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Driving without insurance is a physical punishment. Fine for lack of MTPL insurance: important features and new items this year


The fine for driving without MTPL insurance in 2019 can range from 500 to 800 rubles. You may only receive a warning.
In this material we will consider in what cases and what the driver faces.

In 2015, the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance was significantly increased, in 2019 the cost increased again for many drivers, as a result, drivers began to massively ignore the requirement to insure their civil liability. Accordingly, the question arose about what fine you will have to pay if you are stopped by an inspector. The first thing he will require is the documents that you must provide in accordance with paragraph 2.1.1 of the Traffic Rules.

A fine for lack of compulsory motor insurance is the most harmless thing that can happen. In practice, there are cases when apartments had to be exchanged in order to pay for an accident.
The likelihood of getting into an accident only increases with the number of cars. OSAGO is not something worth saving on.
Queues in offices and the imposition of “extras” are already a thing of the past. You can receive or renew your policy within 15-20 minutes by simply filling out the form below. All that remains is to choose the insurance company with the best price offer.

Get an MTPL policy online

Requirements of the Traffic Rules for presenting an MTPL policy

2.1. The driver of a motor vehicle is obliged to:

2.1.1. Carry with you and, upon request, hand over to police officers for inspection:

  • insurance policy of compulsory civil liability insurance of the vehicle owner or printed on paper
    information on the conclusion of such compulsory insurance agreement
    in the form of an electronic document in cases where the obligation to insure one’s civil liability is established by federal law.

The insurance policy or information about the electronic policy is required to be submitted to the inspector.

But what to expect when there is no compulsory motor liability insurance policy? Read the article to the end to avoid becoming a victim of a scam by unscrupulous inspectors.

If you issue an electronic policy, it is enough for the inspector to present a printed copy of the electronic document.

First, let's define what the abbreviation OSAGO is - Mandatory Insurance AutoCivil Liability. Please note that the driver does not insure property, but his own liability. Those cases when he will be financially responsible to another person. At the time of the insured event, the driver must have a valid MTPL agreement with the insurance company, issued in his name and corresponding to the vehicle that the driver is currently driving. Or a policy without restrictions.

  • Situations when there may be no compulsory motor liability insurance policy

    There are various reasons why the driver is not able to transfer the insurance policy to the inspector. Depending on the specific situation, the fine for driving without insurance will be different amounts or you may only receive a warning.

    1. Absence of an insurance contract in principle, an illegally purchased policy not in the database;
    2. An expired policy, a policy in which another person is included, a policy in which another vehicle is included;
    3. If you do not have the insurance contract with you, it is forgotten, lost, or other reasons that do not allow it to be handed over to the inspector on the spot.

    Each case provides for a separate fine - this is important to know, since the inspector can impute any of these cases.

    What is the fine for driving without MTPL insurance?

    Liability for the first case is provided for in Part 2 of Article 12.37:

    Failure by the owner of a vehicle to fulfill the obligation established by federal law to insure his civil liability, as well as driving a vehicle if such compulsory insurance is known to be absent, -
    a fine of 800 rubles.

    The second case is more loyal to the driver and is described in Part 1 of Article 12.37:

    Driving a vehicle during the period of its use, not provided for by the insurance policy of compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners, as well as driving a vehicle in violation of the conditions stipulated by this insurance policy for driving this vehicle only by the drivers specified in this insurance policy -
    entails the imposition of an administrative a fine of 500 rubles.

    In the third case, you may be left without a fine at all on legal grounds and receive only a warning. Part 2 of Article 12.3 is about this:

    1. Driving a vehicle by a driver who does not have registration documents for the vehicle, and in established cases, documents provided for by the customs legislation of the Customs Union, with marks from customs authorities confirming the temporary import of the vehicle -
    entails warning or imposition of administrative a fine of 500 rubles.

    Can a car be towed for lack of compulsory motor insurance?

    No, they do not have the right, this security measure is regulated by Part 1 of Article 27.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and the above articles are not mentioned in it.

    Can they rent rooms for lack of compulsory motor insurance?

    No, they do not have the right, this security measure was regulated by Part 2 of Article 27.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and was excluded on November 15, 2014.

    If I am not at fault for an accident and I do not have compulsory motor liability insurance, am I entitled to payments from the insurance company?

    Yes, you will. As we noted at the beginning of the article, it is not property that is insured, but liability. If there is no fault in an accident, the culprit is liable to you and the insured event occurs only for the culprit. You will only receive a fine under one of the above articles. There is no civil liability to the guilty participant in an accident.
    You can draw a simple and logical conclusion: to avoid a fine for not having MTPL insurance, you just need to purchase an insurance policy. In 2018, online services for obtaining insurance are already operating stably. Using the form below, you can issue an MTPL policy within 15-20 minutes without leaving your home.

    Hi all! Do you know what the current fine is for driving without compulsory motor liability insurance and in what specific cases? How many times a day can he be discharged? Do they now remove the license plate for such a violation and take the car to a special parking lot? When is it acceptable to drive without a policy, is it possible to avoid or reduce the fine?

