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Virgo and Gemini - compatibility in love and marriage. Are Gemini and Gemini compatible? Is it suitable for twins


It is very easy to recognize such a pair. It's very interesting to watch them. They are cheerful and love to be the center of attention. In any company they quickly gain sympathy. They are listened to and often asked for advice. And just imagine the doubly vital energy.

How to figure out if they are right for each other. These people are fickle in their feelings. They do not like shackles and difficulties. Geminis prefer to live an easy, frivolous life. In such a couple there are often disagreements. Especially in the first time of their life together. Their home is either in perfect order or, on the contrary, in complete chaos. They try to avoid situations that might somehow affect their feelings. They do not like to quarrel and try to maintain peace by any means. It costs them nothing to deceive a little for the sake of a high goal. They do this so skillfully that the partner rarely realizes that they are lying.

Are Gemini and Gemini compatible? This question is not so simple. It all depends on how attached these two are to each other. They should keep in mind that their partner is in no way inferior, either in intelligence or intelligence.

They will be happy if they can provide themselves with both emotional and material stability. In their relationship, sometimes there comes a period of coldness and alienation, and sometimes periods of insane passion. It is very good if these feelings coincide between two people. If not, then the partner will have to come to terms with the circumstances and wait it out. In order to better understand your loved one, it will be useful to read the Gemini horoscope from time to time. For tomorrow, for a week or for a year - he will give you complete information about what awaits you from communicating with this difficult sign.

Like no other sign, Gemini loves to joke. It is sometimes difficult for them to talk about even the most serious things without humor. However, they are able to understand each other, and this does not cause difficulties. It is very important for them to gain understanding from their loved one. If Gemini doesn't take the relationship seriously, it won't last long. The thing is that they tend not to notice problems and crisis situations in relationships. Because of this, Geminis often break up without even having time to find out. If this outcome does not suit them, then they should be careful about who is nearby.

It is difficult to answer whether Gemini and Gemini are compatible. They are not very ambitious. Even if they have a couple, they are able to flirt always and in any situation. They do this quite naturally and do not see anything wrong with such behavior. Marriage for Gemini is a sacred event. They are in no hurry to formalize the relationship. They will take a long look and weigh the pros and cons. Only being completely confident in the necessity of marriage can they walk down the aisle. For example, the horoscope for 2013 promises success in personal affairs. Geminis who decide to start a family will be happy and lucky.

Gemini loves Gemini. At the beginning of a relationship, they should be patient and get to know each other better. This will not be difficult, because both of them are sociable and tend to hide things.

Studying the characteristics of people based on their horoscope is a fascinating activity. And besides this, it is also useful in that it becomes easy to predict the development of relationships in a couple. For example, the signs Virgo and Gemini - the compatibility of such a pair can be explained by the attraction of opposites.

Are Virgo and Gemini suitable for each other?

Representatives of the zodiac signs Virgo and Gemini are considered completely dissimilar due to the characteristics that they are awarded with the opposite elements of Earth and Air. Astrologers disagree on the question of whether Gemini and Virgo are compatible, because... much depends on how strong the desire of this couple is to create a strong, stable and durable family union.

The main problem of the Virgo and Gemini duo is that they lack emotional compatibility. The frivolity, frivolity and irresponsibility of Gemini scares off the thorough, picky and cautious Virgo. The foundation of a happy union of such dissimilar people can be the high intelligence that is awarded to representatives of both zodiac constellations. For representatives of the Virgo and Gemini signs, compatibility must be cultivated methodically and patiently.

Virgo and Gemini - compatibility in love relationships

The potential for development in radically different people lies in the points of contact and the awareness that they complement each other well. The compatibility of Virgo and Gemini in relationships will increase if they begin to look less pickily at shortcomings and focus on positive qualities. It is useful for the pedantic Virgo to look at the world around him through the eyes of an energetic Gemini. It would be useful for the latter to become a little more serious under the influence of his love partner.

In love, Virgo and Gemini discover a new world in each other, completely different from their own world. Geminis show their earthly lover a life full of adventures and fantasies, and in turn they themselves receive an incentive to develop such qualities as thoughtfulness and systematicity. During the period when the love between representatives of these signs is strong, attempts to slightly change the partner do not cause rejection and pass with ease.

Virgo and Gemini - Marriage Compatibility

Astrologers consider the union of a Virgo woman and a Gemini man to be quite harmonious. In this case, the wife will be happy to take care of the home and create comfortable conditions for her beloved. A man will gratefully accept the care and warmth that a Virgo woman will give, and he himself will become calmer and wiser. The wife in this union, under the influence of her partner, will begin to develop and grow creatively. The pitfall in this case may be a factor such as addiction, which will crowd out all romantic feelings.

