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How to cook thick apricot jam: simple recipes with photos. Apricot jam for the winter - summer sun in a jar! Recipes for different types of apricot jam for the winter How to cook thick apricot jam


During the season of ripening golden fruits on apricot trees, I suggest preparing more delicious jam and apricots for the winter, a simple recipe for which you can see on the website. This homemade preparation is attractive because for its preparation you do not need to sort and carefully select only the most beautiful fruits; broken apricots are also suitable, except, of course, rotten fruits. Thick apricot jam is perfect for a variety of baked goods as a filling; it does not spread and does not change its wonderful taste after additional heat exposure. Sweet, aromatic jam made at home from apricots grown in your own garden is much tastier and healthier than store-bought treats.

To prepare apricot jam for the winter you will need:

- apricots – 1 kg;
- sugar – 2 kg.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Cooking method:

1. To prepare jam for the winter, we take only very ripe apricots; unripe fruits will spoil the taste of the finished product. Fruits must be washed thoroughly, pits and spoiled areas removed.
2. Pass the prepared apricots through a meat grinder. Add sugar and pour in a glass of boiled cold water.
3. It is better to cook jam in a wide stainless steel bowl. Bring the apricot mixture to a boil over low heat so that it does not burn. And stir the jam all the time with a wooden spoon.
4. Thus, cook the jam over low heat, with constant stirring, for an hour. Then turn off the heat and take the bowl to a cool place.
5. The next day, put the boiled apricot pulp back on the fire and bring to a boil. Cook over low heat for another hour, the mass should change its color: from bright yellow to amber. Then we take the bowl to a cool place.

6. On the third day, try the jam, if you find it sweet enough, then cook your jam until tender. If the fruit was initially sour, you may need to add more granulated sugar. Cook the jam until it thickens and darkens. It should be poured hot into clean, dry, oven-sterilized glass jars. Cover with dry, sterile lids and take out to a cold room for long-term storage, so that in winter you can treat your family and friends with pies and donuts with apricot jam.

On our pages you can find other ideas for

Apricot jam is aromatic and tasty; it can be spread on fresh bread or used for baking. Many adults and children love to eat this sweetness with tea. There are many recipes for apricot jam, they differ in ingredients and time required for preparation. Many housewives carefully preserve their signature recipe, which is passed down from generation to generation.

To prepare a delicious apricot delicacy, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • The dessert is prepared from well-ripe fruits. Unripe apricots do not provide rich taste and aroma.
  • During cooking, the product should be constantly stirred, as it burns quickly.
  • Half-liter jars are prepared for packaging the finished product. They are pre-washed with soda and dried in the oven.
  • For cooking, use a deep aluminum bowl or pan. You can take a stainless steel pan.

In addition, you need to prepare lids, a seaming machine, a large wooden spoon and a plate for skimming.

To accurately measure ingredients, you need to use a kitchen scale. If you take products by eye, the taste of the finished product may not be as desired.

Preparation of the main ingredient

Apricots are sorted, washed with running water and laid out to dry on a towel. After this, divide the fruits in half and remove the seeds. You need to be careful not to get any rotten fruit, otherwise the whole jam will be spoiled.

Methods for making apricot jam at home

You can prepare apricot jam according to different recipes. You can cook the sweetness on the stove, in the oven or in a slow cooker.

A simple recipe for the winter

The simplest recipe is considered to be one in which jam is made only from fruit and sugar.

  • Pour pitted apricots into a bowl and add sugar in a ratio of 1:1.
  • Leave the fruits in sugar for 3-4 hours so that they release juice.
  • Place the bowl over low heat and cook, stirring constantly. It is important to regularly remove the foam, then the finished product will be transparent.

Bring the jam to a boil, boil for 15 minutes and remove from heat. They boil again after 3-4 hours, after which they are rolled into previously prepared jars.

The jar is first placed in a dry plate, and only then hot jam is poured into it!

In a slow cooker

It is not difficult to prepare apricot jam in a slow cooker; you should follow this recipe.

