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Social network for schoolchildren. Social networks for children and teenagers

LC (Kaspersky Lab) experts have found that a child on a social network can view pornography, is not immune from communicating with pedophiles, can be subject to moral violence and intimidation, and may also encounter scammers. LK experts conducted a study of three Russian social networks: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and Moi Mir. During a week-long study, experts found that a 13-year-old child on the social network VKontakte, upon requesting “porn,” is given a list of closed groups, but when synonyms of this word are entered into a search query, the child receives a list of open groups containing information on the requested topic. and can view it without any problems. In addition, a child is not immune from communicating with pedophiles on social networks, and may be subject to moral violence and intimidation, as well as encounter scammers. On the social network Odnoklassniki, upon requesting “porn” and its synonyms, a child becomes able to access a list of closed groups that cannot be accessed. On this social network, a teenager can only count on “light erotica.” Communication with pedophiles on Odnoklassniki is kept to a minimum, and online experts have not detected any types of fraud. An analysis of the third social network, “My World,” showed that pornographic content is either absent or difficult to access. During the week of research, experts found that pedophiles are not frequent guests on this social network, and no phishing or fraud was detected. Excerpts from RIA Novosti

http:// zepeto.me

English language

reliable site


http://www. gamer.ru

Russian language

Computer game news, tips and secrets of games, a network for players to communicate.

https://www. smeshariki.ru


A social network based on the animated series of the same name.
In the virtual world of Smeshariki, children can participate in gaming tournaments, watch cartoons, listen to audio fairy tales, communicate with other network members, look for friends and, with the help of their favorite characters from the series, find answers to any tricky questions.
The system keeps a rating of the most active users, provides a forum, and also has a section for parents, which provides information on the proper upbringing and education of a child.

Prevention of scoliosis.

Make sure your student wears the backpack with the straps on both shoulders. During a break between lessons, invite your child to walk around with a book on his head, imagining himself as a sultan. Monitor the height of the table and chair, as well as the firmness of the mattress on which your child sleeps.

Today, social networks occupy a large part of a person’s life. This also applies to our children. You could even say that a child is more susceptible to the influence of social networks than an adult. Living online has both disadvantages and advantages.


Today it seems that children and social networks are inseparable concepts. Every child, even very young ones, has a phone or tablet with Internet access. Whether this is good or bad depends on the dosage. It’s like with a medicine - depending on the dose chosen, it can improve a person’s health, or it can ruin it. The time that children spend on social networks is the main indicator of usefulness.

the main problem The Internet is the absence of life. Virtual communication is gradually replacing real communication, and this is very dangerous for an unformed personality who is just developing speech, communication skills, etc. On social networks, everything is faceless and too simple: write a message, send and receive a response. In such communication there are no real emotions, no facial expressions, an excited voice, no sparkle in the eyes, but only letters and emoticons. Checking your personal page has become a kind of daily ritual, and for some, an addiction. This applies to both adults and the younger generation.

Among other things, the influence of social networks on children is not limited to psychological changes; the child’s health also suffers. Spending many hours sitting at the computer worsens vision, leads to physical inactivity, and loss of communication skills. It is worth emphasizing that complete “incorporation” into the network is a direct path to autism. Over time, real addiction arises and its constant companions - irritability, isolation, aggressiveness, conflicts with parents and terrible hysterics when the Internet is turned off for even an hour. Therefore, parents should remember that everything is useful in moderation.


The benefits that social networks provide for children should not be underestimated. First of all, this is an opportunity to diversify human communication. On the Internet you can always find new friends and like-minded people with hobbies and interests. You can find friends even on the other side of the world. This is so interesting and educational!

But even here you need to know when to stop. Parents should first of all worry about the safety of their child and teach him to communicate correctly. Tell him who he can give his data to and who he shouldn’t, tell him about the consequences, give the right examples. Disable geolocation synchronization, say that different accounts should have different passwords, hide the child’s photos from strangers, allowing access only to friends. Teach your child not to brag about the family's new acquisitions - an expensive phone, new car or apartment, do not talk about upcoming departures. Often such information becomes the reason for burglaries.

Accounts on social networks allow the child to always be aware of all events. Some teachers even post test dates, various reminders, questions for tests, etc. on their pages. Do not forget about various educational groups where a child can learn a lot of new and useful things. There are also special children's social networks for children, which contain all kinds of information that is interesting to this age group of users.

Ease of communication is the main advantage of the Internet and what attracts inquiring minds. On social networks, no one forces you to communicate with a person you don’t like, no one teaches you how to live or reads morals... In addition, the network allows you to exchange files, watch movies, listen to music. The communication and information resource has a great future. He is attractive and incredibly interesting. But it will never be able to replace real life, overflowing with emotions, feelings and tactile manifestations. Social network and children are already inseparable concepts. Nowadays this is natural, but everything should be in moderation.