In a married couple, the husband is a Virgo and the wife is a Gemini, there are plenty of problems, although in this case the roles are distributed more traditionally. The husband ensures the financial stability of the family and is responsible for it. The wife brings romance into family life, arranges the house based on her good taste, and completely submits to her husband in everyday matters. Discord may arise if the Virgo man begins to criticize the Gemini woman for being impractical, especially in relation to finances. Geminis do not tolerate nagging well, so the wife is quite capable of pulling herself together and slamming the door.

Virgo man, Gemini woman - compatibility in bed

A union of people of different temperaments is often most compatible precisely in. Gemini and Virgo love sex equally and, without going beyond their moral principles, are able to give each other unearthly pleasure. In bed, the Gemini woman is more emotional, inventive, and flexible, while the Virgo man brings technicality and orderliness to sexual life. The Virgo woman-Gemini man couple has much more problems in their intimate life, and if the partner unnecessarily shocks Virgo with his fantasies, the union will fall apart.

Virgo and Gemini - friendship

Virgo and Gemini organize their free time and leisure in completely different ways, so it is very difficult for representatives of these signs to make friends. But if they find common ground, then we can state that few people get along the way Gemini and Virgo sign get along. Friendship between representatives of these signs can be based on a common cause, as well as on intellectual hobbies. Another incentive that supports the friendship of such dissimilar people is mutual benefit.

Problems between Virgo and Gemini

The selfishness, duality and fickle nature of Gemini offends the logical, organized, rational Virgo, and this rejection is often mutual. A positive answer to the question of whether Virgo is suitable for Gemini is possible only if both representatives of these signs are aware of their “one-sidedness” and understand the need for “balancing”. Most problems can be avoided if you perceive your partner’s differences not as shortcomings, but as his characteristics. To succeed, they both need to learn not to put pressure on a loved one, to compromise.

Compatibility horoscope for the zodiac sign Gemini. Which Gemini union is considered ideal and successful? With which zodiac sign will Gemini find true happiness, harmony and love?

Are you a match?

Compatibility of Gemini and the Twins

You can share many wonderful days and years with each other if you promise not to exhaust your partner's physical, emotional and mental resources to the limit. And believe me, there is a great danger of a meeting of four similar souls who have found shelter in two bodies - when one pair of “twins”, embodying the positive and negative sides of personalities, treats the other pair too freely. It gets quite tedious, to say the least. However, any of the four such personalities involved in such relationships will be very pleased to find among the other three a soul similar to itself, looking for similar truths and trying to solve the same difficulties and mysteries, trying to find out - what are these people really like? This is potentially an extremely useful combination, but both of you (or you could say the four of you) need to develop a clear view of things, choose a specific purpose in life; You also need to remember that words alone will never be enough. Both of you need to be more practical, not so careless - otherwise you will just “float on the surface” or fuss around aimlessly.

Compatibility Gemini and Cancer

This is a relationship of love and hate with the possibility of an exceptionally successful combination. If the “Cancer” conveys his intuition and strength of character to the “Gemini”, and the “Gemini” lifts the “Cancer” to the great heights of their creative ideas, then yes, things are definitely on the way to success. “Gemini” and “Cancer” are similar to each other in more than one way. Both of them love to talk - they are able to tell long, entertaining stories, decorated with many details and marked by depth and humor. Another similarity is that they are both unpredictably changeable and capable of momentary fluctuations from high to low and from pink to black without much difficulty! Both of them are dreamers and both love to be the center of someone's worries. However, Cancer is secretive and will almost never reveal its inner feelings or fears. Geminis are very open and express their fears, feelings, dreams and motivations without the slightest hesitation. In addition, we note that “twins” are independent souls, love freedom and cannot stand coercion. This may cause them to conflict with the possessiveness-prone Cancer.

Compatibility Gemini and Leo

This is a great relationship. “Gemini” is smart and charming enough to make “Leo” happy, but “Leo” has an extraordinary sense of humor and acting skills that do not allow “Gemini” to get bored. A perfect couple! And both of them know or guess about the game that the other is playing. Furiously rushing about in a whirlwind of various activities, the “twins” can really get completely lost in this world, and the “leo” feels it. The fearlessly roaring “lion” may actually harbor a little insecurity, and this touches the “twins”. A stable and constant “Leo” is able to easily prevail over the “Gemini”, making them the spokesman of his feelings and the mouthpiece of his interests. “Gemini” should remember that for the success of this relationship, they should allow the “Leo” to feel their strength and leadership role. Leo requires significant public recognition and absolute adoration from the masses, while Geminis hate being the center of attention of the crowd. Of course, this fundamentally harmonious combination may have its pros and cons.

