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Makeup with yellow eye shadow for blue eyes. Shadows for blue eyes: which color to choose? Daily makeup for blue eyes


The purity and beauty of blue eyes is sung by many poets. They are compared to the ocean and diamonds. Shadows for blue eyes are a cut of the beautiful features given to us by nature.

What cosmetics are suitable?

Blue-eyed girls are extremely lucky, because the color of their eyes is already the brightest accent in the image. It is important to complement this emphasis with contrasting shades in relation to the iris. However, often following stereotypes, we choose blue shadows for blue eyes, and most often we are mistaken. Most shades of blue obscure the beauty of the eyes, making makeup unnatural and sometimes vulgar. The blue palette for blue-eyed ladies can only be revealed in the professional hands of makeup artists, who will be able to select the ideal tone with extraordinary precision. If you plan to do makeup at home, then it is wiser to choose universal and uncomplicated options. So, For a stylish makeup look, you should stock up on three shades of eyeshadow. The first color will cover the main part of the moving eyelid, the second will set accents, and the third will gently cover the area under the eyebrows. The eyes are also highlighted with black strokes, in the form of eyeliner and mascara.

Shadows should be organic depending on the setting. For example, an everyday look is perfectly complemented by muted pink, brown, plum and beige shades. It is best if they are matte and very discreet. Green shadows should not be neglected for your daily look, because they play perfectly in contrast with the iris of the eye. Lilac shadows with light pearlescent, complemented by a light tone for the inner corner of the eye - another option that reveals the beauty of delicate, almost transparent blue eyes.

Evening make-up allows you to apply more rich and bright tones. In this case, you should remember the basic rule that the color saturation should not cover the brightness of the eye color. For those with light blue eyes, peach, purple, and golden tones will help emphasize their individuality. For girls with blue eyes, turquoise tones will be appropriate, as well as orange shades in tandem with yellow shadows. An interesting solution to this sunny makeup is to highlight the lower eyelid with a soft blue pencil. A universal tone option for bright and transparent blue eyes is golden eyeshadow. Light-eyed ladies can complement them with brown accents with eyeliner in the same shade or black shadows with a contour pencil. Gold and brown will form the basis of everyday makeup, while black will decorate any evening look.

How to choose the right one?

Choosing eye shadow is not so difficult, because the ideal color scheme for gray and blue eyes has already been given above. Everyday looks with them will gain constant sophistication. If you want to play with color and create non-standard solutions, you can take the spectral circle as a basis. This color wheel is a special palette for makeup artists that helps create ideal tandems of three or more tones. The spectral circle consists of 12 color parts. The colors opposite each other in it combine perfectly with each other. If you want to increase the number of shades in your makeup, place an isosceles triangle in the spectral circle. The three colors in its tops are also good and organic in tandem.

However, for blue and blue eyes, not only a complementary combination of contrasting shades is suitable, but also a monochromatic one, when a color scheme of the same color is used. The best combinations here can be found in a ready-made eyeshadow palette. They usually consist of three or four shades ranging from light to dark. For example, blue-eyed people will definitely like the monochrome range of green tones:

  • khaki;
  • gray asparagus;
  • green with shades of blue, called "red sea".

Also a good solution would be to use a pink monochrome tandem. For example:

  • pearl tone;
  • flamingo;
  • pink lilac.

There can be many options; ready-made color palettes help in finding them.

Hair color

In addition to the shade of the eyes, an important criterion when choosing is the hair color of the blue-eyed beauty. Light and dark curls react differently to color, revealing or muting it.

For brunettes

A huge variety of tones are suitable for dark hair and heavenly eyes. You should start with not the most successful options. Thus, the “smoky eyes” known to every fashionista should be created only in brown or gray tones. Classic black in this case will create a deliberately gloomy tone, suitable exclusively for themed parties. Otherwise, blue-eyed brunettes get complete freedom. For example, blue eyeshadow of the correct shade suits them perfectly, that is, not more saturated than the natural eye color. Blue can smoothly transition into gray and silver. A golden range of tones with honey, golden and brown shades is also suitable for brunettes. The yellow-orange palette also deserves the attention of owners of this rare beauty.