When can I register children on social networks? And is it necessary to do this at all? What dangers are hidden in the news feed, and is there a need to monitor your child’s correspondence? These and many other questions become key for moms and dads when it comes to creating an account for a child on a social network.

Social networks and the law

Perhaps in soon the issue will be resolved unambiguously and the opinions of psychologists and teachers on this topic will no longer have serious weight, because back in April 2017 the first news appeared that registration on social networks would be carried out using a passport. That is, a person who wants to create a page on a social network will have to enter passport data when registering. Deputy Vitaly Milonov came up with this initiative. In his opinion, children under 14 years of age should not have online accounts, and those who are already 14 years old will be required not only to provide their passport details, but also to create only one page and indicate their real name on it, not a pseudonym.

The impetus for such serious changes was the realization that social networks have ceased to be exclusively an entertainment platform for the exchange of information. They have acquired a new look - they have become a place for educational news, interesting events, personal messages and even dangerous machinations of attackers.

Unusual Research

It’s not just MPs who are concerned about current issues related to social networks. Scientists from Germany conducted a study and found that children’s accounts on Facebook and Instagram, if handled correctly, do not cause any harm. And often they are even useful.

More than 30,000 people participated in the study. And the most surprising thing was the fact that social networks do not negatively affect academic performance. On the contrary, communication on the Internet allows children to find out their homework and check the answers received in the assigned papers. True, German scientists clarify that this works when parents monitor the time the child spends on the Internet and are aware of everything that happens in his accounts.

Japanese neuroscientists did not come to such rosy results. Professor Ryuta Kawashima noted that teenagers who constantly spend time on the Internet put their health at great risk. This is due to the fact that while working at the computer or in the process of mindlessly scrolling through the news feed, a very small part of the brain works, and the remaining areas are turned off. And the restoration of this performance does not happen with a snap of the fingers along with turning off the phone; some parts of the brain, for example, the frontal lobes, remain in an inactive state for a long time.

One more thing modern problem associated with social networks, neurosurgeons started talking. Spinal curvature threatens all smartphone lovers, and even the size of the display does not save you from danger. Doctors are sure that when regularly looking at the phone screen, people tilt their heads by about 15 degrees, because of this the load on the cervical vertebrae becomes twice as large. This, of course, leads to various diseases of the spine and significantly complicates life in the future.

Positive sides

Instagram is not only a platform for posting pictures. The social network has long left its original framework; now the resource’s feed is replete with picturesque landscapes of travelers who are ready to talk about the wonders of the world better than geography teachers; athletes who can inspire anyone to a healthy lifestyle and other professionals who can pass on their experience to those who wish.

“Youtube” - the videos only at first glance seem, at a minimum, useless and, at maximum, strange. In fact, many bloggers take filming so seriously that they spend the entire day doing it. In order for the channel to turn out beautiful, interesting and educational, it is important for them to find relevant topics, look organic in the frame, express their thoughts clearly and understandably, shoot quality videos and do professional editing. The skill of individual bloggers has reached such heights that the fruits of their activities can easily compete with the best media.

In any of the social networks, the main tools of our time are possible: self-expression and promotion. Users have every chance not only to become an active audience, but also to contribute to their own development. Hundreds of business plans and creative ideas have emerged from the pages of many popular blogs into real life.

To register or not?

And yet, despite the pros and cons, it is worth considering that there is a peculiar “ golden mean» for those who want to create an account on social networks.

    Psychologists advise waiting until the child turns 13-14 years old and registering him on a social network. And before this age, from about 10 years old, it is necessary to acquaint children with the rules of communication on the Internet, with the features of the virtual world.

    By the way, about the virtual world. It is important to tell your child that the Internet is a whole world filled with different events, opinions and factors. There are a lot of positive and negative things in it. The future owner of a personal page must be warned about all these subtleties.

    It is important to understand for what purpose a child opens an account on any social network and what goals he pursues. It is also necessary to always have the opportunity for a confidential conversation on the topic of the Internet and social resources.

    Psychologists advise to be kind to the child’s aspirations and support him at all stages of development, even if some of these stages seem incomprehensible. A page on a social network is almost a prerequisite for a modern teenager. Understanding and a friendly atmosphere will help not only maintain your relationship with your child, but also help you spot possible dangers on the Internet in time. It is much more difficult for those parents who choose the method of strict prohibitions: as a rule, their children still create pages on the Internet, but secretly from adults.

