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O2 strength. Residential complex "Forces of Nature" O2 Development construction progress


Residential complex Forces of Nature is located at Leningrad region, Vsevolozhsk district, Murino, Lavriki highway, 64, nearest metro station Devyatkino and is positioned as an Eco-quarter. The developer Development O2 initially planned the completion date for the project in the 4th quarter of 2014.

2 years ago Development O2 offered to sign an additional agreement to postpone the deadline.

"Hello! I am a shareholder of O2 Development of the Forces of Nature object, the funds under the contract to the developer have been paid in full 100%. Initially, the completion date for the project was planned for the 4th quarter of 2014, at least that’s what they promised when concluding the contract; my family and I were counting on this date, since we have a small child. The progress of the construction of the Forces of Nature residential complex is such that to date our turn has not been commissioned, the deadlines are constantly being postponed, now there is information that, in the best case, the house will be commissioned no earlier than the 4th quarter of 2015, that is, the delay is already more than a year. It is currently unknown when the Forces of Nature residential complex will be completed. But that's not even the question. Yesterday we received a notification from the developer that it is necessary to sign an additional agreement to postpone the construction period, otherwise we will not receive the apartment and the house will not be delivered. Please tell me whether it is worth signing such an agreement and what will happen if we refuse to sign it, if I understand correctly, we should not sign it since the construction of the house does not depend on us, we have already paid our money.”

Using the example of LEK "London Park", where contracts with shareholders were renegotiated 3-4 times and each time with a postponement of the transfer of the apartment, we can conclude that by signing an additional agreement, you do not receive a guarantee of receiving the apartment within the new period promised by the developer.

Everything turned out to be the same here. For more than 2 years, 2.5 thousand equity holders have been waiting for their housing.

May 2017. New developer.

Residential complex Forces of Nature will be completed in 2019

The shareholders managed to draw attention to the problem of construction of the Forces of Nature residential complex and in May 2017, the complex got a new developer - the RR-City Company.

RR-City will begin work from its own funds, negotiations are underway with Baltinvestbank about providing a loan. The investor plans to receive additional funds from the sale of apartments.

RR-City will continue construction of the complex and plans to complete it by the 2nd quarter of 2019: building 1 - by October 31, 2017, building 2 - by December 25, 2017, building 3 - by September 30, 2018, building 4 - by July 30 2019

On June 1, 2017, work began on the site of the Forces of Nature residential complex. It is planned to prepare the site within a week to continue construction, after which contractors will begin work.

In June 2017, RR-City LLC plans to hold a meeting of shareholders and sign additional agreements to the share participation agreements on new construction terms. Shareholders will be faced with the question of waiving compensation for delays in delivery in exchange for completion of construction.

For example, a penalty for an apartment worth 4 million rubles will amount to more than 1.5 million rubles! Which, you see, is significant.

To make it clear what amounts we are talking about for the developer, we will give an approximate calculation. For example, in the event of a 1-year delay in delivery of a residential building (complex) with 300 apartments with an average cost of 4 million rubles. the penalty for shareholders will be 270 million rubles. In addition, if the penalty is not paid voluntarily, the law provides for the payment of a fine for violation of consumer rights in the amount of 50% of the collected amount. This is another 135 million rubles. Already more than 400 million rubles. Plus moral damages and representatives' services. The period of delay is already more than 2 years. Even taking into account the likely reduction in the amount of the penalty by the court under Article 333 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as the fact that not all shareholders will go to court to collect the penalty, the amount still turns out to be cosmic.

02 Development is a St. Petersburg construction company, part of the 02 Group holding company. Founded in 2011. The main areas of business growth for the company are the comprehensive development of built-up areas and participation in the implementation of large construction and investment projects. It builds both individual houses and entire residential complexes, neighborhoods, and cottage communities. The geography of the company's interests is not limited to St. Petersburg. It operates throughout the North-West region of the Russian Federation.

The company's name is based on its own environmental building standard, called 02 Eco. Before starting construction, the company conducts an assessment of the environmental safety of the area. To make living in the constructed houses comfortable, during the design process not only the layout of the apartments is developed, but also additional service systems - forced ventilation, in-house water purification systems, special window designs. Waste generated during construction is disposed of immediately, outside the construction site. Residents moving into new apartments can be sure that they will not find any underground lakes of tar or other “gifts” from builders in the future. The entire construction process in the company is monitored by a special quality department.