Compatibility Gemini and Virgo

These two zodiac signs, both ruled by Mercury, are very different from each other. In temporary, fleeting relationships, the "Virgo" finds the "Gemini" very pleasant and resourceful, and the wit of the "Gemini" can give real relaxation to the more serious "Virgo". But with more than one brief stroll, their fundamental incompatibility surfaces closer to the surface. “Virgos” are serious-minded people who are incapable of believing in fables, while “Gemini” spend most of their time in the world of illusions. Sober-minded "Virgos" do not strive for special revolutions and changes, but for the "airy" "Gemini" life is not complete without constant changes - changes in attachments and mindsets. Virgo loves orderliness and neatness - two qualities that are least likely to be found in Geminis. “Virgins” tend to quickly take offense, and for a long time they cannot forget the wounds inflicted on them; “Gemini”, when excited, are distinguished by their caustic and critical manner of speech. Gemini may find Virgo's influence too relaxing to allow her to get involved with them - at least for any significant time.

Compatibility Gemini and Libra

The meeting of Libra and Gemini makes for a wonderful relationship. The constant flow of energy from Gemini, mingling with the legendary charm of Libra, produces a fantastic combination. “Libra” gives the “Gemini” the missing rival in terms of mental acuity. “Libra” has the delicacy and diplomacy necessary to successfully deal with “Gemini”. "Gemini" is inspired by acting according to the plan or plan of "Libra". This is definitely a rare pairing. Both representatives of these zodiac signs are good for each other. "Gemini" and "Libra" are both dreamy "air" signs and their owners will have lengthy discussions about anything under the sun. Representatives of these "air" signs are not easy to identify if they are next to each other. But they differ in the way they make decisions. “Libra”, constantly weighing and calculating, carefully considering all the pros and cons, are much more prudent people; It may take them a long time to make a decision. "Gemini" decide instantly, in a flash - of course, a moment later the "Gemini" may decide to change their previous decision...

Compatibility Gemini and Scorpio

The power-seeking Scorpio and the fun-seeking, childish Gemini can be a bit of a burden to each other. "Scorpio" may consider the "Gemini" too fickle, and the "Gemini" may be genuinely frightened by the indomitable feelings of the "Scorpio". "Scorpio" is by nature inclined to suppress others and is extremely jealous in everything he undertakes. He never does anything halfway and always finishes what he starts. Geminis love freedom and are never interested in anything long enough to bring it to its logical conclusion. It's too boring for them. They are also not particularly famous for their loyalty. Let us add that the “Scorpio” is very secretive and will never reveal his awareness of what he knows - this is part of his game for power. It is difficult for a Gemini to remain calm; he will never learn to count to ten before uttering the first words of his speech. It is known that "twins" are capable of spreading gossip. These two solar signs, so different in all respects, are sometimes able to form a magnificent couple - if they manage to combine the perseverance and fortitude of the “Scorpio” with the enthusiasm of the “Gemini”.

Compatibility Gemini and Sagittarius

A perfect couple. "Gemini" are quick to rise and easily accept what happens. "Sagittarius" is easy-going and quickly accepts what is happening. Both of them love fun, are very smart, fast and perky. This is a great combination, especially for short-term relationships. Over a period of time, it can become explosive if the partners do not respect each other’s abilities and talents. Each of the representatives of these signs has qualities that the other strives for. Sagittarius has warmth, sincerity, idealism and high aspirations - and Gemini may secretly desire to acquire these qualities. Geminis have tact and flair, poise and charm, as well as the gift of equanimity in tense situations—all these qualities that Sagittarius strives for. Both of these people are highly artistic and both are capable of loving poetry, painting and other forms of art. In these relationships, Geminis should refrain from being sarcastic, since Sagittarius does not accept sarcasm and cannot bear insults. This duet can undoubtedly be beneficial for both of its participants, since both of them are able to learn a lot from each other.

