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Download the presentation on the topic of impersonal sentences. Impersonal sentences presentation for a Russian language lesson (8th grade) on the topic


Lesson topic: Impersonal sentences

The purpose of the lesson:

Introducing students to impersonal sentences and ways of expressing the predicate in them;

Formation of the ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice;


Review what you have learned about one-part sentences;

Introduce students to ways of expressing the predicate in impersonal sentences;

Consolidate the acquired knowledge and conduct its initial control.

Development results educational material lesson.

Subject The results of studying the “Russian Language” course are the development of the following skills:

    recognition of impersonal sentences in text;

    classification of one-part sentences according to their meaning and structural features;

    construction of speech utterances using one-part sentences of various types.

Personal UUD:

    feel proud of the richness and expressiveness of the Russian language;

    be able to see beauty in nature, language, artistic creativity;

    understand the role of one-part sentences in oral and written speech;

    emotionally “live” the text, express your emotions;

    understand the emotions of other people, empathize;

    pay attention to the features of other people’s oral and written statements.

The means to achieve these results are texts of various speech styles and folklore material.

Regulatory UUD:

    independently work with the material, plan your work, correct and evaluate;

    master the techniques of language analysis and synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification.

    work according to plan, checking your actions with the goal, adjusting your activities;

The means of forming regulatory educational activities is problem-dialogical technology and technology for assessing educational achievements (academic success).

Cognitive UUD ;

    find answers to questions;

    draw conclusions as a result of joint work between the class and the teacher;

    convert information from one form to another:

Literary texts and textbook texts and their methodological apparatus, which ensures the formation of functional literacy, serve as a means of forming cognitive learning tools.

Communication UUD:

    express your thoughts orally and in writing;

    ability to work in pairs and groups;

    the ability to listen to comrades and make collective decisions.

The means of forming communicative UUDs is the technology of cooperation and the organization of work in pairs of groups.

Lesson type: lesson in discovering new knowledge

During the classes

    Org. Moment

2. Syntax duel : Continue my thought

The main member of the sentence, answering the question what does the subject of speech do? is... (predicate)

In the sentence “The class is quiet”, the word “quiet”... (predicate)

Proverbs and sayings are typically...sentences. (generalized-personal)

The subject can be easily restored in ... sentences. (Definitely personal)

In indefinite sentences the predicate has the form... (3rd person plural, or past tense plural)

3.Digital dictation (slide)

-Peer review(slide)

4. Output on the topic of the lesson: What sentence did you not indicate in the dictation? Why?

    Based on the presence of the main members, what kind of proposal is this?

    What is the main member of the sentence expressed by?

    Is it possible to restore the subject?

    What do you think these proposals are called?

    What will the topic of the lesson be?

    Why is this type of sentence called IMPERSONAL?

    Disassemble the word according to its composition impersonal.

Goal setting: What should you discover in today's lesson?

Lesson topic: "Impersonal Offers"(slide)

- How do we structure the lesson, what steps should we take to achieve our goal?

(discovery of new knowledge, assimilation of knowledge, control of knowledge)

At this stage of the lesson, can you say which sentences are called impersonal?

(read it in the textbook)

5. Group task ( research)

Suggestions have been given. Select grams in them. basics, indicate how the predicates are expressed.

- Start drawing up an answer algorithm in the form of a diagram “Ways of expressing predicates in impersonal sentences”

It smells like snow and dried grass. It was boring. It is difficult to make out the color and shape of objects. I wasn't feeling well. There is no sun outside. The exams have already been announced.



6. Open the textbook, read the theoretical material, add the missing elements to the diagram

(check through document camera)

What groups are impersonal sentences divided into by meaning? Slide

7. Physical education minute. (slide)

The music of P.I. Tchaikovsky “Winter” sounds

Imagine that you are in a winter forest.....

8. Consolidation of what has been learned.

2. - Perform the magical transformation of sentences into impersonal ones. (slide)

Find the predicate verbs in your sentences. Determine their shape.

