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OBD2 connector pinout. OBD connector: look for it in the car, determine the version Pinout of the OBD2 diagnostic connector


Since 1996, there has been a need to check all manufactured vehicles for compliance with OBD standards. This was caused by the requirement to control the environmental situation. Brief description control devices, location, functions are further in our article.

Brief description of the control device

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The OBD-2 pinout designation is used to check compliance with the standard during diagnostics and monitoring of the operation of car engines and units installed on the chassis. The device is made in the form of a diagnostic connector for connecting devices that monitor exhaust gases and the operation of the entire car without interruption. The OBD-2 pinout is a set of requirements that all automakers must meet.

It is required that the connector be located in the passenger compartment at a distance of at least 18 cm from the steering column. The system is universal for all cars and has a standard digital CAN protocol, allowing data to be taken at any time. You can make detailed identification of various problems in the machine.

When diagnosing imported cars, additional lines K - Line and L - Line are used, as well as digital methods of transmitting indicators - CAN.

The monitoring function is supported by sixteen contacts:

  • contact number one - it is installed at the manufacturer;
  • the second refers to the J 1850 bus;
  • number three is also put by the automaker;
  • the fourth - for monitoring the grounding contacts of the car - chassis;
  • number five controls the signal line ground network;
  • contact number six is ​​responsible for the CAN digital bus;
  • number seven – ISO 9141 – 2, K – Line;
  • eight and nine are installed by the automaker;
  • the tenth controls the CANJ 1850 bus;
  • numbers eleven, twelve and thirteen are also installed at the car plant;
  • contact number fourteen controls the CANJ 2284 bus;
  • fifteen – ISO 9141-2, L – Line;
  • The sixteenth controls the battery voltage.

OBD adapters – 2 connectors for diagnostics

Cars of all brands in mandatory must be equipped with an OBD-2 diagnostic adapter. It is used when diagnosing a car independently or in service centers. The adapter is convenient for:

  • diagnosing all car components;
  • analysis of errors and mileage status;
  • monitoring engine operation;
  • for tension;
  • temperature;
  • speed;
  • condition of panel instruments;
  • you can track average and current fuel consumption;
  • degree of engine warm-up;
  • control the trips.

You can connect laptops, computers, and phones to the adapter. It is suitable for connecting to the OBD-2 system and all programs that are subject to their OBD 2 pinout requirements. The connection is made with a USB cable, Bluetooth or WI – FI. Using the adapter, you can test cars of all kinds of imported and domestic manufacturers.

Connector functions provided by OBD-2 pinout

The main function of the OBD – 2 connector is to provide communication between the scanning device and control units. The pinout provides for connecting the vehicle power supply and grounding for successful operation of the vehicle scanner, without connecting a special power supply. When choosing a scanner, you should find out about its capabilities. The higher its price, the more accurate the verification will be. If it is not possible to purchase an expensive device, you need to choose a scanner made specifically for a given car brand.

The pinout allows the driver to combine his car with the OBD-2 diagnostic block.

If a non-compliance with certain composition requirements is detected exhaust gases The CheckEngine signal appears, calling you to check the engine, and the light turns on. This is an indicator warning that the amount of harmful gases is exceeding the norm.

With the help of the obd 2 pinout system, vital parameters are monitored, the main one of which is clean air. The presence of the connector makes it possible to monitor the degree of serviceability of the vehicle without qualified, expensive assistance.

Obd2 connector pinout- all cars produced in recent years, equipped with all kinds of electronic devices. One of important devices is considered a system for performing diagnostics of equipment installed in a vehicle. The design of this device includes an OBD2 connector that was designed in the nineties. Its main purpose is the ability to connect a scanner. In addition, it can be used to measure on-board voltage, temperature component, speed, and other parameters. Moreover, all this can be done directly while operating the vehicle.

As a rule, the obd2 connector socket is installed in the car near the steering column (the distance is approximately 180 mm). The parametric characteristics of the connector allow you to create an exchange of information data using an industrial digital CAN bus. It is with the help of the CAN protocol that you can connect various control devices, all kinds of sensors and mechanisms. Moreover, you can simultaneously receive and transmit data in digital format with high speed, also has anti-interference function.

Connector design

Functionality and obd2 connector pinout made according to a two-component circuit without symmetry and includes sixteen knife-shaped contacts. These contacts are located in the block parallel to each other with a guide key. Their numbering in the block is done from left to right, with the top line of contacts indicated by numbers 1-8, and the other row with 9-16. The connector design is made of durable plastic, and the contacts themselves are separated by a special longitudinal plate.

