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The essence and role of labor regulation. Basic principles and tasks of labor regulation


The essence of labor standardization at an enterprise determines its functions, the content of which is determined by the objective laws of production development. The functions of standardization are closely interconnected with its tasks, as well as with planning, organization and production management. Labor regulation is dynamic.

In the conditions of modern production, the role of rationing is increasing. This is manifested both in strengthening the connection between individual production links and in improving the entire market mechanism for managing domestic industry.

Normalization functions can be divided into two groups:

● general functions of labor standards, which characterize the role of labor standards in the organization and remuneration of labor;

● special functions of norms, revealing their specific content by type and purpose.

The general functions of labor standards include:

1) planning functions, manifested in ensuring the planned and proportional development of all production and functional divisions and services of the enterprise, taking into account the law of supply and demand.

Labor standards, being the basis for planning the main performance indicators of business entities, are widely used at all levels of business to justify plans for various areas of activity. The importance of the planned functions of labor cost norms in market conditions increases significantly due to the fact that, in accordance with market requirements, a system of more advanced assessment indicators is being introduced in industry, which should contribute to increased labor productivity, continuous growth of human potential, maximum use of fixed assets, and savings on material resources. resources;

2) organizational functions of labor standards, manifested in the establishment of optimal proportions between individual production units, in the advisability of coordinating all material and labor resources in time and space. Labor standards make it possible to link labor, objects and means of labor into a single production system and ensure their continuous interaction at all stages of the production process. With the help of labor standards, the enterprise updates the structure and number of management staff, personnel placement, and the relationship between units and phases of production;

3) economic functions of labor standards. These functions are determined by the objective economic laws of the market operating in modern production and arise from the interaction in the production process of the mechanism of market relations that regulates labor costs, distribution and exchange of products in a functioning market.

Performing an economic function, labor standards must regulate the growth of labor productivity in accordance with the law of saving time.

In addition, they should serve as one of the criteria for the economic efficiency of new equipment, technology and production organization. When rationing labor, it is necessary to identify and establish the most economical option for using production resources, which ensures the minimum total costs of living and material labor. Labor standards in modern economic conditions should also ensure increased impact of the market mechanism on increasing production efficiency and quality of work, as they make it possible to compare all types of labor costs with the final results, which, in turn, leads to strengthening the main principle of market relations - obtaining normal profits at each enterprise;

4) technical functions of labor standards, expressing the essential relationship of technology, technology and production organization. Labor standards must take into account the level of development of modern equipment and technology, correspond to them, ensuring further development and improvement;

5) management functions, which consist in establishing the necessary coordinated interactions between the main elements and links of the production process. In relation to the primary link of production - the workplace - labor standards not only establish certain time expenditures for performing labor actions, but also prescribe a specific procedure for their implementation, i.e., they control its production behavior. At other levels of labor organization (site, workshop, enterprise), the importance of the management functions of norms expands, moving from the current regulation of the progress of individual technological processes to the operational management of aggregate production processes;

6) social functions of labor standards. These functions consist in the fact that with the help of production standards, individual and collective labor processes are developed, providing for the creation of normal conditions for highly productive work of performers, ensuring the safety of the worker himself and the people around him, increasing the content and attractiveness of work, designing comfortable working conditions and achieving harmonious human development in the labor process;

7) legal functions of labor standards, which consist in establishing the corresponding responsibilities of work performers, managers and subordinates, in ensuring legal regulation and compliance with labor, technological and production discipline.

Thus, in the conditions of modern production, general functions form a complex system of interconnected and interdependent relations between employee and employer, defining most fully the main tasks of labor regulation.

