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Negative effects of masturbation. The harm of masturbation - expert opinion



Good day! In essence, the question is in the title)) And if you want to be more specific... I'm a guy, I'm 20 years old, I haven't had sex. I consider masturbation a bad habit. And I already have it Nth attempt“stop” =) But the whole problem is that if I don’t masturbate for more than a month, my balls start to hurt. They always hurt when excited (when I see beauties) and even for no reason (when I just walk, sit, lie without seeing or thinking about girls, that is, without getting excited).. the pain is as if someone had hit me in the balls. And if you jerk off, then everything goes away... in general, I think that the pain in my balls is due to the fact that I don’t masturbate. But, damn it, in the army guys don’t masturbate 100%, they don’t have time or space)) And it’s been a lot more than a month there) So I’d like to know if it’s safe not to masturbate? And if so, what is the cause of pain in the balls? You know, when you’re walking with a girl and then, out of nowhere, your balls start to ache and you, gritting your teeth, squeezing a smile, pretend that nothing happened, and when you feel that tears will flow from the pain, you go to the toilet, as it were, and start doing squats to get over the pain... a little boring))

Hello. Normally, semen is produced in the male body from the age of 12 to about 90, CONTINUOUSLY, around the clock and all year round. And it must be spent so that the testicles do not overflow. There are THREE ways of removing sperm: sexual intercourse, masturbation, emission (ejaculation during sleep). Masturbation - safety valve sexual function, it prevents blood from stagnating in the genitals, wastes sperm, and trains for future intercourse. The absence of both intercourse and masturbation clearly disrupts the internal life of the body. So your martyrdom is not justified. The body will still force you to masturbate, lowering your self-esteem and making you fear terrible diseases that cause pain in the testicles. The choice, as always, is yours, but masturbation does not harm anything or anyone - is it worth torturing yourself? Good luck!

The process of self-satisfaction through stimulation of the genital organs has been known since ancient times. There is a legend about a shepherd named Onan, who was deprived of both hands by the gods as punishment for achieving orgasm unnaturally. This method of obtaining pleasure still has mixed reviews. Despite the fact that there are a lot of people involved in this activity (96–98% of the population), society condemns this habit and believes that the harm of masturbation to men’s health is extremely high.

To decide whether masturbation is harmful, it is worth considering in detail all types of masturbation and talking about the reasons that motivate men and provoke them to such an act. There are the following types of masturbation:

  • Reflex.
  • Conscious.
  • Psychopathological.

The first type is observed in children who unconsciously touch and stimulate their genitals. The conscientious type manifests itself in adolescence or when it is impossible to have regular sex life. The third type is the most dangerous, as it is a kind of habit, despite the fact that the man is married or may have a permanent sexual partner.

It is believed that this disease manifests itself most clearly in adolescence, when the young man is not yet able to control the growing excitement and believes that he can and should masturbate, not suspecting that masturbation is harmful. After regular sex life appears, the young man can quit this habit. Adults resort to this method of relieving sexual tension much less frequently. Frequent self-pleasure, in turn, can lead to a number of mental and physical diseases, so masturbating is harmful.

Masturbation is especially harmful when an adult man has been practicing it since adolescence and prefers self-satisfaction when there is the possibility of full sex with his wife. The consequences of such a habit can be the saddest. You can get rid of addiction only by contacting a specialist.

However, there are certain life circumstances in which it is worth talking about the benefits of masturbation. These include situations where a man is deprived of the possibility of normal sexual relations for a significant period, for example, in prison. A similar situation arises among sailors who are on voyages for a long time, etc. In these cases, masturbation is useful, and infrequent activities are temporary and stop when you can satisfy your needs with a woman. Self-satisfaction is also useful in the presence of a stressful situation. The disadvantages of masturbation and the negative consequences in such cases are minimal.

Masturbation is beneficial if you do it only occasionally. To reduce the risk of unwanted consequences from masturbation, a man needs to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Exercise only if it is impossible to conduct normal sexual activity.
  2. The masturbator should avoid rough and hard movements.
  3. Use your hands or objects to touch the genitals gently.

Only if the specified conditions are met, there will be little benefit from masturbation, since sexual tension is relieved and mood improves.

