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Jail break. Robbery The Prison Break Prison Information


If you want to know where is prison in GTA 5, you are interested in how to get there, or you just want to take a close look at the prisoners who do nothing but lift iron and hang on horizontal bars, then this article is for you :)

Prison in GTA 5 on the map

Bolingbrook is a San Andreas State Prison located in Blaine County. The prison is located on the left side of Highway 68, just south of the Grand Senora Desert. By the prototype prisons in GTA 5 became the real-life maximum security colony Victorville, located in California. It is interesting that in a real prison, most of the prisoners are imprisoned for sexual crimes.

As in previous GTA games, the player will not be able to go to jail: if the cops bust you, you will start over from the police station. Indeed, it would be stupid to throw a character to the far edge of the map every time :) On the other hand, it’s a bit of a pity, because even before the game’s release, many gamers hoped that a kind of mini-game would be available to us: the opportunity to “serve time” behind bars, interact with other prisoners and prison staff.

If you want to know exactly where prison in GTA 5, look at our map:

How to get to prison in GTA 5

The prison in GTA 5 is a complex of 7 pentagonal hangars (two floors each), which contain prisoners, administrative buildings, and about a dozen watch towers. The guards in the observation towers are equipped with sniper rifles and shoot very accurately. The perimeter of the prison is surrounded by a fence with barbed wire, which is also energized.

In general, the prison is perfectly guarded and it is impossible to get through the ground. If you try to fly into the prison territory on any air transport, then first the security will warn you a couple of times that you are crossing its borders and you better get out as quickly as possible. If the warning is ignored, they will open merciless fire on you.

The same applies to attempts to land on prison grounds: a short warning and then lethal fire. However, an attempt to parachute from an airplane onto the prison grounds and the subsequent mess with fifty guards will be worthy of the best Hollywood blockbuster. In addition to the obvious coolness of this method of entering a prison in GTA, it is likely that the route from the air is the only way find yourself outside the walls of this correctional institution. You may need to use cheats to lower your wanted level or for invulnerability mode.

Prison in GTA 5

In addition to the above with prison in GTA 5 Several interesting facts are connected:

1) It’s interesting that in the vicinity of the prison one of the “random events” may happen to the player: the main character’s car will be stopped by an escaped prisoner, pointed at him with a gun and forced to leave vehicle. In this case, you can kill the prisoner, help the cop catch him, or do nothing, and then the cop himself will catch the escapee and return him to jail.

2) If the player is wanted near a prison, the prison alarm will be turned off, and the prison guards will become aware of the protagonist's presence and will attack him if they see him. This fact can be used in conjunction with Lester's ability to "lull" the vigilance of the cops. In this case, the search for the main character will be temporarily stopped, but the prison alarm will remain turned off, which will make it possible to enter its territory with impunity.

3) The prison is so harsh that in addition to security, its territory is sometimes patrolled by city police cars.

4) In the recreational courtyard on the wall you can see the inscription left by the legendary gaming maniac-killer Marle Abraham, who was obsessed with the number 8 and killed 8 people. The inscription reads, “Where water meets earth and fire falls, an endless eight will wait until I return.” At first glance it’s a bunch of words, but what else can you expect from a crazy killer? :)

5) The prison is mentioned many times throughout the plot. For example, Trevor believes that Brad is serving time there until he finds out that he has long been buried in Michael's yard.

6) If the player manages to get into the prison territory without being wanted (for example, in missions in which it is impossible to get wanted stars), then, approaching block 9A, you can hear the terrible screams of prisoners being tortured.

GTA 5 prison escape

The prison plays a much larger role in the online version of the game - GTA 5 online. There is a big robbery here (the second in the game), connected to it: "Prison Break". The idea is that a gang of four people needs to help a dangerous prisoner in this prison who is willing to pay well to escape from custody. We won’t describe the plot in detail, but rather just post a video that shows in detail all the stages of this complex and exciting mission:

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The Prison Break robbery

The Prison Break, or prison break, is the third heist in the GTA Online Heists add-on, in which the target of the kidnapping is a person, namely an inmate at Bolingbroke Prison. This is the first four-player case and includes four preparatory missions. Preparation will cost $40,000, and you can get up to $500,000, not counting bonuses for elite tests.

