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Powerful LEDs, characteristics. Powerful LEDs, characteristics 100 watt LEDs


It all started when I saw a 100 Watt LED at a big discount in group purchases. I really love these toys, so I couldn’t resist.

To be honest, I did not plan to post this review, but after a little holivar in my review of defective 10 Watt matrices, where the opinion was expressed that when viewing through a dark glass I simply do not see that the other crystals also work, I decided to show here that If the LED is working, then everything should be visible normally.

So, the review itself - the LED module came in a package made in the style of late minimalism. The envelope has the color Cheap cardboard. However, it all started not with this, but with the fact that in the evening I passed by the post office and, knowing that the order was scheduled to arrive, I decided to pick it up, but they told me that the parcel had not arrived yet.

Imagine my surprise when in the morning, having updated the status of the orders, I saw that the parcel had been delivered to the addressee, moreover, yesterday and before my arrival. Having gotten dressed and already in the mood to swear, on the way I looked into the mailbox and noticed an envelope with an order there. I printed it out at home and saw this picture:

I, of course, like the quality of our mail (I hope they don’t read this, otherwise they will work worse), but I was surprised how the order arrived intact, the envelope inside was covered with bubble wrap, but it’s unlikely that it would have helped if something more or less fell on top heavy.

I decided to take a photo next to the 10 Watt LED to compare sizes.

By the way, the dimensions are 40-45 mm. (excluding contacts), the dimensions of the matrix itself are about 25x25 mm.

The first thing that surprised me was the weight of the LED. It's light. LED weight 11 grams.

For comparison, a 10 Watt LED:

The second surprise is the markings, take a closer look and try to guess where it is + and where it is -.

On the case, the plus is marked at the top, the minus at the bottom, the contacts are on the sides.
Trial switching on, this time I had to use a class C-8 filter, since the camera was overexposed on C-4.

To my surprise, everything works, in the photo the current is 1.6 Amperes, the voltage on the matrix is ​​33 Volts, the power is about 53 Watts. Unfortunately, my regulated power supply does not have enough voltage, so I had to improvise. A transformer with a power of about 60 Watts with an output voltage of 38 Volts was taken, then a diode bridge, a bank of capacitors with a total capacity of 5000 μF and a current-limiting resistor (three in parallel, 10 Ohms each), the resulting current is indicated above.

The matrix, of course, has a small spread in the parameters of the LEDs, which only appears after the power is turned off, due to the residual charge of the capacitors.

But as was seen before, everything is fine at operating current. By the way, here you can see that for some reason the chains of LEDs are placed across the usual arrangement; the meaning of such creativity is unclear to me.

Unfortunately, this is not a light bulb and it is difficult to assess the brightness, but it feels approximately equal to 80 Watts of a luminescent lamp (with 53 Watts on the matrix). That is, if you put an LED and a luminescent lamp next to each other on the table, it will be approximately similar in terms of the level of light in the room (sometimes office 4x18s are brought in for repairs or alterations).

The photo shows a table lamp with a 35 Watt halogen, and the network is 240 Volts.

In reality, the light looks brighter and less blue, although the matrix is ​​indicated as cool white, in reality it’s not so bad, I thought it would be worse. I apologize for the mess on the table, the consequences of searching for a power option for this matrix.

he works:)
the whole matrix is ​​working
the light is quite tolerable

poor packaging
strange material of the heat distribution plate
Summary: it is quite possible to take it for non-critical applications, I was confused by the question of the suspicious material of the heat spreader (too light), but at half power it easily warmed up the radiator from the processor for me (in 2-3 minutes of a photo shoot and several short starts with pauses before that, the radiator warmed up approximately up to 55 degrees, I didn’t measure more precisely) despite the fact that it would have been burned only on KPT-8, and about 60% was covered (mostly everything in the center) and was not pressed with screws. Therefore, the heat transfer of the housing material is quite good. Considering the low price (at the time of purchase it was 5.39, now 8.99) it’s definitely not bad, only now it needs some design (case, radiator, reflector, driver).

I'm planning to buy +28 Add to favorites I liked the review +43 +85 The scope of application of high-power LEDs has expanded significantly in recent years. Currently, high-power LEDs are already successfully used in transport, in the automotive industry, where LEDs have been introduced into side lights, brake lights, and other lamps of modern cars. The rapid development of technologies for the production of high-power LEDs has allowed LED devices to enter the field of lighting technology, and there is no longer any doubt that high-power LEDs will soon completely replace outdated light sources - including energy-saving lamps.

