with complete muscle relaxation is considered the most natural way for any person to breathe. Lie on your back, place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest. Inhale so that the hand on your chest remains motionless and the hand on your stomach rises, and then exhale. It is necessary to ensure that movements during abdominal breathing are performed easily, without tension. Now get up and do the same. To make abdominal breathing a habit, you need to systematically do such exercises. As practice shows, it is better to exercise in the morning.

Another exercise: the torso above the navel needs to be bandaged with an elastic bandage, making a kind of corset out of it. Now your task is to “breathe” it: lie on the floor, put your hand on your stomach, and try to “push” the floor with your back, while breathing with your stomach. You can also practice breathing like a dog. You need to stick out your tongue and breathe like a dog does when it's hot. Breathe with your stomach, keep your shoulders still, take a deep breath. Imagine that you are inflating a tire, or, for example, blowing out a candle. The lungs can be trained. Don’t think that after two lessons you will achieve mastery: I studied proper breathing at drama school for four whole years. I devoted two hours every day to various breathing exercises, trained diction: she pronounced vowels and consonants, recited poetry in motion so that her breathing would not be interrupted.

Proper breathing and exercise are only one part. To learn how to parody, you need to constantly listen to the chosen hero. Find the maximum number of videos with his participation, watch how he behaves: movements, manners, habits. Maybe he bites his lip or opens his mouth in a peculiar way - this is what gives that very characteristic voice (sound) that we want to repeat. This is where acting comes to your aid. For example, you want to portray the Wolf and the Hare from “Well, wait a minute!” Not only listen to how they speak, how they breathe, where they pause, but also pay attention to how they move. Speech speed is also important. Here it is more important not to repeat the timbre of the voice, but to “remove” characteristics inherent in this character. The easiest way is to start with the text that the character says: “Well, hare, wait a minute!” When you perfect this one phrase, then move on to the next one. And only then can you begin to speak in the voice of the Wolf original text that is not inherent to the character. Life hack: I recommend recording yourself on a voice recorder and constantly listening to the recording, then listening to the original several times and listening to your recording again.

Learning to parody is difficult, but it is possible. Train your breathing and lungs, do exercises to develop speech skills, take a closer look at the character and feel him. And then everything will work out.

She posted a photo on her Instagram in which she breastfeeds her baby while stylists do her makeup and hairstyle. “What would I do without this team after a 15-hour flight and only three hours of sleep?” - the girl wrote under the photo. Nevertheless, she looks beautiful on camera as always: one stylist curls her long hair with a curling iron, another does the girl’s makeup, and a third does a manicure. Giselle herself is holding her one-year-old daughter Vivian in her arms and breastfeeding her. This photo did not leave Shameless star Emmy Rossum indifferent. The actress was quick to post a very similar photo on her Instagram. In it, Emmy sits in a chair in a white robe, holding a dark-skinned child in her arms. Stylists give the girl a manicure, make-up and hairstyle. The Shameless star captioned the shot: “Hi Gisele! I understand you very well!” So that the Brazilian model would not be offended by taking everything personally, Emmy put humorous tags under the photo: “fake child”, “soy milk”, “just kidding”, “shameless”.

Gisele Bündchen Photo: Instagram

Emmy Rossum Photo: Instagram

Kim Kardashian and Elizabeth Taylor: my idol

Recently, the TV presenter admitted to readers of her microblog that she has an idol - Elizabeth Taylor. Kim posted a photo on Instagram in which she completely repeated the image of the actress: she put a white towel, similar to a turban, on her head, and a huge diamond ring on her finger. “My idol,” Kardashian captioned the photo. It would be better if she didn't do this! Outraged readers immediately rushed to shout that Kim has no right to compare herself with the great actress. There were, however, those who tried to stand up for the girl, saying that she was not comparing, but was simply expressing her love in this way, but their arguments were drowned in a heap of extremely negative comments.

Photo: Instagram

Jean-Claude Van Damme and Channing Tatum: whose splits are cooler?

Lady Gaga and Madonna: two queens

The outrageous singer has been compared more than once to the Queen of Pop. And the girl herself, without any hesitation, copies the style of the superstar. Gaga's stage costumes often look like they were taken from Madge's dressing room, and last year Gaga showed fans her buttocks at her next concert as part of the Born this way European tour. During the performance, the girl unexpectedly turned her back, bent over and lifted her short leather skirt up, showing everyone her butt in a tight thong. Thus, the singer, who at that time also traveled to cities and countries with concerts as part of the MDNA tour and, despite her age, constantly undressed on stage, showing the audience her breasts, buttocks, and other parts of her body. This year in November, Gaga became a guest on the popular American TV show Saturday Night Live. During her time on the show, the singer sang a gypsy ballad, impersonated Marisa Tomei from the film My Cousin Vinny, showed fans what she would look like in old age, and did not miss the opportunity to once again parody Madonna, wearing a suit from Jean-Paul Gotye and performing the hit Born This Way. “It's so great to be on SNL! “Today is a special evening for me, not only because I dreamed of performing here, but also because I grew up in New York,” Lady Gaga wrote on her microblog.

Lady Gaga as Madonna on Saturday Night Live Photo: East News

Bus Willis: new “Armageddon”

In 1998, Michael Bay’s cult film “Armageddon” was released, in which the “savior of all mankind” played the main role. 15 years later, the film was parodied and aired on an October episode of Saturday Night Live. The main role was again given to Bruce Willis. The video is only four minutes long. We are shown astronauts sitting in a spaceship and waiting for an asteroid, which they need to deal with as quickly as possible, because then they can return home. The team shares with each other their plans for the upcoming return. Bruce Willis's character, in particular, plans to tell his little daughter how much he loves her upon his return. Having spoken, the guys give the floor to Bobby Moynahan, who is sitting near the porthole. Or rather, its hilarious hero, who is much more eager to return to Earth and see his cat than to save the planet. The cat, as the hero of the lion's share of such videos, also appears in this video. We recommend watching to the end.

