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How to freeze fresh apricots. What's the best way to freeze apricots?


In the summer it’s so nice to enjoy delicious fresh and sweet apricots, but how can you please yourself with these fruits in the winter? Of course, you can buy them in the supermarket, but there will be nothing healthy in them, and the taste leaves much to be desired. In this case, frozen apricots come to the rescue.

Firm apricots that are easily separated from the stone are suitable for this method; it is best to pick them from the tree rather than wait until they fall.

Wash the fruit well, dry it on a towel and separate it from the pit. Place the resulting halves, skin side down, on a tray or wide plate and place in the freezer for 5-6 hours. During this time, the apricots will freeze well, and you can safely put them in a plastic bag; they will never stick together and will be smooth and beautiful in winter.


In winter, apricot halves can simply be eaten defrosted, or they can be used for baking open pies, tarts, or for compote.

The second successful type of freezing apricots is puree. This method is very suitable for overripe or damaged fruits, as well as for varieties in which the stone is difficult to separate.

Wash the apricots well, peel and puree them using a blender. And then everything depends on the imagination of the housewife, you can pour the resulting puree into different molds, you will get beautiful apricot ice, you can put it in a regular container, or you can put it in a plastic bottle.


Children love apricot puree; you can add it to porridge, ice cream, yogurt, cottage cheese, or just eat it with a spoon; it makes very tasty pies and casseroles.

See video: Apricot ice cream

Advice: If you plan to use the puree in the coming weeks, you can pour it into plastic cups and cover with cling film. If you pack in containers, choose small containers to avoid re-freezing.

Recipe for freezing whole apricots

Number of servings: 3

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Energy value

  • calorie content - 91.2 kcal;
  • proteins - 1.8 g;
  • fats - 0.2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 21 g.


  • apricots - 600 g.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. We select firm fruits without dents or dark spots.
  2. Wash thoroughly and place on a waffle towel. You can give them time to dry naturally, or get them wet. If the product is not dried, it will stick together during storage.
  3. Transfer to a plastic container and store in the freezer.

Recipe for freezing apricots in halves

We carry out the preliminary work as in the previous recipe. After drying, divide the apricots into two parts and remove the pit. It is better to do this with a knife so as not to damage the integrity of the peel. Lubricate the slices with lemon juice to prevent them from darkening. Place the halves on a tray and place in the freezer for an hour. Then we pour it into storage containers.

Advice: Do not throw away the pits that have been removed from the apricot, but remove the kernel and dry it. Eat 2-4 pieces every day. The daily norm of apricot kernels contains a daily supply of all vitamins and macroelements.

Recipe for freezing apricots with sugar

Number of servings: 5

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Energy value

  • calorie content - 291.4 kcal;
  • proteins - 1.3 g;
  • fats - 0.1 g;
  • carbohydrates - 71.6 g.


  • apricots - 500 g;
  • sugar - 200 g.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Select ripe but firm fruits and wash them thoroughly.
  2. Dry with a towel, divide into halves.
  3. Place apricots in layers in a plastic container and sprinkle with sugar. Leave at room temperature for an hour.
  4. Close the lid and put it in the freezer.

Recipe for freezing apricots in syrup

Number of servings: 5

Cooking time: 50 minutes

Energy value

  • calorie content - 283.6 kcal;
  • proteins - 1.3 g;
  • fats - 0.1 g;
  • carbohydrates - 69.6 g.


  • apricots - 500 g;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 100 ml.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. We wash the fruits and leave them to dry on a waffle towel.
  2. Pour water into the pan and put it on fire.
  3. As soon as it boils, add sugar and cook for 10 minutes.
  4. Pour lemon juice into the warm syrup and stir well, leave to cool.
  5. Divide the apricots into slices and place them in small containers.
  6. Fill with cold syrup, close the lid tightly and put in the freezer for the winter.

Freezing secrets

Each recipe has its own secret. For harvesting to be successful, you need to choose apricots of the correct ripeness. For whole freezing or slices, hard fruits are suitable, and for puree, on the contrary, overripe ones. Be sure to treat the slices with lemon juice to prevent the slices from turning dark brown. It prevents oxidation and preserves the original appearance of the product.

How long can you store

Apricot preparations can be stored in the freezer for about a year only if the product is in an airtight container. When freezing puree in molds, the shelf life expires in 2-3 weeks. The optimal storage temperature for apricots is -18 degrees. If it is higher, the period is reduced to 5 months.