    If you are interested in these and other similar questions, then you have found what you were looking for - all the answers are contained in this article.

    Some new drivers get confused about car insurance. Therefore, I will immediately clarify that punishment in the form of fines applies only to compulsory insurance. In our case, this is motor third party liability insurance - OSAGO.

    True, there is also compulsory insurance of carriers (OSGOPP - among other things, various passenger vehicles are insured, excluding taxis), violations of which are also punishable. But this is a specific topic and we will not touch on it here.

    The CASCO policy, as well as other types of motor vehicle (MV) insurance, are purchased by drivers on a voluntary basis and are not subject to verification or any exacting sanctions from government agencies.

    Fines for lack of compulsory motor liability insurance - fundamental concepts

    In 2018, the legislative norms for this violation remained the same - administrative liability in the form of fines is provided for driving without a motor vehicle insurance policy.

    In this case, the driver’s guilt is determined according to two basic criteria:

    1. Absence on hand policy for a motorist when driving a vehicle.
    2. Complete absence the policy as such when driving a vehicle.

    Depending on these criteria, the degree of guilt, the provision of administrative legislation and the amount of the fine are determined.

    The legislative framework

    Collection in the form of fines for the absence of a motor vehicle policy in Russia is provided on the basis of the provisions of two basic standards:

    1. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation– Federal Law No. 195 (dated December 30, 2001).
    2. Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance”– Federal Law No. 40 (dated April 25, 2002).

    The mandatory requirement for motor vehicle drivers to have an effective MTPL policy is stipulated in Art. 3 (paragraphs 2 and 3) Federal Law No. 40, as well as in Art. 32 (parts 1 and 3) and in the provisions of the traffic rules (section 2, part 2.1.1, paragraph 6 of RF PP No. 1090).

    Direct collection in the form of fines is levied on drivers on the basis of Articles 12.3 and 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

    Who imposes the fine

    In accordance with Art. 32 (part 1, paragraphs 1 and 2) of Federal Law No. 40, the responsibility for monitoring the availability of compulsory motor insurance for motorists rests with the traffic police, as well as the customs service and Gostekhnadzor.

    At the same time, the imposition of fines can be carried out both by regulatory structures (primarily traffic police) and by the judiciary.

    When the driver agrees with the fact of the violation or it is undeniable, a fine can be imposed on the spot by an official with the status of an inspector, in accordance with Section III of the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 664 (dated 08/23/2017), namely clause 31 (paragraph 5 ) and paragraph 156, as well as according to the regulations of Art. 29.10 and the provisions of Art. 28.6 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

    Usually, a copy of the resolution, which is handed over to the violator by the inspector, is accompanied by a payment receipt with the necessary details for paying the fine.

    If the penalty is contested by the violator (as well as in some other cases - by a minor driver, military personnel, etc.), then the corresponding protocol is attached to the resolution. Then these procedural documents are submitted for consideration to the court, which makes a final decision on the imposition of a fine or its cancellation.

    Attention! The protocol on fines for the absence of a motor vehicle license in the first instance is considered by magistrate courts at the place of registration of the violator. In this case, before the start of the hearing, the court sends a summons-notification indicating all the necessary information (date and time of the hearing, full name of the judge, etc.) to his address.

    What fines apply?

    As stated above, the size of the fine depends on the degree of guilt of the offender.

    In this case, the fine has two values ​​(always the exact amount):

    1. 500 rub. – if the driver has policy, but he cannot present it.
    2. 800 rub. – if the driver does not have policy or such is equivalent to absent.


    • Fine of 500 rubles. imposed according to Part 2 of Art. 12.3 (the driver lacks car documents) and under Part 1 of Art. 12.37 Code of Administrative Offences.
    • A fine of 800 rubles. imposed according to Part 2 of Art. 12.37 (failure to comply with MTPL requirements) of the Code of Administrative Offences.

    Here is a list of options when a driver is subject to a fine:

    1. No policy as such.
    2. OSAGO is not in the car, but there is an effective agreement.
    3. Overdue policy.
    4. Seasonal policy, but the period is not insurance.
    5. Driver not registered in OSAGO.

    Attention! Fines are imposed only for driving a vehicle without insurance. If a car or driver does not have compulsory motor liability insurance, but the car does not move, then no punishment will be applied.

    Watch a video about the magnitude of possible fines for problems with compulsory motor liability insurance:

    How much is the fine if you forgot your home insurance?

    The above-mentioned paragraph 2.1.1 of the traffic rules clearly obliges drivers to carry with them and present, upon request of an authorized official, vehicle documents, among which is the driver's license. If you don’t have the policy in your hands, but the driver has one, then you will still have to pay a fine, although it will be the smaller of the two possible amounts - 500 rubles.

    That is, here a violation is considered to be inattention or frivolity of drivers and a fine is paid, for example, for forgotten or lost insurance.