To ensure correct polarity when connecting the male connector to the female socket, a trapezoidal design with slightly rounded corners is provided. The functions of the contacts in the connector have two groups of assignments. One of which is made according to a standard design, and the manufacturer has the right to use the other group at his own discretion to perform certain tasks.

Wiring obd2 connector with the definition of the function of each contact is shown in the table below:

1 Branded
2 J1850 bus
3 Branded
4 General grounding
5 Signal ground
6 CAN bus
7 Line K according to ISO 9141-2
8 Branded
9 Branded
10 J1850 bus
11 Branded
12 Branded
13 Branded
14 CAN bus
15 Line L according to ISO 9141-2
16 +12 V

A distinctive feature in the design of the obd2 connector is that it has an on-board network connection socket. And this makes it possible to use scanners without resorting to the use of an additional power supply circuit. Since the advent of the first obd2 connectors, which were only capable of displaying information about an existing problem, a lot has changed. Today, advanced connectors have the ability to extract maximum information about problems. This happens due to the connection of diagnostic devices with electronic modules in the car.

How to make your own connecting cable

Sometimes there is a need to make a connecting wire; this can happen when you need to connect a diagnostic device to a car computer. Therefore, the values ​​​​indicated in the table will help here in the best possible way.

OBD2 scanner for SsandYong New Actyon

The pinout of the OBD 2 connector will allow the car owner to correctly connect the contacts of the block for diagnostics vehicle. A scanner or personal computer (PC) is connected to this plug to check the car.


Description and features of OBD 2

The standard OBD 2 vehicle diagnostic system includes the X1234 code structure.

Each character here has its own meaning:

  1. X - the element is the only letter and allows you to find out the type of car malfunction. May not work correctly power unit, transmission, sensors, controllers, electronic modules, etc.
  2. 1 - general OBD class code. Depending on the car, it is sometimes an additional manufacturer code.
  3. 2 - using the symbol, the car owner will be able to clarify the location of the problem. For example, this could be the ignition system, battery power supply ( battery), additional power lines, etc.
  4. 3 and 4 - determine the serial number of the malfunction.

The main feature of the block is the presence of a power output from the vehicle's electrical network, which makes it possible to use scanners that do not have built-in power lines. Initially, diagnostic protocols were used to obtain data about the occurrence of problems in the operation of systems. Pads in modern cars allow consumers to receive more information about errors. This is ensured by the connection of diagnostic scanners and devices with electronic modules in the car.

Depending on the adapter manufacturer, the device may belong, for example, to the following international classes:

  • SAE J1850;
  • SAE J1962;
  • ISO 9141-2.

The World of Matizov channel spoke in detail about the purpose of diagnostic pads and their use.

Where is OBD 2 located?

The location of the OBD 2 block is always indicated in the service manual, so it is better to clarify this point in the documentation.

The different positions of the diagnostic plug in a car are due to the fact that vehicle manufacturers do not use a single standard regarding the installation of pads. If the device is classified as J1962, it must be installed within a radius of 18 cm from the steering column. Manufacturers actually do not follow this rule.

The device location may be as follows:

  1. In a special slot in the lower casing instrument cluster. It can be seen in the center console in the driver's left knee area.
  2. Under the ashtray, which is usually located in the center of the console and instrument cluster. The connector is often installed in this place by French car manufacturers - Peugeot, Citroen, Renault.
  3. Under the plastic plugs located on the bottom of the instrument cluster. In this place, the pads are usually installed by the VAG manufacturer - Audi, Volkswagen, etc. cars.
  4. On the rear of the center console, in the area where the glove compartment housing is installed. This location is typical for some VAZ cars.
  5. In the handle area hand brake, under the plastic of the center console. This situation is typical for Opel cars.
  6. At the bottom of the armrest niche.
  7. IN engine compartment, next to the engine shield. This is where the connector is installed by Korean and Japanese manufacturers.

If the car has a significant mileage, then the installation location may be different. Sometimes, due to electrical faults or damaged circuits, car owners move the connector.

User Ivan Matieshin, using the example of a Lada Granta car, showed where the OBD 2 diagnostic output is installed.

