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Electronic textbook "general tactics". Lecture on the academic discipline “General Tactics” on the topic: “appointment, organization, armament of divisions, brigades and battalions of the US Army, FRG Military Department of General Tactics


Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/15558304_30364068.pdf-img/15558304_30364068.pdf-1.jpg" alt="> Military Department GENERAL TACTICS">!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/15558304_30364068.pdf-img/15558304_30364068.pdf-2.jpg" alt="> Topic No. 2 Lesson No. 4 “Combat graphic documents of motorized rifle"> Тема № 2 Занятие № 4 «Боевые графические документы мотострелковых подразделений»!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/15558304_30364068.pdf-img/15558304_30364068.pdf-3.jpg" alt="> Purpose of the lesson: Learn the rules for drawing combat graphic documents. Draw up a terrain map ."> Цель занятия: Изучить правила вычерчивания боевых графических документов. Составить схему местности. Учебные вопросы: 1. Виды боевых графических документов мотострелковых подразделений. 2. Правила вычерчивания боевых графических документов. 3. Приёмы составления боевых графических документов и их использование.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/15558304_30364068.pdf-img/15558304_30364068.pdf-4.jpg" alt=">37 37 38 39 39 40 ">

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/15558304_30364068.pdf-img/15558304_30364068.pdf-6.jpg" alt="> Self-study assignment 1. Military topography: A textbook for senior military - educational"> Задание на самостоятельную подготовку 1. Военная топография: Учебник для высших военно-учебных заведений МО РФ. – М. : Воениздат, 2008. , В. Н. Филатов, с. 386… 395. 2. Боевой Устав Сухопутных войск ч. 2, с. 182… 188, 408… 409, 422. 3. Боевой Устав Сухопутных войск ч. 3, с. 386… 395.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/15558304_30364068.pdf-img/15558304_30364068.pdf-7.jpg" alt="> Topic of the next lesson Topic No. 2 “Conducting defense by combined arms units.”"> Тема следующего занятия Тема № 2 «Ведение обороны общевойсковыми подразделениями» . Занятие № 5 «Принятие решения на оборону и его оформление» .!}


TRAINING QUESTIONS: 1. Motorized rifle units, units: definition, purpose, organizational structure, main weapons 2. Motorized rifle formations: definition, purpose, organizational structure, main weapons

Organization of a separate motorized rifle brigade (on infantry fighting vehicles) (option) Brigade commander ptbptbmsrmsr supr. . Intelligence Eng. - glanders RHBZ Med. Communications Repair - restoration. Mater. provided SEPARATE COMPANIES SEPARATE BATTALIONS battalions divisions Motorized rifle. BMP - 47 Motostr. b. MP - 14 Min. 82 mm M-6 82 mm AM-3 ATGM “Fagot” - 6 Tank tanks - 31 Self-propelled - artillery. 152 mm SG-po 12 Anti-tank. artillery 100 mm PTP-12 BM ATGM - 12 Anti-aircraft ZSU "Tunguska" - 6 BM "Strela 10 SV" -6 MANPADS "Igla" -27 Zen. -rocket BM "Osa" -12 trtr 10 tanks each Batteries 152 mm SG-4 PTA batr 100 mm PTP ATGM BM -12 Zen. cancer. MANPADS "Igla" - 2727 Zen. cancer. BMBM "Strela 10 SV" - 6 Zen. cancer. Ex. and RLRRLR Zen. - cancer. - art. ZSU "Tunguska" - 6 companies, batteries

A unit is a military formation that, as a rule, has a permanent organization and homogeneous composition. Units include: battalion, division, company, battery, platoon, squad, crew, etc. A motorized rifle battalion is the main combined arms tactical unit of the Ground Forces, designed to perform tactical tasks in cooperation with units of other branches of the military, special troops or independently. A motorized rifle company is a tactical unit of the Ground Forces, designed to perform tactical tasks in cooperation with units of other branches of the military, special troops as part of a motorized rifle battalion, or independently. A motorized rifle platoon is a tactical unit of the Ground Forces, designed to perform tactical tasks in cooperation with units of other branches of the military, special troops as part of a motorized rifle company and independently. A motorized rifle squad is the smallest tactical unit of the Ground Forces, designed to perform tactical tasks as part of a motorized rifle platoon and independently. A motorized rifle battalion is the main combined arms tactical unit. Interacting with artillery and units of other branches of the military, it performs the main task of destroying enemy manpower and firepower directly in close combat. A motorized rifle battalion is part of a motorized rifle (tank) brigade and is the main tactical unit of a formation when planning a battle.

TOTAL: l/s - 461 (539539) people, infantry fighting vehicles (armored personnel carriers) - 39 ((4242),), ATGM "Fagot" -6, ATGM "Metis" -9, AGS-17 -6, SPG-9 -3 , mortar 2 B 9 -3, mortar 2 B 14 -6, PKM-9, RPK-27, SVD -9 (3636),), RPG-7 -34. Battalion commander Directorate 44 Command 66 Headquarters 55 PTO 88 BTR-1, ATGM-2 Motorized rifle company 101 ((113113)) Directorate 11 (88)) Motorized rifle platoon 30 30 ((3232)) Motorized rifle squad 9 (9 (10)10 ) Anti-tank squad 99 BTR-1, ATGM-3 66 44 99 Mortar control battery 1212 Mortar 1717 2 B-14 - 33 Mortar 11 44 ​​2 B 9 - 3 3 Grenade launcher 2626 AGS-6 BMP (BTR) 3rd 44 LNG-1 Anti-tank 4242 BTR-5, ATGM-6, SPG-3 Communications 1616 Provided 3232 Medical center88 MOTORIZED BATTALION