Compatibility Gemini and Capricorn

The union of these air and earth signs cannot be considered a particularly good idea. “Capricorn” needs more material things and will consider the “Gemini” too lightweight and fickle, remaining indifferent to their interests. "Gemini" will consider "Capricorn" to be too slow and serious - not a match for the fast walking and seething energy of the "Gemini". One of them is too slow to keep up with the fast pace of the other. However, "Gemini" can find some peace and tranquility in friendship with "Capricorn" - however, not for long. “Capricorn” is completely unable to understand the “twins” and unravel their secret - this serious earthly creature cannot understand a creature freely soaring - especially since it is not soaring alone: ​​in fact, there are always two of them. Capricorn is calm and reserved, while Gemini loves to talk. "Gemini" lives in an imaginary world, and "Capricorn" stands firmly on the ground. They are too different for a long-term relationship - but if they solve this problem, it will be great - a wonderfully rewarding and enriching relationship.

Compatibility Gemini and Aquarius

Without a doubt, this can be the most exciting and exciting relationship. "Aquarius" dances to inaudible music, and the "geminis" are undoubtedly intrigued by what is happening. “Aquarius” is a way beyond everyday life: it is able to hold the attention of “twins” as long as necessary. Representatives of both of these signs are capricious and a little eccentric. In the areas of hobbies, love and games, they will get along without difficulty. This is an amazing combination. Representatives of both signs are dreamers, constantly wandering in worlds different from ours. And both of them are in awe of the pictures that open before their eyes. However, sometimes they touch the ground... looking into each other's eyes, and again upward, to some new planet! It's true that both of them may be as similar as two peas in a pod - but there are also some significant differences between them. Aquarius is stubborn, and sometimes this can cause problems. At the same time, both of them are unusually changeable. Two people born under these signs, in alliance with each other, can easily make money and immediately lose it.

Compatibility Gemini and Pisces

Pisces will inevitably find Geminis too restless for their watery lifestyle, while Geminis may find Pisces completely insensitive. It cannot be said that this was the greatest union of two souls. Of course, the “Gemini” is a sociable creature, and the “Pisces” gravitate towards the solitude of cool, deep and serene waters. Both of them are capable of getting on each other’s nerves. Both of them tend to go with the flow and both are consummate experts at dodging tough questions. Perhaps they will establish this relationship on the same wavelength, but a collapse in the future is almost inevitable. “Gemini” is able to quickly and completely disappoint “Pisces”, trying to analyze and understand their motives, which may turn out to be completely impossible. Both owners of these signs, however, share a sense of beauty and appreciate the beautiful things of the world, and this often attracts them to each other. It is important for “Pisces” to feel the need for themselves, and “Gemini” needs someone to shift their burden onto him - and who could be better suited for this than the compassionate “Pisces”, always ready to offer the “Gemini” their vest and ear? In general, however, this is not very reliable soil for building a castle on - it is better to try to find a better one.

Compatibility Gemini and Aries

Both Aries and Gemini are very creative. Both of them are creative personalities, both are great idealists. "Aries" is full of charm, "Gemini" is brave and courageous. Their union is wonderful! Both of them share the desire to gain great wealth and take on the burden of fame.

However, having achieved their goal, they spend all their energy and enthusiasm on what captured their attention for a minute. They light up for two or perhaps three minutes, then the craze passes. For this reason, they rarely make significant progress in their area of ​​interest. They often look, act, and behave like children—whether together or alone. Honesty is their hallmark, but sometimes they lose where honesty ends and self-deception begins. Overall, however, they are sailing towards the lost land of milk rivers and jelly banks - and together they will reach the shore of their dreams faster than if they sailed separately.

Compatibility Gemini and Taurus

The "Taurus" - the person who is happy to be left alone to watch the grass grow - finds it extremely difficult to keep up with the "twins" who want to keep the party going all night long; and don’t forget that they are two in one - cheerful, tireless, enthusiastic Geminis, whom you need to keep up with. For a Taurus this is almost impossible. "Gemini" loves to talk and argue - and "Taurus" almost always prefers silence to words. “Gemini” are completely independent and soar in the air, transferring from one cloud to the next with amazing dexterity and ease. This is not at all easy for the “bull”, who hates change and wants only tenderness - and here a brief hug is possible, perhaps even a warm handshake... but the “twins” are already far away, overwhelmed by some new thought that has just come to their mind. For the success of this relationship, it is necessary, at a minimum, that the “Gemini” is ready to hug, and the “Taurus” is ready to think.

If you are looking for love by checking the stars, it will be useful to know the names of the zodiac signs that are suitable for Gemini. This article will help you clarify this issue. But still, whatever the predictions and descriptions of astrologers, listen to your heart and do not lose your common sense.