Be sure to add frozen apricot to your collection. Which recipe is most suitable is up to you to decide. Juicy bright fruits will be a good addition to dishes in the winter.

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Summer is a wonderful time, but unfortunately it passes quickly. Every housewife tries to preserve a piece of summer for her family. Fragrant fruits and berries are rolled into bright ones, and delicious preserves and jams are made. You can also freeze fruits and berries; such preparations allow you to preserve all the vitamins and valuable substances and enjoy fruits in winter. you already know, but today we will tell you how to freeze apricots in the freezer for the winter.

Modern refrigerators are equipped with excellent freezers that allow you to store frozen fruits and berries all winter. Frozen apricots in winter can be used for various purposes:

  • for preparing pie filling
  • for cooking compotes
  • for use in desserts
  • for making fruit drinks, jelly and smoothies

You can freeze apricots in various ways, whole with pits, halves and in the form of apricot puree. We will tell you about some freezing methods.

Freezing apricots with pits

Such fruits can be used in winter to prepare compotes. Sort the fruits and remove spoiled ones. Rinse and place on a clean towel to drain the water. Then place the fruits on a tray, or line the bottom of the freezer with a bag and place the apricots in one row.

After a few hours, when the fruits are frozen, remove them and place them in a tight, clean plastic bag. This way the apricots will take up much less space in the freezer. Place the bag in the freezer.

Freezing apricot halves

These apricot slices are suitable for making fillings for pies and pies, and for desserts. To freeze apricots in halves, select dense, slightly unripe fruits.

Wash and dry the fruits. Separate the bone. Place the halves on a baking sheet or tray and freeze for 3-4 hours. Once the halves are frozen, place them in a sealable plastic bag to save space. Place back in the freezer.

How to freeze apricot puree

Apricots can be frozen as a puree with sugar. In winter, in this form it can be used to prepare fruit drinks and drinks.

Wash and dry apricots. Get the bone. Using a blender or meat grinder, grind the halves to a puree.

Pour the resulting apricot mass into a saucepan or bowl. Add sugar. It can be added to taste. Let sit for a while so that the sugar absorbs the juice and the crystals dissolve. Stir.

Pour the finished puree into silicone molds. Place in the freezer for several hours. After the puree has hardened, remove it from the molds and place it in a plastic food bag. Seal tightly so that the puree does not absorb foreign odors and place in the freezer.

That's all, now you know how to freeze apricots for the winter.

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Apricot is a very healthy and tasty fruit, which is so lacking in winter, when the body needs additional vitamins and beneficial elements. In many stores, fruits only look good, but their usefulness is very questionable. So you remember the summer time, when there was an abundance of different fruits. However, you can not only remember, but also enjoy your favorite foods if you know how to freeze apricots. When frozen, they retain all their useful components: vitamins, carotene, trace elements, acids, etc. A supply of fruit for the winter will be a good support for the body's immune system. There are several freezing methods, which one you choose depends on personal preference.

Choosing dishes for freezing

Before that, you need to choose the right container in which they will be stored so that the fruits retain not only their taste, but also their appearance. Frozen fruit is stored in almost any container, even in plastic bags. But each container has features that must be taken into account. Thus, bags are often used to store apricot puree or misshapen fruits that will be used to make fillings or jam. Containers with thick walls are used to preserve the shape of the fruit and its appearance as much as possible. Therefore, before that, you need to choose a plastic food container with a lid. It won't take up much space. It will be easy to remove from the freezer. The variety of methods for freezing apricots makes it possible to choose the option that is most suitable for the housewife.

Freezing fruit with pits

Before that, you need to choose the right fruits. To do this, take dense, not overripe fruits without any damage or rot. Apricots are washed well in cold water and dried with a paper towel. Place the fruits on the bottom of the tray, distributing them evenly, and place them in the freezer. The next day, the apricots are packaged in bags and placed on freezer shelves. In this way, plums, cherries and other fruits. It is good because it does not require long-term preparation of the fruit. But it also has one drawback - fruits take up a lot of space in the freezer.

Freezing fruit with sugar

Apricots or other fruits can be placed more compactly if you first remove the pit from them and break them into slices. Such preparations are laid out in containers, sprinkled with sugar and left for some time so that the juice is formed. When the fruits have released their juice, you can freeze the apricots in the freezer, conveniently and compactly placing the containers on the shelves.