Types of connectors

In modern vehicles, two types of diagnostic sockets can be used - classes A or B. Both connectors are equipped with 16-pin outputs, eight contacts in each row. The contact elements are numbered from left to right, respectively, components numbered 1–8 are located at the top, and 9–16 at the bottom. The outer part of the body of the diagnostic block is made in the form of a trapezoid and is characterized by rounded shapes, which makes it possible to connect an adapter.

The main difference between different types The connectors are located in guide grooves located in the center.

Photo gallery

Photos of potential locations of diagnostic connectors:

Location of the connector in the glove compartment of the car Diagnostic output under the center console of the car Location of the block under the ashtray in the cabin

OBD 2 pinout

Connection diagram of contact elements to the diagnostic block:

  1. Backup contact. Depending on the manufacturer, any signal can be output to it. He is appointed by the car developer.
  2. Pin K. Used to send various parameters to the control unit. In many cars it is designated as the J1850 tire.
  3. A backup contact assigned by the vehicle manufacturer.
  4. "Ground" of the diagnostic block connected to the vehicle body.
  5. Ground of the diagnostic adapter signal.
  6. Contact element for direct connection of the J2284 digital CAN interface.
  7. Contact for connecting channel K in accordance with international standard ISO 9141-2.
  8. Reserve contact element, assigned by the vehicle manufacturer.
  9. Spare contact.
  10. Pin required for connection to J1850 class bus.
  11. The purpose of this contact is determined by the machine manufacturer.
  12. Appointed by the car developer.
  13. Reserve pin assigned by the manufacturer.
  14. Additional contact element for connecting the digital CAN interface J2284.
  15. Pin for channel L, designed for connection in accordance with ISO 9141-2 standard.
  16. A positive contact for connecting the car's electrical system voltage, rated for 12 volts.

As an example of a factory pinout of a block, you can use the Hyundai Sonata. In these models, the first pin of the connector is designed to receive signals from the control module anti-lock braking system. Pin number 13 is used to read pulses from the ECU ( electronic unit controls), as well as airbag controllers.

Pinout types may vary depending on the protocol class:

  1. If the car uses the ISO9141-2 standard, then this protocol is activated by using pin 7. Pins numbered two and ten are not used and are inactive. To send information, contact elements 4, 5, 7 and 16 are used. Depending on the car, contact 15 can be used for this task.
  2. If the car implements the SAE J1850 type VPW protocol, then the second, fourth, fifth and sixteenth pins are used in the connector. Such pads are usually equipped in vehicles from General Motors European and American production.
  3. It is possible to use the J1850 protocol in PWM mode. This application involves the additional use of the tenth pin. A similar type of connector is installed on Ford cars. Regardless of the type of output, the seventh pin is not used.

The “MotorState” channel spoke in detail about the pinout of OBD 2 diagnostic connectors for cars.

Diagnostics via OBD 2

The verification procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. Depending on the vehicle, the diagnostic process can be carried out with the ignition off or on. This point should be clarified in the service manual. Before starting, the ignition procedure in the car is turned off or on.
  2. The program is launched on the computer to check.
  3. The diagnostic equipment is connected to the connector. If this is a scanner, then the block with the wire from it must be inserted into the plug. When using a PC, one end of the adapter is installed in the USB output of the computer, and the other is connected to the connector.
  4. You need to wait until the program detects the pad after synchronization. If this does not happen, you should manually go to the control menu and select the option to search for new devices.
  5. The diagnostic procedure starts on the computer. Depending on the software, the user may have the option to choose the right tool checks. Some programs support separate diagnostics of the engine, transmission unit, electrical network and other components.
  6. After completing the test procedure, fault codes will appear on the PC screen. These errors must be deciphered in order to accurately determine the type of failure. In accordance with the data received, the vehicle is repaired.

Video “How to diagnose a car using OBD 2?”

The SUPER ALI channel showed the process of testing vehicle systems using a special scanner connected to the OBD 2 connector.

You can also familiarize yourself with the pinout of diagnostic connectors

Renault diagnostic connector

Opel diagnostic connector

KIA diagnostic connector

Currently, the overwhelming number of foreign cars, as well as cars domestic production have OBD2 diagnostic connector. Through this connector you can connect diagnostic equipment to diagnose your car, as well as connect on-board computers and other devices that work through the diagnostic block. Sometimes users have questions about the pinout of diagnostic blocks for certain car brands. For your convenience, we offer ready-made adapters for working with various diagnostic plugs on cars. However, if you forgot to purchase an adapter for your car, or you needed to make it in an emergency, or connect the adapter directly, then in this article you will find information about the pinout of OBD 2 standard blocks, as well as Russian and foreign-made cars.