For blondes

Pastel shades are suitable for blond hair, because blondes are especially suited to emphasizing their fragility and weightlessness. Curls filled with sunlight begin to shine even more when using pearl, peach and pink shades in makeup. Shades such as pistachio and champagne are also suitable. It is worth saying that the latter combine quite successfully with each other. If the occasion is very solemn, you can resort to brighter colors. Dark burgundy, brown and dark blue tones will highlight the pure blue of the eyes and will play in contrast with light curls.

For brown-haired women

Brown-haired women have a softer color type than brunettes. For light brown hair and blue eyes, delicate shades will be the best options. Among them you can see:

  • light beige;
  • light pink;
  • light peach.

Black tones are not suitable for this color type, which means it’s better to forget about “smoky eyes”, black eyeliner and eyebrows. On the other hand, there are always ways to soften such makeup. So, for “smoky eyes” it is better to use smoky shadows, making the look expressive, at the same time without weighing it down. In addition to gray, brown shadows will also come to the aid of brown-haired women, as well as mascara and eyeliner in this palette.

For redheads

The type of red-haired enchantresses with gray-blue eyes captivates with their originality and touching nature. The red tone reminds us of summer and the sun, blue - of the clear sky. From the point of view of makeup artists, the red color emphasizes and reveals the color of the eyes in new shades. Thus, gray-blue eyes can easily be brought closer to blue if you use blue, steel and silver eyelid products in your makeup. A stylish combination of several tones is suitable for red-haired girls, when blue smoothly turns into steel.

In addition, red-haired ladies go for light green and hot pink shadows, as well as tones with a copper tint. With their help, you can create the illusion of green witch eyes, which looks incredibly harmonious with red hair. And if bright colors can add bright green shades to the eyes, then a matte palette of muted shadows creates a languid swamp color of the iris. For this effect, brown tone is combined with copper, gold and pale pink.

If your hair is light in color with a hint of red, you can use eyeshadow from the top colors for blondes in your makeup. This will allow you to diversify the palette of colors, making the choice even wider and more versatile.


Skin color is not left out when choosing the perfect eyeshadow. The fact is that any facial tone can be divided into warm and cold. They are divided depending on the color types of appearance. “Winter” and “summer” have a cold tone, “autumn” and “spring” have a warm tone. Light skin with pinkish, gray or lilac undertones characterizes winter and summer. The skin may be dark, but the base will always have a cool undertone. Tanned skin with a golden, warm tint is a clear sign of a warm type.

It is worth saying that the above divisions into groups can sometimes be difficult to apply to yourself, because color types are often mixed and become combined.

Without an accurate idea of ​​your skin tone, makeup artists recommend using a simple experiment with foil. To do this, the girl needs to take two sheets of silver and gold foil and alternately apply them to her face. If your face begins to shine against the background of gold, your tone is warm; against the background of silver, your tone is cold. This simple example is used as a basis in the selection of shadows. Silver, purple, quartz and lilac shades are ideal for girls with a cold color type. A warm color type becomes even more comfortable in the company of golden and brown shades.

How to apply makeup?

Many people often associate blue eyes with the ocean. This similarity can be emphasized by excluding dark eyeliner or shadows on the lower eyelid. Instead, it is recommended to give preference to a white pencil, which pushes the boundaries of even small eyes. It is also recommended to use light shadows at the inner corner, even if it is only a small dot. Further, the color palette on the eyes can be continued in darker colors. The key to successful multi-color makeup remains high-quality shading, starting with shadows and ending with a contour light pencil.

Step by step guide

No matter how difficult professional makeup for blue eyes may seem, if you paint your eyes step by step, you can get a result no worse than a salon. The first step here, as in any makeup, is to apply foundation. It is applied to make makeup last longer, prevent shadows from creasing in the creases of the eyelids, and remove dark circles under the eyes.