    In this case, the reason may play a role - if the motorist simply forgot his policy at home, then this is definitely a fine, but if the document was lost immediately before the check for a valid reason that is provable, then there may not be a fine.

    What happens if the MTPL policy is expired?

    You cannot drive on public roads with an expired policy – ​​definitely and for a long time. If the driver did not manage to extend the insurance period for a new period, he will be punished with a fine of 800 rubles. for driving a vehicle without compulsory motor liability insurance - it is considered that he does not have insurance.

    But many motorists still believe that it is acceptable to drive a car with impunity for a month with an expired document.

    Yes, this was previously possible - in the old (or rather, already old) version of Federal Law No. 40 of 2006, the right of drivers to drive for 30 calendar days with an expired contract was provided for (Article 10, clause 1, paragraph 2). This norm was duplicated in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 263 (of 2003). Moreover, during these 30 days the insurance company (IC) continued to be responsible for the driver.

    But on March 1, 2008, this provision was canceled - paragraph 2, paragraph 1, art. was completely removed from Federal Law No. 40. 10. The new rules are extremely laconic: the period of compulsory insurance is 12 months (excluding seasonal options) and not a day later, according to paragraph 1 of Art. 10 .

    Attention! The policy ends exactly at the time of day specified in it - the next minute you can already be fined, keep this in mind.

    What happens if the policy is seasonal, but the period is not insurance?

    After a significant increase in the cost of compulsory motor insurance, many motorists are trying to save money and purchase seasonal insurance: 90 and 180 days of validity in the selected period or periods of the year.

    Usually these are summer residents, lovers of summer road trips, etc., whose car sits idle in the garage during the cold season. But it happens that during the non-insurance period you need to go somewhere and then many people decide to take a risk - why not pay the full cost of the policy just for one or two trips?

    Such a violation is punishable by a fine under Part 1, Art. 12.37. There is some legal issue here: in fact, the non-insurance period is the absence of insurance. But the penalty is not 800, but 500 rubles, apparently taking into account the fact that the policy is temporarily invalid.

    What happens if the driver is not included in the policy?

    According to the provisions of the traffic rules, namely paragraph 2 “General obligations” (clause 2.1.1, paragraph 4), the driver is required to have an effective MTPL policy. Accordingly, this policy must be issued to the person who is driving, or he must be included in it as an authorized driver.

    The fine for this offense is 500 rubles. (Part 1, Article 12.37).

    What if the owner of the car is sitting next to a person who is not included in the policy?

    Some drivers are convinced that if the owner or main owner of the vehicle is sitting in the car, then it can be driven by any person who has. There is even unfortunate advice on this matter: draw up a free-form power of attorney to drive a car for a person not included in the compulsory motor liability insurance.

    A power of attorney for temporary management is now not needed at all, but a motor vehicle license is required in any case. “The Law on Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance”, namely Art. 4 (clause 1), states: the owner of the vehicle is obliged to insure the risk of his civil liability.

    The key point here is the word “owner”, since owner and possessor are not legally identical concepts. This fog clarifies the position of Art. 1 (paragraphs 2, 3 and 4) of the same law, which lists the options when the driver has the status of owner. And “let’s drive” on public roads applies exactly here.

    That is, the driver driving the car is its owner (temporary or not - it doesn’t matter), because he uses it. And the insurer, in this case the insurance company of the owner or the main owner of the vehicle, must be responsible for it.

    If the insurance is unlimited

    If an unlimited compulsory motor liability insurance (open policy) is issued for the car, then any driver can drive this vehicle. But this does not mean driving without insurance - the main owner must transfer the policy to the temporary owner.

    If the policy is not in hand, then even if the driver has his own effective MTPL, he will be fined 500 rubles.

    For your information. Since 2012, OSAGO can only be obtained after passing a technical inspection - before 2012, everything was the other way around, keep this in mind.

    What are the dangers of driving someone else's car without insurance and owner?

    Current legislation allows you to drive someone else's car even without the owner's knowledge. To certify the legality of driving a vehicle, traffic police inspectors only need to present a driver’s license and a vehicle registration certificate (in the name of the main owner).

    The absence of compulsory motor liability insurance is regarded as an ordinary violation and is punished in accordance with the general procedure in accordance with the provisions of the above articles - a fine of 500 or 800 rubles.

    How many times can they be fined again for not having MTPL insurance?

    How many times can a fine be issued in general and can it be issued several times a day? Such questions often bother motorists. There are even sources online that refer to a certain standard for imposing fines - twice a day for the same violation. Sometimes a real justification is given - the law does not allow double punishment for the same offense.

    The latter is absolutely true - according to paragraph 1 of Art. 50 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, “No one can be convicted again for the same thing.”

    But this provision of the basic law implies a specifically identified and recorded offense, and not its indefinite duration or duplication in time. For example, if you are fined by a traffic police inspector for not having compulsory motor insurance, he or another inspector does not have the right to fine you again, provided that the offense is not renewed.

