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Abdominal bodyflex exercises. Bodyflex for the abdomen and sides - a set of breathing exercises for weight loss with video


Good day to all readers. The long-awaited spring has arrived! It's time to take care of your figure. And you can do this without dieting or going to the gym every day. Breathing exercises for losing belly fat will help you. This gymnastics can be successfully done at home. Let's look at what it is. What are its advantages and does this system have any contraindications?

The basis of any type of training is diaphragmatic breathing. Thanks to it, the volume of the lungs expands. The blood is very quickly saturated with oxygen. Increased blood flow accelerates metabolism. And this always leads to fat burning

This gymnastics doesn’t just help you lose weight. It is beneficial for the whole body. Because it regulates metabolism and improves lung function.

These days, bodyflex and oxysize have gained great popularity. These systems are united by static exercises with a certain breathing technique. However, they are not the same. I'll tell you what the difference is.

According to the bodyflex system oxygen goes where fat needs to be burned. No diet is required, but you can exercise strictly on an empty stomach. You will only have to spend 15 minutes a day on such activities. Exhalation in bodyflex ends with a deep breath. After this, you need to exhale sharply again and hold your breath. The exercises are performed until you breathe for 8-10 seconds. In our country, this system is actively promoted by Marina Korpan.

Gymnastics Oxysize has similarities with bodyflex. The difference is that there are no sharp exhalations. There are short breaths. Those. One deep breath is taken followed by three short breaths. Next, take a deep breath, followed by three light exhalations. This pattern is repeated up to 30 times. You can exercise after eating. During such inhalations and exhalations, the abdominal press contracts. In a quarter of an hour, 250 contractions occur. At the same time, calories are actively burned.

Pros and cons of training

I am sure that many of you will be skeptical about this system. How can deep breathing help you lose weight? Please do not draw hasty conclusions. I'm on own experience I was convinced of the effectiveness of such gymnastics. The most important thing is to follow all the recommendations. And first of all, learn to breathe correctly.

Research shows that bodyflex promotes active fat burning. It burns 140% more than jogging

I will list the main benefits of breathing exercises:

  • metabolism accelerates, which means fat cells are burned;
  • improving the functioning of the digestive system;
  • cleansing the body of toxins;
  • production of positive hormones - endorphins.

And after classes during the day it is supported high level metabolism. Which is exactly what we need :)

Despite its effectiveness, this gymnastics has some contraindications. It should not be practiced if you have asthma or increased intracranial pressure. For diseases such as pulmonary hypertension, glaucoma. As well as heart failure, aortic aneurysm. In the postoperative period, as well as in diseases of the thyroid gland. Bodyflex is ineffective for hormonal disorders.

As for oxysize exercises, they have not undergone clinical trials in our country. The system is more gentle than bodyflex. Although the contraindications are similar. After all, even in oxysize it all comes down to holding your breath. For any serious chronic diseases, exercise is contraindicated.

How to exercise correctly

If you want to achieve results, you must first master the breathing technique. Diaphragmatic breathing is infant breathing. In small children, when inhaling, the stomach rises up. In adults, the chest rises. In the description of the bodyflex or oxysize technique, this is the main parameter. Since I am familiar with bodyflex in practice, I will give recommendations on this system.

To master this technique, Greer Childress (founder of bodyflex) recommends practicing in a certain position. Feet shoulder-width apart, semi-bent. The body is slightly tilted forward. Place your palms on the area slightly above your knees.

  1. Start with a series of even, deep breaths.
  2. Then forcefully push the air out, completely emptying your lungs. After exhaling, inhale quickly through your nose. The belly should be very inflated. When this happens, the lower ribs move apart, and the lungs are better filled with oxygen.
  3. Then exhale forcefully through your mouth, while drawing in your stomach. Those. When you inhale intensely, your stomach should inflate. And when you exhale, it deflates.
  4. After exhaling, you should hold your breath for 8-10 seconds. At the same time, constantly pull in your stomach, do not relax. This type of training is called a “natural pause.” After 10 seconds, inhale again.

The most important thing in this system is the gradual development of breathing techniques. At first, I recommend devoting several classes to this. And only then start bodyflex exercises. You may find it difficult to hold your breath for 10 seconds at first.

It is also necessary to control the movements of the abdomen. Don't breathe through your chest! Static exercises will be of no use if you continue to breathe as usual.

Bodyflex exercises

Marina Korpan has been practicing bodyflex for many years. She has achieved amazing results and shares her experiences with us. These are proven sets of exercises for different parts of the body. We will look at gymnastics for the abdomen and sides, as well as hips.

