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Cancer is a disease of suspiciousness. Drunks don't get cancer


Incredible facts

Today, much attention is paid to the connection between a person’s emotional problems, his unbalanced chakras and the location of tumors. It turned out that cancer usually manifests itself in the part of the body where the chakra is most unbalanced.

In spiritual practice there is something called"the law of spiritual influence on physics." This principle states that initially disease develops in our energetic body. If a person practices a high-quality emotional and spiritual lifestyle, then the problem of imbalances can be solved at this level without moving to the physical. The person can remain healthy .

The intense negative energy that the chakras accumulate sooner or later transfers to the human physical body, causing the development of various diseases and syndromes. Many believe that this is precisely the picture of the genesis of most types of cancer.

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The idea that emotional trauma is the main cause of cancer was initially met with great skepticism from medical science. But everything changed when medical journals began publishing studies that showed evidence of a connection between body and mind.

Not long ago, a new direction in medicine “psychoneuroimmunology” appeared with its own schools, organizations and its own scientific literature. This field studies the interactions of psychological factors, the central nervous system, and immune function, modeled by the neuroendocrine system. Many studies in this industry explain how emotional imbalance affects the formation of cancerous tumors.

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One study looks at how emotional stress affects the immune system. It talks about how depression suppresses the production of killer T cells in the body, which slows down the repair of damaged DNA and triggers the process of atosis (cell death). The study concluded that psychological and behavioral factors influence cancer disease and progression through psychosocial effects on immune function.

Emotional Causes of Cancer

Widely discussed by the public, the German doctor Ryke Geerd Hamer derived the so-called “shock conflict”, a cause-and-effect relationship between psychosomatics and serious diseases, including cancer.

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He says that cancer appears when a person’s emotional and mental problems remain unresolved for a certain long time. According to Dr. Hamer's observations, the body is able to heal itself from most types of cancer if:

1) The patient receives the therapy and support necessary to deprogram the body and free it from the harmful effects of the shock conflict.

2) The patient's body is not disturbed by excessive use of medications. This rather bold opinion is based on the belief that many treatments performed by oncologists interfere with the body's self-healing process and exacerbate the emotional causes of cancer, creating fear and powerlessness.

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Dr. Hamer has been persecuted for his practice, and reading his latest statement makes it clear why. During the trial, which took place in Vienna, Austria, the prosecutor was forced to admit that 6,000 of the 6,500 patients with severe cancer were still alive 4-5 years after the doctor's treatment. This is a 90 percent success rate, which is unheard of in traditional treatment with the most advanced technology.

According to Hamer, people are very susceptible to creating damage to the brain and organs as a result of shock or emotional trauma. These types of damage create a semblance of short circuit in the brain, and if the problem is not solved, then cancerous tumors are born.

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The doctor was able to show the exact location and shape of these lesions using a CT scan of the brain of one of his patients. In the photo, the damage appears as concentric ripples, like the kind that appears after throwing a pebble into a pond.

The scan also showed that as ripples appear in the brain, they also appear in the associated organ, where cancer typically develops. This confirms the physical basis of the connection between consciousness and the body.

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Hamer's iron "cancer" rules read:

1. Every type of cancer and related diseases begin as a serious, acute and isolating conflict shock of some kind of emotional upheaval. It manifests itself simultaneously on three levels: psyche, brain and organ.

2. The theme of mental conflict is the location of the focus in the brain, and the cancer in the organ.

3. The course of mental conflict is associated with the development of focus in the brain and the development of cancer in the organ.

Hamer's observations are very valuable and should be taken into account, because a huge number of patients with advanced forms of cancer were saved by him or their lives were extended to the maximum.

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Another important part of Hamer's work concerns the recovery phase after cancer. He observed numerous painful inflammatory symptoms and the development of tumors in thousands of patients. By managing these symptoms and helping patients transform their emotional and psychological experiences, Hamer achieved very good results with them.

Below we will talk about specific emotional problems associated with this or that type of cancer, according to the observations of Dr. Hamer.

Psychological causes of cancer development

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Thyroid cancer – powerlessness in life;

Lung cancer – fear of death or suffocation;

Cancer of the lymphatic system – loss of self-worth;

Breast cancer – conflict of separation;

Stomach cancer – accumulated anger, too much negativity has been “swallowed”;

Pancreatic cancer – family conflicts, including issues of inheritance, constant anxiety, anger;

Liver cancer - fear of starvation;

Colon cancer is a terrible, “undigested” conflict;

Uterine cancer – sexual conflict;

Cervical cancer is a huge disappointment;

Bone cancer is an inferiority complex;

Melanoma/skin cancer – feeling like a dirty person, loss of integrity of your personality.

After Hamer's patients underwent psychotherapy and resolved their specific internal conflicts that led to cancer, he saw significant changes in CT scans of the brain and organs. The characteristic lesions disappeared and in their place insignificant swelling appeared. Hamer considered this a sign of healing.

Ultimately, your own healing mechanisms can rid your body of cancer by assimilating and displacing it. After this, normal healthy tissue begins to grow.

Cancer and chakras

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Do you now agree that common emotional problems are at the root of cancer, and that psychotherapy can play an important role in resolving the problem?

Chakras are energy transformers that convert high frequency energy into several other types of lower frequency energy. Why is this happening? This is because different body systems require different energy frequencies.