    But a missing insurance policy is rarely purchased at the place of punishment (although now this is possible via the mobile Internet) - the car usually continues to move. This movement is the fact of the resumption of the offense - the driver commits it again. And this violation is not identical to the first one because it is distinguished by the parameters of time and location.

    That is, this violation is isolated and is punishable by a repeated separate fine, even if, after drawing up the first resolution, you honestly walked to the point of correcting the situation (the nearest insurer or the place where you forgot the document). At the same time, the number of repeated fines is theoretically unlimited - you can be fined by all inspectors who come your way.

    How long can you drive if you have already been fined for not having a driver's license?

    This is another popular question. Strictly speaking, the answer is – not at all. The legislation clearly states that vehicles do not have the right to travel without compulsory motor liability insurance. Dot.

    There is no time frame for those already fined. It’s just that some inspectors, if they see a recently drawn up resolution, humanely release drivers to correct the situation and do not fine them again, although they have every right to do so.

    Attention! If the next inspector, instead of a resolution, sees a copy of the drawn up protocol indicating that the driver did not agree with the alleged violation, then the chances for the humanity of the striped rod worker will sharply decrease, especially if this is an unfounded disagreement.

    Are there any specifics regarding fines for the lack of compulsory motor liability insurance for legal entities?

    For many types of motor vehicle offenses, the law has differences in penalties for individuals and legal entities.

    In our case, there are no such differences - for legal entities, the conditions for imposing fines and their amounts are the same as for individuals.

    Advice to the driver. Put a photocopy of the policy in the glove compartment just in case - it will make it easier for you to convince the inspector that you have an effective contract if you suddenly forget its original somewhere.

    Peculiarities of fines when applying for electronic compulsory motor liability insurance

    In this regard, conflicts often arise between drivers and inspectors regarding which document format needs to be presented - a paper printout or a scan of the e-policy on the screen of a mobile gadget. Recommendations and circulars advise inspectors to accept information from any visual media.

    But federal legislation takes precedence, and it says: “paper media.” Accordingly, this is a printout, not a scan. That is, if you present an absolutely effective e-policy to the inspector in the form of an electronic scan or other graphic file on the screen of a gadget, then today you may be subject to a fine of 500 rubles. according to Part 2 of Art. 12.3.

    And if you present a paper printout, then there will definitely not be a fine.

    In what cases can you not be afraid of a fine for not having a motor vehicle license?

    The law allows driving without compulsory motor liability insurance on vehicles that were purchased recently - within 10 calendar days from the date when the policy was signed. These ten days are given to the new owner to complete all documents - receipt (if required), compulsory motor liability insurance, registration or re-registration of the car with the traffic police.

    At the same time, during this period, instead of the STS and the policy, the traffic police inspector must be provided with a DCP and a vehicle passport with the relevant fields filled in - at least the date of the transaction and the signatures of the parties must be present. Previously, cunning drivers carried with them a fictitious DCT, which was rewritten every 10 days. Nowadays, such cunning will not work - PrEP alone without entries in the PTS will not help, and there is little in it.

    In addition, there are several other options when there is no fine for lack of compulsory motor insurance:

    • If the car has a maximum design speed no more than 20 km/h.
    • If the vehicle belongs to the Ministry of Defense, excluding vehicles working on the economic side.
    • If the car has an international"Green card".
    • If the vehicle does not have a wheelbase or has it partially (vehicles on caterpillar tracks or other vehicles).
    • to wheeled vehicles.

    For drivers of all other vehicles, the absence of compulsory motor insurance is fraught with penalties.

    For your information. In some CIS countries there are benefits for citizens (disabled people, combatants, etc.) that completely exempt them from purchasing compulsory motor liability insurance, but in the Russian Federation this is not practiced - only a 50% discount on the cost of the policy is used, but everyone who has a car must buy it .

    Is it possible to ride a motorcycle without compulsory motor insurance and not fear a fine?

    In the vast majority of cases, no - all wheeled vehicles and motorcycles are subject to registration, and without compulsory motor liability insurance registration is impossible. But there are two exceptions:

    1. there is no need to fear fines if their motor vehicle is sports equipment and is used only within the framework of sports competitions at closed motor tracks or temporarily closed public roads.
    2. Motor vehicles with a design speed of less than 50 km/h with an engine power of no more than 4 kW, it is not subject to registration. These are mostly and some . Scooter and moped riders are still allowed to ride without a license.

    In other cases, if there is no insurance, motor vehicle drivers will be fined.

    Are fines possible for the lack of compulsory motor liability insurance from video cameras?

    For many motor vehicle offenses, fines are now imposed based on data from an automatic video recording system. However, checking for the presence of compulsory motor liability insurance in automatic mode is not yet available, but it is being actively developed.

    Field tests began back in 2016 - then such a system began working in test mode on the roads of Samara and Kazan. At the moment, the finishing touches are being carried out: the main problem was the correct integration of the information bases of the AIS RSA and the traffic police.

    When will traffic fines appear from video cameras?