Negative consequences

Scientists have conducted many studies, the results of which indicate the dangers of masturbation. Some negative consequences are physiological in nature and disappear after a short period of time, in other cases the changes are more persistent and develop into pathology. Masturbation is harmful for the following reasons:

  1. Glucose produced in significant quantities is not consumed due to lack of physical activity, contributing to the development of diabetes mellitus.
  2. If you masturbate frequently, the spinal centers responsible for arousal and ejaculation are depressed. This harms reproductive function.
  3. Excessive concentration of residual adrenaline.
  4. Varicocele often develops (the disease leads to infertility).
  5. Abundant and frequent blood flow to the genitals in men who masturbate is a risk of developing inflammatory diseases.
  6. Dissatisfaction with oneself, irritability, nervousness, and memory loss occur.
  7. In men who often masturbate and continue to do so, the muscular frame of the prostate gland is weakened, which leads to the appearance of congestion and the development of prostatitis. This is also dangerous due to the development of impotence.
  8. Regular and active male masturbation can lead to swelling of the glans and foreskin of the penis, which is manifested by pain and discomfort.
  9. Damage to the sensory organs is possible: hearing, vision, smell and even speech deteriorate.
  10. Masturbation is harmful, since regular rubbing of the penis increases the risk of balanoposthitis - inflammation in the area of ​​the foreskin and glans.
  11. Frequent masturbation leads to problems with maintaining a normal sex life, which can harm relationships with women and reduce them to nothing.
  12. Due to increased excitability, you can lead yourself to neuroses and neurosis-like states.

Regular masturbation can lead to swelling of the glans

In addition, due to the fact that during the act of self-satisfaction most of the senses are not involved and physical activity does not occur, after masturbation, although a feeling of satisfaction comes, it is accompanied by a feeling of weakness, psycho-emotional depression and oppression.

Considering all this data, we can say with confidence that the benefits of masturbation are minimal, while the harm of masturbation is relatively positive points not even comparable.

To determine possible consequences for the body, you should focus on the man’s age, duration and frequency of the manipulation in question. If the disease has been present in life for a long time, then in order to get rid of it, you can and should seek help from a doctor. Some young people do not even know how harmful masturbation is, but at the same time they are aware of the negative attitude of society towards this activity. Only on this basis can they develop a feeling of inferiority, which will negatively affect the restoration of normal sex life.

Prevention methods

It is important to raise a child correctly from early childhood and carry out preventive work so that children do not do similar things in the future. It is enough to follow the following rules:

  • Prevent the appearance of pinworms in young children or carry out treatment on time.
  • Teach your child to observe the rules of hygiene. In case of uncleanliness, itching may occur in the perineum, which can provoke spontaneous masturbation.
  • Parents should avoid frequent touching of the child's external genitalia.
  • Prevent staying in bed for too long after sleep.
  • Prevent viewing images and videos of pornographic content. The benefits of this measure are quite high.
  • Avoid idleness.

Analyzing all of the above, the conclusion suggests itself that the benefits and harms of masturbation are not comparable, and very few advantages of such an activity can be identified. Masturbation is a disease that negatively affects the functioning of internal organs and psychological state. And like any other disease, it can be treated. If you cannot cope with this problem yourself, you should contact a specialist.

Masturbation is a process that is aimed at a person’s sexual self-satisfaction. Today it is considered absolutely normal among both men and women. Masturbation is most often practiced by adolescents during puberty, when their production of sex hormones is increased, but it is often observed in adults. Therefore, many are interested in what will happen if you masturbate every day.

How often can you

For quite a long time, masturbation was considered harmful to the body and many were ashamed to admit to such a practice. Today, the desire for physiological satisfaction no longer has such a pronounced alienation. Moreover, many sexologists prove that masturbation is not only safe, but also beneficial for the body.

The phenomenon of masturbation will have a positive effect on sexual satisfaction only if it is carried out in moderation. Frequent practice of self-satisfaction in young men will only deplete the body and slow down its physical development. More mature men feel sexually aroused several times a day, but masturbating at the same frequency can be dangerous. Self-satisfaction up to 4 times a week would be optimal.

Just like men, girls experience sexual arousal, but the opportunity to have full-fledged sex is not always available. Therefore, they can start masturbating based on their needs and health status. Sexologists argue in this regard that frequent self-satisfaction does not cause severe physical exhaustion in girls, as it does in men.

At the same time, the body will not like what will happen if you masturbate every day. This is justified by the fact that strong orgasms several times a day can dull sensitivity. That is why it is advisable for women to satisfy themselves no more than 1-2 times a week.