TANK BATTALION Battalion commander TOTAL: l/s - 153 people, tanks - 31, BMP-2, BREM-1, PAK-200 -1. Headquarters 55 Command 44 Tank platoon 99 33 Tank company 3333 1010 Communications platoon 1111 T-1 T-1 BMP-2 Support platoon 1717 Technical platoon. served by Iaiya 99 Medical center

List of performance characteristics of RF Air Force and Military Equipment samples of the Russian Federation NATO Prospective model of the RF Air Force and Military Equipment Samples of the Air Force and Military Equipment Performance characteristics indicators Air and military equipment samples Performance characteristics indicators Operational and technical requirements ARMORED WEAPONS (BMP) BMP-3 Bradley M 2 A 2 Actual firing range AP/OPU/ATGM, m 4000/3800/4000 1300/-/3750 5000 Armor penetration of UR, mm 700 1000 1200 -1500 NC detection range day/night, m ​​4000/500 5000/1000 5000/3000 (including the installation of a thermal imager) Specific engine power, l. With. /t 26.7 20.5 30 BMP-2 M Marder-1 A 2 Actual firing range of AP/ATGM, m 2000/5000 2000/2000 5000 Armor penetration of UR, mm 1200 500 1200 -1500 NC detection range day/night, m 3000/800 3000/3000 5000/3000 (including the installation of a thermal imager) Specific engine power, l. With. /t 25, 0 20, 0 30 COMPARATIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF COMBAT CAPABILITIES OF WEAPONS

List of performance characteristics of RF Air Force and Military Equipment samples of the Russian Federation NATO Prospective model of the RF Air Force and Military Equipment Samples of the Air Force and Military Equipment Performance characteristics indicators Air and military equipment samples Performance characteristics indicators Operational and technical requirements ARMORED WEAPONS (APC) BTR-90 Stryker Armament: availability of AP/machine gun/AGM/ATGM 1/2/-/- -/ 1/-/- or -/-/1/- ATGM, AGM, presence of automatic fire control system Actual firing range, m 2000 3000 Ammunition, pcs 500 - AP; 200 - 12, 7; 400 - 7, 62 2000 - 12, 7 or 448 grenades 500 - AP; 300 – 12, 7; 1000 – 7.62; 100 – AGM; 4 — ATGM SMALL ARMS (GRENADE LAUNCHERS) AGS-17 MK – 47 “Stryker” Caliber, mm 30 40 40 Effective area firing range, m 1700 2000 2500 Rate of fire, rounds per minute 400 225 -300 Radius of continuous damage, m 7 8 10 COMPARATIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF COMBAT CAPABILITIES OF WEAPONS

12 1212 BTR-90 Main characteristics Weight…………………. . …………… 20920 kg B/calculation………………. . . ………… 10 people Engine………multi-fuel liquid-cooled diesel. turbocharged Power…………………………………………………………. 365 (510) Fuel range…………… 800 km Armament: Cannon 2 A 42…………………… 1 - 30 mm PKT machine gun………………… 1 - 1, 62 mm AG grenade launcher -17……………… 1 – 30 mm ATGM “Konkurs”………………. . 4 missiles Ammunition: Cannons……………………………………………………………. 500 PCT……………………………………………………. . 500 Grenade Launcher………………………………………….

13 BMP -

14 BMP -



List of performance characteristics of RF Air Force and Military Equipment samples NATO Prospective Russian Air Force and Military Equipment samples Air Force and Air Force samples Performance characteristics indicators Air and military equipment samples Performance characteristics indicators Operational and technical requirements BARNED ARTILLERY MSTA - S Paladin Firing range, km 24, 7 30 50 Ready time, min 3 2 no more than 1 Damage area with one shell , m 2 53 55 55 VTB, km up to 20 to 29 50 MORTAR (COMBINED WEAPONS) Sani M 286 Firing range, km 7, 1 8 13 Ready time, min 11 3 3 Damage area with one ammunition, m 2 42 46 50 ATGM Competition Javelin Firing range, km 4 NATO 5 Armor penetration, mm 350 VSVT samples Performance characteristics 1000 per DZ Control system semi-automatic homing semi-automatic COMPARATIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF COMBAT CAPABILITIES OF VSVT SAMPLES

152 mm SG "Msta-S" Maximum range: - HE projectile - 24.7 km. — OFS with gas generator - 29.1 km.

List of performance characteristics of RF Air Force and Military Equipment samples of the Russian Federation NATO Prospective model of the RF Air Force and Military Equipment Samples of the Air Force and Military Equipment Performance characteristics indicators Air and military equipment samples Performance characteristics indicators Operational and technical requirements Tunguska-M Krotal Target engagement range, km 0, 04 - 8 0, 5 - 11 0, 02 - 12 Target engagement height , km 0.015 – 3.5 0.015 – 6 Probability of hitting targets 0.6 – 0.8 0.5 – 0.7 – 0.8 Igla – S Stinger Target hit range, km 0.1 – 6 0 , 5 – 5.5 0.02 – 10 Height of target engagement, km 0.01 – 3.5 0.015 – 4 0.015 – 5 Probability of target engagement 0.4 – 0.7 0.4 – 0.6 – 0.8 COMPARATIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE COMBAT CAPABILITIES OF THE SAMPLES