The higher vibrational energy that supports brain function will not effectively support the functioning of the intestines or reproductive organs. Therefore, the chakra system reduces universal energy to a level that is convenient for a particular organ.

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A healthy chakra system also embodies a mandala, a circle that is a symbol of wholeness. You can see this for yourself by asking a friend to lie face up on a table. Hold the pendulum over the center of each chakra and you will see that over healthy and balanced chakras the pendulum begins to move in a clockwise circle.

Causes of cancer

If a person has cancer or other serious diseases, the pendulum will move completely differently (back and forth, counterclockwise, diagonally, or make some kind of pattern). Each of the movements can be learned to interpret in order to see the emotional patterns that are the cause of the disease.

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If you also perform color testing after this, you can determine which therapeutic color can correct the distorted pattern and return the circle to the integrity of its clockwise movement. Each color has a key quality, and you can learn a lot by seeing which color (and therefore which quality) restores integrity to the chakra.

Multimodal therapy and cancer

Multimodal therapy is a combination of techniques including electroacupuncture, light therapy, essential oil therapy, sound therapy and acupuncture. Each of these methods individually has great power, and when combined, the positive effects are multiplied.

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The benefits of multimodal therapy for cancer patients include:

Relieving pain (this is done using a combination of electroacupuncture techniques and auricular therapy).

Determination of the energy state of the body and systemic balancing of the chakras using colored light. Such systemic therapy can enhance the immune response to fight the disease.

Emotional connection and release therapy. Most cancer patients are not fully in touch with their deep emotions, which most likely led them to cancer in the first place. They are more aware of their current emotional reactions, such as fear, doubt, depression.

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Although they reflect their main life problems, they do not coincide with underlying difficulties, so focusing on today's experiences rarely leads to good therapeutic results.

Why does cancer occur?

Communication through the chakras clearly indicates what is happening inside a person. Through a practical method, a person can look inside himself and come to a new understanding of himself. This method includes the practice of forgiveness, internal child dialogue, breaking old unworkable truths, healing affirmations, sound, light and microcurrent therapy. They directly affect the body and provide access to the emotional control panel.

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Let's look a little deeper and see how these deep-seated and insoluble problems come to a person. For almost every person, self-identification and life status are of great importance. This is especially important in middle age.

A person understands that life does not end yet, but is already beginning to move towards completion, therefore at this time it is very important for us to understand who we are, what we have achieved, and whether our status can be designated by the word “famous” (famous journalist, doctor, architect etc.). This word is important for many people, although people hide it, they want the measure of their influence to be signified by this word.

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Any existential problem can be expressed in metaphor. In this context, Jesus’ words that “you are the salt of the earth” are relevant. So oncology comes to the person who ceases to feel like the salt of the earth.

We all know that salt gives food flavor. However, before the advent of refrigerators, salt helped food to be stored, because there was simply no other way to preserve it. For this reason, in every culture, salt equaled caring. When exchanging salt, people signified their closeness and ability to preserve each other.

Causes of cancer

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Therefore, when a person realizes that the fruits of his labor, his creativity are no longer needed by anyone and that he has no one else to keep, a tumor often begins to grow in him. In order to feel like the salt of the earth, it is not necessary to be a widely known and sought-after person, it is enough to be famous among your family. Everyone needs this kind of “fame.”

More than 40 percent of cancer cases are the result of an unhealthy lifestyle: people smoke, eat too much, and neglect exercise. And only in 10-15 percent of cases does genetics become the cause of a serious illness, according to the National Institute for Cancer Research (Newark, New Jersey, USA).

And to reduce the risk of cancer, you just need to fall in love with three things and fall out of love with five, oncologists are sure.

Smoking is only incense

Most effective method To reduce the likelihood of developing malignant tumors of almost all types is to quit smoking. Those who eat tar account for 30 percent of all fatal cancer cases.

Even if you start smoking not 20 cigarettes a day, but at least 10, this will reduce the risk of disease by 27 percent, according to the American Medical Association. The absence of a bad habit, of course, does not eliminate the likelihood of cancer, but it will be much calmer to live this way.

Fats have no place here

A bag of sweets and a meat burger aren't just bad for your waistline: Once you're overweight, your risk of getting one of nine types of cancer increases, including esophagus, kidney and gallbladder. The fact is that adipose tissue produces proteins that cause inflammation. They promote the growth of cancer cells.

Doctor medical sciences Patricia Ganz, who heads the Center for Cancer Research and Prevention at the University of California, is sure that people today are finding it more difficult to stay in good physical shape than ever: “Fast food is now cheaper than healthy food, and we also spend more time eating.” TV and at the computer than in the fresh air."

The main rule is to monitor your weight and keep your body mass index below 25 points.

Sweat at least half an hour a week

A third of all cancer deaths are associated not only with poor diet, but also with low activity. Doctors generally advise spending 2.5 hours a week on physical activity, but recent studies show that infrequent but targeted exercise is no less effective.

For example, half an hour of vigorous running a week is enough to reduce the risk of breast cancer in women. This allows you to reduce any inflammatory processes in 35 percent of cases.

Don't drink out of grief

Alcohol is a culprit in several types of cancer, including cancer of the mouth, throat, liver, colon and breast. Scientists cannot name the exact cause of the development of the disease in these parts of the body, but a number of studies clearly point to alcohol abuse.