Harm to health

Periodic masturbation cannot have a negative impact on a person’s condition, however, excessively frequent practice of self-gratification significantly increases the risk of developing a number of disorders in the body.

When asked what will happen if you masturbate every day, urologists warn that with such frequent ejaculation in a man, there is an increased load on the reproductive system. A man who masturbates often experiences psychological difficulties. Because of his habit, it may be difficult for him to communicate with women and make new acquaintances.

In more advanced cases, such people become complex. It is very difficult for them to establish full-fledged intimate relationships with women due to the fact that the very image of sex in a person will be associated with negative aspects. Purely physiological satisfaction will be possible only in in a simple way masturbation. Moreover, masturbation, which is practiced very often, can develop addiction.

In this case, the person will perceive it as the best form of intimate relationship, in which there are no failures. Masturbation will begin to be perceived as the only real opportunity to satisfy yourself sexually.

What happens if you masturbate very often: harm from masturbation and rules for safe self-satisfaction

Masturbation will be harmful if it is uncontrolled and too frequent. Moreover, this practice should not be carried out in case of prostate diseases, nervous or physical exhaustion.

Frequent masturbation has a particularly negative effect on young boys under fourteen years of age, whose reproductive system is still fully functioning. Masturbation will do more harm than good to the body and, moreover, will cause an obsession with sex.

The harm of frequent masturbation

People who think about their intimate life often ask doctors what will happen if they masturbate very often.

It is worth noting that abuse of this process can cause the following consequences in humans:

  1. Risk of genital injury.
  2. There is a high probability of infection and the onset of inflammation if the rules of safe self-satisfaction are not followed.
  3. Physical and moral exhaustion, development of complexes and feelings of inferiority.
  4. The risk of developing mental dependence on masturbation.
  5. Problems with rapid ejaculation can make it difficult to actually have intimate relationships with your partner.
  6. High probability of uncontrolled ejaculation in a teenager or man.

Moreover, not everyone knows what will happen if you masturbate very often (more than 3 times a day). Such practices can create a neurosis in a person, during which performing manipulations with the genitals will become a vital necessity. Without masturbation, a person will no longer be able to receive a feeling of satisfaction; this process will become a habit.

It should be understood that masturbation is not reflected in any way on weight, height, penis size or vision, as is often imagined by men who practice self-satisfaction.

Rules for safe masturbation

To ensure that masturbation becomes a pleasant “release” for the body and does not lead to dangerous consequences, you should adhere to the following recommendations for its safe implementation:

  1. Before each process, be sure to wash your hands. This is a basic rule that will help protect a person from unwanted germs, fungal infections and other unpleasant diseases.
  2. Perform masturbation at home. It is in a home environment that it will be easiest for a person to relax.
  3. When using intimate toys, it is worth remembering that they should always be clean. It is also important to know when to stop so as not to harm yourself. Using sharp objects or improvised means is extremely dangerous.
  4. If you masturbate very often, it will be easy to predict. The first thing a person will begin to notice is a lack of natural lubrication. To replace it, you need to use special water-based lubricants. They will protect against damage to the genitals.
  5. You should not perform self-satisfaction in public places. It is also better not to over-watch erotic videos, as this can lead to uncontrolled ejaculation in real life.

It's important to know that masturbation does help you relax and relieve sexual tension, but it shouldn't be a habit. It is better to treat it as a natural process that should not interfere with normal sexual life with a partner.

Is masturbation harmful?

Sex in relationships

Bad habits

Is masturbation harmful?

The harm of masturbation has been the subject of debate among doctors from various professional fields for several years: neurologists, sex therapists, psychiatrists. Some argue that self-satisfaction for men is not only possible, but even useful. This is not a disease, but regulation, returning balance to the male body. Others use facts and the results of painstaking research to prove that this is harmful for men, and warn against such hobbies.

History and culture about masturbation

“Onanism”, “masturbation”, “handjob” are the most common terms denoting the process of self-satisfaction. Throughout history, society has had an extremely ambivalent attitude towards this phenomenon. So in Ancient Greece And Ancient Rome this was considered the norm and was even described in terms of divine origin. On the other hand, in Asia they have always been skeptical about masturbation, since male sperm was considered the receptacle of life force, and masturbation entailed a needless loss of this force. For example, Genghis Khan’s personal healers advised him to give up not only masturbation, but also sex, in order to prolong his reign.