  • Peeled fruits are twisted in a meat grinder or crushed in a blender.
  • Pour apricot puree into the multicooker bowl and add sugar in a 1:1 ratio. If the apricot is sweet, then the amount of sugar can be reduced slightly.
  • Set the “Jam” mode and cook until done.

The finished apricot delicacy is poured into dry jars and screwed on with lids. After this, the jars are well wrapped in a blanket and left for a day.

In the oven

In the oven you can prepare unusually tasty and thick jam. What is noteworthy is that with this method of preparation, sugar is needed an order of magnitude less than with the traditional method. To prepare aromatic apricot jam you need to prepare:

  • pitted apricots - 3 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • ½ cup wine vinegar.

The fruits are washed, pitted and poured into a heat-resistant pan or deep baking dish. Cover with sugar and leave for 10-12 hours at room temperature.

After this, wine vinegar is poured into the apricots and mixed thoroughly. There will be no vinegar taste in the finished product.

Place the container with the apricot mass in the oven and simmer over low heat for 2 hours. After this time, the pan is pulled out and the sweet mass is poured into sterile jars.

The sweet mass should be constantly stirred, as it quickly burns and becomes covered with a caramel crust.

Via blender

Grind the pre-prepared apricots in a blender. Pour the resulting puree into a bowl and pour sugar into it at a ratio of 1:1. Place the container on low heat and cook for 40 minutes. Don't forget to stir constantly.

Some housewives put gelatin in this jam, at the rate of 40 grams of dry powder per 1 kg of sugar. But it is not necessary to add it, since the sweetness freezes well.

Through a meat grinder

You need to prepare apricot jam through a meat grinder step by step. The recipe is:

  1. The prepared fruits are twisted in a meat grinder.
  2. The resulting puree is weighed and sugar is added 1:1.
  3. The puree is mixed well and put on low heat, where it is boiled until tender.

If you need a very thick product, first add a full tablespoon of gelatin to the sugar. After hardening, this product resembles marmalade.

Amber-transparent jam

Cooking this delicacy is a little more difficult than other recipes. For cooking you need the following products:

  • apricots - you need to take ripe and dense fruits;
  • sugar;
  • citric acid or lemon juice.

Place the apricots in a bowl in layers, sprinkling each layer with sugar. The product is left in this state for 12 hours. During this time, the fruit will release juice.

Place the bowl over low heat and bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes and turn off. The next time they cook it after 12 hours and again for only 5 minutes. After the third cooking, the sweet mass is poured into jars and wrapped in a blanket.

With oranges

This jam has an amazing taste and aroma that is difficult to describe in words. For cooking you will need the following products:

  • 2 kg of peeled apricots;
  • 1 kg of oranges;
  • 3 kg granulated sugar;
  • glass of water;
  • 1/3 teaspoon of citric acid.

To cook a delicious dessert, you need to follow the following recipe. Oranges are washed, peeled and divided into slices. The pits are removed from the apricots. The products are combined, covered with sugar and water is added. Boil over low heat until the fruit is ready, then grind it to a puree consistency and add citric acid. Cook for another 10 minutes, stirring constantly, and put into jars.

With carrots

If you need a tasty and thick filling for pies, you can boil apricots and carrots. You will need:

  • seedless fruits - 1 kg;
  • peeled carrots - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - an incomplete glass;
  • citric acid - 1 teaspoon.

Cut the carrots into slices, add water and simmer under the lid until soft. Add apricots, sugar and lemon to the carrots, then cook until tender over low heat.

Cool the sweet mass slightly and grind it into a puree using a blender. Then boil for 10 minutes and roll into jars.


Apricot jam is almost always cooked without seeds, so you can use one of the above recipes. Fruits and sugar are taken in a 1:1 ratio; if desired, you can add a tablespoon of gelatin per 1 kg of apricots.

Chocolate jam

For those with a spoiled sweet tooth, you can offer apricots boiled with cocoa. This delicacy has an exquisite taste and aroma. To prepare you need to prepare:

  • apricots - 1.2 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • cocoa - 3 spoons.