As the title suggests, this time you will have to prepare a prison escape Maxim Rashkovsky, possessing information valuable to the customer. This escape is very intricate and requires much more serious preparation than a “practice” bank robbery.

Preparation: Plane

Agent 14 asks you to steal a Velum plane from the Vagos gang, who are using it to transport drugs across the border. It will allow our customers take out Rashkovsky from the country.

To quickly eliminate forces arriving by transport, a grenade launcher is useful. Be careful - don't let yourself be surrounded. The mission will be counted when the plane is delivered, and the trio remaining with the bandits will leave place of theft.

Preparation: Bus

Now you need to steal a prison bus, which will be used to enter the prison. To get there, follow the directions navigator.

Since the bus is carrying a dangerous criminal at the time of the attack, it is guarded. Escort is best liquidate with the help of sticky bombs, the bus driver with a targeted shot in the head, and the helicopter that appears with a grenade launcher or rocket launcher. Remember, if you damage the bus too much, you will fail the mission.

Having taken possession by bus, you will “earn” three wanted “stars”. Here it is best to go off-road and drive through the fields. Breaking away from pursuers take it bus to the designated parking lot. Do not forget that they're still looking for you, and if you catch the eye of the police, you will receive a “star”, which will again have to be “washed away with the mud” of country roads.

Preparation: Station

You are divided into two teams: one must steal the prisoner transfer schedule from the police station, the second must steal Rashkovsky’s car, Casco, from the ship, without which he refuses to cooperate with your customers.

Agent 14 at the beginning of the mission states that he is specially creating competitive atmosphere. This, of course, is great, but, on the other hand, the team that completes its task first will have to wait lagging behind.

To get into the station, you will need to impersonate cops as plausibly as possible. A uniform you have, so for a complete “transformation” all you have to do is find police car. The easiest way to steal it is either by running into real police officers, or by calling the treasured “911”. And remember that, since you must resemble law enforcement officers as much as possible, you will only have with you pistol and baton.

Once in the police car, go to the station. Come in and quietly, without disturbing anyone, go get your schedule. Then leave the building and drive the car to the indicated location. You will need destroy her - fortunately, there will be several cans of gasoline nearby. Now all that's left is attribute schedule in the planning room.

Rashkovsky's car
The car is in container on a cargo ship in the port and is guarded by Korean bandits. You need to pick him up before he goes overseas. Make your way to the ship, along the way killing everyone who tries to stop you. You can first destroy those you see from the shore using a sniper rifle.

Having cleared ship, go get the car. The container is located at the top of the “pile”. Get in there, shoot the castle, sit down inside and fearlessly slide/jump onto the shore.

The police will start looking for you - and the bandits don’t want to give up so easily. Get rid of the cops it will be quite easy, and it is better to just avoid Koreans - if you are too strong damage car, the mission will fail. Just head towards the meeting point. There, Casco will be picked up by an accomplice who will take him to Central America. Although this is no longer your business.

Preparation: Wet Work

Finally, you need to understand the basics in advance opponents Rashkovsky - his business partner, Dima Popov, and two lawyers. Three goals, two teams of two.

The first team needs kill two lawyers and take important documents. Lawyers are on their way to city ​​hall. Climb up roof buildings opposite and wait for them to appear. Prepare your rifles and shoot when they get out of the car. Better kill them simultaneously, but this is not at all necessary.

Come down and pick it up documentation. The building will be surrounded by police, and you will have to deal with them first. Get rid of persecution - get to work get a faster car, for example, your favorite sports car or supercar. Then just take the documents to the apartment.

This team will need kill Popov and, incidentally, several guards, and then leave the crime scene. Don't let yourself be detected, otherwise the target will try to hide and it will be very difficult for you to destroy it, while at the same time fighting off the guards.