    Motorists will definitely be fined for problems with compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance for video recording cameras - the system will be implemented in the near future. The exact dates have not yet been announced, but approximately this is the second half of 2019.

    Now, from September 1, 2018 in Moscow, the system will be launched in debugging mode for 3 months. At this time, drivers in the capital will receive “chain letters”, but so far without fines - just advisory warnings.

    If you are stopped by a traffic police inspector, but there are problems with insurance

    Here you need to act depending on the situation with your vehicle. I’ll say right away that in most cases a fine cannot be avoided, but in some situations you can get off with a warning.

    Possible options:

    • You don't have a policy- Nothing can be done here, except try to delay the collection by refusing to sign and disagreeing with the punishment. But the court will still impose a fine and you will have to pay it.
    • You have a policy, but the period is not covered– the same thing, but the penalty is less.
    • You don't have an insurance policy in your car, but there is an insurance contract, and it is effective. It is possible to get off with a warning.

    In the latter case, a lot depends on convincing evidence - sometimes the inspector himself can confirm the existence of compulsory motor liability insurance in his database, and sometimes not. Then try to provide this evidence yourself, for example by calling your insurance company.

    This will at least reduce the fine from a possible 800 to 500 rubles. But if the presence of compulsory motor liability insurance is confirmed, then the inspector has the right to apply a warning instead of a fine. Here the initiative is on the side of the driver and the persuasiveness of his verbal arguments.

    Attention! Now you can significantly reduce the fine issued. Since January 2016, Federal Law No. 437 came into force, introducing another package of changes to the Code of Administrative Offenses. According to this standard, fines for a number of violations, which include violations under compulsory motor liability insurance, can be reduced by 50% if they are paid within 20 days. But this benefit does not apply to repeated acts - this is another incentive for drivers.

    What to do if the inspector issued a fine for more than the required amount?

    Sometimes the inspector does not accept any evidence or arguments, issuing a maximum fine of 800 rubles. Then, if you wish, you can challenge the punishment.

    After all, in paragraph 2 of Art. 12.3 clearly states: “...if such compulsory insurance is obviously absent...”. Therefore, if the policy actually exists and this is proven, the fine is reduced to 500 rubles, even if it was immediately assigned to 800 rubles.

    Here's what you need to do to appeal:

    • Record your disagreement in the protocol with the amount of the fine and indicate the reason for this.
    • Submit your application with explanations to the head of the traffic police. the corresponding territorial unit with an attached copy of the policy.

    But remember that you can appeal the amount of a fine in this way only within 10 days from the date it was imposed. If you miss the deadline, you will have to pay what is written out.

    Advice to the driver. Violations related to compulsory motor liability insurance are one of those cases when it is not particularly worthwhile to “pump up your license” before the inspector, since in most situations the legislative advantage is with the traffic police, and not on the driver’s side.

    Myths about punishments for not having a motor vehicle license

    Some ancient penalties for problems with compulsory motor insurance were so severe that the memory of them is still alive today, giving rise to persistent myths.

    Myth one - for the lack of compulsory motor liability insurance, a car is prohibited from operating

    The fact that such a measure has become a myth is undoubtedly good news. After all, previously some particularly zealous inspector could detain a car simply for a forgotten or lost policy.

    By law, the violator had 24 hours to settle: pay a fine, solve the problem with the policy and visit the traffic police - otherwise a ban on operation would come into force, the removal of which was troublesome and costly. All this fueled corruption and generated discontent among citizens.

    But from November 15, 2014, such a measure was excluded, in accordance with the adopted Federal Law No. 307 (dated September 17, 2014) on amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses. This law has a name of almost 50 words and I will not cite it. This regulation repealed the provision of Art. 27.13 (clause 2 - detention of the vehicle), which provided for administrative punishment - a ban on the operation of the vehicle due to violations related to compulsory motor liability insurance.

    Myth two: license plates are removed from cars for lack of compulsory motor liability insurance.

    This type of penalty was usually used in conjunction with the previous one, but lost its effectiveness even earlier: on October 15, 2013. Then the new State Traffic Safety Inspectorate Regulations (Order No. 605) came into force (adopted on August 7, 2013), which allowed the production of license plates in private order in any quantity.

    That is, since then, drivers have the right to have spare plates (duplicates) in case the main ones are damaged, and removing them from the car has ceased to make sense. Officially, this measure was canceled by the aforementioned Federal Law No. 307 in November 2014.

    Moreover, even at that time there were no full-fledged grounds for punishment in the form of removal of license plates and a ban on the operation of a vehicle due to violations of compulsory motor liability insurance. This was noted by many auto lawyers, because direct liability for such violations was provided for in Art. 12.3 (Administrative Code) - fine (100 rubles at that time) or warning.

    All this was not legally agreed upon with Article 27.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, but the inspectors, due to the corruption component, benefited from a more severe punishment, although less legal. But, be that as it may, all these absurdities are already in the past.