The labor standardization system should be developed on the basis of certain principles. The most important of them are:

1) the principle of efficiency - consists of the need to establish labor standards under which production results are achieved with minimal total costs of labor, material, energy and information resources;

2) the principle of complexity - expresses the need to take into account the relationship of technical, economic, psychological, social and legal factors affecting labor standards;

3) the principle of consistency - means that labor standards must correspond to the final results of production and take into account the dependencies between resource costs at all stages of the production process;

4) the principle of objectivity - implies the creation of equal opportunities for all employees of the enterprise to comply with standards; in particular, this means the need to standardize labor taking into account group differentiation of employees by gender and age, which is especially important when standardizing the work of students, young employees and people of pre-retirement age;

5) the principle of specificity - lies in the fact that labor standards must correspond to the parameters of the manufactured products, objects and means of labor, its conditions, type of production and other objective characteristics that, given the accuracy of calculations, influence the amount of necessary labor costs and other resources;

6) the principle of dynamism - follows from the principle of specificity and expresses the objective need to change labor standards in the event of a significant change in production conditions for a given accuracy of calculations;

In the process of labor standardization, a number of principles are used:

  • (1) complexity - its essence lies in the fact that when establishing labor standards, a complex of both production (technical, organizational, planning) factors and those related to satisfying the interests of workers in the labor process (physiological, social, etc.) must be taken into account. ;
  • (2) consistency - labor standards must be established taking into account the final results of production and the dependence of labor costs at a given workplace on production costs at related workplaces;
  • (3) efficiency - the establishment of such standards under which, under normal working conditions, the required result of production activity is achieved with minimal total costs of labor and material resources;
  • (4) progressiveness - when calculating labor standards, proceed from advanced scientific, technical and production achievements applied in a given area of ​​production, in order to save the costs of living and material labor and improve its conditions;
  • (5) specificity - labor standards must be established in accordance with the parameters of manufactured products, objects and means of labor, its conditions, complexity, scale of production and other production characteristics that determine, given the accuracy of calculations, the amount of required labor input;
  • (6) dynamism - the need to change standards when the conditions for which they were designed change significantly for a given accuracy of calculations.

All standardization methods are divided into analytical and summary.

Analytical methods provide for the establishment of standards based on the analysis of a specific labor process, the division of operations into smaller elements, the study of factors influencing the duration of each element, the design of rational operating modes of equipment and work practices of workers.

Among the analytical methods of labor standardization, a distinction is made between analytical-research and analytical-calculation methods. The difference between them lies in determining the amount of time to complete individual elements of labor processes.

Analytical and calculation The method involves calculating the norm using pre-developed standards. Its variety is settlement-comparative method. It does not require specialists to observe and study labor processes directly at the workplace, and is therefore not labor-intensive. It is characterized by less accuracy and is not designed to establish individual labor standards.

Analytical and research The standardization method involves determining the time spent on performing elements of a labor operation, as well as on the entire operation, by researching and analyzing it directly at the workplace. In this case, time costs are identified by either their measurements or momentary observations.

At total In this method, standards are established without analyzing a specific labor process and designing a rational organization of labor for the entire operation at once (in total) without dividing it into its component parts. The use of summary methods for standardization is extremely limited, since standards obtained on the basis of past experience or statistical data, without analyzing the elements of the operation, without designing its rational structure and without taking into account the organizational and technical working conditions cannot serve as the basis for increasing labor productivity.

The specifics of rationing the work of managers, specialists and employees depend primarily on the nature of the work they perform. When performing work of the same nature on a regular basis, standard standards or time standards are applied. Currently, to standardize the labor of engineering and technical workers and employees, mathematical methods have become widespread. -statistical a standardization method used to standardize not individual operations and their elements, but certain work, the number of employees, and the number of objects serviced.

Labor standards

To establish standards, labor standards are used, which are regulated values ​​of labor costs, centrally calculated for typical or standard working conditions. Typically, there are two types of labor regulations used to establish standards for specific production conditions: (1) standards expressing regulatory dependencies for establishing the components of time standards, as well as for determining headcount standards; (2) uniform norms, which represent dependencies between the value of the norm and the factors influencing it.

The differences between standards and uniform standards lie in the degree of differentiation of the production process for which the standards are established. There are several types of standards: (1) standards for operating modes of equipment, (2) standards for time to complete individual elements of the labor process, (3) standards for the pace of work, (4) standards for the number of people to perform a given amount of work.