List of performance characteristics of RF Air Force and Military Equipment samples of the Russian Federation NATO Prospective model of the RF Air Force and Military Equipment Samples of the Air Force and Aircraft Equipment Performance characteristics indicators Operational and technical air defense requirements Osa - AKM Avenger Target engagement range, km 1.5 - 10.2 10 1 - 30 Target engagement height, km 0.025 -5 to 5 0.01–10 Probability of hitting targets 0.75 — 0.8 0.6 no less than 0.9 Arrow – 10 NE Chaparral Range of target destruction, km 0.8 — 5 0.5 — 9 0.5 — 10 Height hitting a target, km 0.025 - 3.5 0.015 - 4 0.01 - 5 Probability of hitting targets 0.5 - 0.6 0.5 - 0.6 0.7 - 0.8 COMPARATIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE COMBAT CAPABILITIES OF THE SAMPLES WEAPONS

General tactics
Military department
Novosibirsk city

Topic No. 1
Introduction to the Military
Armed forces
Russian Federation.

Learning objectives of the lesson:
1. To familiarize students with the history of creation and
development of the military department.
2. Give an idea of ​​the organizational structure
military department.
3. Bring to students the daily routine and rules
internal order at the department.
4. To familiarize students with the organization of the educational process, the list of subjects studied
disciplines, rights and responsibilities of students on
military department of a civilian university.
5. Study the purpose and structure of the RF Armed Forces,
purpose of the branches of the RF Armed Forces, special troops and branches

Study questions for the lesson:
1. Brief history of creation and development

2. Military specialty and its place in
solving the problems of the Ground Forces. Level
reserve officer training. Requirements,
presented to him.
3. Organizational structure of the department.
Schedule. Internal rules for

Study questions for the lesson:
4. Organization of educational and educational
process at the military department. List of subjects studied
disciplines, their purpose. Types of training sessions.
Monitoring progress.
5. Rights and responsibilities of students in the military
6. Armed Forces of the Russian Federation,
their purpose.
7. Structure of the RF Armed Forces, purpose of types of aircraft
Russian Federation, special troops and military branches, their equipment
and weapons.

Question No. 1
Brief history of creation and development
department, its tasks and traditions.

Military Department of NEIS
was organized in 1954, on the second
year of the institute's existence.
It is one of the oldest departments.
The day of foundation of the department is considered
November 24, 1954.

The origins of the creation of the department were:
head of the military department
Colonel MAKSIMKIN Stepan Petrovich (1954-1956)

The department was headed by:
Colonel VORONOV Nikolai Alexandrovich (1956-1961)

From those distant years to the present time, military
The department was headed by:
Colonel KOROSTOVTSEV Dmitry Nikolaevich (1961-1974)

From those distant years to the present time, military
The department was headed by:
Colonel SHUMOV Nikolai Alexandrovich (1974-1977)

From those distant years to the present time, military
The department was headed by:
Colonel KARABIN Sergey Anatolyevich (1977-1982)

From those distant years to the present time, military
The department was headed by:
Colonel KALININ Alexander Ivanovich (1982-1988)

From those distant years to the present time, military
The department was headed by:
Colonel CHAPLOUTSKY Mikhail Yakovlevich (1988-1993)

From those distant years to the present time, military
The department was headed by:
Colonel MOROZOV Vladimir Vladimirovich (1993-2000)

From those distant years to the present time, military
The department was headed by:
Head of the department Colonel PANARIN Viktor Ivanovich (2000-2009)

Currently the military department
headed by:
Head of the department Colonel KRIVOKULSKY Vladimir Vasilievich

Head of the academic department of the department
Reserve Colonel Sergei Vladimirovich NEKRASOV

Ground operation and repair cycle
radio communication equipment

Reserve Lieutenant Colonel Stepchenko Boris Vasilievich

Equipment operation and repair cycle
wired telecommunications
Head of the cycle – senior lecturer
Reserve Lieutenant Colonel AVTOMONOV Vladimir Valentinovich

Cycle of mathematical, software and
information support
functioning of automated
systems and organization of courier postal communication
Head of the cycle - senior teacher
Reserve Lieutenant Colonel LAPIN Vladimir Vasilievich

Direction of general military training
Senior Lecturer
Reserve Lieutenant Colonel PECHENKO Andrey Borisovich

Head of the Main Communications Directorate of the Russian Armed Forces
Lieutenant General Arslanov Khalil Abdukhalimovich

Question No. 2
Military specialty and its place in
solving the problems of the Ground Forces.
Reserve officer training level.
Requirements for it.

Question No. 3
Organizational structure of the department.
Schedule. Internal rules
order in the department.

Since 2016, the military department has been conducting
training students in three military specialties
1. VUS-521000

radio communications"
2. VUS-521500
“Operation and repair of ground equipment
satellite communications"
3. VUS-530200
"Mathematical, software and information
ensuring the functioning of automated

Uniform at the military department

Question No. 4
Organization of educational
process. List of subjects studied
disciplines, their purpose.
Types of training sessions.
Monitoring progress.