    What is more profitable: buying compulsory motor liability insurance or driving without a policy and paying fines?

    It is not easy to answer this question unambiguously today. The fact is that against a significant background (only its average price for 2018 has already exceeded the mark of 7 thousand rubles), many motorists have become ideological opponents of compulsory motor liability insurance as such.

    They purchase or even counterfeit them. Of course, in areas where encounters with traffic police are rare (and there are many such places in Russia), such sentiments are more widespread than in the urban sector. But the bulk of vehicles are concentrated exactly where there is proper control, and everything here suggests that it is better to drive with compulsory motor liability insurance than without.

    As for forging insurance, this could end very badly - criminal proceedings under Art. 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (2 years in prison or 80 thousand fine). For example, in January 2016, a resident of Krasnoyarsk was tried for exceeding the date of her license.

    What's planned for the future

    Some drivers rely on low fines, but it was stated above that they can be issued an unlimited number of times. Well, with the introduction of auto registration, driving without a policy means collecting chain letters along the entire road and wasting money.

    And the authorities themselves have long been planning to sharply increase the fines. At first, this was the initiative of People’s Deputy Mikhail Yemelyanov, who planned to increase the fine for lack of compulsory motor insurance to 2.5 thousand rubles. in 2017. Then, People’s Deputy Sergei Vostretsov advocated for an even more dramatic increase - according to his draft amendments to the Administrative Code, the amounts of penalties for both types of violations were equalized and reached 5,000 rubles.

    True, the State Duma did not support this initiative in the wake of expectations for the introduction of automatic checks of compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance based on license plate numbers. Be that as it may, it is better now to get used to the idea that there is no alternative and that it is mandatory to have a policy, since its absence in the future will be increasingly difficult to hide, and the punishment will one way or another become more sensitive to your pocket.

    Watch the video about the planned changes in the amount of fines for problems with compulsory motor liability insurance:

    Let's sum it up

    • At the end of the article, as a reminder, I will give its key aspects:
    • Drivers are punished only for the absence of mandatory car insurance – OSAGO.
    • The fine may be issued by the inspector at the scene of the violation. on the basis of an order or imposed by a court subsequently on the basis of a record.
    • Complete absence of a policy and its absence in hand The driver has different degrees of guilt and the amount of fines differs accordingly.
    • For a policy forgotten somewhere or lost in some way, and also for its use outside the insurance period, a fine of 500 rubles is imposed.
    • Expired insurance is equivalent to its absence and is punishable by a penalty of 800 rubles.
    • When driving someone else's vehicle OSAGO is mandatory.
    • The fine can be issued an unlimited number of times, if the vehicle continues to move.
    • Legal entities and individuals, for violations related to compulsory motor liability insurance, are fined according to the same scheme.
    • For lack of printout electronic policy, the inspector has the right to impose a fine of 500 rubles.
    • Without fear of penalties under OSAGO You can ride in the first 10 days from the date of signing the PrEP, as well as on mopeds and low-power scooters.
    • Removal of license plates and evacuation of vehicles for the absence of a policy are not applied today.
    • Today video cameras the presence of compulsory motor liability insurance is not checked, but in 2019 the system should work as usual.
    • Initiatives of individual legislators a sharp increase in the amount of penalties under compulsory motor liability insurance has not yet found support in the State Duma.


    So, you have learned that today the punishment for various types of violations related to the lack of compulsory motor liability insurance are fines, which are not particularly large, but they can be imposed many times in a row.

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    That's all for now - until the next publication. Don't be bored!

    Insurance is no less important document for a driver than his driving license. And even if in its absence there should only be administrative liability, paying a traffic police officer for violating the law is not a very pleasant matter for any driver. Therefore, it is important to have an idea of ​​the risks of driving a car without compulsory motor liability insurance. This offense can be divided into several categories:

    • There is no insurance for the current year. For drivers who deliberately do not fulfill the obligation prescribed by law related to civil liability insurance, that is, those who do not have insurance, when stopped en route by a traffic police officer, they will face administrative liability in the form of a fine of 800 rubles. When it comes to expired insurance (as drivers call it), you should know that there is no such thing. If your insurance has expired and you have not taken out a new one, then this situation will be equated to a lack of insurance, and accordingly, a fine of 800 rubles will follow.

    • There is insurance for the current year, but the driver does not have it. Sometimes a situation happens to many people when a traffic police officer stops a driver and asks him to present documents, but an insurance policy is not among them. But at the same time, you have insurance, just like sin, you forgot it at home. It is not difficult for a traffic police officer to verify the veracity of your words, so the amount of the fine will be determined only by Part 2 of Article 12.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. According to it, if a driver is driving without an insurance policy in hand, an employee of the State Traffic Inspectorate has the right to give him a warning or issue a fine of 500 rubles. The exception is the case provided for in Part 2 of Art. 12.37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, namely the lack of an insurance policy.

    Advice. If a traffic police officer wants to “impose” a fine on you in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 12.37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, but you have a valid insurance policy, then you can appeal the protocol drawn up by the traffic police officer within 10 days after you receive it in your hands.

