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Selling antifreeze on the highway as a business. The most honest story about non-freezing liquids! — Yes, the ban on methanol is the biggest problem of this market


Such concern for the health of depressed citizens has endangered the lives of millions of drivers who, in severe frosts, are deprived of the opportunity to drive with clean windows. The situation has not changed in 17 years. Illiterate statements in some media only aggravate it: every now and then you have to read about the pungent smell of methanol washer... Meanwhile, we are always talking about isopropyl, whose amber cannot be confused with any other.

We are prohibited from using methanol, but it is safer than the officially sold washers! Measurements inside a car with the windshield washer constantly on show that when using a methanol-based liquid, its maximum permissible concentration in the driver’s working area is reached after about five minutes, and if it is isopropanol-based, after 5–10 seconds. Wow difference!

Not for internal use

According to our observations, about 50% of windshield washers sold on the market are counterfeit methanol liquids. And since methyl alcohol is actually illegal in our country, clandestine washer manufacturers purchase it illegally, without even telling their own employees what they are dealing with. The taste and smell of poisonous methanol is indistinguishable from edible ethanol. Therefore, the mentioned workers, not realizing the danger, not only can get drunk themselves, but also sometimes sell stolen alcohol to others.

It is for this reason that methanol is spreading throughout the country, causing many deaths. And the main source of its uncontrolled free circulation is where it passes through as ordinary industrial alcohol. At enterprises that legally use methanol, this is excluded: the liquid is supplied in road or rail tanks with the inscription “Methanol is poison”, stored in containers with similar reminders, and all employees are informed what methanol is and how to work with it.

The most popular solution in our country is to ban, close, destroy. But the illegal market will not disappear from this. And the prices for washer fluid will skyrocket! Isopropyl alcohol, on the basis of which our washer fluids are made, is produced by the only enterprise in the country - the Orsk Synthetic Alcohol Plant. The end result will be that the cost of its products will rise to the level of imported ones.

This leads to an even larger price gap between illegal methanol and legal isopropyl washer. Both the consumer and the honest producer lose.

Viscosity of windshield washer fluids based on various alcohols

*Less is better.

The solution is ready!

Methanol is only poisonous when it enters a person's stomach. This means that you just need to prevent ingestion. The easiest way is to make it denatured by adding so-called denatonium benzoate (aka Bitrex). This super-bitter substance instantly discourages you from using this antifreeze for other purposes. By the way, Bitrex was tested according to a program signed by the same sanitary doctor, and passed all the tests.

Does all methanol produced need to be denatured? It is enough to introduce “selective” denaturation so that, along with technical methanol, which is produced in accordance with GOST 2222–95, denatured methanol is produced - in accordance with technical specifications or STO. 

After the legalization of such a product by Rospotrebnadzor, it will become possible to produce windshield washer fluids that are absolutely unsuitable for internal consumption. Moreover, the same can be done with raw materials based on ethyl alcohol. The state will receive an excise tax on the sale of food alcohol, and finished products made using denatured alcohol should be exempt from excise taxes. Everyone will benefit. If, of course, the state wants to preserve people's health.

The most honest story about non-freezing liquids!

How dangerous is methanol-based antifreeze?

Why does antifreeze liquid purchased from a reputable store often have an intolerable alcohol smell?

Why does the difference in cost for a canister of antifreeze range from 60 to 250 rubles?

Why does windshield washer fluid purchased curbside have no alcohol smell but often freezes in the windshield washer barrel?

Many people know that by order of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation, the distribution of methanol-based washer fluid is prohibited. Everyone is also well aware that the anti-freeze market is simply bursting with counterfeit products, cheap methanol-based liquids - just visit the average spare parts store or even another supermarket to be convinced of this. Many manufacturers that produce state-approved “anti-freeze” products based on “legal” alcohols ethanol and isopropanol also do not hesitate to sell the methanol product. According to various sources, the share of methanol in this sector is over 50%.

Why, despite the fact that the state sanitary and epidemiological authorities prohibit the use of methyl alcohol in the production of washer fluid, does this “anti-freeze” occupy such a strong position?

Why is it unprofitable to deal with ethyl isopropyl alcohols?

What should law-abiding producers do if they cannot compete with methanol producers?

We tried to get answers from a specialist to all these questions that interest us - and not only us.

— Viktor Vladimirovich, how, in your opinion, can we characterize the situation on the antifreeze windshield washer fluid market today?