To calculate time standards, the following are widely used:

  • (1) timing - a type of observation of the performance of work (labor operation) in order to study and measure the duration of mainly all regularly repeated elements;
  • (2) working day photo - type of labor monitoring to identify possible losses of working time and their causes during the working day or shift;
  • (3) photographic timing - mixed use of timekeeping and photographs of the working day.

Labor rationing- this is a set of techniques that allow you to rationalize labor processes and establish scientifically based labor standards. It is necessary for planning the need for labor and equipment, calculating the wage fund and other indicators of the enterprise, the correct placement of workers in the production process and their material remuneration. The introduction of scientifically based standards helps to increase labor productivity, reduce costs and improve the quality of work.

The following types of norms are distinguished.

Production rate - this is the amount of work (in hectares, tons, pieces, etc.) that must be performed by one or more workers per unit of working time (hour, shift), as well as the annual production rate per worker.

Standard time- the amount of working time (in hours, minutes, etc.) that must be spent on completing a unit of work.

Standard of service- the number of objects (machines, square meters of greenhouse area, etc.) that must be serviced by one or more workers within a certain time.

Controllability rate- the number of employees or departments that must be managed by one or more managers (including their deputies).

Number norm - the number of workers who must service any facility (workshop, production line, etc.) based on the division of their responsibilities.

Complex time standard- this is the amount of working time required to perform a set of interrelated works of one technological purpose per final aggregated meter (unit of area, head of livestock or production of a unit of product).

Labor standards are also divided into unified, standard and local.

Unified standards are binding and are used on farms to standardize the same types of work.

Local regulations are used to standardize work specific to one farm or group of farms, as well as in cases where organizational and technical conditions allow the establishment of more progressive standards compared to unified and standard ones.

Temporary standards production, time or service can be established for the period of development of new products, equipment, technology, organization of production and labor.

The starting values ​​for the development of labor standards are time standards for individual elements of the working day (shift), standards for the number of workers and standards for operating modes of machines and equipment (movement speed, working width, etc.).

Principles of labor regulation. When developing labor standards, we are guided by the following principles:

technical, economic and psychophysiological justification of the norms, which means obtaining accurate regulatory materials, using cost-effective technology and organizing the labor process, maintaining the normal performance of the performer for the entire period of work;

unity and flexibility, consist, on the one hand, in developing standard labor standards for the same, most common types of work, on the other hand, in clarifying them as equipment, technology and organization of production improve; compliance of standards with specific factors of production, what is achieved through rational differentiation of labor standards depending on natural and organizational and technical conditions; progressiveness, manifested in the establishment of labor standards based on a more rational organization of labor processes using advanced equipment and technology that contribute to the efficient use of working time;

expanding the scope of application provides for the establishment of labor standards not only for main, but also for auxiliary work, as well as for production management work;

participation of direct performers in labor regulation.

Methods of labor standardization. In agricultural production, analytical (element-by-element) and total rationing is used.

Analytical standardization involves the development of labor standards based on the study of the constituent elements of the working day (shift), standard-forming factors and the design of a rational organization of the labor process. It makes it possible to establish progressive standards designed for the use of advanced work methods and the full use of working time in compliance with the necessary sanitary, hygienic and psychophysiological conditions. Analytical standardization includes two methods: analytical-experimental and analytical-computational.

Analytical-experimental method lies in the fact that labor standards are developed in typical production conditions for a given zone through observations directly at the workplace. Standardization by this method consists of sequentially performed stages of work: preparation for the study of the labor process, organization of observation, processing and analysis of the received materials, design of a rational organization of the labor process, development of standards and labor standards, production verification of standards and making adjustments to them, implementation of labor standards. The analytical-experimental method allows us to identify shortcomings in the use of labor and means of production and implement measures aimed at further increasing labor productivity. At the same time, this is a complex and time-consuming method that requires numerous observations, measurements and calculations.