As for modern history, Immanuel Kant in his work “Metaphysics of Morals” compared the act of masturbation with the act of suicide (in terms of sinfulness), but the former called it a more serious crime. He explained it this way: in order to commit suicide, a man needs determination, and in order to rush into the power of an overwhelming animal passion, one can only throw away human dignity.

Statistics about masturbation

According to statistics, about 96% of men have engaged in masturbation in their lives. Average age the first act of onanism is 12-15 years old. More than 78% of men continue to masturbate while having a regular sexual partner. More than 13% of men say they enjoy masturbation more than sex.

In other words, masturbation is a universal practice, and almost every man engages in it to one degree or another. Therefore, we can say with confidence that it is not fatal. However, there are some health benefits.

Why is masturbation dangerous?

Masturbation affects the nervous system. It is known that thanks to masturbation, the body receives a large portion of stress with the release of adrenaline into the blood. Adrenaline mobilizes a person in seconds, sharpens the reaction, increases the level of attention, spurs activity and puts the body in an excited state.

However, the effects of adrenaline must be immediately compensated for by physical activity. During normal sexual intercourse, partners burn off most of the adrenaline emissions. The process of masturbation, on the contrary, does not involve any physical work, with the exception of nervous stress, which leads the masturbator to a state of depression, general depression or unmotivated aggression. Later, all this can result in the appearance of neuroses.

Masturbation and the prostate gland. Abuse of masturbation leads to increased irritation of the gland, resulting in its inflammation. Therefore, if you do not interrupt masturbation, inflammation can move to the next stage, turning into chronic prostatitis, impotence and prostate adenoma.

During normal sexual life, the glands do not stagnate and produce only the required amount of hormones for the body. If a person engages in masturbation constantly, then his prostate produces more secretion than necessary. As a result, the prostate gland in onanists is weakened, its size is increased, it is accessible to infections and diseases, and the onanist has the risk of developing prostatitis from a common cold.

Hence, the prevention of prostatitis should be considered abstinence, and not masturbation. Abstinence combined with exercise, an active lifestyle and giving up bad habits.

Psychological dependence. As mentioned above, 13% of men no longer feel sexual attraction to their partners, since they have ways to satisfy their sexual desires on their own. This is already a clear sign of a mental disorder, and such men need professional help.

During sexual intercourse with a partner, young people experience not only physical pleasure, but also psychological pleasure. In this case, the release of sperm is accompanied by the release of adrenaline, which increases the overall satisfaction from orgasm.

However, if a man begins to masturbate more and more often, he loses the connection between orgasm and motor activity (which happens during regular sex), so he begins to be annoyed by the need to move during sex. Because of this, overall pleasure decreases, and masturbation becomes a more priority form of satisfying one’s sexual needs.

Subsequently, the attraction to women decreases, and the man is no longer able to become aroused to the required degree without outside help. Sex life suffers, marriages collapse.

General conclusion about masturbation

Obviously, abstinence is better than masturbation, and regular sex is better than abstinence. Therefore, every man, if he wants to be healthy - both from a physical and psychological point of view, must:

  • give up masturbation
  • have regular sex
  • practice emotional relaxation

These 4 rules will help maintain a man’s sexual health and not fall into psychological dependence on masturbation.

If the situation has already become unfavorable, then you need to seek help from professionals: a urologist, andrologist, sexologist and psychologist. A timely approach to getting rid of masturbation allows you to achieve good results, in which the patient gets rid of this harmful and senseless scourge.

The idea of ​​the sinfulness of masturbation developed in Western culture on the basis of the Biblical story of Onan, the grandson of the patriarch Jacob. The eldest son in their family died, and Onan, according to tradition, had to marry his widow dead brother, then the child born in this union would be considered the first heir of the family, the son of the elder brother.

The Bible literally says this: “Go in to your brother’s wife, marry her as a brother-in-law, and restore seed to your brother. Onan knew that the seed would not be his, and therefore, when he went in to his brother’s wife, he poured it out on the ground so as not to give seed to his brother. What he did was evil in the sight of the Lord; and He slew him also.” (Genesis 38:8-10)

Apparently, Onan wanted to go against this tradition: if the wife did not give birth to a brother, then Onan’s son would become the first heir in the family, which is what the man may have sought. God, however, did not like this option, but that is another story.