The figure shows that LEDs with a power of tens of watts are not a single crystal, but are an LED matrix, an assembly of dozens of individual LED elements of low power (about 1 watt) located on a single substrate.

Developments in LED technology in recent months have led to the introduction of new efficient 100W LEDs. Powered by a 30-40V source and a current of up to 5A. Naturally, such modes require good cooling, and the radiator becomes an integral part of powerful LEDs.

These are the high-power LEDs that are designed for lighting applications. In terms of parameters such as luminous flux, luminous efficiency, color rendering index and reliability, they are already superior to traditional light sources used in lighting devices. The use of powerful 100W LED devices in lighting looks very promising and will lead to a return on initial costs due to energy savings and reduced maintenance costs. Powerful 100 W LEDs, firstly, have directional radiation, and there is no need to use reflectors, which avoids reflection losses, and secondly, LED production technology has reached such a level that the luminous efficiency of a white LED is the highest among all artificial sources Sveta.

Summing up the features and advantages of powerful 100 W LEDs, we note the following points:

Lighting devices based on LEDs consume 5 times less energy than lamps based on fluorescent and incandescent lamps.
LEDs are ideal for working in difficult temperature conditions.
The service life of LEDs is up to 100,000 hours.
Due to their small dimensions, LEDs can be placed inside a device of any shape.
LEDs are available in many colors with different shades of light emitted.
LED illuminators allow you to dynamically change the shade of light without additional filters.
The LED's response time to changes in supply voltage is measured in microseconds.

Many of you have seen the difference in prices in domestic and Chinese online stores for high-power LEDs. A 50W model costs 100 rubles in China, 500 rubles in Russia. Externally they are similar, power consumption is the same, no differences are visible.

In fact, there are many technical characteristics that the Chinese use to make LEDs as cheap as possible. At the same time, both quality and parameters suffer greatly. But for a bad and cheap diode they don’t write real parameters, they indicate from high-quality LEDs. Usually they write the same standard 50,000 hours. services, the same power. Only ultra-bright white light LEDs of 100W, 50W, 30W, 20W, 10W will be considered. Infrared IR, Ultraviolet UV, RGB will be involved in separate reviews and tests.

  • 1. Size
  • 2. Parameters of ultra-bright LEDs
  • 3. Characteristics from the Chinese
  • 4. Example of characteristics from Bridgelux
  • 5. Price
  • 6. Variation of parameters
  • 7. Base material
  • 8. Conductors
  • 9. The most powerful
  • 10. Lenses for optics


Sometimes the seller in the specifications for LEDs 10 W, 20 W, 30 W, 50 W, 100 W writes the size of the crystals used, in “mil” units. This is a unit of measurement equal to one thousandth of an inch, or 0.0254 millimeters. To check the seller's honesty, you can measure the size of the crystals with a micrometer. It just requires complete disassembly, removing the silicone coating and removing the phosphor layer.

LED matrices consist of standard 1-watt crystals, which are installed with single-wall panels in an emitter housing. Standard chip dimensions are 30*30mil and 45*45mil, in millimeters 0.762*0.762mm and 1.143*1.143mm. Rated current 300mA.

The exception is the 10W LED, it has 9 of them. Marketers added another one to increase sales.

Parameters of ultra-bright LEDs

To reduce the cost, the Chinese decided to use smaller and worse 0.5W and 0.75W crystals for 10W, 20W, 30W, 50W, 100W, for which the rated current is 150mA and 220mA. For them, 300mA will be too much, they will degrade and overheat. Good crystals should range in size from 30*30mil to 45*45mil.

Matching size and power:

  1. 1W = 45*45mil;
  2. 1W = 30*30mil;
  3. 0.75W = 24*40mil;
  4. 0.5W = 24*24mil.
  5. 0.5W = 20*20mil for SMD5730

Bridgelux, Epistar, Epileds

Characteristics from the Chinese

A caring seller places a table with the parameters of LED matrices on the product page. If this data is not indicated, then I do not recommend buying from this place; there may be a wide variation in quality.

In the table for 24*24mil you can see that the seller indicates the standard power of 10W, 20W, 30W, 50W, 70W, 100W and the number of installed crystals. We carefully look at the voltage and current. For 100W the number of volts is 30-32V, Amperes 2-2.1A.

We calculate the power for24*24mil:

  • minimum 30V*2A = 60W;
  • maximum 32V*2.1A = 67.2W;
  • that is, instead of the promised 100W, there will be 60-65W.