Analytical-calculation method is that labor standards are established according to standard standards developed by the analytical and experimental method for each element of the labor process and differentiated by natural, organizational and technical conditions. The analytical-calculation method is less labor-intensive than the analytical-experimental one. It is used mainly in rationing labor in equipment repair and in livestock farming. It has not become widespread in other jobs, since time standards for all elements of labor processes have not yet been developed.

Summary rationing consists in the fact that labor standards are established on the basis of production experience or the actual output of performers without studying the constituent elements of the labor process and standard-forming factors. It includes the following methods:

experienced, when labor standards are determined on the basis of the experience and intuition of individuals who know the content and complexity of the work;

analogy method(comparative), in which rationing is carried out according to the standards established for other work similar in technology and organization;

experimental-statistical, with the help of which the labor standard is calculated as the average value of the actual output of several performers.

Summary standardization is rarely used, mainly to establish labor standards for work performed on a small scale, as well as to develop temporary standards.

Organization of labor standards. Carrying out observations, processing materials and calculating labor standards, especially in mechanized work, require a significant investment of time and appropriate qualifications. It is difficult for specialists of agricultural enterprises to carry out all this work. Therefore, in the agro-industrial complex, regulatory research stations and standardization points have been created, which, on the basis of mass observations, develop unified and standard standards and labor standards, differentiated by the main standard-forming factors in such a way that they can be used by farms located in different natural and organizational-technical regions. conditions. Research institutions and enterprise specialists participate in the development of labor standards.

Agricultural enterprises, using standard standards and labor standards, as well as indicators for certification of fields and perennial plantings, establish labor standards in relation to specific conditions. Labor standards are agreed upon with the trade union organization. The deadline for their introduction is announced to employees no later than 2 months in advance, and the reasons for establishing new standards, as well as the conditions under which they must be applied, are explained in detail.

Labor rationing and its connection with the organization of labor and production. Basic functions and principles of labor regulation at an enterprise

Labor rationing is one of the branches of economic science, closely related to other economic, technical, psychophysiological and social scientific disciplines. It studies human labor activity in order to minimize the expenditure of working time and human vital energy to perform a given amount of work.

Labor regulation is one of the most important elements in improving the organization of labor and a type of production management activity.

Rationing problem- control over the amount of labor by determining the necessary labor inputs and its results, as well as the relationship between the number of workers and the tools used.

Labor regulation is the most important link in the technological and organizational preparation of production and its operational management.

Labor regulation is the basis for enterprise planning, scientific organization of labor, increasing productivity, and reducing the labor intensity of products.

Labor rationing there is the establishment of a measure of labor - socially necessary labor costs to perform a unit of work (production of a unit of output) in the most optimal organizational and economic conditions.

To compare different types of labor, the universal measure of any labor is socially necessary working time.

Socially necessary working hours - the time required to produce consumer value under normal production conditions, an average level of skill and average labor intensity.

Labor rationing performs the following functions:

    Establishing a measure of labor ;

The norm as a measure of labor establishes the socially necessary labor costs to perform a particular job.

    Establishment of wage measures ;

Promotes the organization of wages for all categories of workers.

    Labor rationing as a basis for planning ;

Labor rationing as a planning tool contributes to the implementation of both operational and technical and economic planning at enterprises. All calculations of the main indicators are based on labor standards: production plan, headcount plan, production capacity, financial plan (depending on labor intensity, forms and systems of remuneration).

    The basis for improving labor organization;

    Function of comparability of work results of individual performers .

The norm as a means of accounting for individual and collective labor results makes it possible to evaluate and compare both the labor results of individual workers and teams.

The principles of labor regulation are based on economic laws and are determined by the nature of labor and the characteristics of its organization.