First work from afar using sniper rifles, and then pistols, in both cases do not be disdainful mufflers. Take your time, explore routes guards, get into the process. Work in pairs– “shoot” nearby enemies at the same time, with headshots, coordinate your efforts. As they say, hit gently, but hit hard.

If possible, try to kill Popov as soon as possible, he is the only one who will try to escape in case of danger. Having done the job, go away and come back to the planning room.

The escape

The time has come to do what we have been preparing for so long and hard. Each player will be given their own role: employee and prisoner sneak into prison on a stolen bus, pilot will transport Rashkovsky, and demolitionist will help the first three in every possible way.

The demolitionist's first task is intercept a real prison bus that is going to be used for transportation. Just follow the marker. The bus is not guarded, the driver travels completely alone. Kill, get behind the wheel, go to the airfield and destroy bus.

Then steal nearby Buzzard. Once at the helm, you will first have to, if necessary, protect Velum from fighter attacks, and then switch to the ground team, which, having taken Rashkovsky, will have to get out of prison and head in an armored car to the airfield. Cover them and help fend off the police, especially a whole "flock" of helicopters.

When the team boards the plane, accompany him to the landing site. There, leaving Rashkovsky at the helm and wishing him a safe journey, they will jump out and have to regroup on the beach. Pick them up and come back in town.

Officer and prisoner
This group should take a fake prison bus from a landfill near Sandy Shores. Sit down and go on it to the prison territory. Drive through the gate, park and exit.

Maintain “subordination” for a while, and then, moving away from the first two guards, kill the jailer standing in the way with a shotgun and make your way to Rashkovsky. The prisoner makes his way to Max, and the employee covers him.

Don't approach your target until demolitionist will not be ready to provide you with air support. When you get close to the target, after a short cutscene you will be surrounded. Defend Rashkovsky - clear territory from special forces. Having coped, get into the armored car and leave from the prison grounds.

Go to the airfield under the cover of a demolitionist. Having reached to the place, jointly deal with the police and signal the pilot– he can sit down and pick you up.

Now it's up to the pilot. Wait for the right moment jump out from the plane and go to beach. They will pick you up there.

To begin with, the pilot needs take Velum from Los Santos airport. Once at the helm, you will have to go to the airfield, but take your time - fly somewhere in the distance so as not to run into fighters. Wait, until the employee and the prisoner are in the transport, on the way to the landing strip.

Wait for the signal - “All is clear!” - fly there and take it away two players and Rashkovsky. To get rid of the police, rise as high as possible, it's only a matter of time. The Demoman will cover you if necessary.

Finally, go to the landing site, grab your parachute, say goodbye to Rashkovsky and jump. A personal helicopter on the “Beach – City” route awaits you on the shore. It's time to celebrate.

Please note that this time you literally secured a job for yourself: Rashkovsky was in the past one of the managers The Humane Labs and can now provide you with a laboratory floor plan. Which, of course, is no coincidence, because it was she

"Prison Break" is the second one you can complete in GTA Online. You won't be able to launch it until Lester calls you and says there's a new job for you.

This is a robbery of the team from four people. The cost of preparatory tasks is 40 000$ . The reward is equal to 200/400/500 thousand dollars, depending on the difficulty level.

The idea is that you need to get an “extremely dangerous man”, Maxim Rashkovsky, out of Bolingbroke prison, and he is willing to pay good money for it. Ready? Then go ahead.

Fast passage: | | | | |

1. Preparatory task: Airplane.
You need to steal a Velum plane from McKenzie Airport, on which the Vagos transport their contraband. The point is that you first need to remove the Vagos themselves from your path, and only then put the plane on the runway and fly away.

Here your team is divided into two parts: one person (the pilot) boards the plane, which is located in a hangar at the top of the runway, and the other three people clear the runway.

After takeoff, the pilot just needs to deliver the plane to the desired point (hangar).