In the colon, bacteria can convert large quantities of the strong drink into acetaldehyde. This is a chemical that causes cancer in laboratory animals. This compound is found in coffee, ripe fruits and bread, but causes harm only when ethanol oxidizes.

In women who frequently use the bottle, estrogen levels increase, followed by the appearance of adhesions (fibrous bands of connective tissue that develop when inflamed or damaged). This is a potential threat for breast cancer. To avoid going to the oncologist, you need to reduce your alcohol consumption to at least several times a week.

Love broccoli

Vegetables not only cleanse the stomach, but also prevent the appearance of cancerous tumors. American doctors recommend eating more than two bowls of vegetables and fruits per day. Cruciferous vegetables, including broccoli and Brussels sprouts, contain many glucosinolates (glucose + nitrogen + sulfur), which have anti-cancer effects. These compounds reduce the growth of abnormal cervical cells.

Tomatoes and watermelons, which contain lycopene, and eggplants, which are rich in antioxidants, also help keep the body in good shape.
But it is better to refuse red meat in favor of the same tomatoes. Studies show that a diet containing more than half a kilogram of this product per week is a cause of colorectal cancer.

It's not just the sun that has spots

Women aged 18 to 39 are most susceptible to skin cancer. Over the past 40 years, the incidence among them has skyrocketed by 800 percent. To avoid the harmful effects of sun rays, it is enough to use sunscreen.

An experiment in which 1,600 people took part showed that women who did not disdain such hygiene products reduced their risk of developing melanoma by 50 percent. The most “evil” sun is between 10 o’clock in the morning and four o’clock in the evening. So you should apply the cream both in summer and winter, getting used to it like brushing your teeth.

Just no nerves

Stress itself does not cause cancer, but it can change processes in the body in such a way that it is easier for the disease to get to you.
Doctors at Ohio University discovered that chronic fatigue and neurosis change the activity of immune cells, which begin to produce cortisol in excess when it is not needed. A similar process triggers inflammation, causing cell mutation.

It is not antidepressants that will help you get rid of stress, but yoga classes after seven in the evening every day.

The doctor is the head of everything

Regular visits to the doctor will allow you to notice abnormalities such as polyps (tissue growths above the mucous membrane) in time. By the age of 20, it is best to undergo a full body scan, or at least not to forget about a full medical examination, and for women - about mammography. Timely detected deviations from the norm reduce the risk of breast cancer by a quarter.

In addition, every three years it is worth having a cytological smear to rule out cervical cancer. When this analysis appeared in 1950, mortality among women fell by 74 percent. The time to check the colon is after 50 years, but if there have been cases of this disease in the family, even earlier. The sooner doctors detect abnormal growths, the higher the chance of curing cancer.

There are many doctors, but only one opinion

For many decades, malignant tumors have occupied second place (after cardiovascular diseases) among the main causes of human death, says the author of a textbook on the prevention, detection and treatment of cancer, Ibadulla Agayev. In men, the first places are occupied by cancer of the lung, stomach, skin, lip, esophagus, and in women - cancer of the stomach, breast, skin, cervix, lung and colon. By the end of the 20th century, every sixth person living on earth was at risk of cancer, and by 2002 - every fourth.

In the field of primary cancer prevention, the most effective measures are really stopping smoking, changing your diet and carrying out chemoprophylaxis (taking drugs that reduce the risk of cancer).

As a secondary prevention of cancer, if a person has concerns that he may get sick or is already sick, the professor recommends the following:

1. A modern method of visual examination of the walls of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum after 50 years every 2-3 years;

2. Examination of the rectum and lower parts of the colon using a special tube after 50 years every 3-5 years;

3. Checking stool for occult blood after 50 years annually;

4. Checking the rectum after 40 years of age annually.

The Hunza River Valley (the border of India and Pakistan) is called the “oasis of youth”. The life expectancy of the inhabitants of this valley is 110-120 years. They almost never get sick and look young.

This means that there is a certain way of life that approaches the ideal, when people feel healthy, happy, and do not age, as in other countries, by the age of 40-50. It is curious that the inhabitants of the Hunza Valley, unlike neighboring peoples, are very similar in appearance to Europeans (as are the Kalash, who live very close by).

According to legend, the dwarf mountain state located here was founded by a group of soldiers from the army of Alexander the Great during his Indian campaign. Naturally, they established strict combat discipline here - such that residents with swords and shields had to sleep, eat, and even dance...

At the same time, the Hunzakuts treat with slight irony the fact that someone else in the world is called highlanders. Well, in fact, isn’t it obvious that with full right this name should be borne only by those who live near the famous “mountain meeting place” - the point where the three highest systems of the world converge: the Himalayas, the Hindu Kush and the Karakoram. Of the 14 eight-thousand-meter peaks on Earth, five are located nearby, including the second after Everest K2 (8,611 meters), the ascent of which in the mountaineering community is valued even more than the conquest of Chomolungma. And what can we say about the no less famous local “killer peak” Nanga Parbat (8,126 meters), which buried a record number of climbers? And about the dozens of seven- and six-thousanders literally “crowding” around Hunza?

It will be impossible to pass through these rock masses if you are not a world-class athlete. You can only “seep” through narrow passes, gorges, and trails. Since ancient times, these rare arteries were controlled by principalities, which imposed significant taxes on all passing caravans. Hunza was considered one of the most influential among them.