To reduce the belly

Gymnastics is aimed at stretching the sides, as well as abdominal fat. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees slightly. Place your palms slightly above your knees. The position is similar to that of a volleyball player. Do the breathing exercise I described above. Pull your stomach in as you exhale.

Lower your left hand, place its elbow on the knee of your left leg. Move your right leg to the side, the toe needs to be extended, the foot does not leave the floor. Pull your right arm up above your head. You should feel a stretch in the muscles from your side all the way up to your thigh. Count to 8-10 seconds, then relax your stomach, you can take a breath. The exercise is repeated 3-5 times. Then change hands.

For waist and hips

This exercise is performed while sitting. It will help you not only remove your belly, but also tighten your thighs. Sit on the floor, cross your legs. The left leg needs to be crossed over the right. Bend your legs. With your right hand, grab the knee of your left leg. And take your left hand behind your back.

Exhale and inhale, then take a deep breath and exhale sharply. Remember to strongly draw in your stomach as you exhale. Pull your left knee towards you, it should “look” up. At this moment, you seem to twist your body to the left, the tension will be in the waist.

In this situation, you need to try to look back. At this moment, the muscles of the waist and outer thighs will stretch. You need to count to 10 seconds and inhale. The exercise is repeated 3-5 times, then the position of the legs and arms changes. To make it easier for you to understand the set of exercises, I have selected a video from Marina Korpan. In it, she explains in detail breathing techniques and how to perform basic exercises.

At first I did it wrong, I had a headache and I quit the exercises, thinking that they were ineffective. Only after watching Korpan’s video lessons did I begin to understand more. In addition, I have low blood pressure, and I wanted everything “to the maximum” :) Monitor your well-being and exercise in moderation.

Also, be sure to read my article “vacuum exercise for a flat stomach.” This is also a very effective exercise for the waist.

Results of those who tried it

Elena: I worked out on my own and lost 15 kg. The system is working! At the same time, I managed to tighten my figure well. Nothing hangs anywhere, the skin is toned.

Alenka: I did the vacuum exercise for a month. I really wanted to remove my belly. The result is that the waist has decreased by 5 cm. I’m happy as an elephant.))

Forget-me-not: I gained a lot of weight after giving birth. I decided to try bodyflex. I've been doing it for a little over a week. There are results - I pulled on a skirt that I couldn’t fit into. I'll see how it goes, but for now I'm determined.

Oksana: But I couldn’t do it. I guess I was practicing my breathing incorrectly. I feel very dizzy and my heart just jumps out of my chest.

Natasha: I have had zero results in two months. I worked out on an empty stomach in the morning, all my centimeters were with me.)) But after classes I felt great, my energy was in full swing. I regret that I abandoned it, but to be honest, I’m too lazy to start now.

Sisi: The result exceeded all my expectations!! Not only did I lose weight, I stopped getting tonsillitis and ARVI. I got rid of shortness of breath and feel great. I'm not going to quit classes.

I would like to add on my own behalf – don’t expect miracles right away. The result will be, but with the correct breathing technique and daily exercises. Also don't forget about proper nutrition. Bodyflex combined with cakes is a bad tandem. During your weight loss period, you will need to exercise every day. When you achieve results, classes can be reduced to three times a week.

If you have experience in bodyflex or oxysize, share your impressions! Subscribe to updates and see you again.

Good day to all readers. The long-awaited spring has arrived! It's time to take care of your figure. And you can do this without dieting or going to the gym every day. Breathing exercises for losing belly fat will help you. This gymnastics can be successfully done at home. Let's look at what it is. What are its advantages and does this system have any contraindications?

The basis of any type of training is diaphragmatic breathing. Thanks to it, the volume of the lungs expands. The blood is very quickly saturated with oxygen. Increased blood flow accelerates metabolism. And this always leads to fat burning

This gymnastics doesn’t just help you lose weight. It is beneficial for the whole body. Because it regulates metabolism and improves lung function.

These days, bodyflex and oxysize have gained great popularity. These systems are united by static exercises with a certain breathing technique. However, they are not the same. I'll tell you what the difference is.

According to the bodyflex system oxygen goes where fat needs to be burned. No diet is required, but you can exercise strictly on an empty stomach. You will only have to spend 15 minutes a day on such activities. Exhalation in bodyflex ends with a deep breath. After this, you need to exhale sharply again and hold your breath. The exercises are performed until you breathe for 8-10 seconds. In our country, this system is actively promoted by Marina Korpan.