2. Preparatory task: Bus.
You need to steal a prison bus and drop the tail. To do this, simply follow the GPS to the bus, kill the driver, get behind the wheel and get rid of the police.

You'll need an RPG to shoot down the pursuit helicopter.

To get rid of the tail, it is better to leave the highway and go off-road. Since the bus is slow, on a good road you have little chance of getting rid of the chase. A bad road will put both you and the cops on an equal footing.

After you get rid of the tail and take the bus to the point, you cannot show yourself to police cars, otherwise you will earn one wanted star.

3. Preparatory task: Site.
You need to pick up a copy of the prisoner transfer schedule from the police station. Since you are dealing directly with the police, forget all kindergarten what was before. This looks more like a difficult matter.

Your team is divided into two parts - police station And cargo Ship.

The first squad steals a cop car and, under their guise, enters the police station to get the prisoner transfer schedule.

The second squad retrieves Casco, Rashkovsky's car to which he is so attached, from a cargo ship in the port.

Police Station Team: The easiest way to get the cops' car is to call them by calling 911.

Important: you will not have any weapons except a pistol and a club.
When they arrive, you and your partner stand on both sides of the car and simultaneously shoot the cops in the heads. Then you need to reset your wanted stars - for this it is best to hide under bridges, in the area of ​​​​large highway junctions, so you will not be spotted by helicopters. Lost your tail? Go to the police station, but don't attract attention with your illegal actions. Don't draw weapons, don't hit anyone, don't hit pedestrians, don't crash cars, just go according to plan.

Stealing copies of the schedule will not be difficult if no one pays attention to you.

At the end you will be required to burn a police car under a bridge using a can of gasoline.

Cargo ship crew: this squad needs to shoot the guards on board the ship, and then shoot at the container to open it.

Bonus: Lampadatti Casco car unlocked for purchase.

4. Preparatory task: Wet case.
We need to kill a couple of prosecutors and Rashkovsky's business partner. It won't take too long. Just like the last one preparatory operation, your gang is divided into two squads - city ​​hall And mansion.

City Hall team: members of this detachment climb to the roof and wait for two prosecutors to approach the building; they need to be removed with a sniper rifle. Two at a time to minimize risks.

Then go downstairs and pick up the documents. There will be a lot of cops there, so it won't be easy. It would be better if you had a sports car - it would be easier to get away from the police in it.

After that, you need to drop your tail and bring the documents to the robbery planning room.

Team mansion: drives to the desired building and kills the guards in stealth mode. You can also do this in assault mode, but then your target, Dima Popov, will escape and have to be pursued, making the task more difficult.

5. The robbery itself.
By default, the reward is distributed as follows - 55% for the leader and 15% for the rest of the robbery participants. Although, we would recommend increasing the share of your friends to at least 20%.

The gang is divided into four roles: prisoner, prison officer, pilot, bomber.

The prisoner and the prison officer work together on the prison bus, while the pilot and the bomber initially act alone - the first takes off in a plane, and the second steals a Buzzard helicopter. But then they form a tandem.

So, the prisoner and the employee go to the prison, go inside and must get to Rashkovsky, who is located in the central courtyard. Once you do this, he begins to follow you. He moves unless he sees a threat, so you need to kill all the cops and agents.

While the prisoner and the employee are breaking out of prison, the pilot is in the air, but fighters are already hunting for him, so the demolitionist protects him, shooting down the planes of the lawmen.

Once you are outside the gate, get into the armored van and drive, but it is not easy since you have 5 wanted stars. Plus, the police will lose interest in the plane and switch to the van, so the demolitionist will also have to switch to it and protect you and Rashkovsky.

The pilot, meanwhile, must get to the runway and wait for the gang.

When everyone arrives, rush to the plane as quickly as possible. The demolitionist should provide you with rear support.

On the plane, we drop the wanted stars, fly through the marker and then jump down with parachutes. We need to land on the beach. All.

Also, after completing the final mission, you will unlock the Vellum 5-seater plane and the Prison Bus for purchase.