List of disciplines studied
Military special training – 226 hours (144/82)
Military technical training – 80 hours (60/20)
Tactical and special training – 177 hours (112/57)
General tactics – 62 hours (42/17)
Public and government training – 36 hours
Fire training – 23 hours (17/6)
General military regulations of the RF Armed Forces – 16 hours (12/4)
Military topography – 19 hours (12/7)
Drill training – 21 hours (15/6)

The order of studying disciplines by semester
as follows
4th semester
5th semester
6th semester 7th semester
8th semester
Military special
Military special
Military special
Tactical special
Tactical special
General military
Tactical special
Tactical special

Question No. 5
Rights and responsibilities of students
at the military department

Question No. 6
Armed Forces of the Russian Federation,
their purpose

Federation Forces
(Russian Armed Forces) - state military
organization of the Russian Federation,
designed to repel aggression,
directed against the Russian Federation of Russia, for the armed protection of the integrity
and the inviolability of its territory, as well as
to perform tasks in accordance with
international treaties of Russia.
(Federal Law No. 61-FZ “On Defense”)

The main tasks of the Armed Forces
of the Russian Federation are:
- preventing and repelling aggression against the Russian
Federation and its allies;
- participation in the protection of the Russian state border
Federation and its protection in the airspace and underwater environment;
- ensuring the national interests of the Russian Federation;
- fulfillment of obligations in accordance with international
treaties of the Russian Federation;
- maintaining or restoring international peace and
- organization and conduct of territorial defense;
- participation in ensuring military and emergency regimes

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation can
be involved in performing tasks using
weapons not for their intended purpose on the basis
decisions of the President of the Russian Federation in
in accordance with federal laws.

Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for
to accomplish assigned tasks can be used
the forces and means at their disposal, with
this physical strength, special means, weapons,
military and special equipment are used in cases and
in the manner established by federal laws and
other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation
Federations regulating the activities of others
troops, military formations and bodies, to carry out
tasks for which the Armed Forces are involved
Russian Federation.

Management team
Armed Forces
Russian Federation

The leadership of the RF Armed Forces
Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Armed Forces
President of the Russian Federation V.V. PUTIN

The leadership of the RF Armed Forces
Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation
General of the Army SHOIGU S.K.

The leadership of the RF Armed Forces
Chief of the General Staff
RF Armed Forces General of the Army V.V. GERASIMOV

Question No. 7
Structure of the RF Armed Forces, purpose of types
RF Armed Forces, special troops and military branches,
their equipment and weapons

The Russian Armed Forces have
three-type structure, which is largely
degree corresponds to today's
requirements and allows you to increase
effectiveness of combat use, seriously
simplify the interaction of different types
Armed Forces and reduce the cost of the system
troop control.

Composition of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
- types of Armed Forces
Ground troops
Aerospace Forces
- separate branches of the Armed Forces
Strategic Missile Forces
Airborne troops
- central bodies of military command
- rear of the Armed Forces
- troops not included in the types and branches of the Armed Forces

Armed forces
divided between 4
military districts:
Military-administrative division of the Russian Federation
Western Military District - headquarters in St. Petersburg;
Southern Military District - headquarters in Rostov-on-Don;
Central Military District - headquarters in Yekaterinburg;
Eastern Military District - headquarters in Khabarovsk.


Ground troops

Emblem of the Ground Forces of the Russian Federation
The Ground Forces currently belong to
main role in solving cover problems
state border, repelling aggressor attacks
on land, holding occupied territory, defeat
groupings of enemy troops and in achieving
ultimate goals, both in a nuclear war and in a war with
using only conventional means of destruction.
In addition, they must be able to protect
Russia's national interests within the framework of its
international obligations.

The leadership of the RF Army
Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces
Colonel General SALYUKOV O.L.

Western VO
Southern VO
Central VO
Eastern VO

Ground forces as a branch of the Armed Forces
Russian Federation are intended to conduct
combat operations mainly on land. According to their own
combat capabilities they are capable of in interaction
with other branches of the Russian Armed Forces
Federation to lead an offensive in order to defeat
grouping the enemy and taking over his territory,
deliver fire strikes to great depths, reflect
invasion of the enemy, his large air
landings, firmly hold the occupied territories,
regions and borders.

Leadership of the Ground Forces
entrusted to the High Command
Ground forces.
The High Command of the Ground Forces is
such a governing body that combines
take full responsibility for the condition
type of the Armed Forces, its construction,
development, preparation and application.

The Main Command of the Ground Forces is entrusted with
performing the following tasks:
training troops for combat
actions based on the tasks determined by the General
Headquarters of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
improvement of structure and composition,
optimization of numbers, incl. branches of troops and
special troops;
development of military theory and practice;
development and implementation in the training of combat troops
statutes, instructions, methodological manuals;
improvement of operational and combat
training of the Ground Forces together with others
types of the RF Armed Forces.

Branch of the military
troops of the Russian Armed Forces

Motorized rifle troops are the most
numerous branches of the military that make up
the basis of the Ground Forces and the core of their combat
orders of magnitude. They are equipped with powerful
weapons to destroy ground and
air targets, missile systems,
tanks, artillery and mortars,
anti-tank guided missiles,
anti-aircraft missile systems and
installations, effective means
intelligence and management.

BMP – 2

Armament and military equipment of motorized rifle troops
BMP – 3

Armament and military equipment of motorized rifle troops

Armament and military equipment of motorized rifle troops

Tank troops are the main striking force
ground forces, maneuverable,
highly mobile and impact resistant
nuclear weapons troops intended for
implementation of deep breakthroughs and development
operational success, capable on the move
overcome water obstacles ford and on
transportation means.