Pour the apricots into a bowl, add water, 1 kg of sugar and simmer over low heat. Grind the sweet mass to a puree.

Separately mix a glass of sugar with cocoa and add to the apricot puree. Cook for 10 minutes, then pour into jars and cover with a blanket.

How to cook apricot jam for pies

For pies and pies you need thick jam in pieces. To prepare it, take 3 kg of apricots, add 4 kg of sugar and leave overnight. In the morning, boil the apricots over low heat for 10 minutes, then leave until evening. In total, you need to cook the jam 3 times, after which it is laid out in jars.

How to store apricot jam

Properly cooked apricot jam is well stored in the cellar. If there is no cellar, it can be stored in a pantry or kitchen, away from heating appliances and stoves.

The product shelf life is 2 years. After this time, the jam may change slightly in color and taste.

Jam is the densest consistency of fruit and berries prepared for the winter. It can be served separately with tea or spread on sandwiches. More often than other sweet canned foods, it is used as a filling for pies and similar baked goods. It can be prepared from various fruits and berries. Apricot jam has an attractive amber color and looks very appetizing. It can be prepared without the use of thickeners, which simplifies the process of its preparation - the housewife does not need to rack her brains over how much gelling component to add and at what stage. The process of preparing apricot jam is long, but not complicated.

Cooking features

Even if the housewife has no experience in home canning, she can prepare apricot jam for the winter. You just need to study some of the features of the technology and be patient, since it takes a long time to boil apricots.

  • It is advisable to take ripe apricots for jam; it is permissible to use even overripe fruits. The optimal composition is in which 10–20% is occupied by slightly unripe fruits, since they contain the most pectin, which gives the jam thickness.
  • The jam should have a uniform consistency. Apricots are ground for it using a meat grinder or blender. The smoothest consistency is obtained by grinding the apricots through a sieve. It will be a little easier to do this if you first stew the apricots in a small amount of water.
  • You cannot use a lot of water when preparing jam, since a large amount of liquid negatively affects the duration of boiling of the fruit mass.
  • You cannot prepare apricot jam in aluminum containers. This material, reacting with the acids contained in fruits, forms harmful substances.
  • Place the apricot jam into small jars, which must be sterilized before filling. You can close the jars only with metal lids that ensure tightness. Lids are also sterilized, usually by boiling.
  • To give the jam the almond aroma characteristic of apricots, almonds are added to it. Vanilla flavoring is also good for this delicacy.

Given the long cooking time, apricot jam stands well at room temperature. The exception is dessert prepared without sugar or with a very small amount of it.

Classic apricot jam recipe

Composition (for 1.5–1.75 l):

  • apricots – 2 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – 0.2 l;
  • citric acid – 4 g.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the apricots and dry them.
  • Cut the fruit in half and remove the seeds.
  • Place the apricot halves in a bowl and add water.
  • Over low heat, bring the liquid in the basin to a boil, cook the apricots for 5 minutes. Cool slightly and rub through a sieve.
  • Add sugar to the apricot puree and place the bowl with it on low heat.
  • Cook over low heat, stirring until the fruit mixture thickens. This will take about 60 minutes.
  • Add citric acid and stir. Simmer the jam on the stove for another 5 minutes.
  • Sterilize jars and matching lids.
  • Without waiting for the jam to cool, fill the prepared jars with it.
  • Roll up the jars. Once cooled, store in the pantry.

Jam made according to this recipe is stored well at room temperature; citric acid prevents it from becoming sugary. You don’t have to be afraid to prepare such a dessert in large quantities, as it will not spoil for at least two years.

A simple recipe for apricot jam

Composition (per 1.25 l):

  • apricots – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • vanillin (optional) – 1 g.

Cooking method:

  • After peeling the apricots, grind them through a meat grinder or chop using a blender.
  • Mix apricot puree with sugar and let the mixture sit for half an hour.
  • Add vanillin, stir.
  • Heat over low heat and simmer, stirring and skimming, until the apricot mass thickens.
  • Distribute the jam into sterilized jars and seal them tightly.