    • There is no insurance for the current year (immediately after purchasing the car). Unfortunately, most drivers still do not understand that the OSGAO policy is a mandatory document. According to the traffic regulations, clause 2.1.1, the driver must always have the MTPL policy in his hands. If you are stopped on the road and asked to present an insurance policy, then if you do not have one, you are given 10 days to complete the document with the insurance company (no punishment is provided during this period).

    Attention! It is important to understand that the law stipulates liability only for the absence of an MTPL policy, which is a mandatory insurance document for drivers of vehicles of any category. We are not talking about CASCO, which is a voluntary type of car insurance.

    If the driver is not included in the insurance

    If a person who is not its owner is driving a car, and this person is not included in the car insurance contract, then the traffic police officer has the right to collect a fine of 500 rubles, since such a situation is an administrative offense.

    Many people are interested in the question of how to assess the situation when the owner of the car is next to the driver. The result is similar to the previous one: a fine. Moreover, in this case, not only the driver, but also the owner of the vehicle is responsible.

    Advice. You can protect yourself from a potential fine in a very simple way: you just need to enter into a free use agreement with the person you plan to entrust to drive your car. This will allow you to “protect” yourself from a fine for a short period of time (several days).

    Legal entities are worth special mention. They have the right to issue an insurance policy for each car in their fleet separately. By the way, legal entities can take out an additional insurance policy, which allows them to protect themselves from more risks. But if one of the corporate vehicle drivers, while driving, does not provide an insurance policy, the traffic police officer may impose a fine on him (on an individual, not on a legal entity). A simple conclusion follows from this: the company does not bear any responsibility for the negligence of an individual driver.

    So, as you can see, MTPL insurance is not only necessary, but also mandatory. Moreover, its absence may result in administrative punishment (fine). Follow the laws and be careful while driving. Good luck!

    OSAGO rules: video

    When buying a vehicle, every driver is faced with the problem of obtaining an MTPL policy. Many people allow themselves to travel without it for more than 10 permitted days. There are as many reasons as there are drivers, but all of them are punishable by an administrative fine.

    What is driving without insurance?

    The MTPL policy is not available in several cases:

    • the policy has been issued, but the driver does not have it;
    • the driver is a person whose name is not on the document;
    • the paper was not completed;
    • the document is expired.

    Having an MTPL policy is mandatory and is regulated by the following documents:

    • Traffic rules;
    • Federal Law No. 40;
    • Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

    Fine for lack of insurance

    It happens to many drivers that they are inside a vehicle without proof of insurance. However, the document is drawn up and is valid, but the motorist forgets it at home. In this case, the traffic police representative may give the motorist a warning or apply sanctions to him - a fine. In 2019, the penalty for lack of insurance inside a vehicle is 500 rubles.

    Penalty for expired insurance

    As most drivers who fill out insurance documents know, a car insurance policy is issued for exactly 1 year. Drivers who do not intend to use their vehicle throughout this period can reduce the validity period of their compulsory motor liability insurance policy. For example, summer residents take out car insurance from April to September. Insurance under such conditions will cost less, but it is not allowed to operate the car for a period not specified in the document.

    Many people are interested in how long they can drive after their MTPL insurance ends. It is better not to wait for this period, but to start processing a new form in advance. If the inspector catches you driving during this time, he has the right to fine you for driving without insurance in the amount of 500 rubles. When an insurance form is expired, for example, you forgot to renew your policy, the violation is considered more serious. Then the negligent driver will be fined in the amount of 800 rubles.

    For driving without insurance in someone else's vehicle

    While driving, various situations may arise. For example, a motorist cannot control his vehicle. If there is a person nearby who is capable of driving a car, but is not included in the document, he can get behind the wheel. However, this is considered a violation. In this case, the traffic police officer may present you with a fine for a driver not included in the insurance. The amount of such payment will be 500 rubles.

    Fine for lack of compulsory motor insurance

    There are still drivers who deliberately do not want to purchase a car insurance policy. In this case, the absence of a document is considered as a failure to fulfill the citizen’s obligations to insure his liability. A person who obviously does not have insurance is a violator. This is worth remembering for everyone who drives their car. As a result, you can receive a fine for driving without insurance equal to 800 rubles.

    What is the fine for expired insurance in an accident?

    When driving without documents, you are at constant risk of getting a ticket for driving without insurance, as it is considered a traffic violation. You will have to spend especially large amounts of money if you get into an accident. In this situation, it does not matter whether you are the culprit or the victim. The motorist is charged a fine for not having an MTPL policy, which is equal to 800 rubles.

    If you cause an accident, in addition to the fine for driving without insurance, you must pay for the damage to the victim's vehicle yourself. Payment for moral compensation is similarly paid from one’s own wallet. The amount of damage will be determined by an independent commission, to which the victim has the right to appeal. The funds will be recovered from the culprit through the court, so it is better to avoid such situations.