The company tries to build in such a way that everything is pleasing to the eye and serves the safety of residents. Houses and entrances are equipped with video surveillance and fire extinguishing systems; when designing residential complexes, it is imperative to create a closed one, so that the almost forgotten concept of “yard” is truly an extension of the apartment. Sports and children's playgrounds must be built, and the area will be landscaped. Many reviews of 02 Development note precisely this feature - you move into a house shining with new finishing materials, furnished as if it had been standing for more than five years. All residential complexes are built by the company in places with developed infrastructure and good transport accessibility. In addition, she practices the optimal approach to construction. Wherever it is possible to save money without compromising quality - in the optimal organization of labor, the use of new technologies and materials, this is done. Therefore, housing built by 02 Development is available to quite a lot of people, as a rule, to those who do not aspire to luxury apartments in the city center, but want to live comfortably in their apartment.

Today, the 02 Development company is putting into operation the residential complex “The Very Heart” in the city of Pushkin, and the “Forces of Nature” quarter is being built in the village of Murino near Vsevolozhsk. At the design stage there is a residential area at the intersection of Khersonskaya and Alexander Nevsky streets.

The government of the Leningrad region may begin bankruptcy proceedings for the Murinskoye-1 housing cooperative, which is building the first phase of the Forces of Nature residential complex according to the housing cooperative scheme. Bankruptcy will make it possible to complete the problematic facility, where 2,666 shareholders are waiting for their apartments. The company accuses officials of exacerbating the situation.

The authorities of the Leningrad region are looking for opportunities for bankruptcy of the company "". This was announced by the deputy chairman of the regional government for construction during a meeting with deputies on the issue of helping defrauded shareholders. He called the Forces of Nature residential complex the most problematic facility in the region.

“The construction of the residential complex is not being carried out due to a lack of funding (the construction of sewerage and water disposal systems is necessary there. - Ed.). There is no contact with the company management. The shareholders attempted to change the board of the cooperative, but did not gather a quorum. The company cannot build and does not want to transfer the object to another developer. Now we are studying the path of bankruptcy of the housing cooperative to change the board so that people can come with whom this object can be completed,” said Mikhail Moskvin.

He did not rule out that the bankruptcy process for housing cooperatives could be initiated by regional authorities: in 2015, a fine of 500 thousand rubles was imposed on housing cooperatives for illegally raising funds from shareholders. To date, the company has not paid this fine. “If this does not happen, we will begin bankruptcy proceedings,” said Mikhail Moskvin.

According to the documents, the construction is being carried out by two developers: ZHSK "Murinskoye-1" and LLC "Romantika". The company behind these two entities is O2 Development. The number of share contribution agreements concluded by the Murinskoye-1 housing cooperative with citizens is 2666. The number of participation agreements in shared construction concluded by Romantika LLC with citizens is 126.

As Mikhail Moskvin noted, problematic objects cannot be completed quickly: when changing the developer, a huge number of technical, economic and legal difficulties arise, and many procedures require a long time.

"O2" is a unique object of its kind. The company's management collected more than 2 billion rubles from people; it is not clear where all this money went. Now all the company’s efforts are aimed at blaming shareholders and regional authorities for stopping construction,” said the deputy chairman.

However, there are no restrictions on extending the building permit. In December of this year, the housing cooperative's next permit expires. “We have no reason to refuse to issue a permit for an extension. We are interested in the object being completed one way or another, and having a permit for an object already under construction, even if it is problematic, is a necessary condition for its completion,” said Mikhail Moskvin.

“If a housing cooperative attracted funds from shareholders for the purpose of building a house, then the rules of the insolvency (bankruptcy) law regarding the bankruptcy procedure of the developer are applied to it,” explains Alexandra Petrova, senior lawyer of the company. “However, the law does not contain special rules regarding the initiation of the procedure bankruptcy of the developer: in order to file an application, the creditor must have a court decision to collect funds from the housing cooperative. The tax authority has the right to file an application based on its decision to collect funds, just as it is not necessary to obtain a court decision to file a similar application from a credit organization. It is enough just to publish a notice in advance. In this regard, the authorities of the Leningrad region can initiate bankruptcy proceedings for housing cooperatives through these persons.”

"O2 Development" is controlled by and. The company's press service reported that "the efforts of Mikhail Ivanovich Moskvin regarding the bankruptcy of the housing cooperative, of course, are further aggravating the difficult situation."

“This is also due to the concerns of both shareholders and investors with whom negotiations are underway. Repeatedly after loud statements by the regional official, clients organized pickets and rallies, and investors naturally postponed their plans to finance the facility. Repeated appeals to the vice-governor as from outside the developer and the shareholders ended with the words that there would be an investor, but so far no one has entered into a dialogue with either the clients or the board of the cooperative. Despite Moskvin’s public antagonism towards the Forces of Nature residential complex, all interested parties. There is an understanding that the current situation can only be resolved by the current developer, who is taking all the necessary actions,” O2 Development is confident.