When the skin is prepared, light neutral shadows are applied to the upper eyelid with a slight aftertaste of mother-of-pearl, if we are talking about an evening look. The inner corners are emphasized with light tones such as whitish blue or delicate lavender. Next comes the crucial moment of covering the moving eyelid with the main shadows. It can be pink or deep lavender. Hand movements are directed towards the eyebrows. Dark tones on the outer corners of the eyelids will help add brightness. Let it be gray, plum or brown depending on the base color. An important point is shading. The rich tone should flow smoothly into the dark.

When the eyeshadow makeup is finished, it's time to move on to the strokes. The accent here can be the use of a gray or brown liner of eyeliner, expanding towards the outer corner of the eye. The lower eyelid can be left free, or you can add a contour pencil to match the main color and carefully shade again. The color of mascara and eyebrow pencil should be organic not only with the shadows, but also with the hair color. Choose smoky and chocolate tones if you are not a hot brunette. The softness of the tones will add naturalness and professionalism to the makeup. The above option is suitable for both daytime and evening looks. The difference here is the presence or absence of sparkles and mother-of-pearl. Daytime make-up will be supported by matte tones, evening make-up will be supported by shining tones.

Blue-eyed girls look innocent and attractive. It's no secret that blue-eyed beauties are often the center of attention of men, surrounded by a crowd of fans and admirers.

Not the least place in the angelic image of such a seductress is makeup. However, the wrong makeup can ruin everything. The look will become tired, and the heavenly shade will be lost.

In this article:

Choosing the right shade

For successful makeup, it is important to understand which eyeshadow color suits light eyes and which suits dark ones.

Makeup artists highlight the following shades of blue:

Light blue.

Blue. The color of the morning sky. Red spots may occur. In makeup, it is allowed to emphasize the eyelash line with dark shadows. For the eyelid, take light colors. For example, beige or milky.

Dark blue. Someone will compare this color to the sky. Some would call it sapphire. Dark blue eyes are rare. Their owners are lucky: they can choose any shadow. But bright colors highlight the look best.

It is believed that you cannot use shadows in makeup of the same color as your eyes. But for blue-eyed beauties this statement is not entirely true. Bright blue shades will help make your look expressive. You can find out more precisely which shadows are suitable for blue eyes by determining your type of appearance.

Eye makeup by appearance type

In order for the makeup to “play”, you need to focus not only on the color of the iris. Everything is important - the shade of the skin, hair, lips. Each girl is individual, but her appearance will always have a certain type.

Makeup artists distinguish four main types:

Spring. These ladies are usually blondes. But their hair can be reddish, light brown, or brown. Their skin is light.

Blue-eyed girls of the spring type should use beige, bronze, copper, cream, and peach shadows.

The necessary palettes are produced by Max Factor. For example, Excess Shimmer in Bronze, due to its structure, fits perfectly on the eyelid and emphasizes the blueness of the iris.

Summer. The hair color of these girls has ashy highlights. Their skin is transparent, slightly pale. The eyes are gray, gray-blue with a cold tint. Ladies of this type should choose the following colors: gray, pink, green, lilac, blue. It is better to use matte shadows. The palettes you need can be found at Kiko. For example, pink eyeshadow Cream Crush in Pearly Vintage Rose, which is ideal for pale skin.

Autumn. Hair is red, brown, light brown. Their color will always be soft and warm. The skin is peachy, bronze, dark, covered with freckles. Use shadows of the following colors: green, copper, coral, olive, beige.

Dior invites blue-eyed autumn beauties to use Coleur Eyeshadow in Opaline. Their green color suits dark skin and dark hair. The blue eye palette from Sisley has gray, black, purple and milky shadows. This set is suitable for smokey eyes. But red-haired people shouldn't use it.

Winter. The rarest type. The hair is bright, usually black or dark. Sometimes there is a cold blonde. The skin is porcelain and burns instantly in the sun. The iris is bright. The whites of the eyes are snow-white.