In distant Russia, little is known about this “lost world”, and for reasons not only geographical, but also political: Hunza, along with some other valleys of the Himalayas, ended up on the territory over which India and Pakistan have been fiercely arguing for almost 60 years (mainly the subject remains the much larger Kashmir).

The USSR, to be safe, always tried to distance itself from the conflict. For example, in most Soviet dictionaries and encyclopedias the same K2 (another name is Chogori) is mentioned, but without indicating the area in which it is located. The local, quite traditional names were erased from Soviet maps and, accordingly, from the Soviet news lexicon.

But here’s what’s surprising: everyone in Hunza knows about Russia.


Many locals respectfully call the Baltit fort, which hangs from a cliff above Karimabad, “the castle”. It is already about 700 years old, and at one time it served the local independent ruler as both a palace of peace and a fortress. While not devoid of impressiveness on the outside, Baltit seems gloomy and damp from the inside. Dimmed rooms and poor furnishings - ordinary pots, spoons, a giant stove...

In one of the rooms there was a hatch in the floor - under it the world (prince) of Hunza kept his personal prisoners. There are few bright and large rooms, perhaps only the “balcony room” makes a pleasant impression - it offers a majestic view of the valley. On one of the walls of this room is a collection of antique musical instruments, on the other - weapons: sabers, swords. And a saber donated by the Russians.

In one of the rooms hang two portraits: the British captain Younghusband and the Russian captain Grombchevsky, who decided the fate of the principality. In 1888, at the junction of the Karakorum and the Himalayas, a Russian village almost appeared: when a Russian officer Bronislav Grombchevsky arrived on a mission to the then world of Hunza Safdar Ali. Then on the border of Hindustan and Central Asia The Great Game was underway, an active confrontation between the two superpowers of the 19th century - Russia and Great Britain. Not only a military man, but also a scientist, and later even honorary member Imperial Geographical Society, this man did not intend to conquer lands for his king. And there were only six Cossacks with him then. But still, the talk was about the speedy establishment of a trading post and a political union. Russia, which by that time had influence throughout the Pamirs, now turned its gaze to Indian goods. So the captain entered the Game.

Safdar received him very warmly and willingly concluded the proposed agreement - he was afraid of the British pressing from the south.

And, as it turned out, not without reason. Grombchevsky's mission seriously alarmed Calcutta, where at that time the court of the Viceroy of British India was located. And although special commissioners and spies reassured the authorities: there was hardly any need to fear the appearance of Russian troops on the “top of India” - the passes leading from the north to Hunza were too difficult, and, moreover, covered with snow for most of the year - it was decided to urgently send a detachment under the command of Francis here Younghusband.

Both captains were colleagues - “geographers in uniform”; they met more than once on Pamir expeditions. Now they had to determine the future of the ownerless “Khunzakut bandits,” as they were called in Calcutta.

Meanwhile, Russian goods and weapons slowly appeared in Hunza, and even a ceremonial portrait of Alexander III appeared in the Baltit Palace. The distant mountain government began diplomatic correspondence with St. Petersburg and offered to host a Cossack garrison. And in 1891, a message came from Hunza: the world of Safdar Ali officially asks to accept him and all the people into Russian citizenship. This news soon reached Calcutta; as a result, on December 1, 1891, the Younghusband mountain riflemen captured the principality, Safdar Ali fled to Xinjiang. “The door to India is slammed shut on the Tsar,” the British occupier wrote to the Viceroy.

So, Hunza considered itself Russian territory for only four days. The ruler of the Hunzakuts wished to see himself as Russian, but never received an official answer. And the British gained a foothold and stayed here until 1947, when, during the collapse of the newly independent British India, the principality suddenly found itself in territory controlled by Muslims.

Today Hunza is governed by the Pakistani Ministry of Kashmir and Northern Territories Affairs, but fond memories of the failed outcome of the Great Game remain.

Moreover, local residents ask Russian tourists why there are so few tourists from Russia. At the same time, the British, although they left almost 60 years ago, still have hippies infesting the territory.


It is believed that Hunza was rediscovered for the West by the hippies who wandered around Asia in the 1970s in search of truth and exoticism. Moreover, this place has been popularized so much that even ordinary apricots are now called Hunza Apricot by Americans. However, the “flower children” were attracted here not only by these two categories, but also by Indian hemp.

One of the main attractions of Hunza is the glacier, which descends into the valley like a wide, cold river. However, on numerous terraced fields they grow potatoes, vegetables and hemp, which is smoked here and added as a seasoning to meat dishes and soups.

As for the young long-haired guys with the words “Hippie way” on their T-shirts - either real hippies or retro lovers - they are in Karimabad and mostly gobble up apricots. This is undoubtedly the main value of the Khunzakut gardens. All of Pakistan knows that only here do the “Khan’s fruits” grow, which ooze aromatic juice while still on the trees.

Hunza is attractive not only for radical youth - mountain travel enthusiasts, history buffs, and simply those who simply want to get away from their homeland come here. The picture is complemented, of course, by numerous climbers...

Since the valley is located halfway from the Khunjerab Pass to the beginning of the Hindustan plains, the Khunzakuts are confident that they control the route to the “upper world.” To the mountains, as such. It is difficult to say whether this principality was really once founded by the soldiers of Alexander the Great, or whether it was the Bactrians - the Aryan descendants of the once united great Russian people, but there is certainly some mystery in the appearance of this small and distinctive people in their surroundings.