If you plan to use the jam within two weeks, the jars for it do not need to be sterilized. Jam sealed in sterilized jars can last up to two years at room temperature.

Recipe for aromatic apricot jam

Composition (per 1.5 l):

  • apricots (peeled) – 1.5 kg;
  • sugar – 1.1 kg;
  • water – 100 ml;
  • almonds – 150 g.

Cooking method:

  • Grind the almonds with a blender.
  • Peel the apricots, hang them, place them in a bowl.
  • Add water, stir. Simmer for 5–10 minutes over low heat.
  • Using a blender or meat grinder, puree the apricots.
  • Mix with sugar and let stand for 15 minutes.
  • Place on low heat. Bring to a boil, cook for 10 minutes, skimming off foam.
  • Add almonds, stir. Continue boiling until desired thickness.
  • Place in sterilized jars and seal them tightly.

The jam according to this recipe is especially aromatic. It can be served alone or used to prepare other sweet dishes. You can store the apricot-almond delicacy at room temperature, but no more than a year.

Step-by-step recipes for making apricot jam with apples, walnuts, oranges and spices

2018-07-25 Rida Khasanova





In 100 grams of the finished dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


49 gr.

198 kcal.

Option 1: Classic apricot jam recipe

The easiest way to preserve the benefits and taste of seasonal fruits is to buy tasteless apricots in supermarkets in winter. You can prepare apricot jam in different ways - a quick “five-minute” version, thick jam, with the addition of apples, sweet spices or nuts. Any recipe will help pack vitamins from fresh fruits into jars and fill them with sweetness for winter gatherings and tea parties.

There is one characteristic difference between cooking jam and jam. In the first case, no water is added to the fruit; this will only extend the cooking time. You just have to wait a little while for the fruits and sugar to produce a lot of juice. And then all that remains is to cook the delicacy according to any of the recipes.


  • 3 kg of fresh ripe apricots;
  • 2.5 kg of sugar;
  • one large orange;
  • 0.5 medium lemon.

Step-by-step recipe for apricot jam

Rinse the apricots thoroughly. Dry each fruit to remove moisture. Remove all the seeds. Grind the pulp with a meat grinder or blender chopper until pureed. It will turn out a little liquid, but that's not a problem.

Squeeze the juice from one orange and half a lemon. Be sure to strain the liquid through a fine sieve to remove the seeds and white, bitter pulp.

Place the fruit puree into an enamel pan. Add citrus juice and sugar. Mix everything well.

Cook the mixture over medium heat on the stove. Stir constantly. Do not cover the pan with a lid. After 40-50 minutes of cooking, the mass will boil down to a thick consistency. The jam is ready to eat. You can roll it up in jars until winter, use it to fill pies, or layer cakes.

There is one secret in recipes for delicious apricot preparations. They always add sourness. This could be fresh citrus juice, half a teaspoon of citric acid or some currants.

Option 2: Quick recipe for apricot jam with agar-agar

Agar-agar will help you quickly make delicious apricot jam. This is a gelling agent that helps the natural pectin of fruits thicken the puree. Agar-agar is made from seaweed and is easy to use. It is not recommended to replace agar-agar with gelatin. The two products have different uses.


  • 1.5 kg apricots;
  • 1.2 kg sugar;
  • 8 tbsp. l. dry agar-agar;
  • 1 teaspoon (incomplete) citric acid.

How to quickly make apricot jam

Rinse the apricots. Place on a napkin to dry. Remove the pits. Blend the pulp with a blender until it becomes a homogeneous puree. Place in a pan, preferably a thick-walled enameled one. There is one secret. Ripe and overripe fruits cook much faster than unripe ones. Therefore, choose only soft, ripe apricots for this recipe.

Add sugar and citric acid. Stir the mixture until the sugar begins to dissolve.

Cook the mixture, stirring constantly, until it boils. And then another 15-20 minutes.