With personal verbs With impersonal verbs

(Write in notebook)

The wind blows through the window. (It’s blowing through the window. (3l, unit, present time)

The snow will melt in the spring. It will melt in the spring. (3l,.un.h., b..v.)

The roses smelled good. There was a fragrant smell of roses (past time, present time)

The forest is noisy. There is a noise in my ears. (3l, unit, present time)

The thunderstorm set the tree on fire. The tree was set on fire by a thunderstorm.) (past tense,


The wind broke the apple tree The wind broke the apple tree.

Examination (slide)

3. Test task (cards)

Indicate the numbers of impersonal offers

1) We are driving through pine forests, dark forests.

2) We must require children to be careful in everything

3) The short winter days were red, clear and quiet.

5) You inhale the smell of frosty coolness.

6) The air smells of pine resin.

7) No one slept that night.

8) The slanting rays of the sun penetrate the entire forest.

(self-test: 1 error - “4”, 2 errors - “3”) slide

9. Summing up

Game "Yes-no"

) Do impersonal verbs change according to persons and numbers? (NO)

2) Is there a subject, i.e. the person performing the action in a sentence with impersonal verbs? (NO)

3) Are the concepts of an impersonal verb and an impersonal sentence related? (YES)

4) An impersonal sentence is a one-part sentence? (YES)

5) Can an impersonal verb be compound? (YES)


What was the lesson about?

What difficulties did you experience?

What helped you overcome them?

In what mood will you leave the lesson?


Select d.z.

P.83-84 to teach, exercise 133 - “3”, write out 5 impersonal sentences from any sources - “4”, miniature essay “Winter Day” - “5”

12.Filling out assessment sheets.

“5” - everything is clear, “4” - there are still doubts, “3” - I didn’t understand anything

Mironova Lyubov Ivanovna

GBOU Secondary School named after. Hero

Soviet Union

P. I. Zakharova, Troitskoe village

m.r. Syzransky

Samara region

Teacher of Russian language

and literature

Make up sentences

from just one word,

to make it clear what

the time of day is coming

in nature.



Structure, meaning of impersonal sentences

1. Indicates a condition. Expressed by a word of condition, an adverb in the function of a predicate.

2. Indicates a condition. Expressed by a verb with words it is necessary, it is possible, it is necessary, it is impossible, it is not worth it... and is a compound verb predicate.

  • Denotes an action where a personal verb is used in the meaning of an impersonal one.
  • Denotes an action where a personal verb is used in the meaning of an impersonal one.
  • Denotes an action where a personal verb is used in the meaning of an impersonal one.
  • Denotes an action where a personal verb is used in the meaning of an impersonal one.
  • Denotes an action where a personal verb is used in the meaning of an impersonal one.

3. Denotes negation. Expressed in words No or verbs with negation.

4. Indicates an action. Expressed by a short passive participle of the neuter gender.

5. Indicates an action. Expressed by the infinitive form of the verb.

6. Denotes an action where a personal verb is used in the meaning of an impersonal one.

7. Indicates a condition. The action happens on its own. Expressed by an impersonal verb.

Since the evening the patient had been shivering and sweating.

There are a lot of good things associated with this city.

It is difficult to tolerate a person who likes to talk a lot.

I wish I could get home before dark.

What time of year is it easier to die in war?

It was fun for me to breathe the night freshness of those forests into my exhausted chest.

Recover the missing word.

And live in paradise... alone.

Done hastily, ... for laughs.

You can be both a friend and an enemy... in three circumstances: on the road, in grief, and in illness.

Where there is good..., don’t look for the truth.

As life is, so is...

Everyone needs to know how to be an enemy...

Respect is hard to earn, but easy...

There is nothing for someone who has fallen into the water... rain.

No luck to the indecisive.

A fool can't... go crazy.

2) done;

3) experience;

5) sleeps;

6) recognize;

7) lose

8) be afraid;

9) know (or see);

10) scary.

check yourself

It became cold and icy outside. It gets dark early. The clear voices of birds are not heard. No greenery or flowers. The forest is chilly and empty. It's bare all around.

