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Tspi 22 railroad crossings by pipelines. Instructions on crossing the railway lines of JSC Russian Railways with utilities


On the intersection of railway lines of JSC Russian Railways with engineering



This Instruction on the intersection of railway lines of JSC Russian Railways with engineering communications (hereinafter referred to as the Instructions) was developed in accordance with Federal Laws of January 10, 2003 No. 17-FZ “On Railway Transport in the Russian Federation” and of December 30, 2009 No. 384 -FZ “Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures” is a regulatory document of JSC Russian Railways.
The instructions must be followed:

  • when choosing the location of the intersection of railway lines with engineering communications for various purposes - gas pipelines, oil pipelines, heating networks, water supply, sewerage, power lines, communications and issuing technical specifications for these intersections;
  • when coordinating design documentation for the intersection of railway lines with utilities;
  • upon permission to carry out work on crossing railway lines with utility lines;
  • during technical supervision of work on crossing railway lines with utility lines.

This Instruction uses regulatory references to the following codes of practice and building codes:
1) SP 31.13330.2012 (SNiN 2.04.02-84) Water supply. External networks and structures;
2) SP 32.13330.2012 (SNiP 2.04.03-85) Sewerage. External networks and structures;
3) SP 35.13330.2011 (SNiP 2.05.03-84) Bridges and pipes;
4) SP 36.13330.2011 (SNiP 2.05.06-85) Main pipelines;
5) SP 47.13330.2012 (SNiP 11-02-96) Engineering surveys for construction. Basic provisions.
6) SP 62.13330.2011 (SNiP 42-01-2002) Gas distribution systems;
7) SP 119.13330.2012 (SNiP 32-01-95) 1520 mm gauge railways;
8) SP 124.13330.2012 (SNiP 41-02-2003) Heating networks;
9) SP 125.13330.2012 (SNiP 2.05.13-90) Oil pipelines laid in cities and towns.
10) GOST 9238-2013 Dimensions of railway rolling stock and proximity of buildings.
11) Rules for laying cables in the railway subgrade, approved by the Ministry of Railways of the USSR and the Ministry of Transport of the USSR on June 14, 1988.
List of regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and JSC Russian Railways mentioned in the Instructions:
1) Federal Law “On Railway Transport in the Russian Federation” dated January 10, 2003 No. 17-FZ.
2) “Rules for the technical operation of railways of the Russian Federation”, approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated December 21, 2010 No. 286.
3) Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 12, 2006 No. 611 “On the procedure for establishing and using rights of way and security zones of railways”, approved.
4) Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 24, 2009 No. 160 “On the procedure for establishing security zones of electric grid facilities and special conditions for the use of land plots located within the boundaries of such zones.”
5) Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 9, 1995 No. 578 “On approval of the Rules for the protection of communication lines and structures of the Russian Federation.”
6) Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 No. 87 “On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content.”
7) “Rules for the construction of electrical installations”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated April 9, 2003 No. 150.
8) “Rules for the design and technical operation of the contact network of electrified railways”, approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia on December 11, 2001 No. TsE-868.
9) “Rules for laying and installing cables of signaling devices” No. PR 32 TsSh 10.01-95, approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia on January 10, 1995.
10) “Rules for laying cables in the railway subgrade”, approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia on June 12, 1998.
11) “Rules for acceptance into operation of completed construction, strengthening, and reconstruction of federal railway transport facilities” No. TsUKS-799, approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia on December 25, 2010.
12) Regulations on ensuring the safe operation of technical structures and devices of railways during the construction, reconstruction and (or) repair of infrastructure facilities of JSC Russian Railways, approved by the order of JSC Russian Railways dated August 30, 2013 No. 1932r.
Note - When using this Instruction, it is advisable to check the validity of the referenced regulatory documents. If the reference document is replaced (changed), then when using these Instructions you should be guided by the replacing (changed) document. If the reference document is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference to it is given applies to the extent that does not affect this reference.

2. Terms and definitions

The following terms with corresponding definitions are used in these Instructions:
1) the owner of the communication - a legal or natural person who has an engineering communication on the right of ownership or other legal right;
2) overhead power line - a device intended for the transmission and distribution of electrical energy through wires located in the open air and attached through insulators to supports or other structures;
3) railway line - a complex of railway technological devices, structures and equipment that fully ensures the movement of trains along it, including operations for the formation, disbandment, turnover, maintenance of railway rolling stock (note - a synonym for the term "railway line" - the term "railway infrastructure" );
4) railway picket - the ordinate of a reference on a railway line indicating the kilometer within which it is located, the picket within which it is located and the meter from the beginning of this picket;
5) roadbed - a complex of engineering soil structures that serves as the basis for the upper structure of the railway track, which takes the load from the upper structure of the track and railway rolling stock;
6) engineering communications - a set of structures and communications directly used in the process of transferring gas, oil, heat, water supply and sewerage, electricity, communications and information;
7) utility networks - utility pipeline systems designed to provide consumers with centralized heat supply, water and for drainage of sewage water;
8) communication lines - transmission lines, physical circuits and line-cable communication structures;
9) power transmission line - an electrical installation consisting of wires, cables, insulating elements and supporting structures, designed to transmit electrical energy between two points of the power system with possible intermediate withdrawal;
10) stretch - part of a railway line limited by adjacent railway stations, sidings, passing points or waypoints;
11) intersection - the place where the railway line intersects with utilities (note - a synonym for the term “intersection” - the term “transition”);
12) suspension package - a structure made of railway rails or shaped steel intended to cover the work area under the railway track;
13) safety devices - technical measures and structures that ensure the safety and uninterrupted movement of trains during underground work (suspension and safety packages, securing soils with binding materials and special structures used in accordance with the design solution);
14) safety package - a structure made of railway rails, installed on a railway track, intended to ensure the safety of train traffic during the construction of new or reconstruction of existing underground crossings;
15) pipeline - a structure designed for transporting gaseous and liquid substances under the influence of pressure differences in the cross sections of the pipe;
16) high-risk pipeline - gas pipelines, oil pipelines and oil product pipelines;
17) difficult conditions - complex topographical, geotechnical, planning and other local conditions that cause a significant increase in the volume of construction and installation work and the risks of emergencies of a natural and man-made nature.