Gymnastics Oxysize has similarities with bodyflex. The difference is that there are no sharp exhalations. There are short breaths. Those. One deep breath is taken followed by three short breaths. Next, take a deep breath, followed by three light exhalations. This pattern is repeated up to 30 times. You can exercise after eating. During such inhalations and exhalations, the abdominal press contracts. In a quarter of an hour, 250 contractions occur. At the same time, calories are actively burned.

Pros and cons of training

I am sure that many of you will be skeptical about this system. How can deep breathing help you lose weight? Please do not draw hasty conclusions. I have seen from my own experience the effectiveness of such gymnastics. The most important thing is to follow all the recommendations. And first of all, learn to breathe correctly.

Research shows that bodyflex promotes active fat burning. It burns 140% more than jogging

I will list the main benefits of breathing exercises:

  • metabolism accelerates, which means fat cells are burned;
  • improving the functioning of the digestive system;
  • cleansing the body of toxins;
  • production of positive hormones - endorphins.

And after classes, a high level of metabolism is maintained throughout the day. Which is exactly what we need :)

Despite its effectiveness, this gymnastics has some contraindications. It should not be practiced if you have asthma or increased intracranial pressure. For diseases such as pulmonary hypertension, glaucoma. As well as heart failure, aortic aneurysm. In the postoperative period, as well as in diseases of the thyroid gland. Bodyflex is ineffective for hormonal disorders.

As for oxysize exercises, they have not undergone clinical trials in our country. The system is more gentle than bodyflex. Although the contraindications are similar. After all, even in oxysize it all comes down to holding your breath. For any serious chronic diseases, exercise is contraindicated.

How to exercise correctly

If you want to achieve results, you must first master the breathing technique. Diaphragmatic breathing is infant breathing. In small children, when inhaling, the stomach rises up. In adults, the chest rises. In the description of the bodyflex or oxysize technique, this is the main parameter. Since I am familiar with bodyflex in practice, I will give recommendations on this system.

To master this technique, Greer Childress (founder of bodyflex) recommends practicing in a certain position. Feet shoulder-width apart, semi-bent. The body is slightly tilted forward. Place your palms on the area slightly above your knees.

  1. Start with a series of even, deep breaths.
  2. Then forcefully push the air out, completely emptying your lungs. After exhaling, inhale quickly through your nose. The belly should be very inflated. When this happens, the lower ribs move apart, and the lungs are better filled with oxygen.
  3. Then exhale forcefully through your mouth, while drawing in your stomach. Those. When you inhale intensely, your stomach should inflate. And when you exhale, it deflates.
  4. After exhaling, you should hold your breath for 8-10 seconds. At the same time, constantly pull in your stomach, do not relax. This type of training is called a “natural pause.” After 10 seconds, inhale again.

The most important thing in this system is the gradual development of breathing techniques. At first, I recommend devoting several classes to this. And only then start bodyflex exercises. You may find it difficult to hold your breath for 10 seconds at first.

It is also necessary to control the movements of the abdomen. Don't breathe through your chest! Static exercises will be of no use if you continue to breathe as usual.

Bodyflex exercises

Marina Korpan has been practicing bodyflex for many years. She has achieved amazing results and shares her experiences with us. These are proven sets of exercises for different parts of the body. We will look at gymnastics for the abdomen and sides, as well as hips.

To reduce the belly

Gymnastics is aimed at stretching the sides, as well as abdominal fat. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees slightly. Place your palms slightly above your knees. The position is similar to that of a volleyball player. Do the breathing exercise I described above. Pull your stomach in as you exhale.

Lower your left hand, place its elbow on the knee of your left leg. Move your right leg to the side, the toe needs to be extended, the foot does not leave the floor. Pull your right arm up above your head. You should feel a stretch in the muscles from your side all the way up to your thigh. Count to 8-10 seconds, then relax your stomach, you can take a breath. The exercise is repeated 3-5 times. Then change hands.

For waist and hips

This exercise is performed while sitting. It will help you not only remove your belly, but also tighten your thighs. Sit on the floor, cross your legs. The left leg needs to be crossed over the right. Bend your legs. With your right hand, grab the knee of your left leg. And take your left hand behind your back.

Exhale and inhale, then take a deep breath and exhale sharply. Remember to strongly draw in your stomach as you exhale. Pull your left knee towards you, it should “look” up. At this moment, you seem to twist your body to the left, the tension will be in the waist.

In this situation, you need to try to look back. At this moment, the muscles of the waist and outer thighs will stretch. You need to count to 10 seconds and inhale. The exercise is repeated 3-5 times, then the position of the legs and arms changes. To make it easier for you to understand the set of exercises, I have selected a video from Marina Korpan. In it, she explains in detail breathing techniques and how to perform basic exercises.