Title the text.

what feature are you

did you notice?

Why it’s remarkable

this text?

Winter is coming, and how

sugar, snow

White-white lies

Night. Moon. And under the spruce

In white fur coats, like

Hares in color with snow


The silence that is around


Stars twinkle spreads,

Again and again beauty

is born.

Name the type of highlighted sentences

Thanks everyone!

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Presentation on the Russian language on the topic: “Impersonal sentences” Completed by a student of class 9 A Gayvas Anastasia

Impersonal sentences (sentences in which the predicate does not indicate and, by its form, cannot indicate the actor) Impersonal sentences are the most common type of verbal one-part sentences.

Impersonal verbs have only the infinitive form (dawn, chill), a form that coincides with the 3rd person singular (dawn, chill), and a neuter singular form (dawn, chill).

The group of impersonal verbs is replenished by personal verbs by adding the postfix -sya to them: not read, not slept, not believed, easy to breathe, live, etc.

The predicate in impersonal sentences can be expressed: by an impersonal verb, in which the subject is impossible by the impersonal form of a finite verb, which can be used in a two-part sentence with the words no, was not, etc. an indefinite form of a verb (infinitive) an indefinite form combined with an impersonal auxiliary verb adverbs or short passive participles in the neuter form with or without the word to be

By formation, impersonal verbs can be irrevocative and reflexive: The irreflexive form of impersonal verbs has varieties: 1. proper impersonal verbs: And it has been dawning for a long time (Baratynsky); 2. personal verbs in impersonal use; Wed: There is a Russian spirit, there it smells of Russia (Pushkin); How strongly the wormwood smells on the borders! (Turgenev.).

The reflexive form of impersonal verbs is in most cases formed from finite verbs (usually intransitive) by means of the suffix -sya; not sleeping - not sleeping. The following varieties of the reflexive form of impersonal verbs are distinguished: 1. verbs with an impersonal meaning that have no correspondence in the group of personal verbs: To tell the truth, it lay perfectly on this sofa (Turgenev.); 2. impersonal verbs that coincide in form with personal ones: One came true (cf. the prediction came true), the other dreamed (cf. dreamed of happiness) (verb.).

Compared to personal verbs, impersonal verbs do not change in persons and numbers, as well as in gender. They are used only in the 3rd person singular form. hours of present and future tense and in the form of units. h. past tense of the neuter gender. These forms of impersonal verbs, unlike the corresponding personal forms, are not subject to agreement with the subject, since they are used in impersonal sentences. Impersonal verbs have the form subjunctive mood neuter units hours and indefinite form; They do not have an imperative form.

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Slide captions:

Russian language Impersonal sentences

Insert NOT or NOR; add the missing punctuation marks (...)barking dogs (..)roosters (...)creaking gates (...)could drive him crazy. Out of nowhere (...) a wind came that (...) only hindered our progress but also drove half the sky full of clouds threatening us (...) with either snow (...) or rain. Examination

Check Neither the barking of a dog, nor the roosters, nor the creaking of the gate could make him angry. Out of nowhere, a wind blew in, which not only hindered our progress, but also brought clouds into half the sky, threatening us with either snow or rain.

1) Indicate a phrase with a subordinating connection by adjacency. a) walk in the forest; b) dreams of relaxing; c) the beauty of nature; d) your opinion. 2) Find the compound verb predicate a) asked to sing; b) will be a doctor; c) started whistling; d) is walking. 3) Indicate one-part sentences: a) The winter cold reigns in the forest. b) You walk through the winter forest and admire its beauty. c) The snow sparkles and shimmers in the moonlight. d) There was a storm outside the window.