Armament and military equipment of tank forces

Armament and military equipment of tank forces

Rocket troops and artillery are intended
for fire and nuclear destruction of the enemy.
They are armed with a barrel and a rocket
artillery. Consist of formations, military
units and units of howitzer, cannon,
rocket, anti-tank artillery,
mortars, as well as artillery reconnaissance,
management and support.

Missile system "Tochka-U"

Armament and military equipment of missile forces and artillery
Multiple launch rocket system "Smerch"

Armament and military equipment of missile forces and artillery
152-mm self-propelled howitzer 2S3M1 "Akatsiya"

Armament and military equipment of missile forces and artillery
152-mm self-propelled gun 2S5 "Geotsint-S"

Armament and military equipment of missile forces and artillery
240-mm self-propelled mortar 2S4 “Tulip”

Air Defense Forces of the Ground Forces - branch
ground forces, intended for
protection of ground forces from weapons
enemy air attack, for their
defeat, as well as interdiction of its air
intelligence. The air defense of the SV is armed with mobile,
towed and portable anti-aircraft missile and anti-aircraft gun systems.

Portable air defense system "IGLA", "IGLA-1"

Armament and military equipment of military air defense
ZSU "Shilka"

Armament and military equipment of military air defense
Anti-aircraft gun and missile system "TUNGUSKA"

Armament and military equipment of military air defense
Anti-aircraft missile system "Buk-1M"

Armament and military equipment of military air defense

Armament and military equipment of military air defense
anti-aircraft missile system "S-300V"

Armament and military equipment of military air defense
Sector-view radar "GINGER"

Armament and military equipment of military air defense
radar station "P-18"

Armament and military equipment of military air defense
Standby radar "NEBO-SV"

Armament and military equipment of military air defense
automated control system "POLYANA-D4"

Special troops
troops of the Russian Armed Forces

Special troops of the Ground Forces
RF Armed Forces - a set of troops and services
ground forces intended for
performing highly specialized operations
to ensure combat and everyday
activities of the armed forces.

Military units and communications units
designed to provide communication in
motorized rifle and tank formations
(military units, divisions),
formations (military units,
units) military branches, special
troops, logistics and technical support with
the purpose of managing them in all types of them
combat activities.

Electronic warfare troops are intended for
providing electronic protection
radio-electronic means, organizations
countering technical means
enemy reconnaissance, problem solving
reducing the visibility of weapons and
military equipment.

NBC protection troops are intended for:
- identification and assessment of radiation,
chemical and biological conditions;
- protection of formations and military units from
damaging factors of WMD and RCB contamination;
- reducing the visibility of troops and objects;
- use of flamethrower-incendiary

Engineering troops are intended for:
- engineering support of operations,
military operations and battles carried out
strategic, operational and
tactical groupings of troops in the theater of operations,
strategic and operational
-performing engineering tasks in the interests of
associations, formations and military units
types, branches of troops, special troops, logistics,
technical support of the RF Armed Forces.

Aerospace Forces, a branch of the Russian Armed Forces

The Aerospace Forces address a wide range of
repelling aggression in the aerospace sphere and
protection against attacks from enemy aerospace attack weapons
management of senior
Emblem of points
Air Force
RF Forces units
state and military administration, groups
troops (forces), administrative and political centers,
industrial and economic
the most important
objects of the country's economy and infrastructure;
defeating enemy targets and troops using
both conventional and nuclear weapons;
aviation support for combat operations of troops (forces)
other types and branches of troops;
defeat of ballistic missile warheads
probable enemy attacking important
government facilities;

providing senior management levels with reliable
information on detection of ballistic launches
missiles and missile attack warning;
surveillance of space objects and identification
threats to RussiaEmblem
in spaceMilitary
and from space, and if necessary
Russian Forces
parrying such threats;
launching spacecraft on
orbits, control of satellite systems of military and
dual-use in flight and the use of individual
them in the interests of providing the troops with the necessary
maintaining the established composition and readiness for
application of military and dual satellite systems
purpose, means of launching and controlling them and a number of others

The leadership of the Russian Aerospace Forces
Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces
Colonel General BONDAREV V.N.

Emblem of the Russian Air Force
Aerospace Forces
consist of three branches of the military:
- air Force;
- space forces;
- air defense and missile defense troops.

Search and rescue

Long-range aviation is the main
strike weapon of the Air Force,
designed to defeat groups
troops, aviation, naval forces
the enemy and the destruction of his important military,
military-industrial, energy
objects, communication nodes
mainly in strategic and
operational depth. May be involved
also for conducting aerial reconnaissance and
mining from the air.

Strategic bomber "TU-160"

Air Force weapons and military equipment
Strategic bomber "TU-95MS"

Air Force weapons and military equipment
Long-range bomber "TU-22M3"

Frontline aviation - main strike
strength of the Air Force, solves problems in combined arms,
joint and independent operations,
designed to destroy troops, objects
enemy in operational depth in the air, on
land and sea. May be involved for
conducting aerial reconnaissance and mining with

Air Force weapons and military equipment
Frontline bomber "SU-24M"

Air Force weapons and military equipment
Attack aircraft "SU-25"

Air Force weapons and military equipment
Fighter "SU-27"

Air Force weapons and military equipment
Fighter "MIG-31"

Air Force weapons and military equipment
Fighter "MIG-29"

Air Force weapons and military equipment
Reconnaissance aircraft "SU-24MR"

Air Force weapons and military equipment
Fighter-bomber "SU-34"

Army aviation is designed for
aviation support of the Ground Forces
by hitting ground targets, mainly
small-sized, armored mobile
enemy targets mainly on
at the forefront and in the tactical depth, as well as
to solve problems of comprehensive provision
combined arms combat and increased mobility
troops. At the same time, military units and army aviation units carry out fire,
airborne transport, reconnaissance and
special combat missions.