3. General provisions

3.1. Work on the repair, reconstruction and construction of utility lines located in the right of way of the railway is carried out on the basis of an agreement between JSC Russian Railways represented by the railway and the organization owner (future owner of the new) utility line or an organization authorized by the owner to conclude this agreement ( hereinafter - the owner of the communication). The agreement is concluded in accordance with the procedure established by JSC Russian Railways.
The contract must provide:
1) selection of the location of a new or reconstructed utility pipe (channel, tunnel) outside the existing protective pipe in the railroad right-of-way, including its intersection with the railway line;
2) issuance of technical specifications for the construction, reconstruction or repair of engineering communications of the intersection, taking into account the prospects for the development of railway infrastructure;
3) obligations of the communications owner to preserve or restore damaged railway structures and devices during construction work in the right-of-way;
4) sublease of a section of the right-of-way for utilities;
5) the sublease agreement for a section of the right-of-way is concluded in the manner established by JSC Russian Railways, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and internal regulatory documents of JSC Russian Railways
6) compliance with the requirements of the Regulations on ensuring the safe operation of technical structures and devices of railways during the construction, reconstruction and (or) repair of infrastructure facilities of JSC Russian Railways, approved by the order of JSC Russian Railways dated August 30, 2013 No. 1932r (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations on security);
7) installation and dismantling of safety devices, including safety or suspension packages, if this is provided for in the design documentation;
8) technical supervision of the owners of railway infrastructure facilities over the construction and installation work;
9) the procedure for transferring reconstructed utilities and devices to JSC Russian Railways that fall into the construction zone;
10) compensation for the costs of the involved structural divisions of JSC Russian Railways for organizing work on crossing railway lines with utility lines;
11) compliance by the owner of the communication with the procedure for admission to work in the railroad right-of-way for periodic inspections, troubleshooting, repairs and operation of utilities in the area of ​​intersection with railway lines;
12) the right of JSC Russian Railways to carry out any repair and construction work on the railway infrastructure, subject to the standard values ​​of distances from structures and facilities to the protective pipe (channel, tunnel) of engineering communications.
3.2. Technical conditions for crossing railway lines with engineering communications are issued by the chief engineer of the railway after agreement with all involved branches and structural divisions of JSC Russian Railways. Technical conditions for crossing utility networks, power lines up to 110 kV and communications may be issued to deputy chief railway engineers for the region.
3.3. In the structural units of Russian Railways JSC that approve intersections, a free-form journal must be kept to record the issuance of technical conditions and approvals with a mark of the date and result of the review, the address of the owner of the communication, the name of the head of the structural unit of Russian Railways JSC carrying out the review and approval, and a note on completion of work on the installation or reconstruction of utilities. Copies of the plan and longitudinal profile of the intersections must be stored in all involved structural divisions of JSC Russian Railways.

4. The procedure for selecting the intersection of railway lines with utilities

4.1. On the basis of an agreement for the crossing between JSC Russian Railways, represented by the head of the railway, and the owner of the communications, the deputy chief engineer of the railway for the region in accordance with the instructions of the chief engineer of the railway, or (when crossing utility networks, power lines to the kV and communication facilities) independently within five working days, forms a commission to select the crossing location, consisting of representatives of the involved structural divisions of the infrastructure directorate and other branches of JSC Russian Railways with the participation of the owner
communications. The chairman of the commission is the deputy chief engineer of the railway for the region, and in his absence, his replacement.
4.2. The commission for selecting the intersection site uses a full-scale survey to determine the location of communications in the railroad right-of-way with reference to existing structures and utilities and selects the intersection site with precise reference to the railway picket line (km, picket, m). The results of the commission’s work are documented in a free-form act, approved by the chief engineer of the railway for the region within five working days after the formation of the commission.
4.3. When considering the route for laying utilities in the railroad right-of-way, including the intersection site, the following must be taken into account:
13) standard values ​​of SP 119.13330.2012 (SNiP 32-01-95) “1520 mm gauge railways” and section 6 of this Instruction;
14) the possibility of subsequent repairs and modernization of railway infrastructure facilities;
15) the possibility of access to the railway track during track repair and restoration work;
16) perspective of path development;
17) the possibility of connecting railway tracks;
18) reservation of sites for railway units;
19) previously issued approvals;
20) the possibility of safe passage of personnel to workplaces;
21) the requirements of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 24, 2009 No. 160 “On the procedure for establishing security zones of electric grid facilities and special conditions for the use of land plots located within the boundaries of such zones”;
22) the requirements of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 9, 1995 No. 578 “On approval of the Rules for the protection of communication lines and structures of the Russian Federation”;
23) safety of existing utilities and structures of JSC Russian Railways.
4.4. It is prohibited to install any utility lines in the security zones of deformable roadbed objects (landslide slopes, rock landslides, mudflow and avalanche-prone areas, etc.).
5. Requirements for the approval of design documentation and a project for the execution of work at the intersection of railway lines with utilities
5.1. In accordance with the “Rules for the technical operation of railways of the Russian Federation”, paragraph 26 of Appendix 1, approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated December 21, 2010 No. 286, and paragraph 5 of the “Rules for the establishment and use of rights of way and security zones of railways”, approved by the resolution Government of the Russian Federation dated October 12, 2006 No. 611, the placement of engineering communications within the boundaries of the right-of-way of the railways of JSC Russian Railways is permitted only in agreement with JSC Russian Railways. Coordination of railway crossing projects is carried out taking into account the requirements for ensuring transport safety, traffic safety and operation of railway transport, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 21 of the Federal Law of January 10, 2003 No. 17-FZ “On Railway Transport in the Russian Federation”, as well as Safety Regulations. The deadline for review (approval or reasoned refusal) of documentation for the crossing is established: for approval by the structural divisions of JSC Russian Railways - no more than ten working days from the date of receipt, for its approval by the chief engineer of the railway
(deputy chief engineer for the region) - no more than twenty working days from the date of receipt of the documentation by JSC Russian Railways.