1. It got colder. 2. Carts of bread pulled through the village. 3. It’s good to look at the dark sky and pray for someone’s unlucky soul. 4. And silence reigns all around. 5. Only the rustling of dry leaves can be heard. 6.Evening. 7. Voices along the road sing about the dark night. 8. I love such autumn evenings. 9. And the soul is sad and quietly rejoices Two-part Definitely personal nouns

Two-part sentences 2. Carts of bread pulled through the village. 4.And there is silence all around. 5. All you can hear is the rustling of dry leaves. 7. Voices along the road sing about the dark night. 9.And the soul is sad and quietly rejoices

Definitely personal 8. I love such autumn evenings The predicate verb is used in the form of 1st person, singular, present tense

Name 6. Evening. The main member of the sentence - the subject - is expressed by a noun

Let's consider the remaining sentences 1. It got colder. 3. It’s good to look at the dark autumn sky and pray for someone’s unlucky soul. Is it possible to determine the person who performs the action in these sentences?

Impersonal sentences Such sentences, in which there is not and cannot be an actor, and the action is performed on its own, are called impersonal

Impersonal offers

The predicate in an impersonal sentence is expressed in the following ways: 1. I worked especially well in the evenings. 2. The smell of hay over the meadows. 3. Gerasim was no longer in the yard. 4.You will never see such battles. 5. Alenka didn’t want to sleep. 6. It’s good to wander through the forests. 7. It’s very quiet at this hour.

Find impersonal sentences 1.The air smelled of fresh greenery and coolness. 2.Today we are drawing a landscape. 3. If you love to ride, you also love to carry sleds. 4. Despite the late hour, the room was completely light. 5.I don't have time for empty talk. 6. It’s good to stretch out on the green grass by the stream on a hot day. Examination

Check 1. The air smelled of fresh greenery and coolness. 4. Despite the late hour, the room was completely light. 5.I don't have time for empty talk. 7. It’s good to stretch out on the green grass by the stream on a hot day. Test

One-part sentence knowledge. Impersonal offer.

Novik N.G., teacher of Russian language and literature, GBOU JSC “Vychegda SKOSHI”.

Lesson objectives:

  • give the concept of impersonal sentences;
  • develop the ability to find impersonal sentences by their meaning and structural features;
  • develop the ability to use impersonal sentences in speech.

We are pleased to welcome you to our class,

Perhaps there are better and more beautiful classes,

But let it be light for you in our class,

Let it be cozy and very easy.

Good afternoon

I want to wish you



Good luck;


Good luck.

Be diligent in class

Be calm and attentive.

Write everything without falling behind,

Listen without interrupting.

Speak clearly, distinctly,

To make everything clear.

If you want to answer,

You have to raise your hand.

In the country of the native language

Not everything is known to us yet,

But let's start traveling

And we will get to everything ourselves.

Let's repeat what we learned.

Complete the sentences with

1. Sentences according to the number of grammatical bases are divided into..

2.One-part sentences are divided into...

3. Nominal sentences are...

4. Definitely personal proposals are...

5. Vaguely personal proposals –

One-part sentences

With the main member -

subject to

With the main member -




Vaguely personal

Definitely personal



Winter .

Impersonal offer


It's getting colder.

Definitely personal

I love a frosty day.

One-part sentences

Vaguely personal

Snow is being cleared from the yard.


Take care of your nose in the deep frost!

2. What groups are one-part sentences divided into?

Monocomponents with the main member – subject –

One-part compounds with the main member - the predicate


  • DEFINITELY PERSONAL (predicate-verb in the form of 1st, 2nd person singular or plural).
  • UNDETERMINED PERSONAL ( predicate – verb in 3rd person form ) or with the meaning of a generalized person (proverbs, sayings)
  • IMPERSONAL (absence, impossibility of indicating the performer of the action)

Before getting acquainted with impersonal offers,

show how you can recognize other monocomponents

offers. From those proposed, please indicate (in writing):

A) one-part nouns

B) one-part definite-personal

C) single-compound indefinite-personal (or generalized-personal)

  • Talk to me, mom.
  • I’m sitting by the sea, looking at the abyss. (the abyss?)
  • Noise, fuss, incessant running.
  • Eat bread and salt, but tell the truth.
  • Do you hear anything?
  • Do not be offended by me.
  • Gorgeous winter day!
  • They will meet you at the station.