— The situation today is, I must say, quite strange. Everyone - the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Service, tax authorities, the Ministry of Internal Affairs - pretends that the supply of products to the consumer market is somehow regulated and controlled in accordance with the relevant orders, but in reality this is not the case. In addition, government agencies have taken a very conservative position regarding the use of methanol in antifreeze - and do not want to revise this position.

— Yes, the ban on methanol is the biggest problem of this market. But she didn’t always stand so painfully?

- Absolutely true, not always. Several years ago, manufacturers absolutely calmly made anti-freeze liquid based on methyl alcohol - after all, this technology is actively used, for example, in the USA and Canada. The labels simply warned about the dangers of internal consumption of the liquid - that’s all. However, then the notorious decree No. 4 of May 25, 2000 was issued by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation Gennady Onishchenko, according to which the use of methanol in the production of “anti-freeze” was prohibited. As the main reason for the adoption of this document, Mr. Onishchenko named the terrifying alcohol culture of Russia - many, after all, trying at all costs to achieve intoxication, drink this liquid itself or the products of its artisanal distillation.

— Is methanol really that dangerous?

— When consumed internally, yes. Blindness at best, death at worst - these are the results of such misuse. However, if we compare the danger of methanol and isopropanol (one of the alcohols that serves as the basis for legal “anti-freeze”) in the form of vapors in the work area, then their hazard class will be the same - in this indicator they are one point inferior to another permitted alcohol substance, ethanol, Which of the “glass washing” alcohols is the safest? Methanol and isopropanol have a hazard class of 3, ethanol - 4 (here, the higher the number, the less harm to health). In addition, methanol - this is obvious to everyone who has even slightly encountered the relevant production - is much better in its cleaning properties than the other two alcohols - it is best suited for washing a windshield in cold weather, and at the same time is much cheaper.

After all, there are technologies that can prevent its consumption as a food product?

— And an entrepreneur who wants to open the production of washer fluid can only use ethanol or isopropanol?

- Yes. But you just need to be prepared for the fact that production based on isopropanol is quite expensive (including due to the addition of fragrances, since the smell of this alcohol is sharp and unpleasant), and the purchase of technical (denatured) ethyl alcohol can only be carried out according to quotas that gives by the state. Both are very problematic - the first is understandable why, but the second. And the second, in general, is clear: the distribution of quotas depends on officials who may or may not make a decision in your favor, especially since there is a long line of others behind you. By the way, there is another oddity in this area. The state very carefully monitors the movement of technical ethyl alcohol, although this is not particularly necessary - if the alcohol is denatured under the supervision of the competent authorities, it cannot be used for the production of alcoholic beverages. But with supervision over methanol, where, according to the logic of the state itself, special control is needed, the situation is completely different. The police pretend that they are fighting counterfeit manufacturers, but you can see for yourself that this pseudo-fight does not produce any results. If, say, a batch of methanol-based anti-freeze is confiscated, where is it sent? - in theory, for recycling. But there are simply no plants in Russia for processing this product into other substances. This means that some enterprise, supposedly engaged in recycling, actually re-sticks the labels and sends the confiscated canisters to the same consumer market.

— Do you see a serious danger in such a strange government policy regarding methanol?

- Yes I see. This danger lies in the fact that manufacturers who can afford to make a product from ethanol or isopropanol simply cannot compete on price with methanol producers. More precisely, they can, but only in one way: to reduce the price by pouring the same methanol into the branded liquid they produce. But the whole point is that they will write “Does not contain methanol” on the label. However, this is done not only by serious producers, but also by methanol producers. And this is even more dangerous than just the distribution of methanol liquids: a person misled by the label and confident that the liquid contains ethyl alcohol can drink it - anything can happen - and die even more ridiculously. This is the danger posed by the half-hearted policies of government agencies.

— What way out do you see from this situation?

- There are actually three of them. The first is to further tighten liability for methanol, introducing real criminal penalties not only for production, but also for sale.

The second is to remove the bureaucratic “slingshots” on the way to the use of denatured methanol, which eliminates the possibility of poisoning.

The third is to remove quotas for the purchase of technical ethyl alcohol. On January 12, a meeting of the State Duma will take place, at which the issue of quotas will be considered. Let's see what decision the deputies will make.

From the point of view of the economic benefit of the enterprise that I manage, the third option is more acceptable, but from the point of view of the state, probably the second. But as long as methanol is three times cheaper than ethanol, motorists will most often be offered liquids with methanol and with a “methanol-free” sticker - the profits are too high and the level of corruption in law enforcement agencies is too high. It is better to honestly write “denatured methanol” and indicate means and methods of protection than to poison a certain category of the population and jeopardize the health of the majority of motorists.