5.2. The following procedure for approving the design is established:

documentation for crossing railway lines of JSC Russian Railways:

1) The right to approve locations and projects for crossing railway lines with utility lines on behalf of JSC Russian Railways is granted to chief railway engineers. Coordination of intersections with utility networks, power lines to the kV power supply and communications is allowed to be carried out by deputy chief engineers of railways in the region.
2) Design documentation for crossing the railway line
engineering communications before submitting it for approval to the chief
railway engineer should be reviewed by managers
path distances, signaling, centralization and blocking, electrification and
power supply, regional communication center, in the area of ​​responsibility
which contains a section of the railway line with the planned
crossing, deputy chief engineer of the railway for the region,
heads of track services, automation and telemechanics, electrification and
energy supply of infrastructure directorates, communications directorate, deputy
Head of the Infrastructure Directorate for Technical Work, on time,
established in clause 5.1.
3) Design documentation for crossing the railway line
engineering networks, power lines up to PO kV and communications at
approval by the deputy chief engineer of the railway for the region
should be considered by the managers of the track distance, signaling,
centralization and blocking, electrification and power supply,
regional communication center, in whose area of ​​responsibility the site is located
railway line with the planned intersection, within the time limits established
in paragraph 5.1.
5.3. Project documentation must be developed in accordance with
by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008
No. 87 “On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for them
content", including:
1) topographic survey of the intersection area on a scale of at least
1:500 (50 m on both sides of the intersection) with precise location reference
intersections with existing railway and geographical
coordinates, with the boundaries of the railway right-of-way marked on the plan;
2) geological cross-section of the railway line along the axis
intersections of utility lines in the same horizontal and
vertical scale of at least 1:200 with the application of existing
drainage and anti-deformation structures (ditches, upland and drainage ditches, drainage structures, etc.), existing utilities, as well as intersection structures;
3) report on engineering-geological survey of the site
intersection, which should reflect hydrogeological conditions
intersection section, indicating the elevations of the existing level
groundwater. Minimum volumes of drilling work - at least two drilling rigs
wells along the axis of intersection on each side of the railway earthen
sheets 2.0 m deep below the bottom of the protective pipe (channel, tunnel);
4) calculation of the use of safety devices, including
hanging or safety bags;
5) calculation of the thickness of the walls of the protective pipe (channel, tunnel);
6) thermal engineering calculations at railway crossings
sheets of heat, steam and gas pipelines with negative
gas temperature in soil conditions subject to frost
heaving, as well as when constructing intersections in areas where
permafrost soils. Thermal engineering calculations should include
issues resolved: thermal insulation, ventilation, temperature suppression in
casing, eliminating uneven heaving of soils, as in the place
intersection and in areas adjacent to it.
5.4. The work design (hereinafter referred to as the WDP) must be developed taking into account hydrogeological conditions and the calculation of the need to use safety devices and comply with the requirements of the Safety Regulations. The commissioning work must be agreed upon by the heads of the track distance, signaling, centralization and blocking, power supply and energy supply, the regional communications center and approved by the deputy chief engineer of the railway for the region within ten working days from the date of receipt. If necessary, research work is coordinated with other involved branches and structural divisions of JSC Russian Railways.