This type of girl can highlight her beauty with lavender and silver colors. Milky, blue, pink tones will look ideal. Makeup artists recommend winter-type young ladies to pay attention to the Wear Everywhere Eye Shadow Octet in Pinks palette from Clinique. The shadows come in a set of 8 colors. These are shades of pink, gray and purple.

Arrows drawn with dark shadows will help to revive the makeup, just remember that dark eyeliner may not suit girls with deep-set eyes.

Place accents: highlight the corners of the eyelids, emphasize the line of the eyebrows, add highlights.

How blue eye makeup depends on hair color

It's not just blondes who have blue eyes. Both brown-haired women and brunettes can have such an iris. To correctly determine which shades of eyeshadow you should use for makeup, you should take into account your hair color:

Blondes can highlight their eyes with silver, milky, beige, and cream shadows. Do not create too strong a contrast between the color of the hair and the shadows. Dark colors are applied according to eyelash growth. White highlights are placed in the inner corner of the eye.

Girls with brown hair can use gray, pink, green, beige, and emerald shadows. Excessive shine should be avoided. Choose matte shadows in muted tones. Smoky makeup will look good with this hair.

Dark-haired beauties with blue eyes should give preference to deep and rich colors. Choose dark shadows, but not brown. For example, gray, terracotta, bronze. Turquoise applied along the edge of the upper eyelid will help highlight your eyes.

Brunettes can afford bright makeup. Lavender, purple, emerald, pearl, and silver shadows are suitable for girls with this hair color.

You can apply a milky color under the eyebrows. Use bright colors for the moving eyelid. For evening makeup, choose shadows with glitter.

Red-haired ladies should avoid black and dark shadows. Bronze, pink, and copper shades will help to emphasize the heavenly color of the iris. Highlight the corners of the eyes with light brown. For everyday makeup, use sand shadows. Choose light and muted tones.

Brown-haired women can create a smoky make-up using gray and black shadows. Green and olive tones will suit girls with this hair. A golden color will help highlight the blue iris.

Do not create bright contrasts between hair, eye color and shadows. This kind of makeup looks sloppy.

Young ladies constantly make the same mistakes in makeup for blue eyes. Because of this, the heavenly color is lost and the look becomes tired. If it is written somewhere that almost all shades are suitable for this type, you should pay attention to the word “almost.”

There are nuances that can ruin even an angelic face:

  • Do not use shadows that match your eyes. Yes, blue color can be applied to the eyelid. But it should be brighter and more expressive than the iris.
  • Brown shadows narrow the eyes, make them swollen. Therefore, give preference to copper and bronze shades.
  • Girls with dark skin should not paint their eyelids with silver tones.
  • The golden hue is not suitable for fair-haired ladies.
  • You need to be careful when handling pink. If you use it in makeup, then take translucent shadows without glitter.

Eye makeup depends not only on hair color and appearance type. It happens in the evening and during the day.

For the evening use bright colors and sparkles. Daytime makeup is made natural. If the emphasis is on the lips, then flashy shadows are not used for the eyelids.

It is worth remembering that there are exceptions to any rule. Therefore, you need to experiment, try different palettes and brands of shadows. This is the only way to choose the perfect makeup for blue eyes.

Useful video

Makeup rules for blue eyes.

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Which shadows are suitable for blue and blue-gray eyes: choosing a shade

Before you learn how to do spectacular makeup and where to place accents, you need to decide which palette will suit you. Blue-eyes can rightfully be called the darlings of fate in this regard, since the range of successful colors for them is very wide.

The British model Cara Delevingne can be called a real experimenter. The girl, having gray-blue eyes, is not afraid to go out with a daring coal-black smokey eye or, on the contrary, white eyeliner.

Therefore, fashionistas can largely be guided by their mood when choosing the shade of eye shadow.