The value of 60-65W is still too high, since 1 chip is 0.5W, then in reality there is 50W, but they sold it to us as 100W. Crystals are already the cheapest and worst, so any overclocking is contraindicated for them.

We calculate for24*44mil:

  • minimum 30V * 2.850A = 85.5W;
  • maximum 32V * 3A = 96W;
  • the average will be 90W.

According to the table, we got 90W, in reality it was 75W, we increased it by 15W.

Let's calculate for 30*30mil:

  • minimum 32V * 2.8A = 89.6W
  • maximum 34V * 3.5A = 119W
  • average 105W

The 30*30mil size delivers the promised specifications. The same chips are installed in regular high-quality 1W single-wall units with power consumption of 10W, 20W, 30W, 50W, 70W, 100W

Example characteristics from Bridgelux


I will show you the characteristics of powerful LED COB matrices from global manufacturers. Use this table to compare with budget ones. The luminous flux depends on the color temperature, the higher it is, the better the Lumen per Watt efficiency. It also depends on the color rendering index, with CRI70 the light output is up to 128 lm/W.

The difference in these parameters for the same power, for example 50W, is:

  • CRI90, 2700K, 50W = 80 lm/W;
  • CRI70, 5600K, 50W = 128 lm/W;
  • 128lm/W - 80lm/W = 48lm/W difference, or 60%.


The most interesting thing remains, this is the price of such products for 10W, 20W, 30W, 50W, 100W. I will indicate the prices in rubles at which I bought them. As you can see, the price differs by 3-4 times. When buying cheap junk, don’t hope for a miracle that you’ll be lucky and get a good one. The only way to operate for a long time is to use a low current. In this way, active degradation and unnecessary heating can be avoided.

Energy consumption 24*24mil 24*44mil 30*30mil
10W 33 rub. 20 rub. 129 rub.
20W 78 63 226
30W 98 82 278
50W 131 107 302
70W 150
100W 205 121 rub. 453

At most, such chips can be heated to 60° and this is the temperature of the crystal, not the case. The critical temperature will be 70°. For powerful branded ones, heating is allowed up to 110°, for the highest quality and most expensive ones up to 150°.

The luminous flux, of course, is quite high, the Chinese promise 100 lm/W. In reality it varies from 60 to 80lm/W. For a high-quality branded one, this indicator is 105-120 lm/W.

This information can be used to get a refund for an item. You were deceived if the real power turns out to be 2 times less. We open a dispute on Aliexpress and ask for a refund of half the amount. Two weeks ago I bought these diodes for 2000 rubles. They will come soon and I will ask for compensation for the deception.

Variation of parameters

Cheap LED chips of 10, 20, 50, 100 watts can have quite large differences in parameters. Because of this, some chips will heat up more and degrade, and accordingly they will fail faster. To check, turn them on at a very low current so that they glow a little. Visually, you will see that some crystals shine strongly and others poorly.

Base material

To reduce the cost, the Chinese use aluminum or its alloys as the base material. High-quality ones use copper, which has better thermal conductivity. Therefore, a high-quality, powerful LED should weigh 2-3 more than a cheap one.


To connect crystals to contacts, thin threads in quantities of 2 to 4 pieces are used. And here you can save money by replacing 4 gold threads with copper ones or reducing the quantity to 2 pieces. Another option is a copper thread coated with gold on top; it is very difficult to tell the difference.

They are responsible for the current strength at which the diode can operate. They are made with a reserve to withstand power surges and not burn out. On budget matrices there are fewer of them or they are made of copper.

Some of you have already encountered a similar phenomenon with LED marker lamps. A Chinese light bulb with a power stabilizer will work less hours than a lamp with branded diodes without a stabilizer. The brand has high-quality conductors that can withstand surges in the automotive network, which can be up to 30V.

The most powerful

In addition to the common 10 W, 20 W, 30 W, 50 W, 100 W LEDs, there are also the most powerful LEDs at 150W, 300W, 500W. According to the test results, the luminous flux in the presence of optics on a 500-watt diode melts snow at a distance of several meters. Due to the large size of the installed crystals, very fat and heated photons fly out of them.

Lenses for optics

When making LED spotlights and lamps, the most difficult thing is to find a suitable housing that will focus, protect, and cool. Usually a radiator and driver are available as the basis of the design. One of the easiest ways to cover a powerful LED and focus its light output is to install a collimator lens. The kit consists of a chrome frame, reflector and lens. Light focusing can be from 5° to 90°. It is enough to fix the LED on any radiator and close it from above. It will be completely protected from external influences, in case the crows peck it out.