Freezing apricot puree

Ripe fruits are washed, pitted and placed in a blender, adding a small amount of sugar. The mass is crushed. The finished apricot puree is laid out in food containers and placed in the freezer. It is recommended to freeze at a temperature of twenty-three degrees below zero. This delicacy will be much healthier than jam.

Freezing apricots in syrup

Many housewives are interested in syrup. The answer is simple - you can, and this process is not that complicated. To do this, the fruits are washed, dried, and the seeds are removed. You can use either halves of apricots or cut them into slices. The prepared fruits are laid out in containers. Before that, you need to prepare the syrup. There are three known ways to prepare sugar syrup, which depend on its saturation:

Weak - take four glasses of water and two cups of sugar;

Medium - three cups of sugar to four glasses of water;

Thick syrup - five glasses of sugar and five glasses of water.

Add sugar to boiling water and stir until it is completely dissolved. Boil the syrup for several minutes, after which it is cooled and the prepared fruit is poured cold. The containers are sent to the freezer.

Freezing apricot halves

We already know the answer to the question of . But how to do this correctly so that they do not lose their appearance and structure? To do this, the fruits are carefully sorted. Then they are washed and placed on a towel, leaving for fifteen minutes. So that the water evaporates. The fruit is divided in half so as not to damage the pulp and skin, and the stone is thrown away. The prepared fruits are placed in a container in one row and sent to the freezer for twenty minutes so that the top layer freezes a little and the fruits do not stick to each other. Then the container is taken out. Before that, you need to cover a layer of fruit with cling film. Then lay the second row on top. The dishes are again placed in the freezer and this continues until the container is completely filled with fruit. With this arrangement in the dish, apricots are very convenient to take out. This method helps preserve the structure and appearance of the fruit, which will not disappear when defrosted. They will be a good decoration for various dishes.

Thus, we know how to store them for a long time. These fruits can be frozen in many ways; the housewife decides which one to choose based on her personal preferences. Before freezing, all fruits are sorted, washed and dried to remove excess moisture. Apricot retains all its qualities, vitamins and useful components remain, so in winter you can not only enjoy delicious fruits, but also fill your body with useful elements.

Last summer we had a very large harvest of apricots and especially plums. A lot of jam and marshmallows were made, an incredible variety of pies were baked and, of course, I froze a lot of fruit. This year there are even more apricots, so I’m repeating the already proven freezing scheme!

Small fruits can be frozen whole without removing the seeds; they will then be used for compote. It is convenient to freeze large and ripe apricots and plums in halves, pitted. In winter, these halves, without directly defrosting, can be easily used as a filling for pies, making desserts and more. They retain a large amount of vitamins and microelements, are aromatic and healthy.

A lot of delicious things are prepared from frozen plums. For example, pastille, if you didn’t have time or already ate it cooked in summer and autumn. Plum halves lightly fried in butter and sprinkled with sugar are very tasty, both as a side dish for fried duck breast and as a sauce for ice cream. From frozen apricots you can cook a delicious and quick crumble or clafoutis, enjoy the wonderful taste and aroma and remember summer! And, of course, it is very economical.

Total and active cooking time – 20 minutes
Cost – $3.5
Number of servings – 3 kilograms

Recipe for freezing apricots and plums


Apricots – 3 kg.(or plums)


Wash and dry ripe apricots or plums. Divide the fruit into halves and remove the pit.

Place apricot halves or plums on glass cutting boards. It is also convenient to use metal trays, be sure to wipe them dry!

Place the separated halves or whole fruits (apricots or plums) in the freezer.

I usually increase the temperature when laying to the maximum, up to -23 degrees. After 2-3 hours, the fruits are already frozen; you can put them in storage bags, close them tightly and put them in the freezer.

Fruits frozen in this way are kept whole and do not stick together into one lump; it is very convenient to then remove the required amount from the bag and use it to prepare various tasty and healthy dishes.

Place halves of apricots or plums in plastic or glass trays for freezing, sprinkle them with sugar, again lay out a layer of fruit and add sugar to taste.

Cover the trays with a lid and place them in the freezer for storage. Be sure to indicate on the label that this freeze contains sugar, this is necessary in order to take into account the presence of sugar when further preparing dishes with apricots or plums. For example, to prepare the filling for pies or other baked goods, you will need less sugar than indicated in the recipe.