It was previously reported that the ex-co-owner planned to invest in the completion of houses (in the fall of 2015, the bank began to have serious problems, and is now being rehabilitated by Absolut Bank). We were talking about 400-500 million rubles needed to connect houses to the water drainage and sewerage system. O2 Group leased the land for the construction of 350 thousand m2 of housing in Murino with the right of subsequent purchase from Retail Park Imperia LLC (RP Imperia), which is associated in the market with Yuri Rydnik. It is also known that Baltinvestbank acted as a financial partner of O2 Group in the project in Murino, although the bank always denied affiliation with RP Imperia. However, in the end, Yuri Rydnik refused to finance the problematic construction.

The press service of O2 Development noted that the company continues negotiations with investors. “Our complex is of interest to investors. Firstly, the company is not debt-ridden and has no obligations to banks. Secondly, a sufficient collateral base has been provided. Thirdly, the buildings have a sufficient number of unsold apartments,” the company is confident.

Let us note that earlier the regional authorities demanded that the company transfer shareholders to equity participation agreements, but this never happened.

“The process of transferring from the housing cooperative scheme to the DDU scheme is complex from a legal point of view, but the main point is the need for the person who will complete the construction of the residential complex to have the status of a developer in the concept of the town planning code and Federal Law 214. It is also necessary to emphasize that the funds contributed shareholders of the housing cooperative must be counted as payment under the DDU agreement, the amount of payments of the DDU should not exceed the amount of share contributions. The risk cannot be excluded that the risk of payments under the DDU agreement will exceed the amount of share contributions of the HGC in fact,” adds the senior lawyer “” Anna Senatorova.

In total, according to the government, since 2012, out of 25 problem properties, only 10 remained; out of 2,113 defrauded shareholders, 2.1 thousand people received their apartments. The largest completed facilities are the housing cooperative "First Quarter" in Novy Devyatkino - 290 people, LLC "Unity" in the village named after. Sverdlov - 353 shareholders, housing cooperative "Telman 23" - 100 people, etc. By the end of 2016, it is planned to put into operation another problematic house - in Priozersk for 70 people.

In addition to the Forces of Nature residential complex, other problematic objects include the Vanino residential complex of Tareal LLC, where 171 DDUs were concluded and construction was stopped due to lack of funding, and the Vorontsov residential complex of the Spetskapstroy company, where 400 DDUs were concluded. Currently, construction is not progressing due to lack of funding and the seizure of the company's current account.

Mikhail Moskvin noted that in order to solve the problem of defrauded shareholders, it is necessary to stop shared construction and move to project financing. “This is an ideal scheme, but taking into account the cost of credit resources, it is unworkable,” he noted.

The volume of housing commissioned in the Leningrad region in 2015 amounted to 2.3 million m2, of which apartment buildings accounted for almost 1.8 million m2. The volume of commissioning as of November 1, 2016 amounted to 1.9 million m2, of which high-rise buildings - 1.4 million m2.

Today, 530 apartment buildings with a total area of ​​8.7 million m2 are being built in the Leningrad region. Rosreestr registered 77 thousand participants in shared construction, and including shareholders - more than 100 thousand people.