From Car Master: Despite the above reasoning, the use of methanol, in particular in the production of windshield washer fluids, entails criminal liability. For selling such liquid, the seller risks being subject to an administrative fine of up to 100 minimum wages. And as long as the situation remains as it is, as long as the state remains satisfied with the current situation, we will continue to see such a “picture” at every step.

What is the liability for selling antifreeze if methanol is found in it?

The following question:

I’m opening a department selling anti-freeze products in my store (on free space).

Legal person, the supplier has brought all the documents (certificates), is ready to enter into a supply agreement with invoices, etc. The situation is as follows - everyone understands that this liquid is based on methanol (all anti-freeze products that do not smell are made from this), the certificates are copies (there are scans in color). The question is, what will happen if government agencies take products for analysis and detect methanol in them? What's the fine? Possible criminal liability?

Lawyers' answers (1)

The Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated July 11, 2007 N 47 “On stopping the use of methyl alcohol in vehicle care products” is in effect, which states that organizations engaged in the production and sale of vehicle care products, including including windshield washer fluids, it is necessary to stop the practice of using methanol in their production, as well as the sale to the population of these products containing methanol. Moreover, the use of methanol in the production of windshield washer fluids is prohibited by Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated July 12, 2011 N 99 “On approval SP “Sanitary and hygienic requirements for organizing and carrying out work with methanol.” Thus, both you and your supplier face administrative liability. (Article 6.3 of the Administrative Code)

Violation of legislation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, expressed in violation of existing sanitary rules and hygienic standards, failure to comply with sanitary, hygienic and anti-epidemic measures -

entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one hundred to five hundred rubles; for officials - from five hundred to one thousand rubles; for persons carrying out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity - from five hundred to one thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activities for a period of up to ninety days; for legal entities - from ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activities for a period of up to ninety days.

As for criminal liability, the Criminal Code has the following article, but I think it is in no way applicable to you:

Article 236. Violation of sanitary and epidemiological rules

Violation of sanitary and epidemiological rules, resulting through negligence in mass disease or poisoning of people, is punishable by a fine in the amount of up to eighty thousand rubles or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to six months, or by deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years, or compulsory labor for a term of up to three hundred sixty hours, or correctional labor for a term of up to one year, or restriction of freedom for a term of up to one year.

2. The same act, which through negligence resulted in the death of a person, is punishable by compulsory labor for a term of up to four hundred eighty hours, or correctional labor for a term of six months to two years, or forced labor for a term of up to five years, or imprisonment for the same term.

What if, God forbid, someone decides to drink it? Who will be responsible?

You are responsible for the illegal trade in anti-freeze containing methyl. You will be held responsible only if, for example, you pour it to another person, tell him that it is safe to drink, and he drinks, resulting in harm to his health.

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What is the fine for violating the transportation of dangerous goods?

In case of improper transportation of dangerous goods, the driver may be subject to both administrative liability, expressed in fines, and criminal liability, followed by prison time. What are the rules for transporting dangerous goods? What is considered a violation of the carriage of dangerous goods? Read in this article.

What laws govern it?

The rules for the transportation of dangerous goods, as well as penalties for non-compliance with them, are regulated by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

  • If the rules for transporting dangerous goods using land vehicles are violated, the offending driver is subject to the measures described in Article 12.21.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation;
  • If dangerous goods are transported incorrectly by rail, the driver is punished in accordance with Article 11.14 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation;
  • Violations of the rules for the transportation of dangerous goods by sea transport, which lead to environmental pollution, are “punishable” by Article 8.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation;
  • In case of improper transportation of dangerous goods by air, the perpetrators will be punished in accordance with the “Rules for the air transportation of dangerous goods” dated September 8, 2008.

In addition, local authorities can create and supplement new laws regulating the rules for the transportation of dangerous goods in a particular region.

The rules for the transport of dangerous goods are also set out in the “European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods” (ADR).