He speaks his own Burushaski language (Burushaski, whose relationship has not yet been established with any of the languages ​​of the world, although everyone here knows Urdu, and many speak English), professes, of course, like most Pakistanis, Islam, but a special one. sense, namely Ismaili, one of the most mystical and mysterious in religion, which is professed by up to 95% of the population. Therefore, in Hunza you will not hear the usual calls to prayer blaring from the speakers of the minarets. Everything is quiet, prayer is a personal matter and time for everyone.


The Hunza bathe in icy water even at 15 degrees below zero, play outdoor games until they are a hundred years old, their 40-year-old women look like girls, at 60 they maintain a slim and graceful figure, and at 65 they still give birth to children. In summer they eat raw fruits and vegetables, in winter - sun-dried apricots and sprouted grains, sheep cheese.

The Hunza River was a natural barrier for the two medieval principalities of Hunza and Nagar. Since the 17th century, these principalities were constantly at odds, stealing each other’s women and children and selling them into slavery. Both of them lived in fortified villages. One more thing is interesting: the residents have a period when the fruits have not yet ripened - it is called the “hungry spring” and lasts from two to four months. During these months they eat almost nothing and only drink a drink made from dried apricots once a day. Such a fast has been elevated to a cult and is strictly observed.

The Scottish physician McCarrison, who was the first to describe the Happy Valley, emphasized that protein consumption there is at a lowest level norms, if it can be called a norm at all. The daily calorie content of Hunza averages 1933 kcal and includes 50 g of protein, 36 g of fat and 365 carbohydrates.

The Scotsman lived in close proximity to the Hunza Valley for 14 years. He came to the conclusion that diet is the main factor in the longevity of this people. If a person eats incorrectly, then the mountain climate will not save him from illness. It is therefore not surprising that the Hunza neighbors, living in the same climatic conditions, suffer from a wide variety of diseases. Their lifespan is half as long.

McCarrison, returning to England, carried out interesting experiments on a large number of animals. Some of them ate the usual food of a London working-class family (white bread, herring, refined sugar, canned and boiled vegetables). As a result, a wide variety of “human diseases” began to appear in this group. Other animals were on a Hunza diet and remained absolutely healthy throughout the experiment.

In the book “The Hunza - a People Who Know No Diseases,” R. Bircher emphasizes the following very significant advantages of the nutrition model in this country:

First of all, it is vegetarian;
- a large amount of raw foods;
- vegetables and fruits predominate in the daily diet;
- natural products, without any chemicals and prepared preserving all biologically valuable substances;
- alcohol and treats are consumed extremely rarely;
- very moderate salt intake; products grown only on domestic soil;
- regular periods of fasting.

There are other factors that contribute to healthy longevity. But the method of nutrition is undoubtedly very significant and decisive here.

In 1963, a French medical expedition visited Hunza. As a result of the population census she conducted, it was found that the average life expectancy of the Hunzakuts is 120 years, which is twice as high as that of Europeans. In August 1977, at the International Cancer Congress in Paris, a statement was made: “In accordance with the data of geocancerology (the science of studying cancer in different regions of the world), the complete absence of cancer occurs only among the Hunza people.”

In April 1984, one of the Hong Kong newspapers reported the following amazing case. One of the Hunzakuts, whose name was Said Abdul Mobut, who arrived at London Heathrow Airport, bewildered the emigration service workers when he presented his passport. According to the document, Hunzakut was born in 1823 and turned 160 years old. The mullah who accompanied Mobud noted that his ward is considered a saint in the country of Hunza, famous for its long-livers. Mobud has excellent health and sound mind. He remembers events well since 1850.

The locals speak simply about their secret to longevity: be a vegetarian, always work physically, constantly move and do not change the rhythm of life, then you will live up to 120-150 years. Distinctive features Hunzas as a people with “full health”:

1) High ability to work in the broad sense of the word. Among the Hunzi, this ability to work is manifested both during work and during dancing and games. For them, walking 100-200 kilometers is the same as for us taking a short walk near the house. They climb steep mountains with extraordinary ease to convey some news, and return home fresh and cheerful.

2) Cheerfulness. The Hunzas laugh constantly, they are always in a good mood, even if they are hungry and suffering from the cold.

3) Exceptional durability.“The Hunzas have nerves as strong as ropes, and thin and tender as strings,” McCarison wrote. “They never get angry or complain, don’t get nervous or show impatience, don’t quarrel among themselves and endure physical pain, trouble, noise, etc. with complete peace of mind.”


The famous doctor managed to put almost the entire world experience in his book
prevention of a dangerous disease. We have compiled rules of nutrition and life
<<по мотивам>> bestseller by David Servan-Schreiber, a famous doctor,
which he managed to put in his book<<Антирак>>almost the entire world
experience in preventing dangerous diseases

Just don't be afraid of the words<<рак>> in the title! With the same success
food tips (see below) could be called anti-diabetes,
anti-heart attack, anti-stroke and anti-excess weight.

But what can you do: 15 years ago, neurologist David Servan-Schreiber
I accidentally discovered that I had cancer...

And I felt the hard way: only medical methods
Treatment is not enough to overcome the disease. Dedicated himself to searching
natural prevention of cancer. After all, everyone has cancer cells.
But not everyone gets cancer.