6. Basic regulatory requirements for the design of the intersection of railway lines with utilities

6.1. Design documentation submitted for approval for
construction or reconstruction of utilities in the right of way
railways must meet the requirements of SP 119.13330.2012 (SNiP 32-
01-95) “1520 mm gauge railways” and other federal and industry
documents related to the essence of the issue.
6.2. Crossing railway lines with engineering
communications must be carried out in compliance with the relevant requirements of regulatory documents for their design and construction. In any case, safety devices or organizational and technical measures must be provided to ensure the safety and uninterrupted operation of trains. In justified cases, suspension, safety bags or other technical solutions may be used for these purposes.
6.3. Methods for crossing railway tracks with engineering
communications and their controlled parameters, the need for application
safety devices ensuring safety and
uninterrupted train traffic are determined by design documentation in
depending on the geological and hydrological conditions of the area,
technology (method) of laying, well diameter, depth
engineering communications, train traffic intensity and circulation
train load.
6.4. It is allowed to use: penetration with shields of various diameters,
punching with steel pipes, auger drilling, horizontal
directional drilling, directional puncture, microtunneling and others
certified work methods. In any method, the manufacturer of the work
the safety of the existing railway must be ensured
6.5. When widening the roadbed for laying additional
paths, an active pipeline transition at the intersection, with
lack of reserve length of the protective pipe (channel, tunnel), subject to
reconstruction or redevelopment (on a new axis), taking into account the relevant
lengthening the high-risk area and the protective pipe (channel, tunnel).
6.6. In areas of permafrost, transitions
pipelines through railways at stages and stations
carried out, as a rule, by overhead laying along overpasses.
6.7. Underground installation is allowed only in non-subsidence conditions
thawing of foundation soils. In areas where subsidence occurs
thawing of soils at a depth of less than 25 m, underground installation is permitted with
taking into account the implementation of special measures to prevent
thawing and precipitation, justified by thermal engineering calculations.
6.8. Pipelines should be located under the subgrade
railway outside the neck of the stations at a distance of at least 20 m from
turnouts and track crossings, at least 10 m from the places
connecting suction cables to electrified rails
railways, at least 3 m from the contact network supports.
6.9. Minimum distance from utility lines to the border
railway artificial structure (bridge, tunnel, culvert
pipe, etc.) are installed taking into account the degree of their danger for normal operation of the railway, but not less than 30 m.
6.10. When laying underground at the intersection of pipelines
enclosed in a protective pipe (channel, tunnel), the ends of which are at the intersections
with pipelines transporting explosive and flammable products
(oil, gas, etc.), located on each side at least 50 m from
the bottom of an embankment slope or the edge of an excavation slope, and if there is
drainage structures - from the outermost drainage structure. On
intersections with water pipelines, sewer lines, heating networks
and so on. - at least 10 m.
6.11. Burying pipelines crossing the roadbed,
composed of heaving soils should be determined by calculation based on the conditions
in which the influence of heat release or heat transfer on
uniformity of frost heaving of the soil. If it is impossible to provide
the specified temperature regime due to the deepening of pipelines should
ventilation of the protective pipe (channel, tunnel), replacement or
thermal insulation of heaving soil at the intersection site, above ground
laying the pipeline on a trestle or in a self-supporting case.
6.12.Vertical distance from the top of the protective pipe (channel,
tunnel) to the base of the rail is taken to be at least 2 m, and when installing
crossing by puncture method or horizontal drilling of at least 3 m. Top
protective pipe should be located 1.5 m below the bottom of the drainage
structures or the base of an embankment.
6.13. Communication and power lines that support work
railway lines, it is allowed to lay under railway lines
tracks at a depth of at least 1 m to the bottom surface of the sleeper and at least 0.5 m
from the bottom of drainage ditches and ditches; less than 1.5 m from the rail joint to
a vertical plane passing through the longitudinal axis of the cable; less than 10 m
from suction feeders of electrified railways.
6.14. The angle of intersection of the pipeline with the railways should be
be, as a rule, 90°. It is allowed, if justified, to cross under
smaller angle, but not less than 60°.
6.15. It is not allowed to lay pipelines in the same trench with
electrical cables, communication cables and other pipelines, for
with the exception of cases of laying a technological communication cable for this
pipeline at crossings over railways (in one protective pipe,
channel, tunnel).
6.16. The distance between parallel pipelines in their sections
crossings under railways should be assigned based on engineering
geological conditions and work technology, but in all cases
this distance must be no less than the distances accepted for underground
laying the linear part of main pipelines.
6.17. When installing a pipeline over a railway track
the elevation of the bottom of structures above the rails should be assigned with increasing
dimensions of the approach of buildings, provided for by GOST 9238, by the amount
at least 400 mm to ensure the possibility of future increase
rail head level.
6.18. Distance in plan from the extreme support of the overhead pipeline
there must be at least 5 m to the bottom of the embankment slope; at least 3 m to the edge
slope of the excavation, and in the presence of drainage structures - from the extreme
drainage structure; at least 10 m from the outermost rail
railway line.
6.19. When designing transitions, provisions must be made
measures to prevent erosion or flooding of railway
road lines in case of pipeline damage. At the same time, on the pipeline with
on both sides of the crossing under the railways it is necessary to provide
wells with the installation of shut-off valves in them and the installation of devices for
pressure measurements.
6.20. It is necessary to provide additional disconnecting
devices on gas pipelines, if the nearest shut-off device is
ensuring the cessation of gas supply at the transition section, located
at a distance of more than 1000 m from the railway.
6.21. To monitor the interpipe space for the presence of
leaks at one end of the protective pipe (channel, tunnel) should be
provide a control tube with shut-off valves extending under
protective device located 30 cm above ground level, and on
a distance of at least 1 m from the axis of the pipeline.
6.22. For main pipelines there must be provided
warning and alarm measures in case of occurrence
emergency situation in case of gas leak.
6.23. When constructing intersections and junctions of railway
infrastructure with power lines should be additionally
be guided by the provisions of section 2 of the “Rules for the device
electrical installations” approved by the Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated April 9
2003 No. 150 and section 2.25 “Rules for design and technical operation
contact network of electrified railways" dated December 11, 2001.
No. TsE-868.
6.24. The intersection of overhead power lines with railways
roads should be carried out, air crossings. Technically
justified cases (for example, when crossing embankments, on
railway stations or in places where air crossings are installed
technically difficult) transitions should be made with a cable.
6.25.Angle of intersection of an overhead power line with
electrified or subject to electrification iron
roads should be close to 90°, but not less than 65°.
6.26. When an overhead power line crosses and approaches
by railways, the distance from the base of the support to the approach clearance
buildings on non-electrified railways or up to supports
contact network electrified or subject to electrification
roads must be at least the height of the support plus 3 m. In areas of cramped
routes are allowed in agreement with the owner of the railway
infrastructure, these distances should be taken at least: 3 m - up to 20 kV,
6m - 35-150 kV, 8 m - 220-330 kV, Yum - 500 kV and 20 m - 750 kV.
6.27. Crossing overhead power lines in places
coupling of anchor sections of the contact network and in the necks
railway stations are not allowed.
6.28. The intersection of overhead power lines must be in
span between overhead contact line supports. Allowed to cross over
contact network supports, if the vertical distance to the top of the supports is not
less: 7 m - up to 110 kV; 8 m - 150-220 kV and 9 m - 330-500 kV.
6.29. In the area of ​​intersection of overhead power lines up to 35 kV
The supporting cable must be equipped with a protective wire on top.
6.30. Crossing the contact network with communication and radio lines
should only be carried out using underground cables laid in
non-metallic pipes, while the distance from the cable communication line to
the foundation of the nearest contact network support must be at least 10 m.
6.31.When constructing railway crossings with cables
Signaling and technological communication lines should be additionally guided
the provisions of section 5 of the “Rules for laying and installing cables of devices
SCB”, approved by the Ministry of Railways on January 10, 1995 No. PR 32 TsSh 10.01-95.
6.32. Under railway tracks, at the intersection of drainage
trays and ditches, as well as in other cases provided for by the project, cables
laid in asbestos-cement, plastic (polyethylene and
vinyl plastic) ceramic or reinforced concrete pipes and in reinforced concrete
gutters. Steel pipes should only be used when constructing wells
for laying cables using the puncture method.
6.33. It is prohibited to install any engineering communications in
drainage, drainage and culvert structures, as well as within
territory occupied by traction substations, transformer
substations and linear traction power supply devices for
with the exception of communications laid directly to these
6.34. The construction of unrelated railways is not permitted.
engineering communications for railway bridges and tunnels.
6.35. Laying pipelines for any purpose through the body
railway embankment is not allowed.
6.36. The procedure for laying technological communication lines and
power transmission of railway lines, as well as their intersections through
railway tracks, determined by the owner of the railway
infrastructure, in accordance with the “Rules for laying cables in earthen
railway track", approved by the Ministry of Railways on June 12, 1998, based on
local conditions, and approved by the deputy head of the directorate
infrastructure in the region.
6.37. On sections of the railway track where protective and
separating layers ensuring reliable operation of the superstructure
paths, open-cut laying of any engineering communications