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O2 Group has resumed work on the first stage of the Forces of Nature residential complex, the construction of which was frozen for almost two years due to internal problems of the developer. According to the company, the money was raised through a new investor, whose name has not yet been named. In addition to completing the first stage, construction has begun on the continuation of the project, which, however, will be changed. Funds for the completion of the facility were provided by a new investor, who was attracted by the O2 Group. His name is not disclosed, however, as O2 reported, he will become one of the co-owners of the company. According to the Kartoteka service, this has not yet formally happened. As Anatoly Sobolev, a representative of the investor who is the head of this project, told Kommersant, both houses are 90 and 80% completed, respectively. “It is clear that due to the stoppage of construction, a small part of the finishing and materials has become unusable. A construction audit of the almost completed two houses of the first stage of the project has already been carried out, and in the near future we will replace these materials. Currently, 86 people work at the site - this is enough, to complete the work,” says Anatoly Sobolev. According to him, the main problem - connecting houses to utility networks - has also been resolved. “We have received all the necessary permits and confirmations regarding capacity. We are now completing negotiations with a company that will not only build external networks, but also conduct an audit of the built intra-block networks. The contract will be signed in the first ten days of June,” assures the project manager. In total, 400-450 million rubles are needed for completion. In addition, work is actively underway on the second stage of construction: an audit has been carried out, defect detection has been carried out, a crane has been installed, slabs are being installed, the pouring of the slab for the second building of the second stage has begun. Development of a block with an area of ​​46.5 hectares between the Okhta River, the highway to Lavriki and the railway was started by O2 Group in 2015. In total, 342 thousand square meters should appear here. m of housing and social infrastructure necessary to accommodate 11 thousand people. In total, nine residential buildings, three kindergartens, a school, and four parking lots will be built. So far, two buildings of the first stage have almost been completed, and the first building of the second stage has been erected to the ninth floor. In 2016, construction was stopped. More than 2.5 thousand shareholders purchased apartments in the problem building. The first of the problem buildings will be commissioned before the end of this year, the second building in June 2019. Now, according to representatives of the O2 Group, the company has signed a “road map” with the government of the Leningrad region for the completion of the facility. “In the near future we will sign a corresponding agreement with the region, in which we will consolidate all obligations,” said representatives of the developer. The office of the Vice-Governor of the Leningrad Region, Mikhail Moskvin, confirmed this information, clarifying that the draft agreement was handed over at a meeting in the prosecutor's office. “Because the company refused to accept him by email,” they explained to Kommersant at Mr. Moskvin’s reception desk. Situations when a troubled developer attracts an investor and, without bankruptcy or other extremes, completes the construction and transfers apartments to equity holders, are not uncommon in the market, experts say. For example, last year the L1 company commissioned the first stage of the London Park residential complex, the construction of which took almost ten years. “Bankruptcy does not solve problems - the house still needs to be completed using some schemes and funds. In the future, when the federal fund takes care of this, the situation will become clearer,” says Ekaterina Zaporozhchenko, commercial director of Docklands Development. The director of the Academy of Sciences agrees with her "Meters" Andrey Veresov. "There are developers, both small and large, who do not fulfill their obligations. However, there is an established practice of completing problem projects with the participation of other developers and the city administration. At the same time, the interests of citizens are legally protected by 214-FZ and the compensation fund. These measures are taken by the state to reducing the number of unfinished housing. When a company experiences difficulties, and lawyers from dissatisfied shareholders begin to put pressure on it, this makes the successful implementation of projects very difficult,” he points out. In the near future, there will be more problem developers. So, last month the Norman company announced its possible bankruptcy. “The crisis has led to a situation where new projects will continue to be frozen until better times. Some developers, who have overestimated their capabilities, will leave the market, as usually happens in times of crisis,” says Roman Miroshnikov, executive director of Oycumena CJSC. https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/3628117

Construction company O2 Development (O2 Development) is a development division of the O2 group of companies, operating in the residential and commercial real estate sector. The company was formed in 2011 on the basis of the Stroy-resurs organization. Is a notable player on .

All projects of SK O2 Development are united by the “O2 ECO” standard, which emphasizes practicality and ecology and implies the optimal and efficient use of resources. Construction is being carried out using a method that allows reducing the weight of load-bearing structures and, thereby, reducing the cost of housing. To what extent this is a successful technique in house construction, and most importantly, how exactly it was implemented in this particular case - there are very conflicting opinions on this matter.

Residential complexes O2 Development are built according to individual projects and are well thought out, social and commercial infrastructure is either within walking distance or within the complex itself, the courtyards will be landscaped and will have recreation areas for children, sports, pets, spacious parking.

O2 Development Company is the winner of the “Gazelle of Business 2014” award from the newspaper “Business Petersburg”, in the category “For contribution to the development of advanced technologies in the housing construction market”, and the holder of a Sberbank diploma “For contribution to the development of mortgage lending in the North-West region in 2013”. In turn, the “Forces of Nature” eco-quarter is a winner of the Green Awards for achievements in the field of environmental development and energy efficiency.

Developer O2 Development is a member of the Green Building Council (RuGBC), the Union of Construction Associations of the Leningrad Region "Lenoblsoyuzstroy" and the Guild of Managers and Developers.

Developer news O2 Development

January 2016: The real estate agency has become the exclusive broker of the developer O2 Development. The new broker will handle all aspects related to the promotion and sale of real estate under construction from O2. The first site at which the agreement will come into force was.

June 2016
: the situation with the construction time of all O2 facilities can be called critical. Work on construction sites has not been carried out since the end of 2015, shareholders hold pickets and rallies, and set up protest tent cities at the construction site of the Forces of Nature residential complex.

December 2016
: the O2 developer admitted the fact of his inability to independently complete the construction of the Forces of Nature facility. The government's Commission for the Support of Shareholders gave the company's management 10 days to present a real plan for overcoming the crisis.

December 2018: Nothing is known about the company’s activities in 2018. There are 2 unrealized projects left on the developer’s account, one is frozen, and the delay in the second is more than 2.5 years.

June 2019: after the bankruptcy of the company, we can finally talk about the fate of the projects that were not implemented by the developer. is completing the construction of Lenobl AIZhK with the financial support of the authorities of the 47th region. The second complex is the Parnas residential complex, the project of which was frozen by a court decision in 2017, by the P1 company. But the exact delivery dates for the houses have not yet been announced.