The “European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods” contains a list of substances that are classified as hazardous:

  • Diesel fuel;
  • Petrol;
  • Kerosene;
  • Substances that are explosive (cartridges, gunpowder, bombs, fireworks, etc.);
  • Gases (cylinders with compressed air, butane, chlorine, argon, propylene, ammonia, ethane, ether, helium, hydrogen, fire extinguishers, lighters, etc.);
  • Substances that are easily flammable and may explode (benzene, oils (camphor, fusel, resin, pine), adhesives, extracts, alcohols, fuels, paints, gasoline, methanol, gasoline, paint used in printing, perfumes, medicinal tinctures, matches , rubber, etc.);
  • Substances that are considered toxic (mercury, alkaloids, etc.);
  • Corrosive substances (alkali, bleach, sulfur, vinegar, phosphorus, sulfur);

Rules for the transportation of dangerous goods

When transporting dangerous goods, the driver must have the appropriate permit. In addition, the following conditions must be taken into account:

  • Transported dangerous goods must be hermetically sealed. During transportation there should be no threat of leakage of a hazardous substance, and there should be no accidental fire or explosion;

Hazardous substances such as gasoline and fuel are allowed to be transferred to private individuals, provided that one tank (vessel) contains no more than sixty liters.

What happens when transporting dangerous goods without a permit, but in compliance with transportation rules? The driver will be held administratively liable and will have to pay a fine. Read the next section for details.

What are the penalties for violating transportation rules?

  • When transporting dangerous goods without permission, the driver (who is a private person), in accordance with Article 12.21.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, must pay a fine of two to two and a half thousand rubles;

A private person will pay the same fine for violating the rules for transporting dangerous goods.

  • When transporting dangerous goods without permission, the driver (who is an official)), according to Article 12.21.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, will pay a fine of fifteen to twenty thousand rubles;
  • When transporting dangerous goods without permission or in violation of the rules for transporting dangerous goods, the driver (who is a legal entity), in accordance with Article 12.21.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, must pay a fine of four hundred to five hundred thousand rubles.

These fines apply to the following types of violations:

  • Lack of a document confirming that the driver transporting dangerous goods is properly trained and has sufficient driving skills;
  • A document confirming that the vehicle on which dangerous goods are transported is equipped in accordance with all the rules (has warning signs on the body, information cards in case of need to eliminate the consequences of a leak or explosion, etc.);

Pay a fine online:

If the driver has committed other violations of transporting dangerous goods, the fine system will be slightly different. So:

  • If improper transportation of cargo is carried out by a private owner, then you will have to pay a fine of one to one and a half thousand rubles;
  • If violations during the transportation of dangerous goods were committed by an official, then the fine will range from five to ten thousand rubles;
  • If violations are committed by a legal entity, the fine will be from one hundred fifty to two hundred fifty thousand rubles;

Fine for methanol

Up to three years of imprisonment or a fine of 2 to 3 million rubles will be imposed for the production and sale of alcohol without a license if its total value upon seizure was from 100 thousand to 1 million rubles. If the price is even higher, the perpetrator can be given up to five years in prison. Corresponding amendments to the second reading may appear in the bill of senators Evgeny Bushmin and Sergei Ryabukhin, which will be considered by the State Duma Committee on State Construction and Legislation on April 18.

Senators Evgeny Bushmin and Sergey Ryabukhin introduced amendments to the Criminal and Criminal Procedure Codes to the State Duma in early December 2016, but the issue of tightening penalties for the sale of illegal alcohol again became relevant after the mass poisoning in Irkutsk. There, last December, 76 people died after drinking Hawthorn bath concentrate. Instead of ethyl alcohol, it contained poisonous methyl alcohol, or methanol.

In mid-March 2017, the bill was adopted in the first reading. Today, the Duma Committee on State Construction and Legislation will consider the document before the second reading: deputies introduced amendments that further tighten responsibility for the production, purchase, storage, transportation and retail sale of ethyl alcohol, alcohol and alcohol-containing products without a license (Article 171.3 of the Criminal Code). A fine of 2 to 3 million rubles or imprisonment of up to three years will be imposed on those from whom a batch of illegal alcohol worth from 100 thousand to 1 million rubles is confiscated (initially the price was from 300 thousand to 1 million rubles). If the cost of illegal products exceeds 1 million rubles, then the violator may face up to five years in prison or a fine of 3 to 4 million rubles.

Thus, the deputies took into account the government’s comments and indicated the amount of large and especially large damages in accordance with Article 171.1 of the Criminal Code, which provides for punishment for the production and sale of unlabeled alcohol. At the same time, the government, in its positive review of the project, previously pointed out the “excessiveness” of the proposed fines, but deputies decided not to reduce them.