Which zodiac signs suit Gemini?

Geminis are sociable enough to outwardly get along with all signs. They do best with other air signs, especially Aquarius, who have equally quick minds.

They also get along with Sagittarius, their opposite sign, with whom they are, however, somewhat similar. Once again, I remind you that all of this is just general information. To find out the compatibility of two specific people, compare their natal charts.

It is believed that an ideal marriage would be a marriage with Aquarius, Leo, Libra, Gemini, and a successful one with Taurus. But let's look at all the combinations.

Gemini and Taurus

Despite various conflicts, the alliance will last thanks to the tenacity of Taurus. Since Gemini is a very sensitive and subtle person, here he may encounter a wall of misunderstanding. But still this marriage will last.

Gemini and Gemini

This combination is quite rare and will be successful and lasting only if the partners are atypical. Geminis are too changeable and fickle to stick together; They are characterized by too much activity, mobility and an irresistible interest in novelty.

Gemini and Cancer

Seemingly unthinkable, this combination is the most typical. But this marriage can hardly be called happy, because it is based on deception and self-deception. Cancer will try to tie up Gemini, who will not be able to bear this, because of this, all sorts of quarrels and hysterics will appear.

Gemini and Leo

Representatives of this zodiac sign are ideal for Gemini. For Gemini, this union is extremely successful. After all, Leos are bright, original, attractive. He will not let his partner get too close, but will skillfully control that he does not run away.

Gemini and Virgo

What zodiac sign does not suit Gemini is Virgo. One of the unsuccessful unions. Both signs are endowed with prudence and a cold mind, so marriage will not bring pleasure to either of them.

Gemini and Libra

Among the zodiac signs suitable for Gemini is Libra. This union is both typical and successful. Since both zodiac signs belong to the air element, this will smooth out their conflicts, take the edge off and restrain them well.

Gemini and Scorpio

This combination is difficult, such a union is rare. These two natures are very much not suitable for each other. Scorpio tries to gain power over everything, including his partner, and ease in relationships is extremely important for Gemini.

Gemini and Sagittarius

It is also an almost unthinkable union, because these are opposite signs. But marriages concluded after 30 years are stronger.

Gemini and Capricorn

Such an alliance is rarely concluded. Although Capricorn attracts Gemini, he, in turn, does not satisfy his needs. They have no common ground.

Gemini and Aquarius

Zodiac signs suitable for Gemini are air signs. Therefore, this is a reliable and good union, despite the friction at the beginning. It is similar to a friendship-marriage, because they have many common interests.

Let's try to find out the compatibility of the signs Gemini and Taurus. Let's determine whether Taurus is suitable for Gemini and vice versa.

Taurus man and Gemini woman

This rare union of two different signs has no chance of strength. And all because the Taurus man is a down-to-earth person who loves practicality, and the Gemini woman, as a rule, is prone to throwing from side to side, which is very difficult for him to understand. And it’s even more difficult for a domestic Taurus to understand that for her, home is not a place where she wants to be all the time. The Gemini lady is unlikely to sit in the kitchen waiting for her husband. Of course, this situation will lead to a lot of conflicts. Most likely, everything will end with the departure of Taurus.

Taurus woman and Gemini man

This is a very controversial union that will never cease to amaze. On the one hand, it seems that they are absolutely not suitable for each other. The Gemini man is very active and emotional, while the Taurus woman is calm and slow. But their relationship may well begin because opposites attract. But their relationship will never be stable. They have very different characters and temperaments for this. Even if they start living together, they will not be able to avoid constant quarrels and scandals amid contradictions.

The homely Taurus woman cannot accept the fact that Gemini will not rush home after work. He is a lover of noisy parties, and she does not like not only them, but also many of his other passions. For this reason, a relationship can only be strong if they have at least some common interests other than sex. This can unite and bring them closer. Otherwise, the marriage is unlikely to last long. But they will make good friends. But Taurus and Gemini - compatibility in love is low.

Horoscope Taurus and Gemini

Gemini is a dual, multifaceted sign, constantly changing its appearance. This is completely contrary to the permanent Taurus. Artistry and rich imagination are what can attract Taurus in Gemini. And Gemini, in turn, may be interested in reserved Taurus, although they really love to have sex, they have their own rhythm in this regard. But at the same time, Gemini will be infuriated by the slowness and clumsy caresses that Taurus is endowed with. There will be no sex, and marriage is not the best choice. But they can make friends or colleagues. Taurus is materialistic, and Gemini is very cheerful and energetic, which will create many topics for communication.