For example, food! It turns out that quite traditional dishes of different nations
can save you from tumors. Because they lower blood sugar levels
or fight inflammation, due to which, it turns out,<<кормится>>
tumor. Are there foods that cause cancer cells...
commit suicide! (The most useful - see Anti-cancer plate).

At the same time, there is enemy food that is better to avoid.
Evidence-based medicine does not study medicinal properties food one at a time
the only reason: food, unlike medicine, cannot be
- Towards prevention with food and a healthy lifestyle, oncologists,
Of course, they may be skeptical,” says diagnostician Pavel
Tkachuk. - But there is world experience: let’s say, in Japan women are much less likely to
suffer from breast cancer. And in Europe and America there is now a whole
this oncology epidemic...


The main defenders against cancer: 1. Green tea. Brew for 10 minutes
drink within an hour. 2-3 mugs per day.

2. Olive oil. Better cold pressed, 1 tablespoon per day.

3. Turmeric. Add to dishes in combination with black pepper, otherwise do not
is assimilated. A pinch per day is enough. Has similar properties

4. Cherries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, blueberries, cranberries. Can
Frozen, can be fresh, quantity is not limited.

5. Plums, peaches, apricots (all<<косточковые>>). According to the most
Recent studies help as well as berries.

6. Cruciferous vegetables: broccoli, cauliflower and other types
cabbage It is advisable not to boil, but to bake or cook in a double boiler.
Can be raw.

7. Garlic, all types of onions. 1 head or half a small one is enough
bulbs. Better in combination with olive oil, maybe slightly

8. Mushrooms. There is evidence for champignons and oyster mushrooms, as well as
various types of Japanese mushrooms.

9. Dark chocolate with more than 70% cocoa content. Just not dairy!

10. Tomatoes. Precisely boiled, preferably with olive oil.

How to build your diet

(These products<<питают>> cancer cells) Sugar (white and brown).
Bread. Especially white rolls, all baked goods from the store, white rice, very
cooked pasta. Potatoes and especially mashed potatoes.
Corn and other types of CRISP flakes. Jams, syrups, jams.
Soda, industrial juices. Alcohol outside of meals, especially
strong. Margarine and hydrogenated fats. (We love them
add to butter) Industrial dairy products (from cows,
who ate corn and soybeans). French fries, chips, pizza,
hot dogs and other fast food. Red meat, poultry skin, eggs (If chickens,
pigs and cows were raised on corn and soybeans, injected with hormones and
antibiotics). Peels of store-bought vegetables and fruits (in it
pesticides accumulate). Tap water. Water from plastic
bottles that were heated in the sun.

LEAN ON: Coconut sugar, acacia honey. The author also mentions
agave syrup. Mixed grain and wholemeal products: bread
rye, dark rice and basmati, oats, barley, buckwheat, flax seeds.
Lentils, beans, the author mentions sweet potatoes - sweet potatoes. Muesli,
oatmeal. Fresh berries (see<<Главные защитники от онкологии>>) Homemade
lemonade, tea with thyme, citrus zest. A glass of RED wine a day
while eating. Olive oil, linseed oil,<<Натуральные>> dairy
products (The animal ate grass). Olives, cherry tomatoes. Vegetables.
just not the big ones: mackerel, mackerel, sardines, salmon.<<Экологичное>>
meat and eggs (the animals were not injected with hormones). Peeled vegetables
and fruits Filtered water, mineral water, preferably from GLASS


IT'S BETTER TO REFUSE THIS: 1. Deodorants and antiperspirants with
aluminum 2. Cosmetics with parabens and phtholates: see label
shampoos, varnishes, foams, hair dyes, nail polish,
sunscreens. Cosmetics with hormones (estrogens) and
placenta. 3. Industrial insect and rodent repellents. 4.
Plastic utensils with PVC, polystyrene and polystyrene foam (Exactly
You cannot heat food in it). 5. Teflon pans with damaged
coating. 6. Cleaning and detergents, toilet capsules with
ACRYLIC. 7. Dry cleaning of clothes and
linen 8. Perfume (they contain phthalates).

REPLACE WITH: 1. Natural deodorants without aluminum. Look in pharmacies
specialized stores. 2. Natural cosmetics
free of parabens and phthalates (see specialty stores). 3. Means
based essential oils, boric acid. 4. Ceramic or
glassware. 5. Cookware without Teflon coating or with
undamaged coating. 6. Environmentally friendly detergents and cleaning products
products, including washing powders (look for them in specialized
stores, Japanese and Korean are popular
household products). 7. If you use dry cleaning, ventilate
laundry in the air for at least an hour.

Why do people get cancer? In recent years, enough evidence has been accumulating from scientists and psychologists that cancer is based on psychosomatic causes. And now we will learn about them.
I found some great material on the Internet. I would like to introduce you to him. Read and draw conclusions.

Very often, cancer is preceded by the feeling that no one needs you, that you are not in demand either at work or in the family. And people who, during illness, struggle with this feeling and set specific goals outside of their illness, often, having overcome the illness, live richly and for quite a long time, says Alexander DANILIN, psychotherapist PND No. 23, host of the “Silver Threads” program on Radio Russia " He spoke about the psychosomatic causes of oncology and the possibility of overcoming the disease.

Does it all start with the feeling that you are no longer the salt of the earth?