But in their case the following colors are preferred:

  • for everyday makeup and a day out, silver or golden shimmering, pink or rich violet shades are suitable;
  • This range can be continued with lilac and violet paints, as well as pearl and taupe palettes;
  • Pink colors can help create a romantic look for a date, from the most delicate, pastel tones to electrically bright ones. It is worth noting that this makeup is not suitable for all girls; pink can give the impression of tired or slightly inflamed eyelids. But blue-eyed beauties need not be afraid of this effect; this color will look very advantageous on the contrary;
  • a bluish haze on the eyelids can provide a sexy, languid look;
  • turquoise or sea green shadows will be just a godsend for royal makeup; it will look especially good in the warm season;
  • owners of heavenly colored eyes can be not only light airy fairies, but also real vamp fatales. To create this makeup look, you will need black dense textures.

As you can see, the color of eye shadow for blue and blue-gray eyes can be almost anything. But in order not to be disappointed in the chosen product after application, you need to pay attention in advance not only to the shade, but also to its structure, as well as composition.

Since the skin around the eyes is the most delicate and sensitive, natural ingredients and minerals are ideal for it. Such products combine the advantages of decorative cosmetics and skin care products.

The density of the shadows is also of no small importance; the thicker the structure, the richer the color. For club makeup, you can use matte ones from Dream Minerals, and for light daytime makeup, satin or shimmering ones. A combination of simple shadows with a uniform texture with such mono-companions with glitter will look more festive. No matter what complexity of makeup you do and how many layers of application you need to create a disarming look, mineral ones will not smear or form an unattractive crease on the eyelid, and your eyes will not get tired even if you wear makeup all day.

Basic rules for blue eye makeup

Before applying pigment to your eyelids, you need to prepare them so that the shadows lie in an even layer. Light puffiness after sleep and small wrinkles can easily be hidden with a powdery mineral concealer designed specifically for the area around the eyes. It does not contain zinc, which dries out already demanding skin.

It’s worth noting that when creating a gradient in makeup, that is, using shadows of different shades at once, it is best to use brushes for shading, rather than mini-sponges, which are usually included with palettes. This will ensure a more even application, since the particles will be evenly distributed over the eyelid and the color will not lie in spots. In addition, this technique will allow you to create smoother boundaries between different shades.

We figured out which eyeshadow colors are suitable for blue eyes. Now let's talk in more detail about specific cases.

Makeup with blue shadows for blue eyes

Many doubt that such makeup can be good. Girls are afraid that the look will look watery. In this case, there is a little secret: combine blue shades with more saturated blue ones or make a bright accent on the shape of the eyes, emphasizing the contour with a stylish arrow. The line can be drawn with either a black liner or shadows using a damp brush, preferably with a beveled bristle edge.

Green eye shadow for blue eyes

Is this palette suitable? Yes, this combination is not often seen, but if your curls and eyebrows have a pleasant dark brown or chestnut tint, then you can safely try this option. Blue and green are a true natural mix. It is better to choose natural shades: emerald green, the color of summer greenery. At the same time, such shadows can be shaded not over the entire eyelid, but can be made into a contrasting arrow. You can also create an image with a touch of romance of a seaside town by adding turquoise shades to your everyday makeup.

Brown eye shadow for blue eyes

We have already mentioned the naughty and daring fashion diva Cara Delevingne, so this is her favorite combination. Makeup for blue eyes with brown shadows adds warming shades to the image and makes the look deeper and even mysterious. The smokey eye technique is especially good for this case.

You will need: a soft dark brown pencil, three brushes for shading: one with a beveled edge, the other flat with long bristles, the third a barrel brush, it has thick short bristles, usually round in shape; two shades of brown eyeshadow (lighter and darker), and white to highlight the area under the eyebrow.

  • Draw a thick arrow with a soft pencil. Then use an angled brush to blend it, using upward strokes. This is how we create a light haze. This is called "layout" makeup.
  • Then, on top of the resulting veil, we apply the main tone, namely light brown shadows. Apply them to the entire moving eyelid with a second flat brush with soft long bristles. We start with light pressing movements so that the pigment particles do not fall down onto the cheekbone and spoil the main makeup. Next, we continue to shade, making arc-shaped movements, as if you were drawing an arch.
  • Then take a barrel brush with a small amount of dark shadows. We find a point just above the outer corner of the eye and begin to darken this corner with light circular movements. The smokey is ready.
  • The final touch will be shading the area under the eyebrow with white. Make sure to carefully shade and smooth the boundaries between the transitions of one color to another.