Pinout of the OBD 2 block (the most common option in foreign cars since 2002, and is also installed in all VAZ cars after 2002):

Contact designations:

7-K diagnostic line

4/5 - GND protruding pins

16 - adapter power supply +12V

Pinout of the VAZ block before 2004:

Contact designations:

M - k-line diagnostics

H or G - adapter power supply +12V

When connecting an adapter without a block directly to the wires, it is better to take power from the cigarette lighter, since the contact shown in figure H, depending on the model, may not be routed, and when using the G contact, the fuel pump gives very large impulses that can damage the adapter.

(In 99% of cases, you can use the indicated contacts since damage to the adapters from the fuel pump practically does not occur.)

Connector GAZ (Gazelle) UAZ

Contact designations:

2 - Power adapter +12V

12 - mass

10 - L-diagnostic line (may not be routed, as a rule not used)

11 - K-line diagnostics

Pinout of the block Daewoo Nexia n100, Matiz, Chevrolet Lanos ZAZ Chans:

Connector M - K - line for diagnostics

Connector A - ground

Connector H - +12V (voltage in this connector may not be available on some car models)

Connector G - +12V from the ignition switch (there may be no voltage when the ignition is on and the engine is not running on some car models

If you are interested in the location of the diagnostic block in your car, as well as the pinout of diagnostic blocks for cars of other brands. Then you can familiarize yourself with them through a systematized catalog of diagnostic adapters. Download pinout of car brake pads.

All modern cars, especially after 1996, include a diagnostic system using a universal protocol OBD- OBD-II. These devices can be built on a computer with an interface that connects to a 16-pin diagnostic connector. Diagnostics and self-testing in OBD 2 systems is carried out by a subroutine called Diagnostic Executive. The subroutine, using special monitors, controls several different car systems, a malfunction of which can lead to an increase in toxic emissions. The subroutine is executed in background- at the time when on-board computer not engaged in performing basic management functions.

Error codes include categories:

"P" - is for powertrain codes;
"B" - is for body codes;
"C" - is for chassis codes.

The category is indicated in the first position of the five-digit error code. The second position in this code indicates the standard, where “0” is a common code for OBD-II or “1” if it is a manufacturer’s code. Third position - type of malfunction:

“1” and “2” - malfunctions in the fuel system or air supply;
"3" - problems in the ignition system;
"4" - for auxiliary emission control;
"5" - problems idle speed;
"6" - malfunction of the controller or its output circuits;
"7" and "8" - transmission malfunctions.