Lydia Ozerova


Dangerous games

The sensational story of so-called death groups in recent years has forced thousands of parents to think about what their children are doing on the Internet. Just a few years ago, everything seemed to be calm - casual games, music, videos, funny pictures, virtual gifts.

And then it turned out that the most popular social network among schoolchildren, VKontakte, is chock-full of closed communities of varying degrees of suspicion. Moreover, this network allows you to hide your group list from everyone, even from friends.

The first reaction of many parents to “blue whales” was the decision to ban their child from gadgets altogether, or at least force them to delete their accounts. Depriving a child of a laptop, smartphone or tablet is too radical. And they are already indispensable for study and self-development.

What about accounts? Firstly, a child, if he has the opportunity to access the Internet, can always create another profile for himself, his parents will not even know about him. The strict rules for registering on social networks, which require authorization by phone number, are now easy to circumvent - there is a wide selection of services offering to use a virtual SIM card.

There are also such services for free, the numbers there are often “old” - you have already registered for them. There are also paid ones - the price is low, around fifty rubles, and they can be deposited into your account through the terminal, that is, you do not need to have a bank card.

Secondly, let’s not forget that after the story with the “death groups,” psychologists, almost in unison, said that prohibitions do not help, only trust and understanding help.

So let's assume that parents don't want to go to extreme measures and leave their children the opportunity to communicate. And then it turns out that we can promise our schoolchildren that we will not consider any of their experiences or strange thoughts to be nonsense, make them promise to tell if the “curator” writes to them, and sometimes look at what the child posts on his page.

If your home has parental controls, some of these programs can track which groups (even closed ones) a user joins and send alerts.

Bad dating

Few people have benefited from anonymity on the Internet as much as unhealthy and dangerous people. Yes, now we are talking about pedophiles. Social networks offer many opportunities to find friends, for example, search by city, area, school, gender and age.

Thirteen-year-old girls or boys from gymnasium No. 111 are not always looked for by the same teenager who has just arrived at the same school.

Children should definitely know that criminals catch children not only through flattery, confidential conversations and compliments.

There are other levers, for example: “I’ll tell your parents that I saw you smoking behind the school or swearing,” “you’ll get it from your father, you flirted with me,” “I’ll show you how you complained about your mother in the group.” or in personal correspondence.”

If a child has a strong fear of punishment for rash actions, a pedophile can get anything out of him through blackmail. A teenager needs to be sure that his parents will somehow survive various nonsense on his part and will not remind him of it for life, but an understanding or harsh guy from the Internet can bring real big trouble.

And, of course, geotags - they are used especially often on Instagram. Convenient if you want to check in at some event. But, if we look carefully at the page of some girl who loves to “check in” everywhere she has been, we can easily find out everything about her: her school number, the fact that she leaves the Assol dance studio at such and such an address at Wednesdays and Fridays at 20:00 and even the fact that every Saturday mother leaves house 2 on Lesnoy Street and goes to visit her grandmother on the other side of the city, where she will stay overnight while her daughter and her friend eat pizza and record funny videos.

Parental control allows you to track your child’s new friends on the social networks VKontakte and Facebook, especially emphasizing the large age difference or the lack of common friends.


Another danger in social networks comes precisely from the child’s peers. Cyberbullying is the bullying of a person in the online space. Anyone can suffer, including adults, but it is children who experience constant insults directed at them the most difficult.

The difference between cyberbullying and bullying in real life the fact that attacks do not stop at any time of the day, in any place, you cannot hide from them.

According to statistics, most often those who have been humiliated in real life - at school - become victims of virtual bullying.

But sometimes a random child becomes the target of bullying - for example, by writing a naive comment on a social network or by posting an unsuccessful photo, in the opinion of the persecutors.

And then dozens of people suddenly begin to mock him, turning it into some kind of flash mob. However, it also happens the other way around – social network users come to the rescue. You probably remember the story of a boy whose mother told on her page that her son was ignored and offended in the children's group. And hundreds of people from all over the country wrote kind words to the boy, talked about their problems with peers at his age and made a popular personality out of an outcast.

In Russia there is no document yet regulating punishment for cyberbullying. Therefore, unless it comes to crime: direct threats to life and health, distribution of erotic photographs of minors, slander, it is very difficult to fight persecutors using legal methods, especially if they are anonymous.

In France, for example, participants in online harassment are excluded from educational institutions. Our main method of helping a victim of bullying, if reconciliation is impossible, is to build a new social environment around her: new classmates, a social circle, and, of course, changing accounts.

The most important thing is to protect the child from all the nasty things that are written to him. On the other hand, a teenager should know that everything he writes on the Internet has its consequences and participation in bullying can make him an outcast in another company.

An indirect sign of a child being bullied is the removal of a large number of friends. Kaspersky Lab's parental control allows you to track the appearance of wall posts, including responding to words that are characteristic of bullying.