7. Basic requirements for organizing work on crossing railway lines with utility lines

7.1. Construction organizations may be allowed to carry out production
work in the railroad right-of-way and under the railroad tracks
only subject to compliance with the requirements of Russian legislation
Federation in the field of safety of buildings and structures and the Regulations on
security, if available:
1) agreed upon design documentation established above
in order;
2) developed by the PNR construction organization, approved
deputy chief engineer of the railway for the region;
3) an admission certificate in accordance with the Safety Regulations;
4) work permit for work in the technical area
structures and devices of railways in accordance with the Regulations on
5) orders (instructions) of the relevant branches and structural
divisions of JSC Russian Railways on assigning representatives to the facility for
technical supervision.
7.2. It is prohibited to begin excavation work in the zone
operation of technical structures and infrastructure devices of JSC Russian Railways in
absence of representatives of the relevant branches and structural
divisions of JSC Russian Railways appointed responsible for technical
7.3. One day before the start of work on constructing the intersection there should be
a commission inspection of the implementation of all preparatory work indicated in the IP commission was carried out with the results of the inspection being documented in a free-form act. The commission is appointed by order of the deputy chief engineer of the railway for the region within three days after receiving written notification of readiness for work.
7.4. At the work site, it is allowed to begin constructing the intersection only after the commission has confirmed that the construction organization has completed all preparatory work, including:
1) safety devices must be installed, including
including hanging or safety bags, if provided
design documentation agreed with the owner of the infrastructure and
2) telephone communication between the work site and the train dispatcher is provided and
duty officers at railway stations limiting the haul;
3) lighting of the work site in the dark is organized
4) the water reduction project has been completed, if this is provided for in the design
5) a sufficient supply of ballast has been created in accessible places in the area
construction work;
6) surveyor control over the work on crossing and
the position of the railway track 50 meters in both directions from the crossing;
7) visible markings are made (by posts, poles, etc.)
existing underground utilities of JSC Russian Railways.