The State Duma also took into account the comments of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the government regarding the different responsibilities for individuals and individual entrepreneurs for repeated (after an administrative penalty has been imposed) illegal sale of alcohol and alcohol-containing food products. Now these categories of persons are subject to equal punishment - a fine of 50–80 thousand rubles or correctional labor for up to a year. Initially, senators proposed introducing a fine of 100–300 thousand rubles or a sentence of imprisonment of up to two years for individual entrepreneurs. The Supreme Court and the government of the Russian Federation indicated in their reviews that criminal liability is provided only for individuals.

In addition, by the second reading, deputies reduced the minimum amount, which is considered a large amount in cases of production and sale of counterfeit excise stamps, five times - to 100 thousand rubles. This will result in three to five years in prison or a fine of 500–800 thousand rubles.

One of the authors of the bill, Senator Sergei Ryabukhin, explained to Izvestia that the changes proposed for the second reading toughen the punishment for counterfeiters. In particular, fines have not become smaller, but the threshold of liability has been reduced to 100 thousand rubles. According to him, if previously criminal penalties began at 500 thousand rubles, now there is no need to wait until “the underground worker produces half a million worth of products.”

35–40 thousand people a year die from illegal alcohol, and the whole world must fight this, the senator said. - It is necessary to make it clear that this is not a one-time action, this is a large-scale campaign against counterfeiting.

According to Ryabukhin, senators are now developing another bill that would establish criminal and administrative liability for glass production.

One glass factory produces approximately 10 billion bottles of spirits. We believe that plant directors should bear consolidated responsibility for the release of low-quality alcohol onto the market. We will force all factories to put an identification mark on their bottles and register the chemical composition of the bottle. If it is established that a person was poisoned from a bottle of this particular distillery, it means that the owner is in cahoots with illegal alcohol producers,” the senator explained.

According to him, it is proposed to establish a similar measure of liability for container manufacturers - up to 5-6 years in prison and fines of up to 5-6 million rubles. The initiative will be submitted to the State Duma before the end of the spring session, the senator promised.

The businessman whose fault caused the deaths of 78 people got off with a fine

The Leninsky District Court of Irkutsk sentenced an entrepreneur who organized the illegal production of automobile windshield washer fluid using methanol, from which 78 people died from poisoning. The court ordered him to pay a fine of 250 thousand rubles and temporarily limited his activities.

In 2016, an entrepreneur illegally bought methyl alcohol, which his employees mixed with water, fragrance and dye for the purpose of selling it as an “anti-freeze” for cars. His employees sold the same methanol to the producers of the deadly alcohol lotion “Hawthorn,” Life.ru reports.

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  • Soon it will be 15 years since methanol-based antifreeze is outlawed, and we are forced to use expensive and odorous isopropyl. Let's figure out what the reason for the ban is and which liquid is better to choose.

    First, let's remember the main components of antifreeze washer fluids. These are water, surfactants (surfactants), which are responsible for cleaning glass, dyes, “perfume” flavors and temperature modifiers - ethyl, methyl or isopropyl alcohol, as well as monoethylene glycol, which prevent the liquid from freezing and hardening.


    The best thermal modifier is ethyl alcohol, also known as ethanol, also known as “food” or “vodka” alcohol. In all respects (safety, cost, freezing point) it is superior to methyl and isopropyl, but in Russia the excise tax on its use is so high that domestic manufacturers of “anti-freeze” products have abandoned it. As an exception, sometimes “premium” ethanol “anti-freeze” products are on sale at a price of about 1,500 rubles per 5-liter canister.

    Dangerous methanol?

    Slightly inferior to ethanol in terms of technical criteria is methyl alcohol, also known as methanol, also known as wood alcohol. Methanol in the Russian Federation is not subject to excise taxes and is relatively cheap at wholesale cost (from 12 to 17 thousand rubles per ton, depending on the manufacturer and delivery conditions), has a low freezing point (- 97.8 ° C) and, unlike isopropyl alcohol , has no pronounced odor.

    However, in Russia, since 2007, methanol has been prohibited for use as a component of automobile fluids - such compositions can neither be produced nor imported into the Russian Federation. Meanwhile, in the EU countries, in particular, close to us Finland and Estonia, methanol “anti-freeze” products are produced and sold without restrictions.

    True, in order to justify the ban, we refer not to the European experience, but to certain “domestic realities” and “certain segments of society” who drink surrogates of alcohol and are able, out of ignorance and habit from the 90s, to drink a windshield wiper, not knowing that they contain methanol .

    Methyl alcohol- a strong poison, 10 grams of which, when ingested, causes blindness, and 30 grams causes death.