Features of makeup by type of appearance

There is a theory of four color types. It divides people into several categories depending on the shades prevailing in their appearance, taking into account parameters such as eye, hair and skin color. Having correctly determined your color type, you can easily select a palette of colors that will perfectly suit you both in clothes and in makeup.

Blue eyes are characteristic of representatives of several color types. They are most often found in the “summer” type.

These are girls with light brown or blond hair, blue, gray or gray-blue eyes and light skin, sometimes even olive in tone. How to choose shadows for blue eyes and brown hair? According to the theory described, brown, gray, and blue colors are suitable for such representatives of the fair sex.

Blue-eyes are also found in the “winter” type. This group unites people with striking contrasts in appearance: either sizzling brunettes like passionate Italians, or Scandinavian blondes. Experts recommend shadows for blondes with blue eyes in black, gray, lilac, pink, brown and even green.

Among the representatives of the winter color type there are girls with brown hair but light eyes. Finding eyeshadow for blue eyes and dark hair can sometimes be difficult. The best solution would be to try to use warm tones as a connecting thread between hair and eye color. Choose brown, gray, black and emerald shades.

Every woman is unique and there are a lot of nuances that cannot be predicted, so in order to choose the colors that are perfect for you, you should experiment, combine and change palettes. It will be more convenient to create your own set from monoshadows, then there will be no extra colors in the palette. We suggest looking at the different variations of eye shadow colors for blue and gray-blue eyes in the photo.

In addition, such eyes themselves look amazingly beautiful and gentle, especially if their owner knows how to properly highlight them with makeup.

Makeup artists advise choosing eyeshadow colors that will create contrast with the iris. In fact, blue eyes are also good because they can be advantageously decorated with almost any tone. But it is advisable to take into account not only eye color, but also hair color and skin tone.

Depending on hair color


What suits blue-eyed girls with dark hair? The combination of dark hair and light blue eyes looks very beautiful. Such girls will suit not only cold colors, but also warm ones.

So, you can pay attention to pinkish, peach, pearl, coffee, brown shades. At the same time, remember that no matter what makeup you do, you always need to highlight the edges of the eyelids with darker tones.

You can learn how to disguise herpes on the lip from ours.

For blondes

What shadows to choose for blue eyes and light hair? Blue-eyed blondes are amazingly gentle creatures, so they need makeup that will further emphasize this tenderness.

Girls with this appearance can use bright colors only for evening makeup, but for every day it is better to choose the most calm ones.

You can pay attention to light blue, white and beige, very light brown colors. If you have a cool appearance, be sure to add a few tones of gray and silver to your makeup bag.


Brown hair and blue eyes are a combination that occurs quite often. If nature has awarded you with it, then all tones will suit you pink, lilac, green, lavender, beige colors. Makeup will look very interesting with gold shadows, especially if your skin is tanned.

Choose by skin tone

For dark skin

Girls who have blue eyes and dark skin probably belong to the warm color type; accordingly, they can also use warm eyeshadow colors. Suitable for your case golden, greenish, pink, brown colors. If you want something bolder, you can try orange colors, which will create a very interesting image due to the contrast.

What lipstick color suits brunettes? find out now.

For light

Fair-skinned ladies with blue eyes should pay attention to gentle and cool shades of shadows. It can be grayish, silver, blue, lavender, cold pink. More extreme colors can also look interesting, such as rich blue or cool dark green.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, you should pay special attention to the creams you use. A frightening figure - 97% of creams from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of natural creams, where first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

For different occasions

How to choose eye shadow for blue eyes depending on the occasion? The makeup of blue-eyed girls for every day and for an evening out will be different. In the first case, tenderness and neutrality are important, in the second there is scope for experimentation.