If a child has become a victim of bullying, he can contact hotline"Children Online" and receive psychological and informational support. Phone 8-800-25-000-15.

For today's child, the Internet is not just a source of exciting content, it is part of his environment. Children spend more and more time on social networks. Let's try to figure out how useful or harmful this is.

Children on social networks. Advantages and disadvantages.

Not so long ago, mothers and fathers lamented their children’s excessive passion for computer games. At first glance it seems reasonable. The main argument of caring parents is that sitting in front of a monitor and lack of physical activity have a bad effect on health.

In fact, everything is a little different. Scientists conducted a study, the results of which showed that computer games are not inferior to physical activity in terms of energy consumption! It seems incredible, but it's true. Moreover, the higher the intensity of the game, the more energy is spent. Scientists have come to an amazing conclusion: high-intensity computer games improve the condition of the cardiovascular system in children. But today, video games have quietly faded into the background. Now parents have another headache - children on social networks. And as was the case with the previous hobby of children, mothers and fathers see only terrible things in the new trend.

Social media in itself is neither good nor bad for children. It's like talking about the street. The child goes out into the yard and decides who to be friends with. Of course, company can be imposed by peers, but still a lot depends on the baby. He chooses himself - to become good or bad. The same with social networks. It depends on the child whether they will be useful or harmful. It’s great if parents push you towards good things, show and tell. But this does not always work out. So, what are the pros and cons of social media for children?


  1. The opportunity to communicate with friends, family and loved ones. Especially if they are in another city or country.
  2. Self-development and study. There is a lot of information on social networks in the form of educational films, books, programs for learning languages, lessons and master classes.
  3. Computer literacy. Using social networks, a child, in the form of a game, learns some of the basics of computer literacy and learns to work with applications.


  1. Objectionable content. Aggression, violence, pornography - unfortunately, there is plenty of information of this kind on the Internet. According to research, VKontakte is the social network that is most dangerous for children in this regard.
  2. Social network addiction. Spending too much time on social media can lead to addiction. According to statistics in Ukraine, every fifth child spends one day a week on social networks. Addiction is fraught with deterioration in academic performance and general well-being.
  3. Problems with posture. Chronic sitting causes health problems. In addition to posture, the child’s general well-being suffers from lack of physical activity.
  4. Loss of real communication skills. On social networks, children communicate “in absentia.” They behave more relaxed than in the real world. Sometimes, even too much. As a result, offline communication seems more difficult than it actually is.
  5. “Facebook depression. Scientists at the University of Houston conducted a study which found that social network users are more susceptible to depressive disorders than others. The point is what we see. People post the most joyful events in life and new purchases on their pages. When a user scrolls through a news feed with bright photos of friends, his own life seems boring and uninteresting. Moreover, Facebook is a social network that is still less widespread in Ukraine. In us, the “disease” would have the name “depression-VKontakte”.
  6. Phishing. This is an attempt by attackers, disguised as a reliable organization, to obtain confidential information (data bank cards, passwords, etc.) by messages. Even adults fall for such tricks, let alone children.
  7. Cyberbullying. Social media used to send threats, insults and intimidation. Unfortunately, children under 16 years of age most often suffer from cyberbullying.

The fact that networks are harmful to a child can be recognized by the following signs:

  • dubious friends on the baby’s friend list;
  • the child spends money on games and other virtual entertainment;
  • deterioration of posture and vision;
  • aggression towards you if you try to “tear” him away from the computer or tablet;
  • refusal to communicate with friends offline.

Firstly, create trusting relationships in the family. This is not so easy if they did not exist before the craze for social networks. The child should know that they can talk to you about everything in the world.

Secondly, think about your behavior. How much time do you spend on social networks? How often do you use gadgets during breakfast or other time spent together? That's it, the child is our little reflection.

Third, make friends online with your baby. Be prepared that children do not always agree to this. It’s better to come to an agreement, otherwise you risk becoming part of those 76% of parents who have no idea what their children are doing on social networks.

Children on social networks: banning cannot be allowed

On average, Ukrainian parents allow their child to use the Internet from the age of 8. Social networks “accept” users from 13. Let’s be honest, this does not bother children. Why add a few years and create an account? But that’s not about that now. Age restrictions exist for a reason. This is a recommendation for parents. Mark Zuckerberg believes that it is time to revise the age-old qualification downward. Pavel Durov, on the contrary, does not see the need for this. Allow or prohibit, control or let go freely - the final choice will remain with moms and dads. The main thing is that the child’s life is bright, rich and interesting. Then the virtual world of social networks will become an addition to the real world and, perhaps, will give the child a lot of useful things.