List of OBD Error Codes

P0 1XX FUEL AND AIR METERING Fuel and air meters
PO 100 MAF or VAF CIRCUIT MALFUNCTION Air Flow Sensor Circuit Malfunction
PO 101 MAF or VAF CIRCUIT RANGE/PERF PROBLEM Signal out of range
PO 102 MAF or VAF CIRCUIT LOW INPUT Low level output signal
PO 103 MAF or VAF CIRCUIT HIGH INPUT High level output signal
PO 105 MAP/BARO CIRCUIT MALFUNCTION Air pressure sensor malfunction
PO 107 MAP/BARO CIRCUIT LOW INPUT Low output level
PO 108 MAP/BARO CIRCUIT HIGH INPUT High output level
PO 110 IAT CIRCUIT MALFUNCTION Intake air temperature sensor malfunction
PO 111 IAT RANGE/PERF PROBLEM Signal out of range
PO 112 IAT CIRCUIT LOW INPUT Low output signal level
PO 113 IAT CIRCUIT HIGH INPUT High output level
PO 115 ECT CIRCUIT MALFUNCTION Coolant temperature sensor malfunction
PO 116 ECT RANGE/PERF PROBLEM Signal out of range
PO 117 ECT CIRCUIT LOW INPUT Low output level
PO 118 ECT CIRCUIT HIGH INPUT High output level
PO 120 TPS SENSOR A CIRCUIT MALFUNCTION Throttle position sensor malfunction
PO 121 TPS SENSOR A RANGE/PERF PROBLEM Signal out of range
PO 122 TPS SENS A CIRCUIT LOW INPUT Low output level
PO 123 TPS SENS A CIRCUIT HIGH INPUT High output level
PO 125 LOW ECT FOR CLOSED LOOP FUEL CONTROL Low temperature cooling fluid for closed loop control
PO 130 02 SENSOR B1 S1 MALFUNCTION O2 sensor B1 S1 is faulty (Bank1)
PO 131 02 SENSOR B1 S1 LOW VOLTAGE O2 sensor B1 S1 has a low signal level
PO 132 02 SENSOR B1 S1 HIGH VOLTAGE O2 sensor B1 S1 has a high signal level
PO 133 02 SENSOR B1 S1 SLOW RESPONSE O2 sensor B1 S1 has a slow response to enrichment/depletion
PO 134 02 SENSOR B1 S1 CIRCUIT INACTIVE O2 sensor circuit B1 S1 passive
PO 135 02 SENSOR B1 S1 HEATER MALFUNCTION O2 sensor heater B1 S1 is faulty
PO 136 02 SENSOR B1 S2 MALFUNCTION O2 sensor B1 S2 is faulty
PO 137 02 SENSOR B1 S2 LOW VOLTAGE O2 sensor B1 S2 has a low signal level
PO 138 02 SENSOR B1 S2 HIGH VOLTAGE O2 sensor B1 S2 has a high signal level
PO 139 02 SENSOR B1 S2 SLOW RESPONSE O2 sensor B1 S2 has a slow response to enrichment/depletion
PO 140 02 SENSOR B1 S2 CIRCUIT INACTIVE O2 sensor circuit B1 S2 passive
PO 141 02 SENSOR B1 S2 HEATER MALFUNCTION O2 sensor heater B1 S2 is faulty
PO 142 02 SENSOR B1 S3 MALFUNCTION O2 sensor B1 S3 is faulty
PO 143 02 SENSOR B1 S3 LOW VOLTAGE O2 sensor B1 S3 has a low signal level
PO 144 02 SENSOR B1 S3 HIGH VOLTAGE O2 sensor B1 S3 has a high signal level
PO 145 02 SENSOR B1 S3 SLOW RESPONSE O2 sensor B1 S3 has a slow response to enrichment/depletion
PO 146 02 SENSOR B1 S3 CIRCUIT INACTIVE O2 sensor circuit B1 S3 is passive
PO 147 02 SENSOR B1 S3 HEATER MALFUNCTION O2 sensor heater B1 S3 is faulty
PO 150 02 SENSOR B2 S1 CIRCUIT MALFUNCTION O2 sensor B2 S1 is faulty (Bank2)
PO 151 02 SENSOR B2 S1 CKT LOW VOLTAGE O2 sensor B2 S1 has a low signal level
PO 152 02 SENSOR B2 S1 CKT HIGH VOLTAGE O2 sensor B2 S1 has a high signal level
PO 153 02 SENSOR B2 S1 CKT SLOW RESPONSE O2 sensor B2 S1 has a slow response to enrichment/depletion
PO 154 02 SENSOR B2 S1 CIRCUIT INACTIVE O2 sensor circuit B2 S1 is passive
PO 155 02 SENSOR B2 S1 HTR CKT MALFUNCTION O2 sensor heater B2 S1 is faulty
PO 156 02 SENSOR B2 S2 CIRCUIT MALFUNCTION O2 sensor B2 S2 is faulty
PO 157 02 SENSOR B2 S2 CKT LOW VOLTAGE O2 sensor B2 S2 has a low signal level
PO 158 02 SENSOR B2 S2 CKT HIGH VOLTAGE O2 sensor B2 S2 has a high signal level
PO 159 02 SENSOR B2 S2 CKT SLOW RESPONSE O2 sensor B2 S2 has a slow response to rich/lean conditions
PO 160 02 SENSOR B2 S2 CIRCUIT INACTIVE O2 sensor circuit B2 S2 passive