Place 200-300 grams of mass on a plate. Add bulk agar-agar to them. Mix thoroughly until smooth. Pour into the pan with the rest of the puree. Stir again - the ingredients should combine well. Cook for exactly 5 more minutes. Remove from heat, the jam is ready.

Pack the fruit jam into jars; as soon as it cools, it will begin to thicken. It will turn out very tasty and appetizing! In addition to apricots, you can use sea buckthorn or any other berries for jam. But then add a little sugar for the recipe.

Option 3: Thick apricot and apple jam

The jam thickens well with natural pectin, which is found in apricots. And if you add apples, the mixture will cook faster. In addition, such a multi-component jam means even more benefits and taste in every spoon!


  • 1.5 kg of ripe apricots;
  • 500 gr. apple pulp;
  • 1.7 kg sugar;
  • 1 lemon.

How to cook

Rinse all fruits thoroughly. Dry from moisture. Peel the apples and remove seeds. And remove the pits from the apricots.

Cut the fruit into small pieces. Transfer to a saucepan for cooking dessert.

Scald the lemon with boiling water. Cool with ice water. Cut and chop some zest. Cut the fruit in half and squeeze out the juice, strain. Add both zest and juice to the fruit. Add sugar.

Stir the mass. Let it brew for 15-20 minutes. During this time the pieces will give a lot of juice.

Boil the mixture, stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then arm yourself with an immersion blender. Puree the mixture until smooth. If you have free time, you can also rub the sweet mass through a fine sieve. But you don't have to do this. Then cook the puree until it thickens. Stir occasionally to prevent anything from burning. After 30-40 minutes, the dessert is ready.

You can use pears instead of apples. This recipe is universal. Take it into service if you make preparations from nectarines or peaches.

Option 4: Thick apricot jam for the winter

To prepare thick apricot jam, be patient and have some free time. The dessert will turn out very tasty, but it will take you a couple of hours. To taste, you can add delicate aromatic herbs to the jam. For example, a sprig of mint, thyme or oregano.


  • 3.5 kg apricots;
  • 3 kg sugar;
  • a sprig of oregano;
  • 1 whole orange;
  • 0.5 lemon.

Step by step recipe

Sort through the apricots, you only need ripe fruits that are free from rot. Wash them under running water. Place on napkins to remove excess water. Remove the seeds from each fruit. Grind the pulp through a meat grinder or puree with a blender. Transfer the mixture to a cooking pot.

Add sugar. Add a sprig of oregano.

Squeeze juice from citrus fruits. Strain it through cheesecloth or a fine sieve. Pour over sugared fruit. Stir the mass.

Boil the ingredients to a boil first. Skim off the white foam if necessary. Now you can remove the sprig of fragrant herb; it has already given its aroma to the syrup. After boiling, cook for about 50-60 minutes at a low simmer. During this time, the mass will noticeably thicken and become more homogeneous.

Pack the still boiling jam into sterilized jars. Seal with sterilized lids. Let cool. Store in a cool place.

When cooking jam, the general principle of cooking fruits with sugar is followed. Everything is prepared almost like classic jam. Only the fruits are not cut into pieces, but crushed into puree and boiled until thick.

Option 5: Thick apricot jam with spices and walnuts for the winter

A very piquant, aromatic jam is obtained by adding spices and nuts to apricots. The classic option is to take walnuts. But you can use sweetish cashews or pecans.


  • 3.5 kg apricots;
  • 2.7-3 kg of sugar;
  • 1 orange;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 250 gr. walnuts;
  • 2 pinches of ground anise;
  • the same amount of nutmeg.

How to cook

Rinse the apricots thoroughly in water. Dry. Remove the pits. Twist the pulp into a puree. Transfer to an enamel pan.

Squeeze the juice from the orange and lemon. Strain and add to the puree.

Add sugar. Mix everything. Let sit for a bit so that the sweet grains dissolve.

In the meantime, get on with the nuts. Fry them in a frying pan. Once the dark skin begins to peel, remove from heat. Cool slightly. Shell the nuts by hand. Place the white pieces in a coffee grinder or blender. Grind into crumbs. The same can be done in a mortar and pestle.