    However, the toxicity of methanol vapors is the same as legal isopropyl alcohol. The maximum permissible concentration of methanol in the air of the working area is 5 mg/cub.m, for isopropyl alcohol 10 mg/cub.m, and for ethyl alcohol, for comparison, this figure is 1000 mg/cub.m. According to the classification, both isopropyl alcohol and methanol belong to the third hazard class (the most dangerous is the first, the least dangerous is the fourth).

    If you still have any doubts, we bring to your attention a quote from the official decree of the Ministry of Health 14 years ago:

    ...The use of windshield washer fluids for their intended purpose does not have a harmful effect on human health, which is confirmed by many years of practice of their use abroad and the absence of poisoning in our country.

    At the same time, given the low level of culture and hygienic education of part of the population, neglect of factors harmful to health and compliance with sanitary requirements in the field of occupational hygiene, the recent increase in “socially disadvantaged persons” without a specific place of residence and guided by Article 51 of the Federal Law “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population”, I decree:

    1. Organizations and enterprises are prohibited from July 1, 2000, from producing and selling windshield washer fluids containing methanol...

    Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation G. G. Onishchenko
    Resolution of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated May 23, 2000 N 4

    Nevertheless, many publications on the Internet incite fear and hysteria about “anti-freeze” products containing methanol, talk about the “extreme danger of inhaling odorless toxic fumes” and suggest choosing an “anti-freeze” based on the smell - the stronger it is, the less methanol. Let us leave these tips to the conscience of the authors, and we declare with all authority to the readers that if methanol liquid is used for its intended purpose, it will not cause any harm.

    However, we will not advise buying counterfeit goods on the streets and smuggling them across the border from Finland. Purely theoretically, if they find a canister of methanol “anti-freeze” in your trunk, you may be convicted under Article 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Production, storage, transportation or sale of goods and products that do not meet safety requirements.” Do you have the product? Eat. Is transportation carried out? Yes. Nevertheless, in practice, the police do not bother motorists who prefer not to limit themselves because of the alcohol addictions of marginalized people. And we can only guess what kind of relationship they have with methanol sellers.

    A little conspiracy theory

    There is an opinion that the ban on the production of methyl alcohol in Russia is the result of the work of the oil lobby. Proponents of this theory say that isopropyl alcohol in industrial chemistry is obtained by the method of sulfuric acid hydration of propylene. But propylene, in turn, is a by-product of oil refining.

    And the theory would look harmonious if not for an interesting fact: the main raw material for the production of methanol is synthesis gas, which is produced by pyrolysis of natural gas. Of course, the Russian budget received $191 billion from oil exports last year, and only $28 billion from gas... But still, the ban on methanol “anti-freeze” as a result of Rosneft’s victory over Gazprom looks somehow strange. Perhaps it’s all about the habits of the lumpen, whose mass death is not needed by the state.

    Legal stink

    Now in the Russian Federation, only “anti-freeze” products based on isopropyl alcohol can be legally produced and imported into the country. From a technical, economic and consumer point of view, it is the worst of all alcohols used for antifreeze. Isopropyl has the highest freezing point (- 89 ° C) and to obtain a liquid with a threshold of - 30 ° C, its share should be 50%, that is, half of the volume of the canister.

    At the same time, isopropyl has a fairly high wholesale cost - about five times more expensive than methyl. The cost of an “honest” isopropyl “anti-freeze”, therefore, turns out to be quite high, despite the fact that in addition to alcohol, various flavoring additives are added to the cost, designed to kill the pungent odor inherent in isopropyl. By the way, the health safety of these “fragrances” is also a big question.


    Thanks to our legislation, two poles have emerged on the Russian anti-freeze market. On one - expensive isopropyl liquids costing 400-600 rubles, sold at gas stations, in prestigious supermarkets, car dealerships, etc. On the other - cheap “anti-freeze” methanol products sold in markets, highways or via the Internet costing 100-200 rubles, actually produced underground.

    Thus, by paying 500 rubles for a 5-liter canister - 30° C, the consumer receives a completely legal product, which is relatively guaranteed to comply with the solidification threshold of the liquid and the use of high-quality surfactants and dyes in it that will not corrode plastics and rubber in the windshield washer lines. But you will still have to breathe the smell of isopropyl “lemon” or “pine”.

    On the other hand, the contents of a clandestinely made methanol bottle for 150 rubles will not have any pungent odor. But what powerful surfactants were mixed in there and with water from what ditch they were diluted - no one knows. Compliance with the freezing threshold is not guaranteed either.