Air Force weapons and military equipment
Combat attack helicopter "KA-52"

Air Force weapons and military equipment
MI-24 combat support helicopter

Air Force weapons and military equipment
Transport and combat helicopter "MI-8"

Air Force weapons and military equipment
Combat helicopter "MI-28N"

Air Force weapons and military equipment
Transport helicopter "MI-26"

Military transport aviation
is a means of the Supreme
Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces
Forces and provides transportation by
air of their troops, military equipment and
cargo, as well as the release of air

Air Force weapons and military equipment
Military transport aircraft "AN-124"

Air Force weapons and military equipment
Military transport aircraft "IL-76"

Air Force weapons and military equipment
Transport aircraft "AN-26"

Air Force weapons and military equipment
Transport aircraft "AN-22"

Air Force weapons and military equipment
Transport aircraft "AN-12"

Special aviation is intended for
solving special problems: long-distance
radar detection and control,
conducting electronic warfare, reconnaissance and
target designation as part of reconnaissance strike complexes, providing control and
communications, refueling aircraft in the air, conducting
radiation, chemical and engineering
reconnaissance, evacuation of the wounded and sick,
search and rescue of flight crews.

Air Force weapons and military equipment
AWACS aircraft "A-50"

Air Force weapons and military equipment
Aviation fuel tanker "IL-78T"

Anti-aircraft missile forces (ZRV)
designed to cover from
air attack important
industrial, economic and military
objects and other objects of the country.

Air Force weapons and military equipment
Anti-aircraft missile system "S-300PM"

Radio technical troops (RTV)
designed for radar
enemy air reconnaissance, issuance
information for radar
providing military anti-aircraft units
missile forces and aviation, as well as for
air control
space of the country.

Air Force weapons and military equipment
Radar "Adversary - G"

Air Force weapons and military equipment
Radar "Sky-U"

Air Force weapons and military equipment
Radar "Casta-2"

Air Force weapons and military equipment
Radar "Gamma - DE"

Space Force
Space Command (SC)
- main testing space center named after.
G.S. Titova
- main missile warning center
- main space reconnaissance center
State Test Cosmodrome
"Plesetsk" (GIK "Plesetsk")
- separate scientific research station
(test site "Kura")
Air defense and missile defense troops
Air Defense Command
missile defense (to air defense and missile defense)
– air defense brigade
– missile defense unit

Launch vehicle "Proton-M"

Weapons and military equipment of the space forces
Launch vehicle "Proton-K"

Weapons and military equipment of the space forces
Launch vehicle "Rokot"

Weapons and military equipment of the space forces
Soyuz-2 launch vehicle

Armament and military equipment of the aerospace defense forces
Soyuz-2 launch vehicle

Weapons and military equipment of the space forces
Launch vehicle "Cosmos-3M"

Weapons and military equipment of the space forces
Launch vehicle "Molniya-M"

Weapons and military equipment of the space forces
Launch vehicle "Angara"

Weapons and military equipment of the space forces
Command and measuring system "Taman-Baza"

Weapons and military equipment of the space forces
Command and measuring system "Pheasant"

Radar station "Kama"

Armament and military equipment of air defense and missile defense troops
Multifunctional radar station "Don-2"

Armament and military equipment of air defense and missile defense troops
Radar station "Volga"

Armament and military equipment of air defense and missile defense troops
Radar station "Daryal"

Armament and military equipment of air defense and missile defense troops
Radar station "Dnepr"

Armament and military equipment of air defense and missile defense troops
Optical-electronic complex "Window"

Armament and military equipment of air defense and missile defense troops
Anti-aircraft missile system S-400 "Triumph"

Emblem of the Russian Navy

Emblem of the Navy
fleet (navy) of the fleet
intended for armed defense of Russian interests,
conducting combat operations in sea and ocean theaters
war. The Navy is capable of launching nuclear strikes on
enemy ground targets, destroy groups
his fleet at sea and bases, disrupt ocean and sea
enemy communications and protect your sea
transportation, assist ground forces in operations
land amphibious assault forces, participate in repelling
enemy landings and perform other tasks.

The Navy (Navy) is
a powerful factor in the country's defense capability.
It is divided into:
- strategic nuclear forces;
- general purpose forces.
Strategic nuclear forces have
great nuclear missile power, high
mobility and ability for long
time to act in different areas
World ocean.

The leadership of the Russian Navy
Commander-in-Chief of the Navy
Admiral V.V. CHIRKOV


Submarine forces are the strike force of the fleet,
capable of covertly and quickly deploying on
in the right directions and apply unexpected
powerful blows from the depths of the ocean to sea and
continental goals.
They are based on nuclear submarines,
missiles with nuclear charges (naval forces
nuclear deterrence - NSNF). These ships
are constantly located in various areas of the World
ocean ready for immediate use
their strategic weapons.