PO 161 02 SENSOR B2 S2 HTR CKT MALFUNCTION O2 sensor heater B2 S2 is faulty
PO 162 02 SENSOR B2 S3 CIRCUIT MALFUNCTION O2 sensor B2 S3 is faulty
PO 163 02 SENSOR B2 S3 CKT LOW VOLTAGE O2 sensor B2 S3 has a low signal level
PO 164 02 SENSOR B2 S3 CKT HIGH VOLTAGE O2 sensor B2 S3 has a high signal level
PO 165 02 SENSOR B2 S3 CKT SLOW RESPONSE O2 sensor B2 S3 has a slow response to enrichment / depletion
PO 166 02 SENSOR B2 S3 CIRCUIT INACTIVE O2 sensor circuit B2 S3 is passive
PO 167 02 SENSOR B2 S3 HTR CKT MALFUNCTION O2 sensor heater B2 S3 is faulty
PO 170 BANK 1 FUEL TRIM MALFUNCTION Fuel leakage from fuel system block No. 1
PO 171 BANK 1 SYSTEM TOO LEAN Cylinder block No. 1 becomes lean (possibly air leaks)
PO 172 BANK 1 SYSTEM TOO RICH Cylinder block No. 1 is rich (possibly incomplete closure injectors)
PO 173 BANK 2 FUEL TRIM MALFUNCTION Fuel leakage from the fuel system of block No. 2
PO 174 BANK 2 SYSTEM TOO LEAN Cylinder block No. 2 becomes lean (possibly air leaks)
PO 175 BANK 2 SYSTEM TOO RICH Cylinder block No. 2 rich (possibly incomplete closing of the injector)
PO 176 FUEL COMPOSITION SENSOR MALFUNCTION CHx emission sensor is faulty
PO 177 FUEL COMPOSITION SENS CKT RANGE/PERF Sensor signal is out of range
PO 178 FUEL COMPOSITION LOW INPUT Low signal level of the CHx sensor
PO 179 FUEL COMPOSITION HIGH INPUT High signal level of the CHx sensor
PO 180 FUEL TEMP SENSOR A CIRCUIT MALFUNCTION Fuel temperature sensor circuit “A” is faulty
PO 181 FUEL TEMP SENSOR A CIRCUIT RANGE/PERF Sensor signal “A” is out of range
PO 182 FUEL TEMP SENSOR A LOW INPUT Low signal from fuel temperature sensor “A”
PO 183 FUEL TEMP SENSOR A HIGH INPUT High signal from fuel temperature sensor “A”
PO 185 FUEL TEMP SENSOR B CIRCUIT MALFUNCTION Fuel temperature sensor “B” circuit is faulty
PO 186 FUEL TEMP SENSOR RANGE/PERF Sensor signal “B” is out of acceptable range
PO 187 FUEL TEMP SENSOR B LOW INPUT Low signal from fuel temperature sensor “B”
PO 188 FUEL TEMP SENSOR B HIGH INPUT High signal from fuel temperature sensor “B”
PO 190 FUEL RAIL PRESSURE CIRCUIT MALFUNCTION Fuel rail pressure sensor circuit is faulty
PO 191 FUEL RAIL CIRCUIT RANGE/PERF Sensor signal is out of range
PO 192 FUEL RAIL PRESSURE LOW INPUT Low signal from the fuel pressure sensor
PO 193 FUEL RAIL PRESSURE HIGH INPUT High signal from the fuel pressure sensor
PO 194 FUEL RAIL PRESSURE CKT INTERMITTENT Fuel pressure sensor signal intermittent
PO 195 ENGINE OIL TEMP SENSOR MALFUNCTION Engine oil temperature sensor circuit is faulty
PO 196 ENGINE OIL TEMP SENSOR RANGE/PERF Sensor signal is out of range
PO 197 ENGINE OIL TEMP SENSOR LOW Low oil temperature sensor signal
PO 198 ENGINE OIL TEMP SENSOR HIGH High oil temperature sensor signal
PO 199 ENGINE OIL TEMP SENSOR INTERMITTENT Oil temperature sensor signal intermittent
PO 200 INJECTOR CIRCUIT MALFUNCTION Injector control circuit is faulty

Other fault codes.

Contact Description

2 J1850 Bus+ (Bus + Line, SAE)
4 Body grounding
5 Signal ground
6 Upper CAN pin (J-2284)
7 K Line ISO 9141-2
10 Bus - Line, Sae J1850 Bus
11 OEM
12 OEM
13 OEM
14 CAN bottom pin (J-2284)
15 L Line ISO 9141-2
16 Battery voltage

Please note that the presence of a connector is not a 100% sign of compatibility with OBD 2. Cars equipped with this system must have a mark in the accompanying documentation. The most commonly used protocol can be identified by the presence of certain pins on the connector. Pinouts of OBD and other connectors for various types of cars can be downloaded in the collection or see here.