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Millet and champignon porridge recipes. Millet porridge with porcini mushrooms


We wash the millet repeatedly under running water.

Place dry mushrooms in a saucepan and fill with cold water (about 300 ml of water). Place on high heat and wait for it to boil. Let it simmer on medium power for 5-10 minutes to create a weak mushroom broth.

Now very important stage– Strain the broth through a fine sieve into a separate bowl. Rinse the saucepan additionally under running water so that the grains of sand remaining on the walls (and they are 100% present in dry mushrooms) do not get into the millet porridge.

Pour the broth back into the pan. You don’t even have to pour everything out - if at the bottom of that dish you see sediment with signs of the same grains of sand, do not put them in the pan under any circumstances.

Salt well and add millet. That's it, now the millet porridge will be cooked without our participation (of course, under the lid and over low heat).

And we will return to mushrooms. We must try to wash every mushroom piece. You can directly in a sieve, rubbing the mushrooms well with your fingers. Next, take them out onto a cutting board and chop them finely.

We immediately send them to the porridge so that they continue to release their mushroom flavor and aroma.

Millet porridge cooks quickly. Once you see that there is no liquid left, you can try it. If it tastes uniformly soft, then you have already finished active cooking.

The consistency of such porridge should be thick, because it is more of a side dish and not a milk porridge.

Turn off the burner, season the dish with butter and wrap the pan in towels for at least 10 minutes. Well, they love it simple dishes stand a little to become even more beautiful and tastier!

And if you haven’t used all the broth, you can cook an excellent first course with it -!

One of the economical options among cereals is millet. The cost of one pack of millet is significantly lower than, however, the number of recipes that can be used to prepare delicious, satisfying dishes based on this product is no less. One of these dishes is millet porridge with mushrooms (most often champignons). The cooking process is quick and simple, so it is quite common and popular. Champignons cooked together with millet turn out very juicy and aromatic.

The dish can be prepared very quickly, which is why it is in demand among working mothers. Millet porridge is very beneficial for the body. People who follow a healthy diet often prepare this dish, providing themselves with the necessary amount of complex carbohydrates to be energetic throughout the day, as well as vitamins and minerals to support their health and immunity. What gives this recipe a special charm is the champignon juice, which is absorbed into the porridge and provides it with an amazing aroma. At the same time, the mushrooms acquire a sweetish taste. Another variation of porridge with mushrooms is.

The process of preparing porridge according to this recipe should begin by washing the cereal and pouring a glass of water over it. After this, you should set the soaked cereal aside and get on with the rest of the ingredients. The millet will take on water, swell a little and become more pliable during the cooking process.


1. Peel the onion, chop finely, and fry in a frying pan with heated vegetable oil. Leave the heat low, allowing the onions to sauté longer.

2. The mushrooms must first be cleaned by removing the skirts from the legs and the film from the caps. Then wash the champignons thoroughly and cut into small pieces. As the onions cook, add the mushrooms to the pan, cover with a lid to retain the mushroom juice and aroma, and leave to simmer.

3. The mushrooms should be almost completely cooked, that is, they should soften in appearance, darken and significantly decrease in size. As soon as the champignons reach this state, you need to add millet cereal and the water in which it was soaked. If necessary, you can transfer all the ingredients to a more convenient pan.

4. As you cook, add spices (salt, pepper, etc.). If all the liquid has evaporated, you can add another glass of water. Stir the porridge periodically to prevent it from burning to the bottom of the pan.

Millet is a very healthy and satisfying porridge. And if it also contains mushrooms, then the benefits are twice as great. This porridge contains many useful microelements. The porridges themselves are generally beneficial for our body. They are very filling, so you need to eat them in the morning to stock up on energy for the whole working day.

After cooking you will receive 3 servings of the dish.


  • millet - 1 cup (250-300 g)
  • mushrooms (preferably champignons) - 200 g
  • onion - 1 head
  • oil for frying - 2 tbsp.
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • dill, parsley for decoration

Cooking method

It doesn't take much to make porridge. They are easy to prepare. For our porridge, we take millet, sort it well, rinse it several times under running water. Then pour boiling water or boil it to remove the bitterness from the millet. Drain the water.

Boil water in an aluminum pan and add the cereal. Salt and pepper the millet. As soon as the millet boils, reduce the heat and cook the porridge for 30 minutes.

To fry, peel the onion and finely chop it. Pour oil into a heated frying pan and fry the onion until golden brown. Then remove the onion, add oil and place the mushrooms in the pan. Before frying, do not forget to wash the mushrooms clean and cut into circles. Fry them in oil over medium heat, stirring continuously. After 10 minutes, add salt.

We combine the ingredients. Place fried onions in the mushrooms, add boiled millet. Mix well and cook over low heat for another 5 minutes. Then set aside. You can sprinkle with chopped herbs, wrap and let sit for 10 minutes.

Place the porridge in bowls and serve hot, topped with herbs.

There is no shame in serving up guests with such porridge. They should like the taste of millet porridge with mushrooms. Fragrant, healthy, yellow in color, it, like the Sun, warms us from the inside.

Step-by-step photo recipe for making millet porridge with mushrooms.

millet – 1 glass,

fresh champignon mushrooms – 350-500 gr.,

onions – 1-2 pcs.,

garlic – 2-3 cloves,

salt, pepper - to taste,

vegetable oil - for frying,

water - 2 glasses.

All kinds of porridges are an excellent dish for every day. Huge variety recipes for porridges and the products used allow us to diversify our daily menu. Today, during the days of fasting, we will tell and show you how to cook millet porridge with mushrooms.

- a lean but satisfying dish. Cooking millet porridge with mushrooms together takes less time than if you cook the porridge and mushrooms separately. Foods cooked together produce interesting flavor results. The recipe is so simple that anyone can prepare it.

Using our step by step photos recipe millet porridge with mushrooms, you will have no problems preparing this wonderful dish.

Cooking millet porridge with mushrooms.

To cook millet porridge with mushrooms First you need to rinse the millet.

Then pour two glasses of water over the washed millet so that the cereal swells slightly.

In the meantime, you need to prepare the mushrooms. The mushrooms need to be cleaned by removing the film from the cap and removing the skirt on the stem.

Then wash the mushrooms and cut into slices or slices.

Next, peel, rinse and chop the onions.

Peel the garlic too, rinse and finely chop.

Now you need to pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and fry the chopped onion and garlic. Instead of vegetable oil, you can use butter or margarine for frying.

When the onions and garlic are slightly fried, add the chopped mushrooms to the pan.

Fry the mushrooms over medium heat until softened, this will take about 7-10 minutes.

After this, you need to add millet along with the water in which it was soaked into the frying pan with mushrooms and onions.

Mix everything.

Add salt and pepper to taste.