Strategic nuclear submarine cruiser
"project 667 BDRM"

Armament and military equipment of the Navy
Submarine "project 949"

Armament and military equipment of the Navy
Heavy nuclear submarine cruiser with ballistic missiles
Project 941 missiles

Surface forces are the main ones for
submarines to combat areas and
return to base, transportation and cover
landings. They play a major role in
laying minefields, in the fight against

Armament and military equipment of the Navy
Heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser "Project 11435"
"Admiral Kuznetsov"

Armament and military equipment of the Navy
Heavy nuclear cruiser "Project 1144"

Armament and military equipment of the Navy
Medium landing hovercraft
"project 11322"

Armament and military equipment of the Navy
Skeg-type hovercraft
"project 1239"

Naval aviation consists of:
- strategic;
- tactical;
- deck;
- coastal.
Strategic and tactical aviation
designed to combat
groups of surface ships in the ocean,
submarines and transports, as well as
for bombing and missile attacks on
enemy coastal targets.
Carrier-based aircraft are the main strike aircraft
by the force of the Navy's aircraft carrier formations.

Armament and military equipment of the Navy
Carrier-based fighter "SU-33"

Armament and military equipment of the Navy
Anti-submarine amphibious aircraft "A-40"

Armament and military equipment of the Navy
WIG "Lun"

Armament and military equipment of the Navy
Helicopter "Ka-29"

Coastal troops - a branch of the Navy
fleet, intended to cover forces
fleets, troops, population and maritime facilities
coastline from the impact of surface ships
enemy; defense of naval bases and
other important objects of fleets from land, including
including from sea and air landings;
landings and actions in sea and airborne landings; assistance to land
troops in anti-landing defense
landing-hazardous areas of the sea coast;
destruction of surface ships, boats and
landing vehicles in the zone
weapon reach.

Coastal troops include 2 types of troops:
- coastal missile and artillery troops;
- Marine Corps.


Rocket Forces

Emblem of the Strategic Missile Forces
Strategic Missile Forces
assignment (Strategic Missile Forces), branch of the Armed Forces
strategic nuclear forces. Intended for
nuclear deterrence of possible aggression and defeat
independently massaged, group or
single nuclear missile strikes of strategic
objects located on one or more
strategic aerospace directions and
forming the basis of military and military-economic
enemy potentials.

Strategic Missile Forces includes:
three missile armies (headquarters are located in cities
Vladimir, Orenburg and Omsk);
State Central Interspecific
90th Interspecies Regional Training Center
communications of the Strategic Missile Forces (Yaroslavl region);
Interspecies Regional Training Center
(Pskov region);
161st School of Strategic Missile Forces Technicians (Astrakhan

Strategic Missile Forces leadership
Commander of the Strategic Missile Forces
appointment Colonel General S.V. KARAKAEV

Stationary missile system (RS-18, RS-20, Topol)

Armament and military equipment of the Strategic Missile Forces

Armament and military equipment of the Strategic Missile Forces
Mobile missile system "Topol-M"

Airborne troops
(Airborne Forces)

Airborne troops (VDV) - branch of the military
Emblem of the Airborne Forces
Armed Forces, which is a means of the Supreme
High Command and intended to cover
enemy by air and performing tasks in his rear
on violation of command and control of troops, capture and
destruction of ground elements of high-precision
weapons, disruption of the advance and deployment of reserves,
disruption of the rear and communications, as well as
cover (defense) of individual directions,
areas, open flanks, blocking and
destruction of landed airborne troops,
enemy groupings that broke through and execution
other tasks.

Airborne Forces leadership
Commander of the Airborne Forces
Colonel General V.A. SHAMANOV

Airborne Forces Command
Airborne and air assault formations:
98th Guards Airborne Svirskaya
Red Banner Order of Kutuzov 2nd degree division;
106th Guards Red Banner Order of Kutuzov 2nd
degree airborne division;
7th Guards Air Assault (Mountain)
Red Banner Order of Kutuzov 2nd degree division;
76th Guards Air Assault Chernigov
Red Banner Division;
BMD - 3

Armament and military equipment of the Airborne Forces
BMD - 4

Armament and military equipment of the Airborne Forces
ZU-23 on BTR-D

Emblem of the Airborne Forces
Rear of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Russian forces
sign "300 years
to the rear of the RF Armed Forces"
The Federation is an integral part
defense potential of the state and connecting
a link between the country's economy and directly
troops consuming manufactured products,
is a coherent, efficient
operating mechanism. It includes the headquarters
Logistics, 9 main and central departments, 3 services,
as well as governing bodies, troops and organizations
central subordination, rear structures of species and
branches of the Armed Forces, military districts and
fleets, associations, formations and military units.

The leadership of the Logistics Service of the RF Armed Forces
Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation
Army General D.V. BULGAKOV

An electronic textbook created using a training shell, which reveals the basic concepts and military terms used in military affairs, provides the basics of the organization and content of modern combat and the combat use of motorized rifle and tank units; provides reference materials on the organization and armament of units of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the armies of foreign states. There is a built-in system for monitoring and self-monitoring of the learning process, which provides the possibility of distance learning. Designed for students of military departments at state institutions of higher professional education training specialists for the Ground Forces of the Russian Federation, there is the possibility of adaptation for military departments training specialists for other types of the RF Armed Forces. Each chapter (including final and intermediate tests) can be used either independently or as part of a course (textbook). The volume of the textbook is about 15 MB. The electronic textbook is designed for students who do not have special computer training; minimal PC skills are required. All information necessary for the student’s work is on the screen and does not require additional lengthy queries or transitions. The textbook contains educational information material, illustrated with photographs (drawings), diagrams and animation, which helps to improve the perception of the material being studied.
The order of studying the material and its volume is adapted to the level of training of students, with periodic correction when passing self-control tests. The content and nature of the information appearing on the screen depends on the degree of knowledge of the subject by the student. If necessary, the teacher has the opportunity to quickly make changes and additions to the textbook material, change assignments and test questions. At the same time, entry into the editor for students can be reliably blocked.