As a psychotherapist, I can talk specifically about psychosomatic problems, that is, about how mental experiences can cause one or another somatic reaction. Of course, any illness, even a simple cold, changes our life plans, sometimes significantly, sometimes not, and a person experiences some kind of anxiety. But these are already consequences, and psychosomatics considers all forms of cancer as the primary manifestation of a person’s reluctance to live. Reluctance internal, hidden, unconscious.
It is clear that cancer is not suicide, but there are many forms of human behavior that, in essence, are slow suicide. For example, binge drinking or smoking. Teenagers who start smoking secretly may not know, but any adult smoker knows that it is highly likely to lead to tumors, yet many continue to smoke.

Maybe something has changed now, but 10 years ago, when I regularly visited the oncology center, oncologists smoked a lot. When I came to the center, smoke was coming out of all the doors of the pulmonary department in clouds.

– I’m also a smoker, although I understand that I’m taking a risk. How to explain the smoking of doctors who deal with the consequences of this habit every day? I think this is where the doctor’s ambitions lie. Like, I’m a doctor, I can overcome this disease in myself, everyone can’t, but I can. And there is undoubtedly an element of such ambition in my smoking. On the other hand, smoking is pseudo-meditation, an opportunity to withdraw into oneself. This is a separate topic, now I would like to talk about emotional experiences.

I came into close contact with oncology in the nineties of the last century, when almost all of my wife and I’s parents died from various types of tumors. As you remember, then life in the country changed dramatically. I noticed that many people then experienced fear (not despair, but fear), and I began to understand that my father, father-in-law, mother-in-law, somewhere deep down in their souls, did not want to live in the new world that was offered to them.

For most people, their status in life and self-identification are very important. This is especially important at our age, on average. We understand that life does not end yet, but begins to move toward sunset, and at this time it is especially important for a person to understand who he is, what he has achieved, whether he can indicate his status with the words: “I am a famous doctor” or “I am a famous journalist,” etc. .d. The word “famous” here has a great meaning for many - even if they hide it, people want such an adjective, meaning the measure of their influence, to exist.

Any existential problem can only be expressed in metaphor. For this situation, the words of Christ seem most appropriate to me: “You are the salt of the earth.” They sank into my soul from the first reading of the Gospel. I believe that cancer overtakes a person who begins to feel that he is no longer the salt of the earth.

We all know that salt adds flavor to food. But before the era of refrigerators, it also helped food preserve - there was simply no other way to preserve food. Therefore, in all cultures, salt has been a symbol of care. By exchanging salt, people emphasized their closeness and ability to protect each other. So, when a person feels that his creativity, the fruits of his labor are not needed by anyone or that he has no one else to preserve, very often he develops a tumor.

For example, my grandmother was a keeper big family– I kept in touch with both my second and fourth cousins. She always felt like a keeper, and indeed after her death the family fell apart, and contact with many distant relatives was lost. That is, to feel like the salt of the earth, it is not necessary to be widely known or in demand, but at least at the level of the family, the closest people - parents, husband, wife, children, grandchildren or friends - everyone needs it. And I don't think it's appropriate to talk about pride. Cancer overtakes both the proud and the modest and humble people. I prefer the “salt of the earth” metaphor.

And it is very important for a person of a creative profession - a writer, an artist, a composer - to understand (even if he pretends that he doesn’t care) that he will be read, watched, listened to for a long time. Artists (in the broad sense of the word) who believe in this often live long, but those who hope that a written book, painting, or music will immediately bring fame often get sick and die relatively early.

Of course, some kind of kind feedback is needed at least from someone: from a wife, husband, children, from those with whom you have connections. But often in reality, especially today, everyone is so absorbed in their own affairs that they don’t even have time to say a kind word to another that even though he retired, we remember and appreciate his “role in history” - his contribution to science or art or caring for family.

Not everyone can change with life

The feeling that you have ceased to be salt appears in different situations: for some it is associated with retirement, for others with a work decline, a creative crisis. In the 1990s, when Yeltsin actually closed the KGB - large cuts were made there, some departments were liquidated - a huge number of “black colonels” found themselves outside the system, outside the office (they could be lieutenant colonels, and even majors, but that’s not the point ). They took care of them, offered to open companies or hired them as deputies in already opened ones, in general, as far as I know, they settled in quite well.

But there is a huge difference between the life of a colonel or lieutenant colonel in the KGB engineering department and the life of a director or deputy director of a company. The life of a director or deputy director of a company is constant bustle, running around, organizing, sales and resales, in general, all the delights of our so-called business. But not everyone can do this. In principle, not all. I don't know if I can. And then these people suddenly began to split into drug addiction and cancer patients - either they became drunkards, or they developed tumors.

Of course, not everyone got sick, but a lot of them – there was an outbreak, the oncologists themselves told me about it. The situation is clear. These people, almost the only ones in the country, lived, if not under communism, then certainly under socialism. From the very beginning of their service, they had a completely predictable career, a relatively short wait for an apartment, a car, vouchers to good sanatoriums - in general, clear and quite profitable rules of the game. They received not much more than ordinary Soviet employees, but thanks to the preferential supply system they were spared from the bustle of life on which we all spend a significant part of our time.