At first I did it wrong, I had a headache and I quit the exercises, thinking that they were ineffective. Only after watching Korpan’s video lessons did I begin to understand more. In addition, I have low blood pressure, and I wanted everything “to the maximum” :) Monitor your well-being and exercise in moderation.

Also, be sure to read my article “”. This is also a very effective exercise for the waist.

Results of those who tried it

Elena: I worked out on my own and lost 15 kg. The system is working! At the same time, I managed to tighten my figure well. Nothing hangs anywhere, the skin is toned.

Alenka: I did the vacuum exercise for a month. I really wanted to remove my belly. The result is that the waist has decreased by 5 cm. I’m happy as an elephant.))

Forget-me-not: I gained a lot of weight after giving birth. I decided to try bodyflex. I've been doing it for a little over a week. There are results - I pulled on a skirt that I couldn’t fit into. I'll see how it goes, but for now I'm determined.

Oksana: But I couldn’t do it. I guess I was practicing my breathing incorrectly. I feel very dizzy and my heart just jumps out of my chest.

Natasha: I have had zero results in two months. I worked out on an empty stomach in the morning, all my centimeters were with me.)) But after classes I felt great, my energy was in full swing. I regret that I abandoned it, but to be honest, I’m too lazy to start now.

Sisi: The result exceeded all my expectations!! Not only did I lose weight, I stopped getting tonsillitis and ARVI. I got rid of shortness of breath and feel great. I'm not going to quit classes.

I would like to add on my own behalf – don’t expect miracles right away. The result will be, but with the correct breathing technique and daily exercises. Also, do not forget about proper nutrition. Bodyflex combined with cakes is a bad tandem. During your weight loss period, you will need to exercise every day. When you achieve results, classes can be reduced to three times a week.

If you have experience in bodyflex or oxysize, share your impressions! and see you again.

Greetings, dear readers! Have you ever thought about losing weight without grueling workouts in the gym or strict diets?

Do you think this doesn’t happen and problem areas won’t leave you? I will destroy your stereotypes! Bodyflex for the abdomen - today's topic.

What's the salt?

For many women, the most problematic area is the stomach. Excessive deposits on the sides, a far from wasp waist, cannot but bother the fair half of humanity.

Breathing exercises can help you lose weight . It is very convenient to practice at home, the main thing is regularly, 15 minutes a day.

What to remember

To summarize, I would like to note the following:

Do bodyflexing every day. Only through regular exercise will you be able to see progress.

Don’t forget about proper and balanced nutrition: it will speed up the process losing weight.

To achieve a more significant result, it is necessary to increase the load time and the number of exercises.

Always remember about contraindications.
There is also a bodyflex system for the face. I wrote about it in my article

This is where I end. Don't forget to subscribe to blog updates. See you again!

It is most difficult for women to fight belly fat, as most of it accumulates in this area. Losing weight usually begins with the chest, sides and arms, while the waist is longer than other parts of the body and does not want to say goodbye to fat reserves. But this problem is easily solvable, since there is an effective breathing exercise for weight loss - bodyflex. We invite you to consider only part of the complex for beginners, which consists of only 12 exercises. And figure out which elements are responsible for the loss of volume in the waist area.

Why is bodyflex effective?

The effectiveness of the method has been confirmed in practice by hundreds of thousands of women and men around the world. The founder of the movement, Grig Childers, even made a fortune from it, publishing a book that became a bestseller and selling millions of copies of videotapes. The weight loss technique is based on a simple and yet revolutionary discovery - the deeper we breathe, the healthier and slimmer our body becomes.

It is deep breathing that makes bodyflex for the abdomen effective. The oxygen entering the body saturates the blood. And it already flows throughout the body, carrying the natural catalyst of fat to every “corner” of it. But more importantly, we have the ability to control and direct this flow of healing blood. To do this, we perform stretching exercises, which are the cornerstone of breathing exercises for losing belly fat.

Thanks to this approach, the effect is achieved very quickly: the belly subsides within 3-4 days, and sustained weight loss is observed within several weeks. Muscles become toned, body contour improves. It is extremely important that not only external, but also internal muscles work, and one of them is our stomach. You will not have to limit yourself in food, as your appetite will become much more moderate without any feeling of discomfort on your part.