In case of incorrect answers, the possibility of repeating this material is provided. Upon completion of studying the material in each chapter, a grade is assigned. The selection of test questions is carried out by random sampling from the library of available ones. The electronic textbook “General Tactics” was created at the military department of the Moscow State Institute of Electronic Technology (MIET), and is used in classes and during individual independent work of students (IRS) in the discipline “Tactical Training”.

Electronic textbooks created with the use of a learning shell allow you to intensify the learning process and increase interest in the subject, promote the effective assimilation of educational material and free up the teacher’s time for individual consultations and assistance to those lagging behind, allowing you to switch to distance learning.

Topic No. 3 “Fundamentals of conducting an offensive by combined arms units” Lesson No. 1 “Offensive combat. Tasks of departments and their capabilities"

Purpose of the lesson: To become familiar with the essence of offensive combat, the capabilities and tasks of combined arms units during an offensive battle. Study questions: 1. The essence and characteristic features of offensive combat. 2. Ways to go on the offensive. 3. Combat capabilities and tasks of the offensive

Literature 1. Combat regulations for the preparation and conduct of combined arms combat, part 2, Voenizdat, M, 2005, p. 176… 193; 2. Combat regulations for the preparation and conduct of combined arms combat, part 3, Voenizdat, M, 2005, p. 171… 181; 3. Textbook Tactics, Military Publishing House, M, 1987, p. 176… 237.

Question No. 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The essence of the offensive is to defeat the enemy with all available means, a decisive attack, rapid advance of troops into the depth of his location, destruction and capture of manpower, seizure of weapons and equipment, various objects and designated areas (boundaries) of the terrain. CHARACTERISTIC FEATURES OF OFFENSIVE COMBAT Intensified fire confrontation; High determination; Ground-air nature of the battle; Application of new tactical techniques; Application of raid tactics; Conducting anti-helicopter warfare; Fight against the enemy's HANDS and defend against them; The need to break through the defense; The complexity of the radio-electronic environment.

Question No. 2 An offensive is carried out in order to defeat the opposing enemy and capture designated lines or areas of terrain and create conditions for the conduct of the following actions. (Destruction means inflicting such damage on the enemy that he loses the ability to resist.) METHODS OF TRANSITION TO THE OFFENSIVE Offensive with advancement from the depths (immediately). An attack from a position of direct contact with the enemy.

Question No. 3 Combat capabilities are quantitative and qualitative indicators that characterize a unit’s ability to perform certain combat missions within a specified time period under specific environmental conditions. OFFENSIVE COMBAT CAPABILITIES FIREPOWER MANEUVERABILITY STRIKE FORCE

CALCULATION OF FIRE CAPABILITIES NAME OF ANTI-TANK WEAPONS ATTACK ON PREPARED DEFENSE ATTACK ON REFLECTION UNPREPARED COUNTERATTACK DEFENSE RPG-7 0, 2 SPG-9 0, 5 0, 8 1 ATGM 1 1, 3, 5 BMP 1 1, 3 1, 5 TANK 0, 5 0, 8 2 ORDER OF CALCULATION 3 BMP 1+3 RPG 0, 2=3, 6 When 4 enemy tanks are destroyed, the platoon loses all anti-tank weapons. To accomplish the task in an offensive, it is necessary to retain more than 70% of anti-tank weapons. Based on this, a motorized rifle platoon, when attacking a prepared defense, can destroy 1-2 enemy tanks

Calculation of fire density To effectively defeat a defending enemy, the fire density should be 8 -10 v/m AK – 17 pcs 100= 1700 v/m RPK – 3 pcs 150= 450 v/m PKT (PK) – 3 pcs 250= 750 v/m m SVD – 1 piece 10 = 10 military unit PM – 1 piece 30 = 30 military unit TOTAL FOR A PLATTOON: 2940 military unit In order to create a fire density of 10 military unit, the platoon must advance at a front of no more than 300 m.

MANEUVERABLE CAPABILITIES Maneuverability is a property of a unit that characterizes the degree of its mobility and ability to quickly move, deploy during preparation and during an offensive, as well as retarget fire weapons within a certain time during the battle. 1. Fire maneuver; 2. Actually maneuverable capabilities.

OFFENSIVE COMBAT OBJECTIVE Object of attack; Direction to continue the offensive. Platoon and company, battalion The immediate task. Battalion Follow-up task. The closest task depth for SMEs is 3 -5 (1, 5). The subsequent task is 10 -15 (3 -5) km. Depth of the task for the MSR Closest – 1.5 (500 m)

Self-training assignment 1. Combat regulations for the preparation and conduct of combined arms combat, part 2, Voenizdat, M, 2005, p. 176… 193; 2. Combat regulations for the preparation and conduct of combined arms combat, part 3, Voenizdat, M, 2005, p. 171… 181; 3. Textbook Tactics, Military Publishing House, M, 1987, p. 176… 237;

The topic of the next lesson is Topic No. 3 “Fundamentals of conducting an offensive by combined arms units.” Lesson No. 2 “Battle formations and methods of defeating the defending enemy.”