8. Technical supervision of work at intersections and measures to ensure train safety

8.1. Managers of track distances, signaling distances,
centralization and blocking, power supply and energy supply,
regional communication centers, other affiliated branches and structural
divisions of JSC Russian Railways should be organized and implemented
technical supervision of work in accordance with the contract, act-
approval, work permit, design documentation, PPR, Regulations on
8.2. Particular attention when carrying out technical supervision should be
be addressed to:
1) performance of work in accordance with the agreed design documentation and the requirements presented by branches and structural divisions when agreeing on design documentation;
2) compliance with the requirements of the “Rules for the Technical Operation of Railways of the Russian Federation” and other regulatory documents that determine the procedure for ensuring the safety of train traffic and the safety of infrastructure facilities during track work.
8.3. Information on the work on the construction of the intersection
immediately before its start must be directed by the supervisor
work via telephone or train radio communication
dispatcher and duty officers at stations limiting the stretch, and if available
cable communications in the work area addressed to
relevant duty personnel of structural units
JSC Russian Railways. When carrying out work within the railway station
information is entered into the inspection log of tracks, turnouts,
signaling devices, communications and contact network of the established form DU-46
located at the station duty officer.
8.4. In the coverage area of ​​technical structures and facilities
railway infrastructure work should only be carried out in the presence of
representatives of relevant branches and structural divisions
JSC Russian Railways. Control over the performance of work in the area covered by technical
structures and devices are installed in accordance with the Regulations on
8.5. In case of deviations from the agreed project documentation, PPR
and the threat of disruption of the railway infrastructure face
person responsible for technical supervision is obliged to immediately
take measures to ensure train safety and issue
a written prohibition on performing free-form work with
subsequent monitoring of the elimination of the identified violation, up to
revocation of the permit certificate from the contracting organization by its official
8.6. Distance representative responsible for technical supervision
way is obliged to participate in commissions for acceptance of completed construction
intersections of communications assigned by the owner, taking into account the requirements
“Rules for acceptance into operation of completed construction, strengthening,
reconstruction of federal railway transport facilities" from
December 25, 2010 No. TsUKS-799. Participation of representatives of other structural
divisions of the infrastructure directorate are determined by the deputy
Head of the Infrastructure Directorate for the region. In the acceptance committees
completed construction of the intersection of utility lines can
Representatives of other involved structural structures must take part
divisions of JSC Russian Railways. One copy of the executive documentation
transmitted by the owner of the communication over a distance of five
working days after signing the acceptance certificate.

Introduction........................................................ ........................2
1 Normative references................................................................... .....3
2 Terms and definitions.................................................. ...5
3 General provisions................................................... .......6
4 The procedure for choosing the location of the intersection of railway lines
engineering communications................................................... 8
5 The procedure for approving design documentation and the project
carrying out work on crossing railway lines
engineering communications........................................................ 9
6 Basic regulatory requirements for design
intersections of railway lines with engineering
communications........................... ................................ ........ 12
7 Basic requirements for organizing the production of work on
crossing railway lines with engineering
communications........................... ................................ ........ 16
8 Technical supervision of work at intersections
and measures to ensure traffic safety
trains........................................................ ............... 17
9 Contents................................................... ......... 18