Let's check the correctness:

A) 3, 7

B) 1, 2, 5, 6

B) 4, 8

Game "Don't confuse your pockets"

1. Choose a book to your liking.

2. Autumn. Getting ready for rural work.

3.Chickens are counted in the fall.

4. Tall building.

5. There is noise in the house.

6.Today we are drawing a landscape.

6.Endless field. The grass is cut early in the morning.

7. If they knew the way, they wouldn’t get lost.

8. I’m coming to the rescue!

Game "Don't confuse your pockets."



High building.

Choose a book to your liking.

Endless field.

Getting ready for rural work.

Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.

Today we are drawing a landscape.

There is noise in the house.

I'm coming to the rescue!

The grass is cut early in the morning.

If they knew the way, they wouldn't get lost.


(1) What a damp morning!

(2) Outside the window cloudy .(3) Caplet from the roof. (4) The windows are covered with gray snow. (5) It slides down the glass, sticks to the frames, and swells.

(6) How my bones hurt! (7) But gotta get up and work . (8) Morning has come. (9) People in the village are already going to work. (10) And me Need to work. (11) But how can I not feeling well! (12) And no strength (13) I’ll lie down a little longer.

(14) Still the same damp morning...

(15) The hut is hot.

(16) I don't feel like working.

day you walk along the path of the park and admire


The main member of these sentences is expressed:

1. In a word, categories of state. -1. It's cloudy outside. 2. Personal verb in impersonal meaning : 2. Droplets from the roof. 3. Infinitive : 7. But you have to get up and work . 4. Impersonal verb : 11. I'm not feeling well.

5. In other words, no : 11. And there is no strength. 6. Short form of participle : 15. The hut is hot. 7. Reflexive verb in impersonal meaning: 16. I don't feel like working.

day you walk along the path of the park and admire

In an impersonal sentence

the main term can be expressed:

1) impersonal verb;

2) a personal verb in an impersonal meaning;

3) infinitive;

4) short passive participle of the neuter gender;

6) negative word No, verb did not have, with denial Not.

Commented letter

Assignment: Copy the text, underline the main parts of impersonal sentences. Indicate how they are expressed. It was freezing outside.

It's nice in the forest in April! It's nice in the forest in spring!

And now there is no more snow.

Doesn’t want(?) to go into the room, it’s nice to be in the air, even though it’s getting(?) fresh.

It’s hot in nature, cold in the soul: all around is the sea and the sea.

day you walk along the path of the park and admire

Group work

1) At night on wet trees fell snow , bent branches with loose damp weight, and then it grabbed frost, and snow Now held on the branches tightly, like candied cotton wool.

2) To me can't sit in a cramped house, wants to go for a walk .

day you walk along the path of the park and admire

Creative work

  • Sample 1. Today I Working Fine. - Today I working Fine.

1. In the evenings, father writes especially easily. 2. The girl has been singing since the morning. 3. The old man sleeps all day.

Creative work

- Convert two-part sentences into one-part impersonal ones.

Sample 2. I have There is confidence. - I have there is no certainty.

1. We have laggards in our class.

2. There are good poems in this magazine.

3. I have free space.

Working with poetic texts .

Task: Identify impersonal sentences. Emphasize the main member in them.

A) It’s boring, and sad, and there’s no one to shake hands with

In a moment of spiritual adversity...

B) And I believe and cry,

And so easy, easy.

B) It’s getting dark. Were everyone ready

Start a new fight tomorrow morning

And stand until the end...

Game - competition "Who is faster"

and more correctly determine the type of sentences and write the numbers in the table.

1) We are driving through pine forests, dark forests. (I.A. Bunin)

2) I walk quietly along the fluffy gratings of the canal (M. Dudin)

3) The short winter days were red, clear and quiet (S. Aksakov) 4) Her voice emanated warmth. 5) You inhale the smell of frosty coolness.

6) The piercing whistle of tits is already often heard in the house. 7) No one slept that night.