    How and where to pay a fine for driving without compulsory motor liability insurance

    There are several ways to pay the penalty for driving without an insurance form. For example, using the Internet:

    • on the official website of the traffic police;
    • through the government services website;
    • in Sberbank Online;
    • using the e-wallet service.

    To pay a fine for driving without insurance, you need to fill out a special form on the selected website. After checking all the data, transfer the funds. In the form you must enter the number of the receipt that the inspector gave you. A payment made this way will save you from waiting in line, but you may lose additional money on commissions. In addition, you will not receive confirmation of receipt of funds.

    It is also possible to make a payment through a bank. People who are not used to trusting the Internet or SMS banking can pay a fine for driving without insurance at the bank. Nuances:

    1. Not every bank provides this service. It’s easy to determine which financial institution is best to visit using the Federal Treasury website.
    2. Payment without a commission is impossible, but it is small, less than 50 rubles.
    3. The bank will issue you a check confirming the transaction, giving you additional assurance that the foreclosure will be repaid.

    Is there a penalty for driving without insurance?

    Many people are concerned about the consequences of driving without insurance. Today, this violation is punishable by a monetary penalty, the amount of which is determined by the reason why the policy is missing. One driver cannot be issued more than 2 tickets per day. There is no other penalty for failure to comply with insurance-related liability. A trial awaits the car owner if he is the culprit of the accident, but he did not have insurance paper.

    Video: driving without compulsory motor insurance

    So that fines for driving a car without an insurance policy do not come as a surprise to the car owner, it is important to consider each case of punishment provided for by law. “Sanctions” have received a wide range - they now apply to many situations. Armed with knowledge, it will be easier to comply with the law.

    The reasons why the car owner does not have it are numerous. The punishment also includes the case when the owner of the car forgot the document at home. The price difference for the different options is as follows:

    • Failure to provide the MTPL form - forgot, lost, left behind. In financial terms, this punishment will be 500 rubles. It would seem that this is an insignificant fine in comparison with an expired document, but if you are “lucky” and the posts take note of your car, you will have to go broke.
    • Driving a car during a period not covered by the policy. In other words, drivers who take out compulsory motor liability insurance for a period less than its standard annual period, but at the same time use the car longer, risk being fined. Punishment – ​​500 rubles. Taking out a “seasonal” policy is beneficial for summer residents and pensioners whose cars sit idle in garages in winter.
    • A driver not included in the MTPL policy. Situations when a car is driven by a family member who is not included in the policy for the sake of saving money are not uncommon. Therefore, the owner must be prepared for the fact that the fine in this case will be 500 rubles. An accident in which the culprit or victim is a person not specified in the insurance is considered in favor of the one who complies with the obligations. The conclusion is that the savings are not commensurate with the risk.
    • Expired MTPL policy. Often in such a situation, it is not malicious intent that is involved, but the absent-mindedness of the car owner. Nevertheless, forgetfulness will play a cruel joke on him - the fine will be 800 rubles.
    • Absence of compulsory motor liability insurance policy in principle– the driver does not insure the car after purchasing it or systematically does not renew the existing policy, will entail similar consequences.

    So, if the listed points have become commonplace for a vehicle owner, there is reason to think: isn’t it more profitable to purchase a policy than to pay fines for uninsured trips? In large cities, where traffic police services are on duty around the clock, collisions with them are not uncommon.

    How to get an MTPL policy

    Today, the acquisition procedure has been simplified as much as possible - any insurance company requires the same documents. The policy amount is almost the same and varies depending on what is included in the list of services offered - for example, representatives often try to include a threat to the life of the car owner. You can calculate the correct and accurate cost yourself. Required documents:

    • Statement. The form is usually issued to the company itself.
    • Identity card - passport or driver's license.
    • Vehicle registration certificate. If you purchase a new car, a title is provided.
    • Certificate of technical inspection valid at the time of concluding the contract with the insurance company. New cars with a service life of less than three years do not require a document.

    Usually the registration procedure takes a few minutes. It is possible to apply online, however, this function is not used by all insurers working on opening a compulsory motor liability insurance policy - it is worth consulting first. In addition to the policy itself, the driver receives forms for drawing up accident reports.

    Note! The maximum payment for repairs is 400 thousand rubles. This amount may not be enough to restore expensive cars. Therefore, it is additionally worth purchasing a DSAGO policy, which has expanded its own capabilities - up to 1 million rubles of payment. The cost of the document is lower than the main one - from 200 rubles.

    Motor transport without compulsory motor liability insurance policy

    There is one! However, you shouldn’t be happy that your own “horse” is on the list. Vehicles operated without insurance are quite specific:

    • Bicycles, scooters. The speed of the vehicle is no more than 20 km/h.
    • Military vehicles.
    • Cars with a policy from a foreign insurer.
    • Trailers.

    So, the conclusion is that insurance is the only way in the event of an accident to have funds to repair your own car. Otherwise, you can go broke not only on it, but also by paying frequent fines.