But what is important for us is that Onan was punished, in fact, for interrupted sexual intercourse (this is exactly what Onan did - he went to his brother’s wife, performed sexual intercourse, but spilled his semen on the ground). But nowhere in the Bible does it directly speak specifically about the negative assessment of self-satisfaction.

Across cultures, attitudes toward masturbation have varied. The ancient Greeks, for example, clearly answered “no” to the question “”, and made many devices for it, considering masturbation an adequate way to solve sexual problems in the absence of a partner, and simply one of the ways to get pleasure along with regular sex.

In ancient China, to the question “ is it harmful to masturbate“They answered “yes,” but only in one part: too frequent ejaculation was considered harmful, since semen was considered a container of vital energy and should not be wasted just like that.

However, ancient Chinese treatises were replete with descriptions of techniques that would help one learn to experience orgasm without ejaculation, and therefore we can conclude: pleasure as such was not prohibited. Restrictions regarding female masturbation were not put forward in the east either.

At the same time, in the East there were separate schools and spiritual movements within the framework of Hinduism and Taoism, for example, which preferred to transform a person’s natural desire for sex and masturbation into special practices that allow not only to indulge in pleasure, but also to develop certain skills in mastering one’s own energy and be, in fact, a continuation of spiritual practices.

In Western and Russian culture, the answer to the question “is it harmful to masturbate” in connection with the aforementioned story about Onan was affirmative, but in the 19th century the fight against masturbation in the West acquired truly serious proportions.

Western medicine, which was developing at that time, declared masturbation to be the culprit of almost half of the diseases in the human body, and they began to actively fight it. Among the methods are teaching a growing child to sleep so that his hands are always visible, psychological pressure, and special diets without protein.

It was even common to force children and young men to wear barbaric devices that prevented erection and contact of the genitals with the hands. There were cauterizations of the clitoris or the head of the penis with a hot iron, and in extreme cases, castration was also used as a “treatment.”

In Russian culture, religious and physical punishment- they punished with fasting, prostrations, and most often, having learned one way or another about the fact of masturbation of their offspring - they simply flogged him. But basically this topic was kept silent, and not everyone in the church risked repenting.

Ultimately, the real reason behind all these restrictions was the desire for control and the fears associated with it. Sexual energy is one of the most powerful, basic principles in a person. And at the same time, it is one of the most vulnerable areas. It is no wonder that humanity has tried to manipulate each other through shame and guilt based on any sexual activity.

The answer is clear - no.

No medical studies have confirmed the connection between masturbation and any diseases or mental disorders. Such shifts occurred at the beginning of the twentieth century, when the first serious studies on this topic began to be carried out. In the past, the basis for assumptions about the dangers of masturbation were more often guesses, the source of which was rather the desire to confirm church postulates using scientific methods.

But then doctors knew quite little about the basic mechanisms of functioning of the reproductive system, as well as the whole organism. Therefore, even in real practice, doctors acted “by touch”, and more often it was more important to find a “scapegoat” and come up with at least some explanation than to admit their ignorance.

Regarding the “touch” method, one funny thing happened in European medicine of the 19th century. Hysteria in women, associated with the “wandering” of the uterus, was decided to be treated with massage of both the internal and external genital organs. Naturally, many women experienced orgasm during the procedure (which the doctors had no idea about for a long time, attributing all the effects of what is happening to patients to the “release” of the accumulations of the disease). The hysteria, naturally, disappeared as if by hand... So the doctors themselves partly legitimized masturbation and proved its necessity for emotional and physical balance, and it was during that period that the first vibrator was invented, which was also considered (for the time being) a means of treating hysteria...

At the beginning of the twentieth century, many new trends emerged. Psychoanalysis began to develop, new data appeared on the functioning of the psyche and other body systems, and since the topic of masturbation became more open for discussion in scientific circles and society, it became more possible to obtain real statistical data.

In addition, later, with the help of ultrasound and other modern technology, it became possible to trace the development of the embryo, and at the same time it became clear that masturbation is characteristic of a child even during the period of intrauterine development and accompanies a person, in fact, throughout his entire life.

Why is that? It's quite simple. The child instinctively looks for ways to obtain simple pleasure, the first of which for him is sucking the mother's breast, and then, with the loss of this ability and the development of coordination, the child finds the opportunity to obtain pleasant sensations through irritation of the genitals.