And suddenly they returned to this bustle against their own will. For many this turned out to be intolerable. It's not a matter of pride, it's not a matter of painful pride. I talked to many of them; some, of course, had pride, but not all of them. The problem is not rabid pride, but the fact that they did not fit into this world, could not understand the relationships in it. I had to change something in myself in order to become a new person - a member of the consumer society. Few people were able to cope with this task.

This is one example. My dad was a real believer Soviet man. An engineer, non-party, he did not have any benefits, lived only on his salary, but sincerely believed that the Soviet government was the best in the world. Unmercenary, completely devoid of pride, always acted according to his conscience and taught me this.

And in the mid-1980s, when I was already living separately, he read Rybakov’s “Children of the Arbat”, which had just been published in Friendship of Peoples, called me at night and asked me, my 25-year-old son: “Sasha, it really happened ? Is what he writes true?”

He died of cancer. A world where the truth had turned 180 degrees, required a completely different person, a person of some other faith. Dad, unlike me, didn’t know what Christianity was, and treated it with humor. Such a healthy Soviet engineer. By the way, he was non-party, but believed in communism, in Soviet power. I think he, too, faced the need to become completely different, because his life plan - on 120 rubles - did not allow him to live already at the end of the 1980s and, as you understand, it did not allow him to live honestly, in harmony with his conscience.

Despite all the different destinies, both the “black colonels” and the pope required some rebirth. For example, I did a lot of things - oncopsychology, narcology, psychotherapy - but my education and my experience are applicable in all these areas. There was never a need to change everything radically, to become different.

Most of those who came to my oncopsychology groups (we are now planning to continue this practice in Moscow PND No. 23), for various reasons, found themselves faced with the existential need to literally become different in order to get settled in this world (not in the material sense, but in the spiritual or psychological), but did not find the strength for this. And for me, as a psychotherapist (I’m not an oncologist), the main thing in cancer treatment is the goals that a person sets for the future beyond the boundaries of his illness.

It is clear that we are all mortal, moreover, this is necessary for our development and creativity. If we found out that we are immortal (I'm talking about earthly life), we would immediately stop. Why rush if we have an unlimited supply of time? I’ll write a book or a symphony later, someday, but for now I’d rather lie on the sofa.

Death is necessary for us to act. We have an indefinite, but definitely short period of time so that we have time to become the salt of the earth. Therefore, the main thing in the treatment of oncology is to set some kind of goal.

Initially, there can be two goals: caring for other people or creativity, which inevitably includes this caring. Any creativity has meaning when a person creates for others, to give them beauty, to reveal to them something new about the world around them.

I think if there was a real Dorian Gray who put his life into a portrait, he would die of cancer. Because such creativity is fruitless. Creativity to the detriment of people, for example, the creation of a bomb or other weapons of mass destruction, also often has a detrimental effect on health. At least, among our and American bomb creators, many died of cancer, and I think that they got sick not only because of radiation.

The more awareness, the less pain

Surely to many what I say will seem heresy. Although everyone believes that the brain, soul, body are a single structure, and the nervous system controls the whole body. Life confirms the psychosomatic “heresy” - I have seen more than once how people who found purpose and strength to fight the feeling of total uselessness rose up.

For example, a 58-year-old woman, philologist, grandmother of three grandchildren. She had a traditional female tumor, she sat at home and stopped doing anything. I managed to convince her that, firstly, it is not necessary to wait for the children to call - they work from morning to night, and she can dial the number herself, talk, find out how they are doing. Secondly, not only they, but also she is responsible for ensuring that her grandchildren grow up to be worthy people.

If children working from morning to night do not have the strength and time to take her grandchildren to museums, she should all the more use the time she has left to visit as many museums with them as possible, talk about as many favorite paintings as possible, explain why she loves these are the paintings. She listened to my advice, 10 years have passed, and now she is raising her great-grandchildren.

I also had a girl who, at the age of 14, was diagnosed with an inoperable tumor. Her parents put her at home, surrounded her with care, everyone was jumping around her, and I began to say things that were disgusting for my parents: “You are killing yourself. Have you dreamed of being an artist? So don’t sit at home, but go to a circle.”

Naturally, due to her illness, her figure changed, but I was relentless: “Do you dream of love? Try, no matter what, to look so that the boys will like you.” Thank God, her parents supported me, and she lived long enough, dying at 28 years old. I lived a full life, I just don’t want to go into details so that it wouldn’t be so recognizable.

I very often forced young men to write memoirs. He said: “You have your own attitude to life, to today’s events. Now your children are not interested in this, but by the age of 30 they will want to know who they are and where they come from.” The man wrote a memoir and published it at his own expense.

Of course, sooner or later we will all die. The question is whether to live out your life in complete helplessness, disappointment in everything, or to live interestingly until the last minute, to feel needed by someone.

There is no age or illness when a person cannot pick up a smart book or New Testament and think about the meaning of life, about specific employment, about specific creativity at this stage of life. If I reflect and find meaning, I tend to live longer. If I don’t want to think with my head, soul or spirit, my body begins to think for me.

Everything that a person did not think through, was afraid of and did not overcome, wanted to express, but did not express, will be expressed in muscle tension, pain and illness. Also in dreams. We are not in the habit of analyzing own dreams, think about what they are telling us, about what troubles that we do not want to realize.

The more awareness there is in human life (in whatever language is closer to you - psychoanalytic, existential, Christian), the less painful it is and the easier death is. Illness is always a kind of metaphor for what we tried to hide from ourselves.