Philip Kirkorov: the king of self-parodies

He starred in a comic video as part of the Comedy Week project, which took place in October on YouTube. In his blog, the singer wrote: “Friends! I radically reconsidered my views on my work. And I dedicated the video to this.” The video is a parody of Philip Kirkorov’s “Let’s Fly” video. The Russian pop star in a gold leather jacket is sitting at the piano, the fireplace is lit in the room, and Internet users have gathered on the other side of the screen, to whom Philip addresses his speech. The clip is full of self-irony, and at the end of the video, Philip even sticks out his tongue to the viewer.

Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Aniston: one person

In anticipation of the release of the third installment of the popular The Hangover franchise, Zach Galifianakis and Ed Helms took part in the Saturday Night Live show, where they presented a parody of. The video begins with an actress look-alike competition, in which Zach Galifianakis' character took last place. This shameful loss drives the hero into a frenzy - he is indignant and, in the image of Jennifer Aniston, runs onto the stage with the exclamation “I am perfect!” and proposes to punish the winners. First and second place went to the characters of Bradley Cooper and Ed Helms. They - also in the image of Jennifer Aniston - go up on stage and console their careless colleague. At the end of the video, all participants in the look-alike competition sing a song about friendship - each impersonating Jennifer Aniston. By the way, last year Jennifer Aniston herself: the actress decided to ridicule all the most ridiculous rumors about her person.

Seth Rogen and Kim Kardashian: straight to the point!

In November, the American rapper decided to please fans with a new video, Bound 2, starring his fiancee Kim Kardashian. In the video, Kanye rides around on a motorcycle, on which, in turn, a naked Kim flaunts, very quickly. The video became so popular that comedians Seth Rogen and James Franco decided to make a parody of it. The role of Kim went to Superbad star Seth Rogen. Contrary to expectations, Kardashian was not furious when she saw the video. On the contrary, the socialite was completely delighted and wrote the following on her microblog: “Right to the point. That's funny. Watch this clip. Enjoy."

Ksenia Sobchak: the worst from the best

In September, she decided to try herself as a singer and released a video for “Native”, in which she appeared in the image of the fatal glamorous blonde Oksana Sever. To prevent fans from suffering a nervous breakdown, the TV presenter immediately warned that the clip was a parody of the entire domestic chanson at once. “So, meet Oksana Sever to “Native”. I took the worst from the best! " - Sobchak presented her creation. Having bleached her hair, applied tacky makeup and put on patterned tights, the TV presenter transformed into all the singers performing chanson at the same time. Sobchak sang to match her appearance. “Only true creativity can make a person’s life better. And I dedicate my debut to the main man in my life - Ksenia explained. “I’m sorry, but I married you only because of my external resemblance to Him.” Having entered the character, the singer addressed her readers: “My dear ones! My divorced girls! God bless you! Thanks for the kind words! Take care of yourself! Love! Yours, Oksana Sever."

Gosha Kutsenko: Gosha, I am your father

September this year was richer than ever in parodies. , for example, decided to parody some famous films and TV series. On his Instagram, the actor posted three photos that delighted his fans. On the first, Gosha was depicted as the intellectual maniac Dexter from the series of the same name. Kutsenko, with a new one in his hand, stands next to his victim and smiles ominously into the camera. The victim, however, smiles from ear to ear. In another photo, Gosha transformed into a brave Spartan with painted muscles. For the third photo, Gosha put on a black wig, a white shirt and picked up a Jedi sword. “Pshh... Gosh, I’m your father,” said a delighted fan, commenting on a photo in which the artist portrayed the character of the cult Star Wars saga, Luke Skywalker.

Photo: Instagram

Gerard Butler in the film “300 Spartans” and Gosha Kutsenko Photo: Instagram

If you want to always be in the spotlight and be the life of the party, then the ability to imitate voices is a great way to get out of the shadows.

How to learn to parody

Do not think that only those who have a natural talent can parody. You too can learn this skill if you are patient, persistent and observant.

How to learn to parody without specific skills

To make a parody of a person, you must first carefully study his behavior, manner of speech, remember his facial expressions and characteristic movements.

You need to start your speech in front of a mirror. Look at yourself from the outside, try to copy the person you need as accurately as possible. You need to completely get used to the character. Then show the parody to your relatives, if they appreciate and approve of it, then take the risk of reaching a wider audience.

But remember that:

  • the parody must be shown on time;
  • do not stretch your initiative too long;
  • do not show parodies of people present;
  • be relaxed and at ease.

If you hear any criticism, take it with understanding. You will know that you still have work to do.

How to learn to parody voices

If you want to focus on imitating voices, then work on your timbre, tone, accent and manner of speaking. You need to catch every sound, inhalation and exhalation of the object of the parody.

To do this you need:

  1. Choose a person to make a parody of.
  2. Study the behavior and speech of a celebrity.
  3. Practice speaking in a voice that is typical for this person.
  4. Get the accent.
  5. Try to find a phrase that a celebrity likes to use.
  6. Practice more, perform in front of a mirror, record it on a voice recorder and then listen to it. Try to speak and read in the voice of the target of the parody.
  7. Listen to a celebrity's voice on TV or radio and repeat after him.

Try to choose an object with which you have similar voices. Then it will be easier to parody, and people will immediately recognize the person you have in mind. There is no need to use obscene expressions and insults, this will not make your parody funnier, but will only alienate the listener.