1.1. The requirements of this industry standard
document should be used as a guide when designing transitions
railways pipelines for various purposes - thermal
networks, petroleum product pipelines, oil pipelines, gas pipelines,
sewer pipelines, external water supply networks
water supply, etc., as well as in the design and implementation
measures to eliminate deformations of railway earthen
canvases arising in places of existing intersections with these
engineering communications.
1.2. Crossing railway lines with pipelines is necessary
be provided by overhead installation (on supports or
overpasses) or underground - under the roadbed. At the same time, it should
the prospect of laying additional (second, third and
fourth) main tracks or station developments.
1.3. To the transitions of gas pipelines, oil pipelines,
oil product pipelines, etc. demands should be made on both
areas of higher category.
1.4. When widening the roadbed for laying additional
main tracks or station developments working pipeline in place
intersections must be reconstructed or rebuilt (on a new
axis) taking into account the corresponding increase in the length of the section of increased
category and, if necessary, subjected to hydrotesting.
The protective tube must be extended accordingly.
1.5. In areas of permafrost, transitions
pipelines through railways at stages and stations
should be carried out, as a rule, by overhead laying along
overpasses. Underground installation in these areas can be
provide foundations in soils that do not settle during thawing.
In areas with the occurrence of subsidence when thawing soils on
depth less than 25 m, underground installation is permitted if
designing special measures to prevent
thawing and precipitation based on thermotechnical calculations.
1.6. When designing a railway underpass
pipelines in areas buried in the subgrade
soils subject to frost heaving, it is necessary to carry out
thermal engineering calculations to prevent unacceptable violations
temperature regime and frost heaving of these soils. Uneven
heaving of the railway track in the longitudinal profile is caused by
difference in the depths of freezing-thawing of the soil above
pipeline and outside the zone of its thermal influence. To the susceptible
frost heaving of railway subgrade soils
the following types should be included: clayey (clay, loam,
sandy loam); coarse-grained with clay filler when maintained
particles less than 0.1 mm in size in an amount of more than 20% by weight;
easily weathered rocks (mudstones, siltstones, marls,
shales) in the zone of active weathering; dusty sands
saturating them with water; peats and peaty soils.
At underground railway crossings, the working pipeline
must be enclosed in a protective pipe (channel, tunnel). Laying
pipeline directly into the ground is unacceptable. Thermotechnical
by calculation it is necessary to determine the parameters of the pipeline laying
(laying depth from the base of the rails to the top of the protective pipe and
air temperature in the protective pipe), at which seasonal
deformations of the path from frost heaving will be uniform, not
exceeding the established content standards for this class
When constructing underground passages or eliminating abysses on
existing intersections, the thermal influence of pipelines on
frost heaving of railway subgrade soils can
be eliminated in the following ways:
- deepening of pipelines by the calculated value;
- reduction of heat loss by thermal insulation of workers
- removal of excess heat from the protective pipe using
natural supply and exhaust ventilation;
- cutting out and replacing heaving soil with drainage soil
calculation in the entire seasonal freezing-thawing zone with
longitudinal mates; thermal insulation made of polystyrene foam with
longitudinal joints.
Each of these methods can be used as
a stand-alone event or in combination with other methods.
1.7. During the underground passage of operating railways
pipeline lines, the open method of penetration, as a rule, is not
1.8. When constructing railways over existing ones
pipelines, the working pipeline at the intersection should be
enclose in a protective tube. Replacing the protective pipe or worker
pipeline must be carried out in accordance with the requirements
real standards.
1.9. Pipelines should be located under the subgrade
railway outside the station neck at a distance from the switch points
transfers and other crossings of the path at least 20 m. Minimum
distance from pipelines to artificial structures (bridges,
culverts, etc.) must be provided in
in accordance with the degree of their danger for normal operation
railway, but not less than 30 m, to the points of connection
suction cables to the rails of electrified railways
- 10 m, to the contact network supports - 3 m.
1.10. The design of the railway crossing should
ensure the possibility of periodic inspections, routine repairs,
shutting down and emptying pipelines. At gas pipeline crossings,
oil product pipelines, etc. additionally needed
provide warning and traffic blocking devices
trains in case of danger.
1.11. For underground laying at stages and stations
the pipeline must be enclosed in a protective pipe (channel,
tunnel). At intersections with pipelines transporting
explosive or flammable products (gas, oil, etc.), end
the protective pipe should be located at least 50 m from the base
slope of an embankment or slope edge of an excavation, and in the presence of drainage
structures - from the outermost drainage structure, and on
intersections with water pipelines, sewer lines, thermal
networks, etc. - at least 10 m on each side.
The vertical distance from the top of the protective pipe (channel,
tunnel) to the base of the railway rail should not be taken
less than 2 m, and when constructing a crossing using a puncture method or
horizontal drilling - 3 m. The top of the protective pipe should
be located, in addition, 1.5 m below the bottom of the drainage pipes
structures or the base of an embankment. Arrangement of transitions in the body of the embankment
Burying pipelines crossing the roadbed,
composed of heaving soils should be determined by calculation,
based on conditions under which the influence of heat generation is excluded
or heat drain on the uniformity of frost heaving of the soil. At
inability to provide the specified temperature due to
deepening of pipelines, ventilation must be provided
protective pipe (channel, tunnel), replacement or thermal insulation
heaving soil at the intersection site, overhead laying
pipelines on a trestle or in a self-supporting case.
1.12. At underground crossings of railways in sections
embankments more than 6 m high, as well as on sloped areas (with
slope steeper than 1:5) the intersection design should include
additional measures to ensure the sustainability of earthen soil
canvases. In deep excavations, underground or above-ground crossing
railway pipelines are selected based on
technical and economic comparison of options.
1.13. Transfer of load to the working pipeline from weight
overlying soil and rolling stock is not allowed, protective
the pipe and its connections must be waterproof and designed to withstand
perception of the weight of the overlying soil and moving load from 4
axle freight car 30 t/axle. Cross section dimensions
protective pipe should be taken into account the design of the thermal
insulation of working pipelines. When removing excess heat from
tunnel - protective pipe, its live cross-section should provide
required air flow with natural supply and exhaust
1.14. The length of the protective tube depends on the number of paths on
section of transition of working marks of the roadbed, structure
drainage structures and location of wells.
1.15. The distance from the base of the rail to the top of the protective pipe at
The location of heaving soils in the subgrade is determined
thermotechnical calculation, the methodology of which is given in this
1.16. If it is impossible to lower the air temperature in
the protective pipe is provided with a natural
supply and exhaust ventilation. The protective pipe is
ventilation tunnel and its ends are adjacent to the chambers,
located on both sides of the roadbed. Above the cameras
supply and exhaust shafts are constructed. Supply and exhaust shafts
ventilation systems must communicate only with outside air and
ventilated tunnel. The ventilated tunnel is tightly separated from
ventilation channels of the approach main part of the pipeline
1.17. Distance from the place where the gas pressure decreases to
underground passage of the railway gas pipeline should be designated
based on avoiding negative gas temperatures in the area
transition in the annual cycle.