    By the way, we note that freezing of liquid before the stated temperature is one of the most unpleasant “ambushes”. Winter “washers” quite rarely freeze into ice and tear the lines (unless it’s really bad), but the resulting snow-like mass, although it won’t put the system out of action, will also prevent you from using the washer. Such “snow” takes a particularly long time to dissolve in the long lines of headlight washers and rear door glass.

    The middle segment of “anti-freeze” products also represents a kind of lottery, priced from 200 to 400 rubles for a 5 liter canister - 30° C. Here, to reduce their costs and achieve a competitive retail price, manufacturers save on everything: they use cheaper surfactants, dyes and “fragrances” , they add monoethylene glycol (aka ethylene glycol, aka MEG) or secretly and without indicating on the label - the same methyl alcohol. Or, worst of all, they simply do not add enough isopropyl, and this liquid freezes earlier than indicated on the package. It all depends on the manufacturer, his desire for profit and his attitude towards his products and their customers.

    What's the result?

    It is difficult to give clear advice on choosing a washer. As you can see, isopropyl liquids smell unpleasant, and methanol liquids are unstable in their quality and are illegal. You can draw conclusions yourself, based on your life priorities.

    The movement of strong, unlabeled alcoholic beverages in Russia may soon become an administrative offense, such a bill was supported by. Lawyers call the change in legislation significant and note that the ban created for artisanal alcohol may also include car anti-freezes purchased off the road and any other unlabeled liquids.

    The Ministry of Finance lists the restriction on the movement of alcohol-containing products as one of the points of the “road map” to stabilize the situation on the alcohol market in a letter addressed to the government.

    The Road Map, in addition, involves toughening criminal and administrative penalties for the illegal sale and storage of alcohol and tobacco, as well as for the circulation of counterfeit brands for alcohol. Two relevant projects were prepared by deputies and senators, the Ministry of Finance notes in its letter (Gazeta.Ru has a copy), both are supported.

    In addition, it is proposed to establish liability for the illegal sale of alcohol via the Internet, including extrajudicial blocking of sites disseminating information about such sales.

    A bill prohibiting citizens from carrying and transporting unlabeled alcohol-containing liquids from place to place was developed by a group of senators led by the chairman of the Committee on the Budget and Financial Markets. This document, which is under preliminary consideration in, proposes a number of amendments to the law on the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol and other regulations, in particular the Code of Administrative Offenses.

    It is proposed to prohibit “the movement across the territory of the Russian Federation of alcoholic products with an alcohol content of more than 28%, not labeled in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, and (or) alcohol-containing food products.” It is proposed that the standard should not apply to relatively small volumes of liquid: 5 liters per person. It is also proposed to ban the retail sale of alcohol-containing products through vending machines.

    By movement, as follows from the document, we mean not only transportation, but any change in the location of alcohol-containing products “with or without the use of vehicles.”

    It's about vodka, but they prohibit windshield washer

    As a justification for this innovation, the explanatory note refers to the movement of alcohol across the border from member states to Russian territory for the purpose of sales. The number of established cases of illegal trafficking of Kazakh vodka is growing, senators worry.

    Such cases, according to them, have become more frequent not only in the border areas of the Volga, Siberian, Ural and Southern federal districts, but also in large regional centers such as Volgograd and Tyumen, in the republics of Tatarstan and Bashkortostan.

    “The current situation is aggravated by the low quality of such cheap vodka, which in some cases poses a danger to life,” the explanatory note says. And, of course, the current situation reduces budget revenues and reduces the competitiveness of legal alcohol, the authors of the project add.

    “The situation is actually much more serious than one can imagine,” notes Dmitry, partner at the Zamoskvorechye Law Bureau.

    Low-temperature windshield washer fluids typically contain at least 30 percent alcohol, he says. It turns out that the bill applies to them as well.

    If you buy an unlabeled alcohol container on the side of the road, the fact that it is windshield washer is known only to you and the seller, and from the point of view of the law, carrying it would be a violation.

    But if fines for windshield washer can be classified as possible oddities, then in general the changes in legislation can be assessed as very serious, Shevchenko believes.

    Today, an administrative fine can be imposed for violations in the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol; the manufacturer and seller can bear such liability.

    And after the adoption of new standards, the buyer may also become a violator, who will face a fine of 3 thousand to 5 thousand rubles. with confiscation of products.

    Similar norms, however, are in the Criminal Code for the transportation of drugs, notes lawyer Natalya Shaluba from the board of Burtseva, Agasieva and Partners. But in the case of alcohol-containing products, the concept of movement is broader and more vague, she adds.