Day makeup

Daytime makeup for blue-eyed girls should be as gentle as possible. Pay attention to gray, cream colors. Will do soft pink and other pastels, which will be almost invisible to the eyes, but, nevertheless, will well emphasize their beauty.

evening make-up

Which shadows to choose for evening makeup? For an evening out, blue-eyed ladies can experiment to their heart's content. So, you can use shadows of different textures, glitter, pigments and other means that will help your eyes shine brighter.

From the shadows you can choose saturated ones silver, plum, gold, orange and coral. Suitable as base pearly, delicate grayish-brown.

Your look will look spectacular with dark blue shadows.

They will make the eyes more mysterious. The same goes for saturated turquoise flowers and azure tones. Brave girls can use hot pink shadows that will make the image more romantic.

Matte or shiny?

It is impossible to say with certainty which shadows are better - shiny or matte. It all depends on the image you want to create. Matte shadows neutral shades are ideal for daytime natural makeup.

Light glitter eyeshadow can be used to add shine to the look, as well as correct the shape and size of the eyes, if necessary.

At the same time, shadows with a matte texture, if their color is bright and unusual, are an excellent solution for creating extravagant evening makeup.

A shining mother of pearl shadows also complete evening looks well, making the owner of the eyes the queen of the party.

Girls whom nature has gifted with beautiful blue eyes are real lucky ones. With the help of different variations of makeup, including shades of eye shadow, they can become even more beautiful, regularly transforming.

You can learn how to do evening makeup for blue eyes from the video:

Owners of blue eyes can rightfully be considered unearthly creatures. High-quality everyday makeup here should first of all emphasize the purity and tenderness of light eyes. In your cosmetic bag it is better to have lavender, dark beige, golden or silver shadows to match your eye color. The sandy color scheme will complement the blue tone, and rich shadows on the outside of the eyes will add expressiveness to the look.

Options for shadows to match the eye color of a light look

You don’t need a faded and expressionless appearance, so it’s better to avoid blue eyeshadow. As a last resort, you can apply rich blue tones, which should be several times darker than the iris (for example, cobalt). The higher the contrast of the shadow under the eye color, the more impressive the makeup looks as a whole. Draw arrows. Draw the tails beyond the contours of the eyes (up to 5 mm), maintaining parallelism to the line of the lower eyelids. Use liquid eyeliner or pencil. The tone of the pencil can be chosen to contrast with the shadows. So, for owners of red hair, beige shadows will suit gray-blue eyes, over which it is better to draw blue arrows.

For an evening look, you can choose smoky makeup (smoky eyes), which combines well with both pure black shadows and dark gray or dark blue shadows to match your eye color. It is better to leave the lips untouched (you can apply pearlescent gloss). When choosing which eyeshadow color suits gray eyes, remember that the main rule for such makeup, especially for blondes, is minimalism. For blondes with blue irises, it wouldn’t hurt to line their eyebrows with a pencil. In this case, the shade of the eyebrows should be combined as much as possible with the tone of the hair roots. Black tone is prohibited: gray or light brown is allowed.

Tender and feminine light eyes are designed to charm and inspire the stronger half of humanity. Professional makeup artists recommend emphasizing the depth of gray-blue eyes. Let's take a look at their advice on what eyeshadow color suits blue eyes.

About the color of eye shadow for blue-gray eyes

Gray irises are better suited to pink, violet-blue, silver or gold tones. These shades look perfect during the day. As an alternative, you can apply grey, lilac, yellow or pearl shades. Women who want to create a bright look before a party should pay attention to blue tones. When choosing which eyeshadow color suits blue eyes, you need to remember that everything is good in moderation. If blue irises have a gray tint, it is better to use turquoise shadows. Pink-scarlet or fuchsia looks good.