Principles of labor regulation:

    The principle of universality of labor standards . (Where there is labor, there is the norm.);

    Whole-of-government approach to establishing labor standards , that is, a unified methodology for establishing standards for the same type of work;

    Progressiveness of norms – provides for their constant updating in accordance with changing working conditions, the growth of professional skills of workers with an increase in production volumes;

    Efficiency of standards , i.e. the introduction of new standards should lead to a reduction in the labor intensity of products, an increase in labor productivity, and savings in the wage fund.

The effectiveness of improving labor organization

The organization of labor has an economic, psychophysiological and social orientation, which, accordingly, is expressed in the economic, psychophysiological and social effect, which is reflected in the total economic effect.

The calculation of economic efficiency is carried out by comparing labor, material and financial costs before and after the implementation of labor organization measures or by comparing actual costs with standard ones.

The economic efficiency of labor organization is expressed by groups of cost and labor indicators.

The main indicators of economic efficiency of labor organization are:

    increase in labor productivity;

    annual economic effect.

In addition to the main indicators of the economic efficiency of labor organization measures, there are others, private indicators, among them:

    release of staff numbers;

    saving working time;

    increase in production volumes, works, services;

    increase in income (profit) per ruble of costs;

    savings on individual cost items in production (activity) costs;

    the actual payback period of the investment.

Cost indicators effectiveness of measures to improve labor organization:

      Annual economic effect determined in rubles using the formula:

E=(C1-C2)*B2 – En*Zed, (1.1)

Where C1 , C2 – cost per unit of production (work, services) in comparable prices before and after the implementation of measures to improve labor organization, rubles;

B2 – annual volume of products (work) in physical terms (pieces, tons, meters, etc.) after the implementation of measures to improve labor organization;

Yong – standard investment efficiency ratio;

Zed – one-time costs, rub.

When producing heterogeneous products (performing heterogeneous work, services), cost savings are presented in the formula for determining the annual economic effect by the expression (C1-C2)*B2, are replaced by the expression of the sum of the number of items of heterogeneous products.

      Standard investment efficiency ratio is the reciprocal of the accepted standard payback period for investments:

Ep = 1/He, (1.2)

Where He – standard forty return on investment.

The effectiveness of implementing activities before the end of the year is adjusted according to the timing of implementation.

      Payroll savings calculated by the formula:

Efzp = (P1 – P2)*B, (1.3)

Where P1 – price for a product, part or operation before the implementation of measures to improve labor organization;

P2 – price for a product, part or operation after the implementation of measures;

IN – production output per year since the implementation of the event.

TO labor indicators include:

      Reducing the labor intensity of products;

      Increased labor productivity.

calculated in standard hours, percentage:

Where T1 , T2 - labor intensity of products (works, services) before and after the implementation of measures to improve labor organization, in standard hours.

determined by indicators:

    reducing the labor intensity of products;

    growth in output per worker;

    staff savings;

    duration of the phase of stable high performance of workers, etc.

Labor productivity growth (in percent):

, (1.5)

Where T – reduction in the labor intensity of products as a result of the implementation of measures to improve the organization of labor as a percentage.

Product labor intensity indicator: is defined as the ratio of the time spent on production to the volume of production.

Example. As a result of the introduction of labor organization measures, the labor intensity of products decreased by 10%. Find the increase in labor productivity.

Reduced labor intensity of products (in percent):

, (1.6)

Where PT – growth in labor productivity as a percentage.

Example. Labor productivity increased by 11%. Find the percentage reduction in labor intensity.

Labor productivity growth can be calculated in terms of output per worker:

Where VR1 , VR2 – indicators of production output per employee per year at comparable prices before and after the implementation of measures to improve the organization of labor.

Labor productivity growth is determined by personnel savings indicators:

, (1.8)

Where Ech – savings in personnel as a result of implementing measures to improve labor organization;

Apple – estimated average number of employees, calculated for the volume of production of the planned period based on the output of the base period, people.

The increase in labor productivity as a result of increasing the duration of the phase of stable high performance is calculated by the formula:

Where P1 And P2 – the share of the duration of the high performance phase in the total working time fund before and after the implementation of measures to improve the organization of work;

KP – correction factor reflecting the share of the increase in labor productivity due to the functional state of the human body in various working conditions, its value is taken equal to 0.2.