2.1. Design of subgrade intersections
pipelines and thermal engineering calculations are made based on
- topographic plan of the transition area, transverse profile
roadbed, as well as path diagrams and placement of various
railway devices near the crossing point;
- engineering geological sections along the axis of the pipeline and
- composition, properties and strata of soils of the subgrade and
its foundations;
- data on the depth of groundwater and its regime;
- laboratory soil testing;
- long-term average monthly data on air temperature in
winter period;
- data on the magnitude of uniform frost heaving of soils
roadbed at the transition point.
2.2. At the stage of feasibility study of options
transition it is allowed to accept approximate heaving values
subgrade soils equal to 20-40 mm for the European part
Russian Federation and 60-80 mm for roads in the Urals, Siberia and Dalniy
East. During engineering-geological survey the value
uniform path heaving is determined based on the results of two
leveling the path. The first leveling is carried out in the fall with
the onset of negative air temperature, and the second - in
period of maximum soil freezing. As an exception, maybe
be allowed to carry out the first leveling during the period
maximum freezing of the soil, and the second - after complete
thawing of the soil before the start of summer track work. The path is leveled
along the rail heads at points fixed at 5 m intervals, tying them
to a non-bulging benchmark according to the program of Appendix 1 of the Technical
instructions for eliminating heaves and subsidence of the railway track
TsP-4369, approved by the Ministry of Railways on 03/07/86, M., 1987. Length
leveling area is taken equal to 150 m (75 m from the axis
designed crossing in each direction). As an observed
the values ​​of uniform heaving take on its maximum value
at the leveling site. The calculated value of this parameter
determined in accordance with the requirements of the Technical
instructions TsP4369.
2.3. The freezing depth of subgrade soils is determined
calculation using nomograms in accordance with the methodology set out in
Technical instructions CPU/4369.
2.4. The groundwater level (GWL) is established in wells
with a depth of at least 4.5 m, which are laid on the side of the earthen
canvas and beyond (behind the edge of the recess, at the base
embankments). GWL is measured until it is completely established. At
If necessary, the wells will be equipped with a filter for this period.
2.5. Soil samples for laboratory analysis of its physical properties
properties (natural soil moisture, humidity within
plasticity, particle size distribution, density, etc.) are selected
according to the program of Technical instructions TsP-4369. According to analyzes
soils are classified in accordance with GOST 25100-82 “Soils.
2.6. After the construction of the railway underpass
pipeline at the end of the winter period, compliance is checked
air temperature in the protective pipe to its calculated value. If
the measured value exceeds the calculated value by more than 5%, then
are taking additional measures to reduce air temperatures in
protective pipe.
The air temperature in the protective pipe (its temperature
surfaces) are determined at the end of winter with exhaust thermometers,
placed inside the pipe. Pipe surface temperature
can also be measured with thermometers that are installed in
well, laid in a section along the axis of the pipeline
2.7. Organization of engineering and geological work along the way,
ensuring the safety of train traffic, safety of people,
fencing of engineering-geological production sites with signals
workings, etc. determined jointly by those responsible
representatives of the design organization and the travel distance in
depending on local conditions and volumes of work.
2.8. The pipeline crossing project under the railway should
be agreed upon by the chief engineer of the railway. On approval
present the following materials:
- general view of the transition in plan indicating the exact location
transition (km, picket, plus);
- longitudinal and transverse profiles along the axes of the pipeline and
roadbed with the corresponding engineering-geological
cuts and transition design;
- thermal engineering calculation of the pipeline crossing the earthen
- schemes and schedules of work production indicating activities
to ensure train safety during production
Coordinated projects for crossing pipelines through the railway
the road should be taken into account in special journals indicating the location
intersection (distance, km, picket, plus) and main characteristics
Work in the right-of-way can only be carried out after
approval of the project under mandatory technical supervision
travel distances, and, if necessary, signaling distances and
communications and other linear divisions of the railway.

6.31*. Pipeline crossings across railways and highways should be provided in places where roads pass along embankments or in places with zero marks and, in exceptional cases, with appropriate justification in road excavations.

The angle of intersection of the pipeline with railways and roads should, as a rule, be 90°. Laying a pipeline through the body of the embankment is not permitted.

6.32*. Sections of pipelines laid at crossings through railways and highways of all categories with improved coverage of capital and lightweight types must be provided in a protective case (casing) made of steel pipes or in a tunnel, the diameter of which is determined by the conditions of the work and the design of the crossings and must be larger than the outer one pipeline diameter by at least 200 mm.

The ends of the case should be brought out at a distance:

a) when laying a pipeline through railways:

from the axes of the outer tracks - 50 m, but not less than 5 m from the bottom of the embankment slope and 3 m from the edge of the excavation slope;

from the extreme drainage structure of the roadbed (ditch, upland ditch, reserve) - 3 m;

b) when laying a pipeline through highways - from the edge of the roadbed - 25 m, but not less than 2 m from the base of the embankment.

The ends of the cases installed at the sections of transitions of oil pipelines and oil product pipelines through motor roads of III, III-p, IV-p, IV and V categories must be placed 5 m from the edge of the roadbed.

The laying of the pipeline communication cable in the sections where it crosses railways and roads must be carried out in a protective case or separately in pipes.

6.33*. At underground passages of gas pipelines through railways and roads, the ends of the protective cases must have seals made of dielectric material.

At one end of the case or tunnel, an exhaust candle should be provided at a horizontal distance, m, not less than:

from the axis of the extreme track of public railways.......... 40

the same, industrial roads.................................................... 25

from the base of the roadbed...................... 25

The height of the exhaust candle from ground level must be at least 5 m.

6.34*. The depth of sections of pipelines laid under the railways of the general network must be at least 2 m from the base of the rail to the upper part of the protective case, and in recesses and at zero marks, in addition, at least 1.5 m from the bottom of the ditch, tray or drainage .

The depth of pipeline sections laid under roads of all categories must be at least 1.4 m from the top of the road surface to the upper part of the protective casing, and in recesses and at zero marks, in addition, at least 0.4 m from the bottom of the ditch, drainage ditch or drainage.

When laying a pipeline without protective casings, the above depths should be taken to the upper generatrix of the pipeline.

The burial of pipeline sections under highways on the territory of compressor stations and oil pumping stations is accepted in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-89-80*.

6.35. The distance between parallel pipelines in the sections of their transitions under railways and roads should be determined based on soil conditions and work conditions, but in all cases this distance must be no less than the distances accepted for underground laying of the linear part of main pipelines.

6.36. The intersection of pipelines with the rail tracks of electrified transport under switches and crosses, as well as in places where suction cables are connected to the rails, is not allowed.

6.37. The minimum horizontal clear distance from the underground pipeline at the points of its passage through the railways of the general network should be taken, m, up to:

switches and crossings of the railway track and joining points

suction cables to electrified iron rails

roads........................................................ ........... 10

switches and crosspieces of the railway track with heaving

soils........................................................ ......... 20

pipes, tunnels and other artificial structures on iron

roads........................................................ ........ thirty