How to prepare for gymnastics

  • Find a convenient time for yourself and practice daily. Bodyflex for weight loss is especially effective in the morning, immediately after sleep. But when the desired slimness is achieved, you can move your workouts to the evening to get a boost of energy after work.
  • Exercise no earlier than 2 hours after eating. Your stomach should not be busy digesting food. Drinking water is allowed.
  • Arm yourself with a measuring tape! Be sure to measure your waist, hips, and each thigh separately before starting classes. After the third workout, you can measure yourself again and do it daily. You will notice a decrease in volume every time, which is the most important advantage of the bodyflex exercise set.
  • Get pants or a skirt that won't accommodate your curvy figure. Try them on regularly. In just 2 weeks you will be able to put them on without any problems!
  • A set of 12 exercises takes 15 minutes a day and uses bodyflex for the face, hips, buttocks, and waist. Complete breathing exercises are the most effective for weight loss. Reviews about the belly complex confirm its effectiveness if you need to tighten your waist in the absence of pronounced problems with volume in other parts of the body.

Bodyflex is an effective breathing exercise that helps not only lose weight, but also tighten the muscles of the whole body. This training complex is suitable for both people who practice regular sports and those who are faced with the need to fight extra pounds for the first time (for example, young mothers).

What determines the high effectiveness of this training practice? Diaphragmatic breathing in combination with a static load on the muscles ensures “targeted” delivery of oxygen to problem areas of the body - for example, the lower abdomen, thighs, buttocks, back, inner surface of the arms. This is a “trigger” for active fat burning, that is, losing weight.

One of the main advantages of bodyflex is the quick result - after 3-4 days, the stomach noticeably “subsides”, the waist becomes narrower, and the abdominal muscles tighten. Considering that one workout takes only 15 minutes a day, the effect is simply stunning.

  • You need to exercise daily, preferably in the morning.
  • If it is not possible to organize a morning workout, you can do breathing exercises during the day. It is necessary to take into account that the last meal should be two hours before class.
  • In order to track the results of your training, you should regularly take measurements (the main parameters are the volume of the chest, waist, hips, etc.).
  • The basis of bodyflex is for the waist, hips, abdomen, face. Their implementation takes only 15 minutes a day.

Exercise technique

Bodyflex for the abdomen is “built” on correct diaphragmatic breathing. Beginners should, first of all, master the bodyflex breathing technique:

  • The exhalation should be calm, smooth, deep. It is necessary to exhale air through the mouth, while keeping the lips closed.
  • Inhale – intense, sharp, deep. You should inhale air exclusively through your nose.
  • After inhaling, it is necessary to quickly push out all the air from the lungs (through the mouth) using the diaphragm; this action may be accompanied by the sound “groin!”
  • This is followed by holding your breath (for 8 seconds). The stomach is pulled in, pressed to the spine, the chin is lowered to the chest.
  • The last stage is relaxation, restoration of breathing.

Once the breathing technique has been mastered, you can move on to working on “problem areas.” First of all, this is, of course, the abdominal area.

Consider bodyflex exercises for the abdomen and sides:

  • An effective exercise for the hips and abdomen - scissors. The starting position of the body is lying on the floor, legs straightened, hands under the buttocks, palms facing down. The head and lower back are securely pressed to the floor. You should perform a basic breathing exercise. While holding your breath, raise your straight legs above the floor (not high, 8-10 cm). Now you should move your legs from side to side, imitating scissors, with your toes pulled up. Each approach is 10 counts. The exercise is repeated three times.


  • Starting position – legs are shoulder-width apart, bent, palms are fixed just above the knees. You should hold your breath, lower your left hand, place your elbow on the same knee, take your right leg to the side (feet do not leave the floor, toes are pulled). Next, you need to raise your right hand up and feel the stretching of the muscles.
  • Another bodyflex exercise that helps remove belly fat is abdominal Press. Starting position - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, feet pressed to the floor. Raising your hands up, you need to perform a breathing exercise (you cannot lift your head off the floor). Now you should stretch your straight arms forward, while lifting your shoulders off the floor and throwing your head back. After this you need to return to initial position, relax your muscles. The exercise is performed three times (delay at the top - 10 counts).


  • Complex bodyflex exercise for the waist, abdomen, hips - pretzel. The starting position is sitting on the floor. Legs crossed, left knee on top. The lower leg is straight. Your left hand should rest behind you (the body is turned in the same direction), your right hand holds your left knee. In this position, while holding your breath, the body weight is transferred to the left hand, the right hand pulls the knee towards the body. You should stay in this position for 10 seconds (maximum tension of all muscles involved should be felt). The exercise is repeated three times on each side.


Let's consider several bodyflex exercises for a beautiful waist:

  • Diamond. Starting position – legs are shoulder-width apart, body straightened. Hands are clasped at chest level. It is necessary to perform a breathing exercise and, while holding your breath, press your fingers against each other (8 counts). The described manipulations are performed 3 times in a row.