In general, no. Child masturbation is not directly related to sexuality; rather, it serves as a way of learning about one’s own body and as a means of relieving stress.

Proponents of the idea that masturbation is harmful cannot justify their theses in any reasonable way. But if we apply simple logic and basic knowledge about the functioning of the human body, we get a pretty clear picture.

In childhood, a child needs to explore the capabilities of his own body, moreover, he does not fully own any other resource except him, plus he is deprived of extensive choice in terms of spending time and receiving pleasures, all this is limited by the decisions and capabilities of his parents.

Therefore, the body is his only and obvious property, which he cannot be completely prohibited from disposing of in one way or another, and parents cannot always offer the child adequate ways to relieve stress. And the child, in theory, should develop his own mechanisms for coping with it. Masturbation, of course, should not become the only thing, but in many ways it gives the child the understanding that these resources can be inside his own body, that he even has them.

At puberty, when masturbation is already related to sexuality, it is of a substitutive nature, which is absolutely fair: what should a child of 13-14 years old do, who, in fact, is already physically mature for sexual activity, but not psychologically and socially mature for it? ?

Here it is especially strange to ask the question “is it harmful to masturbate”, because the answer seems obvious.

Nature has even provided an automatic mechanism for relieving growing sexual tension: erotic dreams accompanied by orgasm in both sexes, and in boys also accompanied by involuntary ejaculation (wet dreams). And prohibiting a person from masturbating at this stage is the same as prohibiting urination or sweating.

Masturbation allows a teenager to more or less control his own impulses, and at the same time study himself, his fantasies, reactions and form preferences regarding his future sexual life. However, even in adulthood, masturbation can perform a substitution function or the function of exploring one’s sexuality.

But we will talk in more detail about the functions of masturbation in the next part of the article, and now we will return to the question of whether masturbation is harmful in at least some cases? And yet, yes, such cases also happen.

The optimal, healthy frequency of masturbation is very difficult to isolate. Firstly, it depends on age, gender (the peaks of sexual activity of men and women may not coincide), and secondly, on the individual sexual constitution In general, almost all sexologists refrain from establishing numerical limits for the normal frequency of masturbation.

However, here we can apply a psychological criterion and identify several situations in which the answer to the question “is it harmful to masturbate” will be in the affirmative.

The essence of all these situations is that masturbation begins to replace any other activity, for example, a person refuses normal social contacts, shows no interest in any activity - study/work, creativity, studying any information, developing personal relationships, and all his interest is focused on seeking virtual/fantasy sexual stimuli and masturbation.

And even here it is difficult to pose the question “is it harmful to masturbate” - frequent masturbation itself is fraught with only a temporary decrease in the sensitivity of the genital organs, which, however, can easily be restored if the frequency of masturbation is reduced.

The harm here is different - that masturbation becomes the “answer to all questions” and actually replaces real life. Rather, it is an alarming symptom of a whole complex of problems. The same criteria apply to child masturbation.

In such cases, you should think not about the “struggle” with masturbation, but about the reasons that led to the refusal of other forms of activity, which often include some kind of complexes, social fears, lack of skills to cope productively with stress, suppressing one's own feelings and inability to identify and live with them, and for children - lack of support from parents, staying in constant voltage, the scale of which a child at his age cannot yet “digest.”

If in childhood feelings are prohibited, parents do not teach and do not help to go through stress, do not provide space for expressing and living feelings, then they are further and further repressed, blocked, and as a result a person gets used to living without noticing his feelings, not even the very need to experience vivid emotions, while performing actions that are not always understandable to him.

However, it is very difficult to deceive nature in this sense - it will still knock from within. And having discovered one source of vivid experiences that has manifested itself so clearly, a person begins to literally cling to it, because it is the only one that is somehow realized! This is how sexual addiction arises.

As a result, the entire range of feelings that a person could experience through different life situations, he tries to experience only through the sexual activity available to him (and most often this is just masturbation precisely because it is very difficult for a person with suppressed feelings to build personal relationships). And there is no place anywhere else in his life for experiencing feelings.

The question “is it harmful to masturbate” can be answered “no” only with the exception of cases in which addiction or obsession is formed.

And in more detail about what the functions of masturbation are and what benefits they can bring – in the next part “ Is masturbation beneficial?».

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