8) The slanting rays of the sun penetrate the entire forest.

9) The hut was heated hot. 10) The air smells of pine resin.

In an impersonal sentence

the main term can be expressed:

1) Impersonal verb

I have been very lucky since childhood.

2) Personal verb in impersonal use Droplet with bird cherry.

My heart felt light and sad.

4) Infinitive

You have to wake up from silence.

5) In words no, it was not

There is no dream, there is the appearance of it.

6) Short passive neuter participle

The room was smoky.

How is the predicate expressed in an impersonal sentence?

Impersonal offers

1. Impersonal verb (with -sya and without -sya)

1. I think mostly about the end of the world. Since childhood I have been very lucky .

2. Personal verb in an impersonal meaning.

2. Caplet with bird cherry. Howled , started singing in the distance thick, piercing.

4. Outside the window cloudy. In my heart it was easy And sad.

5. Combination of a verb or word of the state category in –o with an infinitive

5. It's not often you have to wake up from silence. About bears, like devils, you can tell endlessly.

6. An indeclinable word, the same in form as a noun, in combination with an infinitive

6. It's time to divorce bonfire and cook wow.

7. A negative word or construction expressing negation.

7. No sleep, there is an appearance of it. gone harmony. In the sky neither one clouds .

8. Short passive participle of the neuter gender with the suffixes -n-, -en-, -t-.

8. In the room it was smoky .

Constructing proposals. Change the two-part sentence into an impersonal one.

I'm not feeling well.

The baby can't sleep.

It's getting dark.

The road was covered with snow.

Don't you have a book?

Smells like pine.

I'm not healthy.

The baby is not sleeping.

Evening is approaching.

Snow covered the road.

Do you have a book?

It smells like pine.


Working with the text “In the forest”.

Exercise: Underline the main member in one-part sentences. Determine the type of one-part sentences.

1.I’m standing on the edge of the nearest forest.

2. There is dead silence around. 3. You can’t hear the birds singing, the tree branches don’t sway. 4. A huge spruce is covered from top to bottom with a blanket of snow. 5. The branches of birch trees sparkle in the sun from silver frost. 6. I breathe deeply and enjoy the beauty of nature. 7. I feel so happy! 8. How nice it is in the forest! 9. It’s a pity that you called on the phone. 10. We need to return home.

Let's summarize.

Impersonal sentences are one-part sentences in which the main member is expressed by an impersonal verb, a personal verb in an impersonal meaning, an indefinite form of a verb, a short passive participle in the neuter form, a category of state, a noun in the genitive case

with NEITHER or NOT.

day you walk along the path of the park and admire

Highlight the grammatical basics, indicate how the predicates are expressed.

1. It smells like snow and dried grass.

2.I was bored.

3.It is difficult to make out the outlines of objects.

4.I wasn't feeling well.

5. There is no sun outside.

6.Exams have already been announced.

Smells – verb 3rd person present tense

It was boring – be+ adverb

Disassemble – verb in indefinite form

Not feeling well – verb cf. gender, past tense

Reported – short passive participle cf. sort of

Recover the missing word.

And live in paradise... alone.

Done hastily, ... for laughs.

You can be both a friend and an enemy... in three circumstances: on the road, in grief, and in illness.

Where there is good..., don’t look for the truth.

As life is, so is...

Everyone needs to know how to be an enemy...

Respect is hard to earn, but easy...

There is nothing for someone who has fallen into the water... rain.

No luck to the indecisive.

A fool can't... go crazy.

check yourself

1) Nauseous;

2) done;

3) experience;

4) no;

5) sleeps;

6) recognize;

7) lose

8) be afraid;

9) know (or see);

10) scary.


§ 35, p. 110. (learn the rule); ex. No. 203

2. Complete test tasks

3.Write impersonal sentences from the story “About Love” by A. Chekhov (8 sentences). Indicate the way to express the predicate.


learned well

I learned it well and can put it into practice

I learned it well, but I have questions

much is unclear