Add nuts to the sweet mixture. Cook for about an hour, stirring.

Add some spices. Stir. Cook for another 10-15 minutes. Instead of anise and nutmeg, you can optionally use cloves, cinnamon or natural vanilla seeds.

To prepare aromatic jam, you can use not only spices. It is permissible to add a little alcohol at the end of cooking. Cognac, rum, fruit liqueur or dessert white wine are suitable.

Pack the finished sweet into jars. Be sure to sterilize both jars and lids. This will extend the shelf life of fruit desserts. Store the workpieces in a cool place without temperature changes.

Bon appetit!

Apricots this year surprised us with their generosity, which means it’s time to cook delicious and aromatic apricot jam.

The traditional recipe for jam is simple - boil the fruits and berries and add sugar.

Apple jam, apricot jam, plum jam are the most delicious varieties of jam. If you cook for a long time or add gelling additives, you will get delicious jam. I have my favorite strawberry mint jam or gorgeous plum jam and its chocolate variations. If you cut the fruit into pieces or slices and cook in several stages with the gradual addition of sugar, you will get aromatic jam. Cherry jam with pits, strawberry jam according to an unusual recipe, apple jam are already waiting for their winter triumph in the basement.

Recipes for jam are on our website, and step-by-step photos will help turn the recipe into reality in the form of a delicious jar of jam. That's the whole difference - jam, preserves. Cook delicious jam according to the season, at least two or three jars at a time, and then by autumn you will have a solid supply of yummy stuff.

Choose apples, and you will have a delicious apple jam that breaks all records in popularity.

The sultry “Hungarian” will give you thick, aromatic plum jam, which you can add to plum pie, spread on pancakes, or simply spread on bread and butter. The recipe for apricot jam will remind you on long winter evenings of all the delights of summer and will warm you with these delicious memories.

You can make apricot jam with the help of modern home helpers. Apricot jam in a bread machine, jam in a slow cooker, take your pick! Delicious homemade jam, cooked according to all the rules, will retain its original color and aroma. Apricots also make delicious marshmallows. the recipe for which can also be found on our website.

To prepare this yummy you will need fruit, sugar and the hot summer sun, that’s all. Winter preparations will turn out a hundred times tastier if you make them with desire and inspiration.

Apricot jam recipe:

  • Ripe apricots – 3 kg;
  • Sugar – sand – 3 kg;
  • Sterile lids and jars;
  • The utensils for making jam are a stainless steel pan, an aluminum basin or a cauldron.
  1. Prepare the jars. To do this, they need to be sterilized in any way convenient for you - in the oven, in the microwave, over steam. The lids also need to be boiled in a saucepan for at least five minutes.
  2. Sort the apricots, cut off spoiled parts and wash. You need to choose ripe, soft and aromatic fruits, then the apricot jam will be delicious.
  3. Break into halves and remove the pit. Place the apricot halves in a cauldron and literally pour half a glass of water into it.
  4. Place on low heat and wait until it boils, stirring all the time. The apricots will release their juice and gradually become soft.
  5. Leave them in the cauldron until completely cool. Now the resulting mass needs to be crushed until smooth. It is better to use a blender for this. With its help, the apricots will turn into a homogeneous mass, which we have to boil. If you don’t have a blender, rub the mixture through a sieve.
  6. All these cooking steps are also suitable for making apricot jam. Apple pectin or any jam thickener will help us here. Sprinkle the cooled mashed mixture with pectin or Jellyfix, bring to a boil and add sugar. Boil for five to ten minutes and you will have a thick jam. If without pectin, then boil several times at intervals to cool. This recipe makes apricot jam thick but quite dark.
  7. If you plan to close the jam for the winter, then gradually add sugar and stir well.
  8. When the jam boils, reduce the heat and let it simmer for about twenty minutes. Stir all the time with a wooden spoon.
  9. Pour hot jam into jars to the very top and roll up. Turn over and wrap in a warm blanket for at least a day.