Savings in numbers determined by two indicators:

    Absolute savings in numbers (absolute release of people);

    Relative economy of numbers (estimated).

Relative economy of numbers :

Where T – reduction in the labor intensity of products as a result of the implementation of measures to improve the organization of labor (in standard hours);

SFRF – annual working time fund of one employee before the implementation of measures to improve labor organization, in hours;

KVN – coefficient of fulfillment of production standards before the implementation of measures before the implementation of measures to improve the organization of work.

Reduced labor intensity of products as a result of the implementation of measures to improve labor organization (in standard hours):

T=(T1-T2)*B2, (1.11)

Where T1 , T2 – labor intensity of a unit of production before and after the implementation of measures to improve the organization of labor (in standard hours);

B2 – annual volume of products (works, services) in physical terms after measures to improve labor organization.

Security questions for topic No. 1

    Give a definition of the concept of labor organization.

    What are the areas of labor organization by management levels?

    Labor organization is implemented through control functions, including actions...

    Which famous figures in the field of labor organization developed methods for analyzing labor processes?

    Microelement rationing, the founders of which are the Gilbreths, is based on...

    Labor organization is aimed at solving interrelated problems...

    Name the elements of labor organization.

    What are the functions of labor organization?

    Name the principles of labor organization.

    Give a definition of the concept of labor rationing.

    Socially necessary working time is...

    Name the functions of labor regulation.

    What are the principles of labor regulation?

    Name the main groups of labor organization efficiency indicators.

    Name labor indicators of the effectiveness of measures to improve labor organization.

    Name the cost indicators of the effectiveness of measures to improve labor organization.

    The reduction in product labor intensity is calculated in...

    Labor productivity growth is determined by indicators...

    The labor intensity of a product is defined as...

    If labor productivity increased by 11%, what would be the percentage reduction in labor intensity?

    What are the indicators for saving the number of employees?


Lecture 2. Division and cooperation of labor

Basic Concepts :

division of labor in the enterprise; labor cooperation; types, forms, boundaries of division of labor; forms of labor cooperation at the enterprise; ways to improve the division and cooperation of labor; combination of professions and work functions; conditions, preparation, methods of multi-machine maintenance; prerequisites for the brigade form of labor organization; types of teams.

Division and cooperation of labor as the basis of its organization

The division of labor is the separation of activities. The level of development of the productive forces of society is revealed in the development of the division of labor. In one form or another, division of labor exists at all levels: from the world economy to a separate type of activity. Improving the division of labor leads to an increase in the efficiency of social labor.

Division of labor at an enterprise, as an element of labor organization, it represents the isolation of the types of activities of workers, the establishment of functions, responsibilities, and scope of action for each of them, as well as for their groups that form various divisions.

The separation of types of work that occurs as a result of the division of labor creates the prerequisites for the formation of content, methods, working conditions and rational use of personnel. It serves as the basis for improving the layout and maintenance of workplaces, mastering work skills to perform assigned operations, deepening knowledge, and reducing time spent on auxiliary work and maintenance of production processes.

The division of labor in an enterprise is inextricably linked with its cooperation. Labor cooperation is a consequence of its division and a prerequisite for the organization of labor at any level: from related enterprises to workshops within each enterprise. The more detailed and deeper the division of labor, the more complex its cooperation.

Under labor cooperation understand the system of production relationships between individual performers and their groups engaged in the implementation of partial, but interconnected labor processes.

Labor cooperation is based on the following principles:


    proportionality of labor costs;

    ensuring rational placement of personnel;

    constant and reliable relationships between employees.

Labor cooperation makes it possible to maintain consistency in the work of individual and collective performers, ensure the continuity of the production process, the rhythm of product release, shorten the production cycle, and make better use of personnel in production.

Types and forms of division of labor in society and enterprise

The division of labor in society has three types: general, private, individual.