About mascara for light eye color

Incorrectly selected mascara can ruin the entire look. It is necessary to choose it taking into account the applied shadows. Gray, violet-black, blue-blue, turquoise mascara of varying depths are suitable for light tones (pure black is not recommended). When your makeup is complemented by notes of brown, feel free to apply brown mascara. Radically black mascara is only suitable for rich makeup to match the eye color. When answering the question of what color of eyeshadow suits blue or gray eyes or what mascara to use for light eye color, it is important to consider the correct application technique.

How to choose the color of eye shadow for blue eyes using the correct application technique

The answer to the question of how to choose the color of eye shadow for a gray-blue shade has one important clarification - there should be as little makeup as possible. When overloaded with mascara and shadows, the tone of light eyes loses expressiveness and depth. Don't overdo it with cosmetics - natural beauty is much more interesting than the best shadows, powder or mascara. Having decided how to choose the color of shadows for blue eyes, also keep in mind that the daytime option may include using only a small amount of silver shadow - apply it to the eyelid near the eyelashes and blend towards the eyebrows.

Among professionals, it is customary to take into account the following types of iris.

  • The iris is dark blue. Such eyes are distinguished by depth and richness (they may appear purple). To understand how to choose shadows to match the eye color of a dark blue tone, it is worth considering that shadows that match the eye color and pencils of almost any color, including the brightest ones, are in harmony with them.
  • Grey-blue eyes. They can change shade like a chameleon: the color of the iris changes not only after a change of wardrobe, but also when the weather changes. Therefore, it is recommended to choose makeup in accordance with the chosen outfit (consider these recommendations when choosing lipstick color for blondes with blue eyes).
  • Bright blue tint. The iris here resembles a sunset sky - a cool blue hue with small splashes of gold. Light colors look good in combination with such an iris. If you want to apply a dark eyeshadow color for gray-blue eyes, then keep in mind that it should not extend beyond the outer corner of the eye and beyond the lash line.
  • Light blue. In certain lighting, such eyes may appear transparent. It is quite difficult to choose a shade for them. Use soft pastel colors (dark eyeshadow is not recommended for blue-gray eyes). You can try applying retro arrows.

As an addition, you can apply lavender or yellow eyeshadow for blue eyes on the upper eyelids. Starting from the middle of the century, you can apply purple V-shaped shadows towards the outer corner and shade them. The outline is emphasized with a gray pencil. For eyelashes, also take gray mascara. The makeup here is given as a sample, but you can experiment with shades, including lipstick color for brunettes with blue eyes.

Oriental makeup

For blue-eyed oriental girls, it is important to create an almond-shaped eye shape. These goals can be achieved with brown, violet-blue tones or using gray eye makeup. For the evening, you can apply richer and deeper shadows, including black ones (these rules also apply if you are choosing a lipstick color for gray eyes). Next, you should decide how to choose shadows to match your eye color in combination with your oriental appearance.

Applying shadows according to the color of the eyes, treat the upper eyelid and the area under the eyebrows with beige or white shades, which will make the look more open. This will be basic makeup based on eye color.
Answering the question of how to choose the color of eye shadow, it must be said that the shade of mother-of-pearl can be used to highlight the line under the eyebrows.
During the day, use lilac, brown, blue-violet pencil, and in the evening - black shades.
Apply eyeliner along the contour as close to the eyelashes as possible. Draw the outer corners with neat arrows as a continuation of the eye shape with a slight upward movement.
The tone of the eyeliner should be contrasted with the main color of the shadows for gray eyes (applied over the entire eyelid). Using a wet brush, add intensity to the outer corner of the eye, as well as the middle part of the upper eyelid. Using the same method, highlight the eyelid from below. Blur the edges by shading them.
Apply mascara of the selected shade to your eyelashes.
Don't be afraid to experiment with color (which is also true if you're choosing a lipstick color for blondes with blue eyes). For example, the gray shade is considered universal, suitable for almost any iris, including blue. Answering the question of how to choose the color of eye shadow, it is worth noting that you can also use pearl, lilac, brown or lavender coloring. Pink, silver, gold, purple look great.

When choosing makeup to match your eye color, focus on the shade of your iris and hair. All this will allow you to best highlight the advantages of your appearance.