    Rospotrebnadzor specialists during supervisory activities. Poisonous methanol was found in it.

    As Rospotrebnadzor explained to RG, in January the territorial bodies of the control agency inspected more than 6.3 thousand enterprises that produce and sell windshield washer fluid. Based on the results of inspections in 44 regions, facts of retail sale of windshield washer fluid containing methanol were revealed. Three enterprises produced antifreeze with methanol. All products have now been confiscated and seized.

    Unscrupulous entrepreneurs producing and selling toxic liquid for washing car windows were fined 1.5 million rubles. Over 150 cases were sent to law enforcement agencies.

    But having examined the products that are sold in the Moscow region, employees of the Moscow Region Rospotrebnadzor found methanol in them, but did not find the enterprise where the toxic liquid is made. Having driven to the addresses indicated on the anti-freeze labels, the inspectors did not find a single workshop.

    Thus, it turned out that it is unknown where the following products are produced:

    Anti-freezing liquid for glass washer "SNOWQUEEN" -30 0 C (LLC "Company "Auto-Port", Moscow region, Mytishchi, Ostashkovskoe highway, possession 1B, building 8);
    - windshield washer fluid NORD STREAM-25 brand "Vyuga" (LLC "InformProgress", Moscow region, Mytishchi district, Yudino village);
    - low-freezing windshield washer fluid Elbrus (RusPromServis LLC, Moscow region, Solnechnogorsk, Krylova str., vl. 10-v);
    - low-freezing windshield washer fluid "SKYLUX" -30 0 C, (Vector LLC, Podolsky district, Nikulino village, 2); - low-freezing windshield washer fluid "GLEIDEXCLUSIVE" -30 0 C (InzhTekhPostavka LLC, Ramensky district, Ostrovtsy village, 14 km from the Moscow Ring Road along Novoryazanskoye Highway);
    - low-freezing windshield washer fluid "CRISTALCLEAR" -30 0 C (Regalit LLC, Ramensky district, Ostrovtsy village, 14 km from the Moscow Ring Road along Novoryazanskoye Highway);
    - low-freezing windshield washer fluid "ICESTORMGLASSCLEANER-30 0 C (Regalit LLC, Ramensky district, Ostrovtsy village, 14 km from the Moscow Ring Road along Novoryazanskoye Highway);
    - glass washer low-freezing liquid "Spectrum Lemon" -30 0 C, (Pharm LLC, Podolsk, Gaidara St., 10B);

    Sellers who sell these products cannot explain their origin. Information regarding questionable products will be forwarded to law enforcement agencies.

    Why is methanol dangerous for people? This is a strong poison with predominantly nervous and cardiovascular effects with a cumulative effect. The toxic effect of methanol is associated with depression of the central nervous system, the development of severe metabolic acidosis (changes in the acid-base balance of the body), damage to the retina and dystrophy of the optic nerve.

    Taking methanol orally is dangerous: 5-10 ml can cause severe poisoning and blindness, and 30 ml can lead to death. If you inhale methanol vapors, poisoning may occur. Signs of it will be a state of mild intoxication, nausea, vomiting, severe headache. A person who has inhaled methanol will begin to have pain in their eyes and their vision will quickly deteriorate.

    With large doses, poisoning can occur at lightning speed, death occurs within 2-3 hours.

    The use of methyl alcohol in the production of auto chemicals was banned back in 2007. But illegal producers are not stopped by any bans or fines. The legal raw material for the production of antifreeze liquid - isopropyl alcohol - is expensive.

    Accordingly, expensive production affects the final price of the product. A 5-liter bottle of legal anti-freeze cannot retail for less than 300 rubles. And in Russia, every motorist uses hundreds of liters of washer fluid during the winter. Therefore, it is natural that buyers are drawn to cheaper goods, which can only be made using cheap methyl alcohol. Therefore, when liquid is sold for 100-150 rubles on the side of the road, or in car services or at car washes, it is definitely made using poison.

    The main differences between anti-freeze with methanol are their low cost and lack of odor (the more expensive legal liquid always has a pungent odor, which is produced by isopropyl alcohol, which is allowed in production - editor's note).

    Rospotrebnadzor employees ask all motorists not to buy liquids with methanol, even taking into account the fact that in some countries this alcohol is allowed in the production of auto chemicals. It is really dangerous, especially if a person spends a lot of time driving and constantly uses washer fluid, inhaling toxic fumes.