General division of labor is a division on the scale of the entire society into such large spheres as production and non-production, industrial, agricultural, construction, transport, trade, scientific, public administration, etc.

Private division of labor there is a deepening of the process of separation of labor within each sphere and industry into separate specialized sub-sectors and enterprises and organizations.

Unit division of labor means the separation of various types of work within the enterprise:

    Firstly, within its structural divisions (workshop, section, team, department);

    Secondly, between professional groups of workers, within groups - between workers of different qualifications;

    Thirdly, operational division of the labor process, which can deepen to individual labor techniques.

Unit division of labor divided into forms: technological, functional, professional qualification.

Technological division of labor is based on the isolation of work on the basis of their technological homogeneity; it can be enlarged and element-by-element, depending on the type of production.

Highlight four varieties technological division of labor: subject, detail, operational, by type of work.

At subject division labor, the performer is assigned to perform work related to the manufacture of the finished product. (Used in single production).

Detailed division labor consists in assigning to workers the production of a finished part of a product - a part.

Operational division labor is used when the process of manufacturing a part within a given phase is divided into separate operations, each of which is performed by a separate performer. Used in mass production.

Technological separation by type of work used when the above varieties are not suitable, for example, welding, painting work.

Based on the technological division of labor, the work performed and functions are distinguished, i.e. the functional division of labor is determined.

Functional division of labor reflects the isolation of individual groups of workers depending on the production functions they perform.

The following groups are distinguished: employees, workers, junior service personnel, students, security.

Employees– are divided into managers, specialists, and other employees (technical performers). Workers are divided into main workers, engaged in the production of main products, and auxiliary workers, performing production maintenance work.

The organizational structure of enterprise management is determined by the functional division of labor, ensuring the implementation of the main technological function, the servicing technological function, and the management function.

Professional and qualification division of labor consists of dividing workers by profession and specialty and represents the distribution of work depending on its complexity between workers of different qualification groups.

Profession– the type of activity (occupation) of a person who has certain theoretical knowledge and practical skills obtained as a result of professional training.

Speciality– specialization of the employee within the profession.

The level of qualifications of workers is established on the basis of assigning qualification categories to them. The qualification level of managers and specialists is determined by the positions they occupy. Categories are established for specialists.

Division of labor has positive and negative aspects. Its uh economic significance due to increased labor productivity, rapid mastery of professions, and low costs for job creation. From social and physiological positions the consequences of the division of labor can be narrow specialization, impoverishment of the content of labor, monotony, monotony of work, and fatigue.

From the peculiarities of the division of labor follows the need to respect the boundaries of the division of labor.

The boundaries of the division of labor and their characteristics

Limits of division of labor mean maximum permissible values ​​in the form of upper and lower limits of the division of the labor process, within which the greatest labor efficiency is achieved.

There are the following boundaries of the division of labor:





Technical frontier division of labor depends on the equipment and technology used and determines the allocation of elements of labor that this technology allows.

The lower limit is a technique consisting of at least three labor actions. The upper limit is the production of an object of labor.

Economic frontier division of labor involves minimizing the time spent on work.

Lower economic limit is such a division of the labor process when the reduction in working time spent on performing an operation due to deepening specialization will be offset by an increase in the time spent on transporting the subject of labor from one workplace to another.

Upper economic limit is determined by the duration of the production cycle for manufacturing the entire product at one workplace.

Economic boundaries are characterized by:

    The duration of the production cycle for manufacturing products (in an institution - the duration of document flow);

    The specific cost of working time for the production of a unit of product, calculated according to the full labor intensity;

    Workload of the employee: the ratio of the time spent performing basic functions to the duration of the shift (optimal coefficient = 0.8).

Psychophysiological boundaries are determined by the capabilities of the human body, the requirements for maintaining health and performance.

The lower limit for physical activity is 2.5-3 kcal. per minute, upper limit – 4.5-5 kcal. per minute For neuropsychic load, the lower limit is limited by the following parameters: the number of production-important objects of observation is 5, the duration of concentrated observation is 25% of shift time, the work rate is 360 movements per hour. Upper limit: the number of production-important observation objects is no more than 25, the duration of concentrated observation is 75% of shift time, the work rate is 1080 movements per hour. The duration of repeatedly repeated elements should not be less than 45 seconds and include at least 4-5 actions.

Social boundary– division of labor, in which the meaningfulness of labor, creative character, and interest in work are not lost.

An indicator of a negative social boundary is staff turnover, dismissal of people. Social criteria for the division of labor are staff stability, low staff turnover, high labor discipline, good interpersonal relationships, satisfaction with the content and working conditions.

Establishing the optimal level of division of labor with a large number of different criteria can be carried out by solving using mathematical methods and computer technology.

Basic forms of labor cooperation in an enterprise

Forms of labor cooperation are determined by its division. The main forms of labor cooperation at the enterprise on a territorial basis are:


    Intershop (intra-plant);

    Intra-shop (or inter-site);

    Intra-station (or inter-brigade);

    Individual (between individual performers).

Inter-shop and intra-shop cooperation can be technological or subject-specific, functional (depending on the technological or functional profile of the activity).

Based on type, the following forms of cooperation are distinguished: functional, technological, professional and qualification.

Within the framework of technological cooperation, subject, detail, and operational cooperation are distinguished by type of work.

The improvement of these forms is achieved by combining professions and positions, expanding work areas, using multi-machine and multi-unit services, developing collective forms of organization (teams, groups) and stimulating labor.

Labor standards at an enterprise should be established on the basis of the following principles:

Complexity - taking into account when calculating standards the interrelationship of technical, economic, psychological, social and legal factors that influence labor standards,

Legitimacy - the need for strict compliance with legislation when rationing labor,

Systematicity - taking into account the influence of developed standards on all production resources at all stages of the production process,

Specifics - labor standards must correspond to the parameters of manufactured products, objects and means of labor, type of production and other objective production characteristics,

Dynamism - labor standards must change quickly when production conditions change,

Objectivity - the need to create equal opportunities for all employees of the enterprise to fulfill standards.

Analysis of the production process and its division into parts,

Selection of the optimal technology and labor organization option,

Design of equipment operating modes, work techniques and methods, workplace maintenance systems, work and rest modes,

Calculation of standards in accordance with the characteristics of technological and labor processes,

Implementation of standards and their subsequent adjustment as organizational and technical conditions change.

The necessary conditions for the successful application of a labor standardization program at an enterprise are the following conditions:

Standards must be precise and should be determined based on the most efficient way to perform a particular operation,

It is necessary to pay attention to each employee and the motivations that drive him,

Work must be organized in such a way that each person clearly knows his responsibilities and what management expects from him.

Scientific organization of labor is an organization of labor based on the achievements of science and advanced experience, systematically introduced into production, allowing the most effective combination of equipment and people in a single production process and ensuring increased labor productivity and the preservation of human health.

The main goal of the scientific organization of labor is to systematically improve the organization of living labor, to bring its forms and methods into line with the existing level of technology and technology at a given enterprise.

Elements - methods and techniques of labor, labor standardization, forms of organization, etc., the totality of which forms a system for organizing living labor in a team.

Directions are the paths of practical activity that characterize the process of improving elements.

Main directions:

1. Development and implementation of rational forms of division and cooperation of labor (selection, placement of workers).

2. Determination of the most rational forms and sizes of work collectives.

3. Development and implementation of intra-shift, daily, weekly, monthly, annual work and rest schedules.

4. Planning, equipment and maintenance of workplaces for main and auxiliary work.

5. Labor rationing for workers employed in various agricultural jobs.

6. Improvement of basic and additional remuneration.

7. Personnel training, professional development.

8. Improving sanitary-hygienic, psychophysiological, aesthetic working conditions.

9. Strengthening labor discipline.

10. Development and use of rational labor methods and techniques, use of best practices.